

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-25

个人信息Personal Information 教师英文名称: Tianrui Li
职务: 党委委员、书记
所在单位: 计算机与人工智能学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 西南交通大学犀浦校区9431
学位: 工学博士学位
电子邮箱: trli@swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 西南交通大学

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个人简介Personal Profile 李天瑞,西南交通大学计算机与人工智能学院党委书记,教授,博士生导师,四川省学术与技术带头人,校学术委员会委员,人工智能研究院副院长,综合交通大数据应用技术国家工程实验室副主任,四川省云计算与智能技术高校重点实验室主任,国际粗糙集学会会士和顾问委员会主席,中国计算机学会理事,中国人工智能学会理事,四川省人工智能学会副理事长,入选2020年爱思唯尔中国高被引****。1992,1995,2002年分别于西南交通大学获得学士、硕士和博士学位,2005-2006年比利时核研究中心博士后,近年来先后承担数据挖掘、计算智能、离散数学等课程的教学工作。主要研究方向是人工智能,数据挖掘与知识发现,云计算与大数据,粒计算与粗糙集。
承担国家重点研发课题、国家自然科学基金等科技项目20余项[其中国家级项目7项]。并应邀到日本、新加坡、韩国、爱尔兰、比利时、波兰、印度、泰国等举办的国际会议做大会特邀报告27次、指南报告3次和海内外多所大学等讲学。在AI,ACM TIST,IEEE TKDE,IEEE TEC,IEEE TFS,IEEE TIFS,IEEE TIP,IEEE TC,IEEE/ACM ASLP,IEEE TIE,IEEE TVT等国际期刊和中国科学、软件学报、计算机研究与发展、自动化学报、电子学报、通信学报等国内期刊或ACL、IJCAI、KDD、UbiComp、WWW、ICDM、CIKM、EMNLP国际会议等上发表学术论文360余篇 (被SCI检索150余篇,EI检索300余篇, 入选ESI热点论文5篇,ESI高被引论文17篇,2016年教育部学科评估统计ESI扩展版论文18篇,Google他引10000余次,H-index是55,学术影响力已进入全球计算机科学领域的前1%,排名第397位(共3664名科学家)(据ESI 2021年1月份统计)), 获得授权发明专利17项和软件著作权3项;在科学出版社等出版编著6部,主编国际SCI期刊专辑12集、EI期刊专辑1集和国际会议论文集18部(IEEE出版社、Springer出版社、World Scientific出版社等出版)。
是科技部重点领域创新团队“云服务平台技术创新团队”的核心成员,担任多个国际会议主席、程序委员会主席或组织委员会主席。担任国际杂志Human-Centric Intelligent Systems主编、ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology(SCI检索, IF: 2.672)副编辑、International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (SCI检索, IF: 1.838)地区主编以及Information Fusion (SCI检索, IF: 12.975)、《计算机应用》、《计算机科学》和《机电工程》编委。是国际粗糙集学会会士、顾问委员会主席(2021-2022)和筹划委员会主席(2019-2020),CCF理事和杰出会员,CAAI理事,ACM、IEEE和CAAI高级会员,IEEE CIS Emergent Technologies Technical Committee (ETTC) member (2019-2020),IEEE CIS Senior Members Committee member (2018-2020),IEEE CIS ConfCom - Bids Sub-Committee member(2021-2022),IEEE CIS成都分会主席(2013-2017),ACM和ACM SIGKDD会员,ACM SIGKDD China Chapter司库,四川省人工智能学会副理事长(2020-),CCF成都分部副主席(2018-2020),CCF YOCSEF成都分论坛主席(2013-2014),CAAI粒计算与知识发现专委会常务委员,CAAI机器学习专委会常务委员,CCF大数据专委会委员,CCF区块链专委会委员。
曾担任国家自然科学基金委信息学部、国家科技部重点研究计划和教育部-中国移动科研基金等会评专家,获得教育部自然科学二等奖,重庆市自然科学一等奖,第四届中国藏学研究珠峰奖二等奖,西藏自治区科学技术奖三等奖,四川省社会科学优秀成果二、三等奖,四川省优秀教学成果二、三等奖,詹天佑专项奖,校优秀教学成果一等奖, 优秀党务工作者,优秀共产党员,唐立新优秀****奖,陆氏优秀青年教师奖以及宏宇和陆氏奖学金等。
论文成果信息可参见:DBLP (https://dblp.uni-trier.de/pid/47/3003.html),AMINER (https://www.aminer.cn/profile/tianrui-li/53f556b7dabfaea7cd1d591d)。

教育经历Education Background
工作经历Work Experience


研究方向Research Focus

团队成员Research Group 云计算与智能技术

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息Personal Information 教师英文名称: Tianrui Li
职务: 党委委员、书记
所在单位: 计算机与人工智能学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 西南交通大学犀浦校区9431
学位: 工学博士学位
电子邮箱: trli@swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 西南交通大学



当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究

四川省科学技术厅,科技服务业示范项目,2016GFW0167,智能审校云服务平台开发与应用示范,2016-01至2017-12, 100万,已结题,主持
国家科学技术部,“十一五”国家科技支撑计划子课题,2009BAG12A01-E11,基于广义舒适度的共性基础技术——旅客乘坐环境极端工况下的心理状态及对策,2009-01至 2012-12,40万,已结题,主持


Guest Editors
13. Jun Liu, Tianrui Li, Javier Montero,Special issue on hybrid data and knowledge driven decision making under uncertainty (Hybrid DK for DM), Information Sciences. (SCI, EI)
12. Shi-Jinn Horng,Tranrui Li, Hong Shen, Architectures, Algorithms, Securities And Programming for Big DataProcessing and Deep Learning, Int. J. Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2020. (SCI, EI)

11. Yun Li, Tianrui Li, Javier Montero, Computational Intelligence for Emerging Systems and Applications, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2018. (SCI, EI)
10. Hamido Fujita, Tianrui Li, Yiyu Yao, Three-way Decisions and Granular Computing, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2016 (SCI, EI)
9. Tianrui Li, Jie Lu, Luis Martinez Lopez, Intelligent Techniques for Data Science, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2015 (SCI, EI)
8. Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, JingTao Yao, Hung Son Nguyen, Advances on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Fundamenta Informaticae, 2014 (SCI, EI)
7. Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, JingTao Yao, Hung Son Nguyen, et al, Transactions on Rough Sets, 2014 (EI)
6. Tianrui Li, Fuzziness in Systems Modelling, International Journal of General Systems, 2013 (SCI, EI)
5. Jie Lu, Tianrui Li, International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2012 (SCI, EI)
4. Guangquan Zhang, Yang Xu, Tianrui Li, Knowledge-based Systems, 2012 (SCI, EI)
3. Tianrui Li, Pawan Lingras, Yuefeng Li, Joseph Herbert, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2011. (SCI, EI)
2. Tianrui Li, Guoyin Wang, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2009. (SCI, EI)
1. Tianrui Li, Yang Xu, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2008. (SCI, EI)

Books and Edited Books
20. Hung Son Nguyen, Quang-Thuy Ha, Tianrui Li, Malgorzata Przybyla-Kasperek (Eds): Rough Sets - International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2018, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, August 20-24, 2018, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11103, Springer 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-99367-6
19. Hongmei Chen, Shaoyong Li, Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Dynamic Knowledge Discovery and Three-way Decisions, Science Press (In Chinese), ISBN 978-7-030-53058-5, 2017.06(陈红梅,李少勇,罗川,李天瑞,动态知识发现与三支决策,科学出版社,2017)
18. Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hongmei Chen, Junbo Zhang, The Principles and Methodologies of Big Data Mining----From the Perspectives of Granular Computing and Rough Sets, Science Press (In Chinese), ISBN 978-7-030-48368-3, 2016.06(李天瑞,罗川,陈红梅,张钧波,大数据挖掘的原理与方法:基于粒计算与粗糙集的视角,科学出版社,2016)
17. Wen Zhenkun, Tianrui Li, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Foundations of Intelligent Systems, v 277, Springer-verlag, ISBN: 978-3-642-54923-6, 2014
16. Wen Zhenkun, Tianrui Li, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Knowledge Engineering and Management, v 278, Springer-verlag, ISBN: 978-3-642-54929-8, 2014
15. Wen Zhenkun, Tianrui Li, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Practical Applications of Intelligent Systems, v 279, Springer-verlag, ISBN: 978-3-642-54926-7, 2014
14. Fuchun Sun, Tianrui Li, Hongbo Li (Eds), Knowledge Engineering and Management, Springer-verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-37832-4, 2014.01
13. Fuchun Sun, Tianrui Li, Li Hongbo (Eds), Foundations and Applications of Intelligent Systems, Springer-verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-37829-4, 2014.01
12. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Duoqian Miao, Guoyin Wang, Jiye Liang, Three-way Decision and Granular Computing, Science Press (In Chinese), ISBN 978-7-030-38193-4, 2013.07
11. Tianrui Li, Nguyen Hung Son, Guoyin Wang, Grzyma-Busse Jerzy, Janicki Ryszard, Hassanien Aboul Ella, Yu Hong, Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-31899-3, 2012.08
10. Xiuyi Jia, Lin Shang, Xianzhong Zhou, Jiye Liang, Duoqian Miao, Guoyin Wang, Tianrui Li, Yanping Zhang, Three-way Decision: Theory and Applications, Nanjing University Press (In Chinese), ISBN 978-7-305-10578-4, 2012.10
9. Huaxiong Li, Xianzhong Zhou, Tianrui Li, Guoyin Wang, Duoqian Miao, Yiyu Yao, Decision-Theoretic Rough Set Theory and Its Advance, Science Press (In Chinese), ISBN 978-7-03-032530-9, 2011.11
8. Guoyin Wang, Tianrui Li, Jerzy Grzymala-Busse, Duoqian Miao, Andrzej Skowron, Yao Yiyu (Eds), Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 5009, Springer-verlag, 2008. (EI, ISTP)
7. Da Ruan, Tianrui Li, Yang Xu, Guoqing Chen, Etienne E Kerre (Eds), Computational Intelligence: Foundations and Applications, Proceedings of the 9th International FLINS Conference, World Scientific, Singapore, 2010. (ISTP)
6. Shouzi Li, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan (Eds), Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Intelligent System and Knowledge Engineering, IEEE Press, 2008. (EI)
5. Xiaogang Jin, Yangguang Liu, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan (Eds), Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent System and Knowledge Engineering, IEEE press, 2010. (EI)
4. Koen Vanhoof, Da Ruan, Tianrui Li, Geert Wets (Eds), Intelligent Decision Making Systems, Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Intelligent System and Knowledge Engineering, World Scientific, Singapore, 2009. (ISTP)
3. Yinglin Wang, Tianrui Li (Eds), Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Springer-verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-25663-9, 2011.11
2. Yinglin Wang, Tianrui Li (Eds), Knowledge Engineering and Management, Springer-verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-25660-8, 2011.11
1. Yinglin Wang, Tianrui Li (Eds), Practical Applications of Intelligent Systems, Springer-verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-25657-8, 2011.11

Selected Papers

157. Shengdong Du,Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, Shi-Jinn Horng. Deep Air Quality Forecasting Using Hybrid Deep Learning Framework. Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2021,33 (6): 2412-2424(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文,2021-09)
156. Shengdong Du, Tianrui Li(corresponding author), Yan Yang, Shi-Jinn Horng: Multivariate time series forecasting via attention-based encoder-decoder framework. Neurocomputing 388: 269-279 (2020)

