

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-28

姓 名 饶中浩 性 别 男
出生年月 1985年3月 籍贯 河南罗山县
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中共党员
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位 工学博士
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务 副院长 Email raozhonghao@cumt.edu.cn
工作单位 电气与动力工程学院 邮政编码 221116
通讯地址 江苏省徐州市大学路1号
个人主页 http://rao.cumt.edu.cn/

饶中浩,教授、博士生导师,先后入选第四批国家“****”青年拔尖人才,2020年科睿唯安全球高被引科学家,江苏省“双创团队”核心成员,江苏省优秀青年基金,江苏省“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人,江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才,江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”中青年学术技术带头人,江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师。获中国能源研究会优秀青年能源科技工作者,中国新锐科技人物卓越影响奖,第九届侯德榜化工科技青年奖,第十二届江苏省优秀科技工作者,江苏省工程热物理学会优秀青年科技工作者,广东省优秀博士学位论文,吴仲华优秀学生奖,教育部学术新人奖获得者。江苏省十佳研究生导师提名奖,中国矿业大学优秀研究生导师标兵,中国矿业大学优秀教职工共产党员标兵,中国矿业大学首届青年五四奖章,中国矿业大学十佳青年教职工,中国矿业大学第九批优秀创新团队卓越团队带头人。曾任江苏省高效储能技术与装备工程实验室主任,中国矿业大学校学术委员会委员,英国University of Nottingham高级研究****,美国Texas A&M University高级研究****,日本Hokkaido University日本学术振兴会外籍聘用研究员(JSPS Fellow)。
科研方面,近年来主持国家自然科学基金3项(其中青年基金结题评价为特优),江苏省自然科学基金2项,中国博士后基金特别资助、面上项目各1项,中国矿业大学学科前沿科学研究专项重点项目等其它纵向项目10余项。第一/通讯作者共发表SCI期刊论文100余篇,其中JCR一区80篇、二区15篇,个人H-index为30,先后有2篇SCI论文入选“ESI”热点论文,11篇SCI论文入选“ESI”高被引论文,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer期刊21篇,Applied Thermal Engineering期刊15篇,Energy Conversion and Management期刊10篇。出版专著/教材5部(第一作者3部)。获授权发明专利28项(第一发明人19项,其中美国专利1项,韩国专利1项,日本专利2项)。研究成果获江苏省科学技术二等奖2项(排名第1、2),广东省科学技术二等奖2项(排名第2、6),徐州市科学技术奖二等奖1项(排名第1),江苏省教育科学研究成果三等奖2项(均排名第1),江苏省轻工业科学技术奖一等奖1项(排名第1),江苏省工程热物理学会科学技术奖二等奖1项(排名第1)。
先后担任IEEE PES中国区电动汽车技术委员会动力电池技术分委会常务理事,江苏省工程热物理学会常务理事兼副秘书长,中国工程热物理学会多相流青年论坛组委会委员,中国工程热物理学会传热传质分会青年工作委员会委员,中国工程热物理学会热力学与能源利用分会青年工作委员会委员,中国化工学会储能工程专业委员会青年委员会委员、中国硅酸盐学会矿物材料分会青年理事。受邀做国际/国内大会/分会主题报告14次,担任国际学术会议组委会共同主席/分会场主席4次,国内学术会议的大会主席/分会场主席16次。是《矿业科学学报》、《能源研究与利用》编委,另担任5个SCI期刊编委/客座编辑,40余个SCI期刊的审稿人,以及国家科学技术奖、国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、江苏省高校自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金、教育部学位与研究生教育评估等的评审专家。
2014.12-2015.02,日本北海道大学,日本学术振兴会外籍聘用研究员(JSPS Fellow)。

[8] 江苏省“双创团队”核心成员(2018)
[3] 中国矿业大学第九批优秀创新团队卓越团队带头人(2019)
[11] 江苏省轻工业科学技术奖一等奖(2020,排名第1)
[3]日本学术振兴会外籍聘用研究员(JSPS Fellow)(2014)
[4] 全国煤炭行业教育教学成果奖二等奖(2017,排名第1)
[3] 中国矿业大学优秀教学成果奖二等奖(2020,排名第1)
[2] 中国矿业大学优秀教学成果奖二等奖(2018,排名第1)
[1] 中国矿业大学优秀教学成果奖一等奖(2016,排名第2)
[22] 江苏省十佳研究生导师提名奖(2020)
[20] 中国能源研究会优秀青年能源科技工作者(2020)
[19] 中国矿业大学优秀研究生导师标兵(2019)
[18] 中国新锐科技人物卓越影响奖(2019)
[17] 江苏省工程热物理学会优秀青年科技工作者(2019)
[16] 中国矿业大学十佳青年教职工(2018)
[15] 中国矿业大学优秀教职工共产党员标兵(2018)
[14] 中国矿业大学首届青年五四奖章(2018)
[13] 第九届侯德榜化工科技青年奖(2017)
[12] 中国矿业大学大学生科技创新创业活动优秀指导教师(2017)
[11] 中国矿业大学2016年度教职工考核优秀(2016)
[10] 第十二届江苏省优秀科技工作者(2016)
[9] 第五届徐州市优秀科技工作者(2016)
[8] 第二届“协鑫杯”大学生绿色能源科技创新创业大赛优秀指导教师奖(2016)
[7] 中国矿业大学2014年度教职工考核优秀(2014)
[6] 中国矿业大学2014届本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师(2014)
[5] 第五届高校环保科技创意设计大赛最佳导师奖(2014)
[4] 第五届全国大学生过程装备实践与创新大赛优秀指导教师奖(2014)
[3] 吴仲华优秀学生奖(2013)
[2] 华南理工大学十大学术之星(2012)
[1] 教育部博士研究生学术新人奖(2011)

[25]IEEE PES中国区电动汽车技术委员会动力电池技术分委会,常务理事;
[21] 中国工程热物理学会多相流青年论坛组委会,委员
[20] 中国化工学会储能工程专业委员会青年委员会,委员
[17] International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,Energy and Built Environment,青年编委
[16]Energies,Thermal Science,Scientific Reports,Plos One,编委
[15] Frontiers in Energy Research,International Journal of Photoenergy,Energies,客座编辑
[14] 2019年16th UK Heat Transfer Conference, Session Chair.
[13] 2017年3rd International Symposium of Fluids and Thermal Engineering, Session Chair.
[12] 2017年International Symposium on Electric Vehicles, Organizing Committee Co-Chair, Session Chair.
[11] 2016年The 2nd International Conference on Computing and Precision Engineering, Program Co-Chairmen.
[10] 2020智慧能源高端****论坛,组委会主席。
[9] 2020年第六届全国储能工程大会,组委会副主席。
[7] 2018年多相流与新能源青年****论坛组委会委员
[6] 2018年第三届电池设计与管理青年****论坛,大会主席
[5] 2018年传热传质青年学术论坛,分会场主席
[4] 2017年第二届传热与多相流青年学术论坛,分会场主席
[3] 2016、2017年江苏省工程热物理学会学术年会,分会场主席
[2] 2016、2017、2018年中国工程热物理学会多相流学术会议,分会场主席
[1] 2015、2016、2017、2018年、2020年中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议,分会场主席

[1] 相变、热化学储热,锂离子、锂空、锂硫、燃料电池、超级电容等储能理论与技术。
[2] 新能源汽车热安全、动力电池热管理,电子器件功率/设备散热,热害防控与热能利用。
[4] 固体废弃物资源化处理与储能利用,矿物加工、利用、回收过程多相流动与传热传质。
[5] 煤、生物质洁净转化与储能利用,太阳能、地热能等新能源的开发与利用。

[4] 江苏省研究生教育教学改革课题,面向一流学科建设的能源资源类高校研究生拔尖创新人才培养创新与实践(JGLX19_111),2019.01-2019.12.
