

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-25

个人信息MORE +
朱焱 教授
办公地点: 西南交通大学犀浦校区,利兹学院,3号教学楼5层。
联系方式: 通信地址:西南交通大学,交大-利兹学院,成都市高新区西部园区,西南交通大学犀浦校区邮编 611756
学位: 工学博士学位
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: yzhu@swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 德国,达姆斯塔特工大


西南交通大学 计算机与人工智能学院 教授。 西南交大-利兹学院 副院长。

1997-2004,分别在德国Marburg Philipps大学和Darmstadt工业大学(TU9联盟),进行科学研究工作。
2005年至今,在西南交通大学,信息科学与技术学院、计算机与人工智能学院任教。2019年入选西南交通大学“扬华****”。荣获2018年“詹天佑教书育人奖”、2017年西南交通大学 “唐立新优秀教师奖”。2014年入选西南交通大学“教学名师”。四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选。

融合隐私保护和学习技术的社交网络垃圾欺诈高效检测机制 (四川省科技计划项目)

***** 2021年秋季学期 *****
博士生/研究生课程:大数据智慧管理与分析机制基础 (英文,3学时/周,共17周)
***** 2021年春季学期 *****
交大-利兹学院课程:Databases(数据库)(3学时/周, 共10周);
Data Mining (数据挖掘,共30小时)。

[1] 达姆施塔特工业大学(德)|信息学|博士研究生毕业|工学博士学位




Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息MORE +
朱焱 教授
办公地点: 西南交通大学犀浦校区,利兹学院,3号教学楼5层。
联系方式: 通信地址:西南交通大学,交大-利兹学院,成都市高新区西部园区,西南交通大学犀浦校区邮编 611756
学位: 工学博士学位
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: yzhu@swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 德国,达姆斯塔特工大

科学研究 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究

研究兴趣与项目 - Research

学术社交网络分析与挖掘;隐私保护数据挖掘;Web欺诈检测;大数据管理与智能分析 (NoSQL, NewSQL,数据仓库技术,等)。

当前的研究工作 任务名称



隐私保护数据挖掘 (四川省省校合作重点项目)
1998年,Ann Cavoukian发表了《数据挖掘:以破坏隐私为代价》的报告,引起了很大的轰动。该报告剖析了数据挖掘和隐私的关系,指出数据挖掘可能是个人隐私提倡者未来10年所要面对的“最根本的挑战”。目前,大数据的研究与应用如火如荼,而如何能在不泄露用户隐私的前提下,挖掘大数据的价值,成功又安全地开展各行业的大数据智能化应用,是目前大数据挖掘研究领域的关键问题。该领域(PPDM:Privacy Preserving Data Mining)的研究内容主要有:
(1)从社会、法律角度,分析数据挖掘中牵涉到的隐私权问题个案,主要是从网络隐私权保护延伸出来的问题。 (2)结合隐私保护最大化条件,研究新的方法或改进已有的挖掘算法,将数据安全(加密、隐藏等)、分布式技术和数据挖掘技术相结合,从数据发布、挖掘算法、挖掘规律发布等各个方面进行深入探索。


随着World Wide Web上的信息愈加丰富,Web应用愈加广泛,各类欺诈攻击手段也愈加猖狂。新出现了许多欺诈类型,例如社交网络上的欺诈,多媒体方式欺诈,点击欺诈等,主要目的仍然是从经济上非法获利。
本项目目前从几个方面进行研究:发现微博垃圾用户;检测图像化的欺诈;挖掘产品评价中的欺诈内容;检测点击欺诈。 研究内容包括研究欺诈现象和机理,在此基础上提取具有代表性的特征,研究基于数据挖掘技术的高性能检测算法。

