中国科学院金属研究所 免费考研网/2016-05-09
性 别男最高学历博士研究生
职 称研究员专家类别博士生导师
部 门材料环境腐蚀研究中心
电 话+86-**传 真+86-**
1989年沈阳理工大学本科毕业;1999年4月获工学博士学位(大连理工大学和中科院金属研究所联合培养)。攻读博士学位期间研究金属间化合物的强韧化机理。2000-2003年连续在韩国浦项科技大学(Pohang University of Science and Technology)、以色列本-古里安大学(Ben Gurion University)、法国格勒诺布尔国家理工学院(Institute of National Polytechnic of Grenoble, GPM2实验室)参与或负责镁合金材料及其制备成形过程的相关基础研究。2003年回国正式受聘为中国科学院“百人计划”,负责组建“镁基轻质材料及其应用”创新课题组;已负责 “863”计划,国家自然科学基金,“973”计划,科工局设置,美国波音公司,美国通用汽车公司,重大航天工程等委托的镁合金领域项目二十多项。课题组已与德国、澳大利亚、美国、加拿大、日本、以色列、韩国等国际著名的镁合金研发机构建立了较为深入交流合作。2008年-2014年间,SCI收录镁合金领域的学术论文100余篇,总被引超过1000次;已申请发明专利18项(含美国专利2项),其中已授权专利13项(含美国专利一项)。
1) 新型高成形性、高强韧性镁合金成分设计、开发与应用;
2) 镁合金的显微组织与力学性能表征;
3) 镁合金先进成型(铸造、变形)技术研发与应用。
1. 建立了Mg-Al-Ca,Mg-Zn-Y,Mg-Al-Zn等几种镁合金在铸造凝固过程中枝晶相干点温度、固相分数与晶粒尺寸的关系,阐明了镁合金凝固组织中发达枝晶和粗大晶粒尺寸的形成机理。阐明了几种镁合金铸造缺陷(热裂纹(图1)、疏松等)的形成机理及消除铸造缺陷的铸造工艺设计(造型工艺、浇注和冒口系统设计、冷却速率控制等)的物理冶金原则。
图1 镁合金的热裂与形成相关的凝固热力学机理研究
2. 提出并实现了降低镁合金轧制板材的织构峰值强度和增大织构峰值基极偏转角,抑制{10-11}<10-12>压缩孪生,促进基面滑移和{10-12}<10-11>拉伸孪生(图2),显著提高镁合金室温塑性和成形能力的学术思路。
3. 首先报道RE原子对镁不仅具有异常高的强化效果,还显著提高其高温轧制效率,弱化基面织构或使其非基面化。揭示了RE元素(Gd, Y等)对镁合金高温变形机制和动态、静态再结晶机理的影响(图3)。初步阐明了镁合金高温变形织构对其强度、室温塑性和成形能力的影响机理。
图3 镁合金高温变形再结晶机理
4. 发展的高强镁合金G04 (金属所内部合金标准牌号) 已在SZ系列、TG、CE等若干重大工程上累计使用超过千件,为这些国家重大航天工程累计减重百余公斤。
5. 设计和实施了具有自主知识产权的技术和工艺,制造了超大型(轮廓尺寸880×500×500mm)薄壁、中空的镁合金铸件,经检测,其内部冶金品质、力学性能、尺寸精度和产品重量均完全满足设计载荷考核要求,并已装配采用。
6. 采用常规工业轧制技术生产了世界上最高室温伸长率(大于43%)(图4),可室温深冲、室温深拉深的大规格、高延展性镁合金冷轧或热轧薄板(注册商标SuperDucMg),见图5;突破了镁合金在工业上不能进行室温塑性成形的技术瓶颈,成果入选中国稀土学会“2010年中国稀土行业十大科技新闻”,相关专利技术已转让企业。
图4 新型镁合金轧制板材的室温拉伸曲线
图5 高塑性镁合金板材(注册商标SuperDucMg)
1) Jiang, M. G.; Yan, H.; Chen, R. S, Enhanced mechanical properties due to grain refinement and texture modification in an AZ61 Mgalloy processed by small strain impact forging; MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Vol: 621 Pp: 204-211: JAN 5 2015
2) Luo, Jun; Yan, Hong; Chen, Rong-Shi; Effects of Gd concentration on microstructure, texture and tensile properties of Mg-Zn-Gd alloyssubjected to large strain hot rolling; MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Vol: 614 Pp: 88-95: SEP 22 2014
3) Wu, D.; Chen, R. S.; Ke, W; Microstructure and mechanical properties of a sand-cast Mg-Nd-Zn alloy; MATERIALS & DESIGN Vol: 58 Pp: 324-331: JUN 2014
4) Hou Danhui; Liang Songmao; Chen Rongshi; SOLIDIFICATION BEHAVIOR AND GRAIN SIZE OF SAND CASTING Mg-6Al-xZn ALLOYS; ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA ; Vol:: 50 No: 5 Pp: 601-609 ; : MAY 11 2014
5) Li, Jilin; Chen, Rongshi; Ma, Yuequn; Hot Tearing of Sand Cast Mg-5 wt.% Y-4 wt.% RE (WE54) Alloy; ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA-ENGLISH LETTERS Vol: 26 No: 6 Pp: 728-734; DEC 2013
6) Yan, H, Chen, RS, Zheng, N, et al., Effects of trace Gd concentration on texture and mechanical properties. Journal of Magnesium and alloys, Vol.1, No.1,2013, P23-30
7) Yan, H, Xu, SW, Chen, RS, et al., Activation of {10-12} twinning and slip in high ductile Mg-2.0Zn-0.8Gd rolled sheet with non-basal texture during tensile deformation at room temperature. Journal Of Alloys and Compound, Vol.566,No.25,2013,P98-107