[3] 教育部高等学校能源动力类专业教学指导委员会教育教学改革项目,矿业类高校能源与动力工程专业学生创新能力培养实践探索(NDJZW2016Y-74),2016.12-2018.12.
[2] 中国矿业大学教学成果培育重点项目,创建一流学科背景下特色拔尖创新人才培养体系研究(2016CG05),2016.05-2018.05.
[1] 中国矿业大学研究生教育教学改革研究与实践项目,中国矿业大学新兴学科研究生拔尖人才创新能力培养实践与探索,2015.05-2017.05.

[179]Changhui Liu, Pan Jiang, Yixuan Huo, Tianjian Zhang, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental study on ethylene glycol/choline chloride deep eutectic solvent system based nanofluids. Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s00231-021-03030-z.(SCI)
[178]Yutao Huo, Xiaowen Pang, Zhonghao Rao*. Heat transfer enhancement in thermal energy storage using phase change material by optimal arrangement. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 161 (2021) 106736.(SCI)
[177]Huanguang Wang, Yunhao Bao, Shuai Zhu, Meng Liu, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental research on heat transfer performance of CO2 low temperature heat pipe. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 170 (2021) 120987.(SCI)
[176]Jie Qu, Anhao Zuo, Heng Liu, Jiateng Zhao, Zhonghao Rao*. Three-dimensional oscillating heat pipes with novel structure for latent heat thermal energy storage application. Applied Thermal Engineering, 187 (2021) 116574.(SCI)
[175]Huanguang Wang, Yunhao Bao, Yuming Tang, Meng Liu, Bilin Zhang, Shuai Zhu, Zhonghao Rao*. Analytical solutions of heat storage and heat transfer performance of parallel-plate regenerators in Stirling cycle. International Journal of Energy Research, 2021;45:3327–3342.(SCI)
[174]Ruitong Yang, Dong Li a*, Samanta L´opez Salazar,Zhonghao Rao*, Müslüm Ar?c?, Wei Wei. Photothermal properties and photothermal conversion performance of nano-enhanced paraffin as a phase change thermal energy storage material.Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 219 (2021) 110792. (SCI)
[173]Xinjian Liu, Changpeng Lin,Zhonghao Rao*. Thermal conductivity of straight-chain polytetrafluoroethylene: A molecular dynamics study.International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 159 (2021) 106646.(SCI)
[172]Xiaojie Zhang, Xiaoyan Gao*, Junfeng Li*, Kun Hong, Lei Wu, Shigang Xu, Kailong Zhang, Chenzhen Liu, Zhonghao Rao*. In-situ synthesis of Fe7S8 nanocrystals decorated on N, S-codoped carbon nanotubes as anode material for high-performance lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 579 (2020) 699–706.(SCI)
[171] Xinjian Liu, Ivan Korotkin, Zhonghao Rao, and Sergey Karabasov*. A Thermostat-Consistent Fully Coupled Molecular Dynamics-Generalized Fluctuating Hydrodynamics Model. Advanced Theory and Simulations, 2020, **.(SCI)
[170]Jiangyun Zhang, Xinxi Li*, Guoqing Zhang, Hongwei Wu,Zhonghao Rao, Jianwei Guo, Dequan Zhou. Experimental investigation of the flame retardant and form-stable composite phase change materials for a power battery thermal management system.Journal of Power Sources, 480 (2020) 229116.(SCI)
[169] 赵佳腾,王增鹏,戴宇成,刘昌会,饶中浩*. 两亲性纳米流体太阳能重力热管传热性能研究. 化工学报, 2020, 71(12): 5461-5469. (EI)
[168] YuTao Huo, Wen Hu, Zhe Li, Zhonghao Rao*. Research on parameter identification and state of charge estimation of improved equivalent circuit model of Li-ion battery based on temperature effects for battery thermal management. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020; 44: 11583-11596.(SCI)
[167]Chenzhen LIU, Zhengyuan MA, Ruicheng JIANG, Jie QU, Zhonghao RAO*. Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Enhancement of Phase Change Material using Embedded Oscillating Heat Pipe for Thermal Energy Storage. ISIJ International, 60 (2020), 10, 2157–2164.(SCI)
[166] Changhui Liu, Peixing Du, Bin Fang, Ziyan Li, Bohao Chen, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental study on a functional microencapsulated phase change material for thermal management. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 118 (2020) 104876.(SCI)
[165]Xinjian Liu, Zhonghao Rao*. Interfacial thermal conductance across hexagonal boron nitride & paraffin based thermal energy storage materials. Journal of Energy Storage, 32 (2020) 101860. (SCI)
[164]Jie Qu, Anhao Zuo, Fei Liu, Zhonghao Rao*. Quantitative analysis of thermal performance and flow characteristics of oscillating heat pipes with different initial pressure. Applied Thermal Engineering, 181 (2020) 115962.(SCI)
[163] Changhui Liu, Tianjian Zhang, Bingru Lv, Yu Qiao, Zhonghao Rao*. Preparation and thermo-physical properties of stable graphene/water nanofluids for thermal management. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 319 (2020) 114165.(SCI)
[162]Changhui Liu, Jianhua Zong, Jiahao Zhang, Deqing He, Chenglong Guo, Ben Xu, Zhonghao Rao*. Knitting aryl network polymers (KAPs)-embedded copper foam enables highly efficient thermal energy storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 15177-15186.(SCI)
[161]Deqing He, Jianglu Xiang, Chenyang Zha, Rong Wu, Jun Deng, Yuwei Zhao, Hongguang Xie, You Liu, Pengcheng Wang, Wei Wang, Yao Yin, Tianshi Qin, Chao Zhu, Zhonghao Rao*, Lin Wang*, Wei Huang*. The efficient redox electron transfer and powered polysulfide confinement of carbon doped tungsten nitride with multi-active sites towards highperformance lithium-polysulfide batteries. Applied Surface Science, 525 (2020) 146625.(SCI)
[160] Huagen Liang, Xu Gong, Linhui Jia, Fu Chen, Zhonghao Rao, Shengyu Jing*Panagiotis Tsiakaras*. Highly efficient Li-O2 batteries based on self-standing NiFeP@NC/BC cathode derived from biochar supported Prussian blue analogues. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 867 (2020) 114124.(SCI)
[159]PeizhaoLyu, XinjianLiu, JieQu, JiatengZhao, YutaoHuo, ZhiguoQu*, ZhonghaoRao*. Recent advances of thermal safety of lithium ion battery for energy storage. Energy Storage Materials, 2020, 31: 195-220.(SCI)
[158]刘昌会,黄文博,顾彦龙,饶中浩*. 废弃聚苯乙烯塑料在环境与能源中的高值化应用进展. 化工学报, 2020, 71(7): 2956-2972.(EI)
