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分享胡伟教授 / 博士生导师 扫一扫在手机打开此页面所在单位:环境与土木工程学院,土木工程(岩土工程) 研究领域: 职????务: 地质灾害防治国家重点实验室 +8618628195933513933225@qq.com+8618628195933No.1, Erxianqiao East three road,Chengduhua district个人简介 Introduction发表论文 Paper Publications科技奖励 Science&Tech Awards科研项目 Research Projects 基本信息 Introduction教授(破格),博士生导师,博士毕业于法国中央理工大学(南特),先后在法国中央理工大学、日本京都大学防灾研究所、香港大学、法国农业与环境研究所、意大利萨勒诺大学从事研究工作。长期从事大型地质灾害机理研究。主持自然科学基金项目3项(优秀青年基金(2019),面上项目(2016年),主要负责自然科学基金重大项目子题一项,科技部重大研发项目子题一项,成都理工大学珠峰科学研究计划项目一项等。并于2019年获得国家科技进步二等奖,2018年入选四川省“万人计划”,2017年入选自然资源部杰出青年科技人才;2015年获得中国青年地质科技奖——银锤奖; 2014年获四川省杰出青年基金项目;2014年入选四川省学术带头人后备人选。在本领域知名国际期刊上发表 SCI 检索论文30篇(第一作者或通讯作者26篇),其中包括“Earth and Planetary?? Letters ”1篇(中科院一区,Nature index, IF=4.823 ),“Geology”( 中科院一区,Nature index,IF=4.768)1篇,“Geophysical Research Letters” (中科院一区,Nature index ,IF=4.497)5 篇,“Engineering Geology” (中科院一区,IF=4.779)5篇, “Géotechnique” (二区IF=3.83)2篇,“Geomorphology” (二区IF=3.819)1篇, “Landslides” (二区 IF=4.708)2篇等,发表EI引用论文7篇。SCI 总引用429次,单篇最高78次。担任SCI源刊杂志“Journal of Mountain Science”编委,国际杂志“Geoenvironmental Disasters”编委。国际大滑坡协会(iRALL)秘书,工程地质协会青年委员会委员。为Geology,Engineering Geology,Géotechnique等6种国际期刊特邀审稿人。在重要国际会议上做特邀报告4次,担任分会场主席2次。在国内重要学术会议上做特邀报告4次,担任分会场主席3次。。欢迎有志青年报考! 荣誉称号 Academic Awards and Honors 2019年, “四川省万人计划"天府科技菁英”” ; 2018年, “国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金” ; 2017年, “自然资源部杰出创新科技人才” ; 2015年, “第十五届青年地质科技奖-银锤奖” ; 2014年, “第十一批四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选:胡伟” ; 2013年, “国土资源高层次创新型科技人才培养工程-杰出青年科技人才培养计划:胡伟” ; 2012年, “四川省优秀归国人才” ; 1 工作经历 Work Experience2006.09- 2009.09至今, 法国中央理工大学(南特)土木与力学系, 博士 2009.09- 2010.09至今, 法国中央理工大学(南特)土木与力学系, 博士后 2011.04- 2014.04至今, 成都理工大学, 副教授 2014.05- 2018.12至今, 成都理工大学, 教授 个人新闻更多友情链接更多教育经历Education Background 1999.09-2003.09,西南石油大学,土木工程,本科 2003.09-2005.09,西南交通大学,桥梁与隧道专业,硕士研究生 2005.09-2006.09,北京语言文化大学,公派出国人员法语培训班,硕士研究生 2006.09-2009.09,法国中央理工大学,岩土工程专业(公派),博士研究生 发表论文Paper Publications[1]. Hu, Wei;Chang, Ching Shung;McSaveney, Mauri;Huang, Runqiu;Xu, Qiang;Zheng, Yangshuai;Yu, Jiefu.A Weakening Rheology of Dry Granular Flows With Extensive Brittle Grain Damage in High-Speed Rotary Shear Experiments,GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2020 ,11 (47):1-10 ( SCI收录; )[2]. Yan Li,Wei Hu*,Janusz Wasowski,Yang shuai Zhenga,MauriMcSaveneyac.Rapid episodic erosion of a cohesionless landslide dam: Insights from loss to scour of Yangjia Gully check dams and from flume experiments,ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, 2020 ,Doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105971 (\):\ ( SCI收录; )[3]. Xiaoyan Zhang, Wei Hu*, Yangshuai Zheng*, Huaixiao Gou, XinGao.Effects of Relative Density in Progressive Sliding of Tailings,ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, 2020 ,Doi:org/10.1016 /j.enggeo.2020.105908 (\):\ ( SCI收录; )[4]. J. Wasowski ?, M.J.McSaveney, L. Pisano , V. Del Gaudio , Y. Li , W. Hu *.Recurrent rock avalanches progressively dismantle a mountain ridge in Beichuan County, Sichuan, most recently in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake,GEOMORPHOLOGY, 2020 ,Doi.org/10.1016/j. geomorph.2020.107492 (\):\ ( SCI收录; )[5]. Long Wang, Wenhua Liu, Wei Hu*, Wugang Li, De’an Sun.Effects of seismic force and pore water pressure on stability of 3D unsaturated hillslopes,NATURAL HAZARDS, 2020 ,Doi:10.1007/s11069-020-04391-0 (\):\ ( SCI收录; )[6]. Gonghui Wang*, Fanyu Zhang, Gen Furuya, Koichi Hayashi, Wei Hu, Mauri McSaveney , Runqiu Huang.The debris avalanche in Donghekou area triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan(M8.0) earthquake: Features and possible transportation mechanisms,ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, 2020 ,Doi:10.1016/j.enggeo. 