科研成果-Pulications 著作与著作章节 朱焱. 大数据智慧管理与分析之技术和实践——从数据仓库/OLAP到NoSQL和NewSQL. 西南交通大学出版社,成都, 2019
朱焱. Web X.0环境下的万维网服务技术与实践. 西南交通大学出版社,成都, 2011
朱焱. 高速列车耦合大系统动力学理论与实践. 科学出版社,北京, 2013 (《第三章 高速列车耦合大系统动力学仿真平台》主要撰写人)
Yan Zhu. Integrating External Data from Web Sources into a Data Warehouse for OLAP and Decision Making. SHAKER Verlag, Aachen, Germany, 2004
X. Zhuang, Y. Zhu. Cryptanalysis of T-function Based Ultralightweight RFID Authentication Protocols. 收录于文集: Progress on Crytography - 20 Years of Cryptography in Taiwan. McGraw-Hill International Enterprises,Taiwan, 2014

近年的论文选列(第一作者和通讯作者) Jia-Qing Wang, Yan Zhu, Huan He, Chun-Ping Li. Less is More: Feature Choosing under Privacy-Preservation for Efficient Web Spam Detection. DEXA2021, Austria,Sept. 2021. (EI)
Xu Zhuang,Yan Zhu, Qiang Peng, Faisal Khurshid.Using deep belief network to demote web spam. Future generation Computer systems. 118(2021): 94-106. (SCI)
Rong Wang, Benjamin C. M. Fung, Yan Zhu, Qiang Peng.Differentially private data publishing for arbitrarily partitioned data. Information Sciences, 553(2021):247-265. (SCI)
Cheng Cheng, Chunping Li, Yongfang Han, Yan Zhu.A semi-supervised deep learning image caption model based on Pseudo Label and N-gram.International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 131(2021): 93-107. (SCI)
Rong Wang,Benjamin C.M. Fung, Yan Zhu.Heterogeneousdata releaseforclusteranalysiswithdifferentialprivacy.Knowledge-BasedSystems. 201-202:106047, 2020. (SCI)
Rong Wang,Yan Zhu, Chin-Chen Chang, Qiang Peng.Privacy-Preserving High-dimensional data publishing for classification.Computer & Security,Vol93:101785, June 2020. (SCI)
Liangqiang Huang, Yan Zhu, Xin Wang, Faisal Khurshid. An Attribute-Based Fine-Grained Access Control Mechanism for HBase. DEXA2019, Austria, Aug 2019. (EI)
Jiefan Tan, Yan Zhu, Qiang Du. Triplet-CSSVM: Integrating Triplet-Sampling CNN and Cost-Sensitive Classification for Imbalanced Image Detection. DEXA2019, Austria, Aug 2019. (EI)
Faisal Khurshid,Yan Zhu, Xu Zhuang, Mushtaq Ahmad, Muqeet Ahmad. Enactment of Ensemble Learning for Review Spam Detection on Selected Features.International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 12(1):387-394, 2019.(SCI)
Rong Wang,Yan Zhu, Tung-Shou Chen, Chin-Chen Chang. Privacy-Preserving Algorithms for Multiple Sensitive Attributes Satisfying t-Closeness. Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 33(6):1-12, 2018.(SCI)
Rong Wang,Yan Zhu, Tung-Shou Chen, Chin-Chen Chang. An Authentication Method Based on the Turtle Shell Algorithm for Privacy-Preserving Data Mining. The Computer Journal. 61(8): 1123–1132, 2018.(SCI)
