本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-14
Paper Publications 基本信息
Introduction魏振磊,黑龙江省宁安市人,工学博士,博士后。成都理工大学珠峰引才计划B类骨干人才。2012年本科毕业于吉林大学工程地质专业,2017年毕业于浙江大学防灾减灾工程及防护工程专业,获工学博士学位,2017-2019年浙江大学土木工程博士后流动站从事博士后研究工作,2019年-2021年,英国Loughborough University从事博士后研究工作。自博士研究生开始,一直从事水致地质灾害的形成机理,早期预警与防灾减灾工作,并在水致地质灾害的预警预报方面取得重要突破。目前已经发表学术论文20余篇 (SCI论文19篇),以第一作者发表SCI论文8篇,其中中科院2区及以上论文6篇,总引用数160余次,单篇最高引用数30余次。主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目一项,并长期担任Journal of Hydrology, BOEG, Natural Hazards等SCI期刊审稿人。目前主要工作积累的如下:
(1)围绕着暴雨导致滑坡地下水变化及其致灾机理这一科学问题,对比分析了机器学习方法和数值模型在地下水位预测方面的优缺点,为计算降雨敏感型深层滑坡地下水位变化奠定了理论基础(相关成果已发表在TOP期刊Journal of Hydrology)。以此为基础,提出了一个深层滑坡降雨阈值计算新方法(相关成果已发表在TOP期刊Engineering Geology杂志上,并得到国际滑坡协会主席,中科院一区杂志Landslides主编京都大学Kyoji Sassa教授引用)。同时针对降雨导致地下水位抬升这一深层滑坡致灾机制,探究了防灾减灾措施(如排水隧洞)对此类滑坡的临界降雨条件及长期安全性的影响(相关成果已发表在Landslides及Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment)。
(2)围绕着水力冲刷型碎屑流的启动机理及其早期预警预报这一科学问题,提出了一个碎屑流启动降雨阈值计算新方法(相关成果已发表于TOP期刊Engineering Geology和Geomorphology,并得到著名山地灾害专家中国科学院院士崔鹏研究员的引用)。同时探究了降雨时空分布特征(降雨峰值强度及降雨雨型)对水动力冲刷条件的影响(相关成果已发表于Journal of Mountain Science)。最后围绕着超强水力冲刷条件是导致水力冲刷型碎屑流发生这一根本诱发机制,设计并验证了一种新型防治方法(相关成果发表于TOP期刊Engineering Geology)。 荣誉称号
Academic Awards and Honors 工作经历
Work Experience2017.11-
Loughborough University,
个人新闻更多友情链接更多教育经历Education Background
发表论文Paper Publications[1].
Wei, Z.L., Wang, D.F., Xu, H.D., Sun, H.Y.Clarifying the effectiveness of drainage tunnels in landslide controls based on high-frequency in-site monitoring,Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,
2020 ,79
Wei, Z.L., Wang, D.F., Sun, H.Y., Yan, X.Comparison of a physical model and phenomenological model to forecast groundwater levels in a rainfall-induced deep-seated landslide,Journal of Hydrology,
2020 ,586
Wei, Z.L., Lü, Q, Sun, H.Y., Shang, Y.Q.Estimating the rainfall threshold of a deep-seated landslide by integrating models for predicting the groundwater level and stability analysis of the slope.,Engineering Geology,
2019 ,253
Wei, Z.L., Sun, H.Y., Xu, H.D., Wu, G., Xie, W.The effects of rainfall regimes and rainfall characteristics on peak discharge in a small debris flow-prone catchment,Journal of Mountain Science,
2019 ,7
Wei, Z.L., Shang, Y.Q., Sun, H.Y., Xu, H.D., Wang, D.F.Effectiveness of drainage tunnel on increasing rainfall threshold of a deep-seated landslide,Landslides,
2019 ,9
Wei, Z.L., Xu, Y.P., Sun, H.Y., Xie, W., Wu, G.Predicting the occurrence of channelized debris flow by a cascading flood debris-flow model in a small debris flow-prone catchment.,Geomorphology,
2018 ,308
Wei, Z.L., Shang, Y.Q., Zhao, Y., Pan, P., Jiang, Y.J.Rainfall threshold for initiation of channelized debris flows in a small catchment based on in-site measurement,Engineering Geology,
2017 ,217
Wei, Z.L, Shang Y.Q., Lü, Q., Zhao, Y., Pan, P.Application and design of an efficient siphon dewatering system for debris flow mitigation: A case study of a small catchment in Zhejiang Province, China,Engineering Geology,
2017 ,226
Clarifying the effectiveness of drainage tunnels in landslide controls based on high-frequency in-site monitoring..
Comparison of a physical model and phenomenological model to forecast groundwater levels in a rainfall-induced deep-seated landslide..
Estimating the rainfall threshold of a deep-seated landslide by integrating models for predicting the groundwater level and stability analysis of the slope...