155. Zhaoyuan Wang, Junbo Zhang, Shenggong Ji, Chuishi Meng, Tianrui Li, Yu Zheng: Predicting and ranking box office revenue of movies based on big data. Inf. Fusion 60: 25-40 (2020)
154. Zhiguo Long, Hua Meng, Tianrui Li, Sanjiang Li: Compact geometric representation of qualitative directional knowledge. Knowl. Based Syst. 195: 105616 (2020)
153. Peng Xie, Tianrui Li, Jia Liu, Shengdong Du, Xin Yang, Junbo Zhang: Urban flow prediction from spatiotemporal data using machine learning: A survey. Inf. Fusion 59: 1-12 (2020)
152. Bin Wang, Tianrui Li, Zheng Yan, Guangquan Zhang, Jie Lu: DeepPIPE: A distribution-free uncertainty quantification approach for time series forecasting. Neurocomputing 397: 11-19 (2020)
151.Jielei Chu, Hongjun Wang, Jing Liu, Zhiguo Gong andTianrui Li. Unsupervised Feature Learning Architecture with Multi-clustering Integration RBM. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2020.**, 2020
150. Jia Liu, Tianrui Li, Peng Xie, Shengdong Du, Fei Teng, Xin Yang: Urban big data fusion based on deep learning: An overview. Inf. Fusion 53: 123-133 (2020)
149. Shu Wang, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Jie Hu, Hamido Fujita, Tianqiang Huang: A novel approach for efficient updating approximations in dynamic ordered information systems. Inf. Sci. 507: 197-219 (2020)
148. Qianqian Huang, Tianrui Li, Yanyong Huang, Xin Yang, Hamido Fujita: Dynamic dominance rough set approach for processing composite ordered data. Knowl. based Syst. 187 (2020)


