学习经历:1997.9-2001.7青岛大学 物理系 应用物理专业本科获得理学学士
2002.9-2005.4电子科技大学 生命科学与技术学院,生物医学工程专业研究生,获工学硕士
工作经历:2005.5-2006.7 西南师范大学心理学院 助教
2006.7-2007.4 西南大学心理学院 助教
2007.4-2011.6 西南大学心理学院 讲师
2011.7-2012.2 西南大学心理学院 副研究员
2012.3-辽宁师范大学 特聘教授、博导
2012.12-2015.4 辽宁师范大学心理学院 副院长
2015.4-辽宁师范大学 脑与认知神经科学研究中心 主任
学术兼职中国心理学会 普通心理和实验心理专委会委员英国埃塞克斯大学 客座教授
1.Liang T,Chen X, Ye C, Zhang J, Liu, Q*. Electrophysiologicalevidence supports the role of sustained visuospatial attention in maintainingvisual WM contents. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2019, 146: 54-62,
2.Ye, C.,Sun, H., Xu, Q.Liang T, Zhang Y, Liu, Q*.Working memory capacity affects trade-off betweenquality and quantity only when stimulus exposure duration is sufficient:Evidence for the two-phase model.Sci Rep9,8727 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41598-019-44998-3
3.Ye C,Xu Q, Liu,Q*, Cong F, Saariluoma P, Ristaniemi T,Astikainen P. The impact of visual working memory capacity on the filteringefficiency of emotional face distractors. Biological Psychology, 2018,138,63-72
4. Wang J, Tian J, Hao R, TianL, Liu,Q*. Transcranial direct current stimulation overthe right DLPFC selectively modulates subprocesses in working memory. 2018,PeerJ 6:e4906; DOI 10.7717/peerj.4906
5.Hao, R.,Becker,M., Ye, C., Liu, Q* &Liu T. The bandwidth of VWM consolidation varies with the stimulusfeature:evidence fromevent-related potentials. Journal of Experimental Psychology:Human Perception and Performance, 2018,44(5), 767-777
6.Lu J,Tian L,Zhang J,WangJ,Ye C, LiuQ*.Strategic inhibition of distractors with visual working memorycontents after involuntary attention capture , Scientific Reports,2017,DOI : 10.1038/s41598-017-16305-5.
7.Liang T, Hu Z and Liu Q* Frontal Theta Activity SupportsDetecting Mismatched Information in Visual Working Memory. Frontiers Psychology,2017 , 8:1821. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01821
8.Ye, C., Hu, Z., Li H., Ristaniemi, T., Gendron, M., Liu, Q* &Liu T . A two-phase model of resource allocation in visual working memory.Journal of Experimental Psychology:Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2017, 43(10): 1557-1566.
9.Liang T, Hu Z, Li Y, Ye C and Liu Q. ElectrophysiologicalCorrelates of Change Detection during Delayed Matching Task: A Comparison ofDifferent References. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2017, 11:527. doi:10.3389/fnins.2017.00527
10.Zhang Y, Ye C, Roberson D, Zhao G, Xue C, Liu, Q*,The BilateralField Advantage Effect in Memory Precision. Quarterly Journal of ExperimentalPsychology, 2018,71(3):749-758
11.Ye, C., Hu, Z., Ristaniemi, T., Gendron, M., & Liu, Q*.Retro-dimension-cue benefit in visual working memory. Scientific Reports, 2016, 35573. DOI:10.1038/srep35573
12. Liu Q, Lin S, Zhao G, Roberson D. Theeffect of modulating top-down attention deployment on the N2pc/PCN. BiologicalPsychology, 2016, 117: 187-193.
13. Wang L, Liu Q(co-firstauthor), Shen H, Li H, HuD. Large-scale functional brain network changes in taxi drivers: Evidence fromresting-state fMRI. 2014, Human Brain Mapping, 2015,36(3):862-71.
14.Hu Z,Hanley JR, Zhang R, Liu Q *, Roberson D. Aconflict-based model of color categorical perception: Evidence from a primingstudy. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2014, 21(5), 1214–1223
15.Ye C,ZhangL, Liu T, Li H, Liu Q *. Visual working memory capacity forcolor is independent of representation resolution, PloS one,2014, 9(3): e91681.
16.Sheng F, LiuQ, Li H, Fang F, Han S. Task modulations of racial bias in neural responsesto others’ suffering. NeuroImage, 2014, 88: 263–270
17.Zhang R, HuZH, Debi R, Zhang L,Li H, Liu Q *. Neuralprocesses underlying the “same”-“different” judgment of two simultaneouslypresented objects - an EEG study. PloS one, 2013,8(12):e81737.
18.JiaoJ, Zhao G, WangQ, ZhangK, LiH, SunH-J, LiuQ*. Contingent capture can occur at specific feature values:Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence. Biological Psychology,2013,92(2): 125-134.
