

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-25

个人信息Personal Information 所在单位: 计算机与人工智能学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
电子邮箱: hxx@home.swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 英国诺丁汉大学

联系方式Other Contact Information

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个人简介Personal Profile 邢焕来,博士,副教授,博士生导师。2013年获取英国诺丁汉大学计算机科学专业博士学位,同年作为海外引进人才在信息学院任教。长期从事软件定义网络,网络功能虚拟化,人工智能与深度学习,区块链,进化计算,多目标优化,网络编码等相关领域的科学研究工作。发表SCI/EI检索论文30余篇,发表在IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation、Information Sciences、Applied Soft Computing、IEEE Internet of Things Journal、Soft Computing、Journal of The Operational Research Society、Applied Intelligence、IEEE Communications Letters、Computer Communications 等国际知名期刊。曾主持国家自然科学基金课题1项、教育部留学回国人员科研启动费课题1项、中央高校基本科研业务费1项;先后参研国家863项目、国家自然科学基金项目、英国政府EPSRC项目等多项课题的攻关工作。担任SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences(中国科学:信息科学)青年编委,以及IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 、IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 等本领域顶级期刊的审稿人。现为ACM会员、IEEE会员、中国计算机学会(CCF)会员、CCF理论计算机科学专业委员会委员,CEC12、CEC13、MobiMedia2015、ISCIT2016、ICCC2016等多种国际会议程序委员会委员。获2014校“竢实之星”称号、2016年ACM成都新星奖,2018年被评为四川省学术与技术带头人后备人选。


教育经历Education Background
工作经历Work Experience
研究方向Research Focus

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息Personal Information 所在单位: 计算机与人工智能学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
电子邮箱: hxx@home.swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 英国诺丁汉大学



当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究
2013/03–2013/06,主持人,诺丁汉大学课题“On Multi-objective Network Coding based Resource Minimization: Advanced Evolutionary Approaches”(翻译:高等进化算法在多目标网络编码资源优化中的应用)。
2009/09–2013/05,主持人,国家建设高水平大学项目“Evolutionary Approaches for Network Coding Based Multicast Routing Problems”()(翻译:基于进化算法的网络编码组播问题研究)。

Selected List of Publications (*为通讯作者)
Journal papers:

