姓 名 代世峰 性 别 男
出生年月 1970年12月 籍贯 山东日照市
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中共党员
最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 哲学博士
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务 院长 Email daishifeng@gmail.com
工作单位 资源与地球科学学院 邮政编码 221116
通讯地址 江苏省徐州市
单位电话 **
代世峰,男,1970年12月生,教授。主要从事煤地质学(煤矿物学,煤地球化学和煤岩学)的科研和教学工作。国家“973”项目首席科学家,2007年获得国家****科学基金。2008年入选“****奖励计划”****。曾先后承担国家“973”项目、国家****科学基金、国家自然科学基金国际合作重点项目和国家自然科学基金重点项目等多个国家级科研项目。以第一作者在国际知名期刊上发表学术论文100余篇,SCI他引2000余次,是ESI全球高被引科学家,入选2014和2015中国高被引科学家榜单(行星与地球科学领域),共有12篇文章入选TOP 1%高被引文章。现任国际有机岩石学会主席,International Journal of Coal Geology主编。曾获得国际有机岩石学会杰出贡献奖、中国青年科技奖、教育部自然科学一等奖2项(均排名第1)、教育部科技进步一等奖1项(排名第2)
International Journal of Coal Geology主编
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 副主编
[1] Dai, Shifeng; Guo, Wenmu; Nechaev, Victor P.; French, David; Ward, Colin R.; Spiro, Baruch F; Finkelman, Robert B. Modes of occurrence and origin of mineral matter in the Palaeogene coal (No. 19-2) from the Hunchun Coalfield, Jilin Province, China. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY, 2018, 189: 94-110.
[2] Dai, Shifeng; Nechaev, Victor P.; Chekryzhov, Igor Yu.; Zhao, Lixin; Vysotskiy, Sergei V.; Graham, Ian; Ward, Colin R.; Ignatiev, Alexander V.; Velivetskaya, Tatyana A.; Zhao, Lei. A model for Nb-Zr-REE-Ga enrichment in Lopingian altered alkaline volcanic ashes: Key evidence of H-O isotopes. LITHOS, 2018, 302: 359-369.
[3] Wei, Qiang; Dai, Shifeng; Lefticariu, Liliana; Costin, Gelu. Electron probe microanalysis of major and trace elements in coals and their low-temperature ashes from the Wulantuga and Lincang Ge ore deposits, China. FUEL,2018, 215: 1-12.
[4] Dai, Shifeng; Finkelman, Robert B. Coal as a promising source of critical elements: Progress and future prospects. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY. 2018, 186: 155-164.
[5] Zhao, Lei; Ward, Colin R.; French, David; Graham, Ian T.; Dai, Shifeng; Yang, Chao; Xie, Panpan; Zhang, Siyu. Origin of a kaolinite-NH4-illite-pyrophyllite-chlorite assemblage in a marine-influenced anthracite and associated strata from the Jincheng Coalfield, Qinshui Basin, Northern China. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY. 2018, 185: 61-78.
[6] Dai, Shifeng; Finkelman, Robert B. Coal geology in China: an overview. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW, 2018, 60(SI): 531-534.
[7] Dai, Shifeng; Yan, Xiaoyun; Ward, Colin R.; Hower, James C.; Zhao, Lei; Wang, Xibo; Zhao, Lixin; Ren, Deyi; Finkelman, Robert B. Valuable elements in Chinese coals: a review. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW, 2018, 60(SI): 590-620.
[8] Dai, Shifeng; Zheng, Xue; Wang, Xibo; Finkelman, Robert B.; Jiang, Yaofa; Ren, Deyi; Yan, Xiaoyun; Zhou, Zhou, Yiping. Stone coal in China: a review. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW. 2018, 60(SI): 736-753.
[9] Dai, Shifeng; Ward, Colin R.; Graham, Ian T.; French, David; Hower, James C.; Zhao, Lei; Wang, Wang, Xibo. Altered volcanic ashes in coal and coal-bearing sequences: A review of their nature and significance. EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS. 2017, 175: 44-74.
[10] Lauer, Nancy; Vengosh, Avner; Dai, Shifeng. Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Uranium-Rich Coals and Associated Coal Combustion Residues from China. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 2017, 51(22): 13487-13493.
