

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-10-02

工作单位 动物医学院
行政职务 基础兽医系系主任
电子邮箱 gengyisicau@126.com
招生专业 【博士】:090601基础兽医学,【学硕】:090601基础兽医学,【专硕】:095200兽医
耿毅,男,汉族,四川安岳人, 43岁,博士,四川农业大学教授,博士生导师,中国兽医病理学家分会成员,四川省农业产业技术体系水产疫病防控岗位专家、四川省学术与技术带头人后备人选,四川省水产学会常务理事,主要研究领域为水生动物病害学与动物病理学。先后主持、主研20余项部、省级科研项目,在《Virulence》、《Aquaculture》、《Journal of comparative pathology》、《Transboundary and Emerging Disaeses》、《Diseases of Aquatic organisms》、《Journal of fish diseases》、《Aquaculture research》、《Asian Herpetological Research》《Journal of the world aquacultures society》、《Fish & Shellfish Immunology》、《中国水产科学》、《水生生物学报》、《水产学报》、《中国兽医学报》、《微生物学报》、《南方水产科学》和《动物营养学报》等期刊上发表论文120余篇,其中SCI收录40余篇,主编、副主编与参编《鱼病诊治彩色图谱》与《动物疫病诊断与防控彩色图谱》等专著8部,授权发明专利4项,获四川省科技进步三等奖3项。
2000.7-2001.6 四川成都巨星农牧集团技术部工作
2001.7-2007.12 四川农业大学动物科技学院任教,讲师
2008.1-2011.12 四川农业大学动物医学院任教,副教授
2012.1-2014.8 四川农业大学动物医学院任教,教授
2014.8-2015.9 美国田纳西大学访问****
2015.9- 四川农业大学动物医学院任教,教授
1993.9——1997.7 四川农业大学动科院,本科兽医专业毕业,获农学学士学位
1997.9——2000.7 四川农业大学动科院,研究生基础医学专业毕业,获农学硕士学位
2003.9——2006.7 四川农业大学动科院,研究生预防兽医专业毕业,获农学博士学位
1. 大鲵蛙病毒感染预警及防控关键技术研究与示范,20万,2014-2016
2. 大口鲇健康养殖疾病防控技术集成与示范,四川省科技创新产业链子课题,29万,2011-2013
3. 家兔规模化养殖重大疫病防控技术研究与集成示范,四川省科技创新产业链子课题,52万,2016-2018
4. 雅砻江锦屏一、二级水电站施工期水生生态调查,二滩水电开发有限公司横向合作项目,134万,2012-2016
5. 国家水生动物疫病监测计划项目,20万,2016-2018
6. 锦屏-官地鱼类增殖放流站鱼类主要疾病病因学与防控体系建设(JPDC-D**),45万,2017-2019
7. 第二批产业技术体系四川创新团队专项资金,10万/年,2017-2020
1.Meng-ling Deng, Ze-hui Yu, Yi Geng*, Kai-yu Wang, De-fang Chen, Xiao-li Huang, Yangping Ou, Zheng-li Chen, Zhi-jun Zhong & Wei-ming Lai. Outbreaks of Streptococcosis associated with Streptococcus iniae in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) in China [J]. Aquaculture research. 2017, 48(3):909-919
2.Z.B. Deng, Y.W. Zhang, Y. Geng*, K.Y. Wang, D.F. Chen, P. Ouyang, X.L. Huang, C.L. He , Z.J. Zhong, Z.X. Yang, L. Tang. A new sequence type (ZST-1) of infectious Streptococcus agalactiae from Chinese cyprinid fish, Schizopygopsis pylzovi[J]. Aquaculture 2017, 468: 496–500
3.Zehui Yu, Yi Geng*, Anming Huang, Kaiyu Wang, Xiaoli Huang, Defang Chen, Yangping Ou, Jun Wang. Molecular characterization of a p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase gene from Scylla paramamosain and its expression profiles during pathogenic challenge[J]. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 2017, 144: 32–36
4.Yu Z, Geng Y*, Wang K, Chen D, Huang X, Ou Y,Peng G. Complete genome sequence of Vibrio mimicus strain SCCF01 with potential application in fish vaccine development [J]. Virulence,2017, 8(6):1028-1030
5.Yi GENG*, Matthew James GRAY, Kaiyu WANG, Defang CHEN, Ping OUYANG, Xiaoli HUANG, Changliang HE, Zhijun ZHONG and Zexiao YANG. Pathological Changes in Andrias davidianus Infected with Chinese giant salamander ranavirus[J]. Asian Herpetological Research 2016, 7(12): 59–65
6.Dan Liu, Yi Geng*, Kaiyu Wang, Defang Chen, Xiao Li Huang, Yangping Ou, Chang Liang He, Zhi Jun Zhong, Weimin Lai. Aeromonas veronii Infection in Cultured Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, in Southwest China[J]. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh 2016, 68 (1): 1-8
7.Yi GENG*, Xingxing LIU, Yan ZHOU, Kaiyu WANG, Xi PENG, Zhijun ZHONG, Xiaoli HUANG and Defang CHEN. Development and evaluation of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for rapid detection of Chinese giant salamander ranavirus[J]. Asian Herpetological Research 2015, 6(1): 59–65
8.A.M. Huang, Y. Geng*, W.H. Fang, K.Y.Wang, D.F. Chen, X.L. Huang, Y.P. Ou, Z.L. Chen, W.M. Lai. cDNA cloning and expression pattern analysis of protein inhibitor of activated STAT (PIAS) of the mud crab, Scylla paramamosain[J]. Aquaculture, 2015,444: 21-27