The effects of rainfall regimes and rainfall characteristics on peak discharge in a small debris flow-prone catchment..
Effectiveness of drainage tunnel on increasing rainfall threshold of a deep-seated landslide..
Predicting the occurrence of channelized debris flow by a cascading flood debris-flow model in a small debris flow-prone catchment...
Rainfall threshold for initiation of channelized debris flows in a small catchment based on in-site measurement..
Application and design of an efficient siphon dewatering system for debris flow mitigation: A case study of a small catchment in Zhejiang Province, China..
Wei, Z.L., Wang, D.F., Xu, H.D., Sun, H.Y.
Clarifying the effectiveness of drainage tunnels in landslide controls based on high-frequency in-site monitoring.:,
Wei, Z.L., Wang, D.F., Sun, H.Y., Yan, X.
Comparison of a physical model and phenomenological model to forecast groundwater levels in a rainfall-induced deep-seated landslide.:,
Wei, Z.L., Lü, Q, Sun, H.Y., Shang, Y.Q.
Estimating the rainfall threshold of a deep-seated landslide by integrating models for predicting the groundwater level and stability analysis of the slope..:,
Wei, Z.L., Sun, H.Y., Xu, H.D., Wu, G., Xie, W.
The effects of rainfall regimes and rainfall characteristics on peak discharge in a small debris flow-prone catchment.:,
Wei, Z.L., Shang, Y.Q., Sun, H.Y., Xu, H.D., Wang, D.F.
Effectiveness of drainage tunnel on increasing rainfall threshold of a deep-seated landslide.:,
Wei, Z.L., Xu, Y.P., Sun, H.Y., Xie, W., Wu, G.
Predicting the occurrence of channelized debris flow by a cascading flood debris-flow model in a small debris flow-prone catchment..:,
Wei, Z.L., Shang, Y.Q., Zhao, Y., Pan, P., Jiang, Y.J.
Rainfall threshold for initiation of channelized debris flows in a small catchment based on in-site measurement.:,
Wei, Z.L, Shang Y.Q., Lü, Q., Zhao, Y., Pan, P.
Application and design of an efficient siphon dewatering system for debris flow mitigation: A case study of a small catchment in Zhejiang Province, China.:,
Clarifying the effectiveness of drainage tunnels in landslide controls based on high-frequency in-site monitoring. .
, 2021.09.13
Comparison of a physical model and phenomenological model to forecast groundwater levels in a rainfall-induced deep-seated landslide. .
, 2021.09.13
Estimating the rainfall threshold of a deep-seated landslide by integrating models for predicting the groundwater level and stability analysis of the slope.. .
, 2021.09.13
The effects of rainfall regimes and rainfall characteristics on peak discharge in a small debris flow-prone catchment. .
, 2021.09.13
Effectiveness of drainage tunnel on increasing rainfall threshold of a deep-seated landslide. .
, 2021.09.13
Predicting the occurrence of channelized debris flow by a cascading flood debris-flow model in a small debris flow-prone catchment.. .
, 2021.09.13
Rainfall threshold for initiation of channelized debris flows in a small catchment based on in-site measurement. .
, 2021.09.13
Application and design of an efficient siphon dewatering system for debris flow mitigation: A case study of a small catchment in Zhejiang Province, China. .
, 2021.09.13
Clarifying the effectiveness of drainage tunnels in landslide controls based on high-frequency in-site monitoring.,2021.09.13
Comparison of a physical model and phenomenological model to forecast groundwater levels in a rainfall-induced deep-seated landslide.,2021.09.13
Estimating the rainfall threshold of a deep-seated landslide by integrating models for predicting the groundwater level and stability analysis of the slope..,2021.09.13
The effects of rainfall regimes and rainfall characteristics on peak discharge in a small debris flow-prone catchment.,2021.09.13
Effectiveness of drainage tunnel on increasing rainfall threshold of a deep-seated landslide.,2021.09.13
Predicting the occurrence of channelized debris flow by a cascading flood debris-flow model in a small debris flow-prone catchment..,2021.09.13
Rainfall threshold for initiation of channelized debris flows in a small catchment based on in-site measurement.,2021.09.13
Application and design of an efficient siphon dewatering system for debris flow mitigation: A case study of a small catchment in Zhejiang Province, China.,2021.09.13
Clarifying the effectiveness of drainage tunnels in landslide controls based on high-frequency in-site monitoring.:2021.09