Xu Zhuang,Yan Zhu, Chin-Chen Chang, Qiang Peng. Security Issues in Ultralightweight RFID Authentication Protocols. Wireless Personal Communications. 98(1):779-814, 2018. (SCI)
Xu Zhuang,Yan Zhu, Chin-Chen Chang, Qiang Peng. A Unified Score Propagation Model for Web Spam Demotion Algorithm. Information Retrieval Journal. 20(6):547-574, 2017.(SCI)
Xu Zhuang,Yan Zhu, Chin-Chen Chang, Qiang Peng. Feature Bundling in Decision Tree Algorithm, Intelligent Data Analysis. 21(2):371-383,2017. (SCI)
Sha Wei, Yan Zhu.Cleaning out Web Spam by Entropy-based Cascade Outlier Detection. DEXA2017, France, Aug 2017. (EI)
Rong Wang, Yan Zhu, Jiefan Tan, Binbin Zhou. Detection of Malicious Web Pages Based on Hybrid Analysis. Journal of Information Security and Applications. 35:68-74, 2017. (SCI)
Faisal Khurshid,Yan Zhu. Recital of Supervised Learning on Review Spam Detection: An Empirical Analysis. The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2017), China, Nov. 2017. (EI)
Shou-Hong Tang, Yan Zhu, Fan Yang, Qing Xu. Ascertaining Spam Web Pages Based on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm. DEXA2014, Springer LNCS 8645. Sept 2014. (EI)
Bo Zhao,Yan Zhu. Formalizing and Validating the Web Quality Model for Web Source Quality Evaluation. Expert System with Application. 41(7): 3306-3312, 2014. (SCI)
X. Zhuang, Y. Zhu and C. C. Chang. A New Ultralightweight RFID Protocol for Low-Cost Tags: R2AP. Wireless Personal Communications. 77(4): 1787-1802, 2014. (SCI)
Shou-Hong Tang, Yan Zhu, Fan Yang, Qing Xu. Ascertaining Spam Web Pages Based on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm. DEXA2014, Springer LNCS 8645. Sept 2014. (EI)
张人之、朱焱.基于主动学习的社交网络恶意用户检测方法. 计算机科学, 2021-02-09(中文核心)
陶霄、朱焱、李春平.基于注意力和多模态混合融合的谣言检测方法. 计算机工程,2020-12-24 (中文核心)
颜仕雄、朱焱、李春平.基于多头注意力机制的社交网络符号预测.计算机应用研究.2021,38(05) (中文核心)
李浩、朱焱.基于梯度分布调节策略的Xgboost算法优化. 计算机应用,2020年第6期,pp1633-1637 (中文核心)
黄良强、朱焱、陶霄. 基于HBase的细粒度访问控制方法研究. 计算机应用研究,2020年第3期,pp824-828(中文核心)
王嘉卿、朱焱、陈同孝、张真诚. 优选特征高效打击网页欺诈.计算机应用,2018,38(1),295-299 (中文核心)
林钊、朱焱、陈同孝、张真诚. 应用基于随机森林的树形集成学习算法抓住欺诈网页. 计算机应用研究 (增刊), 2018(中文核心)
谭洁帆、朱焱、陈同孝、张真诚.基于卷积神经网络和代价敏感的不平衡图像分类方法 . 计算机应用, 2018, 38(7), 1862-1865+1871 (中文核心)
韦莎、朱焱. 主题相似度与链接权重相结合的垃圾网页排序检测. 计算机应用,2016,36(3):95-99 (中文核心)
白雪骢、朱焱. 一种基于禁忌搜索算法的流程挖掘方法,计算机科学.2016, No.3. (中文核心)
杨伟浩、朱焱. GO法分析C3列控车载系统可靠性的改进,兰州交通大学学报.2016,35(1) (中文核心)
唐寿洪、朱焱,杨凡. 基于Bagging-SVM集成分类器的网页作弊检测, 计算机科学,2015,42(1):239-243 (中文核心)
张念、朱焱、王小敏、郭进. 铁路轨道不平顺预测模型研究与应用. 铁路标准设计,2015,No. 9. (中文核心)
徐青、朱焱. 分析多类特征和欺诈技术检测JavaScript恶意代码. 计算机应用与软件. 2015,32(7):293-296(中文核心)
唐寿洪、朱焱、杨凡. 基于Bagging-SVM集成分类器的网页作弊检测. 计算机科学. 2015.No.1.(中文核心)
杨凡、朱焱、唐寿洪. 基于免疫克隆选择算法的垃圾网页检测. 计算机应用与软件. 2015.(中文核心)

