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通信地址:大连市黄河路850号辽宁师范大学物理与电子技术学院 邮编116029电子邮件:ggguanxinnn@163.com
2008/09 - 2013/12, 辽宁师范大学,物理与电子技术学院,博士,专业 理论物理2005/09 - 2008/06, 辽宁师范大学,物理与电子技术学院,硕士,专业 理论物理
2001/09 - 2005/06, 辽宁师范大学,物理与电子技术学院,学士, 专业 物理学(教育)
2013/12 - 至今, 辽宁师范大学,物理与电子技术学院,讲师2012/01 - 2012/06, 美国路易斯安那州立大学,物理与天文系,学术访问
科研项目:1. 2015-2017年,主持国家自然基金项目(平均场加对力模型下的原子核相变研究,**)
2. 2014年,主持辽宁省科协资助优秀中青年科技工作者国际交流提升计划项目 (2014ZZJ)
2. 2012年, 博士研究生国家奖学金, 中华人民共和国教育部
[1] Xin Guan, Haocheng Xu,Yu Zhang, Feng Pan, and J. P. Draayer, Ground state phase transition in the Nilsson mean-field plus standardpairingmodel, Phys. Rev. C94 (2016) 024309.
[2] Xin Guan, K.D. Launey, Yin,Wang, Feng Pan, and J. P. Draayer, Ground-state properties of rare-earth nuclei in the Nilsson mean-field plus extended-pairing model, Phys. Rev. C92 (2015) 044303.
[3] ZHANG Yu, GUAN Xin, WANG Yin, ZUO Yan, BAO Li-Na, and PAN Feng, and J. P. Draayer, Shape phase transition in the odd Sm nuclei: effective order parameter and odd-even effect, Chin. Phys. C 39 (2015) 104103.
[4] Xin Guan, K.D. Launey, Mingxia Xie, Lina Bao, Feng Pan, and J. P. Draayer, Numerical algorithm for the standard pairing problem based on the Heine–Stieltjes correspondence and the polynomial approach, Comp. Phys. Comm. 185 (2014) 2714.
[5] Xin Guan, K.D. Launey, Jianzhong Gu, Feng Pan, and J. P. Draayer, Level statistical properties of the spherical mean-field plus standard pairing model, Phys. Rev. C 88 (2013) 044325.
[6] Yu Zhang , Lina Bao , Xin Guan, Feng Pan, and J. P. Draayer, Ground-state phase transition in odd-A and odd-odd nuclei near N=90, Phys. Rev. C 88 (2013) 064305.
[7] Xin Guan, K.D. Launey, Mingxia Xie, Lina Bao, Feng Pan, and J. P. Draayer, Heine-Stieltjes correspondence and the polynomial approach to the standard pairing problem, Phys. Rev. C 86 (2012) 024313.
[8] Xin Guan, Li Hang, Tan Qi, Feng Pan, and J. P. Draayer, Nilsson mean-field plus the extended pairing model description of rare earth nuclei, Chin. Phys. C 35 (2011) 747.
[9] Feng Pan, Xin Guan, Yin Wang, and J P Draayer, A progressive diagonalization scheme for the Rabi Hamiltonian, J. Phys. B 43 (2010) 175501.
[10] Feng Pan, Ming-Xia Xie, Xin Guan, Lian-Rong Dai, and J. P. Draayer, New exact solutions of the standard pairing model for well-deformed nuclei, Phys. Rev. C 80 (2009) 044306.
[11] Feng Pan, N. Ma, X. Guan, J. P. Draayer, First order quantum phase transitions of the XX spin-1/2 chain in a uniform transverse field, Phys. Lett. A 367 (2007) 450.
[12] Feng Pan, X. Guan, N. Ma, J. P. Draayer, Exact diagonalization for spin-1/2 chains and the first order quantum phase transitions of the XXX chain in a uniform transverse field, J. Phys. CM 19 (2007) 386208.