

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-26

个人信息MORE +
范美坤 教授
所在单位: 地球科学与环境工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 4号楼4144,地球科学与环境工程学院
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: meikunfan@gmail.com
在职信息: 在职
毕业院校: 维多利亚大学


范美坤教授,四川宜宾人。西南师范大学(现西南大学)本科(1999)、硕士(2002);加拿大维多利亚大学(University of Victoria)化学系博士(2010);西安大略大学(Western University)博士后(2011)。曾任教于大连理工大学(2002-2005)。2011-2013年在成都绿色能源与绿色制造技术研发中心工作,任环境科学与技术课题组组长。2013年作为引进人才进入西南交通大学地球科学与环境工程学院工作,2015-2017曾任地球科学与环境工程学院院长助理,现任西南交大外事工作委员会会员。加拿大及中国化学会会员。主要关注环境表界面的化学过程和环境分析化学方法开发,先后主持国家自然科学基金项目4项,省部级项目3项。累计已在Chem. Sci., J. Mater. Chem. A, Biosens. & Bioelectron., ACS AMI, Anal. Chem., Chem. Comm., ACS sensors, Food Chem.以及Lab Chip等杂志上以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文50余篇,影响因子大于10的文章3篇,高被引论文2篇,H-index为21,篇均引用40余频次,单篇文章最高被引近800余频次(Google scholar)。作为第一发明人现有授权中国发明专利6项,实用新型专利1项,申请专利6项。NSFC基金函评专家,Journal of Analysis and Testing杂志青年编委,Applied Spectroscopy Reviews 编委,同时担任多个著名杂志如J. Mater. Chem., Chem. Comm., J. Agri. Food. Chem., ACS AMI, Trends in Anal. Chem., Chemosphere等高影响因子杂志审稿人。

Dr. Fan obtained his Master's degree in China in 2002. After receiving his degree, he then worked as a university lecturer in Dalian University of Technology in China.
In 2005, he joined Dr. Alexandre G. Brolo's group in University of Victoria in Canada, pursuing his Ph.D. degree. His project mainly focused on the fabrication, modification and self-assembly of metallic nanoparticles for surface enhanced vibrational spectroscopic and localized surface Plasmon resonance applications. During his study, he developed different SERS substrates to work in different environment with high sensitivity and reproducibility. He also developed a localized SPR sensor for detecting biomolecules on common plastic.
After finishing his Ph.D., he went to University of Western Ontario for a 6 months post-doctoral research. In March 2011, Dr. Fan moved back to Chengdu, China, and worked as associate research scientist and principal investigator of the lab of environmental science and technology in a research institute. In June 2013, Dr. Fan joined in Southwest China Jiaotong University and was promoted to full professor at the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering.
In 2015, he was nominated to the board of International Affair Committe of Southwest Jiaotong University. he was also appointed to assistant dean of the Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering.

Note to international students:
I do accept international student (from MSc to PhD level). However, DO NOT contact me if you did not go through my C.V. In addition, all international students MUST submit a RESEARCH PROPOSAL (3-5 pages) based on my research interests and your background BEFORE asking a supporting letter.

加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGill University)大气与海洋科学系(2018.1~2018.12,Parisa Ariya Group)
加拿大维多利亚大学(University of Victoria) 化学系(2014.2~2014.8, Alexandre Brolo Group)
西安大略大学(Western University) (2010.09~2011.03),加拿大
多伦多大学(University of Toronto) /维多利亚大学(2010.05~08),加拿大
专业: 物理/分析化学
维多利亚大学化学系(2005.09~2010.04),师从Alexandre Brolo教授
专业: 分析化学

[1] 2005.9-2010.4
国外高等院校|物理化学|博士研究生毕业|University of Victoria, Canada
[2] 1999.9-2002.6
[3] 1995.9-1999.7


[1] 2013.7-至今
地球科学与环境工程学院 | 西南交通大学 
[2] 2018.1-2018.12
Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences | McGill University 
[3] 2014.2-2014.8
Department of Chemistry | University of Victoria 
[4] 2011.3-2013.6
环境科学课题组 | 成都绿色能源与绿色加工技术研发中心 

团队介绍: 在读博士2017级 杨仕伟 樊碗丽2018级 黄雨婷(分获研究生国奖,博士生国奖)2019级 刘雯(研究生国奖)2020级 晁生茂 王雪擎 Tabdar Ali Deip Muhammad在读硕士2018级 刘静 江水萍 袁冰雪(测绘,联合指导)2019级 朱成业 魏林波 柳博宇2020级 彭丹丹 周莎娜 高为星 李樊 李娟2021级(保研)吴琦(西南交大) 马楠(西华师大)已毕业博士2016级 孙姬(硕博连读,博士国奖)已毕业硕士2017级 程欢 罗小静 唐灿2016级 田赐 向小娇(获国奖)2015级 汤文浩 龚林(获国奖) 樊宛丽 郑璐 张琦苓 Sudipto Sajol Kha(孟加拉)王莹(测绘,联合指导)2014级 霍联萍 何宇希 吕娟 唐蜜2013级 彭辉 郑超 蒲珊 夏舒娅2012级 王璨琛(2014年度国奖) 杜鸿杰2011级 尧超平 (电子科大联合培养,2013年度电子科大国奖)2010级 张治国 陈淑伟 (西华师大联合培养)

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息MORE +
范美坤 教授
所在单位: 地球科学与环境工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 4号楼4144,地球科学与环境工程学院
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: meikunfan@gmail.com
在职信息: 在职
毕业院校: 维多利亚大学

科学研究 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究

课题组目前主要有四个研究大方向/There are currently four research streams carried out in the FAN group.

1. 基于贵金属纳米材料的环境和生物医学分析化学,包括环境污染溯源,环境污染物分析分离方法研究,以及食品和公共安全的现场快速分析方法/Coinage metallic nanomaterials based environmental and biomedical analytical chemistry;
2. 绿色化学,特别是基于纳米材料的杀菌和杀病毒新型材料研究/Functional materials for bacteria and virus disinfection;
本方向主要关注研制新型杀菌、杀病毒材料,应用于分散式饮用水处理(point of use water disinfection)和公共交通环境(如车厢内)和人流密集场所(如车站等)等的杀菌涂层。
3. 污染物表界面化学研究/Heterogeneous chemical processes on particulate matter pollutants;and
4. 基于COMS相机成像环境分析化学/COMS camera based analytical chemistry.