35. Xinhan Wang,Huanlai Xing*, Dawei Zhan, Shouxi Luo, Penglin Dai, Muhammad Azhar Iqbal. A Two-stage Approach for Multicast-oriented Virtual Network Function Placement.Applied Soft Computing Journal, published online, 2021. DOI:10.1016/j.asoc.2021.107798(SCI二区)
34. Zhiwen Xiao, Xin Xu,Huanlai Xing*, Fuhong Song, Xinhan Wang, andBowenZhao. AFederated Learning System with Enhanced Feature Extraction for Human Activity Recognition.Knowledge-Based Systems, published online, 2021. DOI:10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107338(SCI二区)
33.Juan Chen,Huanlai Xing*, Zhiwen Xiao, Lexi Xu*, and Tao Tao. A DRL Agent for Jointly Optimizing Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation in MEC.IEEE Internet of Things Journal, published online, 2021. DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2021.**(SCI一区)
32.ZhiwenXiao, Xin Xu,Huanlai Xing*, Shouxi Luo, Penglin Dai, and Dawei Zhan. RTFN: A robust temporal feature network for time series classification.Information Sciences, 571: 65-86, 2021.DOI:10.1016/j.ins.2021.04.053(SCI二区)
31. Fuhong Song,Huanlai Xing*, Shouxi Luo, Dawei Zhan, Penglin Dai, and Rong Qu. A Multiobjective Computation Offloading Algorithm for MobileEdge Computing.IEEE Internet of Things Journal, published online, 2020. DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2020.**(SCI一区)
30.Shouxi Luo, Hongfang Yu, Ke Li, andHuanlai Xing. Efficient File Dissemination in Data Center Networks with Priority-based Adaptive Multicast.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, published online, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/JSAC.2020.**(SCI一区)
29.Shouxi Luo, Tie Ma, Wei Shan, Pingzhi Fan, Huanlai Xing, and Hongfang Yu.Efficient Multi-source Data Delivery in Edge Cloud with Rateless Parallel Push.IEEE Internet of Things Journal, published online, 2020. DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2020.** (SCI一区)
28. Penglin Dai, Kaiwen Hu, Xiao Wu,Huanlai Xing, Fei Teng, and Zhaofei Yu.A Probabilistic Approach for Cooperative Computation Offloading in MEC-Assisted Vehicular Networks.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, published online, 2020. DOI:10.1109/TITS.2020.**(SCI二区)
27. Penglin Dai, Zihua Hang, Kai Liu, Xiao Wu, Huanlai Xing, Zhaofei Yu, Victor CS Lee.Multi-Armed Bandit Learning for Computation-Intensive Services in MEC-Empowered Vehicular Networks.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(7): 7821-7834, 2020.(SCI二区)
26. Dawei Zhan and Huanlai Xing.Expected Improvement for Expensive Optimization: a Review.Journal of Global Optimization,published online, 2020. DOI:10.1007/s10898-020-00923-x (SCI三区)
25.Huanlai Xing*, Xinyu Zhou, Xinhan Wang, Shouxi Luo, Penglin Dai, Ke Li, and Hui Yang. An Integer Encoding Grey Wolf Optimizer for VirtualNetwork Function Placement.Applied Soft Computing, 76: 575-594, 2019. (SCI二区)
24. Shouxi Luo,Huanlai Xing, and Ke Li. Near-Optimal Multicast Tree Construction in Leaf-Spine Data Center Networks.IEEE Systems Journal,published online, DOI: 2019.10.1109/JSYST.2019.** (SCI二区)
23.Huanlai Xing*, Fuhong Song, Lianshan Yan, and Wei Pan. On Multicast Routing With Network Coding: A Multiobjective Artificial BeeColony Algorithm.China Communications, 16(2):160-176, 2019. (SCI四区)
22.Huanlai Xing*, Fuhong Song, Lianshan Yan, and Wei Pan. A Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Load Balancing in Network CodingBased Multicast.Soft Computing, 23(15):6287-6305, 2019. (SCI三区)
21. Penglin Dai, Kai Liu, Xiao Wu, Zhaofei Yu,Huanlai Xing, Victor Chung Sing Lee. Cooperative Temporal Data Dissemination in SDN-basedHeterogeneous Vehicular Networks.IEEE Internet of Things Journal, published online, 2018. (SCI一区)
20.Huanlai Xing*, Saifei Li, Yunhe Cui, Lianshan Yan, Wei Pan, and Rong Qu. A Hybrid EDA for Load Balancing in Multicast With Network Coding.Applied Soft Computing, 59: 363-377, 2017. (SCI二区)
19.Huanlai Xing*, Zhaoyuan Wang, Tianrui Li,Hui Li, and Rong Qu. An Improved MOEA/D Algorithm for Multi-objective Multicast Routing withNetwork Coding.Applied Soft Computing, 59: 88-103, 2017. (SCI二区)
18. Han Xu, Lianshan Yan,Huanlai Xing, Yunhe Cui,and Saifei Li. On Link Failure Detection in Software Defined Networks: An Active FeedbackMechanism.IET Electronics Letters, published online, 53(11): 722-724, 2017. (SCI四区)
