导师姓名游松性别男出生年月1963.10导师类别硕导, 博导
游松,男,1963 年生,1985 年毕业于沈阳药科大学药学专业,理学学士。1998 年获理学博士学位。现任沈阳药科大学 微生物与细胞生物学教研室教授、博士生导师,生命科学与生物制药学院生物制药系主任;兼任科技部创新药物重大专项生物药品组评审专家、国家发改委医药价格评审中心评审专家、国家自然科学基金通信评审专家、中国酶工程学会专业委员会委员、中国药学会高级会员、辽宁省科技评审专家、辽宁省科技项目评审专家、沈阳市科技计划管理咨询专家、沈阳市政协委员、沈阳药科大学学位委员会微生物与生化药学分科负责人、沈阳药科大学学报常务编委。
1981 年9 月-1985 年7 月 沈阳药学院大学本科学习
1985 年8 月-1987 年8 月 沈阳药学院助教
1987 年9 月-1989 年7 月 沈阳药学院硕士生(因科研工作突出提前获得硕士学位)
1989 年8 月-1995 年8 月 沈阳药科大学助教、讲师
1995 年9 月-1998 年6 月 沈阳药科大学博士生
1996 年2 月-1998 年4 月 赴日本东京大学药学部留学,完成了题为“甾体皂苷生物合成途径相关基因的研究”博士论文
1998 年7 月-2000 年11 月 沈阳药科大学生物制药教研室副教授 硕士生导师
2000 年12 月-现在 沈阳药科大学微生物与细胞生物学教研室教授 博士生导师
[研究领域] 留学归国以后从事生物催化与生物转化方面研究:①以生物催化剂的发现、改造及开发为目的,以蛋白质工程技术为核心,开发具有新功能、新性质、用于手性药物及其中间体合成的生物催化剂;②利用生物转化技术对活性天然产物进行结构修饰,以获得结构新颖的手性先导化合物用于创新药物的研究;③利用生物信息学平台,获取DNA及蛋白质信息,探索生物催化剂的序列特征,并通过分子对接进行计算机模拟,分析底物与蛋白质的作用方式和作用强度,为酶反应的优化以及药物设计提供理论支撑;④将有潜质的新型手性化合物用于活性筛选,并进一步展开对活性化物的临床前药学、药效学和毒理学研究。
[研究业绩] 多年来先后主持国家科技部新药基金项目4项、国家中医药管理局基金1项、教育部优秀青年教师基金1项、省级新药重大项目2项、科技基金4项、其中在研项目包括十二五国家重大新药创制项目1项、辽宁省国家创新药物孵化(本溪)基地建设项目1项、沈阳市科技局重点实验室等多项国家及省部级纵向课题,同时承担企业研发项目多项,还与各大药企订立了逾千万元的横向研究课题;申报了十余项国家发明专利;发表论文数十篇。先后获得沈阳市科技进步一等奖一项、国家食品药品管理局科技进步三等奖一项、多次获得沈阳药科大学科技成果奖和科研标兵荣誉。在手性化合物的生物催化与生物转化和新药物研究领域具有良好的理论基础和配套的科研条件以及显著的科研业绩。
1.Qin B., Li YX.,Meng LX., Ouyang JP.,Jin DN.,You S*. “Mirror-image” manipulation of curdione stereoisomers scaffolds by chemical and biological approaches. Journal of natural products 2015,DOI: 10.1021/np500864e (IF:3.92)
2.Xu Yi, Xin Zhang, Hyunjin Jeong, Yu Mi Shin, Dong Ho Park,Song You* and Dong-Kyoo Kim. A novel bispidinone analog induces S?phase cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in HeLa human cervical carcinoma cells Oncology Reports 2015, 33: 1526-1532,(IF:2.3)
3.Zhang X., Jeong IH., Miao CH., Du J., Kang SR., Dang HT., JS Park., Jung JH., You S*., D Kim. S phase arrest and apoptosis by brominated fatty acid derivatives is associated with inhibition of DNA replication and Topo I, International Journal of Oncology , under review.