Selected publications
Link to up-to-date citation


53.Liu, J.; Liu, W.; Huang, Y.; Zhao, X.; Feng, Z.*;Wang, D.;Gong, Z.; Fan, M.*,Self-supporting liquid film as reproducible SERS platform for therapeutic drug monitoring of berberine hydrochloride in human urine,Microchemical Journal, 2021. 165:106122 (IF=3.206, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)


52.Fan, W.; Yang, S.; Zhang, Y.; Huang, B.; Gong, Z.; Wang, D.; Fan, M.*,Multifunctional Flexible SERS Sensor on a Fixate Gel Pad: Capturing, Derivation, and Selective Picogram Indirect Detection of Explosive 2,2′,4,4′,6,6′-Hexanitrostilbene,ACS Sensors, 2020. DOI: acssensors.0c01908(IF=7.333, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
51.Liu, Wen; Huang, Yuting; liu, jing; chao, shengmao; Liu, Xuke; wang, dongmei; Gong, Zhengjun; Li, Chun Mei; Fan, Meikun*; Huang, Cheng Zhi*,Self-Healing 3D Liquid Free-Standing Plasmonic Nanoparticle Membrane for Reproducible Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Sensing, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2020, 3, 10, 10014–10021.
50.Yuting Huang, Wen Liu, Zhengjun Gong, Wei Wu, Meikun Fan*, Dongmei Wang*, and Alexandre G. Brolo*,Detection of Buried Explosives Using a Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Substrate Tailored for Miniaturized Spectrometers,ACS Sensors, 2020, 5, 9, 2933-2939.(IF=7.333, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
49. Yang S., Fan W., Cheng H., Gong Z, Wang D., Fan M.*, Huang B.*, A dual functional cotton swab sensor for rapid onsite naked-eye sensing of nitroaromatic explosives on surfaces, Microchemical Journal, 159(2020)105398. (IF=3.206, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
48. Liu, W., Huang Y., Liu J., Chao S., Wang, D., Gong, Z.,Fan, M.* , Unsupported Liquid-state Platform for SERS-based Determination of Triazophos, Microchimica Acata,187, 502 (2020).(IF=6.232, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
47. Yang, S., Fan, W., Cheng, H., Gong, Z., Wang, D., Fan, M.*, and Huang, B.*,From children's toy to versatile sensor: one-step doping of Play-Doh with primary amino group for explosive detection both on surfaces and in solution, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020, 1128, 193-202. (IF=5.977,JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
46. Jiang, S., Tang, C., Gong, Z., Zhang, Z., Wang D.*, and Fan, M.*,Facile preparation of chitosan coated silver nanoparticles embedded cotton fabric for point-of-use water disinfection, Materials Letters, 2020, 277, 128256. (IF=3.204, JCR Q2 in Materials Science)
45.Sun, J., L. Gong, W. Wang, Z. Gong, D. Wang* and M. Fan*.Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for on-site analysis: A review of recent developments. Luminescence, 2020, 1-13.(IF=1.691, JCR Q4 in biochemistry)
44.Liao Liu, Jiannan Chen,* Wuhuan Zhang, Meikun Fan,* Zhengjun Gong, Jianqiang Zhang,Graphene oxide/polydimethylsiloxane composite sponge for removing Pb(ii) from water,RSC Adv., 2020,10, 22492-22499.(IF=3.049, JCR Q2 inchemistry multidisciplinary)
43.Yuting Huang, Dongmei Wang, Wen Liu, Lu Zheng, Yixu Wang, Xuke Liu, Meikun Fan*, Zhengjun Gong*, Rapid Screening of Rhodamine B in Food by Hydrogel Solid-Phase Extraction Coupled with Direct Fluorescence Detection, Food Chemistry, 2020, 316, 126378. (IF=6.306, JCR Q1 in applied chemistry)
42. Wanli Fan, Shiwei Yang, Dongmei Wang*,Zhengjun Gong,Meikun Fan*,Screening for malachite green contamination on live fish skin with chewing gum based viscoelastic SERS sensor,Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2020, 28, 37-44.(IF=4.176, JCR Q1 in food science)
41. Yuting Huang, Wen Liu, Dongmei Wang*, Zhengjun Gong,Meikun Fan*,Evaluation of the Intrinsic pH Sensing Performance of Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering pH Probes,Microchemical Journal, Volume 154, May 2020, Article 104565. (IF=3.206, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
40. Wenjun Wang,Zhengjun Gong*, Shiwei Yang, Tingting Xiong, Dongmei Wang,Meikun Fan,*Fluorescent and visual detection of norfloxacin in aqueous solutions with a molecularly imprinted polymer coated paper sensor,Talanta, 2020, 120435(IF=4.916, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
39.Xuke Liu, Keru Lu, Wen Liu, Zhilin Li, Mansing Wong, Dongmei Wang, Zhengjun Gong*,Meikun Fan,* Multi-wavelength UV imaging detection system applied for varying environmental conditions: Detection of SO2 as an example,Microchemical Journal, Volume 153, March 2020, Article 104395. (IF=3.206, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
38.Meikun Fan, Gustavo Andrade, Alexandre G. Brolo* A review on recent advances in the applications of surface-enhanced Raman scattering in analytical chemistry,Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020,1097,1-29 (Invited Review, IF=5.977, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry,高被引论文)

37.Qiling Zhang, Wen Liu, Zhengjun Gong*, Wenjun Wang,Dongmei Wang, Xinchen Jiang, Lu Zheng, Shiwei Yang, Meikun Fan,* Silver nanoparticles on copper foam as substrate for full range mid-infrared surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy in transmission configuration, Microchemical Journal, 2019, 151, 104252. (IF=3.206, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
36. J Sun; L Gong; Z Gong; D Wang; X Yin, M Fan*, Facile fabrication of large-area and cost-effective PDMS-SERS substrate by sandpaper template-assisted lithography, Analytical Methods, 2019, 38, 4917-4922. (IF=2.073, JCR Q2 in spectroscopy)
35. Shiwei Yang , Wanli Fan , Dongmei Wang , Zhengjun Gong and Meikun Fan*, Fluorescence analysis of cobalt(II) in water with β-cyclodextrins modified Mn-doped ZnS quantum dots, Analytical Methods, 2019, 11, 3829 - 3836. (IF=2.073, JCR Q2 in spectroscopy)
34. Wang C., Wong K.W., Wang Q., Zhou Y., Tang C.*, Fan M.*, Mei J., Lau W. M., Silver-nanoparticles-loaded chitosan foam as a flexible SERS substrate for active collecting analytes from both solid surface and solution, Talanta, 2019, 191, 241-247. (IF=4.244, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
33. X Gong, M Tang, Z Gong, Z Qiu, D Wang, M Fan*, Screening pesticide residues on fruit peels using portable Raman spectrometer combined with adhesive tape sampling, Food Chemistry, 2019, 295, 254-258. (IF=6.306, JCR Q1 in applied chemistry)(文章第一作者为我校本科毕业生(现南开大学直博),本文为其毕业设计整理而成)


32.Fan M.*, Gong L., Sun J., Wang D., Gong Z.*, Killing two birds with one stone: coating Ag NPs embedded filter paper with chitosan for better and durable point-of-use water disinfection, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10 (44), 38239-38245. (IF=8.456, JCR Q1 in materials science)
31. Yang S., Fan W., Xiong T., Wang D., Qin K., Fan M.*, Gong Z.*, Decision table in Rough Set as a new chemometric approach for synthesis optimization: Mn-doped ZnS quantum dots as the example, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2018, 182, 124-130. (IF=2.701, JCR Q2 in analytical chemistry)
30. Xiang X., Wang, Z., Xie F., Fan M.*, Sun X.*, Ammonia synthesis from electrocatalytic N2 reduction under ambient conditions by Fe2O3 nanorod, CHEMCATCHEM, 2018,10(20),4530-4535. (IF=4.674, JCR Q1 in physical chemistry)
29. Y. Wang, Y. Liu, W. Liu, W. Tang, L. Shen*, Z. Li, M Fan,* Quantification of combined color and shade changes in colorimetry and image analysis: water pH measurement as an example, Analytical Methods, 10 (2018) 3059-3065. (IF=2.073, JCR Q2 in spectroscopy)
28. J. Sun, L. Gong, Y.T. Lu, D.M. Wang, Z.J. Gong, M Fan,* Dual functional PDMS sponge SERS substrate for the on-site detection of pesticides both on fruit surfaces and in juice, Analyst, 143 (2018) 2689-2695. (IF=3.864, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
27. M Fan,* L Gong, Y Huang, D Wang, Z Gong,* Facile preparation of silver nanoparticle decorated chitosan cryogels for point-of-use water disinfection, Science of The Total Environment, 613 (2018) 1317-1323. (IF=4.61, JCR Q1 in environmental science)