147. Xin Yang, Tianrui Li, Dun Liu, Hamido Fujita: A temporal-spatial composite sequential approach of three-way granular computing. Inf. Sci. 486: 171-189 (2019) (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
146. Shenggong Ji, Yu Zheng, Wenjun Wang, and Tianrui Li. Real-Time Ambulance Redeployment: A Data-Driven Approach. IEEE TKDE 2019, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/**(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
145. Hao Wang, Bing Liu, Chaozhuo Li, Yan Yang,Tianrui Li: Learning with Noisy Labels for Sentence-level Sentiment Classification. EMNLP/IJCNLP (1) 2019: 6285-6291
144. Shenggong Ji, Yu Zheng, Zhaoyuan Wang, and Tianrui Li. Alleviating Users' Pain of Waiting: Effective Task Grouping for Online-to-Offline Food Delivery Services. WWW 2019: 773-783, https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=** (中国计算机学会A类会议)
143. Bin Wang, Jie Lu, Zheng Yan, Huaishao Luo, Tianrui Li, Yu Zheng, and Guangquan Zhang. Deep Uncertainty Quantification: A Machine Learning Approach for Weather Forecasting. KDD 2019: 2087-2095 (中国计算机学会A类会议)
142. Shenggong Ji, Yu Zheng, Zhaoyuan Wang, and Tianrui Li. A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Enabled Dynamic Redeployment System for Mobile Ambulances. IMWUT (UbiComp) 3(1): 15:1-15:20, 2019(中国计算机学会A类会议)
141. Huaishao Luo, Tianrui Li, Bing Liu, and Junbo Zhang. DOER: Dual Cross-Shared RNN for Aspect Term-Polarity Co-Extraction. ACL 2019: 591-601 (中国计算机学会A类会议)
140. Huaishao Luo, Tianrui Li, Bing Liu, Bin Wang, and Herwig Unger. Improving aspect term extraction with bidirectional dependency tree representation. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, 27(7): 1201-1212, 2019, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/** (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
139. Xiuwen Yi, Zhewen Duan, Ting Li, Tianrui Li, Junbo Zhang, Yu Zheng: CityTraffic: Modeling Citywide Traffic via Neural Memorization and Generalization Approach. CIKM 2019: 2665-2671
138. Shu Wang, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hongmei Chen, Hamido Fujita, Domain-wise approaches for updating approximations with multi-dimensional variation of ordered information systems, Information Sciences, 478: 100-124, 2019 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
137. Shudong Huang, Peng Zhao, Yazhou Ren, Tianrui Li, Zenglin Xu, Self-paced and soft-weighted nonnegative matrix factorization for data representation, Knowledge-Based Systems, 164: 29-37, 2019 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
136. Yiling Zhang, Yan Yang, Tianrui Li, Hamido Fujita, A multitask multiview clustering algorithm in heterogeneous situations based on LLE and LE, Knowledge-Based Systems, 163: 776-786, 2019(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
135. Wenting Ye, Hongjun Wang, Shan Yan, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, Nonnegative matrix factorization for clustering ensemble based on dark knowledge, Knowledge-Based Systems, 163: 624-631, 2019(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
134. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Yanyong Huang, Hamido Fujita, Updating three-way decisions in incomplete multi-scale information systems, Information Sciences, 476: 274-289, 2019 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI热点论文和ESI高被引论文)
133. Xin Yang, Tianrui Li, Hamido Fujita, Dun Liu, A sequential three-way approach to multi-class decision, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 104: 108-125, 2019 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊,入选ESI热点论文和ESI高被引论文)
132. Ping-Juei Liu, Shi-Jinn Horng, Jzau-Sheng Lin, Tianrui Li, Contrast in Haze Removal: Configurable Contrast Enhancement Model Based on Dark Channel Prior, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 28(5): 2212-2227, 2019 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
131. Jielei Chu, Hongjun Wang, Hua Meng, Peng Jin, Tianrui Li: Restricted Boltzmann Machines with Gaussian Visible Units Guided by Pairwise Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 49(12): 4321-4334, 2019 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
130. Zeng Yu, Tianrui Li, Ning Yu, Yi Pan, Hongmei Chen and Bing Liu. Reconstruction of hidden representation for robust feature extraction. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 10(2): 18:1-18:24 (2019) (SCI, EI)
129. Yanyong Huang, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hamido Fujita, Shi-jinn Horng, Dynamic Fusion of Multi-source Interval-valued Data by Fuzzy Granulation, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, accept, 2018(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
128. Yan Yang, Fei Teng, Tianrui Li, Hao Wang, Hongjun Wang, Qi Zhang: Parallel Semi-Supervised Multi-Ant Colonies Clustering Ensemble Based on MapReduce Methodology. IEEE Trans. Cloud Computing 6(3): 857-867 (2018)
127. Haiqing Zhang, Daiwei Li, Tao Wang, Tianrui Li, Xi Yu, Abdelaziz Bouras: Hesitant extension of fuzzy-rough set to address uncertainty in classification. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 34(4): 2535-2550 (2018)(SCI, EI)
126. Bo Peng, Macmillan Simfukwe, Tianrui Li, Region-based image segmentation evaluation via perceptual pooling strategies. Machine Vision and Applications, 29(3): 477-488 (2018)(SCI, EI)
125. Xiuwen Yi, Junbo Zhang, Zhaoyuan Wang, Tianrui Li, Yu Zheng, Deep Distributed Fusion Network for Air Quality Prediction, KDD2018, 965-973, 2018(中国计算机学会A类会议)
124. Junbo Zhang, Yu Zheng, Dekang Qi, Ruiyuan Li, Xiuwen Yi, Tianrui Li, Predicting Citywide Crowd Flows Using Deep Spatio-Temporal Residual Networks, Artificial Intelligence, 259: 147-166, 2018(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
123. Ji Xu, Guoyin Wang, Tianrui Li, Pedrycz Witold, Local-Density-Based Optimal Granulation and Manifold Information Granule Description, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 48(10): 2795-2808 (2018)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
122. Shudong Huang, Hongjun Wang, Tao Li, Tianrui Li, Zenglin Xu, Robust graph regularized nonnegative matrix factorization for clustering. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 32(2): 483-503 (2018)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
121. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, Hamido Fujita, Zhang Yi, Incremental rough set approach for hierarchical multicriteria classification. Information Sciences, 429: 72-87 (2018)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
120. Zeng Yu, Tianrui Li, Guangchun Luo, H. Fujita, Ning. Yu and Yi Pan, Convolutional networks with cross-layer neurons for image recognition, Information Sciences, 433–434: 241–254, 2018(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
119. Yunge Jing, Tianrui Li, Hamido Fujita, Baoli Wang, Ni Cheng, An incremental attribute reduction method for dynamic data mining. Information Sciences, 465: 202-218 (2018)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
118. Xin Yang, Tianrui Li, Dun Liu, Hongmei Chen, Chuan Luo, A unified framework of dynamic three-way probabilistic rough sets, Information Sciences,420: 126-147 (2017).(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
117. Huanlai Xing, Zhaoyuan Wang, Tianrui Li, Hui Li, Rong Qu, An improved MOEA/D algorithm for multi-objective multicast routing with network coding. Applied Soft Computing, 59: 88-103 (2017)(SCI, EI)
116. Yunge Jing, Tianrui Li, Junfu Huang, Hongmei Chen, Shi-Jinn Horng, A Group Incremental Reduction Algorithm with Varying Data Values. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 32(9): 900-925 (2017) (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类类期刊)
115. Yunge Jing, Tianrui Li, Hamido Fujita, Zeng Yu, Bin Wang, An incremental attribute reduction approach based on knowledge granularity with a multi-granulation view. Inf. Sci. 411: 23-38 (2017)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
114. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Yiyu Yao, Dynamic probabilistic rough sets with incomplete data. Inf. Sci. 417: 39-54 (2017)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
113. Jie Hu, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hamido Fujita, Yan Yang, Incremental fuzzy cluster ensemble learning based on rough set theory. Knowl.-Based Syst. 132: 144-155 (2017)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
112. Xin Yang, Tianrui Li, Hamido Fujita, Dun Liu, Yiyu Yao, A unified model of sequential three-way decisions and multilevel incremental processing. Knowl.-Based Syst. 134: 172-188 (2017)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
111. Shiang-Feng Tzeng, Shi-Jinn Horng, Tianrui Li, Xian Wang, Po-Hsian Huang, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Enhancing Security and Privacy for Identity-Based Batch Verification Scheme in VANETs. IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology 66(4): 3235-3248 (2017)(SCI, EI)
110. Zeng Yu, Tianrui Li, Shi-Jinn Horng, Yi Pan, Hongjun Wang, Yunge Jing, An Iterative Locally Auto-Weighted Least Squares Method for Microarray Missing Value Estimation, IEEE Transaction on Nanobioscience, 16(1): 21-33, 2017(SCI, EI)
109. Fei Teng, Lei Yu, Tianrui Li, Danting Deng, Frédéric Magoulès, Energy efficiency of VM consolidation in IaaS clouds. The Journal of Supercomputing 73(2): 782-809, 2017(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
108. Yanyong Huang, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hamido Fujita, Shi-jinn Horng, Dynamic variable precision rough set approach for probabilistic set-valued information systems, Knowledge-Based Systems, 122: 131-147, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2017.02.002 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
107. Ji Xu, Guoyin Wang, Tianrui Li, Weihui Deng, Guanglei Gou, Fat node leading tree for data stream clustering with density peaks, Knowledge-Based Systems, 120: 99-117, 2017(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
106. Yanyong Huang, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hamido Fujita, Shi-jinn Horng, Matrix-based dynamic updating rough fuzzy approximations for data mining, Knowledge-Based Systems, 119: 273-283, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2016.12.015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
105. Yu-Chien Ko, Hamido Fujita, Tianrui Li, An evidential analysis of Altman Z-score for financial predictions: Case study on solar energy companies, Applied Soft Computing, 52: 748-759, 2017(SCI, EI)
104. Anping Zeng, Tianrui Li, Jie Hu, Hongmei Chen, Chuan Luo, Dynamical updating fuzzy rough approximations for hybrid data under the variation of attribute values, Information Sciences, 378: 363-388, 2017 DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2016.07.056 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊),入选ESI高被引论文)
103. Jie Hu, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hamido Fujita, Shaoyong Li, Incremental fuzzy probabilistic rough sets over two universes, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 81: 28-48, 2017 DOI/10.1016/j.ijar.2016.11.002 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
102. Wei Quan, Tianrui Li, Shibin Gao, Jim X. Chen, Visual tracking with multiple Hough detectors. Image and Vision Computing, 66: 15-25 (2017)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
101. Tianrui Li, Ruan Da, Shen Yongjun, Elke Hermans, Geert Wets, A new weighting approach based on rough set theory and granular computing for road safety indicator analysis, Computational Intelligence, 32(4): 517-534, 2016, DOI:10.1111/coin.12061 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
100. Hongmei Chen, Tianrui Li, Yong Cai, Chuan Luo, Hamido Fujita, Parallel attribute reduction in dominance-based neighborhood rough set, Information Sciences, 373: 351-368, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
99. Yingying Zhang, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Junbo Zhang, Hongmei Chen, Incremental Updating of Rough Approximations in Interval-valued Information Systems under Attribute Generalization, Information Sciences. 373: 461-475, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
98. Shu Wang, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hamido Fujita, Efficient updating rough approximations with multi-dimensional variation of ordered data, Information Sciences, 372: 690-708, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
97. Shenggong Ji, Yu Zheng, Tianrui Li, Urban Sensing Based on Human Mobility, UbiComp 2016 (中国计算机学会A类会议)
96. Xiuwen Yi, Yu Zheng, Junbo Zhang, Tianrui Li, ST-MVL: Filling Missing Values in Geo-Sensory Time Series Data. IJCAI 2016: 2704-2710(中国计算机学会A类会议)
95. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, Hamido Fujita, Zhang Yi, Efficient updating of probabilistic approximations with incremental objects, Knowledge-Based Systems, 109: 71-83, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2016.06.025(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
94. Yunge Jing, Tianrui Li, Junfu Huang, Yingying Zhang, An incremental attribute reduction approach based on knowledge granularity under the attribute generalization, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 76: 80-95, 2016(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
93. Yunge Jing, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Shi-Jinn Horng, Guoyin Wang, Zeng Yu, An incremental approach for attribute reduction based on knowledge granularity, Knowledge-based Systems, 104: 23-48, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
92. Jun Luo, Hongjun Wang, Xun Gong, Tianrui Li, A Novel Role-based Access Control Model in Cloud Environments, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 9(1): 1-9, 2016 (SCI, EI)
91. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Zhang Yi, Hamido Fujita, Matrix approach to decision-theoretic rough sets for evolving data , Knowledge-Based Systems, 99: 123-134, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
90. Shiang-Feng Tzeng, Shi-Jinn Horng, Tianrui Li, Xian Wang, Po-Hsian Huang, and Muhmmad Khurram Khan, Enhancing Security and Privacy for Identity-based Batch Verification Scheme in VANET, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, DOI:10.1109/TVT.2015.**, 2015
89. Hao Wang, Yan Yang, Tianrui Li, Multi-view Clustering via Concept Factorization with Local Manifold Regularization. ICDM 2016: 1245-1250(中国计算机学会B类会议)
88. Shudong Huang, Hongjun Wang, Tao Li, Yan Yang, Tianrui Li, Constraint Co-Projections for Semi-Supervised Co-Clustering, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 46(12): 3047-3058, 2016 DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2015.** (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
87. Zhaoyuan Wang, Huanlai Xing, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, Rong Qu, Yi Pan, A Modified Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Network Coding Resource Minimization, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20(3): 325-342, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
86. Junbo Zhang, Yun Zhu, Yi Pan, Tianrui Li, Efficient Parallel Boolean Matrix Based Algorithms for Computing Composite Rough Set Approximations, Information Sciences, 329: 287-302, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
85. Wenchao Xiao, Yan Yang, Hongjun Wang, Tianrui Li, Huanlai Xing, Semi-supervised hierarchical clustering ensemble and its application. Neurocomputing 173: 1362-1376, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
84. Jie Hu, Tianrui Li, Hongjun Wang, Hamido Fujita, Hierarchical cluster ensemble model based on knowledge granulation, Knowledge-based Systems, 91: 179-188, 2016, DOI:10.1016/j.knosys.2015.10.006 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
83. Tianrui Li, Jie Lu, Luis Martinez Lopez, Preface: Intelligent Techniques for Data Science, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 30(8): 851-853, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
82. Yu Zheng, Xiuwen Yi, Ming Li, Ruiyuan Li, Zhangqing Shan, Eric Chang, Tianrui Li. Forecasting Fine-Grained Air Quality Based on Big Data. Proceeding of the 21th SIGKDD conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2015) (EI, 中国计算机学会A类会议)
81. Jue Wu, Lei Yang, Tianrui Li, Changjiang Zhang, Zhihui Li, Rule-based fuzzy classifier based on quantum ant optimization algorithm. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 29(6): 2365-2371, 2015
80. Jie Hu, Tianrui Li, Reversible steganography using extended image interpolation technique, Computers & Electrical Engineering, DOI:10.1016/j.compeleceng.2015.04.014, 2015 (SCI, EI)
79. Shudong Huang, Hongjun Wang, Dingcheng Li, Yan Yang, Tianrui Li, Spectral co-clustering ensemble, Knowledge-based Systems, 84: 46-55, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
78. Shi-Jinn Horng, Shiang-Feng Tzeng, Po-Hsian Huang, Xian Wang,Tianrui Li, Muhammad Khurram Khan, An efficient certificateless aggregate signature with conditional privacy-preserving for vehicular sensor networks, Information Sciences, 317: 48-66, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
77. Shaoyong Li, Tianrui Li, Zhixue Zhang, Hongmei Chen, Junbo Zhang, Parallel Computing of Approximations in Dominance-based Rough Sets Approach, Knowledge-based Systems, 87: 102-111, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
76. Jie Hu, Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, Anping Zeng, An Incremental Learning Approach for Updating Approximations in Rough Set Model over Dual Universes, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 30(8): 923-947, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
75. Shaoyong Li, Tianrui Li, Hu Jie, Update of Approximations in Composite Information Systems, Knowledge-based Systems, 83: 138-148, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
74. Junbo Zhang, Jian-Syuan Wong, Yi Pan, Tianrui Li, A parallel matrix-based method for computing approximations in incomplete information systems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 27(2): 326-339, 2015, DOI:10.1109/TKDE.2014.** (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
73. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, Lixia Lu, Fast algorithms for computing rough approximations in set-valued decision systems while updating criteria values, Information Sciences, 299: 221-242, 2015, DOI:10.1016/j.ins.2014.12.029 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
72. Hongmei Chen, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Shi-Jinn Horng and Guoyin Wang. A decision-theoretic rough set approach for dynamic data mining. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 23(6): 1958-1970, 2015 DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2014.**. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI热点论文)
71. Amjad Mahmood, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, Hongjun Wang, Mehtab Afzal, Semi-Supervised Evolutionary Ensembles for Web Video Categorization, Knowledge-based Systems, 76: 53-66, 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2014.11.030 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
70. Anping Zeng, Tianrui Li, Dun Liu, Junbo Zhang, Hongmei Chen, A Fuzzy Rough Set Approach for Incremental Feature Selection on Hybrid Information Systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 258: 39-60, 2015, DOI:10.1016/j.fss.2014.08.014. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
69. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Junbo Zhang, Incremental Updating Approximations in Probabilistic Rough Sets under the Variation of Attributes. Knowledge-based Systems, 73: 81-96, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
68. Shaoyong Li, Tianrui Li, Incremental Update of Approximations in Dominance-based Rough Sets Approach under the Variation of Attribute Values, Information Sciences, 294: 348-361, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
67. Fei Teng, Magoules Frederic, Lei Yu, Tianrui Li, A novel real-time scheduling algorithm and performance analysis of a MapReduce-based cloud, Journal of Supercomputing, 2014, 69(2): 739-765. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
66. Xi'ao Ma, Guoyin Wang, Hong Yu, Tianrui Li. Decision region distribution preservation reduction in decision-theoretic rough set model. Information Sciences, 2014, 278: 614-640.(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI热点论文和高被引论文)
65. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li. Extended probabilistic rough sets under a strict dominance relation. Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 2014, 22, 387-408.(SCI, EI)
64. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Junbo Zhang, A rough set-based incremental approach for learning knowledge in dynamic incomplete information systems. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 55(8): 1764-1786, 2014. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
63. Hongmei Chen, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Shi-Jinn Horng and Guoyin Wang. A rough set-based method for updating decision rules on attribute values' coarsening and refining, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 26(12): 2886-2899, 2014, DOI:10.1109/TKDE.2014.** (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
62. Junbo Zhang, Tianrui Li, Yi Pan, Chuan Luo and Fei Teng. A Parallel and Incremental Algorithm for Updating Knowledge Based on Rough Sets in Cloud Computing Platform, Journal of Software (软件学报), 2014, DOI:10.13328/j.cnki.jos.004590 (EI)
61. Anping Zeng, Tianrui Li, Junbo Zhang, Hongmei Chen, Incremental Maintenance of Rough Fuzzy Set Approximations under the Variation of Object Set, Fundamenta Informaticae, 2014, 132(3): 401-422. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
60. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, Dynamic Maintenance of Approximations in Set-valued Ordered Decision Systems under the Attribute Generalization. Information Sciences, 257: 210-228, 2014. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
59. Junbo Zhang, Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, Composite rough sets for dynamic data mining. Information Sciences, 257: 81-100, 2014. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI热点论文和高被引论文)
58. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Decui Liang. Incorporating logistic regression to decision-theoretic rough sets for classifications. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 55(1): 197-210, 2014 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
57. Zia-ur Rehman Muhammad, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, Hongjun Wang, Hyper-Ellipsoidal Clustering Technique for Evolving Data Stream. Knowledge-based Systems, 70: 3-14, 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2013.11.022 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
56. Junbo Zhang, Jian-Syuan Wong, Tianrui Li, Yi Pan, A Comparison of Parallel Large-scale Knowledge Acquisition using Rough Set Theory on Different MapReduce Runtime Systems. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 55(3): 896-907, 2014. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
55. Hongjun Wang, Tao Li, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, Constraint Neighborhood Projections for Semi-supervised Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 44(5): 636-643, 2014. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
54. Shi-Jinn Horng, Farfoura Mahmoud E., Pingzhi Fan, Xian Wang, Tianrui Li, Guo Jing-Ming, A low cost fragile watermarking scheme in H.264/AVC compressed domain, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2014, 72(3): 2469-2495. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
53. Haiquan Zhao, Shibin Gao, Zhengyou He, Xiangping Zeng, Weidong Jin and Tianrui Li. Identification of nonlinear dynamic system using a novel recurrent wavelet neural network-based the pipelined architecture, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014, 61(8): 4171-4182.(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
52. Hongmei Chen, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Jianhui Lin, Chengxiang Hu, A rough-set based incremental approach for updating approximations under dynamic maintenance environments. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 25(2): 274-284, 2013 http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TKDE.2011.220. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
51. Shi-Jinn Horng, Xiangfeng Zeng, Yi Pan, Pingzhi Fan, Xian Wang, Tianrui Li, et al. b-SPECS+: Batch Verification for Secure Pseudonymous Authentication in VANET. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 8(11): 1860-1875, 2013. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
50. Tao Liu, Tianrui Li, Yihong Chen, A distributed TDMA-based data gathering scheme for wireless sensor networks, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E96-D(9): 2135-2138, 2013. (SCI, EI)
49. Shi-Jinn Horng, Rosiyadi Didi, Tianrui Li, Takao Terano, Minyi Guo, Khan Muhammad Khurram, A blind image copyright protection scheme for e-government, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 24(7): 1099-1105, 2013. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
48. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Zhengyou He, Tianrui Li, Weidong Jin, Nonlinear adaptive filter-based simplified bilinear model for multichannel active control of nonlinear noise processes. Applied Acoustics, 74(12): 1414-1421, 2013. (SCI, EI)
47. Shi-Jinn Horng, Hsu Ling-Yuan, Tianrui Li, Shaojie Qiao, Xun Gong, Chou Hsien-Hsin, Khan Muhammad Khurram, Using sorted switching median filter to remove high-density impulse noises. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 24(7): 956-967, 2013. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
46. Shi-Jinn Horng, Tzeng Shiang-Feng, Pingzhi Fan, Xian Wang, Tianrui Li, Khurram Khan Muhammad, Secure convertible undeniable signature scheme using extended Euclidean algorithm without random oracles, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 7(6): 1512-1532, 2013. (SCI, EI)
45. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, Dun Liu, Incremental Approaches for Updating Approximations in Set-valued Ordered Information Systems. Knowledge-Based Systems, 50: 218-233, 2013. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
44. Shaoyong Li, Tianrui Li, Dun Liu, Dynamic Maintenance of Approximations in Dominance-based Rough Set Approach under the Variation of the Object Set, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 28(8): 729-751, 2013 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
43. Bo Peng, Tianrui Li, A Probabilistic Measure for Quantitative Evaluation of Image Segmentation. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 20(7): 689-692, 2013 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
42. Xiangping Zeng, Haiquan Zhao, Weidong Jin, Zhengyou He, Tianrui Li, Identification of nonlinear dynamic systems using convex combinations of multiple adaptive radius basis function networks, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 46(1): 628-638, 2013. (SCI, EI)
41. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Zhengyou He, Tianrui Li, Adaptive RSOV filter using the FELMS algorithm for nonlinear active noise control systems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 34(1-2): 378-392, 2013. (SCI, EI)
40. Junbo Zhang, Xiang Dong, Tianrui Li, Yi Pan, M2M: A Simple Matlab-to-MapReduce Translator for Cloud, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 18(1): 1-9, 2013. (EI)
39. Shaoyong Li, Tianrui Li, Dun Liu, Incremental Updating Approximations in Dominance-Based Rough Sets Approach under the Variation of the Attribute Set, Knowledge-based Systems, 40: 17-26, 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2012.11.002. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
38. Tianrui Li, Fuzziness in Systems Modelling, International Journal of General Systems, 42(1): 1-2, 2013. (SCI, EI)
37. Yan Yang, Tonny Rutayisire, Chao Lin, Tianrui Li, Fei Teng, An Improved Cop-Kmeans Clustering for Solving Constraint Violation Based on MapReduce Framework, Fundamenta Informaticae, 126: 301-318, 2013. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)