Comparison of a physical model and phenomenological model to forecast groundwater levels in a rainfall-induced deep-seated landslide.:2021.09
Estimating the rainfall threshold of a deep-seated landslide by integrating models for predicting the groundwater level and stability analysis of the slope..:2021.09
The effects of rainfall regimes and rainfall characteristics on peak discharge in a small debris flow-prone catchment.:2021.09
Effectiveness of drainage tunnel on increasing rainfall threshold of a deep-seated landslide.:2021.09
Predicting the occurrence of channelized debris flow by a cascading flood debris-flow model in a small debris flow-prone catchment..:2021.09
Rainfall threshold for initiation of channelized debris flows in a small catchment based on in-site measurement.:2021.09
Application and design of an efficient siphon dewatering system for debris flow mitigation: A case study of a small catchment in Zhejiang Province, China.:2021.09
出版专著Published Books1科技奖励Science&Tech Awards1发明专利Patents1软件著作权Software Copyrights1科研项目Research Projects1相关资源均是用户自行上传分享,仅供学术交流之用?2019 环境与土木工程学院地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室技术支持:应子科技(成都)有限公司
分享苟晓峰 扫一扫在手机打开此页面所在单位:, 研究领域: 职????务: 个人简介 Introduction 基本信息 Introductionfalse 荣誉称号 Academic Awards and Honors 工作经历 Work Experience个人新闻更多友情链接更多教育经历Education Background发表论文Paper Publications出版专著Published Books科技奖励Sci ...成都理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-14成都理工大学环境与土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-林汐璐
分享林汐璐讲师 扫一扫在手机打开此页面所在单位:地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室,环境与土木工程学院,学院办公室 研究领域: 职????务: 个人简介 Introduction 基本信息 Introduction 荣誉称号 Academic Awards and Honors 工作经历 Work Experience个人新闻更多友情链接更多教育经历Education B ...成都理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-14成都理工大学环境与土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王丹
分享王丹讲师 扫一扫在手机打开此页面所在单位:环境与土木工程学院,地质工程系(工程地质) 研究领域:工程地质(地质灾害)、地震学 职????务: wddy8@mst.edu个人简介 Introduction 基本信息 Introduction 荣誉称号 Academic Awards and Honors 工作经历 Work Experience2013.08- 2020.05至今, 美国密苏里 ...成都理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-14成都理工大学环境与土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-焦彤
分享焦彤讲师 扫一扫在手机打开此页面所在单位:环境与土木工程学院,土木工程系(岩土工程) 研究领域: 职????务: 个人简介 Introduction 基本信息 Introduction 荣誉称号 Academic Awards and Honors 工作经历 Work Experience个人新闻更多友情链接更多教育经历Education Background发表论文Paper Publicati ...成都理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-14成都理工大学环境与土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张岩
分享张岩研究员 扫一扫在手机打开此页面所在单位:环境与土木工程学院,地质工程系(工程地质) 研究领域: 职????务: 个人简介 Introduction 基本信息 Introduction 荣誉称号 Academic Awards and Honors 工作经历 Work Experience个人新闻更多友情链接更多教育经历Education Background发表论文Paper Publica ...成都理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-14成都理工大学环境与土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨鑫
分享杨鑫讲师 扫一扫在手机打开此页面所在单位:环境与土木工程学院,工程力学系 研究领域:爆炸与冲击动力学;材料动态损伤与破坏 职????务: 18200494414scsnyangxin@sina.com261003793四川省成都市成都理工大学环工楼205室个人简介 Introduction发表论文 Paper Publications出版专著 Published Books 基本信息 ...成都理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-14成都理工大学环境与土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-罗璟
分享罗璟研究员 扫一扫在手机打开此页面所在单位:环境与土木工程学院,地质工程系(工程地质) 研究领域: 职????务: 13608068853luoearth@gmail.com/95553809@qq.com95553809四川省成都市二仙桥东三路1号成都理工大学理化楼320室个人简介 Introduction发表论文 Paper Publications 基本信息 Introduction罗璟 ...成都理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-14成都理工大学环境与土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陈旭
分享陈旭副研究员 扫一扫在手机打开此页面所在单位:环境与土木工程学院,土木工程系(岩土工程) 研究领域:矿山岩石力学、岩石的破裂与失稳、岩石的损伤与破坏、岩石的渗流特性 职????务: chenxu@cdut.edu.cn284787068成都市成华区二仙桥东三路1号个人简介 Introduction发表论文 Paper Publications科研项目 ...成都理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-14成都理工大学环境与土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-蔡文菁
分享蔡文菁讲师 扫一扫在手机打开此页面所在单位:环境与土木工程学院,土木工程系(岩土工程) 研究领域: 职????务: 个人简介 Introduction 基本信息 Introduction 荣誉称号 Academic Awards and Honors 工作经历 Work Experience个人新闻更多友情链接更多教育经历Education Background发表论文Paper Publica ...成都理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-14成都理工大学环境与土木工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-程建龙
分享程建龙Jian-Long Cheng讲师 / 硕士生导师 扫一扫在手机打开此页面所在单位:环境与土木工程学院,土木工程(岩土工程) 研究领域:盾构TBM掘进技术;岩石力学与地下工程 职????务: tb14220013@cumt.edu.cn四川省成都市成华区成都理工大学环境与土木工程学院个人简介 Introduction 基本信息 Introduction程建龙 ...成都理工大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-09-14