26.J Lv, Z Gong, Z He, J Yang,Y Chen, C Tang,* Y Liu, M Fan,*W-M Lau, 3D printing of a mechanically durable superhydrophobic porous membrane for oil–water separation, J. Mater. Chem. A, 5(2017), 12435-12444. (IF=9.931, JCR Q1 in physical chemistry)
25. L Huo, X Yang,* Z Liu, X Tian, T Qi, X Wang, K Yu, J Sun, M Fan,*Modulation of potential barrier heights in Co3O4/SnO2heterojunctions for highly H2-selective sensors, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 244 (2017), 694-700. (IF=5.667, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
24. Z Gong, C Wang, S Pu, C Wang, F Cheng, M Fan,* Rapid and direct detection of illicit dyes on tainted fruit peel using PVA hydrogel surface enhanced Raman scattering substrate, Analytical Methods, 2016,8, 4816-4820. 影响因子2.07
23. Meikun Fan,* SERS Nanoprobes as Cancer Theranostics, in Nanomaterials for Tumor Targeting Theranostics: A Proactive Clinical Perspective, Mingqian Tan and Aiguo Wu (Eds.), World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2015, ISBN: 17 (专著)
22. M Fan,* F Cheng,C Wang, Z Gong, C Tang, C Man, AG Brolo, SERS Optrode as a “fishing rod” to direct pre-concentrate analytes from superhydrophobic surfaces, Chemical Communications, 51 (2015), 1965-1968. 影响因子6.83.
21. Z Gong, H Du, F Cheng, C Wang, C Wang, M Fan,* Fabrication of SERS Q-tip for direct swab detection of trace explosives in fingerprints, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6(2014),21931-21937.影响因子8.09. Cited 21 times.
20. F Cheng, H Xu, C Wang, Z Gong, C Tang, M Fan,* Surface enhanced Raman scattering fiber optic sensor as ion selective optrode: the example of Cd2+ detection, RSC Advances, 4 (2014), 64683-64687. 影响因子3.708
19. M Fan,* Z Zhang, J Hu, F Cheng, C Wang, C Tang, J Lin, AG Brolo, H Zhan,* Ag decorated sandpaper as flexible SERS substrate for direct swabbing sampling, Materials Letters, 133(2014), 57-59. 影响因子2.269. Cited 15 times
18. Z Gong, C Wang, C Wang, C Tang, F Cheng, H Du, M Fan,* AG Brolo,* A silver nanoparticle embedded hydrogel as a substrate for surface contamination analysis by surface-enhanced Raman scattering, Analyst 139 (2014), 5283-5289. 影响因子4.11. Cited 7 times
17. C Wang, F Cheng, Y Wang, Z Gong, M Fan,* J Hu, Single point calibration for semi-quantitative screening based on an internal reference in thin layer chromatography-SERS: the case of Rhodamine B in chili oil, Analytical Methods 6 (2014), 7218-7223. 影响因子1.94
16. CY Tang,* GC Long, X Hu, KW Wong, WM Lau, M Fan, J Mei, T Xu, B Wang, Conductive polymer nanocomposites with hierarchical multi-scale structures via self-assembly of carbon-nanotubes on graphene on polymer-microspheres, Nanoscale, 2014,6, 7877-7888. 影响因子6.739
15. CP Shaw, M Fan,* C Lane, G Barry, AI Jirasek, AG Brolo, Statistical Correlation Between SERS Intensity and Nanoparticle Cluster Size, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (2013), 16596-16605. 影响因子4.835. Cited 3 times.
14. C Yao, F Cheng, C Wang, Y Wang, X Guo, Z Gong, M Fan,* Z Zhang, Separation, identification and fast determination of organophosphate pesticide methidathion in tea leaves by thin layer chromatography–surface-enhanced Raman scattering, Analytical Methods 5 (2013), 5560-5564. 影响因子1.94. Cited 11 times.
13. Fan, M.K., *Lai, Feng-Ju; Chou, Hung-Lung; et al.,Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) from Au:Ag bimetallic nanoparticles: the effect of the molecular probe,Chemical Science, 4(2013): 509-515. 影响因子9.2. Cited 44 times.
12. Fan, M. K.,* Wang, P. H.; Escobedo, C.; et al.,Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) optrodes for multiplexed on-chip sensing of nile blue A and oxazine 720,Lab on a Chip, 12 (2012): 1554-1560. 影响因子6.11. Cited 22 times.
11. Fan, M. K.,* Andrade, G. F. S.; Brolo, A. G.,A review on the fabrication of substrates for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy and their applications in analytical chemistry,Analytica Chimica Acta, 693 (2011): 7-25. 影响因子4.517. Cited 362 times, among the Highly Cited Papers in Web of Knowledge database.
10. Fan, M. K.,* Marechal, M.; Finn, A.; et al.,Layer-by-Layer Characterization of a Model Biofuel Cell Anode by (in Situ) Vibrational Spectroscopy,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(2011): 310-316. 影响因子4.835. Cited 4 times.
9. Fan, M. K.; *Thompson, M.; Andrade, M. L.; et al.,Silver Nanoparticles on a Plastic Platform for Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensing,Analytical Chemistry 82 (2010): 6350-6352 影响因子5.825. Cited 62 times.
8. Andrade, G. F. S.; Fan, M. K.; *Brolo, A. G., Multilayer silver nanoparticles-modified optical fiber tip for high performance SERS remote sensing,Biosensors & Bioelectronics 25 (2010): 2270-2275 影响因子6.451. Cited 72 times.
7. Fan, M.; *Brolo, A. G.,Silver nanoparticles self assembly as SERS substrates with near single molecule detection limit,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11(2009): 7381-7389 影响因子4.198. Cited 111 times.
6. Fan, M. K.; *Brolo, A. G.,Self-assembled Au nanoparticles as substrates for surface-enhanced vibrational spectroscopy: Optimization and electrochemical stability,Chemphyschem 9(2008): 1899-1907. 影响因子3.360. Cited 29 times.
5. 陈宇春; 范美坤*; 肖光; 宿艳; 潘玉珍,一种新型液-液界面全内反射分光光度测定装置。光谱实验室 22(2005):369-371
4. 肖光; 范美坤; 韩梅; 崔丽钧; 维生素C片剂的紫外分光光度法测定。光谱实验室 21(2004):947-949
3. CZ Huang, MK Fan, *YF Li, Fluorescence microscopic quantification of DNA with α, β, γ, δ-tetrakis [4-(trimethylammonium) phenyl] porphine by a ring-like deposition technique, Analytica Chimica Acta 466 (2002), 193-200
2. MK Fan, *CZ Huang, YF Li, Fluorescent microscopic determination of cadmium in water samples with the self-ordered ring of α, β, γ, δ-tetra (5-sulfophenyl) porphine formed on the solid support of glass slides, Analytica Chimica Acta 453 (2002), 97-104
1. CZ Huang, MK Fan, *Y Fang Li, Determination of trace amount of aluminum in water samples by a fluorescent microscopic self-ordered ring technique, Analytical Letters 35 (2002), 2565-2576