[11] Wei, Qiang; Rimmer, Susan M.; Dai, Shifeng. Distribution of Trace Elements in Fractions after Micronization and Density-Gradient Centrifugation of High-Ge Coals from the Wulantuga and Lincang Ge Ore Deposits in China. ENERGY & FUELS. 2017, 31(11): 11818-11837.
[12] Dai, Shifeng; Xie, Panpan; Ward, Colin R.; Yan, Xiaoyun; Guo, Wenmu; French, David; Graham, Ian T. Anomalies of rare metals in Lopingian super-high-organic-sulfur coals from the Yishan Coalfield, Guangxi, China. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS. 2017, 88: 235-250.
[13] Dai, Shifeng; Bartley, Russell; Bartley, Sylvia; Valentim, Bruno; Guedes, Alexandra; O'Keefe, Jennifer M. K.; Kus, Jolanta; Mastalerz, Maria; Hower, James C. Organic geochemistry of funginite (Miocene, Eel River, Mendocino County, California, USA) and macrinite (Cretaceous, Inner Mongolia, China). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY. 2017, 179: 60-71.
[14] Liu, Jingjing; Dai, Shifeng; He, Xin; Hower, James C.; Sakulpitakphon, Tanaporn. Size-Dependent Variations in Fly Ash Trace Element Chemistry: Examples from a Kentucky Power Plant and with Emphasis on Rare Earth Elements. ENERGY & FUELS. 2017, 31(1): 438-447.
[15] Shifeng Dai, Panpan Xie, Shaohui Jia, Colin R. Ward, James C. Hower, Xiaoyun Yan, David French. Enrichment of U-Re-V-Cr-Se and rare earth elements in the Late Permian coals of the Moxinpo Coalfield, Chongqing, China: Genetic implications from geochemical and mineralogical data. Ore Geology Reviews, 2017, 80, 1-17.
[16] Lixin Zhao, Shifeng Dai, Ian T. Graham, Xiao Lia, Huidong Liu, Xiaolin Song, James C. Hower, Yiping Zhou. Cryptic sediment-hosted critical element mineralization from eastern Yunnan Province, southwestern China: Mineralogy, geochemistry, relationship to Emeishan alkaline magmatism and possible origin. Ore Geology Reviews, 2017, 80, 116-140.
[17] Shifeng Dai, Ian T. Graham, Colin R. Ward. A review of anomalous rare earth elements and yttrium in coal. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2016, 159, 82-95.
[18] James C. Hower, Shifeng Dai. Petrology and chemistry of sized Pennsylvania anthracite, with emphasis on the distribution of rare earth elements. Fuel, 2016, 185, 305-315.
[19] Shifeng Dai, Igor Yu. Chekryzhov, Vladimir V. Seredin, Victor P. Nechaev, Ian T.Grahame, James C. Hower, Colin R. Ward, Deyi Ren, Xibo Wang. Metalliferous coal deposits in East Asia (Primorye of Russia and South China): A review of geodynamic controls and styles of mineralization. Gondwana Research, 2016, 29, 60-82.
[20] Shifeng Dai, Jingjing Liu, Colin R. Ward, James C. Hower, David French, Shaohui Jia,Madison M. Hood, Trent M. Garrison. Mineralogical and geochemical compositions of
Late Permian coals and host rocks from the Guxu Coalfield, Sichuan Province, China,with emphasis on enrichment of rare metals. International Journal of Coal Geology, coal.2015.12.004
[21] Shifeng Dai, James C. Hower, Ward, Colin R. Ward, Wenmu Guo, Hongjian Song,Jennifer M.K. O'Keefe, Panpan Xie, Madison M. Hood, Xiaoyun Yan. Elements and phosphorus minerals in the middle Jurassic inertiniterich coals of the Muli Coalfield on theTibetan Plateau. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2015, 144–145, 23–47.
