

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-04

张红,女,博士,二级教授(物理学),博士生导师。现任四川大学物理学院院长,高能量密度物理及技术教育部重点实验室主任; 四川大学物理实验教学中心主任。

张红教授荣获国务院政府特殊津贴,及四川省学术和技术带头人荣誉称号。现受聘为国务院学科评议组成员(物理学组); 教育部物理学类教学指导委员会委员;中国物理学会理事会理事;中国物理学会凝聚态理论与统计物理专业委员会委员; 中国物理学会表面与界面物理专业委员会委员;四川大学学位委员会委员;四川大学物理学学位分委员会主席;《四川大学学报-自然科学版》编委会委员; 国际物理期刊 Physica B 编辑。

张红教授在四川大学从事科研与教学工作近30年,承担硕博士研究生和本科生《凝聚态理论》、《原子物理学》、《表面物理前沿》等课程,主要从事凝聚态物理基础理论和计算研究, 在飞秒激光与纳米材料相互作用的超快动力学、量子调控及电子激发动力学等方向做了较为深入的研究。在PNAS; Physical Review Letters; Physical Review B; Applied Physics Letters等国际刊物发表SCI收录论文200余篇(其中第一作者及通讯作者160余篇)。 论文包括4篇PRL、1篇PNAS 、30余篇PRB及APL、1篇Nanoscale等。

张红教授作为项目负责人主持国家重大专项课题1项、国家重点研发计划1项(参与单位)、主持国家自然科学基金项目5项、主持教育部博士点博士生导师专项科研基金1项、及多项总装预研和国家重点实验室基金; 应邀在国内外重要物理会议上做学术报告50余次;作为会议主席(或Co-Chair)先后主持“中国物理学会2017秋季学术会议”、“第二十届全国凝聚态理论与统计物理学术会议”、“第二届国际表面等离激元前沿研讨会”、“第四届国际量子能源探讨会”等国内外物理学术会议10余次。 2006-2018年先后在美国、日本、英国、德国、法国、瑞士、芬兰、澳大利亚、西班牙、新加坡、韩国等做学术交流及科研合作。




Dr. Hong Zhang is the dean of College of Physics, Sichuan University, now she is a full professor in physics department of Sichuan University. She received her PhD from Sichuan University,China. Her research area is Condensed Matter Theory and now the research activity is focused on the interaction between short-pulse laser and surfaces (including nanotubes and graphene); hydrogen storage. Her research highlight is targeting high-melting low-dimensional material such as graphene and carbon nanotubes, these materials are experimentally studied and because of their high melting temperatures, heat treatment that control defects, impurities, even entire shape of these material are difficult that make these materials hard to be used for many applications. She is searching non-thermal way to control these materials with use of femtosecond laser.

Prof. Hong Zhang has published over 200 publications in PNAS; Physical Review Letters; Physical Review B; Applied Physics Letters; Nanoscale and other scienti?c journals.

Contact information:
E-mail: hongzhang@scu.edu.cn;

Main Research Interests:
1. Interaction between short-pulse laser and surfaces (including nanotubes and graphene)
2. Theoretical study of nano-structure and multiscale modeling
3. Structure and dynamic properties of surfaces and interfaces

Selected Publications (*presents corresponding author)
1. Hong Zhang, et al, Physical Review Letters, 109,265505, 2012
Ab-initio simulation of helium ion microscopy images: The case of suspended grapheme
2. Y. Miyamoto, Hong Zhang*, et al, Physical Review Letters, 114, 116102, 2015 Modifyingtheinterlayerinteractioninlayeredmaterialswithan intenseinfraredlaser
3. Y. Miyamoto*, Hong Zhang*, A. Rubio*, Physical Review Letters, 105, 248301, 2010
Chemical reactions in HCl molecule embedded nanotube induced by ultrafast laser pulses
4. Y. Miyamoto, Hong Zhang*, D. Tomanek, Physical Review Letters, 104, 208302, 2010
5. Y. Miyamoto, Hong Zhang, A. Rubio, PNAS, 109, 8861, 2012
Pulse-induces non-equlibrium dynamics of acetylene inside carbon nanotube
6. Hong Zhang*, et al, Nanoscale, 7,19012, 2015
Optical Field Terahertz Amplitude Modulation by Graphene Nanoribbons
7. Hong Zhang, et al, Physical Review B (Rapid Communication), 85, 201409, 2012
Preferential Dehydrogenation from One-side of Graphane by laser Pulse
8. Hong Zhang, et al, Physical Review B 85, 033402, 2012
Graphene production by laser shot on graphene oxide: An ab initio prediction
9. Hong Zhang, et al, Physical Review B 78, 045436, 2008
Stability, structure, electronic properties of chemisorbed oxygen and thin surface oxides on Ir
10. Hong Zhang*, et al, Applied Physics Letters, 111, 253303, 2017
Detection of coherent electron dynamics in benzene and polycyclic benzene by two
anti-phase pulses:An ab initio study
11. Hong Zhang, et al, Applied Physics Letters, 95, 053109, 2009
Modulation of alternating electric field inside photoexcited carbon nanotubes