36. Tianrui Li, Pawan Lingras, Yuefeng Li, Joseph Herbert, Computational Intelligence in Decision Making, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 4(1): i-ii, 2011. (SCI, EI)
35. Tianrui Li, Guoyin Wang, Computational Intelligence in Knowledge Technology, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2(4): 312-313, 2009. (SCI, EI)
34. Tianrui Li, Yang Xu, Computational Intelligence in Knowledge Engineering, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 1(3): 202-203, 2008. (SCI, EI)
33. Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Geert Wets, Jing Song, Yang Xu, A Rough Sets based Characteristic Relation Approach for Dynamic Attribute Generalization in Data Mining, Knowledge-based Systems, 20(5): 485-494, 2007 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
32. Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, An extended process model of knowledge discovery in database, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 20(2), 169-177, 2007.
31. Jie Lu, Tianrui Li, Special Issue on Computational Intelligence for Policy Making and Risk Governance: A Tribute to Professor Dr Da Ruan, International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 20: VII-VIII, 2012 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
30. Guangquan Zhang, Yang Xu, Tianrui Li, A special issue on new trends in Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Knowledge-based Systems, 32: 1-2, 2012 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
29. Hongmei Chen, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Maintenance of approximations in incomplete ordered decision systems while attribute values coarsening or refining. Knowledge-based Systems, 31: 140-161, 2012 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
28. Hongmei Chen, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Dynamic maintenance of approximations under a rough-set based variable precision limited tolerance relation. Journal of Multiple Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 18(5-6): 577-598, 2012. (SCI)
27. Junbo Zhang, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, et al. A parallel method for computing rough set approximations. Information Sciences, 194: 209-223, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2011.12.036(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
26. Junbo Zhang, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, et al. Rough sets based matrix approaches with dynamic attribute variation in set-valued information systems, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 53(4): 620-635, 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijar.2012.01.001. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
25. Junbo Zhang, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Dun Liu, Neighborhood Rough Sets for Dynamic Data Mining, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 27: 317-342, 2012. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
24. Shaojie Qiao, Tianrui Li, Li Hong, et al, A new block modeling based hierarchical clustering algorithm, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2012.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2012.01.003. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
23. Shaojie Qiao, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, et al, Managing uncertainty in web-based social networks, International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 20: 147-158, 2012(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
22. Yan Yang, Wei Tan, Tianrui Li, et al, Consensus clustering based on constrained self-organizing map and improved Cop-Kmeans ensemble in intelligent decision support systems, Knowledge-based Systems, 32: 101-115, 2012 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
21. Zhengjiang Wu, Tianrui Li, Keyun Qin, Da Ruan, Approximation Operators, Binary Relation and Basis Algebra in L-fuzzy Rough Sets, Fundamenta Informaticae, 111(1): 47-63, 2011. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
20. Xun Gong, Guoyin Wang, Li Xinxin, Tianrui Li, A statistical two-step method for 3D face reconstruction from a single image, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 20(4): 671-675, 2011. (SCI, EI)
19. Xun Gong, Yong Yang, Jianhui Lin, Tianrui Li, Expression Detection Based on a Novel Emotion Recognition Method International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 4(1): 44-53, 2011. (SCI)
18. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Junbo Zhang, Incremental learning optimization on knowledge discovery in dynamic business intelligent systems, Journal of Global Optimization, 51(2): 325-344, 2011. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
17. Dun Liu, Yiyu Yao, Tianrui Li, Three-way investment decisions with decision-theoretic rough sets, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 4(1): 66-74, 2011. (SCI, EI)
16. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Weili Zou. An Incremental Approach for Inducing Knowledge from Dynamic Information Systems. Fundamenta Informaticae, 94(2): 245-260, 2009. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
15. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Decui Liang, Three-way government decision analysis with decision-theoretic rough sets, International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 20: 119-132, 2012(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
14. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Probabilistic model criteria with decision-theoretic rough sets, Information Sciences, 181(17): 3709-3722, 2011. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊, 入选ESI高被引论文)
13. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Xiaoqiang Zhang, Zhengyou He, Tianrui Li, Jin Weidong, Adaptive Extended Pipelined Second-Order Volterra Filter for Nonlinear Active Noise Controller, IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, 20(4): 1394-1399, 2012. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
12. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Zhengyou He and Tianrui Li, Complex-valued pipelined decision feedback recurrent neural network for nonlinear channel equalization, IET Communications, 6: 1082-1096, 2012. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
11. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Jiashu Zhang, Tianrui Li, Liu Yangguang, Da Ruan, Pipelined functional link artificial recurrent neural network with the decision feedback structure for nonlinear channel equalization, Information Sciences, 181(17): 3677-3692, 2011. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
10. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Jiashu Zhang, Yangguang Liu, Xiaomin Wang, Tianrui Li, A novel joint-processing adaptive nonlinear equalizer using a modular recurrent neural network for chaotic communication systems, Neural Networks, 24(1): 12-18, 2011. (SCI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
9. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Jiashu Zhang, Tianrui Li, Equalisation of non-linear time-varying channels using a pipelined decision feedback recurrent neural network filter in wireless communication systems, IET Communications, 5(3): 381-395, 2011. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
8. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Jiashu Zhang, Yangguang Liu, Xiaomin Wang, Tianrui Li, Adaptive non-linear filter using a modular polynomial perceptron, IET Signal Processing, 4(6): 640-649, 2010. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
7. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Jiashu Zhang, Tianrui Li, Nonlinear Adaptive Equalizer Using a Pipelined Decision Feedback Recurrent Neural Network in Communication Systems, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 58(8): 2193-2198, 2010. (SCI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
6. Hongmei Chen, Tianrui Li, Shaojie Qiao, Da Ruan, A rough set based dynamic maintenance approach for approximations in coarsening and refining attribute values, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 25(10): 1005-1026, 2010. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
5. Shaojie Qiao, Tianrui Li, Jing Peng, Jiangtao Qiu. Parallel Sequential Pattern Mining of Massive Trajectory Data, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 3(3): 343-356, 2010. (SCI)
4. Jing Song, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, An Integration of Cloud Transform and Rough Set Theory to Induction of Decision Trees, Fundamenta Informaticae, 94(2): 261-273, 2009. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
3. Yongjun Shen, Tianrui Li, Hermans Elke, Da Ruan, Wets Geert, Koen Vanhoof, Tom Brijs, A hybrid system of neural networks and rough sets for road safety performance indicators, Soft Computing, 14(12): 1255-1263, 2010. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
2. Lin Feng, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Shirong Gou, A vague-rough set approach for uncertain knowledge acquisition, Knowledge-Based Systems, 24(6): 837-843, 2011. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
1. Hongjun Wang, Ruihua Nie, Xingnian Liu, Tianrui Li, Constraint projections for semi-supervised affinity propagation, Knowledge-Based Systems, 36: 315-321, 2012. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)

Selected Papers in Chinese Journals
18. 高新波,黎铭,李天瑞.非经典条件下的机器学习方法专题前言[J].软件学报,2020,31(04):909-911.
17. 付治,王红军,李天瑞,滕飞,张继.基于k个标记样本的弱监督学习框架[J/OL].软件学报,2020,31(04):981-990. https://doi.org/10.13328/j.cnki.jos.005919.
16. 滕飞,黄齐川,李天瑞,王晨,田春华.大规模时间序列分析框架的研究与实现[J/OL].计算机学报,2019:1-15[2020-05-03].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.1826.TP.**.1539.002.html.
15. 乔少杰,韩楠,金澈清,高云君,李天瑞,唐常杰,康健.基于Multi-Agent的分布式文本聚类模型[J].计算机学报,2018,41(08):1709-1721.
14. 乔少杰,韩楠,李天瑞,熊熙,元昌安,黄江涛,王晓腾.一种基于空间编码技术的轨迹特征提取方法[J].中国科学:信息科学,2017,47(11):1523-1537.
13. 乔少杰,韩楠,李天瑞,李荣华,李斌勇,王晓腾,Louis Alberto GUTIERREZ.基于前缀投影技术的大规模轨迹预测模型[J].软件学报,2017,28(11):3043-3057.
12. 褚睿鸿,王红军,杨燕,李天瑞. 基于密度峰值的聚类集成. 自动化学报,2016,42(9):1401-1412
11. 乔少杰,韩楠,金澈清,高云君,李天瑞,唐常杰,康健.基于Multi-agent的分布式文本聚类模型[J/OL].计算机学报,2017:1-13
10. 刘胜久,李天瑞,洪西进,王红军,珠杰, 基于矩阵运算的复杂网络构建方法研究,中国科学:信息科学,46(5): 610-626, 2016.
9. 张钧波,李天瑞,潘毅,罗川,滕飞. 云平台下基于粗糙集的并行增量知识更新算法[J]. 软件学报,2015,05:1064-1078.
8. 乔少杰,李天瑞,韩楠,高云君,元昌安,王晓腾,唐常杰. 大数据环境下移动对象自适应轨迹预测模型[J]. 软件学报,2015,11:2869-2883.
7. 刘韬,李天瑞,谈文蓉,殷锋. 基于分布式与联合优化的无线传感器网络数据汇聚机制[J]. 通信学报,2015,07:18-30.
6. 珠杰,李天瑞,刘胜久. TSRM藏文拼写检查算法[J]. 中文信息学报,2014,03:92-98.
5. 珠杰,李天瑞. 藏文停用词选取与自动处理方法研究[J]. 中文信息学报,2015,02:125-132.
4. 刘胜久,李天瑞,珠杰. Zipf定律与网络信息计量学[J]. 中文信息学报,2015,04:89-94.
3. 王磊,李天瑞,刘清,黎敏. 对象集变化时近似集动态维护的矩阵方法[J]. 计算机研究与发展,2013,09:1992-2004.
2. 龚勋,王国胤,李天瑞,李昕昕,夏冉,冯林. 基于混合能量活动轮廓模型的人脸分割方法[J]. 软件学报,2013,03:623-638.
1. 冯林,王国胤,李天瑞. 连续值属性决策表中的知识获取方法[J]. 电子学报,2009,11:2432-2438.