1. 范美坤,胡建明等,一种表面增强拉曼基底及其制备方法,中国发明专利, 专利号ZL2.x。
2. 范美坤,胡建明等,一种基于表面增强拉曼检测超痕量样品的方法和装置,中国发明专利,专利号ZL2.1。
3. 范美坤,胡建明等,便携式自适应定位拉曼光谱仪,实用新型专利, 专利号ZL5.2。
4. 范美坤,龚正君,何雨希等,一种纳米粒子计数方法,中国发明专利,专利号ZL 2.3。
5. 范美坤,龚正君,何雨希等,一种液体中细菌的计数方法,发明专利,专利号ZL 9.8。
6. 范美坤,龚正君,龚林等,净水元件、净水元件的制备方法及净水器,发明专利,申请号2.5。
7. 龚正君,范美坤,张琦苓等,基于三维结构的红外表面增强基底及其制备方法,发明专利,申请号2.9。
8. 范美坤,龚正君,孙姬,一种基于PDMS海绵的表面增强拉曼光谱基底及其制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号8.7。
9. 范美坤,龚正君,樊碗丽等,表面增强拉曼光谱基底及其制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号7.8。
10. 范美坤,龚正君,龚林等,具有杀菌功能的过滤材料及其制备方法,中国发明专利,专利号1。
11. 范美坤,刘雯,黄雨婷等,高重现性表面增强拉曼散射的基底材料及其使用方法,中国发明专利,申请号:6.7。
14. 唐昶宇,范美坤,王东梅,龚正君,江水苹,晁生茂等,一种超疏水杀菌材料及其制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号:2.4。


21. 范美坤,On-site SERS analysis: from fast qualitative screening to convenient quantitative detection(邀请报告),21届全国分子光谱大会,成都,2020.10.31.

20. 范美坤,Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) in Environmental Study: Two Examples,第三届中国化学快报青年环境化学家论坛,广州,2020.10.23.
19. 范美坤,表面增强拉曼光谱技术在食品安全快速检测中的应用(邀请报告),ICS2020(第九届光谱网络会议),仪器信息网,2020.05.27.
18.M.K. Fan, Quantitative SERS, The plasmonic NPs suspension formed self-healing 3D liquid free-standing membrane platform approach, 21st International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, Guangzhou, 2019.11
17. M.K. Fan,The Development of Dual Functional Flexible SERS Substrates and Their Applications in Food Safety and Homeland Security, 第十届全国环境化学大会,天津,2019.08
16.M.K. Fan, Surprising Improvement on SERS Reproducibility in MNPs-Suspension-Formed 3D Free-standing Membrane,102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exibition, Quebec, Canada, 2019.06
15. M.K. Fan, Developing shape adaptable surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates for surface contamination analysis, Pacifichem 2015, Honolulu, U.S.A., 2015
14. Invited talk, Developing shape adaptable SERS substrate for surface contamination analysis, Southwest China Regional Workshop for Analytical Chemistry, Chengdu, China, 2014
13. Invited talk, Application of surface enhanced Raman scattering technique in environmental monitoring and food quality assurance, West China Normal University, Nanchong, China, 2013.
12. Invited talk, When surface enhanced Raman scattering meets homeland security and food quality assurance, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian, China, 2012.
11. M. K. Fan,* et al, Green route for fabrication of superhydrophobic surface enhanced Raman scattering dual functional platform by ultrasound assisted electroless deposition of silver on sandpaper (oral), 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada, 2014.
10. M. K. Fan,* et al, Sub-attomolar sensitivity through directed pre-concentration on super-hydrophobic surface using an SERS optrode (poster), 2nd international conference on frontiers of plasmonics, Chengdu, China, 2012.
9. M. K. Fan, A. G. Brolo, Layer-by-layer fabrication of SERS optrode and its application in bio-analysis (oral), 11th Asian conference for analytical science, Nanjing, China, 2011.
8. M. K. Fan, A. G. Brolo, Silver nanoparticles on a plastic platforms for bio-sensing (oral), 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, 2010
7. M. K. Fan, G. F. S. Andrade, A. G. Brolo, Multilayer Silver Nanoparticles Modified Optical Fiber Tip for High Performance SERS Remote Sensing (oral), 217th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Vancouver, 2010
6. M. K. Fan, M. Thompson, M. L. Andrade, A. G. Brolo, Localized surface plasmon (LSPR)-based sensor on plastics: metallic NPs on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film as versatile platforms for bio-sensing (poster), Second BiopSys All Network Meeting ( ANM-2), Toronto, 2009
5. G. F. S. Andrade, M. K. Fan, J. G. Hayashi, A. M. Brito-Silva, M. M. Rahman, A. G. Brolo, Plasmonic modification of optical fibres for remote diagnosis: devices development (poster), Second BiopSys All Network Meeting ( ANM-2), Toronto, 2009
4. M. K. Fan, A. G. Brolo, H.-L. Chou, F.-J. Lai, W.-T. Lu, B.-J. Hwang, Probe specific surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) in Au:Ag nanoparticle alloys(oral), 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hamilton, Canada, 2009
3. M. K. Fan, A. G. Brolo, Self-assembly Ag NPs as SERS substrate with near single molecule sensitivity and low spatial variation (poster), the 13th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Center for Advanced Materials and Microstructures (PCAMM), Victoria, Canada, 2008
2. M. K. Fan, A. Finn, M. Maréchal, D. Harrington, A. G. Brolo, New SERS substrate development and its application in Biofuel cell research (oral), 91st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Edmonton, Canada, 2008
1. M. K. Fan, A. Finn, M. Maréchal, D. Harrington, A. G. Brolo, Characterizing a Biofuel Cell Anode by Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) (poster), the 58th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Banff, Canada, 2007



In brief
课题组目前主要有四个研究大方向/There are currently four research streams carried out in the FAN group.
1. 基于贵金属纳米材料的环境和生物医学分析化学,特别是包括食品和公共安全的现场快速分析化学/Coinage metallic nanomaterials based environmental and biomedical analytical chemistry;
2. 绿色化学,特别是基于纳米材料的分散式饮用水处理材料研究/Nanomaterials based point of use pollution control and water disinfection;
3. 大气颗粒污染物界面化学研究/Heterogeneous chemical processes on particulate matter pollutants;and
4. 基于COMS相机成像环境分析化学/COMS camera based analytical chemistry.
Projects (国家及省部级项目,不含横向课题)