9.Yu Ze hui, Deng, Meng ling, Geng Yi*, Zhou Yan, Wang Kai Yu, Chen De Fang, Zhong Zhi Jun, Peng Xi, Huang Xiao li. An outbreak of infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) infection in cultured rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Southwest China[J]. Aquaculture research. 2014 , 47 (7) :2355-2362
10.Zhou Yan, Geng, Yi*, Wang, Kai yu, Huang, Xiao li, Chen, De fang, Peng, Xi, Zhong Zhi jun, Chen Zheng li. Edwardsiella tarda infection in cultured Ya‐fish, Schizothorax prenanti, in China[J]. Aquaculture research. 2014 , 47 (7) :2349-2354
11.S. Y. Ren, Y. Geng*, K. Y. Wang, Z. Y. Zhou, X. X. Liu, M. He, X. Peng, C. Y.Wu, W. M. Lai1. Streptococcus agalactiae Infection in Domestic Rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus[J]. Transboundary and emerging diseases, 2014,61(12):e92-e95
12.Y. Geng, D.Liu, S.Han, Y. Zhou, K. Y. Wang, X. L. Huang, D. F. Chen, X. Peng, W. M. Lai. Outbreaks of vibriosis associated with Vibrio mimicusin freshwater catfish in China[J]. Aquaculture. 2014, 433:82-84. IF=1.828
13.An-ming Huang, Yi Geng*, Kai-yu Wang, Fan Zeng, Qiang Liu, Yuan Wang, Xing-xing Liu, Yan Zhou. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) of the Mud Crab, Scylla Paramamosain [J]. Journal of Agricultural Science, 2013,5(7):1-11
14.Y Geng, C W Li, K Y Wang, S Y Ren, Z Y Zhou, X X Liu, X F Liu, X L Huang, D F Chen, W M Lai. Isolation and characterization of Edwardsiella ictaluri from southern catfish, Silurus soldatovi meridionalis, (Chen) cultured in China [J]. Journal of the world aquacultures society, 2013, 44(2): 273-281
15.Zhou Z Y, Geng Y*, Liu XX, Ren, S. Y. Zhou, Y. Wang, K. Y. Huang, X. L. Chen, D. F. Peng, X. Lai, W. M. Characterization of a ranavirus isolated from the Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus, Blanchard, 1871) in China[J]. Aquaculture. 2013, 384-387(2):66-73
16.Zhou ZY, Geng Y*, Ren SY, Wang, K. Y. Huang, X. L. Chen, D. F. Liu, X. X. Lai, W. M. Ranavirus (family Iridoviridae) detection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus, Blanchard, 1871), China[J]. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2012, 11(85):15130-15134
17.Geng Y, Wang KY, Huang XL, Chen DF, Li CW, Ren SY, Liao YT, Zhou ZY, Liu QF, Du ZJ, Lai WM. Streptococcus agalactiae, an Emerging Pathogen for Cultured Ya-Fish, Schizothorax prenanti, in China. Transboundary and emerging diseases, 2012,59(4):369-375
18.Geng Y, Wang K Y , Zhou Z Y, Li C W, Wang J, He, M, Yin Z Q, Lai W M. First Report of a Ranavirus Associated with Morbidity and Mortality in Farmed Chinese Giant Salamanders (Andrias davidianus).Journal of comparative pathology, 2011,145(1):95-102
19.Geng Y, Wang K Y, Chen D F, Fan F L, Huang Y D.Isolation and Characterization of Edwardsiella ictaluri from Cultured Yellow Catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco). The Israeli Journal of Aquacultutre – Bamidgeh, 2010, 62(2):105-115
20.Geng Y, Wang K Y, Chen D F, Huang X L, He M, Yin Z Q. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, an emerging opportunist pathogen for cultured channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, in China, Aquacultutre , 2010, 308(3-4):132-135
21.Yi G, Kaiyu W, Qigui Y, Zhongqiong Y, Yingdong Y, Defang C, Jinlu H. Descriptive Study of Enzootic Nasal Adenocarcinoma in Goats in Southwestern China. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases,2010,57(3):197-200

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