[22] Shifeng Dai, Jingjing Liu, Colin R. Ward, James C. Hower, Panpan Xie, Yaofa Jiang,Madison M. Hood, Jennifer M.K. O'Keefe, Hongjian Song. Petrological, geochemical, and
mineralogical compositions of the lowGe coals from the Shengli Coalfield, China: Acomparative study with Gerich coals and a formation model for coal-hosted Ge ore deposit.Ore Geology Reviews. 2015, 71, 318–349.
[23] Shifeng Dai, Tianjiao Li, Yaofa Jiang, Colin R. Ward, James C. Hower, Jihua Sun, JingjingLiu, Hongjian Song, Jianpeng Wei, Qingqian Li, Panpan Xie, Qing Huang. Mineralogical and geochemical compositions of the Pennsylvanian coal in the Hailiushu Mine,Daqingshan Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China: Implications of sediment-source region andacid hydrothermal solutions. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2015, 137, 92-110.
[24] Shifeng Dai, Vladimir V. Seredin, Colin R. Ward, James C. Hower, Yunwei Xing, WeiguoZhang, Weijiao Song, Peipei Wang. Enrichment of U–Se–Mo–Re–V in coals preserved within marine carbonate successions: geochemical and mineralogical data from the Late
Permian Guiding Coalfield, Guizhou, China. Mineralium Deposita. 2015, 50, 159–186.
[25] Shifeng Dai, Peipei Wang, Colin R. Ward, Yuegang Tang, Xiaolin Song, Jianhua Jiang,James C. Hower, Tian Li, Vladimir V. Seredin, Nicola J. Wagner, Yaofa Jiang, Xibo Wang, Jingjing Liu. Elemental and mineralogical anomalies in the coalhosted Ge ore deposit ofLincang, Yunnan, southwestern China: Key role of N2–CO2-mixed hydrothermal solutions.International Journal of Coal Geology. 2015, 152, 19–46.
[26] Shifeng Dai, Jianye Yang, Colin R. Ward, James C. Hower, Huidong Liu, Trent M.Garrison, David French, Jennifer M.K. O'Keefe. Geochemical and mineralogical evidence for a coal-hosted uranium deposit in the Yili Basin, Xinjiang, northwestern China. OreGeology Reviews. 2015, 70, 1–30.
[27] Shifeng Dai, Tian Li, Vladimir V. Seredin, Colin R. Ward, James C. Hower, Yiping Zhou,Mingquan Zhang, Xiaolin Song, Weijiao Song, Cunliang Zhao. Origin of minerals and elements in the Late Permian coals, tonsteins, and host rocks of the Xinde Mine, Xuanwei,eastern Yunnan, China. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2014,121, 53–78.
[28] Shifeng Dai, Weijiao Song, Lei Zhao, Xiao Li, James C. Hower, Colin R. Ward, PeipeiWang, Tian Li, Xin Zheng, Vladimir V. Seredin, Panpan Xie, and Qingqian Li.Determination of boron in coal using closed vessel microwave digestion and inductivelycoupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Energy and Fuels. 2014, 28, 4517−4522.
[29] Shifeng Dai, Lei Zhao, James C. Hower, Michelle N. Johnston, Weijiao Song, PeipeiWang, Songfeng Zhang. Petrology,mineralogy, and chemistry of size-fractioned fly ashfrom the Jungar power plant, Inner Mongolia, China, with emphasis on the distribution of rare earth elements. Energy and Fuels. 2014, 28 (2), 1502–1514.
[30] James C. Hower, John G. Groppo, Prakash Joshi, Shifeng Dai, David Moecher, MichelleN. Johnston. Location of ceriumincoal-combustion fly ashes: Implications for recovery oflanthanides. Coal Combust. Gasificat. Prod. 2014, 5, 73-78.
[31] Xiao Li, Shifeng Dai, Weiguo Zhang, Tian Li, Xin Zheng, Wenmei Chen. Determinationof As and Se in coal and coal combustion products using closed vessel microwave digestionand collision/reaction cell technology (CCT) of inductively coupled plasma massspectrometry (ICP-MS). International Journal of Coal Geology. 2014, 124, 1–4.
[32] Vladimir V Seredin, Shifeng Dai. The occurrence of gold in fly ash derived from high-Ge coal. Mineralium Deposita. 2014, 49, 1-6.