4.Wang J., Ouyang JP., Liu YP., Jia X., You S*., He J., Di X. Development of a sensitive LC–MS/MS method for the determination of bilobalide in rat plasma with special consideration of ex vivo bilobalide stability: Application to a preclinical pharmacokinetic study, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2014, 95: 238–244. (IF:2.829 )
5.Che QE., Quan P., Mu M., Zhang XF., Zhao HQ., Zhang Y., You S*., Xiao Y., Fang L. Enantioselective skin permeation of ibuprofen enantiomers: mechanistic insights from ATR-FTIR and CLSM study based on synthetic enantiomers as naphthalimide fluorescent probes. Expert Opinion On Drug Delivery 2014, 11(10): 1513-1523. (IF:4.116 )
6.Ma GZ., Xu ZQ., Zhang PF., Liu JP., Hao XL., Ouyang JP., Liang P., You S*., Jia X. A Novel Synthesis of Rasagiline via a Chemoenzymatic Dynamic Kinetic Resolution, Organic Process Research Development 2014, 18: 1169?1174. (IF:2.549 )
7.Hui J., Yu XJ., Cui XJ., Mu T., Lin JS., Ni P., Lin H., You S*., Hu FQ. Construction of novel chimeric proteins through the truncation of SEC2 and Sak from Staphylococcus aureus, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 2014, 78(9):1514–1521. (IF: 1.206 )
8.Chen YN., Zhang L., Qin B., Zhang X., Jia X., You S*. An insight into the curdione biotransformation pathway by Aspergillus niger. Natural Product Research 2014,1-7. (IF:1.225 )
9.Liang P., Qin B., Mu M., Zhang X., Jia X, You S.*. Prelog and anti-Prelog stereoselectivity of two ketoreductases from Candida glabrata, Biotechnology Letters 2013, 35 (9), 1469-1473. (IF:1.736)
10.Qin B., Liang P., Jia X., Zhang X., Mu M., Wang XY., Ma GZ., Jin D.-N., You S*. Directed evolution of Candida antarctica lipase B for kinetic resolution of profen esters. Catalysis Communications 2013, 38: 1-5. (IF:3.32)
11.Su X., Xu, WZ., Liu, X.; Zhuo RF., Wang CY., Zhang X., Kakutani K., You, S*. The isolation and identification of a light-induced protein in alfalfa sprouts and the cloning of its specific promoter, Gene 2013, 520: 139. (IF:2.082)
12.Yan JF., Chen RB., Lin XZ., You S*., Li K., Rong H., Ma Y. Overexpression of acetyl-CoA synthetase increased the biomass and fatty acid proportion in microalga Schizochytrium, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2013, 97(5) : 1933-1939. (IF:3.811)
13.Zhou LN., Xu WZ, Chen YN., Zhao J., Yu N., Fu BB., You S*. Stereos elective epoxidation of curcumol and curdione by Cunninghamella elegansAS 3.2028. Catalysis Communications 2012, 28(5): 191-195. (IF:3.32)
14.Xu WZ., Jia X., Liu WB., Zhang X., Chen YN., Zhou LN., You S*. Identification and characterization of three impurities in clocortolone pivalate, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2012, 62:167-171. (IF: 2.829)
15.Hui J., Dai YJ., Bian YY., Li H., Cui XJ., Yu XJ., You S*., Hu FQ. Construction of Novel Bifunctional Chimeric Proteins Possessing Antitumor and Thrombolytic Activities, Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology 2012, 22(7): 894–901. (IF:1.32)
16.Yi X. -R., Song M., Yuan Y.-C., Zhang X.-R., Chen W.-Y., Li J., Tong M.-H., Liu G.-Z., You S., Kong X.-P. Hepatic stimulator substance alleviates toxin-induced and immune-mediated liver injury and fibrosis in rats. Digestive Diseases and Sciences. 2012, 57: 2079-2087. (IF:2.55)
17.Xue X., You S., Zhang Q., Wu Y., Zou G.-Z., Wang P.-C., Zhao Y.-L., Xu Y., Jia L., Zhang X.-N., and Liang X.-J. Mitaplatin Increases Sensitivity of Tumor Cells to Cisplatin by Inducing Mitochondrial Dysfunction. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2012, 634-644. (IF:4.787)
18.Song M., Yi X.-R., Chen W.-Y., Yuan Y.-C., Zhang X.-R., Li J., Tong M.-H., Liu G.-Z., You S*., Kong X.-P. Augmenter of liver regeneration (ALR) gene therapy attenuates CCl4-inducedliver injury and fibrosis in rats. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2011, 415: 152-156. (IF:2.281)
19.Xu W.-Z., Zhou L.-N., Ma X.-N., Chen Y.-N., Qin B., Zhai X.-W., You S*. Therapeutic Effects of Combination of Paeoniflorin and Albiflorin from Paeonia Radix on Radiation and Chemotherapy-induced Myelosuppression in Mice and Rabbits. The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2011, 2(8): 2031-7. (IF:1.5)
