

本站小编 免费考研网/2020-03-23

王冬琦(dongqi wang)

Email Address: wangdq@swc.neu.edu.cn

Office Location: Information Building B540


• Y09615015: Multimedia Technology(Focusing on digital image processing ) – Fall 2012 – Fall 2013 – Fall 2014

• B080203096: Malicious Code: Detection and Defense – Fall 2012 – Spring 2013 – Spring 2014 – Spring 2015 – Spring 2016

• B080200480: Interface and communication technology – Spring 2012 – Fall 2012 – Spring 2013 – Fall 2013 – Spring 2014

• 080200240: Information Hiding – Fall 2012 – Fall 2014

• Y09615041: Social computing – Fall 2014 – Fall 2015

• B080204050: Social computing – Fall 2016


Journals Articles

1.Dongqi Wang, D Chen*, B Ma, L Xu,J Zhang. A High Capacity Spatial Domain Data Hiding Scheme for Medical Images[J] Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2016,2016:1-13

2.Chen D, Wang D*, Xia F. A Modularity Degree Based Heuristic Community Detection Algorithm[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, 2014.

3.Chen D, Huang X, Wang D, et al. Public Transit Hubs Identification Based on Complex Networks Theory[J]. IETE Technical Review, 2014, 31(6): 440-451.

4.Guo R, Wang D. Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack Packet Filtering and Control Mechanisms[J]. Sensor Letters, 2014, 12(2): 358-363.

5.Wang D*, Chen D, Guo R, DDoS mitigation in content distribution networks, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2013, 6(5): 508-514.

6.Dongming Chen, Liu Jian, Dongqi Wang*, Xiaowei Xu. Distributed Clustering Algorithm for Network Data Based on MapReduce. Computer Engineering, 2013, 39(7): 76-82.

7.Dawei Sun, Guiran Chang, Dongqi Wang, Dong Chen and Xingwei Wang, Modeling and managing energy efficiency data center by a live migration mechanism in mobile cloud computing environments, Sensor Letters, 2012, 10(8): 1855-1861.

8.Rui GUO, Hao YIN, Dongqi W, et al. Research on the Active DDoS Filtering Algorithm Based on IP Flow[J]. Int'l J. of Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2009, 2(07): 600.

9.Wang, Dongqi, et al. "Research on the detection of distributed denial of service attacks based on the characteristics of IP flow." Network and Parallel Computing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008. 86-93.

Conference Proceedings Articles

1.Chen D, Yan Y, Wang D*. Density clustering based on border-expanding[C] //Natural Computation (ICNC), 2014 10th International Conference on. IEEE, 2014: 670-674.

2.Chen D, Qing D, Wang D. AES Key Expansion Algorithm Based on 2D Logistic Mapping[C]//Chaos-Fractals Theories and Applications (IWCFTA), 2012 Fifth International Workshop on. IEEE, 2012: 207-211.

3.Wang D, Jie J. A multi-core based DDoS detection method[C]//Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT), 2010 3rd IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2010, 4: 115-118.

4.Feng Y, Guo R, Wang D, et al. Research on the Active DDoS Filtering Algorithm Based on IP Flow[C]//Natural Computation, 2009. ICNC'09. Fifth International Conference on. IEEE, 2009, 4: 628-632.

5.Wang D, Zhu Y, Chang G. An Outlier Detection Based DDoS Defense Method[C]//2009 International Symposium on Computer Network and Multimedia Technology. 2009: 1-4.

6.Dongqi Wang, Luo Lin, Chang Guiran. A New DDoS Defense Method. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Intelligent Information Systems and Applications. Qingdao, China, Oct 2009:526-529.

7.Feng Y, Guo R, Wang D, et al. Research on the Active DDoS Filtering Algorithm Based on IP Flow[C]//Natural Computation, 2009. ICNC'09. Fifth International Conference on. IEEE, 2009, 4: 628-632.


王冬琦,魏小淞,黄新宇,王静. 一种提高网站被搜索率的方法, CN 103399918B.

王冬琦,李建东,翟翟. 基于多用户协同的公交车辆到站时间预测系统及方法,CN104680829A.

王冬琦,司马东芳,王志鹏. 基于二维条码的信息隐藏与隐藏信息提取方法及系统,CN105825257A

Project Information

2013-2015: “Research and Implementation of Special Nodes Detection Methods in Urban Transportation Networks”, (Grant Number: N120317003), Central Universities Fundamental Research Funds of China, Principal Investigator, RMB 80,000.

2015: “Social network extraction and analysis software in mass relation data”, Principal Investigator, RMB 140,000.

2015-now: “On board diagnosis device based city vehicle social application”, Executive director, RMB 250,000.

2014-2015: “Distributed multimedia file management system”, Executive director, RMB 250,000.

2014: “Android based multimedia collecting and managing system”, Executive director, RMB 250,000.

2012-2013: “Multimedia oriented full text retrieval system”, Executive director, RMB 200,000.


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