特邀大会发言 Multi-degree Detection of Web Spam with Web Quality Features, IEEE International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, Chengdu, PR China, June 6-7, 2015
Web Quality/Safety Issues and Our Solutions. The 3rd International Conference on Computer Technology and Development (ICCTD 2011). Nov. 26-29, 2011.
Web Source/Information Quality Modeling and Assessment. The 3rd International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE 2010). Nov. 17-18, 2010.
An Attribute-Based Fine-Grained Access Control Mechanism for HBase. DEXA2019, Linz, Austria, Aug 2019.
Triplet-CSSVM: Integrating Triplet-Sampling CNN and Cost-Sensitive Classification for Imbalanced Image Detection. DEXA2019, Linz, Austria, Aug 2019.
Cleaning out Web Spam by Entropy-based Cascade Outlier Detection.The 28th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2017 ). France Lyon, Aug.27-Sep. 1,2017.
Blocking Web Spam by Entropy-based Cascade Outlier Detection. Department of Computer Science, Georgia State University, USA, Sep.3,2016.
A Brief Introduction of Internet and Web Spam Detection. 清华大学-西南交大数据挖掘与机器学习工作组会议. April 16-17, 2015.
Ascertaining Spam Web Pages Based on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm. The 25th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2014 ). Germany, Sep. 1-4,2014.
WSD-AIS: an Artificial Immune System Approach against Web Spam. International Computer Symposium (ICS). Taiwan, Dec. 12-14,2014.
Visual clusttering reduction for visualizing large spatio-temporal data sets. IEEE CSE2014, Chengdu, Dec. 19-21,2014.
The Comfort Evaluation of Wearable Devices Using Fuzzy Assessment Technologies. Sino-German Bilateral Workshop on Wearable Computing(WearCom2010). Chengdu, Aug. 24-29,2010.

August 25~August 31,2019: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
September 18~October 1,2018: Technical University of Braunschweig; Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences; Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany
Feburary 12~16,2018: Harvard University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); IBM, USA
Feburary 06~09,2018: Georgia State University; Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
August 27~September 01,2017: Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3(里昂第三大学), France
March 03~19, 2017: Leeds University, United Kingdom
September 02~17,2016: Georgia State University; Northwestern University, USA
February 02 ~ 12,2016: Politecnico di Torino (都灵理工), Italy
December 12-14, 2014: 逢甲大学(Feng Chia University); 东海大学(Tunghai Univerisity),中国台中
September 01~04,2014: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
专业领域服务 国际会议技术程序委员会委员: DEXA (2011-2021), CMS (2010-2016), IEEE ICEBE (2015,2018-2020), ICS2014, IEEE CSAE (2012-2013), MSVVEIS (2012), RSKT (2009-2010)
国际会议组织委员会主席:ICCTD2011, MDMKD2009
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
Expert Systems with Applications
The Computer Journal
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems(TLDKS)
Journal of Universal Computer Science(J. UCS)
Information Systems Journal (ISJ)
Recent Patents on Computer Science
Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences(AISS)
评审专家: 国家自然科学基金(面上项目、青年项目);霍英东青年教师基金和霍英东青年教师奖;国家留学基金委留学项目;四川省发改委咨询中心;成都市科技评估中心

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息MORE +
朱焱 教授
办公地点: 西南交通大学犀浦校区,利兹学院,3号教学楼5层。
联系方式: 通信地址:西南交通大学,交大-利兹学院,成都市高新区西部园区,西南交通大学犀浦校区邮编 611756
学位: 工学博士学位
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: yzhu@swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 德国,达姆斯塔特工大

科研项目 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 科研项目

研究兴趣与项目 - Research

学术社交网络分析与挖掘;隐私保护数据挖掘;Web欺诈检测;大数据管理与智能分析 (NoSQL, NewSQL,数据仓库技术,等)。

当前的研究工作 任务名称



隐私保护数据挖掘 (四川省省校合作重点项目)
1998年,Ann Cavoukian发表了《数据挖掘:以破坏隐私为代价》的报告,引起了很大的轰动。该报告剖析了数据挖掘和隐私的关系,指出数据挖掘可能是个人隐私提倡者未来10年所要面对的“最根本的挑战”。目前,大数据的研究与应用如火如荼,而如何能在不泄露用户隐私的前提下,挖掘大数据的价值,成功又安全地开展各行业的大数据智能化应用,是目前大数据挖掘研究领域的关键问题。该领域(PPDM:Privacy Preserving Data Mining)的研究内容主要有:
(1)从社会、法律角度,分析数据挖掘中牵涉到的隐私权问题个案,主要是从网络隐私权保护延伸出来的问题。 (2)结合隐私保护最大化条件,研究新的方法或改进已有的挖掘算法,将数据安全(加密、隐藏等)、分布式技术和数据挖掘技术相结合,从数据发布、挖掘算法、挖掘规律发布等各个方面进行深入探索。