19.Wang C,Oyserman D, Liu Q, Li H, Han S. Accessible cultural mind-setmodulates default mode activity: Evidence for the culturally situatedbrain. Social Neuroscience, 2013,8(3):203-216
20. Hu Z, Zhang R, Zhang Q, Liu Q*, LiH. Neural correlates of audiovisual integration of semantic categoryinformation. Brain andLanguage 2012; 121:70-75.
21.ZhaoG, Liu Q(co-firstauthor), Jiao J,Li H,Sun H.Dual-stateModulation of the Contextual Cueing Effect: Evidence fromEye MovementsRecordings. Journal of vision, 2012, 12(6),doi: 10.1167/12.6.11
22.Luo C, GuoZ, Lai Y, Liao W, Liu Q, Kendrick KM, Yao D, Li H. Musical TrainingInduces Functional Plasticity inPerceptual and Motor Networks: Insights fromResting-State fMRI. PloS one,2012 7 (5), e36568
23. Liu Q, Zhang Y, Campos JL, Zhang QL, Sun H-J. Neural Mechanismsfor the Effect of Prior Knowledge on Audiovisual Integration. BiologicalPsychology, 2011, 87(2), 200-208.
24.Zhao G, LiuQ (co-first author), Zhang Y, Jiao J, Zhang Q, Sun H-J, Li H. The amplitudeof N2pc reflects the physical disparity between target item anddistracters. Neuroscience Letters, 2011, 491(1):68-72.
25.Yuan J, XuS, Yang J, Liu Q, Chen A, Zhu L, Chen J, Li H. Pleasant moodintensifies brain processing of cognitive control: ERP correlates. BiologicalPsychology. 2011, 87: 17-24
26.Li F, MaL, Cao B, Liu Q, Li H.Real-life experience modifies early electrophysiologicalresponses in the visual system. Neuroreport,2011, 22,855-859.
27. Liu Q, Li H, Campos JL, Teeter C, Tao W, Zhang QL,Sun H-J. Language Suppression Effects on the Categorical Perception of Colouras Evidenced through ERPs. Biological Psychology, 2010, 85:45-52.
28.ZhangY, Liu Q, Yang Q, Zhang QL.Electrophysiological correlates ofearly processing of visual word recognition: N2 as an index of visual categoryfeature processing, Neuroscience Letters, 2010,473(1):32-36.
29.Li P, JiaS, Feng T, Liu Q, Suo T, Li H. The influence of the diffusion ofresponsibility effect on outcome evaluations: Electrophysiological evidencefrom an ERP study. Neuroimage, 2010,52(4):1727-33
30.LongCQ, Liu Q, Qiu J, Shen XY, Li SS, Li H. Neural signs of flexiblecategorization: Evidence from the flexibility of inclusion of humans inanimal/non-animal categorization. Brain Research, 2010,14:64-73.
31. Liu Q, Li H, Campos JL, Wang Q, Zhang Y, Qiu J, ZhangQL, Sun H-J. The N2pc component in ERP and the lateralization effect oflanguage on color perception. Neuroscience Letters, 2009,454, 58-61.
32. Liu Q,Wu Y, Yang Q, Camposc JL, Zhang QL,Sun H-J. Neural correlates of size illusions: an event-related potential study. Neuroreport,2009,20(8),809-814
33.Zhang Y, LiuQ, Zhang QL.The Recognition Potential Reflects an Intermediate Levelof Visual Representation. Neuroscience Letters, 2009, 454, 86–90.
34.Tao W, LiuQ, Huang X, Tao X, Yan J; Teeter CJ, Li H, Sun H-J. Effect of degreeand direction of rotation in egocentric mental rotation of hand: anevent-related potential study. Neuroreport, 2009, 20(2):180-185.
35.Qiu J, Li H, Wei YG, Liu Q,Zhang Y, Zhang QL. Neural mechanisms underlying the processing of Chinese andEnglish words in a word generation task: An event-related potential study. Psychophysiology,2008, 45(6), 970-976.
36. Qiu J, Li H, Zhang QL, Liu Q, Zhang F. The Müller-Lyerillusion seen by the brain: An event-related brain potentials study. BiologicalPsychology, 2008, 77(2), 150-8.
37.Qiu J, Li H, Liu Q,Zhang QL. Brain mechanism of response execution and inhibition: Anevent-related potential study. Neuroreport, 2008, 19(1), 121-125.
38. Liu Q, Qiu J, Chen A, Yang J, Zhang QL, Sun H-J. The effect ofvisual reliability on auditory-visual integration: an event-related potentialstudy. Neuroreport, 2007, 18(17): 1861-1865.