2020.105922 (\):\ ( SCI收录; )[7]. Wei Hu, Runqiu Huang*, Mauri McSaveney, LuYao, Qiang Xu, Ming Shi Feng, Xiang hui Zhang.Superheated steam, hot CO2and dynamic recrystallization from frictional heat jointly lubricated a giant landslide: Field and experimental evidence,Earth And Planetary Science Letters, 2019 ,2019 (510):85-93 ( SCI收录; )[8]. Long Wang*, Wei Hu*, De'an Sun, Lin Li..3D stability of unsaturated soil slopes with tension cracks under steady infiltrations,International Journal For Numerical And Analytical Methods In Geomechanics, 2019 ,6 (43):1184-1206 ( SCI收录; )[9]. Hu, Wei(1); Scaringi, Gianvito(1); Xu, Qiang(1); Huang, Runqiu(1).Acoustic Emissions and Microseismicity in Granular Slopes Prior to Failure and Flow-Like Motion: The Potential for Early Warning,Geophysical Research Letters, 2018 ,45 (19):10,406-10,415 ( EI收录; SCI收录; )[10]. Gui, Y. L.; Hu, W.; Zhao, Z. Y.; Zhu, X..Numerical modelling of a field soil desiccation test using a cohesive fracture model with Voronoi tessellations,ACTA GEOTECHNICA, 2018 ,13 (1):87-102 ( SCI收录; )[11]. Hu, W.; McSaveney, M. J..A polished and striated pavement formed by a rock avalanche in under 90 s mimics a glacially striated pavement,GEOMORPHOLOGY, 2018 ,320 ( ):154-161 ( SCI收录; )[12]. Zhang, X.; Hu, W.; Scaringi, G.; Baudet, B. A.; Han, W..Particle shape factors and fractal dimension after large shear strains in carbonate sand,GEOTECHNIQUE LETTERS, 2018 ,8 (1):73-79 ( SCI收录; )[13]. van Asch, Theo W. J.; Yu, Bin; Hu, Wei.The Development of a 1-D Integrated Hydro-Mechanical Model Based on Flume Tests to Unravel Different Hydrological Triggering Processes of Debris Flows,WATER, 2018 ,10 (7):- ( SCI收录; )[14]. Hu, Wei; Scaringi, Gianvito; Xu, Qiang; Van Asch, Theo W. J.; Huang, Runqiu; Han, Wenxi.Suction and rate-dependent behaviour of a shear-zone soil from a landslide in a gently-inclined mudstone-sandstone sequence in the Sichuan basin, China,ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, 2018 ,237 ():1-11 ( SCIE收录; EI收录; )[15]. Scaringi, Gianvito; Hu, Wei; Xu, Qiang.Discussion on: "Experimental study of residual strength and the index of shear strength characteristics of clay soil" [Eng.Geo.233:183-190],ENGINEERING GEOLOGY, 2018 ,242 ( ):218-221 ( SCIE收录; EI收录; )123[1]. A Weakening Rheology of Dry Granular Flows With Extensive Brittle Grain Damage in High-Speed Rotary Shear Experiments.. 2020. [2]. Rapid episodic erosion of a cohesionless landslide dam: Insights from loss to scour of Yangjia Gully check dams and from flume experiments.. 2020. [3]. Effects of Relative Density in Progressive Sliding of Tailings.. 2020. [4]. Recurrent rock avalanches progressively dismantle a mountain ridge in Beichuan County, Sichuan, most recently in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.. 2020. [5]. Effects of seismic force and pore water pressure on stability of 3D unsaturated hillslopes.. 2020. [6]. The debris avalanche in Donghekou area triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan(M8.0) earthquake: Features and possible transportation mechanisms.. 