随着World Wide Web上的信息愈加丰富,Web应用愈加广泛,各类欺诈攻击手段也愈加猖狂。新出现了许多欺诈类型,例如社交网络上的欺诈,多媒体方式欺诈,点击欺诈等,主要目的仍然是从经济上非法获利。
本项目目前从几个方面进行研究:发现微博垃圾用户;检测图像化的欺诈;挖掘产品评价中的欺诈内容;检测点击欺诈。 研究内容包括研究欺诈现象和机理,在此基础上提取具有代表性的特征,研究基于数据挖掘技术的高性能检测算法。

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息MORE +
朱焱 教授
办公地点: 西南交通大学犀浦校区,利兹学院,3号教学楼5层。
联系方式: 通信地址:西南交通大学,交大-利兹学院,成都市高新区西部园区,西南交通大学犀浦校区邮编 611756
学位: 工学博士学位
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: yzhu@swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 德国,达姆斯塔特工大

论文成果 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果

科研成果-Pulications 著作与著作章节 朱焱. 大数据智慧管理与分析之技术和实践——从数据仓库/OLAP到NoSQL和NewSQL. 西南交通大学出版社,成都, 2019
朱焱. Web X.0环境下的万维网服务技术与实践. 西南交通大学出版社,成都, 2011
朱焱. 高速列车耦合大系统动力学理论与实践. 科学出版社,北京, 2013 (《第三章 高速列车耦合大系统动力学仿真平台》主要撰写人)
Yan Zhu. Integrating External Data from Web Sources into a Data Warehouse for OLAP and Decision Making. SHAKER Verlag, Aachen, Germany, 2004
X. Zhuang, Y. Zhu. Cryptanalysis of T-function Based Ultralightweight RFID Authentication Protocols. 收录于文集: Progress on Crytography - 20 Years of Cryptography in Taiwan. McGraw-Hill International Enterprises,Taiwan, 2014