[13]General Grant (国家自然科学基金面上项目) (NO.**, 2021-2024, RMB 630,000):The fabrication of highly reproducible free standing liquid membrane SERS substrate and its application in environmental analysis (高重现性自支撑液膜SERS基底及其在现场环境分析中的应用,) National Natural Science Foundation of China.
[12]Young scholar program (国家自然科学青年基金项目) (NO. **, 2021-2023,RMB 240,000):基于回归反光SERS基底的土壤气典型有机污染物原位检测方法研究, National Natural Science Foundation of China (PI: Dr. Wang).
[11] Reginal Collaboration R&D Program of Sichuan Province (四川省区域创新合作项目)(NO. 2020YFQ0026, 2020-2022, RMB 400,000),基于物联网的城镇分散生活垃圾清洁储存与大数据统筹转运模式研究示范.Ministry of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province.
[10] International R&D Program of Sichuan Province (四川省国际科技创新合作/港澳台科技创新合作项目)(NO. 2020YFH0048, 2020-2021, RMB 200,000) SERS spectra based machine learning for polluted water sourcing in industral zone.Ministry of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province (基于SERS光谱指纹深度学习的工业园区水体污染物溯源关键技术研究),(PI: Dr. Shen).
[9] Key R&D Program of Sichuan Province (四川省基金重点项目) (NO. 2018GZ0400, 2018-2019, RMB 200,000) Nanomaterials based point-of-use water disinfectants for emergency relief. Ministry of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province (PI: Dr. Wang).
[8] General Grant (国家自然科学基金面上项目) (NO. **, 2018-2021, RMB 670,000): Solid-phase microextraction with fluoresence detection for surface contamination analysis, National Natural Science Foundation of China (PI: Prof. Gong).
[7] General Grant (国家自然科学基金面上项目) (NO. **, 2017-2020, RMB 680, 000): The development of shape conformable polymer gel surface enhanced Raman scattering substrate and its application in surface contamination analysis. National Natural Science Foundation of China.
[6] Key R&D Program of Sichuan Province (四川省基金重点项目) (NO. 2017GZ0388, 2017, RMB 200, 000 ): The development of portable surface enhanced Raman spectrometer for the detection of pesticide and illicit dye residues on agricultural products. Ministry of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province.
[5] Fundamental Research Funds for the National Universities of China (No. **CX085, 2017, RMB 100, 000): The development of silver nanoparticle doped polymer cryogels for point of use water disinfection applications, Ministry of Education, China.
[4] Young scholar program (国家自然科学青年基金项目) (NO. **, 2014-2016,RMB 250,000):Fast determination of bacteria in water environment with surface enhanced infrared absorption method, National Natural Science Foundation of China (PI: Prof. Gong).
[3] Fundamental Research Funds for the National Universities of China (No. **RC06, 2014, RMB 200, 000): Detection method for fast onsite screening of illicit drugs, Ministry of Education, China.
[2] General Grant (国家自然科学基金面上项目) (No. **, 2013-2016, RMB 800, 000): The development and environmental applications of an analytical device based on surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) optrode induced pre-concentration on superhydrophobic surfaces, National Natural Science Foundation of China.
[1]Young Scientist Grant (国家自然科学青年基金项目) (No. **, 2012-2014, RMB 250, 000): The development of surface modified SERS Optrode for environmental monitoring application, National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息MORE +
范美坤 教授
所在单位: 地球科学与环境工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 4号楼4144,地球科学与环境工程学院
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: meikunfan@gmail.com
在职信息: 在职
毕业院校: 维多利亚大学

研究领域 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 研究领域

课题组目前主要有四个研究大方向/There are currently four research streams carried out in the FAN group.

1. 基于贵金属纳米材料的环境和生物医学分析化学,包括环境污染溯源,环境污染物分析分离方法研究,以及食品和公共安全的现场快速分析方法/Coinage metallic nanomaterials based environmental and biomedical analytical chemistry;
2. 绿色化学,特别是基于纳米材料的杀菌和杀病毒新型材料研究/Functional materials for bacteria and virus disinfection;
本方向主要关注研制新型杀菌、杀病毒材料,应用于分散式饮用水处理(point of use water disinfection)和公共交通环境(如车厢内)和人流密集场所(如车站等)等的杀菌涂层。
3. 污染物表界面化学研究/Heterogeneous chemical processes on particulate matter pollutants;and
4. 基于COMS相机成像环境分析化学/COMS camera based analytical chemistry.

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息MORE +
范美坤 教授
所在单位: 地球科学与环境工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 4号楼4144,地球科学与环境工程学院
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: meikunfan@gmail.com
在职信息: 在职
毕业院校: 维多利亚大学

论文成果 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果

Selected publications
Link to up-to-date citation


53.Liu, J.; Liu, W.; Huang, Y.; Zhao, X.; Feng, Z.*;Wang, D.;Gong, Z.; Fan, M.*,Self-supporting liquid film as reproducible SERS platform for therapeutic drug monitoring of berberine hydrochloride in human urine,Microchemical Journal, 2021. 165:106122 (IF=3.206, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)


52.Fan, W.; Yang, S.; Zhang, Y.; Huang, B.; Gong, Z.; Wang, D.; Fan, M.*,Multifunctional Flexible SERS Sensor on a Fixate Gel Pad: Capturing, Derivation, and Selective Picogram Indirect Detection of Explosive 2,2′,4,4′,6,6′-Hexanitrostilbene,ACS Sensors, 2020. DOI: acssensors.0c01908(IF=7.333, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
51.Liu, Wen; Huang, Yuting; liu, jing; chao, shengmao; Liu, Xuke; wang, dongmei; Gong, Zhengjun; Li, Chun Mei; Fan, Meikun*; Huang, Cheng Zhi*,Self-Healing 3D Liquid Free-Standing Plasmonic Nanoparticle Membrane for Reproducible Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Sensing, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2020, 3, 10, 10014–10021.
50.Yuting Huang, Wen Liu, Zhengjun Gong, Wei Wu, Meikun Fan*, Dongmei Wang*, and Alexandre G. Brolo*,Detection of Buried Explosives Using a Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Substrate Tailored for Miniaturized Spectrometers,ACS Sensors, 2020, 5, 9, 2933-2939.(IF=7.333, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
49. Yang S., Fan W., Cheng H., Gong Z, Wang D., Fan M.*, Huang B.*, A dual functional cotton swab sensor for rapid onsite naked-eye sensing of nitroaromatic explosives on surfaces, Microchemical Journal, 159(2020)105398. (IF=3.206, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
48. Liu, W., Huang Y., Liu J., Chao S., Wang, D., Gong, Z.,Fan, M.* , Unsupported Liquid-state Platform for SERS-based Determination of Triazophos, Microchimica Acata,187, 502 (2020).(IF=6.232, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
47. Yang, S., Fan, W., Cheng, H., Gong, Z., Wang, D., Fan, M.*, and Huang, B.*,From children's toy to versatile sensor: one-step doping of Play-Doh with primary amino group for explosive detection both on surfaces and in solution, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020, 1128, 193-202. (IF=5.977,JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
46. Jiang, S., Tang, C., Gong, Z., Zhang, Z., Wang D.*, and Fan, M.*,Facile preparation of chitosan coated silver nanoparticles embedded cotton fabric for point-of-use water disinfection, Materials Letters, 2020, 277, 128256. (IF=3.204, JCR Q2 in Materials Science)
45.Sun, J., L. Gong, W. Wang, Z. Gong, D. Wang* and M. Fan*.Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for on-site analysis: A review of recent developments. Luminescence, 2020, 1-13.(IF=1.691, JCR Q4 in biochemistry)
44.Liao Liu, Jiannan Chen,* Wuhuan Zhang, Meikun Fan,* Zhengjun Gong, Jianqiang Zhang,Graphene oxide/polydimethylsiloxane composite sponge for removing Pb(ii) from water,RSC Adv., 2020,10, 22492-22499.(IF=3.049, JCR Q2 inchemistry multidisciplinary)
43.Yuting Huang, Dongmei Wang, Wen Liu, Lu Zheng, Yixu Wang, Xuke Liu, Meikun Fan*, Zhengjun Gong*, Rapid Screening of Rhodamine B in Food by Hydrogel Solid-Phase Extraction Coupled with Direct Fluorescence Detection, Food Chemistry, 2020, 316, 126378. (IF=6.306, JCR Q1 in applied chemistry)
42. Wanli Fan, Shiwei Yang, Dongmei Wang*,Zhengjun Gong,Meikun Fan*,Screening for malachite green contamination on live fish skin with chewing gum based viscoelastic SERS sensor,Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2020, 28, 37-44.(IF=4.176, JCR Q1 in food science)
41. Yuting Huang, Wen Liu, Dongmei Wang*, Zhengjun Gong,Meikun Fan*,Evaluation of the Intrinsic pH Sensing Performance of Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering pH Probes,Microchemical Journal, Volume 154, May 2020, Article 104565. (IF=3.206, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
40. Wenjun Wang,Zhengjun Gong*, Shiwei Yang, Tingting Xiong, Dongmei Wang,Meikun Fan,*Fluorescent and visual detection of norfloxacin in aqueous solutions with a molecularly imprinted polymer coated paper sensor,Talanta, 2020, 120435(IF=4.916, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
39.Xuke Liu, Keru Lu, Wen Liu, Zhilin Li, Mansing Wong, Dongmei Wang, Zhengjun Gong*,Meikun Fan,* Multi-wavelength UV imaging detection system applied for varying environmental conditions: Detection of SO2 as an example,Microchemical Journal, Volume 153, March 2020, Article 104395. (IF=3.206, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
38.Meikun Fan, Gustavo Andrade, Alexandre G. Brolo* A review on recent advances in the applications of surface-enhanced Raman scattering in analytical chemistry,Analytica Chimica Acta, 2020,1097,1-29 (Invited Review, IF=5.977, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry,高被引论文)

