

本站小编 免费考研网/2020-03-23

Ying Wang (王莹)

Software College

Northeastern University (China)

Office: Information Building B406 or B425E

Address: No.195 Chuangxin Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang, China

Email: wangying[-AT-]swc.neu.edu.cn

I am an associate professor in Faculty of Software College, Northeastern University (NEU), China. My research focuses on intelligent software development (including software refactoring, software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing, third-party libraries, etc.), software engineering for AI models, and complex network theory for software engineering. I obtained my PhD from Northeastern University, under the supervision of Prof. Zhiliang Zhu and Hai Yu. In 2018, I had a memorable visiting experience at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in the Castle group, under the supervision of Prof. Shing-Chi Cheung.

        I am looking for self-motivated master students with strong programming skills. If you have a lot of imagination, sense of humor, perseverance, and are interested in my projects, please contact me. (招收硕士研究生3名,如果你对智能软件开发技术研究方向感兴趣,请以邮件或面谈方式联系莹姐,周一至周日,10:00 am – 10:30 pm,随时可在信息学馆B406找到我。)

        I am also looking for a postdoc position (I can apply the CSC funded program). Please contact me if you are interested in my research work : p.
Working Experience

    2019/02-至今, associate professor, Software College, Northeastern University
    2019/08-2019/09, visiting scholar, CSE Department of SUSTech


    2013/09-2019/01, Software College, Northeastern University
    Ph.D., Software Engineering, Supervised by Prof. Zhiliang Zhu and Hai Yu
    PhD Thesis: 软件系统网络化建模、质量度量与保证 (To appear)
    2018/01-2018/04, research assistant, CSE Department of HKUST
    2018/08-2018/09, research assistant, CSE Department of SUSTech


    [ICSE’20] Ying Wang, Ming Wen, Yepang Liu, Yibo Wang, Zhenming Li, Chao Wang, Shing-Chi Cheung, Hai Yu, Zhiliang Zhu and Chang Xu. Watchman: Monitoring Dependency Conflicts for Python Library Ecosystem [C], ICSE 2020, To appear. (Acceptance ratio 20.9%=129/617) (CCF A类会议长文)
    [Artifact] Watchman: it performs a holistic analysis from the perspective of entire PyPI ecosystem to continuously monitor dependency conflicts for millions of Python libraries.
    [ICSE’19] Ying Wang, Ming Wen, Rongxin Wu, Zhenwei Liu, Shin Hwei Tan, Zhiliang Zhu, Hai Yu and Shing-Chi Cheung. Can I Have a Stack Trace to Examine the Dependency Conflict Issue?[C], ICSE 2019: 572-583. (Acceptance ratio 20.6%=109/529) (CCF A类会议长文)
    [TSE’18] Ying Wang, Hai Yu, Zhiliang Zhu, Wei Zhang, Yuli Zhao. Automatic Software Refactoring via Weighted Clustering in Method-level Networks[J], IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2018, 44(3), 202-236. (CCF A类期刊)
    “Journal first”invited talk at ESEC/FSE 2017, 2017.09, 德国. (CCF A类会议)
    [ESEC/FSE’18] Ying Wang, Ming Wen, Zhenwei Liu, Rongxin Wu, Rui Wang, Bo Yang, Hai Yu, Zhiliang Zhu and Shing-Chi Cheung. Do the Dependency Conflicts in My Project Matter?[C], ESEC/FSE 2018: 319-330. (Acceptance ratio 18.6%=55/295) (CCF A类会议长文)
    [JSS’18] Ying Wang, Hai Yu, Zhiliang Zhu. Using Risk Analysis to Prioritize Test Cases[J], Journal of Systems and Software. 2018, 139, 14-31. (CCF B类期刊)
    [TCAS2’18] Ying Wang, Zhiliang Zhu, Hai Yu. Risk Analysis on Multi-granular Network for Software Integration Testing[J], IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2018, 65(8): 1059-1063.
    于海, 杨月, 王莹*, 张伟, 朱志良. 基于风险分析的回归测试用例优先级排序. 计算机学报. 2017. 录用. (通信作者,CCF A类中文期刊)
    王莹, 于海, 朱志良. 基于节点重要性的类级集成测试序列生成方法. 计算机研究与发展, 2016, 53(3): 517-530. (CCF A类中文期刊)


    于海, 王莹, 朱志良, 赵玉丽, 张伟. 《一种面向对象软件的类簇测试方法》,专利号:201610021303.0,授权.
    王莹, 杨月, 于海, 朱志良, 张伟. 《一种面向对象软件的自动化重构方法》,专利号:201610843591.8,授权.
    刘振伟, 王蕊, 杨博, 王莹, 于海, 朱志良. 《一种评估Maven环境中依赖冲突危险级别的方法》,专利号: CN201810891476.7, 公示.

