

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-28

姓 名 吴钢 性 别 男
出生年月 1976年8月 籍贯 萧县
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中共党员
最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务 Email gangwu@cumt.edu.cn
工作单位 中国矿业大学数学院 邮政编码 221116
通讯地址 江苏省徐州市中国矿业大学数学院
单位电话 **
个人主页 http://faculty.cumt.edu.cn/WG123/zh_CN/index.htm


博士生招生专业:计算数学,招生方向:大规模科学与工程计算、 数据科学中的大规模矩阵计算、数据挖掘与统计计算
硕士生招生专业: 计算数学、统计学、应用数学、运筹学与控制论
江苏省徐州市,中国矿业大学,数学院,221116;Email: gangwu@cumt.edu.cn, gangwu76@126.com
主持江苏省自然科学基金项目:高维数据降维的“不精确”矩阵函数判别分析方法研究,No. BK**,2017.7-2020.6, 已结题;
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:“复杂网络关键节点快速算法研究及其在蛋白质功能预测中的应用”,No. **, 2014.1-2017.12, 已结题;
主持江苏省自然科学基金面上项目:“基于投影类技术的数据降维算法及其在图像处理中的应用”,No. BK**, 2013.7-2016.6,已结题;
Wenya Shi, Gang Wu, New algorithms for trace-ratio problem with application to high-dimension and large-sample data dimensionality reduction, Machine Learning, to appear, 2021.
Gang Wu, Fei Li, A randomized exponential canonical correlation analysis method for data analysis and dimensionality reduction, Applied Numerical Mathematics, to appear, 2021.
Azita Tajaddini ,Gang Wu,Farid Saberi-Movahed,Najmeh Azizizadeh, TwonewvariantsofthesimplerblockGMRESmethodwithvectordeflationandeigenvaluedeflationformultiplelinearsystems, Journal of Scientific Computing, 86:9, 2021.
Ke Li,Gang Wu, A randomized generalized low rank approximations ofmatrices algorithm for high dimensionality reduction andimage compression, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, e2338, 2021.
Bo Feng, Gang Wu,Revisiting the low-rank eigenvalue problem, Applied Mathematics Letters, 112, 106706, 2021.
YingdiLu,Gang Wu, Fast and incremental algorithms for exponential semi-supervised discriminant embedding,Pattern Recognition, 108, 107530, 2020.
Yunjie Wang, Gang Wu, Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications article New strategies for determining backward perturbation bound of approximate two-sided Krylov subspaces,Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2020, e2324.
Yunjie Wang, Gang Wu, On the Kahan-Parlett-Jiang theorem—A globally optimal backward perturbation error for two-sided invariant subspaces, Linear Algebra and its Applications,602, 73--92, 2020.
Yunjie Wang, Gang Wu, Refined bounds on the number of distinct eigenvalues of a matrix after low-rank update,Linear and Multilinear Algebra,68: 903--914, 2020.
Wenya Shi, Youwei Luo, Gang Wu,On general matrix exponential discriminant analysis methods for high dimensionality reduction,Calcolo, 57:Article 18, 2020.
Najmeh Azizi Zadeh, Azita Tajaddini, and Gang Wu, Weighted and deflated global GMRES algorithms for solving large Sylvester matrix equations,Numerical Algorithms, 82: 155-181, 2019.
Gang Wu, Lu Zhang.New Algorithms for Approximating $varphi$-functions and Their Condition Numbers for Large Sparse Matrices,IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 38: 1185--1208,2018.
Gang Wu, Hongkui Pang, Jiangli Sun. A Shifted Block FOM Algorithm with Deflated Restarting for Matrix Exponential Computations,Applied Numerical Mathematics, 127: 306–323, 2018.
Gang Wu, The convergence of harmonic Ritz vectors and harmonic Ritz values, revisited.SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 38:118-133, 2017.
Gang Wu, Tingting Feng, Lijia Zhang, Meng Yang.Inexact implementation using Krylov subspace methods for large scale exponential discriminant analysis with applications to high dimensionality reduction problems,Pattern Recognition, 66: 328-341, 2017.
Gang Wu, Hongkui Pang.On the correction equation of the Jacobi-Davidson method,Linear Algebra and its Applications, 522: 51-70, 2017.
Gang Wu, On the convergence of the minimally irreducible Markov chain method with applications to PageRank,Calcolo,54:267–279, 2017.