2020. [7]. Superheated steam, hot CO2and dynamic recrystallization from frictional heat jointly lubricated a giant landslide: Field and experimental evidence.. 2019. [8]. 3D stability of unsaturated soil slopes with tension cracks under steady infiltrations.. 2019. [9]. Acoustic Emissions and Microseismicity in Granular Slopes Prior to Failure and Flow-Like Motion: The Potential for Early Warning.. 2018. [10]. Numerical modelling of a field soil desiccation test using a cohesive fracture model with Voronoi tessellations.. 2018. [11]. A polished and striated pavement formed by a rock avalanche in under 90 s mimics a glacially striated pavement.. 2018. [12]. Particle shape factors and fractal dimension after large shear strains in carbonate sand.. 2018. [13]. The Development of a 1-D Integrated Hydro-Mechanical Model Based on Flume Tests to Unravel Different Hydrological Triggering Processes of Debris Flows.. 2018. [14]. Suction and rate-dependent behaviour of a shear-zone soil from a landslide in a gently-inclined mudstone-sandstone sequence in the Sichuan basin, China.. 2018. [15]. Discussion on: "Experimental study of residual strength and the index of shear strength characteristics of clay soil" [Eng.Geo.233:183-190].. 2018. 1[1]. Hu, Wei;Chang, Ching Shung;McSaveney, Mauri;Huang, Runqiu;Xu, Qiang;Zheng, Yangshuai;Yu, Jiefu. A Weakening Rheology of Dry Granular Flows With Extensive Brittle Grain Damage in High-Speed Rotary Shear Experiments.:, 2020 [2]. Yan Li,Wei Hu*,Janusz Wasowski,Yang shuai Zhenga,MauriMcSaveneyac. Rapid episodic erosion of a cohesionless landslide dam: Insights from loss to scour of Yangjia Gully check dams and from flume experiments.:, 2020 [3]. Xiaoyan Zhang, Wei Hu*, Yangshuai Zheng*, Huaixiao Gou, XinGao. Effects of Relative Density in Progressive Sliding of Tailings.:, 2020 [4]. J. Wasowski ?, M.J.McSaveney, L. Pisano , V. Del Gaudio , Y. Li , W. Hu *. Recurrent rock avalanches progressively dismantle a mountain ridge in Beichuan County, Sichuan, most recently in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.:, 2020 [5]. Long Wang, Wenhua Liu, Wei Hu*, Wugang Li, De’an Sun. Effects of seismic force and pore water pressure on stability of 3D unsaturated hillslopes.:, 2020 [6]. Gonghui Wang*, Fanyu Zhang, Gen Furuya, Koichi Hayashi, Wei Hu, Mauri McSaveney , Runqiu Huang. The debris avalanche in Donghekou area triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan(M8.0) earthquake: Features and possible transportation mechanisms.:, 2020 [7]. Wei Hu, Runqiu Huang*, Mauri McSaveney, LuYao, Qiang Xu, Ming Shi Feng, Xiang hui Zhang. Superheated steam, hot CO2and dynamic recrystallization from frictional heat jointly lubricated a giant landslide: Field and experimental evidence.:, 2019 [8]. Long Wang*, Wei Hu*, De'an Sun, Lin Li.. 3D stability of unsaturated soil slopes with tension cracks under steady infiltrations.:, 2019 [9]. Hu, Wei(1); Scaringi, Gianvito(1); Xu, Qiang(1); Huang, Runqiu(1). Acoustic Emissions and Microseismicity in Granular Slopes Prior to Failure and Flow-Like Motion: The Potential for Early Warning.:, 2018 [10]. Gui, Y. L.; Hu, W.; Zhao, Z. Y.; Zhu, X.. Numerical modelling of a field soil desiccation test using a cohesive fracture model with Voronoi tessellations.:, 2018 [11]. Hu, W.; McSaveney, M. J.. A polished and striated pavement formed by a rock avalanche in under 90 s mimics a glacially striated pavement.:, 2018 [12]. Zhang, X.; Hu, W.; Scaringi, G.; Baudet, B. A.; Han, W.. Particle shape