[33] Shifeng Dai, Weiguo Zhang, Colin R. Ward, Vladimir V. Seredin, James C. Hower, XiaoLi, Weijiao Song, Xibo Wang, Huan Kang, Licai Zheng, Peipei Wang, Dao Zhou.Mineralogical and geochemical anomalies of late Permian coals from the Fusui Coalfield,Guangxi Province, southern China: Influences of terrigenous materials and hydrothermalfluids. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2013,105, 60–84.
[34] Shifeng Dai, Weiguo Zhang, Vladimir V. Seredin, Colin R. Ward, James C. Hower,Weijiao Song, Xibo Wang, Xiao Li, Lixin Zhao, Huan Kang, Licai Zheng, Peipei Wang,Dao Zhou. Factors controlling geochemical and mineralogical compositions of coalspreserved within marine carbonate successions: A case study from the Heshan Coalfield,southern China. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2013, 109–110, 77-100.
[35] Eskenazy Greta, Shifeng Dai, Xiao Li. Fluorine in Bulgarian coals. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2013, 105, 16–23.Irena Kostova, Christina Vassileva, Shifeng Dai, James C. Hower, Denica Apostolova.Influence of surface area properties on mercury capture behaviour of coal fly ashes fromsome Bulgarian power plants. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2013,116–117, 227–235.
[36] Irena Kostova, Christina Vassileva, Shifeng Dai, James C. Hower, Denica Apostolova.Influence of surface area properties on mercury capture behaviour of coal fly ashes from
some Bulgarian power plants. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2013,116–117, 227–235.
[37] James C. Hower, Shifeng Dai, Vladimir V. Seredin, Lei Zhao, Irena J. Kostova, Luis F.Silva, Sarah M. Mardon, Gülbin Gurdal. A note on the occurrence of Yttrium and RareEarth Elements in coal combustion products. Coal Combustion and Gasification Products.2013, 5, 39-47.
[38] James C. Hower, Jennifer M.K. O'Keefe, Nicola J. Wagner, Shifeng Dai, Xibo Wang,Weifeng Xue. An investigation of Wulantuga coal (Cretaceous, Inner Mongolia) macerals:Paleopathology of faunal and fungal invasions into wood and the recognizable clues for their activity. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2013,114 ,44–53.
[39] Jennifer M.K. O'Keefe, Achim Bechtel, Kimon Christanis, Shifeng Dai, William A.DiMichele, Cortland F. Eble, Joan S. Esterle, Maria Mastalerz, Anne L. Raymond, Bruno V.Valentim, Nicola J. Wagner, Colin R. Ward, James C. Hower. On the fundamentaldifference between coal rank and coal type. International Journal of Coal Geology.2013,118, 58–87.
[40] Marcio A. Kronbauer, Maria Izquierdo, Shifeng Dai, Frans B. Waanders, Nicola J.Wagner, Maria Mastalerz, James C. Hower, Marcos L.S. Oliveira, Silvio R. Taffarel,Delmar Bizani, Luis F.O. Silva. Geochemistry of ultra-fine and nano-compounds in coal gasification ashes: A synoptic view. Science of the Total Environment. 2013, 456-457, 95–103.
[41] Vladimir V. Seredin, Shifeng Dai, Yuzhuang Sun, Igor Yu. Chekryzhov. Coal deposits as promising sources of rare metals for alternative power and energy-efficient technologies Applied Geochemistry. 2013, 31, 1-11.
[42] Shifeng Dai, Deyi Ren, Chen-Lin Chou, Robert B Finkelman, Vladimir V. Seredin,Yiping Zhou. Geochemistry of trace elements in Chinese coals: A review of abundances,genetic types, impacts on human health, and industrial utilization. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2012, 94, 3-21.
[43] Shifeng Dai, Jianhua Zou, Yaofa Jiang, Colin R. Ward, Xibo Wang, Tian Li, Weifeng Xue,Shande Liu, Heming Tian, Xinhao Sun, Dao Zhou. Mineralogical and geochemical compositions of the Pennsylvanian coal in the Adaohai Mine, Daqingshan Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China: Modes of occurrence and origin of diaspore, gorceixite, and ammonian illite. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2012, 94, 250-270.
