

西南财经大学 免费考研网/2015-12-27

全体教师 教授 副教授讲师 研究方向

个人信息 吴志坚,1961.04,教授

教育背景博士:Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 1990.
论文标题:Hankel and Toeplitz operators on Dirichlet spaces
导师: Richard H. Rochberg 教授

论文标题:Carleson 测度与 Hp 空间中的插值
导师: 沈夑昌教授

本科: 中国地质大学,1982.

工作经历 数学系主任、终身教授, 美国阿拉巴马大学,1999.8–至今
副教授,美国阿拉巴马大学, 1994.8–1999.8.
助理教授,美国阿拉巴马大学, 1990.8–1994.8

教授课程 《Topics in Analysis》、《Functional Analysis》、《Complex Analysis I&II》、《Real Analysis I&II》、《Special Topics in Applied Math》、《Linear Optimization》、《Topics in Modern Math for Teachers》、《Complex Calculus》、《Applied Statistics I&II》、《Mathematics for Finance》、《Introduction to Real Analysis》、《Theory of Probability》、《Introduction to Numerical Analysis》、《Advance Calculus》、《Applied Differential Equations》、《Applied Matrix Theory》、《Linear Algebra》、《Number and Operations》、《Honor Calculus I,II&III》、《Calculus I,II&III》、《Business Calculus》、《Finite Mathematics》

科研论文1. (with Xiao) 金融数学[M],in progress

2. (with Wu, etc) 文科高等数学[M], 清华大学出版社, 将出版

3. (with Hao, Xie and Wang) Linear Algebra. (pp. 250)[M]. 高教出版社, 2009, 北京

4. (with Li and Xiao)中美高等院校本科教学学生评估比较, 北大教育评论, 将发表

5. Mobius Group, Bergman Metric on the Unit Disk and Reproducing Formulas, (2011 Lewis- Parker Lecture), Alabama Journal of Mathematics, 36 (2011), 1-6.

6.四海求才切,学府号角先-努力营造创新人才培养的良好环境,第六届大学数学课程报告 论坛, 将发表

7. 阿拉巴马大学小学教师培养方案评析,第四届教师教育国际研讨会文集(2011),186-195.

8. (with Xiao and Wu) Comparison of Calculus Textbooks between PRC and USA. College Math Research, Vol. 3, 2010, 43-46.

9. 把握历史契机 迈向教育强国---漫谈当前数学教学方法的变革,第四届大学数学课程报告论坛, 2008, 15--20

10.美国数学教学改革的回顾与展望, 第二届大学数学课程报告论坛(2006),51-57.

11. (with Gong) A Note on Distance from Bloch Function to Holomorphic Spaces, to appear

12. (with Ma and Xu) Optimal Consumption Rate under Certain Spending Behavior, to appear

13. (with Ma and Wang) μ–Best Strategy for Hedging with Short Term Futures Contracts, to appear.

14. (with Wu) Volterra Operator from Bergman Spaces to Morrey Spaces, Eurasian Math. Journal, to appear

15. (with Rahman and Haque) Stochastic Modeling of Damage Evolution in Composites Under Environmental Aging, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, to appear.

16. (with Yu and Zheng) Managing Risk with Short-Term Futures Contracts. SIAM J. Financial Math, Vol. 2, (2011), 715-726.

17. Volterra Operator, Area Integral and Carleson Measures, Sciences in China, Series A Mathematics , 2011 vol. 54, No. 11 2487- 2500.

18. A New Characterization for Carleson Measures and Some Applications, IEOT, Vol. 71 (2) (2011), 161-180.

19. (with Guliyev) Strong-type Estimates and Carleson Measures for Weight Besov-Lipschitz Spaces, in “Further Progress in Analysis” (Proceedings of the 6th ISAAC Congress), ed. by H. Begehr, etc. World Scientific (2009), 132-141.

20. (with Gong and Lou) Area operators from H^p spaces to L^p spaces, Science in China, 2010 Vol. 53 No. 2: 357–366

21. (with Kwon) A Class of Operators on Weighted Bergman Spaces, Integr. Eq. Oper. Theory, Vol.62(3), 2008, 411-417.

22. (with R.Zhao, N.Zorboska) Toeplitz operators on the analytic Besov spaces, Integr. Eq. Oper. Theory, Vol.60(3), 2008, 435-449.

23.(with L. Qiu) s-Carleson measures and function spaces, University of Joensuu, Department of Physics and Mathematics, Report Series, no. 12, (2007), 33-55.

24.Commutators on Lipschitz spaces and related function spaces, Front. Math. China, vol. 2(2), 287-303.

25.(with Ma, Li and Zou) Long-term memory in emerging markets: Evidence from the Chinese stock market, Int. J. of Info Tech & DM 5 (3): 495-501 SEP 2006.

