

大连理工大学 免费考研网/2016-05-04


学士B.Eng 清华大学Tsinghua Univ. , Beijing, China 1997
硕士M.Eng McMaster Univ. , Hamilton, Canada 2000. Thesis: Heat transfer enhancement in impinging round jets
博士Ph.D. McMaster Univ. , Hamilton, Canada 2006. Thesis: Offset attaching planar jets with and without a co-flowingjet

2009-至今 大连理工大学航空航天学院,副教授
2007-2009 中山大学 应用力学与工程系 Dept. Mechanics, Sun Yat-sen University,讲师 Lecturer
2000-2001 加拿大 Wescast Industries Inc,工程师 Engineer
1997-1998 中国建筑一局 China Construction,工程师 Engineer


湍流实验研究 Flow structures in turbulent flow;
主动流动控制技术 Active control of a separated flow;

1.Gao N, Li YQ, Bai HL, Wu CJ (2014) "Effect of low-momentum-synthetic jets on a D-shaped cylinder wake", submitted to Flow Combustion and Turbulence;
2.Li YQ, Bai HL, Gao N (2015) Drag of a D-shaped bluff body under small amplitude harmonic actuation, Theoretical and applied mechanics letters, in press( doi:10.1016/j.taml.2015.01.005)
3.Gao,N.,C.Y. Ching,D. Ewing (2015) "Heat Transfer in Turbulent Planar Offset Attaching Jets with Small Initial Offset Distances", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 83:21-26
4.Gao, N and Ewing, D.,(2015) Large-scale Flow Structures in a Planar Offset Attaching Jet with a Co-flowing Wall Jet, Journal of Turbulence, 16:290-308
5.Gao,N.,C.Y. Ching,D. Ewing, J.W.Naughton (2014)Flow and Heat Transfer Measurements in a Planar Offset Attaching Jet with a Co-flowing Jet, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 78:721-731
6.龚升、吴锤结、高南,利用孔板对二维贴附射流的被动控制研究,实验流体力学,2014, 28(3)52-57


2015-8 李卓越、高南与澳大利亚墨尔本大学白宏磊合作文章“Response of turbulent fluctuations to the periodic perturbutions in a flow over a backward facing step”受邀发表在开放获取期刊Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters上;

2015-8 实验室举办的第二次实验流体力学沙龙活动在大连小长山岛举行,来自天津、上海高校的代表参加会议。会议研讨、交流了流动控制、实验测量方法、热对流等领域的最新进展;

2015-8 湍流控制实验室高南和学生刘玄鹤、李亚青、李卓越、向晓峰、夏煜参加在上海举行的2015中国力学大会,并做六个报告,汇报实验室在流动控制、热声不稳定性等方面的科研进展。高南老师主持了8月18日上午流动控制第2 分会场的报告;

2015-8 高南老师在环形附壁射流主动控制研究方向获得国家自然基金面上项目资助,资助期限为2016.1-2019.12。

2015-7 高南老师受聘担任新一届中国力学学会科普工作委员会副主任委员,任期五年。

2015-7 高南老师受聘连任下一届中国空气动力学会流动显示专业委员会委员,任期五年。

2015-7 高南老师代表实验室参加在重庆举行的第13届全国实验力学大会,他主持了实验流体力学分会场并做了3个报告。

2015-6 高南老师参加在合肥举行的中国空气动力学会流动显示专业委员会工作会议。

2015-5 高南老师将参加在青岛举行 第七届国际流体力学会议(ICFM7)并做3个报告,汇报实验室过去一年内在钝体减阻,附壁射流和背向台阶流动主动控制方向的进展。

2015-5 实验室改造完成。实验室西侧加盖钢结构二层,形成封闭的木工加工车间,另,科研面积增加38平。

2015-5 高南老师开始国际处兼职,协助扩展大连理工大学和北美高校的交流合作,任期一年。Dr. Gao will serve as a deputy director at the International Office for one year. His role is promoting the collabrations with universities in US and Canada.

2015-4 徐思敏、申薛靖创新训练项目“300公里航程无人机结构设计”通过学部评审,获优(获优比例小于10%)。实验室自2011年开始创新训练计划以来保持年年获优。

2015-3 天津大学姜楠老师、上海交大刘应征老师访问实验室。TCL was visited by Prof. Jiang Nan from Tianjin Univ. and Prof. Liu from Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.

