姜东岳,副教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为能量收集、能量转换与高效利用。研究课题获得获得国家自然科学基金委、工信部等基金资助。研究成果发表在Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Nano Energy, Lab on a chip, Applied Energy, Journal of Materials & Chemistry C, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 等国际期刊。其所开发的“Light-driven 3D OEW droplet manipulation system (三维光电润湿液滴驱动平台)”和“Self-powered Droplet Actuation System (自供电液滴驱动平台)”分别被 Lab on a chip 杂志评选为2016年第10期和2018年第7期封面。入选大连理工大学第五批“星海骨干”培育计划。Dr. Jiang received his Ph.D degree in National University of Singapore in 2015. He joined the Optofluidics and Energy Systems Laboratory as a research fellow after graduation. In 2017, he joined Dalian University of Technology as an Associate Professor. His research interest includes Energy harvesting, Self-powered systems and efficient energy conversion devices. He has published over 20 peer-reviewed journal papers in Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Nano Energy,Lab on a chip, Applied Energy, Journal of Materials & Chemistry C, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells and so on.
[1]D. Jiang*, Y. Su, K. Wang, M. Xu*, M. Dong, G. Chen, “A triboelectric and pyroelectric hybrid energy harvester for recovering energy from low grade waste fluids”.Nano Energy, 70 (2020): 104459.Impact factor: 15.548.[Link to this article]
[2]D. Jiang*, M. Xu, M. Dong, F. Guo, X. Liu, G. Chen, Z.L. Wang*, “Water-solid triboelectric nanogenerators: an alternative means for harvesting hydropower”. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 115 (2019): 109366. Impact factor: 10.556. [Link to this article]
[3] D. Jiang*, F. Guo, M. Xu*, J. Cai, S. Cong, M. Jia, G. Chen, Y. Song. “Conformal fluorine coated carbon paper for an energy harvesting water wheel”. Nano Energy, 58 (2019): 842-851. Impact factor: 15.548. [Link to this article].
[4] G. Chen, X. Liu, S. Li, M. Dong, and D. Jiang*. “A droplet energy harvesting and actuation system for self-powered digital microfluidics”. Lab on a chip, 18 (2018): 1026-1034.Impact factor: 6.914. (Front Cover of Issue 7) [Link to this article].
[5] D. Jiang, S. Lee, S.W. Bae and S.-Y. Park. “Smartphone integrated optoelectrowetting (SiOEW) for on-chip sample processing and microscope detection of water quality.” Lab on a chip, 18 (2018):532-539. Impact factor: 6.914. [Link to this article]
[6]D. Jiang, and W.M. Yang. "Refractory material based frequency selective emitters/absorbers for high efficiency and thermal stable thermophotovoltaics."Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells163 (2017): 98-104. Impact factor: 6.019.[Link to this article]
[7]D. Jiang, and Sung-Yong Park. "Light-driven 3D droplet manipulation on flexible optoelectrowetting devices fabricated by a simple spin-coating method."Lab on a Chip16.10 (2016): 1831-1839. Impact factor: 6.914. (Research featured on the BACK COVER of issue 10).[Link to this article]
[8]D. Jiang, W. Yang, and A. Tang. "A refractory selective solar absorber for high performance thermochemical steam reforming."Applied Energy170 (2016): 286-292. Impact factor: 8.426.[Link to this article]
[9]D. Jiang, W. Yang, and A. Tang. "Development of a high-temperature and high-uniformity micro planar combustor for thermophotovoltaics application."Energy Conversion and Management103 (2015): 359-365. Impact factor: 7.181. [Link to this article]
[10]D. Jiang, W. Yang, Y.J. Liu, H.L. Liu and J.H. Teng. "The development of a wideband and angle-insensitive metamaterial filter with extraordinary infrared transmission for micro-thermophotovoltaics."Journal of Materials Chemistry C3.15 (2015): 3552-3558. Impact factor: 6.641. [Link to this article]
[1] 2011.8-2015.8新加坡国立大学 | 机械工程 | 博士
[2] 2009.9-2012.6
大连理工大学 | 热能工程 | 硕士
[3] 2005.9-2009.6