近年的论文选列(第一作者和通讯作者) Jia-Qing Wang, Yan Zhu, Huan He, Chun-Ping Li. Less is More: Feature Choosing under Privacy-Preservation for Efficient Web Spam Detection. DEXA2021, Austria,Sept. 2021. (EI)
Xu Zhuang,Yan Zhu, Qiang Peng, Faisal Khurshid.Using deep belief network to demote web spam. Future generation Computer systems. 118(2021): 94-106. (SCI)
Rong Wang, Benjamin C. M. Fung, Yan Zhu, Qiang Peng.Differentially private data publishing for arbitrarily partitioned data. Information Sciences, 553(2021):247-265. (SCI)
Cheng Cheng, Chunping Li, Yongfang Han, Yan Zhu.A semi-supervised deep learning image caption model based on Pseudo Label and N-gram.International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 131(2021): 93-107. (SCI)
Rong Wang,Benjamin C.M. Fung, Yan Zhu.Heterogeneousdata releaseforclusteranalysiswithdifferentialprivacy.Knowledge-BasedSystems. 201-202:106047, 2020. (SCI)
Rong Wang,Yan Zhu, Chin-Chen Chang, Qiang Peng.Privacy-Preserving High-dimensional data publishing for classification.Computer & Security,Vol93:101785, June 2020. (SCI)
Liangqiang Huang, Yan Zhu, Xin Wang, Faisal Khurshid. An Attribute-Based Fine-Grained Access Control Mechanism for HBase. DEXA2019, Austria, Aug 2019. (EI)
Jiefan Tan, Yan Zhu, Qiang Du. Triplet-CSSVM: Integrating Triplet-Sampling CNN and Cost-Sensitive Classification for Imbalanced Image Detection. DEXA2019, Austria, Aug 2019. (EI)
Faisal Khurshid,Yan Zhu, Xu Zhuang, Mushtaq Ahmad, Muqeet Ahmad. Enactment of Ensemble Learning for Review Spam Detection on Selected Features.International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems. 12(1):387-394, 2019.(SCI)
Rong Wang,Yan Zhu, Tung-Shou Chen, Chin-Chen Chang. Privacy-Preserving Algorithms for Multiple Sensitive Attributes Satisfying t-Closeness. Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 33(6):1-12, 2018.(SCI)
Rong Wang,Yan Zhu, Tung-Shou Chen, Chin-Chen Chang. An Authentication Method Based on the Turtle Shell Algorithm for Privacy-Preserving Data Mining. The Computer Journal. 61(8): 1123–1132, 2018.(SCI)
Xu Zhuang,Yan Zhu, Chin-Chen Chang, Qiang Peng. Security Issues in Ultralightweight RFID Authentication Protocols. Wireless Personal Communications. 98(1):779-814, 2018. (SCI)
Xu Zhuang,Yan Zhu, Chin-Chen Chang, Qiang Peng. A Unified Score Propagation Model for Web Spam Demotion Algorithm. Information Retrieval Journal. 20(6):547-574, 2017.(SCI)
Xu Zhuang,Yan Zhu, Chin-Chen Chang, Qiang Peng. Feature Bundling in Decision Tree Algorithm, Intelligent Data Analysis. 21(2):371-383,2017. (SCI)
Sha Wei, Yan Zhu.Cleaning out Web Spam by Entropy-based Cascade Outlier Detection. DEXA2017, France, Aug 2017. (EI)
Rong Wang, Yan Zhu, Jiefan Tan, Binbin Zhou. Detection of Malicious Web Pages Based on Hybrid Analysis. Journal of Information Security and Applications. 35:68-74, 2017. (SCI)
Faisal Khurshid,Yan Zhu. Recital of Supervised Learning on Review Spam Detection: An Empirical Analysis. The 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2017), China, Nov. 2017. (EI)
Shou-Hong Tang, Yan Zhu, Fan Yang, Qing Xu. Ascertaining Spam Web Pages Based on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm. DEXA2014, Springer LNCS 8645. Sept 2014. (EI)
Bo Zhao,Yan Zhu. Formalizing and Validating the Web Quality Model for Web Source Quality Evaluation. Expert System with Application. 41(7): 3306-3312, 2014. (SCI)
X. Zhuang, Y. Zhu and C. C. Chang. A New Ultralightweight RFID Protocol for Low-Cost Tags: R2AP. Wireless Personal Communications. 77(4): 1787-1802, 2014. (SCI)
Shou-Hong Tang, Yan Zhu, Fan Yang, Qing Xu. Ascertaining Spam Web Pages Based on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm. DEXA2014, Springer LNCS 8645. Sept 2014. (EI)
张人之、朱焱.基于主动学习的社交网络恶意用户检测方法. 计算机科学, 2021-02-09(中文核心)
陶霄、朱焱、李春平.基于注意力和多模态混合融合的谣言检测方法. 计算机工程,2020-12-24 (中文核心)
颜仕雄、朱焱、李春平.基于多头注意力机制的社交网络符号预测.计算机应用研究.2021,38(05) (中文核心)
李浩、朱焱.基于梯度分布调节策略的Xgboost算法优化. 计算机应用,2020年第6期,pp1633-1637 (中文核心)
黄良强、朱焱、陶霄. 基于HBase的细粒度访问控制方法研究. 计算机应用研究,2020年第3期,pp824-828(中文核心)
王嘉卿、朱焱、陈同孝、张真诚. 优选特征高效打击网页欺诈.计算机应用,2018,38(1),295-299 (中文核心)
林钊、朱焱、陈同孝、张真诚. 应用基于随机森林的树形集成学习算法抓住欺诈网页. 计算机应用研究 (增刊), 2018(中文核心)
谭洁帆、朱焱、陈同孝、张真诚.基于卷积神经网络和代价敏感的不平衡图像分类方法 . 计算机应用, 2018, 38(7), 1862-1865+1871 (中文核心)
韦莎、朱焱. 主题相似度与链接权重相结合的垃圾网页排序检测. 计算机应用,2016,36(3):95-99 (中文核心)
白雪骢、朱焱. 一种基于禁忌搜索算法的流程挖掘方法,计算机科学.2016, No.3. (中文核心)
杨伟浩、朱焱. GO法分析C3列控车载系统可靠性的改进,兰州交通大学学报.2016,35(1) (中文核心)
唐寿洪、朱焱,杨凡. 基于Bagging-SVM集成分类器的网页作弊检测, 计算机科学,2015,42(1):239-243 (中文核心)
张念、朱焱、王小敏、郭进. 铁路轨道不平顺预测模型研究与应用. 铁路标准设计,2015,No. 9. (中文核心)
徐青、朱焱. 分析多类特征和欺诈技术检测JavaScript恶意代码. 计算机应用与软件. 2015,32(7):293-296(中文核心)
唐寿洪、朱焱、杨凡. 基于Bagging-SVM集成分类器的网页作弊检测. 计算机科学. 2015.No.1.(中文核心)
杨凡、朱焱、唐寿洪. 基于免疫克隆选择算法的垃圾网页检测. 计算机应用与软件. 2015.(中文核心)