Software copyrights

    于海, 王莹, 殷洪建, 朱志良, 张伟, 赵玉丽. 《自动化软件重构系统》
    朱志良, 王莹, 于海, 杨月, 赵玉丽, 张伟. 《软件重构与度量可视化系统》
    杨博, 刘振伟, 王蕊, 王莹, 于海, 朱志良. 《开源软件与第三方库交互的缺陷数据采集及度量分析系统》.


    Devising Optimal Integration Test Orders Using Complex Network Analysis, IWCFTA, 2016.12
    Weighted Clustering in Method Level Networks to Support Automated Software Remodularization, IWCFTA, 2017.08
    Automatic Software Refactoring via Weighted Clustering in Method-level Networks, “Journal first” invited talk at ESEC/FSE 2017(CCF A), 2017.09
    Automatic Software Refactoring via Weighted Clustering in Method-level Networks, 香港科技大学计算机科学及工程学系, 邀请人: Shing-Chi Cheung, 2017.10
    Automatic Software Refactoring via Weighted Clustering in Method-level Networks, 南方科技大学计算机科学与工程系, 邀请人: 刘烨庞, 2018.03
    混源软件中依赖冲突问题的分析与检测, 复旦大学软件学院, 邀请人: 陈碧欢, 2018.12
    混源软件中依赖冲突问题的分析与检测, 华为科技有限公司, 邀请人: 欧建深, 2019.01
    混源软件中依赖冲突问题的分析与检测, NASAC2018 优秀博士论坛特约报告人, 2019.11


    混源软件中组件依赖的可置换性研究, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 项目负责人, 2020/01-2022/12
    开源社区中组件依赖的演化机制及自动化升级技术研究, 中央高校基本科研业务费, 项目负责人, 2020/01-2021/12
    网络化软件系统的建模、质量度量及优化机制研究, 东北大学引进人才启动经费, 项目负责人, 2019/03-2019/12

Teaching Duties

    2019 (Fall) Lecturer: Software Quality Assurance and Testing

Academic services

    Program Committee, the ISSTA 2020 Tool Demonstration Track, 2020
    Program Committee, the 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Bug Fixing (IBF), 2020
    Section Chair of the 12th International Workshop on Complex-systems for Future Technologies and Applications (IWCFTA 2019), 2019
    Reviewer of Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS), 2019
    Reviewer of Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 2019
    Co-reviewer of the IEEE Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 2018
    Co-reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Reliability (TR), 2017
    Co-reviewer of the Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), 2017

My postgraduate students

        Fanyi Meng (PhD; Associate Mentor; Software refactoring)
        Meiqiu Xu (PhD; Associate Mentor; Graph-based neural networks)
        Chao Wang (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing)
        Yibo Wang (王一博) (MSc; Associate Supervisor; 英雄联盟东北大学赛区冠军同桌; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing)
        Liang Qiao (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing)
        Saisai Zhang (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing)
        Jialin Li (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing)
        Zhenming Li (MSc; Supervisor (开山弟子:p); Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing)
        Xiuqi Wang (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing)
        Yibo Wang (王毅博) (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing)
        Ruifeng Wang (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software engineering for AI models)
        Junyan Sun (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing)
        Lin Pei (MSc; Associate Supervisor; Software ecosystem, software engineering big data)
        Gan Zhan (MSc; Associate Mentor; Software engineering for AI models)
        Zhenwei Liu (MSc; Associate Mentor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, software testing; 签约美团(Special Offer))
        Bo Yang (MSc; Associate Mentor; Software ecosystem, dependency management, third-party libraries; 签约阿里巴巴)
        Rui Wang (MSc; Associate Mentor; Software refactoring; 签约美团)
        Yue Yang (MSc; Associate Mentor; Software refactoring; 签约中国工商银行(辽宁)省行金融科技部)
        Hongjian Yin (MSc; Associate Mentor; Complex network theory; 签约阿里巴巴(Special Offer))



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