20.Qin H.-M., Song F.-L., Han H.-G., Qu H., Zhai X.-W., Qin B., You S*. Bilobalide inhibits the expression of aquaporin 1,4 and glial fibrillary acidic protein in rat brain tissue after permanent focal cerebral ischemia, Neural Regen. Res, 2011, 6: 2105-2111. (IF:0.234)
21.Zhang X., Zhao J., Kang S., Yi M., You S*., Shin D.-S., Kim D.-K. A novel cromakalim analogue induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human cervical carcinoma HeLa cells through the caspase- and mitochondria-dependent pathway, International Journal of Oncology, 2011, 39 (6): 1609-1617. (IF:2.773)
22.Zhou L.-N. Zhang X., Xu W.-Z., Ma X.-N., Jia Z., Zheng Y.-M., You S*. Studies on the stability of salvianolic acid B as potential drug material. Phytochemical Analysis, 2011, 22(4):378-384. (IF:2.45)
23.Du J., Miao C.-H., Zhang X., Jeong I.-H., Son E.-M., You S., Lee B.-J., Kim D.-K. Antiproliferation of HeLa cells by 3,4,5-trihydroxy-N-[2-p-tolylethyl]- benzami de is associated with induction of DNA damage and inhibition of DNA replication. Toxicology in Vitro. 2011, 1535-1541. (IF:3.207)
24.Zhao J., Kang S., Zhang X., You S., Park J.-S., Jung J.-H. and Kim D.-K. Apoptotic activity of a new jasmonate analogue is associated with its induction of DNA damage. Oncology Reports, 2010, 24: 771-777. (IF:2.191)
25.Guan H., You S*, Wang X.,Yang L., Localization, induction and characterization of a novel carbon–carbon double bond reductase from Aspergillus versicolor. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation 2010, 28(3):185-191. (IF:1.093)
26.Wang, D., Yang L, Guan H, Chen Y.-N, Xu W.-Z., You S*., Stereoselec tive hydrogenation on the exocyclic and conjugated double bond of sesquiterpene lactones by Aspergillus versicolor D-1. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2009, 11(12): 991 - 996. (IF:0.968)
27.Miao C.-H., Du J., Dang H.-T., Jeong I.-H., You S., Park J.-S., Jung J.-H., Kim D.-K. Apoptotic activity of fatty acid derivatives may correlate with their inhibition of DNA replication, International Journal of Oncology, 2008, 33: 1291-1298. (IF:2.773)
28.Fengqing, H. You S*. Inactivation of type I polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase in Aeromonas hydr ophila resulted in discovery of another potential PHA synthase. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol, 2007, 34(3): 255-60. (IF:2.505)
29.Ren J, L. Yan-qiu, Yang L, Rui N,. You S*, Molecular Cloning and Bacterial Expression of Germacrene A Synthase cDNA from Crepidiastrum sonchifolium. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2006, 22(5): 606-611. (IF: 1.119)
30.Liu Y.-Q., You S., Tashiro S., Onodera S., Ikejima T. Roles of Ras and extracellular signal-regulated kinase-dependent IkappaBalpha degradation in oridonin-enhanced phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by human macrophage-like U937 cells. International Immunopharmacology, 2006, 6 (2): 260-8. (IF:2.711)
31.Liu Y.-Q., Mu Z.-Q., You S., Tashiro S., Onodera S., Ikejima T.. Fas/FasL signaling allows extracelluar-signal regulated kinase to regulate cytochrome c release in oridonin-induced apoptotic U937 cells. Biol Pharm Bull 2006, 29 (9): 1873-9. (IF:1.778)
32.Liu Y.-Q, You S., Zhang C.-L., Tashiro S., Onodera S., Ikejima T. Oridonin enhances phagocytosis of UV-irradiated apoptotic U937 cells. Biol Pharm Bull 2005, 28 (3): 461-7. (IF:1.778)
33.Liu Y.-Q, You S., Tashiro S., Onodera S., Ikejima T. Activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase, protein kinase C, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase is required for oridonin-enhanced phagocytosis of apoptotic bodies in human macrophage-like U937 cells. J Pharmacol Sci, 2005, 98 (4): 361-71. (IF:2.114)
34.Jiang Y., Ahn E.-Y., Ryu S.-H., Kim D.-K., Park J.-S., Kang S.-W., et al. Mechanism of cell cycle arrest by (8E,13Z,20Z)-strobilinin/(7E,13Z,20Z) -felixinin from a marine sponge Psammocinia sp. Oncology Reports, 2005, 14 (4): 957-62. (IF:2.191)
35.Guan H., You S*, Yang L., Wang X., Ni R., Newly detected specific hydrogenation of the conjugated double bond of unsaturated alkaloid lactones by Aspergillus sp. Biotechnol Lett, 2005, 27(16): 1189-93. (IF:1.736)
36.Fengqing, H. You S*, Electroporation-mediated transformation of Aeromonas hyd rophila. Plasmid, 2005, 54(3): 283-7. (IF:1.76)
沈阳药科大学 免费考研网/2016-05-05
相关话题/生物 药物 科技 项目 创新
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