大连理工大学 | 热能工程 | 学士
[1] 2017.10-至今大连理工大学
[2] 2015.7-2017.10
新加坡国立大学 | 博士后研究员
[1] 微尺度燃烧[2] 微流体系统
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Dongyue Jiang*,Fei Guo,Minyi Xu*,Jingcheng Cai,Shuo Cong,Ming Jia,Guijun Chen,Yongchen Song.Conformal fluorine coated carbon paper for an energy harvesting water wheel[J],Nano Energy,2019,58:842-851 Dongyue Jiang*, Zeng Fan, Ming Dong, Yan Shang, Xiaohua Liu, Guijun Chen, Sufen Li.Titanium nitride selective absorber enhanced solar thermoelectric generator (SA-STEG)[J],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2018,141:828-834
Si Kuan Thio, Dongyue Jiang, Sung-Yong Park, Electrowetting-driven solar indoor lighting (e-SIL): An optofluidic approach towards sustainable buildings[J],Lab on a chip,2018,18:1725-1735
Dongyue Jiang, Seunguk Lee,Sung Woo Bae,Sung-Yong Park*.Smartphone integrated optoelectrowetting (SiOEW) for on-chip sample processing and microscopic detection of water quality[J],Lab on a chip,2018,18:532-539
Guijun Chen, Xiaohua Liu, Sufen Li, Ming Dong, Dongyue Jiang*.A droplet energy harvesting and actuation system for self-powered digital microfluidics.[J],Lab on a chip,2018,18(7):1026-1034
Dongyue Jiang, Wenming Yang*.A dielectric-encapsulated 2D photonic crystal based solar thermophotovoltaic power generator[J],Applied Thermal Engineering,2017,125:1253-1259
Dongyue Jiang,Wenming Yang*.Refractory material based frequency selective emitters/absorbers for high efficiency and thermal stable thermophotovoltaics,Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,2017,163:98-104
Dongyue Jiang,Sung-Yong Park*.Light-driven 3D droplet manipulation on flexible optoelectrowetting devices fabricated by a simple spin-coating method[J],, Lab on a chip,2016,04(10):1831-1839
Dongyue Jiang,Wenming Yang*.A refractory selective solar absorber for high performance thermochemical steam reforming[J],Applied Energy,2016,170:286-292
V. Narasimhan,Dongyue Jiang,Sung-Yong Park*.Design and optical analyses of an arrayed microfluidic tunable prism panel for enhancing solar energy collection[J],Applied Energy,2015,162:450-459
Dongyue Jiang, Wenming Yang*, Yanjun Liu, Hailong Liu, Jing Hua Teng*.The development of a wideband and angle-insensitive metamaterial filter with extraordinary infrared transmission for micro-thermophotovoltaics[J],Journal of Materials & Chemistry C,2015,3(15):3552-3558
Dongyue Jiang, Wenming Yang*, Kian Jon Chua, Jing Hua Teng, Jianyong Ouyang.Effects of H2/CO blend ratio on radiated power of micro combustor/emitter[J],Applied Thermal Engineering,2015,86:178-186
Dongyue Jiang, Wenming Yang*, Jing Hua Teng.Entropy generation analysis of fuel lean premixed CO/H2/air flames[J],Inernational journal of hydrogen energy,2015,40(15):5210-5220
Dongyue Jiang,Wenming Yang*,Aikun Tang.Development of a high-temperature and high-uniformity micro planar combustor for thermophotovoltaics application[J],Energy Conversion and Management,2015,103:359-365
Dongyue Jiang, Wenming Yang*, Jing Hua Teng.Entropy generation analysis of fuel lean premixed CO/H2/air flames[J],Inernational Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2015,40(15):5210-5220
工业节能与绿色发展评价中心能力建设, 国务院其他部门, 2017/12/01, 进行 科研团队
当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 研究领域微流体系统;微燃烧系统;微热光电系统
当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果[1] Dongyue Jiang*,Fei Guo,Minyi Xu*,Jingcheng Cai,Shuo Cong,Ming Jia,Guijun Chen,Yongchen Song.Conformal fluorine coated carbon paper for an energy harvesting water wheel[J],Nano Energy,2019,58:842-851
[2] Dongyue Jiang*, Zeng Fan, Ming Dong, Yan Shang, Xiaohua Liu, Guijun Chen, Sufen Li.Titanium nitride selective absorber enhanced solar thermoelectric generator (SA-STEG)[J],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2018,141:828-834