17. Zhaoyuan Wang,Huanlai Xing*, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, Rong Qu, and Yi Pan. A Modified Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for NetworkCoding Resource Minimization.IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20(3): 325-342, 2016. (SCI一区)
16. Yunhe Cui, Lianshan Yan*, Saifei Li,Huanlai Xing*, Wei Pan, Jian Zhu, and Xiaoyang Zheng. SD-Anti-DDoS: fast and efficient DDoS defensein software-defined networks.Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 67: 65-79, 2016. (SCI二区)
15. Wenchao Xiao, Yan Yang, Hongjun Wang, Tianrui Li, andHuanlai Xing. Semi-supervised hierarchical clustering ensemble and its applications.Neurocomputing, 173: 1362-1376, 2016. (SCI二区)
14.Huanlai Xing*, Rong Qu, Lin Bai, and Yuefeng Ji. On minimizing coding operations in network coding based multicast: an evolutionary algorithm.Applied Intelligence, 41(3): 820-836, 2014. (SCI四区)
13.Huanlai Xing*, Rong Qu, Graham Kendall, and Ruibin Bai. A path-oriented encoding evolutionary algorithm for network coding resourceminimization.Journal of the Operational Research Society, 65(8): 1261-1277, 2014. (注:该论文被JORS期刊选为最具代表性的十篇优秀文章之一,该报道网址为http://www.palgrave-journals.com/jors/free_articles.html) (SCI四区, SSCI源刊)
12.Huanlai Xing*and Rong Qu. A nondominated sorting genetic algorithm for bi-objective network coding based multicast routing problems.Information Sciences, 233: 36-53, 2013. (SCI二区)
11. Xiaolei Xia andHuanlai Xing. Improving the performance of the BioHEL learning classifier system.Expert Systems With Applications,40(15):6019-6031, 2013. (SCI二区)
10. Xiaolei Xia,Huanlai Xing, and Xueqin Liu. Analyzing kernel matrices for the identification of differentially expressed genes.PLOS ONE,8(12):e81683, 2013. (SCI三区)
9. Xiaolei Xia, Suxiang Qian, Xueqin Liu, andHuanlai Xing. Efficient model selection for sparse least-square SVMs.Mathematical Problems inEngineering, published online, 2013. doi: 10.1155/2013/712437. (SCI四区)
8. Huanlai Xing*and Rong Qu. A compact genetic algorithm for the network coding based resource minimization problem.Applied Intelligence,36(4): 809-823, 2012. (SCI四区)
7. Huanlai Xing*and Rong Qu. A population based incremental learning for network coding resources minimization.IEEE Communications Letters,15(7): 698-700, 2011. (SCI三区)
6. Huanlai Xing, Yuefeng Ji, Lin Bai, and Yongmei Sun. An improved quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm for coding resource optimizationbased network coding multicast scheme.International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU), 64(12): 1105-1113, 2010. (SCI四区)
5. Huanlai Xing, Yuefeng Ji*, Lin Bai, Xin Liu, Zhijian Qu, and Xiaoling Wang. An adaptive-evolution-based quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithmfor QoS multicasting in IP/DWDM networks.Computer Communications, 32(6): 1086-1094, 2009. (SCI三区)
4. Huanlai Xing, Xin Liu , Xing Jin, Lin Bai, and Yuefeng Ji*. A multi-granularity evolution based quantum genetic algorithm for QoS multicastrouting problem in WDM networks.Computer Communications, 32(2): 386-393, 2009. (SCI三区)
3. Huanlai Xing, Yuefeng Ji*, Lin Bai, and Xin Liu. An adaptive-evolution-based quantum genetic algorithm for QoS multicast routing problem.Chinese Journal of Electronics, 18(3): 525-529, 2009. (SCI四区)
2. Huanlai Xing, Lin Bai, and Yuefeng Ji*. QoS multicast routing scheme using QGA in IP/DWDM networks.The Journal of China Universities ofPosts and Telecommunications, 15(4): 95-100, 2008. (EI核心)
1. 邢焕来,潘炜*,邹喜华.一种解决组合优化问题的改进型量子遗传算法.电子学报, 35(10): 1044-1047, 2007. (EI权威)
Conference papers:
21.Zhiwen Xiao, Xin Xu,Huanlai Xing*, Rong Qu,Fuhong Song, and Bowen Zhao. RNTS: Robust Neural Temporal Search for Time Series Classification. InProc.IJCNN 2021.
20.Penglin Dai, Kaiwen Hu, Xiao Wu,Huanlai Xing, and Zhaofei Yu. Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning for Data-Driven Task Offloading in MEC-Empowered Vehicular Networks. InProc.INFOCOM 2021.
19.Juan Chen, Zhiwen Xiao,Huanlai Xing*, Penglin Dai, Shouxi Luo, and Muhammad Azhar Iqbal. STDPG: A Spatio-Temporal Deterministic PolicyGradient Agent for Dynamic Routing in SDN. InProc.ICC 2020, Dublin, Ireland, 2020.