39.Qiu J, Li H, Liu Q, Zhang QL. Brain mechanisms underlying visual perception and visual mentalimagery of Chinese pseudo-characters: an event-related potential study. BrainResearch, 2007, 1184, 202-209. (
40.Zhou L, Yan JJ, Liu Q,Li H, Xie CX, Wang YH, Campos JL, Sun H-J, Visual and auditory informationspecifying an impending collision of an approaching object, Lecture Notes in ComputerScience, 2007, 4551, 720-729.
41. 张引,梁腾飞,叶超雄,刘强*. 长时联结表征对工作记忆的抑制效应。心理学报, in press.
42.张頔,郝仁宁, 刘强*. (2019). 注意范围分布对视觉工作记忆巩固过程的影响. 心理学报, 51(7): 772-780.
43.龙芳芳,李昱辰,陈晓宇,李子媛,梁腾飞,刘强*. (2019). 视觉工作记忆的巩固加工:时程、模式及机制. 心理科学进展, 27(8), 1404-1416.
44.张引,梁腾飞,陈江涛,叶超雄,刘强.连接视觉长时记忆与视觉工作记忆的认知及其神经机制. 生理学报,2019,71(01):62-72.
45.王静,薛成波,刘强* 客体同维度特征的视觉工作记忆存储机制,心理学报,2018, 50 (2): 168-175
46. 李腾飞, 马楠, 胡中华, & 刘强*. (2017). 空间距离对视觉工作记忆巩固的影响. 心理学报, 49(6), 1–12.
47. 梁腾飞 刘强 胡中华. 视觉加工的双侧视野优势及其脑机制. 心理科学进展, 2016, 24(7): 1032-1041.
48.薛成波 叶超雄 张引 刘强*. 视觉工作记忆中特征绑定关系的记忆机制. 心理学报,2015,47,(7),851-858.
49.胡中华 刘强 赵光 李红.刺激特征信息影响直视探测优势测量.心理学报,2013,45,(11),1217-1227.
50.胡中华, 赵光, 刘强,李红.视觉搜索任务中直视探测优势的眼动研究.心理学报,2012,44,(4),435-445
51.常晶晶,刘强,邱江.异同判断中“快同效应”的大脑机制:一项ERP研究. 心理科学, 2012,35(04),829-835
52.孙远路,胡中华,张瑞玲,寻茫茫,刘强*, 张庆林. 多感觉整合测量范式中存在的影响因素探讨.心理学报, 2011,43(11),1239-1246
53.文小辉, 李国强, 刘强(通信作者). 视听整合加工及其神经机制. 心理科学进展, 2011,19(7),976-982.
54.张烨, 刘强,张庆林. 视觉系统中类别信息加工区的特异性. 心理科学进展,2011.19(1), 42-49.
55. 刘强,胡中华,赵光,陶维东,张庆林,孙弘进. 通道估计可靠性先验知识在早期的知觉加工阶段影响多感觉信息整合. 心理学报, 2010, 42,(2),227-234.
56. 刘强,周柳, 邱江, 王琪, 陶维东, 张庆林.不同规则下“异同”判断的加工特点分析, 心理科学, 2010,33(5),1084-1088.
57.文小辉, 刘强,周柳, 王琪, 牟海蓉, 张庆林, 孙弘进. 字母识别任务中左、右视野的视听整合差异. 心理科学, 2010, 33(4),872-875.
58.陈安涛, 刘强,陈昌明, 李红. 中间模块加工水平对反应冲突的影响及其机制.心理科学, 2010, 33(3),569-572.
59.谢超香, 刘强,黎安娟, 陶维东, 孙弘进.空间场景表征中的参照系选取.心理学报, 2009, 41(5), 414-423.
60.陶维东, 孙弘进, 张慧, 凤四海, 刘强,陶晓丽, 谢超香.被试自身人手初始状态对心理旋转加工的影响:眼动研究.心理学报, 2009, 41(1), 10-25.
61.文小辉, 刘强,孙弘进, 张庆林, 尹秦清, 郝明洁, 牟海蓉. 多感官线索整合的理论模型.心理科学进展, 2009, 17(4), 659-666.
62. 刘强,陈安涛, 王琪,周柳,孙弘进. 知觉加工中存在颜色类别知觉效应的证据. 心理学报,2008,40(01), 8-13.
63. 刘强,张志杰, 王琪, 张庆林. 多种感觉信息整合的认知与神经机制研究. 心理科学,2008,31(4), 1021-1023.
64.崔茜, 张庆林, 邱江, 刘强, 杜秀敏, 阮小林. P300和CNV在GKT的延时反应范式中测谎效果的分离.心理学报, 2008, 41(04), 616-328.
65. 陈安涛, 王乃弋, 李红, 刘强, 冯廷勇. 类别归纳的时间过程和源定位.心理学报, 2006, 38, 815-823