特邀大会发言 Multi-degree Detection of Web Spam with Web Quality Features, IEEE International Conference on Communication Software and Networks, Chengdu, PR China, June 6-7, 2015
Web Quality/Safety Issues and Our Solutions. The 3rd International Conference on Computer Technology and Development (ICCTD 2011). Nov. 26-29, 2011.
Web Source/Information Quality Modeling and Assessment. The 3rd International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering (ICCEE 2010). Nov. 17-18, 2010.
An Attribute-Based Fine-Grained Access Control Mechanism for HBase. DEXA2019, Linz, Austria, Aug 2019.
Triplet-CSSVM: Integrating Triplet-Sampling CNN and Cost-Sensitive Classification for Imbalanced Image Detection. DEXA2019, Linz, Austria, Aug 2019.
Cleaning out Web Spam by Entropy-based Cascade Outlier Detection.The 28th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2017 ). France Lyon, Aug.27-Sep. 1,2017.
Blocking Web Spam by Entropy-based Cascade Outlier Detection. Department of Computer Science, Georgia State University, USA, Sep.3,2016.
A Brief Introduction of Internet and Web Spam Detection. 清华大学-西南交大数据挖掘与机器学习工作组会议. April 16-17, 2015.
Ascertaining Spam Web Pages Based on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm. The 25th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2014 ). Germany, Sep. 1-4,2014.
WSD-AIS: an Artificial Immune System Approach against Web Spam. International Computer Symposium (ICS). Taiwan, Dec. 12-14,2014.
Visual clusttering reduction for visualizing large spatio-temporal data sets. IEEE CSE2014, Chengdu, Dec. 19-21,2014.
The Comfort Evaluation of Wearable Devices Using Fuzzy Assessment Technologies. Sino-German Bilateral Workshop on Wearable Computing(WearCom2010). Chengdu, Aug. 24-29,2010.

August 25~August 31,2019: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
September 18~October 1,2018: Technical University of Braunschweig; Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences; Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany
Feburary 12~16,2018: Harvard University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); IBM, USA
Feburary 06~09,2018: Georgia State University; Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
August 27~September 01,2017: Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3(里昂第三大学), France
March 03~19, 2017: Leeds University, United Kingdom
September 02~17,2016: Georgia State University; Northwestern University, USA
February 02 ~ 12,2016: Politecnico di Torino (都灵理工), Italy
December 12-14, 2014: 逢甲大学(Feng Chia University); 东海大学(Tunghai Univerisity),中国台中
September 01~04,2014: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
专业领域服务 国际会议技术程序委员会委员: DEXA (2011-2021), CMS (2010-2016), IEEE ICEBE (2015,2018-2020), ICS2014, IEEE CSAE (2012-2013), MSVVEIS (2012), RSKT (2009-2010)
国际会议组织委员会主席:ICCTD2011, MDMKD2009
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
Expert Systems with Applications
The Computer Journal
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems(TLDKS)
Journal of Universal Computer Science(J. UCS)
Information Systems Journal (ISJ)
Recent Patents on Computer Science
Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences(AISS)
评审专家: 国家自然科学基金(面上项目、青年项目);霍英东青年教师基金和霍英东青年教师奖;国家留学基金委留学项目;四川省发改委咨询中心;成都市科技评估中心