[157]Weixiong Wu, Jizhen Liu, Min Liu, Zhonghao Rao, Hui Deng, Qian Wang, Xiao Qi, Shuangfeng Wang*. An innovative battery thermal management with thermally induced flexible phase change material. Energy Conversion and Management,221 (2020) 113145.(SCI)
[156] Guorui Gao, Tongxing Zhang, Chenglong Guo*, Shaokai Jiao, Zhonghao Rao. Photo-thermal conversion and heat storage characteristics of multi-walled carbon nanotubes dispersed magnetic phase change microcapsules slurry. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020; 44: 6873-6884.(SCI)
[155]Jiateng Zhao, Chenhui Wu, Zhonghao Rao*. Numerical study on heat transfer enhancement of closed loop oscillating heat pipe through active incentive method. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 115 (2020) 104612.(SCI)
[154]霍宇涛, 陈之琳, 饶中浩*. 方腔内相变材料固液相变传热研究. 工程热物理学报, 2020, 41(3): 615-620.(EI)
[153]褚召祥, 周国庆*,饶中浩, 赵晓东, 王涛. 颗粒岩土介质热导率预测关联式及其演化机制. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2020, 39(2): 384-397.(EI)
[152] Z.Y. Jiang, Z.G. Qu*, J.F. Zhang, Z.H. Rao. Rapid prediction method for thermal runaway propagation in battery pack based on lumped thermal resistance network and electric circuit analogy. Applied Energy, 268 (2020) 115007.(SCI)
[151]Jiateng Zhao, Chenhui Wu, Zhonghao Rao*. Investigation on the cooling and temperature uniformity of power battery pack based on gradient phase change materials embedded thin heat sinks. Applied Thermal Engineering, 174 (2020) 115304.(SCI)
[150]Ruijie Zhu, Chunyu Zhu*, Nan Sheng, Zhonghao Rao, Yoshitaka Aoki, Hiroki Habazaki. A widely applicable strategy to convert fabrics into lithiophilic textile current collector for dendrite-free and high-rate capable lithium metal anode. Chemical Engineering Journal, 388 (2020) 124256.(SCI)
[149] Changhui Liu, Yu Qiao, Bingru Lv, Tianjian Zhang, Zhonghao Rao*. Glycerol based binary solvent: Thermal properties study and its application in nanofluids. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 112 (2020) 104491. (SCI)
[148]Changhui Liu, Xiaotian Ma, Peixing Du, Zhonghao Rao*. Fabrication of highly efficient thermal energy storage composite from waste polystyrenes. Chemical Engineering Science, 216 (2020) 115477.(SCI)
[147]Changhui Liu , Yan Song , Ze Xu , Jiateng Zhao , Zhonghao Rao*. Highly efficient thermal energy storage enabled by a hierarchical structured hypercrosslinked polymer/expanded graphite composite. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 148 (2020) 119068.(SCI)
[146]Peizhao Lyu, Yutao Huo, Zhiguo Qu*, Zhonghao Rao*. Investigation on the thermal behavior of Ni-rich NMC lithium ion battery for energy storage. Applied Thermal Engineering,166 (2020) 114749.(SCI)
[145]Jie Qu, Luis Escobar, Jianzhi Li, Zhonghao Rao*, Ben Xu*. Experimental study of evapowration and crystallization of brine droplets under different temperatures and humidity levels. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,110 (2020) 104427.(SCI)
[144]Nan Sheng, Ruijie Zhu, Takahiro Nomura, Zhonghao Rao, Chunyu Zhu*, Yoshitaka Aoki, Hiroki Habazaki, Tomohiro Akiyama. Anisotropically enhanced heat transfer properties of phase change material reinforced by graphene-wrapped carbon fibers.Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2020:206,110280. (SCI)
[143]Nan Sheng, Zhonghao Rao, Chunyu Zhu*, Hiroki Habazaki. Enhanced thermal performance of phase change material stabilized with textile-structured carbon scaffolds. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 205 (2020) 110241.(SCI)
[142]Nan Sheng, Zhonghao Rao, Chunyu Zhu*, Hiroki Habazakib. Honeycomb carbon fibers strengthened composite phase change materials for superior thermal energy storage. Applied Thermal Engineering, 164 (2020) 114493.(SCI)
[141]Xinjian Liu, Zhonghao Rao*. A molecular dynamics study on heat conduction of crosslinked epoxy resin based thermal interface materials for thermal management. Computational Materials Science, 172 (2020) 109298.(SCI)
[140]Ruijie Zhu, Nan Sheng, Zhonghao Rao, Chunyu Zhu*, Yoshitaka Aoki, Hiroki Habazaki. Employing a T-shirt template and variant of Schweizer's reagent for constructing a low-weight, flexible, hierarchically porous and textilestructured copper current collector for dendritesuppressed Li metal. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 27066-27073.(SCI)
[139] Xiaojie Zhang*, Xiaoyan Gao, Kun Hong, Jinlong Jiang, Lijing Zhang, Jing Chen, Zhonghao Rao*. Hierarchically porous carbon materials derived from MIL-88(Fe) for superior high-rate and long cycling-life sodium ions batteries. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 852 (2019) 113525.(SCI)
[138]Changhui Liu, Hui Fang, Xinjian Liu, Ben Xu, and Zhonghao Rao*. Novel Silica Filled Deep Eutectic Solvent Based Nanofluids for Energy Transportation. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 20159-20169.(SCI)
[137]Chenzhen Liu, Chengyuan Luo, Taotao Xu, Peizhao Lv, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental study on the thermal performance of capric acid-myristyl alcohol/expanded perlite composite phase change materials for thermal energy storage. Solar Energy 191 (2019) 585–595.(SCI)
[136] Qingwen Zhang, Chenzhen Liu, Zhonghao Rao*. Preparation and Characterization of n‐Nonadecane/CaCO3 Microencapsulated Phase Change Material for Thermal Energy Storage.Chemistry Select, 2019, 4 (29), 8482-8492. (SCI)
[135]Xiaojie Zhang*, Xiaoyan Gao, Zhanyu Wu, MinghaiZhu, Qinghai Jiang, Shoubin Zhou, Yi Huang, Zhonghao Rao*. High-capacitance supercapacitor based on nitrogen-doped porous carbons-sandwiched graphene hybrid frameworks.Ionics. 2019, 25: 6017-6023. (SCI)
[133] Mingyue Ding, Chenzhen Liu, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental investigation on heat transfer characteristic of TiO2-H2O nanofluid in microchannelforthermal energystorage.Applied Thermal Engineering. 2019, 160:114024. (SCI)
[132] Zhonghao Rao*, Yiping Wen, JiatengZhao. Thermal performance of battery thermal management system using composite matrix coupled with mini‐channel.Energy Storage, 2019, 1: e59.
