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分享汤明高Minggao Tang教授 / 博士生导师 ,四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选、成都理工大学优秀教育工作者 扫一扫在手机打开此页面所在单位:地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室,环境与土木工程学院,土木工程(岩土工程) 研究领域:大型滑坡机理、识别与预警,地质灾害防治,库岸稳定性及塌岸评价预测,地基基础与基坑工程 职????务: 系主任 tomyr2008@163.com4260435684078677四川省成都市二仙桥东三路1号个人简介 Introduction发表论文 Paper Publications出版专著 Published Books科技奖励 Science&Tech Awards发明专利 Patents科研项目 Research Projects 基本信息 Introduction男,博士,教授,博士生导师,四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选、校优秀教育工作者。现任土木工程系主任、地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室研究骨干,国际工程地质与环境协会(IAEG)、中国土木工程学会、中国岩石力学与工程学会、中国地质学会会员。2007年博士毕业于成都理工大学、获地质工程专业博士学位。主要承担本科《土力学》、《基础工程》、《岩土工程勘察》、研究生《软弱岩体工程特性》等课程及本科峨眉地质认识实习、岩土工程生产实习和毕业实习及设计等。主持国家自然科学基金2项,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973项目)、省部科技支撑项目、三峡重大专项、人才基金课题、重大工程科研项目等60余项。发表学术论文80余篇(SCI/EI 30余篇),出版专著或规范手册10部,专利9项,作国际国内(IAEG等)学术报告10余次。获“国家科技进步奖二等奖”、“四川省科技进步奖一等奖”、“国土资源科学技术奖二等奖”、“教学成果奖”等8项。近年来,研究创新了滑坡成因分类方案,提出了考虑致灾因子的新的大型隐蔽性滑坡分类体系、并建立了三维识别图谱;研究揭示了滑坡时-空变形演化规律,建立了大型滑坡时-空综合预警模型和技术方法;研究揭示了水库滑坡的变形规律和库水动力作用机理,建立了稳定性判别模型及方法;工程实践中主持参与长江三峡工程、汶川地震灾区、藏中联网工程、川藏铁路等一系列重大滑坡(边坡、岸坡)灾害监测预警、应急处置与防治工程设计,取得了显著的社会效应、经济效益和防灾减灾成效。 ? 主要研究方向: (1)大型滑坡机理、早期识别和监测预警; (2)大型水电工程库岸稳定性及塌岸评价预测; (3)地质灾害防治工程; (4)地基基础与基坑工程。 ? 博士和硕士招生(欢迎有志青年报考): 学硕:(1)081400 土木工程(岩土工程、防灾减灾工程及防护工程);(2)081800 地质资源与地质工程(地质工程) 专硕:(1)085900 土木水利(岩土工程、防灾减灾工程及防护工程);(2)085700 资源与环境( 地质灾害防控 、 岩土体稳定性与加固 ) ? 主要在研项目: (1)国家自然科学基金面上项目,大型水库蓄水运行期堆积层滑坡自组织自适应变形机理及变形预测模型(41977255),2020.01-2023.12 (2)国家自然科学基金重大专项,川藏铁路重大灾害风险识别与预测(川藏铁路重大灾害立体监测与预警)(41941019),2020.01-2023.12 (3)国家第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究,青藏高原冰崩、冰湖溃决机理及灾害链风险防控(2019QZKK0201),2019.11-2024.10 (4)国家重点研发计划课题,多源异构信息融合的特大滑坡实时预警系统研发与典型区应用示范(2018YFC1505105),2018.12-2021.12 (5)国家管网集团西南管道有限责任公司科技项目,山区油气管道线路设计与工程防护关键技术研究(地质灾害与管道相互作用机理及影响研究),2020.09-2021.10 (6)重庆市规划和自然资源局科技项目,重庆市地质灾害智能化监测预警模型建设(TC209D058),2020.07-2021.06 (7)四川省科技计划项目应用基础研究,大型水电工程库岸稳定性自适应与灾变机理研究(2019YJ0403 ),2019.01-2021.12 荣誉称号 Academic Awards and Honors 工作经历 Work Experience2007.07- 2009.10至今, 成都理工大学, 讲师 2009.09- 2016.09至今, 成都理工大学, 副教授 2016.10- 2018.12至今, 成都理工大学, 教授 个人新闻更多友情链接更多教育经历Education Background 1997.09-2001.07,成都理工大学,水文地质与工程地质,本科 2001.09-2004.07,成都理工大学,地质工程,硕士研究生 2004.09-2007.07,成都理工大学,地质工程,博士研究生 发表论文Paper Publications[1]. 邵山; 汤明高; 聂兵其; 李云杰; 王飞龙; 杨何.宣汉地区降雨型滑坡空间发育规律及敏感性分析,长江科学院院报, 2018 ,35 (5):41- ( CSCD收录; )[2]. Dong, Jie; Liao, Mingsheng; Xu, Qiang; Zhang, Lu; Tang, Minggao; Gong, Jianya.Detection and displacement characterization of landslides using multi- temporal satellite SAR interferometry: A case study of Danba County in the Dadu River Basin,ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, 2018 ,240 ( ):95-109 ( SCIE收录; EI收录; )[3]. Li, Songlin(1); Xu, Qiang(1); Tang, Minggao(1); Iqbal, Javed(2,3); Liu, Jie(1); Zhu, Xing(1); Liu, Fangzhou(4); Zhu, Dongxue(1).Characterizing the spatial distribution and fundamental controls of landslides in the three gorges reservoir area, China,Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2018 ,- (-):- ( EI收录; SCI收录; )[4]. Dong, Jie; Zhang, Lu; Tang, Minggao; Liao, Mingsheng; Xu, Qiang; Gong, Jianya; Ao, Meng.Mapping landslide surface displacements with time series SAR interferometry by combining persistent and distributed scatterers: A case study of Jiaju landslide in Danba, China,REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 2018 ,205 (-):180-198 ( SCIE收录; EI收录; )[5]. Zhu, Xing; Xu, Qiang; Tang, Minggao; Nie, Wen; Ma, Shuqi; Xu, Zhipeng.Comparison of two optimized machine learning models for predicting displacement of rainfall-induced landslide: A case study in Sichuan Province, China,ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, 2017 ,218 (-):213-222 ( SCI收录; EI收录; )[6]. Shi, Xuguo; Zhang, Lu; Tang, Minggao; Li, Menghua; Liao, Mingsheng.Investigating a reservoir bank slope displacement history with multi-frequency satellite SAR data,LANDSLIDES, 2017 ,14 (6):1961-1973 ( SCI收录; EI收录; )[7]. 杨何; 汤明高; 叶润青; 曹阳健; 李云杰.三峡库区滑坡堆积体非饱和土的土-水特征研究,水利水电技术, 2017 ,48 (9):168-173 ( CSCD收录; )[8]. 李松林; 许强; 汤明高; 钱灵杰; 任俊谦.库水位升降作用下不同滑面形态老滑坡响应规律,工程地质学报, 2017 ,25 (3):841-852 ( CSCD收录; )[9]. Tang, Minggao; Xu, Qiang; Li, Yusheng; Huang, Runqiu; Rengers, Niek; Zhu, Xing.Partial reactivation of a huge deep-seated ancient rock slide: recognition, formation mechanism, and stability,NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 2016 ,16 (8):1719-1735 ( SCI收录; )[10]. 汤明高; 许强; 李九乾; 罗剑; 匡野.降雨诱发震后松散堆积滑坡的启动试验研究,水文地质工程地质, 2016 ,43 (4):128- ( CSCD收录; )[11]. 汤明高; 马旭; 张婷婷; 黄润秋; 李九乾.顺层斜坡溃屈机制与早期识别研究,工程地质学报, 2016 ,24 (3):442-450 ( CSCD收录; )[12]. 缪信; 汤明高; 王自高; 杨何.地质灾害危险性评价模型的比较分析与应用,水利水电技术, 2016 ,47 (4):119-122 ( CSCD收录; )[13]. 屈飞行; 汤明高; 王自高; 李九乾.地质灾害危险性区划中不同权重计算方法的对比分析,水利水电技术, 2016 ,47 (11):136-140 ( CSCD收录; )[14]. Tang, Minggao; Xu, Qiang; Huang, Runqiu.Site monitoring of suction and temporary pore water pressure in an ancient landslide in the Three Gorges reservoir area, China,ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, 2015 ,73 (9):5601-5609 ( SCI收录; EI收录; )[15]. Zhu, Xing(1); Xu, Qiang(1); Ni, Sidao(2); Tang, Minggao(1); Li, Zhenhua(3); Deng, Maolin(1); Liu, Hanxiang(1).Infrasonic signals associated with the aftershocks of LuShan earthquake of April 20th 2013,Journal of Low Frequency Noise Vibration and Active Control, 2014 ,33 (1):113-124 ( EI收录; )12[1]. 宣汉地区降雨型滑坡空间发育规律及敏感性分析.. 2018. [2]. Detection and displacement characterization of landslides using multi- temporal satellite SAR interferometry: A case study of Danba County in the Dadu River Basin.. 2018. [3]. Characterizing the spatial distribution and fundamental controls of landslides in the three gorges reservoir area, China.. 2018. [4]. Mapping landslide surface displacements with time series SAR interferometry by combining persistent and distributed scatterers: A case study of Jiaju landslide in Danba, China.. 2018. [5]. Comparison of two optimized machine learning models for predicting displacement of rainfall-induced landslide: A case study in Sichuan Province, China.. 2017. [6]. Investigating a reservoir bank slope displacement history with multi-frequency satellite SAR data.. 2017. [7]. 三峡库区滑坡堆积体非饱和土的土-水特征研究.. 2017. [8]. 库水位升降作用下不同滑面形态老滑坡响应规律.. 2017. [9]. Partial reactivation of a huge deep-seated ancient rock slide: recognition, formation mechanism, and stability.. 2016. [10]. 降雨诱发震后松散堆积滑坡的启动试验研究.. 2016. [11]. 顺层斜坡溃屈机制与早期识别研究.. 2016. [12]. 地质灾害危险性评价模型的比较分析与应用.. 2016. [13]. 地质灾害危险性区划中不同权重计算方法的对比分析.. 2016. [14]. Site monitoring of suction and temporary pore water pressure in an ancient landslide in the Three Gorges reservoir area, China.. 2015. [15]. Infrasonic signals associated with the aftershocks of LuShan earthquake of April 20th 2013.. 2014. 1[1]. 邵山; 汤明高; 聂兵其; 李云杰; 王飞龙; 杨何. 