

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-20

积极参与学术交流活动,主持过SCC等国际会议的研讨会,也是Cluster Computing、China Communication和SCC等SCI期刊和会议的审稿人。
2015年成立大数据服务研究组,进行服务相关的数据挖掘等工作,建立的网站(http://www.servicebigdata.cn/) 提供研究相关的算法、数据、软件和学术动态。

1. Learning-based Web Service Composition in Uncertain Environments. Journal of Web Engineering, 2014, 13(5&6):450-468(CCF推荐C类期刊)
2. Clustering and Recommendation for Semantic Web Service in Time Series. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems,2014, 8(8): 2743 - 2762(SCI期刊)
3. A web services selection and deployment method based on enterprise strategies and related QoS criteria. Journal of Electronics and Information Technology,2014,36(2): 488-492(EI期刊)
4. Service Recommendation Based on Topics and Trend Prediction. 2016 International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing. (CCF推荐C类会议)
5. Service composition based on multi-agent in the cooperative game, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2017, 68:128-135(CCF推荐C类期刊)

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