[44] Shifeng Dai, Xibo Wang, Vladimir V. Seredin, James C. Hower, Colin R. Ward, Jennifer M.K. O'Keefe, Wenhui Huang, Tian Li, Xiao Li, Huidong Liu, Weifeng Xue, Lixin Zhao.Petrology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the Ge-rich coal from the Wulantuga Ge ore deposit, Inner Mongolia, China: New data and genetic implications. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2012, 90-91, 72-99.
[45] Shifeng Dai, Yaofa Jiang, Colin R. Ward, Landing Gu, Vladimir V. Seredin, Huidong Liu,Dao Zhou, Xibo Wang, Yuzhuang Sun, Jianhua Zou, Deyi Ren. Mineralogical and geochemical compositions of the coal in the Guanbanwusu Mine, Inner Mongolia, China:Further evidence for the existence of an Al (Ga and REE) ore deposit in the JungarCoalfield. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2012, 98, 10–40.
[46] Luis F.O. Silva, André Jasper, Maria L. Andrade, Carlos H. Sampaio, Shifeng Dai, XiaoLi, Tian Li, Weimei Chen, Xibo Wang, Huidong Liu, Lixin Zhao, Shelley G. Hopps,Robert F. Jewell, James C. Hower. Applied investigation on the interaction of hazardous elements binding on ultrafine and nanoparticles in Chinese anthracite-derived fly ash.Science of The Total Environment. 2012, 419, 250-264.
[47] Vladimir V Seredin, Shifeng Dai. Coal deposits as potential alternative sources forlanthanides and yttrium. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2012, 94, 67-93.
[48] Xibo Wang, Shifeng Dai, Chen-lin Chou, Mingquan Zhang, Jumin Wang, Xiaolin Song,Wei Wang, Yaofa Jiang, Yiping Zhou, Deyi Ren. Mineralogy and geochemistry of Late Permian coals from the Taoshuping Mine, YunnanProvince, China: Evidences for the sources of minerals. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2012, 96-97, 49-59.
[49] Shifeng Dai, Xibo Wang, Yiping Zhou, James C. Hower, Dahua Li, Wenmei Chen,Xingwei Zhu, Jianhua Zou. Chemical and mineralogical compositions of silicic, mafic, and alkali tonsteins in the late Permian coals from theSongzao Coalfield, Chongqing, Southwest China. Chemical Geology. 2011, 282, 29-44.
[50] Vincent Ceri J., Poulsen Niels E., Rongshu Zeng, Shifeng Dai, Mingyuan Li, Guosheng Ding. Evaluation of carbon dioxide storage potential for the Bohai Basin, north-east China.International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control.2011, 5(3): 598-603.
[51] Xibo Wang, Shifeng Dai, Yingying Sun, Dan Li, Weiguo Zhang, Yong Zhang, Yangbing Luo. Modes of occurrence of fluorine in the Late Paleozoic No. 6 coal from the HaerwusuSurface Mine, Inner Mongolia, China. Fuel. 2011, 90, 248–254.
[52] Xibo Wang, Shifeng Dai, Deyi Ren, Jianye Yang. Mineralogy and geochemistry of Al-hydroxide/oxyhydroxide mineral-bearing coals of Late Paleozoic age from the Weibeicoalfield, southeastern Ordos Basin, North China. Applied Geochemistry. 2011, 26, 1086–1096.
[53] Shifeng Dai, Lei Zhao, Suping Peng, Chen-Lin Chou, Xibo Wang, Yong Zhang, Dan Li,Yingying Sun. Abundances and distribution of minerals and elements in high-alumina coal fly ash from the Jungar Power Plant, Inner Mongolia, China. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2010, 81: 320–332.
[54] Shifeng Dai, Xibo Wang, Wenmei Chen, Dahua Li, Chen-Lin Chou, Yiping Zhou,Changsheng Zhu, Hang Li, Xingwei Zhu, Yunwei Xing, Weiguo Zhang, Jianhua Zou. A high-pyrite semianthracite of Late Permian age in the Songzao Coalfield, southwestern China: Mineralogical and geochemical relations with underlying mafic tuffs. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2010,83, 430–445.