8) Shi, BQ, Chen, RS, Ke, W, Effects of yttrium and zinc on the texture, microstructure and tensile properties of hot-rolled magnesium plates, Materials Science And Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing, Vol.560, 2013, P62-70
9) Li, SQ, Tang, WN, Chen, RS, et al., Effect of Rolling Reduction on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-9Gd-3Y-0.5Zr Alloys. Materials Science Forum, Vol.747-748,2013,P223-229
10) Li, JL, Ma, YQ, Chen, RS, et al., Effects of Shrinkage Porosity on Mechanical Properties of a Sand Cast Mg-Y-RE (WE54) Alloy. Materials Science Forum, Vol.747-748,2013,P390-397
11) Wu, D, Chen, RS, Tang, WN, et al., Influence of texture and grain size on the room-temperature ductility and tensile behavior in a Mg-Gd-Zn alloy processed by rolling and forging, Materials & Design, Vol.41,2012,P306-313
12) Shi, BQ, Chen, RS, Ke, W, Effects of forging processing on the texture and tensile properties of ECAEed AZ80 magnesium alloy, Materials Science And Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing, Vol.546,2012,P323-327
13) Wu, D, Chen, RS, Han, EH, Serrated flow and tensile properties of a Mg-Gd-Zn Alloy, Materials Science And Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure And Processing, Vol.532,2012,P267-274
14) Song, YW, Shan, DY, Chen, RS, et al,. Corrosion resistance of Mg-8.8Li alloy compared with AZ91, Corrosion Engineering Science And Technology, Vol.46,No.6,2011,P719-723
15) Gao, L, Chen, RS, Han, EH, Thixoformability of a Mg-Gd-Y magnesium alloy and its mechanical properties, Materials Science and Technology, Vol.27, No.6, 2011, P1084-1091
16) Shi, BQ, Chen, RS, Ke, W, Effects of processing route on texture and mechanical properties of WZ62 alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Vol.21, No.4, 2011, P830-835
17) Gao, L, Chen, RS, Han, EH, Enhancement of ductility in high strength Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy, Transactions Of Nonferrous Metals Society Of China, Vol.21,No.4,2011,P863-868
18) Gao, L, Zhou, J, Sun, ZM, Chen, RS, et al., First-principles calculations of the beta'-Mg7Gd precipitate in Mg-Gd binary alloys, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.56, No.11, 2011, P1142-1146
19) Gao, L, Zhou, J, Sun, ZM, Chen, RS, et al., Electronic origin of the anomalous solid solution hardening of Y and Gd in Mg: A first-principles study, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.56,No.10,2011, P1038-1042
20) Yan, H, Chen, RS, Han, EH, A comparative study of texture and ductility of Mg-1.2Zn-0.8Gd alloy fabricated by rolling and equal channel angular extrusion, Materials Characterization, Vol.62,No.3,2011,P321-326
21) Shi, BQ, Chen, RS, Ke, W, Solid solution strengthening in polycrystals of Mg-Sn binary alloys, Journal of Alloys And Compound, Vol.509,No.7,2011, P3357-3362