37.Qiling Zhang, Wen Liu, Zhengjun Gong*, Wenjun Wang,Dongmei Wang, Xinchen Jiang, Lu Zheng, Shiwei Yang, Meikun Fan,* Silver nanoparticles on copper foam as substrate for full range mid-infrared surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy in transmission configuration, Microchemical Journal, 2019, 151, 104252. (IF=3.206, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
36. J Sun; L Gong; Z Gong; D Wang; X Yin, M Fan*, Facile fabrication of large-area and cost-effective PDMS-SERS substrate by sandpaper template-assisted lithography, Analytical Methods, 2019, 38, 4917-4922. (IF=2.073, JCR Q2 in spectroscopy)
35. Shiwei Yang , Wanli Fan , Dongmei Wang , Zhengjun Gong and Meikun Fan*, Fluorescence analysis of cobalt(II) in water with β-cyclodextrins modified Mn-doped ZnS quantum dots, Analytical Methods, 2019, 11, 3829 - 3836. (IF=2.073, JCR Q2 in spectroscopy)
34. Wang C., Wong K.W., Wang Q., Zhou Y., Tang C.*, Fan M.*, Mei J., Lau W. M., Silver-nanoparticles-loaded chitosan foam as a flexible SERS substrate for active collecting analytes from both solid surface and solution, Talanta, 2019, 191, 241-247. (IF=4.244, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
33. X Gong, M Tang, Z Gong, Z Qiu, D Wang, M Fan*, Screening pesticide residues on fruit peels using portable Raman spectrometer combined with adhesive tape sampling, Food Chemistry, 2019, 295, 254-258. (IF=6.306, JCR Q1 in applied chemistry)(文章第一作者为我校本科毕业生(现南开大学直博),本文为其毕业设计整理而成)


32.Fan M.*, Gong L., Sun J., Wang D., Gong Z.*, Killing two birds with one stone: coating Ag NPs embedded filter paper with chitosan for better and durable point-of-use water disinfection, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10 (44), 38239-38245. (IF=8.456, JCR Q1 in materials science)
31. Yang S., Fan W., Xiong T., Wang D., Qin K., Fan M.*, Gong Z.*, Decision table in Rough Set as a new chemometric approach for synthesis optimization: Mn-doped ZnS quantum dots as the example, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2018, 182, 124-130. (IF=2.701, JCR Q2 in analytical chemistry)
30. Xiang X., Wang, Z., Xie F., Fan M.*, Sun X.*, Ammonia synthesis from electrocatalytic N2 reduction under ambient conditions by Fe2O3 nanorod, CHEMCATCHEM, 2018,10(20),4530-4535. (IF=4.674, JCR Q1 in physical chemistry)
29. Y. Wang, Y. Liu, W. Liu, W. Tang, L. Shen*, Z. Li, M Fan,* Quantification of combined color and shade changes in colorimetry and image analysis: water pH measurement as an example, Analytical Methods, 10 (2018) 3059-3065. (IF=2.073, JCR Q2 in spectroscopy)
28. J. Sun, L. Gong, Y.T. Lu, D.M. Wang, Z.J. Gong, M Fan,* Dual functional PDMS sponge SERS substrate for the on-site detection of pesticides both on fruit surfaces and in juice, Analyst, 143 (2018) 2689-2695. (IF=3.864, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
27. M Fan,* L Gong, Y Huang, D Wang, Z Gong,* Facile preparation of silver nanoparticle decorated chitosan cryogels for point-of-use water disinfection, Science of The Total Environment, 613 (2018) 1317-1323. (IF=4.61, JCR Q1 in environmental science)