18. Shouxi Luo, Pingzhi Fan, Huanlai Xing, Hongfang Yu.Selective Coflow Completion for Time-sensitive Distributed Applications with Poco.InProc.ICPP 2020, Edmonton, Canada, 2020.
17. Penglin Dai, Kai Liu, Xiao Wu, Huanlai Xing, Jing Xu, and Victor CS Lee.Joint Resource Optimization for Adaptive Multimedia Services in MEC-Based Vehicular Networks. InProc.GLOBECOM 2019, Waikoloa, USA, 2020.
16.Huanlai Xing*, Song Li, Penglin Dai, Shouxi Luo, Ke Li, and Hui Yang. A PBIL for Delay Constrained Virtual Network Function Placement WithLoad Balancing. In Proc.ACM TURC 2019, Chengdu, China, 2019.
15. Penglin Dai, Kai Liu, Xiao Wu,Huanlai Xing, Zhaofei Yu, and Victor Lee. A Learning Algorithm for Real-Time Service in Vehicular Networks withMobile-Edge Computing. In Proc.ICC 2019, Shanghai, China, 2019.
14. Penglin Dai, Kai Liu, Xiao Wu,Huanlai Xing, and Victor Lee. Multi-objective Optimization for Network Resource Management in HeterogeneousVehicular Networks. In Proc.WCNC 2019, Marrakech, Morocco, April 15-18, 2019.
13. Xinhan Wang,Huanlai Xing*, and Hai Yang. On Multicast-Oriented Virtual Network Function Placement: a Modified Genetic Algorithm. In Proc.ICSINC 2018, LNEE 550, pp. 420-428, Yuzhou, China, 2019.
12. Juan Chen,Huanlai Xing*, Hai Yang, and Lexi Xu. Network Traffic Prediction Based on LSTM Networks With Genetic Algorithm. In Proc.ICSINC 2018, LNEE 550, pp. 411-419, Yuzhou, China, 2019.
11. Yunhe Cui, Lianshan Yan,Huanlai Xing, Hui Yang, Jin Chen, and Wei Pan. SD-HDC: Software-Defined Hybrid Optical/Electrical Data CenterArchitecture. In Proc.GLOBECOM 2017, Singapore, 2017.
10.Huanlai Xing*,Ying Xu, Rong Qu, and Lexi Xu. A PBIL for load balancing in network coding based multicasting. In Proc.16th InternationalConference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2016), Part II, LNCS 9787, pp. 34-44, Beijing, China, 2016.
9.Huanlai Xing*,Rong Qu, Lexi Xu, and Zhijian Qu. A quantum inspired evolutionary algorithm for dynamic multicast routing with network coding.In Proc.16th IEEE International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2016), Qingdao, China, 2016.
8. Huanlai Xing*, Fuhong Song, Zhaoyuan Wang, Tianrui Li, and Yan Yang. An modified PBIL for network coding resource minimization in dynamicnetwork environment. In Proc.2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC 2016), pp.1133-1137, Chengdu, China,2016.
7. Huanlai Xing*, Fuhong Song, Zhaoyuan Wang, Tianrui Li, and Yan Yang.On Minimizing Network Coding Resource: A Modified Particle SwarmOptimization Approach. In Proc.2016 12th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks, Hefei, China, 2016.
6. Fuhong Song,Huanlai Xing*, Zhimin Xia, et al. A multiagent evolutionary algorithm for minimizing network coding resource in dynamic environment.In Proc.2016 International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Information Technology (ICMEIT 2016), pp.62-65, Xi’an, China, 2016.
5. Zhaoyuan Wang,Huanlai Xing*, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, and Rong Qu. An Improved MOEA/D for QoS Oriented Multimedia Multicasting with NetworkCoding. In Proc.8th International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications (Mobimedia 2015), 2015.
4. Ying Xu andHuanlai Xing. A Multi-objective Jumping Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Multicast Routing. In Proc.5th InternationalConference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 8795.
3. Huanlai Xingand Rong Qu. A population based incremental learning for delay constrained network coding resource minimization. In: Proc.EvoApplications2011, Torino, Italy, 2011.
2. Xiaoling Wang, Yuefeng Ji, Lin Bai,Huanlai Xing, and Jia Fu. Design and experimental demonstration of network coding in all-optical multicastnetworks. In: Proc.2009 IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IEEE IC-NIDC2009), Beijing, 2009.
1. Huanlai Xing, Xing Jin, Lin Bai, and Yongmei Sun. A quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm for coding resource optimization based networkcoding multicasting. In: Proc.International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid 2008 (SKG2008), Beijing, China, pp. 453-456, 2008.
Book chapters:
1.Yuefeng Ji andHuanlai Xing. A Memory-Storable Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm for Network Coding Resource Minimization.EvolutionaryAlgorithms, InTech, 2011.
PhD Thesis:
1.Huanlai Xing. Evolutionary approaches for network coding multicast routing problems. PhD Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2013. Please visit: http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~rxq/supervision.htm




Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息Personal Information 所在单位: 计算机与人工智能学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
电子邮箱: hxx@home.swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 英国诺丁汉大学



科研项目 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 科研项目
2013/03–2013/06,主持人,诺丁汉大学课题“On Multi-objective Network Coding based Resource Minimization: Advanced Evolutionary Approaches”(翻译:高等进化算法在多目标网络编码资源优化中的应用)。
2009/09–2013/05,主持人,国家建设高水平大学项目“Evolutionary Approaches for Network Coding Based Multicast Routing Problems”()(翻译:基于进化算法的网络编码组播问题研究)。

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息Personal Information 所在单位: 计算机与人工智能学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
电子邮箱: hxx@home.swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 英国诺丁汉大学



论文成果 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果
Selected List of Publications (*为通讯作者)
Journal papers:

35. Xinhan Wang,Huanlai Xing*, Dawei Zhan, Shouxi Luo, Penglin Dai, Muhammad Azhar Iqbal. A Two-stage Approach for Multicast-oriented Virtual Network Function Placement.Applied Soft Computing Journal, published online, 2021. DOI:10.1016/j.asoc.2021.107798(SCI二区)
34. Zhiwen Xiao, Xin Xu,Huanlai Xing*, Fuhong Song, Xinhan Wang, andBowenZhao. AFederated Learning System with Enhanced Feature Extraction for Human Activity Recognition.Knowledge-Based Systems, published online, 2021. DOI:10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107338(SCI二区)
33.Juan Chen,Huanlai Xing*, Zhiwen Xiao, Lexi Xu*, and Tao Tao. A DRL Agent for Jointly Optimizing Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation in MEC.IEEE Internet of Things Journal, published online, 2021. DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2021.**(SCI一区)
32.ZhiwenXiao, Xin Xu,Huanlai Xing*, Shouxi Luo, Penglin Dai, and Dawei Zhan. RTFN: A robust temporal feature network for time series classification.Information Sciences, 571: 65-86, 2021.DOI:10.1016/j.ins.2021.04.053(SCI二区)
31. Fuhong Song,Huanlai Xing*, Shouxi Luo, Dawei Zhan, Penglin Dai, and Rong Qu. A Multiobjective Computation Offloading Algorithm for MobileEdge Computing.IEEE Internet of Things Journal, published online, 2020. DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2020.**(SCI一区)
30.Shouxi Luo, Hongfang Yu, Ke Li, andHuanlai Xing. Efficient File Dissemination in Data Center Networks with Priority-based Adaptive Multicast.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, published online, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/JSAC.2020.**(SCI一区)
29.Shouxi Luo, Tie Ma, Wei Shan, Pingzhi Fan, Huanlai Xing, and Hongfang Yu.Efficient Multi-source Data Delivery in Edge Cloud with Rateless Parallel Push.IEEE Internet of Things Journal, published online, 2020. DOI:10.1109/JIOT.2020.** (SCI一区)
28. Penglin Dai, Kaiwen Hu, Xiao Wu,Huanlai Xing, Fei Teng, and Zhaofei Yu.A Probabilistic Approach for Cooperative Computation Offloading in MEC-Assisted Vehicular Networks.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, published online, 2020. DOI:10.1109/TITS.2020.**(SCI二区)