宣汉地区降雨型滑坡空间发育规律及敏感性分析.:, 2018 [2]. Dong, Jie; Liao, Mingsheng; Xu, Qiang; Zhang, Lu; Tang, Minggao; Gong, Jianya. Detection and displacement characterization of landslides using multi- temporal satellite SAR interferometry: A case study of Danba County in the Dadu River Basin.:, 2018 [3]. Li, Songlin(1); Xu, Qiang(1); Tang, Minggao(1); Iqbal, Javed(2,3); Liu, Jie(1); Zhu, Xing(1); Liu, Fangzhou(4); Zhu, Dongxue(1). Characterizing the spatial distribution and fundamental controls of landslides in the three gorges reservoir area, China.:, 2018 [4]. Dong, Jie; Zhang, Lu; Tang, Minggao; Liao, Mingsheng; Xu, Qiang; Gong, Jianya; Ao, Meng. Mapping landslide surface displacements with time series SAR interferometry by combining persistent and distributed scatterers: A case study of Jiaju landslide in Danba, China.:, 2018 [5]. Zhu, Xing; Xu, Qiang; Tang, Minggao; Nie, Wen; Ma, Shuqi; Xu, Zhipeng. Comparison of two optimized machine learning models for predicting displacement of rainfall-induced landslide: A case study in Sichuan Province, China.:, 2017 [6]. Shi, Xuguo; Zhang, Lu; Tang, Minggao; Li, Menghua; Liao, Mingsheng. Investigating a reservoir bank slope displacement history with multi-frequency satellite SAR data.:, 2017 [7]. 杨何; 汤明高; 叶润青; 曹阳健; 李云杰. 三峡库区滑坡堆积体非饱和土的土-水特征研究.:, 2017 [8]. 李松林; 许强; 汤明高; 钱灵杰; 任俊谦. 库水位升降作用下不同滑面形态老滑坡响应规律.:, 2017 [9]. Tang, Minggao; Xu, Qiang; Li, Yusheng; Huang, Runqiu; Rengers, Niek; Zhu, Xing. Partial reactivation of a huge deep-seated ancient rock slide: recognition, formation mechanism, and stability.:, 2016 [10]. 汤明高; 许强; 李九乾; 罗剑; 匡野. 降雨诱发震后松散堆积滑坡的启动试验研究.:, 2016 [11]. 汤明高; 马旭; 张婷婷; 黄润秋; 李九乾. 顺层斜坡溃屈机制与早期识别研究.:, 2016 [12]. 缪信; 汤明高; 王自高; 杨何. 地质灾害危险性评价模型的比较分析与应用.:, 2016 [13]. 屈飞行; 汤明高; 王自高; 李九乾. 地质灾害危险性区划中不同权重计算方法的对比分析.:, 2016 [14]. Tang, Minggao; Xu, Qiang; Huang, Runqiu. Site monitoring of suction and temporary pore water pressure in an ancient landslide in the Three Gorges reservoir area, China.:, 2015 [15]. Zhu, Xing(1); Xu, Qiang(1); Ni, Sidao(2); Tang, Minggao(1); Li, Zhenhua(3); Deng, Maolin(1); Liu, Hanxiang(1). Infrasonic signals associated with the aftershocks of LuShan earthquake of April 20th 2013.:, 2014 1[1]. . 宣汉地区降雨型滑坡空间发育规律及敏感性分析. . , 2021.09.13 [2]. . Detection and displacement characterization of landslides using multi- temporal satellite SAR interferometry: A case study of Danba County in the Dadu River Basin. . , 2021.09.13 [3]. . Characterizing the spatial distribution and fundamental controls of landslides in the three gorges reservoir area, China. . , 2021.09.13 [4]. . Mapping landslide surface displacements with time series SAR interferometry by combining persistent and distributed scatterers: A case study of Jiaju landslide in Danba, China. . , 2021.09.13 [5]. . Comparison of two optimized machine learning models for predicting displacement of rainfall-induced landslide: A case study in Sichuan Province, China. . , 2021.09.13 [6]. . Investigating a reservoir bank slope displacement history with multi-frequency satellite SAR data. . , 2021.09.13 [7]. . 三峡库区滑坡堆积体非饱和土的土-水特征研究. . , 2021.09.13 [8]. . 库水位升降作用下不同滑面形态老滑坡响应规律. . , 2021.09.13 [9]. . Partial reactivation of a huge deep-seated ancient rock slide: recognition, formation mechanism, and stability. . , 2021.09.13 [10]. . 降雨诱发震后松散堆积滑坡的启动试验研究. . , 2021.09.13 [11]. . 顺层斜坡溃屈机制与早期识别研究. . , 2021.09.13 [12]. . 地质灾害危险性评价模型的比较分析与应用. . , 2021.09.13 [13]. . 地质灾害危险性区划中不同权重计算方法的对比分析. . , 2021.09.13 [14]. . Site monitoring of suction and temporary pore water pressure in an ancient landslide in the Three Gorges reservoir area, China. . , 2021.09.13 [15]. . Infrasonic signals associated with the aftershocks of LuShan earthquake of April 20th 2013. . , 2021.09.13 1[1] .. 