26.J Lv, Z Gong, Z He, J Yang,Y Chen, C Tang,* Y Liu, M Fan,*W-M Lau, 3D printing of a mechanically durable superhydrophobic porous membrane for oil–water separation, J. Mater. Chem. A, 5(2017), 12435-12444. (IF=9.931, JCR Q1 in physical chemistry)
25. L Huo, X Yang,* Z Liu, X Tian, T Qi, X Wang, K Yu, J Sun, M Fan,*Modulation of potential barrier heights in Co3O4/SnO2heterojunctions for highly H2-selective sensors, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 244 (2017), 694-700. (IF=5.667, JCR Q1 in analytical chemistry)
24. Z Gong, C Wang, S Pu, C Wang, F Cheng, M Fan,* Rapid and direct detection of illicit dyes on tainted fruit peel using PVA hydrogel surface enhanced Raman scattering substrate, Analytical Methods, 2016,8, 4816-4820. 影响因子2.07
23. Meikun Fan,* SERS Nanoprobes as Cancer Theranostics, in Nanomaterials for Tumor Targeting Theranostics: A Proactive Clinical Perspective, Mingqian Tan and Aiguo Wu (Eds.), World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2015, ISBN: 17 (专著)
22. M Fan,* F Cheng,C Wang, Z Gong, C Tang, C Man, AG Brolo, SERS Optrode as a “fishing rod” to direct pre-concentrate analytes from superhydrophobic surfaces, Chemical Communications, 51 (2015), 1965-1968. 影响因子6.83.
21. Z Gong, H Du, F Cheng, C Wang, C Wang, M Fan,* Fabrication of SERS Q-tip for direct swab detection of trace explosives in fingerprints, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6(2014),21931-21937.影响因子8.09. Cited 21 times.
20. F Cheng, H Xu, C Wang, Z Gong, C Tang, M Fan,* Surface enhanced Raman scattering fiber optic sensor as ion selective optrode: the example of Cd2+ detection, RSC Advances, 4 (2014), 64683-64687. 影响因子3.708
19. M Fan,* Z Zhang, J Hu, F Cheng, C Wang, C Tang, J Lin, AG Brolo, H Zhan,* Ag decorated sandpaper as flexible SERS substrate for direct swabbing sampling, Materials Letters, 133(2014), 57-59. 影响因子2.269. Cited 15 times
18. Z Gong, C Wang, C Wang, C Tang, F Cheng, H Du, M Fan,* AG Brolo,* A silver nanoparticle embedded hydrogel as a substrate for surface contamination analysis by surface-enhanced Raman scattering, Analyst 139 (2014), 5283-5289. 影响因子4.11. Cited 7 times
17. C Wang, F Cheng, Y Wang, Z Gong, M Fan,* J Hu, Single point calibration for semi-quantitative screening based on an internal reference in thin layer chromatography-SERS: the case of Rhodamine B in chili oil, Analytical Methods 6 (2014), 7218-7223. 影响因子1.94
16. CY Tang,* GC Long, X Hu, KW Wong, WM Lau, M Fan, J Mei, T Xu, B Wang, Conductive polymer nanocomposites with hierarchical multi-scale structures via self-assembly of carbon-nanotubes on graphene on polymer-microspheres, Nanoscale, 2014,6, 7877-7888. 影响因子6.739
15. CP Shaw, M Fan,* C Lane, G Barry, AI Jirasek, AG Brolo, Statistical Correlation Between SERS Intensity and Nanoparticle Cluster Size, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (2013), 16596-16605. 影响因子4.835. Cited 3 times.
14. C Yao, F Cheng, C Wang, Y Wang, X Guo, Z Gong, M Fan,* Z Zhang, Separation, identification and fast determination of organophosphate pesticide methidathion in tea leaves by thin layer chromatography–surface-enhanced Raman scattering, Analytical Methods 5 (2013), 5560-5564. 影响因子1.94. Cited 11 times.
13. Fan, M.K., *Lai, Feng-Ju; Chou, Hung-Lung; et al.,Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) from Au:Ag bimetallic nanoparticles: the effect of the molecular probe,Chemical Science, 4(2013): 509-515. 影响因子9.2. Cited 44 times.
12. Fan, M. K.,* Wang, P. H.; Escobedo, C.; et al.,Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) optrodes for multiplexed on-chip sensing of nile blue A and oxazine 720,Lab on a Chip, 12 (2012): 1554-1560. 影响因子6.11. Cited 22 times.
11. Fan, M. K.,* Andrade, G. F. S.; Brolo, A. G.,A review on the fabrication of substrates for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy and their applications in analytical chemistry,Analytica Chimica Acta, 693 (2011): 7-25. 影响因子4.517. Cited 362 times, among the Highly Cited Papers in Web of Knowledge database.
10. Fan, M. K.,* Marechal, M.; Finn, A.; et al.,Layer-by-Layer Characterization of a Model Biofuel Cell Anode by (in Situ) Vibrational Spectroscopy,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(2011): 310-316. 影响因子4.835. Cited 4 times.
9. Fan, M. K.; *Thompson, M.; Andrade, M. L.; et al.,Silver Nanoparticles on a Plastic Platform for Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensing,Analytical Chemistry 82 (2010): 6350-6352 影响因子5.825. Cited 62 times.
8. Andrade, G. F. S.; Fan, M. K.; *Brolo, A. G., Multilayer silver nanoparticles-modified optical fiber tip for high performance SERS remote sensing,Biosensors & Bioelectronics 25 (2010): 2270-2275 影响因子6.451. Cited 72 times.
7. Fan, M.; *Brolo, A. G.,Silver nanoparticles self assembly as SERS substrates with near single molecule detection limit,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11(2009): 7381-7389 影响因子4.198. Cited 111 times.
6. Fan, M. K.; *Brolo, A. G.,Self-assembled Au nanoparticles as substrates for surface-enhanced vibrational spectroscopy: Optimization and electrochemical stability,Chemphyschem 9(2008): 1899-1907. 影响因子3.360. Cited 29 times.
5. 陈宇春; 范美坤*; 肖光; 宿艳; 潘玉珍,一种新型液-液界面全内反射分光光度测定装置。光谱实验室 22(2005):369-371
4. 肖光; 范美坤; 韩梅; 崔丽钧; 维生素C片剂的紫外分光光度法测定。光谱实验室 21(2004):947-949
3. CZ Huang, MK Fan, *YF Li, Fluorescence microscopic quantification of DNA with α, β, γ, δ-tetrakis [4-(trimethylammonium) phenyl] porphine by a ring-like deposition technique, Analytica Chimica Acta 466 (2002), 193-200
2. MK Fan, *CZ Huang, YF Li, Fluorescent microscopic determination of cadmium in water samples with the self-ordered ring of α, β, γ, δ-tetra (5-sulfophenyl) porphine formed on the solid support of glass slides, Analytica Chimica Acta 453 (2002), 97-104
1. CZ Huang, MK Fan, *Y Fang Li, Determination of trace amount of aluminum in water samples by a fluorescent microscopic self-ordered ring technique, Analytical Letters 35 (2002), 2565-2576

1. 范美坤,胡建明等,一种表面增强拉曼基底及其制备方法,中国发明专利, 专利号ZL2.x。
2. 范美坤,胡建明等,一种基于表面增强拉曼检测超痕量样品的方法和装置,中国发明专利,专利号ZL2.1。
3. 范美坤,胡建明等,便携式自适应定位拉曼光谱仪,实用新型专利, 专利号ZL5.2。
4. 范美坤,龚正君,何雨希等,一种纳米粒子计数方法,中国发明专利,专利号ZL 2.3。
5. 范美坤,龚正君,何雨希等,一种液体中细菌的计数方法,发明专利,专利号ZL 9.8。
6. 范美坤,龚正君,龚林等,净水元件、净水元件的制备方法及净水器,发明专利,申请号2.5。
7. 龚正君,范美坤,张琦苓等,基于三维结构的红外表面增强基底及其制备方法,发明专利,申请号2.9。
8. 范美坤,龚正君,孙姬,一种基于PDMS海绵的表面增强拉曼光谱基底及其制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号8.7。
9. 范美坤,龚正君,樊碗丽等,表面增强拉曼光谱基底及其制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号7.8。
10. 范美坤,龚正君,龚林等,具有杀菌功能的过滤材料及其制备方法,中国发明专利,专利号1。
11. 范美坤,刘雯,黄雨婷等,高重现性表面增强拉曼散射的基底材料及其使用方法,中国发明专利,申请号:6.7。
14. 唐昶宇,范美坤,王东梅,龚正君,江水苹,晁生茂等,一种超疏水杀菌材料及其制备方法,中国发明专利,申请号:2.4。


21. 范美坤,On-site SERS analysis: from fast qualitative screening to convenient quantitative detection(邀请报告),21届全国分子光谱大会,成都,2020.10.31.