27. Penglin Dai, Zihua Hang, Kai Liu, Xiao Wu, Huanlai Xing, Zhaofei Yu, Victor CS Lee.Multi-Armed Bandit Learning for Computation-Intensive Services in MEC-Empowered Vehicular Networks.IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(7): 7821-7834, 2020.(SCI二区)
26. Dawei Zhan and Huanlai Xing.Expected Improvement for Expensive Optimization: a Review.Journal of Global Optimization,published online, 2020. DOI:10.1007/s10898-020-00923-x (SCI三区)
25.Huanlai Xing*, Xinyu Zhou, Xinhan Wang, Shouxi Luo, Penglin Dai, Ke Li, and Hui Yang. An Integer Encoding Grey Wolf Optimizer for VirtualNetwork Function Placement.Applied Soft Computing, 76: 575-594, 2019. (SCI二区)
24. Shouxi Luo,Huanlai Xing, and Ke Li. Near-Optimal Multicast Tree Construction in Leaf-Spine Data Center Networks.IEEE Systems Journal,published online, DOI: 2019.10.1109/JSYST.2019.** (SCI二区)
23.Huanlai Xing*, Fuhong Song, Lianshan Yan, and Wei Pan. On Multicast Routing With Network Coding: A Multiobjective Artificial BeeColony Algorithm.China Communications, 16(2):160-176, 2019. (SCI四区)
22.Huanlai Xing*, Fuhong Song, Lianshan Yan, and Wei Pan. A Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Load Balancing in Network CodingBased Multicast.Soft Computing, 23(15):6287-6305, 2019. (SCI三区)
21. Penglin Dai, Kai Liu, Xiao Wu, Zhaofei Yu,Huanlai Xing, Victor Chung Sing Lee. Cooperative Temporal Data Dissemination in SDN-basedHeterogeneous Vehicular Networks.IEEE Internet of Things Journal, published online, 2018. (SCI一区)
20.Huanlai Xing*, Saifei Li, Yunhe Cui, Lianshan Yan, Wei Pan, and Rong Qu. A Hybrid EDA for Load Balancing in Multicast With Network Coding.Applied Soft Computing, 59: 363-377, 2017. (SCI二区)
19.Huanlai Xing*, Zhaoyuan Wang, Tianrui Li,Hui Li, and Rong Qu. An Improved MOEA/D Algorithm for Multi-objective Multicast Routing withNetwork Coding.Applied Soft Computing, 59: 88-103, 2017. (SCI二区)
18. Han Xu, Lianshan Yan,Huanlai Xing, Yunhe Cui,and Saifei Li. On Link Failure Detection in Software Defined Networks: An Active FeedbackMechanism.IET Electronics Letters, published online, 53(11): 722-724, 2017. (SCI四区)
17. Zhaoyuan Wang,Huanlai Xing*, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, Rong Qu, and Yi Pan. A Modified Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for NetworkCoding Resource Minimization.IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20(3): 325-342, 2016. (SCI一区)
16. Yunhe Cui, Lianshan Yan*, Saifei Li,Huanlai Xing*, Wei Pan, Jian Zhu, and Xiaoyang Zheng. SD-Anti-DDoS: fast and efficient DDoS defensein software-defined networks.Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 67: 65-79, 2016. (SCI二区)
15. Wenchao Xiao, Yan Yang, Hongjun Wang, Tianrui Li, andHuanlai Xing. Semi-supervised hierarchical clustering ensemble and its applications.Neurocomputing, 173: 1362-1376, 2016. (SCI二区)
14.Huanlai Xing*, Rong Qu, Lin Bai, and Yuefeng Ji. On minimizing coding operations in network coding based multicast: an evolutionary algorithm.Applied Intelligence, 41(3): 820-836, 2014. (SCI四区)