Selected Papers in arXiv
7. Shengdong Du, Tianrui Li, Xun Gong, Zeng Yu, Shi-Jinn Horng, A Hybrid Method for Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Multimodal Deep Learning. https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.02099 (2018)
6. Huaishao Luo, Tianrui Li, Bing Liu, Bin Wang, Herwig Unger, Improving Aspect Term Extraction with Bidirectional Dependency Tree Representation. https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.07889 (2018)
5. Zeng Yu, Tianrui Li, Ning Yu, Xun Gong, Ke Chen, Yi Pan, Three-Stream Convolutional Networks for Video-based Person Re-Identification. https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.01652 (2017)
4. Zeng Yu, Tianrui Li, Ning Yu, Yi Pan, Hongmei Chen, Bing Liu, Reconstruction of Hidden Representation for Robust Feature Extraction. https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.02844 (2017)
3. Jielei Chu, Hongjun Wang, Hua Meng, Peng Jin, Tianrui Li, Restricted Boltzmann Machines with Gaussian Visible Units Guided by Pairwise Constraints, https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.03647(2017)
2. Junbo Zhang, Yu Zheng, Dekang Qi, Ruiyuan Li, Xiuwen Yi, Tianrui Li, Predicting Citywide Crowd Flows Using Deep Spatio-Temporal Residual Networks, https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.02543(2017)
1. Junbo Zhang, Tianrui Li, Yi Pan, Parallel Large-Scale Attribute Reduction on Cloud Systems. https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.01807(2016)

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Cloud Computing and Big Data
Artificial Intelligence
Granular Computing and Rough Sets



Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息Personal Information 教师英文名称: Tianrui Li
职务: 党委委员、书记
所在单位: 计算机与人工智能学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 西南交通大学犀浦校区9431
学位: 工学博士学位
电子邮箱: trli@swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 西南交通大学



科研项目 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 科研项目

四川省科学技术厅,科技服务业示范项目,2016GFW0167,智能审校云服务平台开发与应用示范,2016-01至2017-12, 100万,已结题,主持
国家科学技术部,“十一五”国家科技支撑计划子课题,2009BAG12A01-E11,基于广义舒适度的共性基础技术——旅客乘坐环境极端工况下的心理状态及对策,2009-01至 2012-12,40万,已结题,主持

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息Personal Information 教师英文名称: Tianrui Li
职务: 党委委员、书记
所在单位: 计算机与人工智能学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 西南交通大学犀浦校区9431
学位: 工学博士学位
电子邮箱: trli@swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 西南交通大学



论文成果 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果

Guest Editors
13. Jun Liu, Tianrui Li, Javier Montero,Special issue on hybrid data and knowledge driven decision making under uncertainty (Hybrid DK for DM), Information Sciences. (SCI, EI)
12. Shi-Jinn Horng,Tranrui Li, Hong Shen, Architectures, Algorithms, Securities And Programming for Big DataProcessing and Deep Learning, Int. J. Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2020. (SCI, EI)

11. Yun Li, Tianrui Li, Javier Montero, Computational Intelligence for Emerging Systems and Applications, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2018. (SCI, EI)
10. Hamido Fujita, Tianrui Li, Yiyu Yao, Three-way Decisions and Granular Computing, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2016 (SCI, EI)
9. Tianrui Li, Jie Lu, Luis Martinez Lopez, Intelligent Techniques for Data Science, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2015 (SCI, EI)
8. Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, JingTao Yao, Hung Son Nguyen, Advances on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Fundamenta Informaticae, 2014 (SCI, EI)
7. Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, JingTao Yao, Hung Son Nguyen, et al, Transactions on Rough Sets, 2014 (EI)
6. Tianrui Li, Fuzziness in Systems Modelling, International Journal of General Systems, 2013 (SCI, EI)
5. Jie Lu, Tianrui Li, International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2012 (SCI, EI)
4. Guangquan Zhang, Yang Xu, Tianrui Li, Knowledge-based Systems, 2012 (SCI, EI)
3. Tianrui Li, Pawan Lingras, Yuefeng Li, Joseph Herbert, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2011. (SCI, EI)
2. Tianrui Li, Guoyin Wang, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2009. (SCI, EI)
1. Tianrui Li, Yang Xu, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2008. (SCI, EI)

Books and Edited Books
20. Hung Son Nguyen, Quang-Thuy Ha, Tianrui Li, Malgorzata Przybyla-Kasperek (Eds): Rough Sets - International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2018, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, August 20-24, 2018, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11103, Springer 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-99367-6
19. Hongmei Chen, Shaoyong Li, Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Dynamic Knowledge Discovery and Three-way Decisions, Science Press (In Chinese), ISBN 978-7-030-53058-5, 2017.06(陈红梅,李少勇,罗川,李天瑞,动态知识发现与三支决策,科学出版社,2017)
18. Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hongmei Chen, Junbo Zhang, The Principles and Methodologies of Big Data Mining----From the Perspectives of Granular Computing and Rough Sets, Science Press (In Chinese), ISBN 978-7-030-48368-3, 2016.06(李天瑞,罗川,陈红梅,张钧波,大数据挖掘的原理与方法:基于粒计算与粗糙集的视角,科学出版社,2016)
17. Wen Zhenkun, Tianrui Li, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Foundations of Intelligent Systems, v 277, Springer-verlag, ISBN: 978-3-642-54923-6, 2014
16. Wen Zhenkun, Tianrui Li, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Knowledge Engineering and Management, v 278, Springer-verlag, ISBN: 978-3-642-54929-8, 2014
15. Wen Zhenkun, Tianrui Li, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Practical Applications of Intelligent Systems, v 279, Springer-verlag, ISBN: 978-3-642-54926-7, 2014
14. Fuchun Sun, Tianrui Li, Hongbo Li (Eds), Knowledge Engineering and Management, Springer-verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-37832-4, 2014.01
13. Fuchun Sun, Tianrui Li, Li Hongbo (Eds), Foundations and Applications of Intelligent Systems, Springer-verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-37829-4, 2014.01
12. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Duoqian Miao, Guoyin Wang, Jiye Liang, Three-way Decision and Granular Computing, Science Press (In Chinese), ISBN 978-7-030-38193-4, 2013.07
11. Tianrui Li, Nguyen Hung Son, Guoyin Wang, Grzyma-Busse Jerzy, Janicki Ryszard, Hassanien Aboul Ella, Yu Hong, Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-31899-3, 2012.08
10. Xiuyi Jia, Lin Shang, Xianzhong Zhou, Jiye Liang, Duoqian Miao, Guoyin Wang, Tianrui Li, Yanping Zhang, Three-way Decision: Theory and Applications, Nanjing University Press (In Chinese), ISBN 978-7-305-10578-4, 2012.10
9. Huaxiong Li, Xianzhong Zhou, Tianrui Li, Guoyin Wang, Duoqian Miao, Yiyu Yao, Decision-Theoretic Rough Set Theory and Its Advance, Science Press (In Chinese), ISBN 978-7-03-032530-9, 2011.11
8. Guoyin Wang, Tianrui Li, Jerzy Grzymala-Busse, Duoqian Miao, Andrzej Skowron, Yao Yiyu (Eds), Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 5009, Springer-verlag, 2008. (EI, ISTP)
7. Da Ruan, Tianrui Li, Yang Xu, Guoqing Chen, Etienne E Kerre (Eds), Computational Intelligence: Foundations and Applications, Proceedings of the 9th International FLINS Conference, World Scientific, Singapore, 2010. (ISTP)
6. Shouzi Li, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan (Eds), Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Intelligent System and Knowledge Engineering, IEEE Press, 2008. (EI)
5. Xiaogang Jin, Yangguang Liu, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan (Eds), Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent System and Knowledge Engineering, IEEE press, 2010. (EI)
4. Koen Vanhoof, Da Ruan, Tianrui Li, Geert Wets (Eds), Intelligent Decision Making Systems, Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Intelligent System and Knowledge Engineering, World Scientific, Singapore, 2009. (ISTP)
3. Yinglin Wang, Tianrui Li (Eds), Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Springer-verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-25663-9, 2011.11
2. Yinglin Wang, Tianrui Li (Eds), Knowledge Engineering and Management, Springer-verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-25660-8, 2011.11
1. Yinglin Wang, Tianrui Li (Eds), Practical Applications of Intelligent Systems, Springer-verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-25657-8, 2011.11

Selected Papers

157. Shengdong Du,Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, Shi-Jinn Horng. Deep Air Quality Forecasting Using Hybrid Deep Learning Framework. Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2021,33 (6): 2412-2424(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文,2021-09)
156. Shengdong Du, Tianrui Li(corresponding author), Yan Yang, Shi-Jinn Horng: Multivariate time series forecasting via attention-based encoder-decoder framework. Neurocomputing 388: 269-279 (2020)

155. Zhaoyuan Wang, Junbo Zhang, Shenggong Ji, Chuishi Meng, Tianrui Li, Yu Zheng: Predicting and ranking box office revenue of movies based on big data. Inf. Fusion 60: 25-40 (2020)
154. Zhiguo Long, Hua Meng, Tianrui Li, Sanjiang Li: Compact geometric representation of qualitative directional knowledge. Knowl. Based Syst. 195: 105616 (2020)
153. Peng Xie, Tianrui Li, Jia Liu, Shengdong Du, Xin Yang, Junbo Zhang: Urban flow prediction from spatiotemporal data using machine learning: A survey. Inf. Fusion 59: 1-12 (2020)
152. Bin Wang, Tianrui Li, Zheng Yan, Guangquan Zhang, Jie Lu: DeepPIPE: A distribution-free uncertainty quantification approach for time series forecasting. Neurocomputing 397: 11-19 (2020)
151.Jielei Chu, Hongjun Wang, Jing Liu, Zhiguo Gong andTianrui Li. Unsupervised Feature Learning Architecture with Multi-clustering Integration RBM. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2020.**, 2020
150. Jia Liu, Tianrui Li, Peng Xie, Shengdong Du, Fei Teng, Xin Yang: Urban big data fusion based on deep learning: An overview. Inf. Fusion 53: 123-133 (2020)
149. Shu Wang, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Jie Hu, Hamido Fujita, Tianqiang Huang: A novel approach for efficient updating approximations in dynamic ordered information systems. Inf. Sci. 507: 197-219 (2020)
148. Qianqian Huang, Tianrui Li, Yanyong Huang, Xin Yang, Hamido Fujita: Dynamic dominance rough set approach for processing composite ordered data. Knowl. based Syst. 187 (2020)


