

沈阳药科大学 免费考研网/2016-05-05


Curriculum vitae Name: Guoliang Chen Positions: Associate Professor in Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Engineering School, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University Date of Birth: Feb. 22nd,1967 Nationality: Chinese Experience: ? 2002-now Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Engineering School, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University ? 2001-2002 Visiting Scholar, Department of Chemistry, University of Fribourg (Switzerland) ? 2000-2001 Learning the French in Beijing Language and Culture University(BLCU) ? 1999-2000 Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Engineering School, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University ? 1993-1998 Lecturer, Pharmaceutical Engineering School, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University ? 1986-1990 Pharmacist in Hunan Employee’s Hospital Education: ? Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry, 2005. Shenyang Pharmaceutical University. Shenyang, China. Dissertation title: Synthesis and Anti-tumor and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Resveratrol Derivatives and Analogues. Advisor: Prof. Zhizhong Ji and Prof. Jinhua Dong. ? M.Sc. in Medicinal Chemistry, 1993. Shenyang Pharmaceutical University. Shenyang, China. Dissertation title: Synthesis and anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic activities of N-(4-ethoxyphenyl) benzami de derivatives and analogues. Advisor: Prof. Baili Liu. ? B.Sc. in Pharmacy, 1986. Department of Pharmacy, Hunan Medical College, Changsha, China. Patents, Presentations and Publications: 1. Mannich base derivatives of Resveratrol and their activities. CN Pat. Appl. No. **5.9(2006). 2. Some Resveratrol derivatives and their activities. CN Pat. Appl. No. **4.4(2006). 3. Xiang Liu, Guoliang Chen*. Synthesis and anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic activities of N-(4-ethoxyphenyl) benzami de derivatives and analogues. J. Shenyang Pharm. Uni. 2006, 23(6):353-357(Chinese). 4. Haochuan Yin, Jie Ku, Guoliang Chen*. Improved synthesis of 2-amino-1,3-propanediol. J. Shenyang Pharm. Uni. 2006, 23(5):283-284(Chinese). 5. Guoliang Chen*, Chunmei Geng, Xiangyong Liu. Advances in Resveratrol derivatives and analogues. Progress in Pharmaceutical Science. 2006, 30(4): 145-150(Chinese). 6. Guoliang Chen*, Wei Shan, Yingliang Wu, et al. Synthesis and anti-inflammatory activity of Resveratrol analogs. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 2005, 53(12): 1587-1590. 7. Jiejie Lei, Yihui Deng*, Guoliang Chen, et al. Determination of Zidovudine palmitate liposome by RP-HPLC. Chin. Pharm. J. 2005, 40(7): 538-540(Chinese). 8. Guoliang Chen*, Wei Shan, Ying Xu, et al. Studies on the synthesis of resveratrol and its analoges and their antipromotion of TPA. J. Shenyang Pharm. Uni. 2004, 21(4):261-263(Chinese). 9. Guoliang Chen*, Wei Shan, Jianying Xue, et al. Improved synthesis of Metolazone. J. Shenyang Pharm. Uni. 2004, 21(2):109-110(Chinese). 10. Guoliang Chen*, Jianying Xue, Wei Shan, et al. Improved synthesis of Lodoxami de Tromethanmine. J. Shenyang Pharm. Uni. 2004, 21(3): 185-186 (Chinese). 11. Jianying Xue, Ling Chen, Guoliang Tan, Ruihua Zhang, Guoliang Chen*. Improved synthesis of Olopatadine hydrochloride. Chin. J. Med. Chem. 2004, 14(6): 363~364(Chinese). 12. Guoliang Chen*, Guoliang Tan, Pinghua Sun. Research and development of anti-TB drugs. Progress in Pharmaceutical Science. 2004, 28(12): 529-537 (Chinese). Current Research Interests: 1. Resveratrol and its analogues: Resveratrol exhibits a variety of useful bioactivities including anti-inflammatory, cancer chempreventive, antiplatelet aggregation, antioxidative and antibacterial activities. Some its derivatives and analogs were prepared and their bioactivities are under investigation. The results showed that some compounds have powerful anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet aggregation activities. 2. New Steroid Compounds and Their Anti-Tumor Activity Some novel steroid compounds have been synthesized and their anti-cancer activities have been tested and some compounds showed potent anti-cancer activities. 3. New Compounds and Their Anti-tuberculosis Activities In recent years, tuberculosis has been resurrected around the world. AIDS is increasing its incidence greatly. And multidrug-resistant tuberculosis often occurs. New anti-tuberculosis drugs are urgently required. Now we are co-operating with the Global Alliance for TB Drug Development in order to discover new drugs. Several dozens novel compounds have been prepared and their anti-tuberculosis are under investigation now. 4. Some new COX-2 inhibiting agents Some new compounds have been synthesized and their anti-inflammatory activities are being evaluated and their mechanism are under investigation. Some compounds showed high selec tive COX-2 inhibiting activities and low cardio-vascular side-effect . 5. Design,synthesis and antifungal activity of new triazoles and its analogues Several dozen triazole analogues have already been prepared and their antifungal activity are being screened now. Some showed good antifungal activity. 姓 名:陈国良 教授职 位:沈阳药科大学制药工程学院药物化学教研室出生日期:1967年2月 学习及工作经历: 1983-1986年 湖南省卫生职工医学院药学专业 1986-1990年 化工部湘东化机厂职工医院药剂科 1990-1993年 沈阳药学院药物化学硕士研究生 1993-2000年 沈阳药科大学药物研究所从事新药的研究与开发及教学工作 2000-2001年 北京语言大学出国部学习法语 2001-2002年 受教育部的委派在瑞士弗里堡大学化学系作访问学者 2002-今 沈阳药科大学制药工程学院药物化学教研室从事新药的研究与开发及教学工作 2005年 获得沈阳药科大学理学博士学位(药物化学) 科研工作: 主要从事抗感染药物、抗癌药物、心血管药物及专利过期药物合成工艺研究等,曾发表论文近20篇。曾经或正在进行的科研有: ① 白藜芦醇及其衍生物和类似物的合成与防癌活性研究(国家自然科学基金青年基金项目**,负责人,发表相关论文4篇,申请专利2件) ② 抗艾滋病药物传道系统研究(国家自然科学基金项目**,负责人邓意辉教授,本人负责该项目化合物的设计与合成工作,已发表与本人工作有关的论文1篇,申请专利2件) ③ 抗艾滋病药物恩曲他滨及其制剂研究开发(2004AA2Z3752,科技部“十五”重大专项,与东北制药总厂合作,参加者,本人参加该药的合成工艺优化及结构确证等工作,现已申报临床研究) ④ 白藜芦醇及其衍生物抑制小胶质细胞激活的构效关系研究(国家自然科学基金项目**,负责人吴春福校长,负责该项目化合物的设计与合成工作,已发表文章1篇) ⑤ “劳拉西泮合成工艺研究”(与台湾神隆药业公司合作项目) ⑥ “耐法唑酮合成工艺研究”(与台湾神隆药业公司合作项目) ⑦ 化合物KCN1与JMP及其一些衍生物的合成与抗癌活性研究(与美国Emory 大学Erwin Meir教授合作项目) ⑧ 新型抗结核化合物的设计、合成与构效关系研究(与全球抗结核药物研究与开放联盟合作) ⑨ 一些专利过期药物的合成工艺研究
相关话题/药物 工艺 工作 药物化学 制药

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