[3] Si Kuan Thio, Dongyue Jiang, Sung-Yong Park, Electrowetting-driven solar indoor lighting (e-SIL): An optofluidic approach towards sustainable buildings[J],Lab on a chip,2018,18:1725-1735
[4] Dongyue Jiang, Seunguk Lee,Sung Woo Bae,Sung-Yong Park*.Smartphone integrated optoelectrowetting (SiOEW) for on-chip sample processing and microscopic detection of water quality[J],Lab on a chip,2018,18:532-539
[5] Guijun Chen, Xiaohua Liu, Sufen Li, Ming Dong, Dongyue Jiang*.A droplet energy harvesting and actuation system for self-powered digital microfluidics.[J],Lab on a chip,2018,18(7):1026-1034
[6] Dongyue Jiang, Wenming Yang*.A dielectric-encapsulated 2D photonic crystal based solar thermophotovoltaic power generator[J],Applied Thermal Engineering,2017,125:1253-1259
[7] Dongyue Jiang,Wenming Yang*.Refractory material based frequency selective emitters/absorbers for high efficiency and thermal stable thermophotovoltaics,Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,2017,163:98-104
[8] Dongyue Jiang,Sung-Yong Park*.Light-driven 3D droplet manipulation on flexible optoelectrowetting devices fabricated by a simple spin-coating method[J],, Lab on a chip,2016,04(10):1831-1839
[9] Dongyue Jiang,Wenming Yang*.A refractory selective solar absorber for high performance thermochemical steam reforming[J],Applied Energy,2016,170:286-292
[10] V. Narasimhan,Dongyue Jiang,Sung-Yong Park*.Design and optical analyses of an arrayed microfluidic tunable prism panel for enhancing solar energy collection[J],Applied Energy,2015,162:450-459
[11] Dongyue Jiang, Wenming Yang*, Yanjun Liu, Hailong Liu, Jing Hua Teng*.The development of a wideband and angle-insensitive metamaterial filter with extraordinary infrared transmission for micro-thermophotovoltaics[J],Journal of Materials & Chemistry C,2015,3(15):3552-3558
[12] Dongyue Jiang, Wenming Yang*, Kian Jon Chua, Jing Hua Teng, Jianyong Ouyang.Effects of H2/CO blend ratio on radiated power of micro combustor/emitter[J],Applied Thermal Engineering,2015,86:178-186
[13] Dongyue Jiang, Wenming Yang*, Jing Hua Teng.Entropy generation analysis of fuel lean premixed CO/H2/air flames[J],Inernational journal of hydrogen energy,2015,40(15):5210-5220
[14] Dongyue Jiang,Wenming Yang*,Aikun Tang.Development of a high-temperature and high-uniformity micro planar combustor for thermophotovoltaics application[J],Energy Conversion and Management,2015,103:359-365
[15] Dongyue Jiang, Wenming Yang*, Jing Hua Teng.Entropy generation analysis of fuel lean premixed CO/H2/air flames[J],Inernational Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2015,40(15):5210-5220
[16] Dongyue Jiang, Wenming Yang*, Kian Jon Chua, Jianyong Ouyang.Analysis of entropy generation distribution in micro-combustors with baffles,Inernational Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2014,39(15):8118-8125
[17] Dongyue Jiang, Wenming Yang*, Kian Jon Chua, Jianyong Ouyang.Thermal performance of micro-combustors with baffles for thermophotovoltaic systems[J],Applied Thermal Engineering,2013,61(2):670-677
[18] Dongyue Jiang, Wenming Yang*, Kian Jon Chua, Jianyong Ouyang.Entropy generation analysis of H2/air premixed flame in micro-combustors with heat recuperation[J],Chemical Engineering Science,2013,98:265-272
[19] 姜东岳,陈杨,陈贵军.圆柱形翅片在微尺度燃烧中强化换热及稳燃机理研究[A],中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会,2018
[20] 薛宏,姜东岳,王克涛.营口地区太阳能集中供热水的系统设计[J],节能,2010,29(1):27-29
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分布式能源系统(双语) 三维机械设计
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课程名称学年学期学时学分课程号 分布式能源系统(双语) 2019-2020 秋学期 32 2 ** 三维机械设计 2019-2020 秋学期 32 2 ** 三维机械设计 2019-2020 秋学期 32 2 ** 分布式能源系统(双语) 2019-2020 秋学期 32 2 ** 三维机械设计 2018-2019 秋学期 32 2 **
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