13.Huanlai Xing*, Rong Qu, Graham Kendall, and Ruibin Bai. A path-oriented encoding evolutionary algorithm for network coding resourceminimization.Journal of the Operational Research Society, 65(8): 1261-1277, 2014. (注:该论文被JORS期刊选为最具代表性的十篇优秀文章之一,该报道网址为http://www.palgrave-journals.com/jors/free_articles.html) (SCI四区, SSCI源刊)
12.Huanlai Xing*and Rong Qu. A nondominated sorting genetic algorithm for bi-objective network coding based multicast routing problems.Information Sciences, 233: 36-53, 2013. (SCI二区)
11. Xiaolei Xia andHuanlai Xing. Improving the performance of the BioHEL learning classifier system.Expert Systems With Applications,40(15):6019-6031, 2013. (SCI二区)
10. Xiaolei Xia,Huanlai Xing, and Xueqin Liu. Analyzing kernel matrices for the identification of differentially expressed genes.PLOS ONE,8(12):e81683, 2013. (SCI三区)
9. Xiaolei Xia, Suxiang Qian, Xueqin Liu, andHuanlai Xing. Efficient model selection for sparse least-square SVMs.Mathematical Problems inEngineering, published online, 2013. doi: 10.1155/2013/712437. (SCI四区)
8. Huanlai Xing*and Rong Qu. A compact genetic algorithm for the network coding based resource minimization problem.Applied Intelligence,36(4): 809-823, 2012. (SCI四区)
7. Huanlai Xing*and Rong Qu. A population based incremental learning for network coding resources minimization.IEEE Communications Letters,15(7): 698-700, 2011. (SCI三区)
6. Huanlai Xing, Yuefeng Ji, Lin Bai, and Yongmei Sun. An improved quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm for coding resource optimizationbased network coding multicast scheme.International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU), 64(12): 1105-1113, 2010. (SCI四区)
5. Huanlai Xing, Yuefeng Ji*, Lin Bai, Xin Liu, Zhijian Qu, and Xiaoling Wang. An adaptive-evolution-based quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithmfor QoS multicasting in IP/DWDM networks.Computer Communications, 32(6): 1086-1094, 2009. (SCI三区)
4. Huanlai Xing, Xin Liu , Xing Jin, Lin Bai, and Yuefeng Ji*. A multi-granularity evolution based quantum genetic algorithm for QoS multicastrouting problem in WDM networks.Computer Communications, 32(2): 386-393, 2009. (SCI三区)
3. Huanlai Xing, Yuefeng Ji*, Lin Bai, and Xin Liu. An adaptive-evolution-based quantum genetic algorithm for QoS multicast routing problem.Chinese Journal of Electronics, 18(3): 525-529, 2009. (SCI四区)
2. Huanlai Xing, Lin Bai, and Yuefeng Ji*. QoS multicast routing scheme using QGA in IP/DWDM networks.The Journal of China Universities ofPosts and Telecommunications, 15(4): 95-100, 2008. (EI核心)
1. 邢焕来,潘炜*,邹喜华.一种解决组合优化问题的改进型量子遗传算法.电子学报, 35(10): 1044-1047, 2007. (EI权威)
Conference papers:
21.Zhiwen Xiao, Xin Xu,Huanlai Xing*, Rong Qu,Fuhong Song, and Bowen Zhao. RNTS: Robust Neural Temporal Search for Time Series Classification. InProc.IJCNN 2021.
20.Penglin Dai, Kaiwen Hu, Xiao Wu,Huanlai Xing, and Zhaofei Yu. Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning for Data-Driven Task Offloading in MEC-Empowered Vehicular Networks. InProc.INFOCOM 2021.
19.Juan Chen, Zhiwen Xiao,Huanlai Xing*, Penglin Dai, Shouxi Luo, and Muhammad Azhar Iqbal. STDPG: A Spatio-Temporal Deterministic PolicyGradient Agent for Dynamic Routing in SDN. InProc.ICC 2020, Dublin, Ireland, 2020.