20. 范美坤,Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) in Environmental Study: Two Examples,第三届中国化学快报青年环境化学家论坛,广州,2020.10.23.
19. 范美坤,表面增强拉曼光谱技术在食品安全快速检测中的应用(邀请报告),ICS2020(第九届光谱网络会议),仪器信息网,2020.05.27.
18.M.K. Fan, Quantitative SERS, The plasmonic NPs suspension formed self-healing 3D liquid free-standing membrane platform approach, 21st International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, Guangzhou, 2019.11
17. M.K. Fan,The Development of Dual Functional Flexible SERS Substrates and Their Applications in Food Safety and Homeland Security, 第十届全国环境化学大会,天津,2019.08
16.M.K. Fan, Surprising Improvement on SERS Reproducibility in MNPs-Suspension-Formed 3D Free-standing Membrane,102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exibition, Quebec, Canada, 2019.06
15. M.K. Fan, Developing shape adaptable surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates for surface contamination analysis, Pacifichem 2015, Honolulu, U.S.A., 2015
14. Invited talk, Developing shape adaptable SERS substrate for surface contamination analysis, Southwest China Regional Workshop for Analytical Chemistry, Chengdu, China, 2014
13. Invited talk, Application of surface enhanced Raman scattering technique in environmental monitoring and food quality assurance, West China Normal University, Nanchong, China, 2013.
12. Invited talk, When surface enhanced Raman scattering meets homeland security and food quality assurance, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian, China, 2012.
11. M. K. Fan,* et al, Green route for fabrication of superhydrophobic surface enhanced Raman scattering dual functional platform by ultrasound assisted electroless deposition of silver on sandpaper (oral), 97th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada, 2014.
10. M. K. Fan,* et al, Sub-attomolar sensitivity through directed pre-concentration on super-hydrophobic surface using an SERS optrode (poster), 2nd international conference on frontiers of plasmonics, Chengdu, China, 2012.
9. M. K. Fan, A. G. Brolo, Layer-by-layer fabrication of SERS optrode and its application in bio-analysis (oral), 11th Asian conference for analytical science, Nanjing, China, 2011.
8. M. K. Fan, A. G. Brolo, Silver nanoparticles on a plastic platforms for bio-sensing (oral), 93rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, 2010
7. M. K. Fan, G. F. S. Andrade, A. G. Brolo, Multilayer Silver Nanoparticles Modified Optical Fiber Tip for High Performance SERS Remote Sensing (oral), 217th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Vancouver, 2010
6. M. K. Fan, M. Thompson, M. L. Andrade, A. G. Brolo, Localized surface plasmon (LSPR)-based sensor on plastics: metallic NPs on polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film as versatile platforms for bio-sensing (poster), Second BiopSys All Network Meeting ( ANM-2), Toronto, 2009
5. G. F. S. Andrade, M. K. Fan, J. G. Hayashi, A. M. Brito-Silva, M. M. Rahman, A. G. Brolo, Plasmonic modification of optical fibres for remote diagnosis: devices development (poster), Second BiopSys All Network Meeting ( ANM-2), Toronto, 2009
4. M. K. Fan, A. G. Brolo, H.-L. Chou, F.-J. Lai, W.-T. Lu, B.-J. Hwang, Probe specific surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) in Au:Ag nanoparticle alloys(oral), 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Hamilton, Canada, 2009
3. M. K. Fan, A. G. Brolo, Self-assembly Ag NPs as SERS substrate with near single molecule sensitivity and low spatial variation (poster), the 13th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Center for Advanced Materials and Microstructures (PCAMM), Victoria, Canada, 2008
2. M. K. Fan, A. Finn, M. Maréchal, D. Harrington, A. G. Brolo, New SERS substrate development and its application in Biofuel cell research (oral), 91st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Edmonton, Canada, 2008
1. M. K. Fan, A. Finn, M. Maréchal, D. Harrington, A. G. Brolo, Characterizing a Biofuel Cell Anode by Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) (poster), the 58th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Banff, Canada, 2007

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个人信息MORE +
范美坤 教授
所在单位: 地球科学与环境工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 4号楼4144,地球科学与环境工程学院
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: meikunfan@gmail.com
在职信息: 在职
毕业院校: 维多利亚大学

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Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息MORE +
范美坤 教授
所在单位: 地球科学与环境工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 4号楼4144,地球科学与环境工程学院
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: meikunfan@gmail.com
在职信息: 在职
毕业院校: 维多利亚大学

著作成果 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 著作成果


Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息MORE +
范美坤 教授
所在单位: 地球科学与环境工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 4号楼4144,地球科学与环境工程学院
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: meikunfan@gmail.com
在职信息: 在职
毕业院校: 维多利亚大学

科研项目 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 科研项目

In brief
课题组目前主要有四个研究大方向/There are currently four research streams carried out in the FAN group.
1. 基于贵金属纳米材料的环境和生物医学分析化学,特别是包括食品和公共安全的现场快速分析化学/Coinage metallic nanomaterials based environmental and biomedical analytical chemistry;
2. 绿色化学,特别是基于纳米材料的分散式饮用水处理材料研究/Nanomaterials based point of use pollution control and water disinfection;
3. 大气颗粒污染物界面化学研究/Heterogeneous chemical processes on particulate matter pollutants;and
4. 基于COMS相机成像环境分析化学/COMS camera based analytical chemistry.
Projects (国家及省部级项目,不含横向课题)

[13]General Grant (国家自然科学基金面上项目) (NO.**, 2021-2024, RMB 630,000):The fabrication of highly reproducible free standing liquid membrane SERS substrate and its application in environmental analysis (高重现性自支撑液膜SERS基底及其在现场环境分析中的应用,) National Natural Science Foundation of China.
[12]Young scholar program (国家自然科学青年基金项目) (NO. **, 2021-2023,RMB 240,000):基于回归反光SERS基底的土壤气典型有机污染物原位检测方法研究, National Natural Science Foundation of China (PI: Dr. Wang).
[11] Reginal Collaboration R&D Program of Sichuan Province (四川省区域创新合作项目)(NO. 2020YFQ0026, 2020-2022, RMB 400,000),基于物联网的城镇分散生活垃圾清洁储存与大数据统筹转运模式研究示范.Ministry of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province.
[10] International R&D Program of Sichuan Province (四川省国际科技创新合作/港澳台科技创新合作项目)(NO. 2020YFH0048, 2020-2021, RMB 200,000) SERS spectra based machine learning for polluted water sourcing in industral zone.Ministry of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province (基于SERS光谱指纹深度学习的工业园区水体污染物溯源关键技术研究),(PI: Dr. Shen).
[9] Key R&D Program of Sichuan Province (四川省基金重点项目) (NO. 2018GZ0400, 2018-2019, RMB 200,000) Nanomaterials based point-of-use water disinfectants for emergency relief. Ministry of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province (PI: Dr. Wang).
[8] General Grant (国家自然科学基金面上项目) (NO. **, 2018-2021, RMB 670,000): Solid-phase microextraction with fluoresence detection for surface contamination analysis, National Natural Science Foundation of China (PI: Prof. Gong).
[7] General Grant (国家自然科学基金面上项目) (NO. **, 2017-2020, RMB 680, 000): The development of shape conformable polymer gel surface enhanced Raman scattering substrate and its application in surface contamination analysis. National Natural Science Foundation of China.
[6] Key R&D Program of Sichuan Province (四川省基金重点项目) (NO. 2017GZ0388, 2017, RMB 200, 000 ): The development of portable surface enhanced Raman spectrometer for the detection of pesticide and illicit dye residues on agricultural products. Ministry of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province.
[5] Fundamental Research Funds for the National Universities of China (No. **CX085, 2017, RMB 100, 000): The development of silver nanoparticle doped polymer cryogels for point of use water disinfection applications, Ministry of Education, China.
[4] Young scholar program (国家自然科学青年基金项目) (NO. **, 2014-2016,RMB 250,000):Fast determination of bacteria in water environment with surface enhanced infrared absorption method, National Natural Science Foundation of China (PI: Prof. Gong).
[3] Fundamental Research Funds for the National Universities of China (No. **RC06, 2014, RMB 200, 000): Detection method for fast onsite screening of illicit drugs, Ministry of Education, China.
[2] General Grant (国家自然科学基金面上项目) (No. **, 2013-2016, RMB 800, 000): The development and environmental applications of an analytical device based on surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) optrode induced pre-concentration on superhydrophobic surfaces, National Natural Science Foundation of China.
[1]Young Scientist Grant (国家自然科学青年基金项目) (No. **, 2012-2014, RMB 250, 000): The development of surface modified SERS Optrode for environmental monitoring application, National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息MORE +
范美坤 教授
所在单位: 地球科学与环境工程学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 4号楼4144,地球科学与环境工程学院
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: meikunfan@gmail.com
在职信息: 在职
毕业院校: 维多利亚大学

教学工作 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 教学工作




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