22) Wu, D, Chen, RS, Han, EH, Excellent room-temperature ductility and formability of rolled Mg-Gd-Zn alloy sheets, Journal of Alloys And Compound, Vol.509, No.6, 2011, P2856-2863
23) H, Yan,Xu, SW,Chen, RS,et al., Twins, shear bands and recrystallization of a Mg-2.0%Zn-0.8%Gd alloy during rolling. Scripta Materialia,Vol.64,No.2, 2011, P141-144
24) Yan, H, Chen, RS, Han, EH, Room-temperature ductility and anisotropy of two rolled Mg-Zn-Gd alloys. Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, Vol. 527, 2010, P15
25) Gao, L, Chen, RS, Han, EH, Effects of rare-earth elements Gd and Y on the solid solution strengthening of Mg alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 481, No. 1-2, 2009, P379-384
26) Gao, L, Chen, RS, Han, EH, Solid solution strengthening behaviors in binary Mg-Y single phase alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 472, No. 1-2, 2009, P234-240
27) Huang, ZH, Liang, SM, Chen, RS, et al., Solidification pathways and constituent phases of Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 468, No. 1-2, 2009, P170-178
28) Tang, WN, Chen, RS, Zhou, J, Effects of ECAE temperature and billet orientation on the microstructure, texture evolution and mechanical properties of a Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, Vol. 499, No. 1-2, 2010, P404-410
29) Liu, XB, Chen, RS, Han, EN, Effects of ageing treatment on microstructures and properties of Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloys with and without Zn additions. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 465, No. 1-2, 2008, P232-238
30) Liang, SM, Chen, RS, Blandin, J.J, Thermal analysis and solidification pathways of Mg-Al-Ca system alloys. Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, Vol. 480, No. 1-2, 2008, P365-372
1) The Second International Conference on Magnesium, Beijing, China, June 25-June 30, 2006, 学术委员会成员
2) R.S. Chen, E.H. Han, The Development of a high strength Mg-Zn-Y-Zr Wrought Mg Alloy, International Conference on Processing & manufacturing of Advanced Materials, Processing, fabrication, Properties, Applications, THERMEC’2006, July 4-8, 2006, Vancouver, Canada, Invited Presentation
3) E.H. Han, R.S. Chen, On a high strength Mg-Zn-Y-Zr Wrought Mg Alloy- mechanical properties and applications, The 2rd Asian Symposium on Magnesium Alloys, Oct.1-4 2011, Fukuoka Japan, Invited Presentation, 学术委员会委员
4) R.S. Chen, S.M. Liang, Characterization of Mushy Zone of Some Magnesium Alloys, The 3rd Asian Symposium on Magnesium Alloys, September 21-23, 2009, Shenyang China, Invited Presentation, 大会秘书长
5) R.S. Chen, Room-temperature ductility and formability of newly developed Mg-Zn-RE alloy sheets, The 4rd Asian Symposium on Magnesium Alloys, October 1-4, 2011, Busan Korea, Invited Presentation, 学术委员会成员
6) R.S. Chen, S.M. Liang, E.H. Han, Microstructure formation and Mechanical Properties of Mg-Al-Ca alloys, the 4th Pan-Yellow Sea Rim International Symposium on Magnesium Alloys, Kumamoto, Japan, November 11 – 13, Japan, Invited Presentation.