[131] Zhonghao Rao*, Xuan Zhang. Investigation on Thermal Management Performance of Wedge-shaped Micro-channels for Rectangular Li-ion Batteries.International Journal of Energy Research, 2019; 43: 3876-3890. (SCI)
[130] Xiaojie Zhang*,Xiaoyan Gao,Zhanyu Wu,Minghai Zhu,Qinghai Jiang,Shoubin Zhou,Kun Hong,Zhonghao Rao*. Effects of binders on electrochemical sodium storage performance with porous CoFe2O4 nanocubes derived from metal-organic frameworks.Chemical Physics. 2019,523:124–129.(SCI)
[129] Jiateng Zhao, Wei Jiang, Chenzhen Liu, Zhonghao Rao*. Thermal performance enhancement of an oscillating heat pipe with external expansion structure for thermal energy recovery and storage.Applied Thermal Engineering. 2019, 155:667-675. (SCI)
[128] Feiqiang Guo, Xiaochen Jiang, Xiaopeng Jia, Shuang Liang, Lin Qian, Zhonghao Rao*. Synthesis of biomass carbon electrode materials by bimetallic activation for the application in supercapacitors.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2019,844:105-115. (SCI)
[127]GuangqingZhu, BoZhang*, PengfeiZhao, ChenlongDuan, YueminZhao*, ZhenxingZhang, GuanghuiYan, XiangnanZhu, WenjieDing, ZhonghaoRao. Upgradinglow-qualityoilshaleusinghigh-densitygas-solid fluidized bed.Fuel2019, 252:666–674.(SCI)
[126] Changhui Liu,Hui Fang, Yu Qiao, Jiateng Zhao,Zhonghao Rao*.Properties and heat transfer mechanistic study of glycerol/choline chloride deep eutectic solvents based nanofluids,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 138:690–698. (SCI)
[125] Feiqiang Guo, Xiaochen Jiang, Xiaolei Li, Kuangye Peng, Chenglong Guo, Zhonghao Rao. Carbon electrode material from peanut shell by one-step synthesis for high performance supercapacitor,Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019, 30:914–925. (SCI)
[124]Yutao Huo, Jianhua Zong, Zhonghao Rao*.The investigations on the heat transfer in thermal energy storage withtime-dependent heat flux for powerplants,Energy, 2019,175:1209-1221. (SCI)
[123] Changhui Liu, Ze Xu, Yan Song, Peizhao Lv, Jiateng Zhao, Yutao Huo, Chenzhen Liu, Ben Xu, Chunyu Zhu and Zhonghao Rao*.A novel shape-stabilization strategy for phase change material thermal energy storage,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2019,7:8194. (SCI)
[122]Keqing Zheng, Yong Kuang, Zhonghao Rao, Shuanglin Shen*. Numerical study on the effect of bi-polar plate geometry in the SOFC heating-up process.Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy,2019,11: 014301. (SCI)
[121]Chenzhen Liu, Pengbo Hu, Ze Xu, Xiaotian Ma, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental investigation on thermal properties of sodium acetate trihydrate based phase change materials for thermal energy storage.Thermochimica Acta,2019,674:28-35. (SCI)
[120] En-Dong Miao, Meng-Qi Ye, Cheng-Long Guo*, Lin Liang, Qi Liu, Zhong-Hao Rao*. Enhanced solar steam generation using carbon nanotube membrane distillation device with heat localization.Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,149:1255–1264. (SCI)
[119]饶中浩,刘霞.二级膨胀石墨/石蜡相变储能元件热质传递特性研究.工程热物理学报, 2019, 40(1):164-169. (EI)
[118]Yutao Huo, Yunqi Guo, Zhonghao Rao*. Investigation on the thermal performance of phase change material/porous medium-based battery thermal management in pore scale.International Journal ofEnergy Research. 2019; 43: 767-778.(SCI)
[117] Yutao Huo, Zhonghao Rao*. The improved enthalpy-transforming based lattice Boltzmann model for solid-liquid phase change.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019,133:861-871. (SCI)
[116] Xinjian Liu, Zhonghao Rao*. Thermal diffusion and phase transition of n-octadecane as thermal energy storage material on nanoscale copper surface: A molecular dynamics study.Journal of the Energy Institute. 2019,92:161-176. (SCI)
[115] Jiateng Zhao, Wei Jiang, Zhonghao Rao*. Thermal performance investigation of an oscillating heat pipe with external expansion structure used for thermal energy recovery and storage.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2019,132:920-928. (SCI)
[114] Xinjian Liu, Zhonghao Rao*. Molecular dynamics simulations on the heat and mass transfer of hypercrosslinked shell structure of phase change nanocapsules as thermal energy storage materials.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019,132:362-374. (SCI)
[113] Jie Qu, Zhiqi Ke, Anhao Zuo, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental investigation on thermal performance of phase change material coupled with three-dimensional oscillating heat pipe (PCM/3D-OHP) for thermal management application.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 129: 773-782. (SCI)
[112] Peizhao Lv, Mingyue Ding, Chenzhen Liu, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental investigation on thermal properties and thermal performance enhancement of octadecanol/expanded perlite form stable phase change materials for efcient thermal energy storage.Renewable Energy, 2019, 131: 911-922. (SCI)
[111] Feiqiang Guo*, Kuangye Peng, Tiantao Li, Xingmin Zhao, Yuping Dong, Zhonghao Rao*. Catalytic Cracking of Primary Tar Vapor from Biomass over High Ash-Containing Paper Sludge Ash.Energy Fuels, 2018, 32:12514−12522. (SCI)
[110] Changhui Liu, Jiateng Zhao, Yu Qiao, Wenbo Huang, Zhonghao Rao*, Yanlong Gu*.Selective synthesis of oxazoles and pyrazines from a-bromo-1-phenylethanone using a by-product-promoted strategy.Tetrahedron, 2018, 74: 7351-7357. (SCI)
[109] Feiqiang Guo*, Kuangye Peng, Xingmin Zhao, Xiaochen Jiang, Lin Qian, Chenglong Guo, Zhonghao Rao. Influence of impregnated copper and zinc on the pyrolysis of rice husk in a micro-fluidized bed reactor: Characterization and kinetics.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43: 21256-21268. (SCI)
[108] Zhonghao Rao*, Yiping Wen, Chenzhen Liu. Enhancement of heat transfer of microcapsulated particles using copper particles and copper. Particuology, 2018, 41: 85-93. (SCI)
[107]Zhonghao Rao*, Taotao Xu, Chenzhen Liu, Zhangjing Zheng, Lin Liang, Kun Hong. Experimental study on thermal properties and thermal performance of eutectic hydrated salts/expanded perlite form-stable phase change materials for passive solar energy utilization. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2018, 188: 6–17.(SCI)
[106]Cong Qi, Maoni Liu, Tao Luo, Yuhang Pan,Zhonghao Rao*. Effects of twisted tape structures on thermo-hydraulic performances of nanofluids in a triangular tube. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 127: 146-159.(SCI)
[105]Xuan Zhang, Chenzhen Liu,Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental investigation on thermal management performance of electric vehicle power battery using composite phase change material. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 201: 916-924.(SCI)
[104] Shang Liu, Congliang Huang*, Xiao Luo, Zhonghao Rao*. High-performance solar steam generation of a paper-based carbon particle system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 142: 566-572.(SCI)
[103] Feiqiang Guo*, Xiaolei Li, Xiaochen Jiang, Xingmin Zhao, Chenglong Guo, Zhonghao Rao. Characteristics and toxic dye adsorption of magnetic activated carbon prepared from biomass waste by modified one-step synthesis. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2018, 555: 43-54.(SCI)
[102] Jiateng Zhao, Jie Qu, Zhonghao Rao*. Thermal characteristic and analysis of closed loop oscillation heat pipe/phase change material (CLOHP/PCM) coupling module with different working media. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 126: 257-266.(SCI)