factors and fractal dimension after large shear strains in carbonate sand.:, 2018 [13]. van Asch, Theo W. J.; Yu, Bin; Hu, Wei. The Development of a 1-D Integrated Hydro-Mechanical Model Based on Flume Tests to Unravel Different Hydrological Triggering Processes of Debris Flows.:, 2018 [14]. Hu, Wei; Scaringi, Gianvito; Xu, Qiang; Van Asch, Theo W. J.; Huang, Runqiu; Han, Wenxi. Suction and rate-dependent behaviour of a shear-zone soil from a landslide in a gently-inclined mudstone-sandstone sequence in the Sichuan basin, China.:, 2018 [15]. Scaringi, Gianvito; Hu, Wei; Xu, Qiang. Discussion on: "Experimental study of residual strength and the index of shear strength characteristics of clay soil" [Eng.Geo.233:183-190].:, 2018 [1]. . A Weakening Rheology of Dry Granular Flows With Extensive Brittle Grain Damage in High-Speed Rotary Shear Experiments. . , 2021.09.13 [2]. . Rapid episodic erosion of a cohesionless landslide dam: Insights from loss to scour of Yangjia Gully check dams and from flume experiments. . , 2021.09.13 [3]. . Effects of Relative Density in Progressive Sliding of Tailings. . , 2021.09.13 [4]. . Recurrent rock avalanches progressively dismantle a mountain ridge in Beichuan County, Sichuan, most recently in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. . , 2021.09.13 [5]. . Effects of seismic force and pore water pressure on stability of 3D unsaturated hillslopes. . , 2021.09.13 [6]. . The debris avalanche in Donghekou area triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan(M8.0) earthquake: Features and possible transportation mechanisms. . , 2021.09.13 [7]. . Superheated steam, hot CO2and dynamic recrystallization from frictional heat jointly lubricated a giant landslide: Field and experimental evidence. . , 2021.09.13 [8]. . 3D stability of unsaturated soil slopes with tension cracks under steady infiltrations. . , 2021.09.13 [9]. . Acoustic Emissions and Microseismicity in Granular Slopes Prior to Failure and Flow-Like Motion: The Potential for Early Warning. . , 2021.09.13 [10]. . Numerical modelling of a field soil desiccation test using a cohesive fracture model with Voronoi tessellations. . , 2021.09.13 [11]. . A polished and striated pavement formed by a rock avalanche in under 90 s mimics a glacially striated pavement. . , 2021.09.13 [12]. . Particle shape factors and fractal dimension after large shear strains in carbonate sand. . , 2021.09.13 [13]. . The Development of a 1-D Integrated Hydro-Mechanical Model Based on Flume Tests to Unravel Different Hydrological Triggering Processes of Debris Flows. . , 2021.09.13 [14]. . Suction and rate-dependent behaviour of a shear-zone soil from a landslide in a gently-inclined mudstone-sandstone sequence in the Sichuan basin, China. . , 2021.09.13 [15]. . Discussion on: "Experimental study of residual strength and the index of shear strength characteristics of clay soil" [Eng.Geo.233:183-190]. . , 2021.09.13 [1] .. A Weakening Rheology of Dry Granular Flows With Extensive Brittle Grain Damage in High-Speed Rotary Shear Experiments.,2021.09.13 [2] .. Rapid episodic erosion of a cohesionless landslide dam: Insights from loss to scour of Yangjia Gully check dams and from flume experiments.,2021.09.13 [3] .. Effects of Relative Density in Progressive Sliding of Tailings.,2021.09.13 [4] .. Recurrent rock avalanches progressively dismantle a mountain ridge in Beichuan County, Sichuan, most recently