7) R.S. Chen, E.H. Han, Microstructure and mechanical properties of a high strength and high ductility Mg-Al-Zn alloys, the 3rd China-Europe Advanced Materials Symposium, Invited Presentation
8) R.S. Chen, H. Yan, D. Wu, Consideration of new magnesium alloys with consideration of castability and formability in IMR, the 7th Pacific Rim International Conference on Materials, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, August 1-6, 2010, Invited Speaker
9) 中国材料大会2012, 中国材料研究学会,太原,先进镁合金及其应用分会主席
10) 中国材料大会2014, 中国材料研究学会,成都,先进镁合金及其应用分会主席
11) R.S. Chen, Room-temperature ductility and formability of newly developed Mg-Zn-RE alloy sheets, International Conference in Asia 2012 (IUMRS-ICA 2012) ,August 26 to 31, 2012 at BEXCO in Busan, Korea, Invited Speaker.
12) R.S. Chen, Ductility and formability of Mg-Zn-RE alloy sheets with non-basal texture, The 7th Pan-Yellow Sea Rim (YSR7) International Symposium on Magnesium Alloys, 14-18 October 2012, Shenyang, China, invited speaker
13) R.S. Chen, Deformation mechanisms for a rolling Mg-Zn-Y alloy sheets, 8th Pacific Rim International Congress on Advanced Materials and Processing, 4-9 August 2013, Hawaii, USA, invited speaker
14) R.S. Chen, Room-temperature deformation mechanisms for a rolling Mg-Zn-Y alloy sheets, The Fifth International Conference on Magnesium, 22-29 September 2013, Qingdao, China, invited speaker
1) 陈荣石,闫宏,柯伟,一种高强度变形镁合金及其制备方法,**1.4
2) 陈荣石,吴迪,洪敏,柯伟,一种高强耐热镁合金铸锭的锤锻开坯方法,**5.9
3) 陈荣石,吴迪,王文辉,柯伟,一种对ZM6镁合金铸件进行快速时效的热处理工艺,**9.6
4) 陈荣石,姜明光,闫宏,柯伟,一种弱/非基面织构、低各向异性AZ61镁合金及其制备方法,**1.
5) 陈荣石,闫宏,韩恩厚,一种高塑性、低各向异性镁合金及其板材热轧制工艺,专利号:ZL**1.1,授权日:2012.05.23
6) 陈荣石,吴迪,韩恩厚,柯伟. 非(弱)基面织构的镁合金变形材的冷轧工艺及其冷轧板材,专利号:ZL **8.5, 授权日:2012-11-07
7) 陈荣石,闫宏,韩恩厚,柯伟,一种低Gd含量、高延展性镁合金板材及其热轧工艺,专利申请号:**0.6,申请日:2012.11.16
8) 陈荣石,闫宏,韩恩厚,柯伟,一种低Gd含量、高延展性镁合金板材及其热轧制工艺,US.14/375,717
9) 陈荣石,闫宏,唐伟能,韩恩厚,柯伟,一种多方向、循环、高速锤击锻打镁合金的锻造方法,专利申请号:**1.2,申请日:2012.11.06
10) 陈荣石,唐伟能,韩恩厚,柯伟,一种高强度镁合金挤压无缝管材及其制备工艺,专利申请号:**3.X,专利申请日:2012.08.28
11) Rong-shi CHEN, Di WU, Enhou HAN, Wei KE, A cold-rolling method for the wrought mg alloys with weak/non-basal texture and the cold rolled sheet, 申请日:2012-04-30, 公开日:2012-11-15
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