Gang Wu, Lu Zhang, Ting-ting Xu, A framework of the harmonic Arnoldi method for evaluating φ-functions with applications to exponential integrators,Advances in Computational Mathematics, 42: 505-541, 2016.
Gang Wu, Wei Xu and Huan Leng, Inexact and incremental bilinear Lanczos components algorithms for high dimensionality reduction and image reconstruction,Pattern Recognition, 48: 244–263, 2015.
Gang Wu, Ting-ting Feng, and Yimin Wei. An inexact shift-and-invert Arnoldi algorithm for Toeplitz matrix exponential,Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 22: 777–792, 2015.
Gang Wu, Ting-ting Feng. A theoretical contribution to the fast implementation of null linear discriminant analysis with random matrix multiplication,Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 22: 1180–1188, 2015.
Hong-xiu Zhong, Gang Wu, Guo-liang Chen, A flexible and adaptive simpler block GMRES with deflated restarting for linear systems with multiple right-hand sides,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 282 : 139-156, 2015.
Gang Wu, Lu Zhang, On expansion of search subspaces for large non-Hermitian eigenproblems,Linear Algebra and its Applications, 454: 107-129, 2014.
Gang Wu, Ying Zhang and Yimin Wei, Accelerating the Arnoldi-type algorithm for the PageRank problem and the ProteinRank problem,Journal of Scientific Computing, 57: 74-104, 2013.
Gang Wu, Wei Xu, Ying Zhang and Yimin Wei, A preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm for GeneRank with application to microarray data mining,Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 26: 27-56, 2013.
Gang Wu, Zhigang Jia, Sitao Ling and Lu Zhang, Towards backward error bounds for approximate dual Krylov subspaces,BIT Numerical Mathematics, 53: 225-239, 2013.
Gang Wu, Yanchun Wang and Xiaoqing Jin, A preconditioned and shifted GMRES algorithm for the PageRank problem with multiple damping factors,SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,34: A2558--A2575,2012.
Qing Yu, Zhengke Miao, Gang Wu and Yimin Wei, Lumping algorithms for computing Google's PageRank and its derivative, with attention to unreferenced nodes,Information Retrieval, 15: 503–526, 2012.
Gang Wu, Yimin Wei, Relationship between the characteristic polynomial and the spectrum of a diagonalizable matrix and those of its low-rank update,Linear and Multiple Linear Algebra, 60: 967--978, 2012.
Hong-xiu Zhong, Gang Wu, Thick restarting the weighted harmonic Arnoldi algorithm for large interior eigenproblems, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 88: 994–1012, 2011.
Gang Wu, Eigenvalues of certain augmented complex stochastic matrices with application in PageRank, Recent Advances in Scientific Computing and Matrix Analysis, X. Jin, H. Sun, and S. Vong (editors), International Press, Boston, Somerville, 85--92, 2011.
Gang Wu, Yimin Wei, On analysis of projection methods for rational function approximation to the matrix exponential,SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 48: 191--197, 2010.
Gang Wu, Yimin Wei, Arnoldi versus GMRES for computing PageRank: A theoretical contribution to Google's PageRank Problem,ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 28(3), Article 11: 1--28,2010.
Gang Wu, Ying Zhang, Yimin Wei, Krylov subspace algorithms for computing GeneRank for the analysis of microarray data mining,Journal of Computational Biology,17: 631--646, 2010.
Gang Wu,Yimin Wei, An Arnoldi-Extrapolation Algorithm for Computing PageRank,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 234: 3196--3212, 2010.
Wei Jiang, Gang Wu, A thick-restarted block Arnoldi algorithm with modified Ritz vectors for large eigenproblems,Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 60: 873--889, 2010.
Gang Wu, Yimin Wei,Comments on Jordan canonical form of the Google matrix,SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 30: 364--374,2008.