147. Xin Yang, Tianrui Li, Dun Liu, Hamido Fujita: A temporal-spatial composite sequential approach of three-way granular computing. Inf. Sci. 486: 171-189 (2019) (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
146. Shenggong Ji, Yu Zheng, Wenjun Wang, and Tianrui Li. Real-Time Ambulance Redeployment: A Data-Driven Approach. IEEE TKDE 2019, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/**(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
145. Hao Wang, Bing Liu, Chaozhuo Li, Yan Yang,Tianrui Li: Learning with Noisy Labels for Sentence-level Sentiment Classification. EMNLP/IJCNLP (1) 2019: 6285-6291
144. Shenggong Ji, Yu Zheng, Zhaoyuan Wang, and Tianrui Li. Alleviating Users' Pain of Waiting: Effective Task Grouping for Online-to-Offline Food Delivery Services. WWW 2019: 773-783, https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=** (中国计算机学会A类会议)
143. Bin Wang, Jie Lu, Zheng Yan, Huaishao Luo, Tianrui Li, Yu Zheng, and Guangquan Zhang. Deep Uncertainty Quantification: A Machine Learning Approach for Weather Forecasting. KDD 2019: 2087-2095 (中国计算机学会A类会议)
142. Shenggong Ji, Yu Zheng, Zhaoyuan Wang, and Tianrui Li. A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Enabled Dynamic Redeployment System for Mobile Ambulances. IMWUT (UbiComp) 3(1): 15:1-15:20, 2019(中国计算机学会A类会议)
141. Huaishao Luo, Tianrui Li, Bing Liu, and Junbo Zhang. DOER: Dual Cross-Shared RNN for Aspect Term-Polarity Co-Extraction. ACL 2019: 591-601 (中国计算机学会A类会议)
140. Huaishao Luo, Tianrui Li, Bing Liu, Bin Wang, and Herwig Unger. Improving aspect term extraction with bidirectional dependency tree representation. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, 27(7): 1201-1212, 2019, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/** (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
139. Xiuwen Yi, Zhewen Duan, Ting Li, Tianrui Li, Junbo Zhang, Yu Zheng: CityTraffic: Modeling Citywide Traffic via Neural Memorization and Generalization Approach. CIKM 2019: 2665-2671
138. Shu Wang, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hongmei Chen, Hamido Fujita, Domain-wise approaches for updating approximations with multi-dimensional variation of ordered information systems, Information Sciences, 478: 100-124, 2019 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
137. Shudong Huang, Peng Zhao, Yazhou Ren, Tianrui Li, Zenglin Xu, Self-paced and soft-weighted nonnegative matrix factorization for data representation, Knowledge-Based Systems, 164: 29-37, 2019 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
136. Yiling Zhang, Yan Yang, Tianrui Li, Hamido Fujita, A multitask multiview clustering algorithm in heterogeneous situations based on LLE and LE, Knowledge-Based Systems, 163: 776-786, 2019(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
135. Wenting Ye, Hongjun Wang, Shan Yan, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, Nonnegative matrix factorization for clustering ensemble based on dark knowledge, Knowledge-Based Systems, 163: 624-631, 2019(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
134. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Yanyong Huang, Hamido Fujita, Updating three-way decisions in incomplete multi-scale information systems, Information Sciences, 476: 274-289, 2019 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI热点论文和ESI高被引论文)
133. Xin Yang, Tianrui Li, Hamido Fujita, Dun Liu, A sequential three-way approach to multi-class decision, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 104: 108-125, 2019 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊,入选ESI热点论文和ESI高被引论文)
132. Ping-Juei Liu, Shi-Jinn Horng, Jzau-Sheng Lin, Tianrui Li, Contrast in Haze Removal: Configurable Contrast Enhancement Model Based on Dark Channel Prior, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 28(5): 2212-2227, 2019 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
131. Jielei Chu, Hongjun Wang, Hua Meng, Peng Jin, Tianrui Li: Restricted Boltzmann Machines with Gaussian Visible Units Guided by Pairwise Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 49(12): 4321-4334, 2019 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
130. Zeng Yu, Tianrui Li, Ning Yu, Yi Pan, Hongmei Chen and Bing Liu. Reconstruction of hidden representation for robust feature extraction. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 10(2): 18:1-18:24 (2019) (SCI, EI)
129. Yanyong Huang, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hamido Fujita, Shi-jinn Horng, Dynamic Fusion of Multi-source Interval-valued Data by Fuzzy Granulation, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, accept, 2018(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
128. Yan Yang, Fei Teng, Tianrui Li, Hao Wang, Hongjun Wang, Qi Zhang: Parallel Semi-Supervised Multi-Ant Colonies Clustering Ensemble Based on MapReduce Methodology. IEEE Trans. Cloud Computing 6(3): 857-867 (2018)
127. Haiqing Zhang, Daiwei Li, Tao Wang, Tianrui Li, Xi Yu, Abdelaziz Bouras: Hesitant extension of fuzzy-rough set to address uncertainty in classification. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 34(4): 2535-2550 (2018)(SCI, EI)
126. Bo Peng, Macmillan Simfukwe, Tianrui Li, Region-based image segmentation evaluation via perceptual pooling strategies. Machine Vision and Applications, 29(3): 477-488 (2018)(SCI, EI)
125. Xiuwen Yi, Junbo Zhang, Zhaoyuan Wang, Tianrui Li, Yu Zheng, Deep Distributed Fusion Network for Air Quality Prediction, KDD2018, 965-973, 2018(中国计算机学会A类会议)
124. Junbo Zhang, Yu Zheng, Dekang Qi, Ruiyuan Li, Xiuwen Yi, Tianrui Li, Predicting Citywide Crowd Flows Using Deep Spatio-Temporal Residual Networks, Artificial Intelligence, 259: 147-166, 2018(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
123. Ji Xu, Guoyin Wang, Tianrui Li, Pedrycz Witold, Local-Density-Based Optimal Granulation and Manifold Information Granule Description, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 48(10): 2795-2808 (2018)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
122. Shudong Huang, Hongjun Wang, Tao Li, Tianrui Li, Zenglin Xu, Robust graph regularized nonnegative matrix factorization for clustering. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 32(2): 483-503 (2018)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
121. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, Hamido Fujita, Zhang Yi, Incremental rough set approach for hierarchical multicriteria classification. Information Sciences, 429: 72-87 (2018)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
120. Zeng Yu, Tianrui Li, Guangchun Luo, H. Fujita, Ning. Yu and Yi Pan, Convolutional networks with cross-layer neurons for image recognition, Information Sciences, 433–434: 241–254, 2018(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
119. Yunge Jing, Tianrui Li, Hamido Fujita, Baoli Wang, Ni Cheng, An incremental attribute reduction method for dynamic data mining. Information Sciences, 465: 202-218 (2018)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
118. Xin Yang, Tianrui Li, Dun Liu, Hongmei Chen, Chuan Luo, A unified framework of dynamic three-way probabilistic rough sets, Information Sciences,420: 126-147 (2017).(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
117. Huanlai Xing, Zhaoyuan Wang, Tianrui Li, Hui Li, Rong Qu, An improved MOEA/D algorithm for multi-objective multicast routing with network coding. Applied Soft Computing, 59: 88-103 (2017)(SCI, EI)
116. Yunge Jing, Tianrui Li, Junfu Huang, Hongmei Chen, Shi-Jinn Horng, A Group Incremental Reduction Algorithm with Varying Data Values. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 32(9): 900-925 (2017) (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类类期刊)
115. Yunge Jing, Tianrui Li, Hamido Fujita, Zeng Yu, Bin Wang, An incremental attribute reduction approach based on knowledge granularity with a multi-granulation view. Inf. Sci. 411: 23-38 (2017)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
114. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Yiyu Yao, Dynamic probabilistic rough sets with incomplete data. Inf. Sci. 417: 39-54 (2017)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
113. Jie Hu, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hamido Fujita, Yan Yang, Incremental fuzzy cluster ensemble learning based on rough set theory. Knowl.-Based Syst. 132: 144-155 (2017)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
112. Xin Yang, Tianrui Li, Hamido Fujita, Dun Liu, Yiyu Yao, A unified model of sequential three-way decisions and multilevel incremental processing. Knowl.-Based Syst. 134: 172-188 (2017)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
111. Shiang-Feng Tzeng, Shi-Jinn Horng, Tianrui Li, Xian Wang, Po-Hsian Huang, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Enhancing Security and Privacy for Identity-Based Batch Verification Scheme in VANETs. IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology 66(4): 3235-3248 (2017)(SCI, EI)
110. Zeng Yu, Tianrui Li, Shi-Jinn Horng, Yi Pan, Hongjun Wang, Yunge Jing, An Iterative Locally Auto-Weighted Least Squares Method for Microarray Missing Value Estimation, IEEE Transaction on Nanobioscience, 16(1): 21-33, 2017(SCI, EI)
109. Fei Teng, Lei Yu, Tianrui Li, Danting Deng, Frédéric Magoulès, Energy efficiency of VM consolidation in IaaS clouds. The Journal of Supercomputing 73(2): 782-809, 2017(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
108. Yanyong Huang, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hamido Fujita, Shi-jinn Horng, Dynamic variable precision rough set approach for probabilistic set-valued information systems, Knowledge-Based Systems, 122: 131-147, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2017.02.002 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
107. Ji Xu, Guoyin Wang, Tianrui Li, Weihui Deng, Guanglei Gou, Fat node leading tree for data stream clustering with density peaks, Knowledge-Based Systems, 120: 99-117, 2017(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
106. Yanyong Huang, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hamido Fujita, Shi-jinn Horng, Matrix-based dynamic updating rough fuzzy approximations for data mining, Knowledge-Based Systems, 119: 273-283, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2016.12.015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
105. Yu-Chien Ko, Hamido Fujita, Tianrui Li, An evidential analysis of Altman Z-score for financial predictions: Case study on solar energy companies, Applied Soft Computing, 52: 748-759, 2017(SCI, EI)
104. Anping Zeng, Tianrui Li, Jie Hu, Hongmei Chen, Chuan Luo, Dynamical updating fuzzy rough approximations for hybrid data under the variation of attribute values, Information Sciences, 378: 363-388, 2017 DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2016.07.056 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊),入选ESI高被引论文)
103. Jie Hu, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hamido Fujita, Shaoyong Li, Incremental fuzzy probabilistic rough sets over two universes, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 81: 28-48, 2017 DOI/10.1016/j.ijar.2016.11.002 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
102. Wei Quan, Tianrui Li, Shibin Gao, Jim X. Chen, Visual tracking with multiple Hough detectors. Image and Vision Computing, 66: 15-25 (2017)(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
101. Tianrui Li, Ruan Da, Shen Yongjun, Elke Hermans, Geert Wets, A new weighting approach based on rough set theory and granular computing for road safety indicator analysis, Computational Intelligence, 32(4): 517-534, 2016, DOI:10.1111/coin.12061 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
100. Hongmei Chen, Tianrui Li, Yong Cai, Chuan Luo, Hamido Fujita, Parallel attribute reduction in dominance-based neighborhood rough set, Information Sciences, 373: 351-368, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
99. Yingying Zhang, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Junbo Zhang, Hongmei Chen, Incremental Updating of Rough Approximations in Interval-valued Information Systems under Attribute Generalization, Information Sciences. 373: 461-475, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
98. Shu Wang, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Hamido Fujita, Efficient updating rough approximations with multi-dimensional variation of ordered data, Information Sciences, 372: 690-708, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
97. Shenggong Ji, Yu Zheng, Tianrui Li, Urban Sensing Based on Human Mobility, UbiComp 2016 (中国计算机学会A类会议)
96. Xiuwen Yi, Yu Zheng, Junbo Zhang, Tianrui Li, ST-MVL: Filling Missing Values in Geo-Sensory Time Series Data. IJCAI 2016: 2704-2710(中国计算机学会A类会议)
95. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, Hamido Fujita, Zhang Yi, Efficient updating of probabilistic approximations with incremental objects, Knowledge-Based Systems, 109: 71-83, 2016, DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2016.06.025(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
94. Yunge Jing, Tianrui Li, Junfu Huang, Yingying Zhang, An incremental attribute reduction approach based on knowledge granularity under the attribute generalization, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 76: 80-95, 2016(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
93. Yunge Jing, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Shi-Jinn Horng, Guoyin Wang, Zeng Yu, An incremental approach for attribute reduction based on knowledge granularity, Knowledge-based Systems, 104: 23-48, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
92. Jun Luo, Hongjun Wang, Xun Gong, Tianrui Li, A Novel Role-based Access Control Model in Cloud Environments, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 9(1): 1-9, 2016 (SCI, EI)
91. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Zhang Yi, Hamido Fujita, Matrix approach to decision-theoretic rough sets for evolving data , Knowledge-Based Systems, 99: 123-134, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
90. Shiang-Feng Tzeng, Shi-Jinn Horng, Tianrui Li, Xian Wang, Po-Hsian Huang, and Muhmmad Khurram Khan, Enhancing Security and Privacy for Identity-based Batch Verification Scheme in VANET, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, DOI:10.1109/TVT.2015.**, 2015
89. Hao Wang, Yan Yang, Tianrui Li, Multi-view Clustering via Concept Factorization with Local Manifold Regularization. ICDM 2016: 1245-1250(中国计算机学会B类会议)
88. Shudong Huang, Hongjun Wang, Tao Li, Yan Yang, Tianrui Li, Constraint Co-Projections for Semi-Supervised Co-Clustering, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 46(12): 3047-3058, 2016 DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2015.** (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
87. Zhaoyuan Wang, Huanlai Xing, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, Rong Qu, Yi Pan, A Modified Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Network Coding Resource Minimization, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20(3): 325-342, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
86. Junbo Zhang, Yun Zhu, Yi Pan, Tianrui Li, Efficient Parallel Boolean Matrix Based Algorithms for Computing Composite Rough Set Approximations, Information Sciences, 329: 287-302, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
85. Wenchao Xiao, Yan Yang, Hongjun Wang, Tianrui Li, Huanlai Xing, Semi-supervised hierarchical clustering ensemble and its application. Neurocomputing 173: 1362-1376, 2016 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
84. Jie Hu, Tianrui Li, Hongjun Wang, Hamido Fujita, Hierarchical cluster ensemble model based on knowledge granulation, Knowledge-based Systems, 91: 179-188, 2016, DOI:10.1016/j.knosys.2015.10.006 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
83. Tianrui Li, Jie Lu, Luis Martinez Lopez, Preface: Intelligent Techniques for Data Science, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 30(8): 851-853, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
82. Yu Zheng, Xiuwen Yi, Ming Li, Ruiyuan Li, Zhangqing Shan, Eric Chang, Tianrui Li. Forecasting Fine-Grained Air Quality Based on Big Data. Proceeding of the 21th SIGKDD conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2015) (EI, 中国计算机学会A类会议)
81. Jue Wu, Lei Yang, Tianrui Li, Changjiang Zhang, Zhihui Li, Rule-based fuzzy classifier based on quantum ant optimization algorithm. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 29(6): 2365-2371, 2015
80. Jie Hu, Tianrui Li, Reversible steganography using extended image interpolation technique, Computers & Electrical Engineering, DOI:10.1016/j.compeleceng.2015.04.014, 2015 (SCI, EI)
79. Shudong Huang, Hongjun Wang, Dingcheng Li, Yan Yang, Tianrui Li, Spectral co-clustering ensemble, Knowledge-based Systems, 84: 46-55, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
78. Shi-Jinn Horng, Shiang-Feng Tzeng, Po-Hsian Huang, Xian Wang,Tianrui Li, Muhammad Khurram Khan, An efficient certificateless aggregate signature with conditional privacy-preserving for vehicular sensor networks, Information Sciences, 317: 48-66, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
77. Shaoyong Li, Tianrui Li, Zhixue Zhang, Hongmei Chen, Junbo Zhang, Parallel Computing of Approximations in Dominance-based Rough Sets Approach, Knowledge-based Systems, 87: 102-111, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
76. Jie Hu, Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, Anping Zeng, An Incremental Learning Approach for Updating Approximations in Rough Set Model over Dual Universes, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 30(8): 923-947, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
75. Shaoyong Li, Tianrui Li, Hu Jie, Update of Approximations in Composite Information Systems, Knowledge-based Systems, 83: 138-148, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
74. Junbo Zhang, Jian-Syuan Wong, Yi Pan, Tianrui Li, A parallel matrix-based method for computing approximations in incomplete information systems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 27(2): 326-339, 2015, DOI:10.1109/TKDE.2014.** (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
73. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, Lixia Lu, Fast algorithms for computing rough approximations in set-valued decision systems while updating criteria values, Information Sciences, 299: 221-242, 2015, DOI:10.1016/j.ins.2014.12.029 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
72. Hongmei Chen, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Shi-Jinn Horng and Guoyin Wang. A decision-theoretic rough set approach for dynamic data mining. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 23(6): 1958-1970, 2015 DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2014.**. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI热点论文)
71. Amjad Mahmood, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, Hongjun Wang, Mehtab Afzal, Semi-Supervised Evolutionary Ensembles for Web Video Categorization, Knowledge-based Systems, 76: 53-66, 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2014.11.030 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
70. Anping Zeng, Tianrui Li, Dun Liu, Junbo Zhang, Hongmei Chen, A Fuzzy Rough Set Approach for Incremental Feature Selection on Hybrid Information Systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 258: 39-60, 2015, DOI:10.1016/j.fss.2014.08.014. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
69. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Junbo Zhang, Incremental Updating Approximations in Probabilistic Rough Sets under the Variation of Attributes. Knowledge-based Systems, 73: 81-96, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
68. Shaoyong Li, Tianrui Li, Incremental Update of Approximations in Dominance-based Rough Sets Approach under the Variation of Attribute Values, Information Sciences, 294: 348-361, 2015 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
67. Fei Teng, Magoules Frederic, Lei Yu, Tianrui Li, A novel real-time scheduling algorithm and performance analysis of a MapReduce-based cloud, Journal of Supercomputing, 2014, 69(2): 739-765. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
66. Xi'ao Ma, Guoyin Wang, Hong Yu, Tianrui Li. Decision region distribution preservation reduction in decision-theoretic rough set model. Information Sciences, 2014, 278: 614-640.(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI热点论文和高被引论文)
65. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li. Extended probabilistic rough sets under a strict dominance relation. Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 2014, 22, 387-408.(SCI, EI)
64. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Junbo Zhang, A rough set-based incremental approach for learning knowledge in dynamic incomplete information systems. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 55(8): 1764-1786, 2014. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
63. Hongmei Chen, Tianrui Li, Chuan Luo, Shi-Jinn Horng and Guoyin Wang. A rough set-based method for updating decision rules on attribute values' coarsening and refining, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 26(12): 2886-2899, 2014, DOI:10.1109/TKDE.2014.** (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
62. Junbo Zhang, Tianrui Li, Yi Pan, Chuan Luo and Fei Teng. A Parallel and Incremental Algorithm for Updating Knowledge Based on Rough Sets in Cloud Computing Platform, Journal of Software (软件学报), 2014, DOI:10.13328/j.cnki.jos.004590 (EI)
61. Anping Zeng, Tianrui Li, Junbo Zhang, Hongmei Chen, Incremental Maintenance of Rough Fuzzy Set Approximations under the Variation of Object Set, Fundamenta Informaticae, 2014, 132(3): 401-422. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
60. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, Dynamic Maintenance of Approximations in Set-valued Ordered Decision Systems under the Attribute Generalization. Information Sciences, 257: 210-228, 2014. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
59. Junbo Zhang, Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, Composite rough sets for dynamic data mining. Information Sciences, 257: 81-100, 2014. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI热点论文和高被引论文)
58. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Decui Liang. Incorporating logistic regression to decision-theoretic rough sets for classifications. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 55(1): 197-210, 2014 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
57. Zia-ur Rehman Muhammad, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, Hongjun Wang, Hyper-Ellipsoidal Clustering Technique for Evolving Data Stream. Knowledge-based Systems, 70: 3-14, 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2013.11.022 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
56. Junbo Zhang, Jian-Syuan Wong, Tianrui Li, Yi Pan, A Comparison of Parallel Large-scale Knowledge Acquisition using Rough Set Theory on Different MapReduce Runtime Systems. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 55(3): 896-907, 2014. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
55. Hongjun Wang, Tao Li, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, Constraint Neighborhood Projections for Semi-supervised Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 44(5): 636-643, 2014. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
54. Shi-Jinn Horng, Farfoura Mahmoud E., Pingzhi Fan, Xian Wang, Tianrui Li, Guo Jing-Ming, A low cost fragile watermarking scheme in H.264/AVC compressed domain, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2014, 72(3): 2469-2495. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
53. Haiquan Zhao, Shibin Gao, Zhengyou He, Xiangping Zeng, Weidong Jin and Tianrui Li. Identification of nonlinear dynamic system using a novel recurrent wavelet neural network-based the pipelined architecture, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014, 61(8): 4171-4182.(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
52. Hongmei Chen, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Jianhui Lin, Chengxiang Hu, A rough-set based incremental approach for updating approximations under dynamic maintenance environments. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 25(2): 274-284, 2013 http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TKDE.2011.220. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
51. Shi-Jinn Horng, Xiangfeng Zeng, Yi Pan, Pingzhi Fan, Xian Wang, Tianrui Li, et al. b-SPECS+: Batch Verification for Secure Pseudonymous Authentication in VANET. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 8(11): 1860-1875, 2013. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会A类期刊)
50. Tao Liu, Tianrui Li, Yihong Chen, A distributed TDMA-based data gathering scheme for wireless sensor networks, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E96-D(9): 2135-2138, 2013. (SCI, EI)
49. Shi-Jinn Horng, Rosiyadi Didi, Tianrui Li, Takao Terano, Minyi Guo, Khan Muhammad Khurram, A blind image copyright protection scheme for e-government, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 24(7): 1099-1105, 2013. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
48. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Zhengyou He, Tianrui Li, Weidong Jin, Nonlinear adaptive filter-based simplified bilinear model for multichannel active control of nonlinear noise processes. Applied Acoustics, 74(12): 1414-1421, 2013. (SCI, EI)
47. Shi-Jinn Horng, Hsu Ling-Yuan, Tianrui Li, Shaojie Qiao, Xun Gong, Chou Hsien-Hsin, Khan Muhammad Khurram, Using sorted switching median filter to remove high-density impulse noises. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 24(7): 956-967, 2013. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
46. Shi-Jinn Horng, Tzeng Shiang-Feng, Pingzhi Fan, Xian Wang, Tianrui Li, Khurram Khan Muhammad, Secure convertible undeniable signature scheme using extended Euclidean algorithm without random oracles, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 7(6): 1512-1532, 2013. (SCI, EI)
45. Chuan Luo, Tianrui Li, Hongmei Chen, Dun Liu, Incremental Approaches for Updating Approximations in Set-valued Ordered Information Systems. Knowledge-Based Systems, 50: 218-233, 2013. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
44. Shaoyong Li, Tianrui Li, Dun Liu, Dynamic Maintenance of Approximations in Dominance-based Rough Set Approach under the Variation of the Object Set, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 28(8): 729-751, 2013 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
43. Bo Peng, Tianrui Li, A Probabilistic Measure for Quantitative Evaluation of Image Segmentation. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 20(7): 689-692, 2013 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
42. Xiangping Zeng, Haiquan Zhao, Weidong Jin, Zhengyou He, Tianrui Li, Identification of nonlinear dynamic systems using convex combinations of multiple adaptive radius basis function networks, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 46(1): 628-638, 2013. (SCI, EI)
41. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Zhengyou He, Tianrui Li, Adaptive RSOV filter using the FELMS algorithm for nonlinear active noise control systems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 34(1-2): 378-392, 2013. (SCI, EI)
40. Junbo Zhang, Xiang Dong, Tianrui Li, Yi Pan, M2M: A Simple Matlab-to-MapReduce Translator for Cloud, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 18(1): 1-9, 2013. (EI)
39. Shaoyong Li, Tianrui Li, Dun Liu, Incremental Updating Approximations in Dominance-Based Rough Sets Approach under the Variation of the Attribute Set, Knowledge-based Systems, 40: 17-26, 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2012.11.002. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊,入选ESI高被引论文)
38. Tianrui Li, Fuzziness in Systems Modelling, International Journal of General Systems, 42(1): 1-2, 2013. (SCI, EI)
37. Yan Yang, Tonny Rutayisire, Chao Lin, Tianrui Li, Fei Teng, An Improved Cop-Kmeans Clustering for Solving Constraint Violation Based on MapReduce Framework, Fundamenta Informaticae, 126: 301-318, 2013. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)