26.(with Sukantamala) On Nevanlinna Type Classes, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications, in "Complex Analysis and Applications " ed. by Y. Wang, S. Wu, H. Wulan and L. Yang, World Scientific (2006), 249-260.

27.Area operators on Bergman spaces, Sciences in China, Series A Mathematics, 2006 Vol. 49 No. 7 987-1008.

28. (with Zhao and Zorboska) Toeplitz operators on Bloch-type spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 134 (2006), no. 12, 3531-3542.

29.(with Kwon) A Class of Matrix Operators and Their Properties, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications.

30.(with Guliyev) Weighted Holomorphic Besov spaces and their boundary values, Analysis in Theory and Applications 21:2, (2005), 143-156.

31.(with Ul-Haq), The (t,α)--Lattice and Decomposition Theory for Function Spaces, in "Advances in Analysis " (Proceedings of the Fourth ISAAC Congress), ed. by H. Begehr, etc.World Scientific (2003), 139-158.

32.(with Ul-Haq) BMOα Spaces and Their Properties, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis and Applications (2003), 190-211.

33.(with Xie) Q Spaces and Morrey Spaces, J. Funct. Anal. (2003), 282-297.

34.(with Xie), Decomposition Theorems for Qp Spaces, Ark. Mat. 40(2) (2002), 383-401.

35.(with J. Wang), Multipliers between BMO Spaces on Open Unit Ball, Integr. Eq. Oper. Theory, 45 (2003), 231-249.

36.(with J. Wang), Clifford valued BMO in Bergman metric and Hankel operators, Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras 11 (2001), no. S1, 159--170.

37.Strong type estimate and Carleson measures for Lipschitz spaces, Proc. AMS Vol. 127 (11) (1999), 3243-3249.

38.Carleson measures and multipliers for Dirichlet spaces, J. Funct. Anal. 169 (1999), 148-163.

39. Clifford analysis and commutators on the Besov spaces, J. Funct. Anal. 169 (1999), 121-147.40.Cauchy-Riemann operator and decomposition of 2 space on n 1 , Adv. App. Cliff. Alg. 8 L (1998), 83-93.

41.(with L. Yang) Multipliers between Dirichlet spaces, Int. Eq. Op. theory 32 (1998) 482-492.

42.Clifford analysis and commutators on harmonic Bergman spaces of "Analysis of Dirac Operators" ed. by J. Ryan, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series (1998).

43.(with L. Yang) The codimension one property in Bergman spaces over planar regions., Mich. Math. J. 45 (1998), 369-373.

44. Function theory and operator theory on the Dirichlet space, in "Holomorphic Spaces" ed. By S. Axler, J. McCarthy & D. Sarason, MSRI Pulb. 33 (1998), 179-199.

45.(with J. Wang) Image of Hankel operators Int. Eq. Op. Theory 28 (1997), 87-96.

46.(with D. Fan), Transference of multipliers on certain Hardy-type spaces, Int. Eq. Op. Theory 27 (1997), 184-194.

47.Commutators and related operators on harmonic Bergman space of n 1 , J. Funct. Anal. (1997), 448-474.

48.(with C. Li) Hankel operators on Clifford valued Bergman space, Contemporary Mathematics 212 (1998), 143-155.

49.Commutators between Multiplication and Riesz Transforms on Besov Spaces, Proceedings of the Symposium on Analytical and Numerical Methods in Quaternionic and Clifford Analysis. Seiften, Germany (1996) 217-223.

50.(with Z. Xu) Wavelet Approach to Image Processing, in "Bilingual Information Management" ed. by Z. Xu and R.R. Haynes (the reference for the International Workshop of Bilingual Botanical Information Management, Univ. of Alabama, Dec. 1995).

51.Operators on harmonic Bergman spaces, Int. Eq. Op. Theory 24 (1996), 352-371.

52.A class of bilinear forms on Dirichlet type spaces, J of London Math. Soc. 54(2) (1996), 498- 514.

53.(with D. Fan) Transference of maximal multipliers on Hardy spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 123 (1995), 3169-3174.

54.(with D. Fan) Norm estimates for iterated commutators on the Bergman spaces of the unit ball, Amer. J. Math. 117 (1995), 523-543.

55.(with C. Li, A. McIntosh & K. Zhang) Paracommutators, compensated compactness and Hardy spaces, J. Funct. Anal. 150(2) (1997), 289-306.

56. Clifford algebra, Hardy space and compactness, in "Clifford Algebra in Analysis and Related Topics" ed. by J. Ryan, Studies in Adv. Math., CRC Press, Boca Raton (1996), 217-238.