1 项目名称:高维数据降维的“不精确”矩阵函数判别分析方法研究(BK**),来源:江苏省自然科学基金,经费:10万元,主要承担工作:主持
2 项目名称:复杂网络关键节点评估快速算法研究及在蛋白质功能预测中的应用(**),来源:国家自然科学基金,经费:56万元,主要承担工作:主持
3 项目名称:基于投影类技术的数据降维算法及其在图像处理中的应用(BK**),来源:江苏省自然科学基金,经费:10万元,主要承担工作:主持
4 项目名称:PageRank问题的研究及其在基因芯片数据挖掘中的应用(**),来源:国家自然科学基金,经费:17万元,主要承担工作:主持
5 项目名称:Google搜索引擎中网页等级问题的理论与快速算法研究(**),来源:国家自然科学基金,经费:3万元,主要承担工作:主持
6 项目名称:现代网络信息计算中超大规模稀疏矩阵计算问题的研究(08KJB110012),来源:江苏省高校自然科学基金,经费:5万元,主要承担工作:主持
7 项目名称:中国矿业大学人才引进项目,来源:中国矿业大学,经费:15万元,主要承担工作:主持
8 项目名称:江苏省青蓝工程中青年学术带头人,来源:江苏省教育厅,经费:3万元,主要承担工作:主持

1 论文名称:On expansion of search subspaces for large non-Hermitian eigenproblems,刊物名: Linear Algebra and its Applications,级别:SCI (006)
2 论文名称:Accelerating the Arnoldi-type algorithm for the PageRank problem and the ProteinRank problem,刊物名:Journal of Scientific Computing,级别:SCI(004)
3 论文名称:A preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm for GeneRank with application to microarray data mining,刊物名:Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,级别:SCI(0003**)
4 论文名称:Towards backward error bounds for approximate dual Krylov subspaces,刊物名: BIT Numerical Mathematics,级别:SCI(0003**)
5 论文名称:A preconditioned and shifted GMRES algorithm for the PageRank problem with multiple damping factors,刊物名:SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing,级别:SCI(007)
6 论文名称:Lumping algorithms for computing Google's PageRank and its derivative, with attention to unreferenced nodes,刊物名:Information Retrieval,级别:SCI(001 )
7 论文名称:Relationship between the characteristic polynomial and the spectrum of a diagonalizable matrix and those of its low-rank update,刊物名:Linear and Multiple Linear Algebra,级别:SCI(009 )
8 论文名称:Thick restarting the weighted harmonic Arnoldi algorithm for large interior eigenproblems,刊物名:International Journal of Computer Mathematics,级别:SCI(011)
9 论文名称:On analysis of projection methods for rational function approximation to the matrix exponential,刊物名:SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,级别:SCI(010)
10 论文名称:Arnoldi versus GMRES for computing PageRank: A theoretical contribution to Google's PageRank Problem,刊物名: ACM Transactions on Information Systems,级别:SCI(002 )
11 论文名称:Krylov subspace algorithms for computing GeneRank for the analysis of microarray data mining,刊物名:Journal of Computational Biology,级别:SCI(005 )
12 论文名称:An Arnoldi-Extrapolation Algorithm for Computing PageRank,刊物名:Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,级别:SCI(010)
13 论文名称:A thick-restarted block Arnoldi algorithm with modified Ritz vectors for large eigenproblems,刊物名:Computers & Mathematics with Applications,级别:SCI(045)
14 论文名称:Comments on Jordan canonical form of the Google matrix,刊物名:SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,级别:SCI(021 )
15 论文名称:Eigenvalues and Jordan canonical form of a successively rank-one updated complex matrix with applications to Google's PageRank problem,刊物名:Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,级别:SCI(005 )
16 论文名称:A Power-Arnoldi algorithm for computing PageRank,刊物名: Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications,级别:SCI(001)
17 论文名称:A modified harmonic block Arnoldi algorithm with adaptive shifts or large interior eigenproblems,刊物名:Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,级别:SCI(025 )
18 论文名称:A dynamic thick restarted semi-refined ABLE algorithm for computing a few selected eigentriplets of large nonsymmetric matrices,刊物名:Linear Algebra and its Applications,级别:SCI(007 )
19 论文名称:An iterative block Arnoldi algorithm with modified approximate eigenvectors for large unsymmetric eigenvalue problems,刊物名:Applied Mathematics and Computation,级别:SCI(001 )


留学生:Najmeh Azizi Zadeh (Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran);



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