2015-3 四位同学开始毕业论文工作,题目分别是:夏煜“平面附壁射流主动控制”、常思源“脉冲微射流激励器”、谢崇发“回型方管实验台搭建”、马邵贤“圆柱扰流热线阵列数据POD分析”

2015-1 李亚青、高南与墨尔本大学白宏磊合作文章 " Drag of a D-shaped bluff body under small amplitude harmonic actuation" 被开放获取杂志 Theoretical and applied mechanics letters 接受发表 doi:10.1016/j.taml.2015.01.005

2014-11 高南老师论文被International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 接受发表。Paper "Heat Transfer in Turbulent Planar Offset Attaching Jets with Small Initial Offset Distances" co-authored by Nan Gao, Dan Ewing and Chan Ching was accepted by the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.

2014-11 高南老师与Ewing合作文章"Large-scale Flow Structures in a Planar Offset Attaching Jet
with a Co-flowing Wall Jet"被Journal of Turbulence 接受发表;Paper co-authored by Gao and Ewing accepted by the Journal of Turbulence.

2014-10 湍流控制实验室将与澳大利亚墨尔本大学机械工程系科研人员进行合作,开展机翼表面展向微槽道对气动力的影响的实验研究;

2014-10 高南老师参加在上海举行的第一届实验流体力学交流会 Dr. Gao attended the first salon on experimental fluid mechanics held in Shanghai

2014-10 徐思敏、申薛靖参加先进复合材料协会举办的2014复合材料设计制作学生竞赛http://www.sampechina.org/about/?12.html

2014-10 实验室获得设备处资助12万元更新高速风洞实验段,并对实验室进行安全改造。

2014-9 夏煜将于2015年秋季进入湍流控制实验室攻读硕士学位

2014-8 北京大学吴介之老师、复旦大学谢锡麟老师访问实验室 Prof Wu Jiezhi of Peking University and Prof. Xie Xilin of Fudan University visited TCL

2014-7 高南老师将在8.12-8.14北京举行的第四届国际实验流体力学会议上做题为“Open-loop control of the wake behind a D-shaped bluff body”和“An improved smoke-wire visualization technique for flows with relatively high velocities”两个报告。Dr. Gao will present recent work of TCL at the 4th international conference on experimental fluid mechanics in Beijing.

2014-7 高南老师论文被International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 接受发表。Paper "Flow and Heat Transfer Measurements in a Planar Offset Attaching Jet with a Co-flowing Jet" co-authored by Nan Gao, Chan Ching, Dan Ewing and Jonathan Naughton was accepted by the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.

2014-6 龚升、吴锤结、高南的论文“利用孔板对二维贴附射流的被动控制研究”被《实验流体力学杂志》接受发表 Paper "Passive control of an offset attaching jet using a perforated plate "(in Chinese) co-authored by Gong Sheng, Wu Chuijie, Gao Nan was accept by the Journal of Experiments in Fluid Mechancis

2014-6 龚升获得硕士学位Mr. Gong Shen defensed his master thesis "Passive control of an offset attaching jet"

2014-5 实验室将为厦门海峡国际时尚创意中心项目高层建筑开展风载荷及风环境研究 TCL receives contract of wind load investigation for High-rise buildings in Xiamen, Fujian.

2014-4 航空航天学院设立空气动力学研究所,高南老师担任所长。Dr. Gao appointed as director of the newly formed Institute of Aerodynamics.

2014-4 刘嵩创新实验项目"多级水火箭设计制作"获优 Undergraduate design project "Multi-stage water rocket design and fabrication" by Liu Song rated "Excellent" by the Faculty of Vehicle Engineering

2014-4 向晓峰9月将进入实验室攻读硕士学位 Mr. Xiang Xiaofeng will join the team from Sept 2014

2014-4 实验室将为大连经济开发区万达广场项目高层建筑开展风载荷及风环境研究 TCL receives contract of wind load investigations for Dalian Wanda Plaza in the "Dalian Development Zone"

2014-3 高南老师获得学资助开展D形钝体闭环减阻研究 Dr. Gao received fundings from the University on active flow control to reduce drag on a D-shape bluff body

2014-1 孙莹、梁俊凯创新实验项目获2013年创新文化周最受欢迎的十个项目奖Undergraduate design project by Sun Ying and Liang Junkai received "ten popular undergraduate projects" award in Campus Innovation Week Exibition

2013-12 大工电视台"我的2013" 报导航模队 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjU4MTAxOTAw.html

2013-12 航模队获工业装备国家重点实验室资助 Model team receives financial support from the State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis

2013-11 高南老师担任新一届“实验流体力学”杂志编委 Dr. Gao will serve in the editorial board of the Journal of Experimental Fluid Mechanis from Jan 2014

2013-11 实验室将为‘大协西川’等三家企业提供流动测量等技术服务 Turbulence Control Lab signed contracts to provide technical supports the DaikyoNishikawa Corporation of Japan and two other domestic companies.