[55] Shifeng Dai, Yiping Zhou, Mingquan Zhang, Xibo Wang, Jumin Wang, Xiaolin Song,Yaofa Jiang, Yangbing Luo, Zhentao Song, Zong Yang, Deyi Ren. A new type of Nb(Ta)-Zr(Hf)-REE-Ga polymetallic deposit in the late Permian coal-bearing strata, eastern Yunnan, southwestern China: Possible economic significance and genetic implications.International Journal of Coal Geology. 2010, 83, 55–63.
[56] Tieguan Wang, Shifeng Dai, Meijun Li, Weibiao Zhang, Nansheng Qiu, Guangli Wang.Stratigraphic thermohistory and its implications for regional geoevolution in the Tarim Basin, NW China. Scienc China Earth Sciences. 2010, 53(10), 1495-1505.
[57] Ceri Vincent, Shifeng Dai, Wenying Chen, Rongshu Zeng, Guosheng Ding, Ruina Xu,Thomas Vangkilde-Pedersen, Finn Dalhoff. Carbon dioxide storage options for the COACH project in the Bohai Basin, China. Energy Procedia. 2009, 1,2785-2792.
Shifeng Dai, Chen-Lin Chou. Preface. Proceedings of the 23rd annual meeting of The Society for Organic Petrology. International Journal of Coal Geology. 2008, 73, 1–2.
[58] Shifeng Dai, Dan Li, Chen-Lin Chou, Lei Zhao, Yong Zhang, Deyi Ren, Yuwen Ma, Yingying Sun. Mineralogy and geochemistry of boehmite-rich coals: New insights from the Haerwusu Surface Mine, Jungar Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China. International Journal of Coal Geology.2008, 74, 185–202.
[59] Shifeng Dai, Deyi Ren, Yiping Zhou, Chen-Lin Chou, Xibo Wang, Lei Zhao, Xingwei Zhu.Mineralogy and geochemistry of a superhigh-organic-sulfur coal, Yanshan Coalfield, Yunnan,China: Evidence for a volcanic ash component and influence by submarine exhalation.Chemical Geology. 2008, 255, 182-194.
[60] Shifeng Dai, Linwei Tian, Chen-Lin Chou, Yiping Zhou, Mingquan Zhang, Lei Zhao,Jumin Wang, Zong Yang, Hongzhi Cao, Deyi Ren. Mineralogical and compositional characteristics of Late Permian coals from an area of high lung cancer rate in Xuanwei,Yunnan, China: Occurrence and origin of quartz and chamosite. International Journal ofCoal Geology. 2008, 76, 318–327.
[61] Linwei Tian, Shifeng Dai, Jianfang Wang, Yunchao Huang, Suzanne C Ho, Yiping Zhou,Donald Lucas, Catherine P Koshland. Nanoquartz in Late Permian C1 coal and the high incidence of female lung cancer in the Pearl River Origin area: a retrospective cohort study.BMC Public Health. 2008: 398.
[62] Shifeng Dai, Chen-Lin Chou. Occurrence and origin of minerals in a chamosite-bearing coal of Late Permian age, Zhaotong, Yunnan, China. American Mineralogist. 2007, 92: 1253-1261.
[63] Shifeng Dai, Deyi Ren. Effects of magmatic intrusion on mineralogy and geochemistry of coals from the Fengfeng-Handan Coalfield, Hebei, China. Energy & Fuels. 2007, 21(3): 1663 –1673.
[64] Shifeng Dai, Deyi Ren, Shengsheng Li, Lei Zhao, Yong Zhang. Coal facies evolution of the main minable coal-bed in the Heidaigou Mine, Jungar Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, northern China. Science in China D: Earth Sciences. 2007, 50 (Supp. II): 144-152.
[65] Shifeng Dai, Weiwei Li, Yuegang Tang, Yong Zhang, Peng Feng. The sources, pathway, and preventive measures for fluorosis in Zhijin County, Guizhou, China. Applied Geochemistry.2007, 22: 1017–1024.
Dai, S., Wang, X., Zhao, L., 2017.《Mineral Matter and Trace Elements in Coal》, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), ISBN: 978‐3‐03842‐622‐6. 382 pp.