36. Tianrui Li, Pawan Lingras, Yuefeng Li, Joseph Herbert, Computational Intelligence in Decision Making, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 4(1): i-ii, 2011. (SCI, EI)
35. Tianrui Li, Guoyin Wang, Computational Intelligence in Knowledge Technology, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2(4): 312-313, 2009. (SCI, EI)
34. Tianrui Li, Yang Xu, Computational Intelligence in Knowledge Engineering, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 1(3): 202-203, 2008. (SCI, EI)
33. Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Geert Wets, Jing Song, Yang Xu, A Rough Sets based Characteristic Relation Approach for Dynamic Attribute Generalization in Data Mining, Knowledge-based Systems, 20(5): 485-494, 2007 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
32. Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, An extended process model of knowledge discovery in database, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 20(2), 169-177, 2007.
31. Jie Lu, Tianrui Li, Special Issue on Computational Intelligence for Policy Making and Risk Governance: A Tribute to Professor Dr Da Ruan, International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 20: VII-VIII, 2012 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
30. Guangquan Zhang, Yang Xu, Tianrui Li, A special issue on new trends in Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Knowledge-based Systems, 32: 1-2, 2012 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
29. Hongmei Chen, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Maintenance of approximations in incomplete ordered decision systems while attribute values coarsening or refining. Knowledge-based Systems, 31: 140-161, 2012 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
28. Hongmei Chen, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Dynamic maintenance of approximations under a rough-set based variable precision limited tolerance relation. Journal of Multiple Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 18(5-6): 577-598, 2012. (SCI)
27. Junbo Zhang, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, et al. A parallel method for computing rough set approximations. Information Sciences, 194: 209-223, 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2011.12.036(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
26. Junbo Zhang, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, et al. Rough sets based matrix approaches with dynamic attribute variation in set-valued information systems, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 53(4): 620-635, 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijar.2012.01.001. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
25. Junbo Zhang, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Dun Liu, Neighborhood Rough Sets for Dynamic Data Mining, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 27: 317-342, 2012. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
24. Shaojie Qiao, Tianrui Li, Li Hong, et al, A new block modeling based hierarchical clustering algorithm, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2012.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2012.01.003. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
23. Shaojie Qiao, Tianrui Li, Yan Yang, et al, Managing uncertainty in web-based social networks, International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 20: 147-158, 2012(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
22. Yan Yang, Wei Tan, Tianrui Li, et al, Consensus clustering based on constrained self-organizing map and improved Cop-Kmeans ensemble in intelligent decision support systems, Knowledge-based Systems, 32: 101-115, 2012 (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
21. Zhengjiang Wu, Tianrui Li, Keyun Qin, Da Ruan, Approximation Operators, Binary Relation and Basis Algebra in L-fuzzy Rough Sets, Fundamenta Informaticae, 111(1): 47-63, 2011. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
20. Xun Gong, Guoyin Wang, Li Xinxin, Tianrui Li, A statistical two-step method for 3D face reconstruction from a single image, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 20(4): 671-675, 2011. (SCI, EI)
19. Xun Gong, Yong Yang, Jianhui Lin, Tianrui Li, Expression Detection Based on a Novel Emotion Recognition Method International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 4(1): 44-53, 2011. (SCI)
18. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Junbo Zhang, Incremental learning optimization on knowledge discovery in dynamic business intelligent systems, Journal of Global Optimization, 51(2): 325-344, 2011. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
17. Dun Liu, Yiyu Yao, Tianrui Li, Three-way investment decisions with decision-theoretic rough sets, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 4(1): 66-74, 2011. (SCI, EI)
16. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Weili Zou. An Incremental Approach for Inducing Knowledge from Dynamic Information Systems. Fundamenta Informaticae, 94(2): 245-260, 2009. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
15. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Decui Liang, Three-way government decision analysis with decision-theoretic rough sets, International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 20: 119-132, 2012(SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
14. Dun Liu, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Probabilistic model criteria with decision-theoretic rough sets, Information Sciences, 181(17): 3709-3722, 2011. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊, 入选ESI高被引论文)
13. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Xiaoqiang Zhang, Zhengyou He, Tianrui Li, Jin Weidong, Adaptive Extended Pipelined Second-Order Volterra Filter for Nonlinear Active Noise Controller, IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, 20(4): 1394-1399, 2012. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
12. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Zhengyou He and Tianrui Li, Complex-valued pipelined decision feedback recurrent neural network for nonlinear channel equalization, IET Communications, 6: 1082-1096, 2012. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
11. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Jiashu Zhang, Tianrui Li, Liu Yangguang, Da Ruan, Pipelined functional link artificial recurrent neural network with the decision feedback structure for nonlinear channel equalization, Information Sciences, 181(17): 3677-3692, 2011. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
10. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Jiashu Zhang, Yangguang Liu, Xiaomin Wang, Tianrui Li, A novel joint-processing adaptive nonlinear equalizer using a modular recurrent neural network for chaotic communication systems, Neural Networks, 24(1): 12-18, 2011. (SCI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
9. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Jiashu Zhang, Tianrui Li, Equalisation of non-linear time-varying channels using a pipelined decision feedback recurrent neural network filter in wireless communication systems, IET Communications, 5(3): 381-395, 2011. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
8. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Jiashu Zhang, Yangguang Liu, Xiaomin Wang, Tianrui Li, Adaptive non-linear filter using a modular polynomial perceptron, IET Signal Processing, 4(6): 640-649, 2010. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
7. Haiquan Zhao, Xiangping Zeng, Jiashu Zhang, Tianrui Li, Nonlinear Adaptive Equalizer Using a Pipelined Decision Feedback Recurrent Neural Network in Communication Systems, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 58(8): 2193-2198, 2010. (SCI, 中国计算机学会B类期刊)
6. Hongmei Chen, Tianrui Li, Shaojie Qiao, Da Ruan, A rough set based dynamic maintenance approach for approximations in coarsening and refining attribute values, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 25(10): 1005-1026, 2010. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
5. Shaojie Qiao, Tianrui Li, Jing Peng, Jiangtao Qiu. Parallel Sequential Pattern Mining of Massive Trajectory Data, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 3(3): 343-356, 2010. (SCI)
4. Jing Song, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, An Integration of Cloud Transform and Rough Set Theory to Induction of Decision Trees, Fundamenta Informaticae, 94(2): 261-273, 2009. (SCI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
3. Yongjun Shen, Tianrui Li, Hermans Elke, Da Ruan, Wets Geert, Koen Vanhoof, Tom Brijs, A hybrid system of neural networks and rough sets for road safety performance indicators, Soft Computing, 14(12): 1255-1263, 2010. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
2. Lin Feng, Tianrui Li, Da Ruan, Shirong Gou, A vague-rough set approach for uncertain knowledge acquisition, Knowledge-Based Systems, 24(6): 837-843, 2011. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)
1. Hongjun Wang, Ruihua Nie, Xingnian Liu, Tianrui Li, Constraint projections for semi-supervised affinity propagation, Knowledge-Based Systems, 36: 315-321, 2012. (SCI, EI, 中国计算机学会C类期刊)