2013-11 高南老师获得学校设备处资助开发激光多普勒测速仪 Dr. Gao received fundings to develop a Laser Doppler Anemometry system

2013-10 航模队参加2013全国科研类航模锦标赛获得佳绩Model team competed in 2013 National Aeromodelling Championship held in Wenzhou, Zhejiang

2013-10 实验室为天津大学力学系、中南大学铁道学院、大连海事大学轮机学院开发流动实验装置及仪器 Turbulence Control Lab received orders of instrumentation from Tianjin University, Zhongnan University and Dalian Maritime University

2013-9 高南老师参与的973课题“跨流域空气动力学前沿问题研究”获批 Dr. Gao received grant from Ministry of Science and Technology on the high speed flow control research

2013-9 孙莹、梁俊凯创新实验项目“鸭翼飞行器模型设计制作”获优Undergraduate design project "Design and fabrication of an airplane model with canard" by Sun Ying and Liang Junkai rated "Excellent" by Faculty of Vehicle Engineering

2013-9 李卓越进入实验室攻读硕士学位,刘玄鹤开始攻读博士学位Li Zhuoyue enters graduate school for Master of Applied Science degree, Liu Xuanhe continues to pursue a PhD degree in Turbulence Control Lab under supervision of Dr. N. Gao

2013-8 高南老师、刘玄鹤、龚升同学参加2013全国力学大会 Liu Xuanhe, Gong Sheng and Dr. Gao attended National Mechanics Conference

2013-6 李迎军、刘玄鹤同学通过硕士答辩 Mr. Li Yingjun and Mr. Liu Xuanhe successfully defensed their master thesis

2013-6 李卓越获得校优秀本科毕业论文奖 Li Zhuoyue wins Best Undergraduate Thesis award

2013-6 李卓越、袁起航、黄笃波、王宏禹、朱政宇、向晓峰、王迎辉、温英杰通过本科毕业设计答辩 Eight undergraduate students finish final year project in the Turbulence Control Lab

2013-9 李卓越创新实验项目"垂直起落飞行器设计制作"获优Undergraduate design project "VSTOL airraft model design and fabrication" by Li Zhuoyue ranked first in Faculty of Vehicle Engineering

2013-5 航模队参加运动会、嘉年华活动 Model team in the 4th Campus Cultural Festival

2013-6 低速大型风洞建设完毕 Large test section low speed tunnel completed

2013-1 高南老师获得校教学优良奖 Dr. Gao received "quality teaching" award from the University

2012-12 超声速风洞建设基本完毕 Supersonic wind tunnel project completed

2012-11 高南老师获得本科生创新工作优秀导师奖 Dr.Gao received Excellent Mentor award

2012-11 袁起航团队“小型无人机”获校创新文化周最受欢迎的十个项目奖Yuan Qihang and his UAV received "ten popular undergraduate projects" award in Campus Innovation Week Exibition

2012-10 航模队参加第八届中国农谷杯航模竞赛 Model team competed in 8th National Aeromodelling Championship

2012-7 张川同学参加第九届全国流动显示会议 Zhang Chuan presented in 9th Flow Visualization Conference

.2012-6 张川同学完成本科毕业论文 Zhang Chuan finish final year thesis

.2011-12 龚升、李亚青两位同学加入研究组 Li and Gong join the team

.2011-12 航模培训结束 Model aircraft building trainning completed

.2011-10 亚跨超声速风洞谈判结束 Supersonic wind tunnel contract signed

.2011-10 德国宇航中心Kompenhans博士访问实验室 Dr. Kompenhans from German Aerospace Center visited Lab

.2011-7 高南老师参加流固声及2011全国力学大会 Dr. Gao attended meetings in Yinchuan & Harbin

.2011-6 蒋伟同学完成本科毕业论文 Mr. Jiang completed his 4th year project

.2011-4 高南老师获得学校资助 Dr. Gao received funding for flapping wing research

.2010-12 航空历史讲演活动结束 Presentations of aviation history completed

.2010-10 PIV系统谈判结束 Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV) system contract signed

.2010-9 李迎军同学加入研究组 Li Yingjun join the team

.2010-8 小型直流风洞交付使用 Low speed wind tunnel delivered

.2010-6 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校Tinney博士访问实验室 Dr. Tinney (UTexas Austin) visited Lab

.2010-5 直流低速风洞设计定型 Low speed wind tunnel in progress

.2010-4 航空航天学院空气动力学实验室通过验收投入使用 Lab of aerodynamics construction completed

.2010-1 实验室高南老师参加48届AIAA会议 Dr. Gao attended 48th AIAA annual meeting



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