[101] Xueping Du, Zhen Qian, Zhilin Chen, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental investigation on mini‐channel cooling–based thermal management for Li‐ion battery module under different cooling schemes. International Journal of Energy Research, 2018,42: 2781-2788.(SCI)
[100]Yutao Huo, Zhonghao Rao*. The Enthalpy-Transforming-Based Lattice Boltzmann Model for Solid–Liquid Phase Change. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME. 2018, 140: 102301.(SCI)
[99] Jiateng Zhao, Wei Jiang, Zhonghao Rao*. Operational characteristics of oscillating heat pipe with long heat transport distance for solar energy application. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2018, 98: 137-145.(SCI)
[98]霍宇涛, 饶中浩*. 基于伪焓法的多孔介质固液相变格子Boltzmann方法. 工程热物理学报, 2018, 39(5): 1011-1015.(EI)
[97]Feiqiang Guo*, Xiaolei Li, Yuan Liu, Kuangye Peng, Chenglong Guo, Zhonghao Rao. Catalytic cracking of biomass pyrolysis tar over char-supported catalysts. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 167: 81–90.(SCI)
[96]Zun Huang, Congliang Huang*, Dongxu Wu, Zhonghao Rao*. Influence of chemical bonding on thermal contact resistance at silica interface: A molecular dynamics simulation. Computational Materials Science, 2018, 149: 316–323.(SCI)
[95] Zhonghao Rao*, Guangtong Zhang, Taotao Xu, Kun Hong. Experimental study on a novel formstable phase change materials based on diatomite for solar energy storage. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2018, 182: 52-60. (SCI)
[94] Wenjian Wang, XuanZhang, Chengyun Xin, Zhonghao Rao*. An experimental study on thermal management of lithium ion battery packs using an improved passive method. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018,134:163-170.(SCI)
[93]Yutao Huo, Zhonghao Rao*. The discrete unified gas kinetic scheme for solid-liquid phase change problem. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 91: 187-195.(SCI)
[92] Yutao Huo, Zhonghao Rao*. Investigation of solid-liquid phase change in the spherical capsule using axisymmetric lattice Boltzmann model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018,119:1-9.(SCI)
[91]Cong Qi, Liyuan Yang, Tiantian Chen, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental study on thermo-hydraulic performances of TiO2-H2O nanofluids in a horizontal elliptical tube. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018,129:1315-1324. (SCI)
[90]Zhonghao Rao*,Yutao Huo, Yimin Li. The Lattice Boltzmann Investigation for the Melting Process of Phase Change Material in an Inclined Cavity. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transations of the ASME. 2018, 140(1),012301.(SCI)
[89]Zhonghao Rao*, Chenyang Zheng, Fan Geng. Proton conduction of fuel cell polymer membranes: Molecular dynamics simulation. Computational Materials Science.2018,142:122-128.(SCI)
[88]Chenzhen Liu, Ling Ma, Zhonghao Rao*, Yimin Li. Synthesis and Thermal Properties of Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate/Urea Resin as Thermal Energy Storage Microencapsulated Phase Change Material. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transations of the ASME. 2018, 140(1), 014501.(SCI)
[87] Jie Qu, Peizhao Lyu, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental Investigation of a Three-Dimensional Pulsating Heat Pipe for Electric Vehicle Applications. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition). 2017,26: 187-193. (EI)
[86] Yutao Huo, Li Wang, Zhonghao Rao*. Lattice Boltzmann Investigation of U-Type Channel Battery Thermal Management Using Al2O3 Nanofluid. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition). 2017,26: 175-180. (EI)
[85] Jiateng Zhao, Xuan Zhang, Zhonghao Rao*. Oscillating Heat Pipe Coupled with Phase Change Material (OHP/PCM) Used for Battery Thermal Management. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition). 2017,26: 181-186. (EI)
[84] Yutao Huo, Zhonghao Rao*. Lattice Boltzmann investigation on phase change of nanoparticle-enhanced phase change material in a cavity with separate plate. Energy Conversion and Management. 2017,154: 420-429. (SCI)
[83]Cong Qi, Jinding Hu, Maoni Liu, Leixin Guo, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental study on thermo-hydraulic performances of CPU cooled by nanofluids. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017(153): 557–565.(SCI)
[82]Yutao Huo, Zhonghao Rao*. Lattice Boltzmann investigation of the solid-liquid phase change process in a cavity with protruding heater. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2017(122 ): 292-301.(SCI)
[81]Zhonghao Rao*, Qingchao Wang, Jiateng Zhao, Congliang Huang. Experimental investigation on the thermal performance of a closed oscillating heat pipe in thermal management. Heat Mass Transfer, 2017(53): 3059–3071.(SCI)
[80]Cong Qi *, Yong-Liang Wan, Chun-Yang Li, Dong-Tai Han, Zhong-Hao Rao*. Experimental and numerical research on the flow and heat transfer characteristics of TiO2-water nanofluids in a corrugated tube. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 115(PartB): 1072–1084.(SCI)
[79]Jie Qu, Jiateng Zhao, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental investigation on thermal performance of multi-layers three-dimensional oscillating heat pipes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 115(PartB): 810–819.(SCI)
[78] Chenzhen Liu,Zhengyuan Ma,Jiachen Wang,Yimin Li,Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental research on flow and heat transfer characteristics of latent functional thermal fluid with microencapsulated phase change materials. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017,115,part A:737-742.(SCI)
[77]Zhonghao Rao*, Zhen Qian, Yong Kuang, Yimin Li. Thermal performance of liquid cooling based thermal management system for cylindrical lithium-ion battery module with variable contact surface. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017,123:1514-1522.(SCI)
[76]Chenzhen Liu, Xuan Zhang, Peizhao Lv, Yimin Li, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental study on the phase change and thermal properties of paraffin/carbon materials based thermal energy storage materials. Phase Transitions. 2017, 90,(7):717–731.(SCI)
[75] Xinjian Liu, Changpeng Lin, Zhonghao Rao*. Diffusion and thermal conductivity of the mixture of paraffin and polystyrene for thermal energy storage: A molecular dynamics study. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2017, 90: 534-543.(SCI)
[74]Changpeng Lin, Xiaoliang Zhang, Zhonghao Rao*. Theoretical prediction of thermal transport in BC2N monolayer. Nano Energy, 2017, 38: 249–256.(SCI)
[73]Zhonghao Rao*, Bin chen, Jiateng Zhao. A series of generalized correlations for predicting the thermal conductivity of composite materials packing with artificially designed filler shapes. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017,120:444-452.(SCI)
[72]Chenyang Zheng, Fan Geng, Zhonghao Rao*. Proton mobility and thermal conductivities of fuel cell polymer membranes:Molecular dynamics simulation. Computational Materials Science. 2017,132:55-61.(SCI)
[71]Yutao Huo, Zhonghao Rao*. The quasi-enthalpy based lattice Boltzmann model for solid-liquid phase change. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017,115:1237-1244.(SCI)