主要成员:代世峰 赵蕾 王西勃 王佩佩魏强 解盼盼 郑雪 刘晶晶 邹建华 严晓云 郭文牧 张思雨 许亚光 王磊 王振 何鑫 刘鑫 单康华 杨超 段飘飘 韩秋婵 赵书茂
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-28
姓名张丹性别男出生年月1964年10月籍贯民族汉族政治面貌群众最后学历博士研究生最后学位技术职称教授导师类别博导行政职务无Email工作单位邮政编码通讯地址单位电话个人主页个人简介1 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-余科根
姓名余科根性别男出生年月1962年12月籍贯抚州民族汉族政治面貌群众最后学历博士研究生最后学位工学博士技术职称教授导师类别博、硕导行政职务无Emailkegen.yu@foxmail.com工作单位环境与测绘学院邮政编码221116通讯地址徐州市泉山区大学路1号单位电话**个人主页个人简介余科根教授 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-汪寿阳
姓名汪寿阳性别男出生年月1958年7月籍贯民族政治面貌最后学历博士研究生毕业最后学位技术职称教授导师类别博导行政职务Email工作单位邮政编码通讯地址单位电话个人主页个人简介发展中国家科学院院士、国际系统与控制科学院院士、国家****基金获得者、教育部长江计划****、中国科学院杰出研究员 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-袁狄平
姓名袁狄平性别男出生年月1969年9月籍贯民族汉族政治面貌中共党员最后学历硕士研究生最后学位理学硕士技术职称教授导师类别博、硕导行政职务Emailyuandp@szsti.org工作单位安全工程学院邮政编码221116通讯地址安全工程学院单位电话**个人主页个人简介袁狄平,男,1969年生,教授,入 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-曹天杰
姓名曹天杰性别男出生年月1967年12月籍贯民族汉族政治面貌群众最后学历博士研究生最后学位工学博士技术职称教授导师类别硕导行政职务Emailtjcao@cumt.edu.cn工作单位中国矿业大学计算机学院邮政编码221116通讯地址中国矿业大学南湖校区单位电话**个人主页个人简介曹天杰,男,1967 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-祝京旭
姓名祝京旭性别男出生年月1960年4月籍贯吴县民族汉族政治面貌群众最后学历博士研究生最后学位工学博士技术职称教授导师类别博导行政职务无Email工作单位邮政编码通讯地址单位电话个人主页个人简介祝京旭,1960年生于北京、祖籍江苏吴县。1982年,在清华大学获化学工程学士学位,1984年赴加拿大不列颠 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-陈宁
姓名陈宁性别男出生年月1970年1月籍贯民族汉族政治面貌中共党员最后学历最后学位技术职称教授导师类别硕导行政职务Email工作单位邮政编码通讯地址单位电话个人主页个人简介陈宁,男,1970年1月生,博士、教授,江苏省青蓝工程中青年学术带头人。2008-2010赴加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学留学。现主要从事新 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-陈更林
姓名陈更林性别男出生年月1963年9月籍贯浙江临海市民族汉族政治面貌群众最后学历硕士研究生毕业最后学位技术职称副教授导师类别硕导行政职务Emailccglcumt@126.com工作单位中国矿业大学邮政编码221116通讯地址泉山区大学路一号单位电话**个人主页个人简介陈更林,男,1963年9月,副 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-陈增强
姓名陈增强性别男出生年月1968年6月籍贯南宫市民族汉族政治面貌中共党员最后学历大学毕业最后学位技术职称副教授导师类别硕导行政职务无Emailchenzq90@163.com工作单位化工学院邮政编码221116通讯地址江苏徐州中国矿业大学南湖校区单位电话**个人主页个人简介陈增强,男,1968年6月 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28中国矿业大学导师教师师资介绍简介-陈世其
姓名陈世其性别男出生年月1973年9月籍贯贵州思南县民族土家族政治面貌中共党员最后学历博士研究生毕业最后学位工学博士技术职称讲师导师类别硕导行政职务Emailchenshqcumt@163.com工作单位中国矿业大学机电学院邮政编码221116通讯地址徐州市大学路1号单位电话个人主页个人简介陈世其男 ...中国矿业大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-28