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分享王欣Xin Wang助理研究员 扫一扫在手机打开此页面所在单位:地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室, 研究领域:土地覆盖分类与变化检测,地质灾害智能识别与风险评价 职????务: 15062262523wangxin@cdut.edu.cn个人简介 Introduction发表论文 Paper Publications科技奖励 Science&Tech Awards软件著作权 Software Copyrights 基本信息 Introduction? ? ? ?王欣,男,博士,1993年8月生,黑龙江齐齐哈尔人。现任地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室助理研究员。主要从事基于遥感影像与人工智能算法的土地覆盖分类、变化检测以及地质灾害识别与风险评价等相关工作。近五年来,在ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing、Journal of Cleaner Production等国际著名期刊发表SCI论文10余篇,担任IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters、IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing等国际知名SCI期刊的论文审稿人。 荣誉称号 Academic Awards and Honors 工作经历 Work Experience2021.07- 2021.08至今, 成都理工大学, 助理研究员 个人新闻更多友情链接更多ResearchGate教育经历Education Background 2016.09-2021.06,南京大学,地图学与地理信息系统,博士研究生 2019.09-2020.09,加拿大女王大学,遥感与地理信息系统,博士研究生 2012.09-2016.06,兰州大学,地理信息系统,本科 发表论文Paper Publications[1]. Xin Wang, Peijun Du, Dongmei Chen, Cong Lin, Hongrui Zheng, Shanchuan Guo.Characterizing Urbanization-induced Land Surface Phenology Change from Time-series Remotely Sensed Images at Fine Spatio-temporal Scale: A Case Study in Nanjing, China (2001–2018),Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020 ,274 (/):122487 ( SCI收录; )[2]. Xin Wang, Peijun Du, Dongmei Chen, Sicong Liu, Wei Zhang.Change Detection Based on Low-level to High-level Features Integration with Limited Samples,IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2020 ,13 (/):6260-6276 ( SCI收录; )[3]. Peijun Du, Xin Wang, Dongmei Chen, Sicong Liu, Cong Lin, Yaping Meng.An Improved Change Detection Approach Using Tri-temporal Logic-verified Change Vector Analysis,ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2020 ,161 (/):278-293 ( SCI收录; )[4]. 杜培军,王欣,蒙亚平,林聪,张鹏,卢刚.面向地理国情监测的变化检测与地表覆盖信息更新方法,地球信息科学学报, 2020 ,22 (4):857-866 ( CSCD收录; )[5]. Xin Wang, Peijun Du, Sicong Liu, Gang Lu, Xiaoming Gao.Change Detection in High-resolution Images Based on Feature Importance and Ensemble Method,Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2019 ,12 (14):446 ( SCI收录; )[6]. Xin Wang, Peijun Du, Sicong Liu, Yaping Meng, Cong Lin.Unsupervised Change Detection in VHR Images Based on Morphological Profiles and Automated Training Sample Extraction,2019 10th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp), 2019 ,/ (/):/ ( EI收录; )[7]. Xin Wang, Sicong Liu, Peijun Du, Hao Liang, Junshi Xia, Yunfeng Li.Object-Based Change Detection in Urban Areas from High Spatial Resolution Images Based on Multiple Features and Ensemble Learning,Remote Sensing, 2018 ,10 (2):276 ( SCI收录; )[8]. 王欣,晋锐,杜培军,梁昊.青藏高原地表冻融循环与植被返青期的变化趋势及其气候响应特征,遥感学报, 2018 ,22 (3):508-520 ( EI收录; CSCD收录; )1[1]. Characterizing Urbanization-induced Land Surface Phenology Change from Time-series Remotely Sensed Images at Fine Spatio-temporal Scale: A Case Study in Nanjing, China (2001–2018).. 2020. [2]. Change Detection Based on Low-level to High-level Features Integration with Limited Samples.. 2020. [3]. An Improved Change Detection Approach Using Tri-temporal Logic-verified Change Vector Analysis.. 2020. [4]. 面向地理国情监测的变化检测与地表覆盖信息更新方法.. 2020. [5]. Change Detection in High-resolution Images Based on Feature Importance and Ensemble Method.. 2019. [6]. Unsupervised Change Detection in VHR Images Based on Morphological Profiles and Automated Training Sample Extraction.. 2019. [7]. Object-Based Change Detection in Urban Areas from High Spatial Resolution Images Based on Multiple Features and Ensemble Learning.. 2018. [8]. 青藏高原地表冻融循环与植被返青期的变化趋势及其气候响应特征.. 2018. 1[1]. Xin Wang, Peijun Du, Dongmei Chen, Cong Lin, Hongrui Zheng, Shanchuan Guo. Characterizing Urbanization-induced Land Surface Phenology Change from Time-series Remotely Sensed Images at Fine Spatio-temporal Scale: A Case Study in Nanjing, China (2001–2018).:, 2020 [2]. Xin Wang, Peijun Du, Dongmei Chen, Sicong Liu, Wei Zhang. Change Detection Based on Low-level to High-level Features Integration with Limited Samples.:, 2020 [3]. Peijun Du, Xin Wang, Dongmei Chen, Sicong Liu, Cong Lin, Yaping Meng. An Improved Change Detection Approach Using Tri-temporal Logic-verified Change Vector Analysis.:, 2020 [4]. 杜培军,王欣,蒙亚平,林聪,张鹏,卢刚. 