57.(with J. Wang) Minimum solution ofk+1 and middle Hankel operators, J. Funct.Anal. 118(1) (1993), 167-187.

58.The predual and second predual of Wa, J. Funct. Anal, 116(2) (1993), 314-334.

59.Boundedness, compactness and Schatten p-classes of Hankel operators between weighted Dirichlet spaces. Ark. Mat. 31 (1993), 395-417.

60.(with P. Wang) A single-server system with limited service policy, Proceedings of the Southeastern Symposium on System Theory (Tuscaloosa) (1993), 546-550.

61.(with R. Rochberg) A new characterization of Dirichlet type spaces and its applications, Illinois J. Math. 37 (1993), 101-122.

62.(with L. Peng & R. Rochberg) Orthogonal Polynomials and Middle Hankel operators on Bergman Spaces, Institut Mittag-Leffler Reports No. 26, 1991. Studia Mathematics 1 (1992), 57-75.

63.Hankel and Toeplitz operators on Dirichlet spaces, Int. Eq. Op, Theory 15 (1992), 503-525.

64.(with R. Rochberg) Toeplitz operators on Dirichlet spaces, Int. Eq. Op. Theory 15 (1992), 325-342.

65.(with X.C. Shen) Bergman spaces and their properties in higher dimensions, Proceedings of China-U.S. Joint Conference on Approximation Theory (Hangzhou), Approx. Theory Appl. 3(4) (1987), 164-178.

66.(with X.C. Shen) Generalized rational approximation in Bers spaces, Approx. Theory Appl. 3(1) (1987), 97-113.

67.Incomplete interpolation systems {n,k(z)} on Hp spaces, Acta Sci. Nat. Beijing Univ. 9(5) (1987), 65-77.

68.The general interpolation problem in Hp spaces (0 < p), Adv. in Math. (Beijing) 15(4) (1986), 427-430.

69.(with X.C. Shen) The Bieberbach conjecture: retrospective. (Chinese) Translated from the English, Adv. in Math. (Beijing) 14(3) (1985), 227-233.

科研项目 A. 独立主持

美国国家科学基金(National Science Foundation), DMS-**, The 28th Southeastern Analysis Meeting, 2012.1.1- 2012.12.31; $19,800.00

美国民用研究与发展基金(U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation), Potentials and Carleson measures on Besov-Morrey type spaces, 2008.1- 2009.12; $47,000.00

美国民用研究与发展基金(U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation), Holomorphic and Harmonic Function Spaces, Boundary Values and Operator Theory, 2004.4- 2006.5; $34,929.00

美国国家科学基金(National Science Foundation), DMS-**, Holomorphic Spaces and Operator Theory, 2002.6- 2007.5; $97,494.00

美国国家科学基金(National Science Foundation), DMS-**, Function and Operator Theory on Holomorphic Spaces, 1996.6- 1999.5; $47,394.00

B. 共同主持

美国教育部(U. S. Department of Education), GAANN Fellowships, 2010.7—2013.6; $131,265.00 美国国家科学基金(National Science Foundation), DGE-**, New, GK-12 Sustainable Energy Systems, 2008.6--15, 2013.5; $2,982,282.00

美国国家科学基金(National Science Foundation), DUE-**, Engineering Math Advancement Program, 2005.1-2009.12; $973,968.00

美国国家科学基金(National Science Foundation), DGE-**, Graduate TeachingFellows in Middle and High School Education, 2004.1- 2006.12; $1,585,616.00 Pew 基金(Pew Grant Program), Course Redesign, 2000.7-2003.5; $200,000.00 (The Math Technology Learning Center was first constructed by this grant).

其他学术及职业活动 A. 报告及讲座0 1990 年到现在,共在 30 多个国家和地区做了 190 多场报告或讲座,其中 25 场特邀主题报告; 35 场特邀国际会议报告; 55 场美国国内会议报告或美国数学学会会议报告; 80 场大学或学院讲座.

B. 组织专业会议及数学竞赛 组织主办了 8 个研究型数学会议组织历年的阿拉巴马州高中数学竞赛

C. 为下列机构评审科研项目,书稿及文章
基金: 美国国家科学基金(National Science Foundation); 美国民用研究与发展基金(U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation),Pearson 出版社(Publishing)
期刊: 《Journal of Functional Analysis》、《Journal of Integral Equation and Operator Theory》、《Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications》、《Math Review》、 《Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society》、《Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》、《Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics》、《Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations》、《Abstract and Applied Analysis》、《Complex Analysis and Operator Theory》、《Operators and Matrices》、《Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization》、《Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences》、《中国科学》、 《数学学报》、《数学进展》、《Taiwanese-J-Math》、《Thai Journal of Mathematics》.