[70]Jie Qu, Jiateng Zhao, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental investigation on the thermal performance of three-dimensional oscillating heat pipe. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017,109:589-600.(SCI)
[69]Chenzhen Liu, Zhonghao Rao*. Challenges in various thermal energy storage technologies. Science Bulletin, 2017, 62(4):231-233.(SCI)
[68]Chenzhen Liu, Cui Wang, Yimin Li, Zhonghao Rao*. Preparation and Characterization of Sodium Thiosulfate Pentahydrate/Silica Microencapsulated Phase Change Material for Thermal Energy Storage. RSC Advances, 2017, 7:7238-7249.(SCI)
[67]Fanchen Wu, Zhonghao Rao*. The lattice Boltzmann investigation of natural convection for nanofluid based battery thermal management. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017,115:659-669.(SCI)
[66]Jiateng Zhao, Jie Qu, Zhonghao Rao*. Experiment investigation on thermal performance of a large-scale oscillating heat pipe with self-rewetting fluid used for thermal energy storage. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017,108, Part A:760-769.(SCI)
[65]Yutao Huo, Zhonghao Rao*. Investigation of phase change material based battery thermal management at cold temperature using lattice boltzmann method. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017,133:204-215.(SCI)
[64]Jiateng Zhao, Peizhao Lv, Zhonghao Rao*.Experimental study on the thermal management performance of phase change material coupled with heat pipe for cylindrical power battery pack. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2017,82: 182–188. (SCI)
[63]Xia Liu, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental study on the thermal performance of graphene and exfoliated graphite sheet for thermal energy storage phase change material. Thermochimica Acta, 2017,647:15-21.(SCI)
[62]Peizhao Lv, Chenzhen Liu, Zhonghao Rao*. Review on clay mineral-based form-stable phase change materials: preparation, characterization and applications. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017, 68: 707-726.(SCI)
[61]Cong Qi, Guiqing Wang, Liyuan Yang, Yongliang Wan, Zhonghao Rao*. Two-phase lattice Boltzmann simulation of the effects of base fluid and nanoparticle size on natural convection heat transfer of nanofluid. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 105: 664–672.(SCI)
[60]Changpeng Lin, Zhonghao Rao*.Thermal conductivity enhancement of paraffin by adding boron nitride nanostructures: A molecular dynamics study. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017,110:1411–1419.(SCI)
[59] Peizhao Lv, Chenzhen Liu, Zhonghao Rao*. Experiment study on the thermal properties of paraffin/kaolin thermal energy storage form-stable phase change materials. Applied Energy, 2016,182:475-487.(SCI)
[58]Zhen Qian,Yimin Li, Zhonghao Rao*. Thermal performance of lithium-ion battery thermal management system by using mini-channel cooling. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 126: 622–631.(SCI)
[57] 赵佳腾, 饶中浩*, 李意民. 基于相变材料的动力电池热管理数值模拟. 工程热物理学报, 2016, 37(6): 1275-1280.(EI)
[56]Bin Chen, Jiateng Zhao, Zhonghao Rao*. Thermal conductivity of energy conversion and storage composite materials packing with short fiber fillers and artificial size cylinder fillers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016,103:1196-1204.(SCI)
[55]Cong Qi, Yongliang Wan, Lin Liang, Zhonghao Rao, Yimin Li*. Numerical and experimental investigation into the effects of nanoparticle mass fraction and bubble size on boiling heat transfer of TiO2-water nanofluid. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2016, 138(8), 081503. (SCI)
[54]Jiateng Zhao, Zhonghao Rao*, Chenzhen Liu, Yimin Li. Experimental study of oscillating heat pipe and phase change materials coupled for thermal energy storage and thermal management. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016,99:252-260.(SCI)
[53]Chenzhen Liu, Zhonghao Rao*, Yimin Li. Composites Enhance Heat Transfer in Paraffin/Melamine Resin Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials. Energy Technology, 2016, 4(4): 496-501.(SCI)
[52]Qiannan Zhang, Yutao Huo, Zhonghao Rao*. Numerical Study on Solid-Liquid Phase Change of Paraffin as Phase Change Material for Battery Thermal Management. Science Bulletin, 2016,61(5), 391-400.(SCI)
[51]Xinjian Liu, Yu Jin,Jingfeng He, Zhonghao Rao*, Yuemin Zhao*. Self-diffsion of lignite/water under different temperature and pressure: A molecular dynamics study. Modern Physics Letters B, 2016,30(1): **.(SCI)
[50]Zhonghao Rao*, Qingchao Wang, Chongliang Huang. Investigation of the thermal performance of phase change material/mini-channel coupled battery thermal management system. Applied Energy, 2016,164:659-669.(SCI)
[49]Qingchao Wang, Zhonghao Rao*, Yutao Huo, Shuangfeng Wang. Thermal performance of phase change material/oscillation heat pipe-based battery thermal management system. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2016,102:9-16.(SCI)
[48]Cong Qi, Lin Liang, Zhonghao Rao*. Study on the flow and heat transfer of liquid metal based nanofluid with different nanoparticle radiuses using two-phase lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 94:316-326.(SCI)
[47]Jiateng Zhao, Zhonghao Rao*, Chenzhen Liu, Yimin Li. Experimental investigation on thermal performance of phase change material coupled with closed-loop oscillating heat pipe (PCM/CLOHP) used in thermal management. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016,93:90-100.(SCI)
[46] 王焕光, 吴 迪, 饶中浩*. 孤 立 系 内 热 传 导 过 程(火积) 耗 散 的 解 析 解. 物理学报, 2015,64(24): 244401.(SCI)
[45] Yutao Huo, Zhonghao Rao*. The numerical investigation of nanofluid based cylinder battery thermal management using lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 91: 374–384.(SCI)
[44] Jiateng Zhao, Zhonghao Rao*, Yimin Li. Thermal performance of mini-channel liquid cooled cylinder based battery thermal management for cylindrical lithium-ion power battery. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 103: 157-165.(SCI)
[43] C. H. Wang*, T. Lin, J. T. Huang, Z. H. Rao*. Temperature response of a high power lithium-ion battery subjected to high current discharge. Materials Research Innovations, 2015, 19 (S2): 156-160.(SCI)
[42] Jiateng Zhao, Zhonghao Rao*, Yutao Huo, Xinjian Liu, Yimin Li. Thermal management of cylindrical power battery module for extending the life of new energy electric vehicles. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015(85): 33-43. (SCI)
[41] Congliang Huang*, Qingchao Wang, Zhonghao Rao*. Thermal conductivity prediction of copper hollow nanowire. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2015,94: 90-95.(SCI)
[40] Yutao Huo, Zhonghao Rao*. Lattice Boltzmann simulation for solid–liquid phase change phenomenon of phase change material under constant heat flux. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 86: 197–206.(SCI)
[39] Chenzhen Liu, Zhonghao Rao*, Jiateng Zhao, Yutao Huo, Yimin Li. Review on nanoencapsulated phase change materials: Preparation, characterization and heat transfer enhancement. Nano Energy, 2015, 13: 814-826.(SCI, IF: 10.3)
[38] 林长鹏, 刘新健, 饶中浩*. 铝纳米颗粒的热物性及相变行为的分子动力学模拟. 物理学报, 2015, 64(8): 083601.(SCI)
[37] Zhonghao Rao*, Yuemin Zhao*, Congliang Huang, Chenlong Duan, Jingfeng He. Recent Developments in Drying and Dewatering for Low Rank Coals, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2015, 46: 1-11. (SCI, IF: 19.2)
[36] Yutao Huo, Zhonghao Rao*, Xinjian Liu, Jiateng Zhao. Investigation of power battery thermal management by using mini-channel cold plate. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 89: 387-395. (SCI)