Copyright ? 2019 西南交通大学. All Rights Reserved.蜀ICP备**号

个人信息MORE +
朱焱 教授
办公地点: 西南交通大学犀浦校区,利兹学院,3号教学楼5层。
联系方式: 通信地址:西南交通大学,交大-利兹学院,成都市高新区西部园区,西南交通大学犀浦校区邮编 611756
学位: 工学博士学位
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: yzhu@swjtu.edu.cn
毕业院校: 德国,达姆斯塔特工大

教学工作 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 教学工作

教学业绩 - Teaching Achievement

获得 2017-2020年度,西南交通大学,研究生教育教学改革成果一等奖。
获得 2017-2020年度,西南交通大学,本科教育教学改革成果三等奖。

2020年1月-2020年12月, 完成教育部-华为产学合作协同育人项目,成功结题。
录制全英文“慕课”课程《The Basics of NoSQL and NewSQL Big Data Management Mechanism》。

课程与教学活动 — Course and Student Project


课程名称 内容描述 课程时间



(Web Mining Technology)



本科生课程 数据库原理与设计 本课程是计算机科学与技术、软件工程以及信息类相关专业的一门专业技术基础必修课。

交大-利兹学院课程 Databases Module summary: Databases are a common component of many computer systems, storing and retrieving data about the state of a system. This module covers the principles of the design, architecture, implementation of database systems and the role of database management systems. In order to understand the design of database system an understanding of relational theory is required as well as the tools and techniques for decomposing systems and modelling them in an appropriate manner.This module introduces the tools for manipulating data in databases and design principles that ensure data security and integrity.
Objectives: This module provides a foundation in the design and implementation of databases with an emphases on relational database systems.
Learning outcomes: On successful completion of this module a student will have demonstrated the ability to: - describe the purpose and architecture of database management systems. - use appropriate tools to manipulate database systems. - design and implement a database using appropriate tools. - apply relational modelling techniques to real world situations. - apply normalisation and explain the advantages and disadvantages of normalisation. - describe the ethical, legal and security related issues concerning the implementation and administration of databases and their management systems.
Spring semester
3h/week, 10 weeks

交大-利兹学院课程 Data Mining (Eric Atwell, Yan Zhu) Module summary: This module explores the knowledge discovery process and its application in different domains such as text and web mining. You will learn the principles of data mining; compare a range of different techniques and algorithms and learn how to evaluate their performance.
Objectives: On completion of this module, students should be able to: -Identify all of the data, information, and knowledge elements, for a computational science application. -understand the components of the knowledge discovery process -understand and use algorithms, resources and techniques for implementing data mining systems; -understand techniques for evaluating different methodologies -demonstrate familiarity with some of the main application areas; -demonstrate familiarity with data mining and text analytics tools.
Learning outcomes: On completion of the year/program students should have provided evidence of being able to: -demonstrate a broad understanding of the concepts, information, practical competencies and techniques which are standard features in a range of aspects of the discipline; -apply generic and subject specific intellectual qualities to standard situations outside the context in which they were originally studied; -appreciate and employ the main methods of enquiry in the subject and critically evaluate the appropriateness of different methods of enquiry; -use a range of techniques to initiate and undertake the analysis of data and information; -adjust to professional and disciplinary boundaries; -effectively communicate information, arguments and analysis in a variety of forms;
Spring semester
3h/week, 10 weeks



2021-2022, 基于位置社交网络的用户兴趣点推荐


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