

本站小编 免费考研网/2020-03-23

董久祥  教授  博导      


















电子邮箱: dongjiuxiang@ise.neu.edu.cn












    《高等数学进阶 》(线性代数应用部分)


欢迎有理想,有专研精神的同学在我的团队开展科学研究(可招收:控制科学与工程学硕,控制工程专硕;控制理论与控制工程,导航、制导与控制博士)。主要研究领域包括:模糊智能控制,自适应及学习控制,故障诊断与容错控制, 无人机编队控制、信息物理系统,视觉伺服控制及应用。


■ 模糊智能控制领域
♦ Switching PDC control technique
    Dong J and Yang G-H (2008), "Dynamic output feedback control synthesis for continuous-time T-S fuzzy systems via a switched fuzzy control scheme", IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics. Vol. 38(4), pp. 1166-1175.
Dong JX and Yang GH (2009), "$H_infty$ controller synthesis via switched PDC scheme for discrete-time T-S fuzzy systems", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. Vol. 17(3), pp. 544-555.
Yang GH and Dong J (2010), "Switching fuzzy dynamic output feedback $H_ control for nonlinear systems", IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics. Vol. 40(2), pp. 505-516.

♦ Local nonlinear feedback control
    Dong J, Wang Y and Yang G-H (2010), "Output feedback fuzzy controller design with local nonlinear feedback laws for discrete-time nonlinear systems", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics. Vol. 40(6), pp. 1447-1459.
Dong J, Wang Y and Yang G-H (2009), "Control synthesis of continuous-time T-S fuzzy systems with local nonlinear models", IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics. Vol. 39(5), pp. 1245-1258.
Dong J, Wang Y and Yang G-H (2011), "$H_ and mixed $H_2/H_ infinity$ control of discrete-time T-S fuzzy systems with local nonlinear models", Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Vol. 164(1), pp. 1-24.
Wu Y and Dong J (2017), "Controller synthesis for one-sided Lipschitz Markovian jump systems with partially unknown transition probabilities", IET Control Theory & Applications. Vol. 11(14), pp. 2242-2251.

♦ Control of T-S fuzzy systems with partly immeasurable premise variables
    Dong J and Yang G-H (2017), "Observer-based output feedback control for discrete-time TS fuzzy systems with partly immeasurable premise variables", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems., Jan, 2017. Vol. 47(1), pp. 98-110.
Dong J and Yang G-H (2017), "$H_infinity filtering for continuous-time T-S fuzzy systems with partly immeasurable premise variables", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. Vol. 47(8), pp. 1931-1940.
Dong J and Wang S (2017), "Robust $H_infinity -tracking control design for T-S fuzzy systems with partly immeasurable premise variables", Journal of the Franklin Institute. Vol. 354(10), pp. 3919 - 3944. Elsevier.

♦ Stability analysis of T-S fuzzy systems based on set theory
    Dong J, Yang G-H and Zhang H (2015), "Stability analysis of T-S fuzzy control systems by using set theory", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. Vol. 23(4), pp. 827-841.

■  视觉伺服控制领域    
    Chen H, Dong J and Xiao S.(2019), "Robust Adaptive Tracking Control for Image-Based Visual Servoing with Time-Varying Performance Bounds", submitted. (实验视频: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzg0Mzk3MDIzMg==.html?qq-pf-to=pcqq.c2c or https://youtu.be/qpP6oudCYLk )
Dong J and Zhang Jie (2019), ""A New Image-Based Visual Servoing Method with Velocity Direction Control", submitted.

■  静态输出反馈控制领域
    Dong J and Yang G-H (2013), "Robust static output feedback control synthesis for linear continuous systems with polytopic uncertainties", Automatica. Vol. 49(6), pp. 1821-1829.
Dong J and Yang G-H (2007), "Static output feedback control synthesis for linear systems with time-invariant parametric uncertainties", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Vol. 52(10), pp. 1930-1936.

■  自适应学习控制领域
    Xiao S and  Dong J (2019), "Robust Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Tracking Control for Uncertain Linear Systems With Actuator Failures Based on the Closed-Loop Reference Model", IEEE Transactions on  Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2018.2876125
Zhai D, An L, Dong J and Zhang Q (2017), "Switched adaptive fuzzy tracking control for a class of switched nonlinear systems under arbitrary switching", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.
Zhai D, Lu A, Dong J and Zhang Q (2017), "Adaptive tracking control for a class of switched nonlinear systems under asynchronous switching", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.

■  容错及故障诊断领域
    Dong J and Yang G-H (2015), "Reliable State Feedback Control of T-S Fuzzy Systems With Sensor Faults", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. 2015. Vol. 23(2), pp. 421-433.
Dong J, Wu Y and Yang G (2017), "A New Sensor Fault Isolation Method for T–S Fuzzy Systems", IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics., Sept, 2017. Vol. 47(9), pp. 2437-2447. 

■  信息物理系统领域
    Huang X and Dong J (2018), "Reliable Control Policy of Cyber-Physical Systems Against a Class of Frequency-Constrained Sensor and Actuator Attacks", IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
Huang X and Dong J (2017), "Adaptive optimisation-offline cyber attack on remote state estimator", International Journal of Systems Science. Vol. 48(14), pp. 3060-3071.

更多的论文请搜索谷歌学术 "dong jiuxiang"或参见 Main papers(更新未必及时)






    ♦  提出了具有局部非线性子模型的模糊建模方法和局部非线性反馈控制方案,解决了现有方法难以有效减少控制器规则数并改善系统性能,这一多年未能解决的难题;

    ♦  提出了切换PDC控制方法,解决了模糊切换控制和PDC控制这两种经典控制方法难以有效融合的科学难题,进而克服了这两种经典控制方法的不足;

    ♦  将集合等价类理论应用于T-S模糊系统的稳定性分析,突破了现有条件无法有效利用模糊推理机性质的局限,有力地改进了现有的方法;

    ♦  创新性地将输出矩阵核空间的性质应用于静态输出反馈设计,移除了现有设计条件的等式约束,并在理论上证明了其极大地改进了现有设计方法;

    ♦  提出一类具有时变边界约束的自适应追踪控制方法,解决了基于图像的工业机械臂视觉伺服控制的冗余运动问题;(实验视频)

    ♦  针对具有即插即用要求一类信息物理系统,结合无源控制理论、输出调节方法、极点配置技术,给出了信息物理系统即插即用控制综合方法;

    ♦ ........


     取得成果在相关领域共发表论文近100余篇,其中SCI收录81篇,特别在控制领域顶级期刊IEEE汇刊和Automatica上发表论文32篇,SCI他引600余次,谷歌学术引用近2400余次。所取得的学术成果得到国内外著名专家的普遍认可,部分成果被评价为“Inspired by”,“Motivated by”,“follow the method”,“a novel class of”,“new types of design techniques”,“very attractive”,“important results”,“be quite interesting”等。



















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