Selected Papers in Chinese Journals
18. 高新波,黎铭,李天瑞.非经典条件下的机器学习方法专题前言[J].软件学报,2020,31(04):909-911.
17. 付治,王红军,李天瑞,滕飞,张继.基于k个标记样本的弱监督学习框架[J/OL].软件学报,2020,31(04):981-990. https://doi.org/10.13328/j.cnki.jos.005919.
16. 滕飞,黄齐川,李天瑞,王晨,田春华.大规模时间序列分析框架的研究与实现[J/OL].计算机学报,2019:1-15[2020-05-03].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.1826.TP.**.1539.002.html.
15. 乔少杰,韩楠,金澈清,高云君,李天瑞,唐常杰,康健.基于Multi-Agent的分布式文本聚类模型[J].计算机学报,2018,41(08):1709-1721.
14. 乔少杰,韩楠,李天瑞,熊熙,元昌安,黄江涛,王晓腾.一种基于空间编码技术的轨迹特征提取方法[J].中国科学:信息科学,2017,47(11):1523-1537.
13. 乔少杰,韩楠,李天瑞,李荣华,李斌勇,王晓腾,Louis Alberto GUTIERREZ.基于前缀投影技术的大规模轨迹预测模型[J].软件学报,2017,28(11):3043-3057.
12. 褚睿鸿,王红军,杨燕,李天瑞. 基于密度峰值的聚类集成. 自动化学报,2016,42(9):1401-1412
11. 乔少杰,韩楠,金澈清,高云君,李天瑞,唐常杰,康健.基于Multi-agent的分布式文本聚类模型[J/OL].计算机学报,2017:1-13
10. 刘胜久,李天瑞,洪西进,王红军,珠杰, 基于矩阵运算的复杂网络构建方法研究,中国科学:信息科学,46(5): 610-626, 2016.
9. 张钧波,李天瑞,潘毅,罗川,滕飞. 云平台下基于粗糙集的并行增量知识更新算法[J]. 软件学报,2015,05:1064-1078.
8. 乔少杰,李天瑞,韩楠,高云君,元昌安,王晓腾,唐常杰. 大数据环境下移动对象自适应轨迹预测模型[J]. 软件学报,2015,11:2869-2883.
7. 刘韬,李天瑞,谈文蓉,殷锋. 基于分布式与联合优化的无线传感器网络数据汇聚机制[J]. 通信学报,2015,07:18-30.
6. 珠杰,李天瑞,刘胜久. TSRM藏文拼写检查算法[J]. 中文信息学报,2014,03:92-98.
5. 珠杰,李天瑞. 藏文停用词选取与自动处理方法研究[J]. 中文信息学报,2015,02:125-132.
4. 刘胜久,李天瑞,珠杰. Zipf定律与网络信息计量学[J]. 中文信息学报,2015,04:89-94.
3. 王磊,李天瑞,刘清,黎敏. 对象集变化时近似集动态维护的矩阵方法[J]. 计算机研究与发展,2013,09:1992-2004.
2. 龚勋,王国胤,李天瑞,李昕昕,夏冉,冯林. 基于混合能量活动轮廓模型的人脸分割方法[J]. 软件学报,2013,03:623-638.
1. 冯林,王国胤,李天瑞. 连续值属性决策表中的知识获取方法[J]. 电子学报,2009,11:2432-2438.

Selected Papers in arXiv
7. Shengdong Du, Tianrui Li, Xun Gong, Zeng Yu, Shi-Jinn Horng, A Hybrid Method for Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Multimodal Deep Learning. https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.02099 (2018)
6. Huaishao Luo, Tianrui Li, Bing Liu, Bin Wang, Herwig Unger, Improving Aspect Term Extraction with Bidirectional Dependency Tree Representation. https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.07889 (2018)
5. Zeng Yu, Tianrui Li, Ning Yu, Xun Gong, Ke Chen, Yi Pan, Three-Stream Convolutional Networks for Video-based Person Re-Identification. https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.01652 (2017)
4. Zeng Yu, Tianrui Li, Ning Yu, Yi Pan, Hongmei Chen, Bing Liu, Reconstruction of Hidden Representation for Robust Feature Extraction. https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.02844 (2017)
3. Jielei Chu, Hongjun Wang, Hua Meng, Peng Jin, Tianrui Li, Restricted Boltzmann Machines with Gaussian Visible Units Guided by Pairwise Constraints, https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.03647(2017)
2. Junbo Zhang, Yu Zheng, Dekang Qi, Ruiyuan Li, Xiuwen Yi, Tianrui Li, Predicting Citywide Crowd Flows Using Deep Spatio-Temporal Residual Networks, https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.02543(2017)
1. Junbo Zhang, Tianrui Li, Yi Pan, Parallel Large-Scale Attribute Reduction on Cloud Systems. https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.01807(2016)

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息Personal Information 教师英文名称: Tianrui Li
职务: 党委委员、书记
所在单位: 计算机与人工智能学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 西南交通大学犀浦校区9431
学位: 工学博士学位
电子邮箱: trli@swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 西南交通大学



研究领域 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 研究领域
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Cloud Computing and Big Data
Artificial Intelligence
Granular Computing and Rough Sets

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息Personal Information 教师英文名称: Tianrui Li
职务: 党委委员、书记
所在单位: 计算机与人工智能学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 西南交通大学犀浦校区9431
学位: 工学博士学位
电子邮箱: trli@swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 西南交通大学



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Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息Personal Information 教师英文名称: Tianrui Li
职务: 党委委员、书记
所在单位: 计算机与人工智能学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 西南交通大学犀浦校区9431
学位: 工学博士学位
电子邮箱: trli@swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 西南交通大学



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Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息Personal Information 教师英文名称: Tianrui Li
职务: 党委委员、书记
所在单位: 计算机与人工智能学院
学历: 博士研究生毕业
办公地点: 西南交通大学犀浦校区9431
学位: 工学博士学位
电子邮箱: trli@swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 西南交通大学



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Discrete Mathematics /DM
Data Mining /DM
Computational Intelligence /CI


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