in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.,2021.09.13 [5] .. Effects of seismic force and pore water pressure on stability of 3D unsaturated hillslopes.,2021.09.13 [6] .. The debris avalanche in Donghekou area triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan(M8.0) earthquake: Features and possible transportation mechanisms.,2021.09.13 [7] .. Superheated steam, hot CO2and dynamic recrystallization from frictional heat jointly lubricated a giant landslide: Field and experimental evidence.,2021.09.13 [8] .. 3D stability of unsaturated soil slopes with tension cracks under steady infiltrations.,2021.09.13 [9] .. Acoustic Emissions and Microseismicity in Granular Slopes Prior to Failure and Flow-Like Motion: The Potential for Early Warning.,2021.09.13 [10] .. Numerical modelling of a field soil desiccation test using a cohesive fracture model with Voronoi tessellations.,2021.09.13 [11] .. A polished and striated pavement formed by a rock avalanche in under 90 s mimics a glacially striated pavement.,2021.09.13 [12] .. Particle shape factors and fractal dimension after large shear strains in carbonate sand.,2021.09.13 [13] .. The Development of a 1-D Integrated Hydro-Mechanical Model Based on Flume Tests to Unravel Different Hydrological Triggering Processes of Debris Flows.,2021.09.13 [14] .. Suction and rate-dependent behaviour of a shear-zone soil from a landslide in a gently-inclined mudstone-sandstone sequence in the Sichuan basin, China.,2021.09.13 [15] .. Discussion on: "Experimental study of residual strength and the index of shear strength characteristics of clay soil" [Eng.Geo.233:183-190].,2021.09.13 [1]. A Weakening Rheology of Dry Granular Flows With Extensive Brittle Grain Damage in High-Speed Rotary Shear Experiments.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [2]. Rapid episodic erosion of a cohesionless landslide dam: Insights from loss to scour of Yangjia Gully check dams and from flume experiments.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [3]. Effects of Relative Density in Progressive Sliding of Tailings.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [4]. Recurrent rock avalanches progressively dismantle a mountain ridge in Beichuan County, Sichuan, most recently in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [5]. Effects of seismic force and pore water pressure on stability of 3D unsaturated hillslopes.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [6]. The debris avalanche in Donghekou area triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan(M8.0) earthquake: Features and possible transportation mechanisms.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [7]. Superheated steam, hot CO2and dynamic recrystallization from frictional heat jointly lubricated a giant landslide: Field and experimental evidence.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [8]. 3D stability of unsaturated soil slopes with tension cracks under steady infiltrations.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [9]. Acoustic Emissions and Microseismicity in Granular Slopes Prior to Failure and Flow-Like Motion: The Potential for Early Warning.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [10]. Numerical modelling of a field soil desiccation test using a cohesive fracture model with Voronoi tessellations.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [11]. A polished and striated pavement formed by a rock avalanche in under 90 s mimics a glacially striated pavement.