
东北财经大学国际商学院导师教师信息介绍简介-许建军 副教授

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-03-24

许建军,新加坡南洋理工大学运营管理博士,加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学和西班牙萨拉戈萨物流研究中心博士后。现任职于东北财经大学国际商学院商业数据分析教研室主任,副教授。主要研究领域为供应链和物流管理、运营管理、动态优化控制等。具体理论研究领域包括动态库存管理、最优生产控制、最优价格控制、柔性制造资源最优策略等。其研究成果已发表在Operations Research, IISE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research,International Journal of Production Economics,Naval Research Logistics, Operations Research Letters等国际知名期刊。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目1项,联合申请欧盟Horizon 2020项目2项,参与欧盟项目多项。
博士后:Memorial University of Newfoundland,加拿大
Zaragoza Logistics Center,西班牙
Inventory Management
Stochastic Optimization
Green Supply Chain Management
Dynamic Programming

J. Xu and L. Cao. 2019. Optimal In-store Inventory Policy for Omnichannel Retailers in Franchising Networks. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. Accepted.
Y. Feng, J. Xu, and S. Zheng. 2019. Optimizing Dynamic Inventory Replenishment and Substitution for Two Products with Positive Leadtimes. Operations Research. Accepted.
J. Xu., S. Chen and G. Cai 2019. Optimal allocation and production policy for systems with two flexible resources and two products. IISE Transactions. Accepted.
B. Lin, S. Chen, Y. Feng and J. Xu. 2018. Stock and Capacity Rationings of a Make-To-Stock System with Flexible Demand. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. January. 1850004.
J. Xu, M. F. Keblis, Y. Feng and Y. Chang. 2017. Determining Optimal Order Quantities from a Supplier Pool with Nonidentical Salvage Values. International Journal of Production Economics. 193, 392 – 405.
J. Xu, A. Serrano and B. Lin. 2017. Optimal Production and Rationing Policy of Two-Stage, Tandem Production System. International Journal of Production Economics. 185,100-112
X. Chen, Y. Feng, M. F. Keblis, and J. Xu. 2015. Optimal inventory policy for two substitutable products with customer service objectives. European Journal of Operational Research. 246, 76 –85.
S. Chen and J. Xu. 2010. Note on Inventory Policies for Systems with Stochastic and Deterministic Demand. Operations Research Letters. 38(5), 450-453.
S. Chen, J. Xu and Y. Feng. 2010. A Partial Characterization of the Optimal Ordering/Rationing Policy for a Periodic Review System with Two Demand Classes and Backordering. Naval Research Logistics. 57(4), 330-341
J. Xu, S. Chen, B. Lin and R. Bhatnagar. 2010. Optimal Production and Rationing Policy of a Make-To-Stock Production System with Batch Demand. Operations Research Letters. 38(3), 231-235.

多渠道多产品环境下三类随机动态库存系统最优策略的研究 – 国家自科面上项目(主持)
O2O模式下即时配送服务运作管理的理论和方法– 国家自科重点项目(参与)
Business models for flexible and delocalised approaches for intensified processing, Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Programme. (联合主持)
Demonstration of innovative integrated biomass logistics centres for the Agro-industry sector in Europe, Horizon 2020 - European Commission. (联合主持)

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