面向地理国情监测的变化检测与地表覆盖信息更新方法.:, 2020 [5]. Xin Wang, Peijun Du, Sicong Liu, Gang Lu, Xiaoming Gao. Change Detection in High-resolution Images Based on Feature Importance and Ensemble Method.:, 2019 [6]. Xin Wang, Peijun Du, Sicong Liu, Yaping Meng, Cong Lin. Unsupervised Change Detection in VHR Images Based on Morphological Profiles and Automated Training Sample Extraction.:, 2019 [7]. Xin Wang, Sicong Liu, Peijun Du, Hao Liang, Junshi Xia, Yunfeng Li. Object-Based Change Detection in Urban Areas from High Spatial Resolution Images Based on Multiple Features and Ensemble Learning.:, 2018 [8]. 王欣,晋锐,杜培军,梁昊. 青藏高原地表冻融循环与植被返青期的变化趋势及其气候响应特征.:, 2018 [1]. . Characterizing Urbanization-induced Land Surface Phenology Change from Time-series Remotely Sensed Images at Fine Spatio-temporal Scale: A Case Study in Nanjing, China (2001–2018). . , 2021.09.13 [2]. . Change Detection Based on Low-level to High-level Features Integration with Limited Samples. . , 2021.09.13 [3]. . An Improved Change Detection Approach Using Tri-temporal Logic-verified Change Vector Analysis. . , 2021.09.13 [4]. . 面向地理国情监测的变化检测与地表覆盖信息更新方法. . , 2021.09.13 [5]. . Change Detection in High-resolution Images Based on Feature Importance and Ensemble Method. . , 2021.09.13 [6]. . Unsupervised Change Detection in VHR Images Based on Morphological Profiles and Automated Training Sample Extraction. . , 2021.09.13 [7]. . Object-Based Change Detection in Urban Areas from High Spatial Resolution Images Based on Multiple Features and Ensemble Learning. . , 2021.09.13 [8]. . 青藏高原地表冻融循环与植被返青期的变化趋势及其气候响应特征. . , 2021.09.13 [1] .. Characterizing Urbanization-induced Land Surface Phenology Change from Time-series Remotely Sensed Images at Fine Spatio-temporal Scale: A Case Study in Nanjing, China (2001–2018).,2021.09.13 [2] .. Change Detection Based on Low-level to High-level Features Integration with Limited Samples.,2021.09.13 [3] .. An Improved Change Detection Approach Using Tri-temporal Logic-verified Change Vector Analysis.,2021.09.13 [4] .. 面向地理国情监测的变化检测与地表覆盖信息更新方法.,2021.09.13 [5] .. Change Detection in High-resolution Images Based on Feature Importance and Ensemble Method.,2021.09.13 [6] .. Unsupervised Change Detection in VHR Images Based on Morphological Profiles and Automated Training Sample Extraction.,2021.09.13 [7] .. Object-Based Change Detection in Urban Areas from High Spatial Resolution Images Based on Multiple Features and Ensemble Learning.,2021.09.13 [8] .. 青藏高原地表冻融循环与植被返青期的变化趋势及其气候响应特征.,2021.09.13 1[1]. Characterizing Urbanization-induced Land Surface Phenology Change from Time-series Remotely Sensed Images at Fine Spatio-temporal Scale: A Case Study in Nanjing, China (2001–2018).:2021.09 - 2021.09 [2]. Change Detection Based on Low-level to High-level Features Integration with Limited Samples.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [3]. An Improved Change Detection Approach Using Tri-temporal Logic-verified Change Vector Analysis.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [4]. 面向地理国情监测的变化检测与地表覆盖信息更新方法.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [5]. Change Detection in High-resolution Images Based on Feature Importance and Ensemble Method.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [6]. Unsupervised Change Detection in VHR Images Based on Morphological Profiles and Automated Training Sample Extraction.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [7]. Object-Based Change Detection in Urban Areas from High Spatial Resolution Images Based on Multiple Features and Ensemble Learning.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [8]. 青藏高原地表冻融循环与植被返青期的变化趋势及其气候响应特征.:2021.09 - 2021.09 出版专著Published Books111科技奖励Science&Tech Awards[1]. .江苏省测绘地理信息科技进步奖,, 2019 , : ()1[1]. 江苏省测绘地理信息科技进步奖.沈雨,陶为波,林聪,高琰,周曦,李雷,王欣,张红军,张红军,石鑫星. 2019. / 二等奖 1[1]. . 江苏省测绘地理信息科技进步奖.:, 2019 [1]. . 江苏省测绘地理信息科技进步奖. /. , 2021.09.13 [1] .. 江苏省测绘地理信息科技进步奖.,2021.09.13 1[1]. 江苏省测绘地理信息科技进步奖.:2021.09 - 2021.09 发明专利Patents111软件著作权Software Copyrights[1]. .岩心图像处理与图像信息提取系统1.0,, 2018 , : ()1[1]. 岩心图像处理与图像信息提取系统1.0.. 2018. 1[1]. . 岩心图像处理与图像信息提取系统1.0.:, 2018 [1]. . 岩心图像处理与图像信息提取系统1.0. . , 2018.02.02 [1] .蒙亚平,杜培军,甘乐,梁昊,王欣,栗云峰. 岩心图像处理与图像信息提取系统1.0.2018SR087877,2018.02.02 1[1]. 岩心图像处理与图像信息提取系统1.0.:2021.09 - 2021.09 科研项目Research Projects111相关资源均是用户自行上传分享,仅供学术交流之用?2019 环境与土木工程学院地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室技术支持:应子科技(成都)有限公司