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [12]. Particle shape factors and fractal dimension after large shear strains in carbonate sand.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [13]. The Development of a 1-D Integrated Hydro-Mechanical Model Based on Flume Tests to Unravel Different Hydrological Triggering Processes of Debris Flows.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [14]. Suction and rate-dependent behaviour of a shear-zone soil from a landslide in a gently-inclined mudstone-sandstone sequence in the Sichuan basin, China.:2021.09 - 2021.09 [15]. Discussion on: "Experimental study of residual strength and the index of shear strength characteristics of clay soil" [Eng.Geo.233:183-190].:2021.09 - 2021.09 1出版专著Published Books12311科技奖励Science&Tech Awards[1]. .西部山区大型滑坡潜在隐患早期识别与监测预警关键技术,, 2019 , : ()123[1]. 西部山区大型滑坡潜在隐患早期识别与监测预警关键技术.许强;汤明高;刘春;廖明生;巨能攀;胡伟;朱星;张路;黄学斌;李慧生. 2019. 国家科技进步奖 二等奖 1[1]. . 西部山区大型滑坡潜在隐患早期识别与监测预警关键技术.:, 2019 [1]. . 西部山区大型滑坡潜在隐患早期识别与监测预警关键技术. 国家科技进步奖. , 2021.09.13 [1] .. 西部山区大型滑坡潜在隐患早期识别与监测预警关键技术.,2021.09.13 [1]. 西部山区大型滑坡潜在隐患早期识别与监测预警关键技术.:2021.09 - 2021.09 1发明专利Patents12311软件著作权Software Copyrights12311科研项目Research Projects[1]. .重大滑坡孕育机制及启滑分类,, 2020 , : ()[2]. .高位远程特大灾害形成演化动力学机制,, 2020 , : ()[3]. .青藏高原东缘高位远程特大灾害形成深化动力学机制研究,, 2020 , : ()[4]. .国家优秀青年基金项目(大型滑坡成因机理实验研究),, 2018 , : ()[5]. .多源异构信息融合的特大滑坡实时预警系统研发与典型区应用示范,, 2018 , : ()[6]. .大型滑坡启动及运动机理研究,, 2016 , : ()[7]. .汶川大地震大型崩滑堆积转化为泥石流机制研究,, 2015 , : ()123[1]. 重大滑坡孕育机制及启滑分类.. 2020. 国家自然科学基金重大项目 [2]. 高位远程特大灾害形成演化动力学机制.. 2020. 地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室自主研究课题(团队重点) [3]. 青藏高原东缘高位远程特大灾害形成深化动力学机制研究.. 2020. 成都理工大学珠峰科学研究计划项目 [4]. 国家优秀青年基金项目(大型滑坡成因机理实验研究).. 2018. 国家自然科学基金资助项目 [5]. 多源异构信息融合的特大滑坡实时预警系统研发与典型区应用示范.. 2018. 国家重点研发计划子题 [6]. 大型滑坡启动及运动机理研究.. 2016. 四川省科技厅青年基金项目 [7]. 汶川大地震大型崩滑堆积转化为泥石流机制研究.. 2015. 四川省青年基金 1[1]. . 重大滑坡孕育机制及启滑分类.:, 2020 [2]. . 高位远程特大灾害形成演化动力学机制.:, 2020 [3]. . 青藏高原东缘高位远程特大灾害形成深化动力学机制研究.:, 2020 [4]. . 国家优秀青年基金项目(大型滑坡成因机理实验研究).:, 2018 [5]. . 多源异构信息融合的特大滑坡实时预警系统研发与典型区应用示范.:, 2018 [6]. . 大型滑坡启动及运动机理研究.:, 2016 [7]. . 汶川大地震大型崩滑堆积转化为泥石流机制研究.:, 2015 [1]. . 重大滑坡孕育机制及启滑分类. 国家自然科学基金重大项目. , 2021.09.13 [2]. . 高位远程特大灾害形成演化动力学机制. 地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室自主研究课题(团队重点). , 2021.09.13 [3]. . 青藏高原东缘高位远程特大灾害形成深化动力学机制研究. 成都理工大学珠峰科学研究计划项目. , 2021.09.13 [4]. . 国家优秀青年基金项目(大型滑坡成因机理实验研究). 国家自然科学基金资助项目. , 2021.09.13 [5]. . 多源异构信息融合的特大滑坡实时预警系统研发与典型区应用示范. 国家重点研发计划子题. , 2021.09.13 [6]. . 大型滑坡启动及运动机理研究. 四川省科技厅青年基金项目. , 2021.09.13 [7]. . 汶川大地震大型崩滑堆积转化为泥石流机制研究. 四川省青年基金. , 2021.09.13 [1] .. 重大滑坡孕育机制及启滑分类.,2021.09.13 [2] .. 高位远程特大灾害形成演化动力学机制.,2021.09.13 [3] .. 青藏高原东缘高位远程特大灾害形成深化动力学机制研究.,2021.09.13 [4] .. 国家优秀青年基金项目(大型滑坡成因机理实验研究).,2021.09.13 [5] .. 多源异构信息融合的特大滑坡实时预警系统研发与典型区应用示范.,2021.09.13 [6] .. 大型滑坡启动及运动机理研究.,2021.09.13 [7] .. 汶川大地震大型崩滑堆积转化为泥石流机制研究.,2021.09.13 [1]. 重大滑坡孕育机制及启滑分类.国家自然科学基金重大项目:2021.01 - 2025.12 [2]. 高位远程特大灾害形成演化动力学机制.地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室自主研究课题(团队重点):2020.03 - 2023.03 [3]. 青藏高原东缘高位远程特大灾害形成深化动力学机制研究.成都理工大学珠峰科学研究计划项目:2020.01 - 2020.12 [4]. 国家优秀青年基金项目(大型滑坡成因机理实验研究).国家自然科学基金资助项目:2019.01 - 2021.12 [5]. 多源异构信息融合的特大滑坡实时预警系统研发与典型区应用示范.国家重点研发计划子题:2018.12 - 2021.12 [6]. 大型滑坡启动及运动机理研究.四川省科技厅青年基金项目:2016.03 - 2019.03 [7]. 汶川大地震大型崩滑堆积转化为泥石流机制研究.四川省青年基金:2014.01 - 2016.12 1相关资源均是用户自行上传分享,仅供学术交流之用?2019 环境与土木工程学院地质灾害防治与地质环境保护国家重点实验室技术支持:应子科技(成都)有限公司