12.Y.Miyamoto, Hong Zhang*, et al, Physical Review B, 99,165424, 2019
Ab Initio simulation of laser-induced water decomposition in the presence of carbon nanotubes
13. Y Miyamoto*, Hong Zhang*, et al, Physical Review B, 96, 115451, 2017
Modeling of laser-pulse induced water decomposition on two-dimensional materials by simulations based on the time-dependent density functional theory
14. Y.Miyamoto, T. M, A. Rubio, Hong Zhang*, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 201107, 2014,
Photo-induced hardening of the weak bonds of nobel gas dimmer.
15. Jiahe Lin, Hong Zhang*, et al, Physical Review B, 94,195404, 2016,
Novel two-dimensional wide-band-gap nitride semiconductors: single-layer 1T-XN2
16. XQ Shu, Hong Zhang*, et al, Physical Review B, 93, 195424, 2016
Tunable plasmons in few-layer nitrogen-doped graphene nanostructures: A time-dependent density functional theory study
17. JH Lin, Hong Zhang*, et al, Physical Review B in press, 2017
Single-layer group IV-V and group V-IV-III-VI semiconductors: structural stability, electronic structures, optical properties and photocatalysis
18. W Wang, Hong Zhang, et al, Applied Physics Letters, 110, 151101, 2017,
Field-level characterization of the optical response in J-aggregate/metal hybrid nanostructures by chirp-compensated spectral interferometry
19. GQ Yan, Hong Zhang, et al, Physical Review B 93, 214302, 2016
Different effects of electronic excitation on metals and semiconductors
20. HF Yin, Hong Zhang*, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 061906, 2012
Quantum mechanical study of plasmonic coupling in sodium nanoring dimmers

21. Y. Miyamoto, Hong Zhang, Physical Review B 77, 165123, 2008
Testing the numerical stability of time-dependent density functional simulations using the Suzuki-Trotter formula
22. Y. Miyamoto, Hong Zhang, Physical Review B(Rapid Comm.), 77, 161402, 2008
Electronic Excitation In an Ar Ion Transversing A Graphene Sheet
23. Y. Miyamoto, Hong Zhang, Physical Review B 77, 045433, 2008, Calculating interaction between a highly charged high-speed ion and a solid surface
24. Hong Zhang,et al, Acta Physica Sini. (invited paper), 64, 057300, 2015, Surface plasmon research progress based on time-dependent density functional theory
25. Hong Zhang, W.X. Li, J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 21361, 2009
First-principles investigations on hydrogen adsorption and potential energy on Ir(111) surface
26. Hong Zhang, et alApplied Surface Science, 254, 7655, 2008
Al Adsorption on Ir(111) at a Quarter Monolayer Coverage: A First Principles Study
27. Hong Zhang*, HF Yin, Inter. J. Quan. Chem., 113 2200, 2013
Plasmon resonances and plasmon-induced charge transport in linear atomic chains
28. Hong Zhang, XL. Cheng, S. Chiesa, Inter. J. Quan. Chem., 111, 4452, 2011
QMC calculations of bond dissociation energies for some nitro and amino molecules
29. Hong Zhang, et al, Front. Phys (review paper). 6, 231, 2011
DFT study of dihydrogen interactions with lithium containing organic complexes
30. Hong Zhang, et al, Inter. J. Quan. Chem., 109, 720, 2009
First-principles study on structure and electronic properties of Nitrimino nitroimidazolidine
31. Hong Zhang, F. Cheung, Inter. J. Quan. Chem., 109, 1547, 2009
Band Gaps and the Possible Effect on Some Nitro Aromatic Explosive Materials
32. Hong Zhang, F. Chen, et al, J. Mole. Struc.: THEOCHEM 857, 33, 2008
Structural and Electronic properties of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol
33. Hong Zhang*, et al, Chinese Physics Letters , 25, 552, 2008
Structural, electronic properties and Chemical Bonding of Li4CaB2O6 under high pressure
34. Hong Zhang*, et al, Physica Status Solidi (b), 24,37, 2008
DFT studies on thermodynamic properties of Na2Ti3O7 under high temperature and pressure
35. Hong Zhang*, et al, Chinese Physics, 15, 0428, 2006
Molecular dynamics study of the ternary compound Li3AlB2O6
36. Hong Zhang*, et al, Chinese Physics Letters, 2003
Analysis of Charge state Distribution
37. Kaibiao Zhang, Hong Zhang*, J. Phys. Chem. C , 118, 635, 2014, Plasmon Coupling in Gold Nanotube Assemblies: Insight from Time-Dependent DFT Calculation

38. KB Zhang, Hong Zhang*, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 17, 12051, 2015
Coherent Resonance of Quantum Plasmons in Graphene-Gold Cluster Hybrid System
39. SY, Zhang, Hong Zhang*, Applied Surface Science, 289, 81, 2014
The inter-adsorbate interaction mediated by Shockley-type surface electrons and dipole moment: Cs and Ba atoms absorbed on Ag(111) films.
40. P.P Liu, Hong Zhang*, Xinlu Cheng, Applied Surface Science, 371, 44-49, 2016, External electric field: an effective way to prevent aggregation of Mg atoms on γ-graphyne for high hydrogen storage capacity

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