

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-02

工作单位 草业科技学院
电子邮箱 nieg17@sicau.edu.cn
招生专业 【学硕】:090900草学,【专硕】:095131农艺与种业
1)2011/07-2017/06,四川农业大学,草学专业(草种质资源创新及育种方向),博士(硕博连读) 导师,张新全 教授;

2)2014/10-2016/11,美国Purdue University,草坪学(草坪抗性生理方向),国家公派联合培养博士研究生 导师,Yiwei Jiang 教授,张新全 教授;

3)2013/09-2013/12, 四川大学,教育部出国留学人员英语高级研修班,进修;

4)2007/09-2011/07,安徽农业大学,草业科学,本科,指导教师,董召荣 教授。




3)国家自然基金面上项目,鸭茅抗锈病分子机制研究及抗性主效基因定位克隆,编号**, 2018/01-2021/12,60万元,在研,参加

3)Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER), Grant No. DE-SC**, Genetic Control of Flowering in Switchgrass, 2013/08-2016/08, 参加。

4)国家自然科学基金,**,柳枝稷关键木质素合成酶基因定位、SNPs 检测及关联作图,2013/01-2015/12,参加,排名第八。

1)Gang Nie, Linkai Huang, Xiao Ma, Zhongjie Ji, Yajie Zhang, Lu Tang, and Xinquan Zhang. Enriching Genomic Resources and Transcriptional Profile Analysis of Miscanthus sinensis under Drought Stress Based on RNA Sequencing International Journal of Genomics 2017, **. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/** (IF=2.402)

2)Yang Zhongfu#, Gang Nie#, Ling Pan, Yan Zhang, Linkai Huang, Xiao Ma and Xinquan Zhang*. Development and validation of near-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of forage quality parameters in Lolium multiflorum. Peer J, 2017, 5: e3867; DOI 10.7717/peerj.3867 (IF=2.177)

3)Gang Nie, Lu Tang, Yajie Zhang, Linkai Huang, Xiao Ma, Xin Cao, Ling Pan, Xu Zhang, Xinquan Zhang. Development of SSR Markers Based on Transcriptome Sequencing and Association Analysis with Drought Tolerance in Perennial Grass Miscanthus from China Front. Plant Sci. 2017, 8:801.(IF=4.495)

4)Gang Nie, Ming Sun, Linkai Huang, Xiao Ma and Xinquan Zhang. Effect of moist pre-chill and dry pre-heat treatment on the germination of Miscanthus sinensis seed from southwest China Grassland Science 2017, 63: 93-100. (IF=0.820)

5)Gang Nie, Linkai Huang, Xinquan Zhang, Megan Taylor, Yiwei Jiang, Xiaoqing Yu, Xinchun Liu, Xinyu Wang, Yajie Zhang. Marker-Trait Association for Biomass Yield of Potential Bio-fuel Feedstock Miscanthus sinensis from Southwest China Front. Plant Sci. 2016, 7:802. (IF=4.495)

6)Gang Nie, Xin-Quan Zhang, Lin-Kai Huang, Wen-Zhi Xu, Jian-Ping Wang, Yun-Wei Zhang, Xiao Ma, Yan-Hong Yan, Hai-Dong Yan. Genetic Varibility and Population Structure of the Potential Bioenergy Crop Miscanthus sinensis (Poaceae) in Southwest China Based on SRAP Makers Molecules 2014, 19:12881-12897.(IF=2.465)

7)聂 刚,张新全,黄琳凯,许文志,马迎梅. 中国西南区野生芒居群表型变异研究[J].草业学报,2013,22(5):52-61.

8)Qiuxu Liu, Xiao Qi, Haidong Yan, Linkai Huang, Gang Nie, Xinquan Zhang*. Reference Gene Selection for Quantitative Real-Time Reverse-Transcriptase PCR in Annual Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) Subjected to Various Abiotic Stresses Molecules 2018, 23, 172; doi:10.3390/ molecules**

9)Bin Yong?, Huan Xie?, Zhou Li, Ya-Ping Li, Yan Zhang, Gang Nie, Xin-Quan Zhang, Xiao Ma, Lin-Kai Huang, Yan-Hong Yan,Yan Peng*. Exogenous Application of GABA Improves PEG-Induced Drought Tolerance Positively Associated with GABA-Shunt, Polyamines, and Proline Metabolism in White Clover Frontiers in Physiology 2017, 8:1107.

10)Na Luo, Xiaoqing Yu, Gang Nie, Jianxiu Liu, and Yiwei Jiang. Specific peroxidases differentiate Brachypodium distachyon accessions and are associated with drought tolerance traits Annals of Botany 2016, 118 (2): 259-270. (IF=3.982)

11)Yiwei Jiang, Yaoshen Li, Gang Nie, Huifen Liu. Leaf and Root Growth, Carbon and Nitrogen Contents, and Gene Expression of Perennial Ryegrass to Different Nitrogen Supplies J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 2016, 141(6):555–562. (IF=1.276)

12)Ling Pan, Xinquan Zhang, Jianping Wang, Xiao Ma, Meiliang Zhou, Linkai Huang, Gang Nie, Pengxi Wang, Zhongfu Yang, Ji Li. Transcriptional profiles of droughtrelated genes in modulating metabolic processes and antioxidant defenses in Lolium multiflorum Front. Plant Sci. 2016, 7:519.

