

西南财经大学 免费考研网/2015-12-27

全体教师 教授 副教授讲师 研究方向

个人信息 王琪,副教授,1985年10月

教育背景博士,Tulane University,美国新奥尔良,2007/08-2012/08

工作经历 西南财经大学,经济数学学院 ,2013.01至今


Tulane University(课程教师),2010年8月-2012年8月
Calculus I, III, Intro to Applied Math, Statistics for Business

Tulane University (助教), 2007年8月-2010年5月
Calculus I,II,III, Intro to Applied Math, Linear Algebra

教授课程 本科生:偏微分方程,数理经济学,线性代数
硕士研究生:Bifurcation theory
科研论文Global existence and steady states of a two competiting species Keller-Segel chemotaxis model (joint with J. Hu, J. Yang and L. Zhang), Kinetic and Related Models

Qualitative analysis of a Lotka-Volterra competition system with advection (joint with C. Gai and J. Yan),Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A

Existence and stability of nonconstant positive steady states of morphogenesis models (joint with Haohao Chen, Bo Tong), Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences

On the steady states of a shadow system of the SKT competition system,Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B

Global solutions of a Keller-Segel system with saturated logarithmic sensitivity function, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis

Boundary spikes of a Keller-Segel chemotaxis system with saturated logarithmic sensitivity, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B
西南财经大学“唐立新奖教金”优秀科研教师奖, 2015