[35]Zhonghao Rao*, Yutao Huo, Xinjian Liu, Guoqing Zhang. Experimental investigation of battery thermal management system for electric vehicle based on paraffin/copper foam. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2015, 88(3): 241-246.(SCI)
[34] Cheng-Long Guo*, Hong-Xia Cao, Fei-Qiang Guo, Cong-Liang Huang, Huan-Guang Wang,Zhong-Hao Rao*. Enhanced photo-H2 production by unsaturated flow condition in continuous culture. Biotechnology Letters,2015, 37(2): 359-366.(SCI)
[33] Xinjian Liu, Zhonghao Rao*, Yutao Huo. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Molar Volumes and Solubility Parameters of Straight Alkanes. Modern Physics Letters B, 2014, 28(31), **. (SCI)
[32] Feiqiang Guo, Yuping Dong*, Tonghui Zhang, Lei Dong, Chuwen Guo, Zhonghao Rao*. Experimental Study on Herb Residue Gasification in an Air-Blown Circulating Fluidized Bed Gasifier. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53 (34): 13264–13273. (SCI)
[31] Zhonghao Rao*, Xinyu You, Yutao Huo and Xinjian Liu. Dissipative particle dynamics study of nanoencapsulated thermal energy storage phase change material. RSC Advances, 2014, 4(74): 39552-39557. (SCI)
[30] 张艳来, 李秀平, 饶中浩, 汪双凤. 相变材料微胶嚢流体相变化过程流体内部流态的变化. 工程热物理学报, 2014, 35(7): 1382-1386. (EI)
[29] Rao Zhonghao*, Huo Yutao, Liu Xinjian. Dissipative particle dynamics and experimental study of alkane-based nanoencapsulated phase change material for thermal energy storage. RSC Advances, 2014, 4(40), 20797–20803. (SCI)
[28] Zhonghao Rao*, Yutao Huo, Xinjian Liu. Experimental study of an OHP-cooled thermal management system for electric vehicle power battery. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 2014, 57: 20–26. (SCI)
[27] Rao Zhong-Hao, Liu Xin-Jian, Zhang Rui-Kai, Li Xiang, Wei Chang-Xing, Wang Hao-Dong, Li Yi-Min*. A comparative study on the self diffusion of n-octadecane with crystal and amorphous structure by molecular dynamics simulation. Chinese Physics Letters, 2014, 31(1): 010501. (SCI)
[26] Chengyun Xin, Zhonghao Rao*, Xinyu You, ZhengchangSong, Dongtai Han. Numerical investigation of vapor-liquid heat and mass transfer in porous media. Energy Conversion and Management, 2014, 78: 1-7. (SCI)
[25] 张艳来, 饶中浩, 李复活, 汪双凤. 含相变材料微胶囊流体相变过程对储热蓄热的影响. 工程热物理学报, 2014, 35(1): 140-144. (EI)
[24] Z. H. RAO, S. F. WANG, Y. L. ZHANG. Thermal management with phase change material for a power battery under cold temperatures. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, andEnvironmental Effects.2014, 36(20): 2287-2295. (SCI)
[23] Z. H. RAO, S. F. WANG, Y. L. ZHANG., G.Q. ZHANG, J.Y. ZHANG. Thermal properties of paraffin/nano-AlN phase change energy storage materials. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, andEnvironmental Effects. 2014, 36(20): 2281-2286. (SCI)
[22] Shuangfeng Wang, Song Cheng, Huimin Yu, Zhonghao Rao, Zhongmin Liu. Experimental investigation of Al–Cu composed tube–fin heat exchangers for air conditioner. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2013, 51: 264–270. (SCI)
[21] Zhonghao Rao, Shuangfeng Wang, Feifei Peng. Molecular dynamics simulations of nano-encapsulated and nanoparticle-enhanced thermal energy storage phase change materials. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 66: 575-584. (SCI)
[20] Zhonghao Rao, Shuangfeng Wang, Feifei Peng. Self diffusion and heat capacity of n-alkanes based phase change materials: A molecular dynamics study. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 64: 581-589. (SCI)
[19] Zhonghao Rao, Shuangfeng Wang, Maochun Wu, Zirong Lin, Fuhuo Li. Experimental investigation on thermal management of electric vehicle battery with heat pipe. Energy Conversion and Management, 2013, 65: 92-97. (SCI)
[18] 饶中浩, 汪双凤, 张艳来, 彭飞飞, 蔡颂恒. 相变材料热物理性质的分子动力学模拟. 物理学报, 2013, 62(5): 056601. (SCI)
[17] J. HUANG, T.Y. WANG, C.H. WANG, Z.H. RAO*. Molecular dynamics simulations of melting behaviour of n-hexacosane as phase change material for thermal energy storage. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25(4): 1839-1841. (SCI)
[16] 饶中浩,汪双凤,洪思慧,巫茂春. 电动汽车动力电池热管理实验与数值分析. 工程热物理学报, 2013, 34(6): 1157-1160. (EI)
[15] Zhonghao Rao, Shuangfeng Wang, Zhengguo Zhang. Energy saving latent heat storage and environmental friendly humidity-controlled materials for indoor climate. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2012, 16(5): 3136-3145. (SCI)
[14] Zhonghao Rao, Shuangfeng wang, Feifei Peng. Self diffusion of the nano-encapsulated phase change materials: A molecular dynamics study. Applied Energy, 2012, 100: 303-308. (SCI)
[13] Zhonghao Rao, Shuangfeng wang, Feifei Peng, Wei Zhang, Yanlai Zhang. Dissipative particle dynamics investigation of microencapsulated thermal energy storage phase change materials. Energy, 2012, 44(1): 805-812. (SCI)
[12] Zhonghao Rao, Shuangfeng Wang, Maochun Wu, Yanlai Zhang, Fuhuo Li. Molecular dynamics simulations of melting behavior of alkane as phase change materials slurry. Energy Conversion and Management, 2012, 64: 152-156. (SCI)
[11] Zhonghao Rao, Shuangfeng Wang, Yanlai Zhang. Molecular dynamics simulations of phase transition of n-nonadecane under high pressure. Phase Transitions, 2012, 85(5): 400-408. (SCI)
[10] Z. H. Rao, S. F. Wang, Y. L. Zhang. Simulation of heat dissipation with phase change material for cylindrical power battery. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2012, 85(1): 38-43. (SCI)
[9] Zhonghao Rao, Yanlai Zhang, Shuangfeng Wang. Energy saving of Power Battery by Liquid Single-phase Convective Heat Transfer. Energy Education Science & Technology, Part: A Energy Science and Research, 2012, 30(1): 103-112. (SCI)
[8] Yanlai Zhang, Zhonghao Rao, Shuangfeng Wang, Zhao Zhang, Xiuping Li. Experimental evaluation on natural convection heat transfer of microencapsulated phase change materials slurry in a rectangular heat storage tank. Energy Conversion and Management, 2012, 59: 33-39. (SCI)
[7] 张艳来, 饶中浩, 汪双凤, 张召. 相变微胶囊流体相变化对自然对流的促进作用. 太阳能学报, 2012,33(11): 1951-1955. (EI)
[6] Zhonghao Rao, Shuangfeng Wang. A review of power battery thermal energy management. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2011, 15(9): 4554-4571. (SCI)
[5] Zhonghao Rao, Shuangfeng Wang, Guoqing Zhang. Simulation and experiment of thermal energy management with phase change material for ageing LiFePO4 power battery. Energy Conversion and Management. 2011, 52(12): 3408-3414. (SCI)
[4] Z.H. Rao, G.Q. Zhang. Thermal properties of paraffin wax based composites containing graphite. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2011, 33(7):587-593. (SCI)
[3] Jin Huang, Tingyu Wang, Changhong Wang, Zhonghao Rao*. Exfoliated Graphite/Paraffin Nanocomposites as Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage Application. Materials Research Innovations, 2011, 15 (6):422-427. (SCI)
[2] Yanlai Zhang, Shuangfeng Wang, Zhonghao Rao, JiefeiXie. Experiment on heat storage characteristic of microencapsulated phase change material slurry. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2011, 95(10): 2726–2733. (SCI)
[1] Z. H. Rao, G. Q. Zhang, Z. J. Wu. Thermal properties of paraffin/graphite composite phase change materials in battery thermal management system. Energy Materials: Materials Science and Engineering for Energy Systems. 2009, 4(3):141-144. (EI)

[4] 刘臣臻, 饶中浩. 相变储能材料与热性能. 徐州: 中国矿业大学出版社, 2019. ISBN: 978-7-5646-4439-0.