18. Shouxi Luo, Pingzhi Fan, Huanlai Xing, Hongfang Yu.Selective Coflow Completion for Time-sensitive Distributed Applications with Poco.InProc.ICPP 2020, Edmonton, Canada, 2020.
17. Penglin Dai, Kai Liu, Xiao Wu, Huanlai Xing, Jing Xu, and Victor CS Lee.Joint Resource Optimization for Adaptive Multimedia Services in MEC-Based Vehicular Networks. InProc.GLOBECOM 2019, Waikoloa, USA, 2020.
16.Huanlai Xing*, Song Li, Penglin Dai, Shouxi Luo, Ke Li, and Hui Yang. A PBIL for Delay Constrained Virtual Network Function Placement WithLoad Balancing. In Proc.ACM TURC 2019, Chengdu, China, 2019.
15. Penglin Dai, Kai Liu, Xiao Wu,Huanlai Xing, Zhaofei Yu, and Victor Lee. A Learning Algorithm for Real-Time Service in Vehicular Networks withMobile-Edge Computing. In Proc.ICC 2019, Shanghai, China, 2019.
14. Penglin Dai, Kai Liu, Xiao Wu,Huanlai Xing, and Victor Lee. Multi-objective Optimization for Network Resource Management in HeterogeneousVehicular Networks. In Proc.WCNC 2019, Marrakech, Morocco, April 15-18, 2019.
13. Xinhan Wang,Huanlai Xing*, and Hai Yang. On Multicast-Oriented Virtual Network Function Placement: a Modified Genetic Algorithm. In Proc.ICSINC 2018, LNEE 550, pp. 420-428, Yuzhou, China, 2019.
12. Juan Chen,Huanlai Xing*, Hai Yang, and Lexi Xu. Network Traffic Prediction Based on LSTM Networks With Genetic Algorithm. In Proc.ICSINC 2018, LNEE 550, pp. 411-419, Yuzhou, China, 2019.
11. Yunhe Cui, Lianshan Yan,Huanlai Xing, Hui Yang, Jin Chen, and Wei Pan. SD-HDC: Software-Defined Hybrid Optical/Electrical Data CenterArchitecture. In Proc.GLOBECOM 2017, Singapore, 2017.
10.Huanlai Xing*,Ying Xu, Rong Qu, and Lexi Xu. A PBIL for load balancing in network coding based multicasting. In Proc.16th InternationalConference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2016), Part II, LNCS 9787, pp. 34-44, Beijing, China, 2016.
9.Huanlai Xing*,Rong Qu, Lexi Xu, and Zhijian Qu. A quantum inspired evolutionary algorithm for dynamic multicast routing with network coding.In Proc.16th IEEE International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2016), Qingdao, China, 2016.
8. Huanlai Xing*, Fuhong Song, Zhaoyuan Wang, Tianrui Li, and Yan Yang. An modified PBIL for network coding resource minimization in dynamicnetwork environment. In Proc.2nd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC 2016), pp.1133-1137, Chengdu, China,2016.
7. Huanlai Xing*, Fuhong Song, Zhaoyuan Wang, Tianrui Li, and Yan Yang.On Minimizing Network Coding Resource: A Modified Particle SwarmOptimization Approach. In Proc.2016 12th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks, Hefei, China, 2016.
6. Fuhong Song,Huanlai Xing*, Zhimin Xia, et al. A multiagent evolutionary algorithm for minimizing network coding resource in dynamic environment.In Proc.2016 International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Information Technology (ICMEIT 2016), pp.62-65, Xi’an, China, 2016.
5. Zhaoyuan Wang,Huanlai Xing*, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, and Rong Qu. An Improved MOEA/D for QoS Oriented Multimedia Multicasting with NetworkCoding. In Proc.8th International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications (Mobimedia 2015), 2015.
4. Ying Xu andHuanlai Xing. A Multi-objective Jumping Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Multicast Routing. In Proc.5th InternationalConference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 8795.
3. Huanlai Xingand Rong Qu. A population based incremental learning for delay constrained network coding resource minimization. In: Proc.EvoApplications2011, Torino, Italy, 2011.
2. Xiaoling Wang, Yuefeng Ji, Lin Bai,Huanlai Xing, and Jia Fu. Design and experimental demonstration of network coding in all-optical multicastnetworks. In: Proc.2009 IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IEEE IC-NIDC2009), Beijing, 2009.
1. Huanlai Xing, Xing Jin, Lin Bai, and Yongmei Sun. A quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm for coding resource optimization based networkcoding multicasting. In: Proc.International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid 2008 (SKG2008), Beijing, China, pp. 453-456, 2008.
Book chapters:
1.Yuefeng Ji andHuanlai Xing. A Memory-Storable Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm for Network Coding Resource Minimization.EvolutionaryAlgorithms, InTech, 2011.
PhD Thesis:
1.Huanlai Xing. Evolutionary approaches for network coding multicast routing problems. PhD Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2013. Please visit: http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~rxq/supervision.htm

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个人信息Personal Information 所在单位: 计算机与人工智能学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
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个人信息Personal Information 所在单位: 计算机与人工智能学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
电子邮箱: hxx@home.swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 英国诺丁汉大学



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