13)Xia Wang, Xiao Ma, Xinquan Zhang, Linkai Huang, Zhou Li, Wenzhi Xu, Gang Nie. Analysis of Antioxidant Enzyme Activity and Antioxidant Genes Expression During Germination of Two Different Genotypes of Lolium multiflorum Under Salt Tolerance Protein & Peptide Letters 2016, 23: 433-44.

14)Haidong Yan, Xinquan Zhang, Chen Fu, Linkai Huang, Guohua Yin, Gang Nie, Wenzhi Xu, Xinchun Liu, Tao Chen, Samantha Lee, Xiao Ma,Yan Peng, Yanhong Yan, Yao Ling, Wei Liu. Chloroplast DNA variation and genetic structure of Miscanthus sinensis in southwest China Biocemical Systematics and Ecology 2015, 58, 132-138.

15)Linkai Huang, Xiu Huang, Haidong Yan, Guohua Yin, Xinquan Zhang, Ye Tian, Yu Zhang, Xiaomei Jiang, Yanhong Yan, Xiao Ma, Yan Peng, Jiangning Zhou, Gang Nie. Constructing DNA fingerprinting of Hemarthria cultivars using EST-SSR and ScoT makers Genet Resour Crop Evol, 2014, 61:1047-1055.

16)Wenzhi Xu, Xinquan Zhang, Linkai Huang, Gang Nie, Jianping Wang. Higher genetic diversity and geneflow in wild populations of Miscanthus sinensis in southwest China Biocemical Systematics and Ecology 2013, 48, 174-181.

17)Ling Pan, Zhongfu Yang, Jianping Wan, Pengxi Wang, Xiao Ma, Meiliang Zhou, Ji Li, Gang Nie, Guangyan Feng, Junming Zhao, Xinquan Zhang*. Comparative proteomic analyses reveal the proteome response to short-term drought in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) PLoS ONE 2017, 12(9): e**.

18)李季,黄琳凯,金梦雅,冯光燕,赵欣欣,聂刚,潘玲,唐露,张新全*. 鸭茅基因组Genomic-SSR 标记开发. 分子植物育种, 2017, 15 (10):1-9.

19)王新宇, 张新全, 黄琳凯, 聂刚. 鸭茅ESTGSSR 标记在4种禾草上的可转移性. 草业科学, 2017, 34(9): 1815-1823.

20)严海东, 张新全, 黄琳凯, 聂刚, 黄亮. 西南区中国芒叶绿体DNA rpl20-rps12序列遗传变异分析. 中国科技论文在线 2015: http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201512-466.

21)黄秀,曾捷,聂 刚,刘欢,黄琳凯,张新全,蒋晓梅,张瑜,张博涛. 牛鞭草品种EST-SSR指纹图谱构建及遗传多样性分析. 热带亚热带植物学报,2014,22(2):165-171.

22)蒋晓梅,黄琳凯,张新全,张瑜,聂刚,杨盛婷,赵欣欣,严海东. 利用ScoT分析柳枝稷遗传资源的多样性. 植物遗传资源学报,2014,15(1):89-95.

23)严海东, 张新全, 付晨, 黄琳凯, 聂刚. 中国芒叶绿体DNA trnL-F序列变异及遗传结构分析. 中国科技论文在线 2014: http://www.paper.edu.cn/releasepaper/content/201411-433.

24)严海东,张新全,曾兵,程良,聂刚,季杨,黄琳凯. 鸭茅种质资源对锈病的抗性评价及越夏情况的田间调查[J].草地学报, 2013,21:1007-0435.

25)张瑜,黄琳凯,张新全,蒋晓梅,杨盛婷,聂刚,严海东. 柳枝稷种质资源遗传多样性的ISSR分析. 草业学报,2013,22(6):213-222.

26)黄秀,张新全,张瑜,蒋晓梅,曾捷,刘欢,聂刚,张博涛,黄琳凯. 高牛鞭草及其近缘种种质资源ScoT多样性分析[J]. 热带作物学报,2013, 34(11):2192-2199.

27)王竟绍, 董召荣, 张健, 邹兵, 徐晓光, 谭娟, 聂刚. 密度、氮肥基追比例对不同穗型小麦产量的影. 安徽农业大学学报, 2011, 1: 14-19.

28)孙家振, 董召荣, 赵波, 周俊, 聂刚. 侵蚀性降雨与土壤侵蚀关系的研究. 安徽农学通报2011 13: 133-136.

29)黄婷, 董召荣, 姚佐文, 张承祥, 王瑞, 聂刚, 檀红艳. 推进安徽现代农业发展的重要途径—发展多功能农业. 安徽农业科学, 2011, 20: 12476-12479.

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