宣汉地区降雨型滑坡空间发育规律及敏感性分析.,2021.09.13 [2] .. Detection and displacement characterization of landslides using multi- temporal satellite SAR interferometry: A case study of Danba County in the Dadu River Basin.,2021.09.13 [3] .. Characterizing the spatial distribution and fundamental controls of landslides in the three gorges reservoir area, China.,2021.09.13 [4] .. Mapping landslide surface displacements with time series SAR interferometry by combining persistent and distributed scatterers: A case study of Jiaju landslide in Danba, China.,2021.09.13 [5] .. Comparison of two optimized machine learning models for predicting displacement of rainfall-induced landslide: A case study in Sichuan Province, China.,2021.09.13 [6] .. Investigating a reservoir bank slope displacement history with multi-frequency satellite SAR data.,2021.09.13 [7] .. 三峡库区滑坡堆积体非饱和土的土-水特征研究.,2021.09.13 [8] .. 库水位升降作用下不同滑面形态老滑坡响应规律.,2021.09.13 [9] .. Partial reactivation of a huge deep-seated ancient rock slide: recognition, formation mechanism, and stability.,2021.09.13 [10] .. 降雨诱发震后松散堆积滑坡的启动试验研究.,2021.09.13 [11] .. 顺层斜坡溃屈机制与早期识别研究.,2021.09.13 [12] .. 地质灾害危险性评价模型的比较分析与应用.,2021.09.13 [13] .. 地质灾害危险性区划中不同权重计算方法的对比分析.,2021.09.13 [14] .. Site monitoring of suction and temporary pore water pressure in an ancient landslide in the Three Gorges reservoir area, China.,2021.09.13 [15] .. Infrasonic signals associated with the aftershocks of LuShan earthquake of April 20th 2013.,2021.09.13 [1]. 宣汉地区降雨型滑坡空间发育规律及敏感性分析.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [2]. Detection and displacement characterization of landslides using multi- temporal satellite SAR interferometry: A case study of Danba County in the Dadu River Basin.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [3]. Characterizing the spatial distribution and fundamental controls of landslides in the three gorges reservoir area, China.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [4]. Mapping landslide surface displacements with time series SAR interferometry by combining persistent and distributed scatterers: A case study of Jiaju landslide in Danba, China.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [5]. Comparison of two optimized machine learning models for predicting displacement of rainfall-induced landslide: A case study in Sichuan Province, China.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [6]. Investigating a reservoir bank slope displacement history with multi-frequency satellite SAR data.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [7]. 三峡库区滑坡堆积体非饱和土的土-水特征研究.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [8]. 库水位升降作用下不同滑面形态老滑坡响应规律.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [9]. Partial reactivation of a huge deep-seated ancient rock slide: recognition, formation mechanism, and stability.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [10]. 降雨诱发震后松散堆积滑坡的启动试验研究.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [11]. 顺层斜坡溃屈机制与早期识别研究.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [12]. 地质灾害危险性评价模型的比较分析与应用.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [13]. 地质灾害危险性区划中不同权重计算方法的对比分析.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [14]. Site monitoring of suction and temporary pore water pressure in an ancient landslide in the Three Gorges reservoir area, China.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [15]. 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