

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-04

长期从事有机半导体材料及其器件的研究,前期工作证实了磁场作为一个重要和新的工具可以去帮助人们加深对有机器件中载流子输运机制的认识,这对进一步推进有机自旋电子学的发展和其相关的应用产业有着基础科学意义。其已在 Nature Materials、Applied Physics Letters 和 Physical Review B 等国际学术一流期刊上发表论文近 20 余篇,并且作为负责人正在主持和结题的项目包括:自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目、教育部回国人员启动基金等。
Email: sijie.zhang@scu.edu,cn

Sijie Zhang, Jingyao Song, T. Kreouzis and W.P. Gillin, Measurement of the intersystem crossing rate in Aluminiumtris(8- Hydroxyquinoline) and its modulation by an applied magnetic field, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 043511 (2009)
W.P. Gillin, Sijie. Zhang, P. Desai, P. Shakya, N.J. Rolfe, A.J. Drew and T. Kreouzis, Determining the influence of excited states on current transport in OLEDs using magnetic perturbation, Physical Review B, 82, 195208 (2010)
Sijie Zhang, A.J. Drew ,T. Kreouzis and W.P. Gillin, Modelling of organic magnetoresistance as a function of temperature using the triplet polaron interaction, Synthetic Metals, 161, 628(2010)
Sijie. Zhang, P. Desai, P. Shakya, N.J. Rolfe, A.J. Drew and T. Kreouzis, and W.P. Gillin, Modelling positive and negative organic magnetoresistance in organic light emitting diodes, Physical Review B,86, 075206(2012
Sijie. Zhang, T. Kreouzis, and W.P. Gillin, Low temperature magnetic field effects on the efficiency of aluminiumtris(8-hydroxyquinoline) based organic light emitting diodes in the absence of magneto-resistance, Synthetic Metals, 173, 46–50(2013)
Sijie. Zhang, M. Willis, N.J.Rolfe, R. Gotto, K.A. Roy, T. Kreouzis and W.P. Gillin, Understanding the role of electron and hole trions on current transport in aluminiumtris(8-hydroxyquinoline) using organic magnetoresistance, Applied Physics Letter, 104, 043307 (2014)
H.T. Zhang,S.Han, P. Desai, Y.Q. Zhan, W. Li, W. Si, A.J. Drew, W.P. Gillin, T. Kreouzis* and S.J.Zhang*, Ferromagnetic-organic interfacial states detected by transient conductivity and their role on low voltage current injection in tris-8-hydroxyquinloline (Alq3) organic spinvalves, Applied Physics Letter, 105, 203301, (2014)
Han, K. Wang, M. Willis, L. Nuccio , F.L. Pratt, J.S. Lord, K.J. Thorley,J. Anthony, A.J. Drew,Sijie Zhang*, L.Schulz,Muonium avoided level crossing measurement of electron spin relaxation rate in a series of substituted anthradithiophene based molecules, Synthetic Metals, 208, 39–42(2015)
Tingting Zhang, D. F. Holford, Hang Gu, T. Kreouzis, Sijie Zhang*,and W. P. Gillin* ,Hole-exciton interaction induced high field decay of magneto-electroluminescence in Alq3-based organic light-emitting diodes at room temperature, Applied Physics Letter, 108, 023303, (2016)
Jian Guo,Qingyu Ye,Mu Lan,Shanling Wang,Tian Yu,Fuhua Gao,Dejiao Hu,Ping Wang,Yi He,Filippo S. Boi,Sijie Zhang* and Gang Xiang*, Cl-assisted highly efficient synthesis of FePd3 alloys encapsulated in graphite papers: a two stage CVDapproach, RSC Adv, 6, 40676, (2016)
ShuhongLi,Zheng Yang, ZhiyouZhang,FuhuaGao,JingleiDu,andSijie Zhang, Study of nanospheres lithography technology with super-lens for fabricating nano holes ,Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 183102(2013)
Shuhong Li, Liangke Ren, Zheng Yang, Zhiyou Zhang, Fuhua Gao, Jinglei ,Du, and Sijie Zhang, Fabrication of nano metallic holes for color filters based on a controllable self-assembly of polystyrene spheres, Microelectric Engineering, Volume 113, Pages 143–146(2014)
FilippoBoi, Serena Maugeri, Jian Guo, Mu Lan, Shanling Wang, Jiqiu Wen, Gavin Mountjoy, M. Baxendale, George Nevill, Rory Wilson, Yi He, Sijie Zhang, and Gang Xiang*, Controlling the quantity of α-Fe inside multiwall carbon nanotubes filled with Fe-based crystals: The key role of vapor flow-rate, Applied Physics Letters, 105, 243108 (2014).
Jian Guo, Mu Lan, Shanling Wang, Yi He, Sijie Zhang, Gang Xiang* and Filippo S. Boi*, Enhanced saturation magnetization in buckypaper-films of thin walled carbon nanostructures filled with Fe3C, FeCo, FeNi, CoNi, Co and Ni crystals: the key role of Cl, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17, 18159 (2015).
FilippoS.Boi*, Jian Guo, Mu Lan, Gang Xiang*, Shanling Wang*, Jiqiu Wen, and Sijie Zhang, Synthesis of planar-graphite structures with embedded Fe(x)Pd(x) or CoPd-CoPd2 phases and of carbon nanotubes filled with Fe(x)Pd(x) with variable filling ratio, Carbon, 95, 634-639 (2015).
16. Wang, Ke, Schulz Leander, Willis Maureen,ZhangSijie,Misquitta* Alston J. and Drew, Alan J. Spintronic and Electronic Phenomena in Organic Molecules Measured with mu SR, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 85.091011(2016).
K. Wang, P. Murahari, K. Yokoyama, J. S. Lord, F. L. Pratt, J. He, L. Schulz, M. Willis, J. E. Anthony, N. A. Morley, L. Nuccio, A. Misquitta, D. J. Dunstan, K. Shimomura, I. Watanabe, S. Zhang, P. Heathcote* and A. J. Drew*, Temporal mapping of photochemical reactions and molecular excited states with carbon speci?city, Nature Materials 16, 467–473 (2017)
Guo, Jian; Lan, Mu; He, Yi; Hou, Yidong; Zhang, Xi; Zhang, Sijie; Wang, Shanling; Xiang, Gang*; Boi, Filippo S*cm-Length free-standing Fe3C-filled thin graphite-like films and buckypaper-like films with high smoothness,RSC Advances, 2016, 6(102): 99960~99968
Boi, Filippo S.; Guo, Jian; Xiang, Gang; Lan, Mu; Wang, Shanling; Wen, Jiqiu; Zhang, Sijie; He, Yi,Cm-size free-standing self-organized buckypaper of bucky-onions filled with ferromagnetic Fe3C,RSC ADVANCES, 2017, 7(2): 845~850
Guo, Jian; Liu, Jiaxun; Lan, Mu; Hu, Yuzhong; Wang, Shanling; Wen, Jiqiu; He, Yi; Gao, Fuhua; Zhang, Xi; Zhang, Sijie; Xiang, Gang; Willis, Maureen A. C.; Boi, Filippo S. Observation of large coercivities in radial carbon nanotube structures filled with Fe3C and FeCo single-crystals by viscous boundary layer pyrolysis of ferrocene and cobaltocene, RSC ADVANCES, 2017, 7(8): 4753~4758

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