[3]饶中浩,刘臣臻.相变储能实验与分析.徐州:中国矿业大学出版社, 2018. ISBN:978-7-5646-3953-2.(江苏省“十三五”高等学校重点教材)
[2]饶中浩,汪双凤.储能技术概论.徐州:中国矿业大学出版社, 2016. ISBN:978-7-5646-3384-4.(煤炭高等教育“十三五”规划教材)
[1]饶中浩,张国庆.电池热管理.北京:科学出版社, 2015. ISBN:978-7-03-044863.

[15]饶中浩,吴晨辉, 赵佳腾. 一种基于重力热管的分层式相变储热器. ZL1.5, 2020.12.22.
[14] 饶中浩, 庞晓文, 霍宇涛, 秦江. 一种具有应急处理及后处理装置的电池系统. ZL.6, 2020.10.30.
[13] 饶中浩, 刘昌会, 曹玉棋, 贺靖峰, 段晨龙, 赵跃民. 一种基于低共熔溶剂纳米流体回收废旧锂离子电池正极材料的方法. ZL8.4, 2020.10.27.
[12]饶中浩, 周艳磊, 霍宇涛, 张晓. 一种电动汽车低温环境下电池保温系统及控制方法. ZL3.5, 2020.07.28.
[11]饶中浩, 吕培召, 刘新健, 霍宇涛, 刘臣臻, 刘昌会, 赵佳腾. 一种用于电池的全气候热管理系统及其工作方法. ZL1.4, 2020.06.23.
[10] 饶中浩, 刘昌会, 徐泽, 赵佳腾, 刘臣臻, 霍宇涛.一种超交联聚苯乙烯担载有机相变材料的制备方法及其制备的复合相变材料.ZL5.8,2020.04.03.
[9]饶中浩, 张轩, 贺靖峰, 段晨龙, 赵跃民. 一种基于太阳能和储热的颗粒矿物干法分选系统. ZL9.X, 2019.12.24.
[8]饶中浩, 霍宇涛. 一种相变材料/空气耦合的阶级式电池热管理系统. ZL.0, 2019.04.26.(韩国专利: , 2019.01.24;日本专利: **, 2019.04.19)
[7]饶中浩, 赵佳腾. 一种相变材料与发散热管耦合储能系统. ZL2.5,2019.02.22.(美国专利:US ** B2, 2020.05.26; 日本专利: **, 2019.11.8)
[6]饶中浩,吕培召, 王兴明,赵佳腾.一种基于耦合式热管理的电池储能系统及方法. ZL5.2, 2018.09.21.
[5]饶中浩,赵佳腾.一种三维脉动热管相变材料耦合储能系统. ZL9.1, 2018.07.27.
[4]饶中浩,赵佳腾,刘臣臻,王庆超.一种基于空气、热管和相变材料耦合冷却的动力电池模块. ZL6.9, 2016.09.21.
[3]饶中浩,刘新健,梁运民,陈娟,黄能.一种基于金属相变材料的动力电池热管理系统. ZL2.1, 2015.12. 02.
[2]饶中浩,梁运民,刘新健,金玉,黄能.一种基于脉动热管的电池热管理系统. ZL1.4, 2015.12.02.
[1]饶中浩,高宪花,魏赏赏,崔晨晓,王伟,马贵保,周家理,林长鹏,刘新健.一种电动汽车动力电池余热利用装置. ZL1.4, 2015.12.02.
[9] 赵佳腾, 乔羽, 刘昌会, 饶中浩. 一种两亲性高分子负载纳米流体及其制备方法, ZL8.2, 2020, 07.17.
[8]刘昌会, 房慧, 乔羽, 赵佳腾, 刘臣臻, 霍宇涛, 饶中浩. 一种基于丙三醇低共融溶剂体系的纳米流体的制备方法及其制备的纳米流体. ZL2.3, 2020.05.05.
[7]刘昌会,饶中浩, 刘臣臻, 赵佳腾, 霍宇涛.一种石墨烯改进纳米流体传热工质及其制备方法.ZL7.7,2020.01.21.
[6]汪双凤,饶中浩,陈锦芳,胡艳鑫,郑伟伟,熊志江,孙志强,徐智慧,孙威,赖勇志.一种用于锂电池散热的微通道冷却均温系统. ZL7.4, 2015.03.11.
[5]张国庆,张云云,熊中琼,张文静,饶中浩.一种基于泡沫金属复合相变材料的动力电池冷统. ZL4.2, 2014.07.09.
[4]张江云,王长宏,张国庆,饶中浩,袁韩生,张磊.一种具有强化散热功能的管壳式电动汽车电池装置. ZL4.5, 2014.04.09.
[3]王长宏,林涛,陶肖生,饶中浩,黄金.一种太阳能温差发电装置. ZL4.X, 2014.04.02.
[2]张国庆,黄锌鹏,饶中浩.一种圆柱形动力电池材料产热量测量装置. ZL0.3, 2012.01.18.
[1]张国庆,吴忠杰,傅李鹏,饶中浩,杨承昭.一种使用超声波防垢除垢的光催化反应装置. ZL5.6, 2011.09.07.


[1] 国家博士后创新人才支持计划
[2] 国家公派出国留学
[3] 中国科协优秀中外青年交流计划
[4] 研究生国家奖学金
[5] 江苏省优秀博士学位论文
[6] 中国矿业大学优秀博士学位论文
[7] 中国矿业大学优秀创新博士奖学金
2018:曲 捷(2017级)
[8] 江苏省优秀硕士学位论文
[9] 中国矿业大学优秀硕士学位论文
[10] 中国矿业大学优秀创新硕士奖学金
2019:张 轩(2017级),吕培召(2017级)
[11] 江苏省优秀本科毕业设计(论文
[12] 中国矿业大学优秀本科毕业设计论文
[13] 课外创新

[2] 中国矿业大学优秀研究生创新创业团队(2016);
[1] 中国矿业大学优秀研究生创新创业团队(2015)。
[1] 中国矿业大学“优秀教学科研群体”(2016)。


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