2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:Lévy噪声驱动的随机偏微分方程的若干问题(**,2018.01-2021.12)
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:Lévy过程驱动的随机偏微分方程的遍历性及相关问题(**, 2013.01-2016.12)
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:随机偏微分方程中一些前沿问题的研究(**,2010.01-2012.12)
5. 江苏省“333工程”科研项目(江苏省委组织部):随机动力系统中若干问题的研究(2007-2010)
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:随机分析中若干问题的研究(**,2007.01-2009.12)
7. 江苏省自然科学基金:随机微分方程的研究(BK**, 2006-2008)
8. 江苏省“六大人才高峰”科研项目(江苏省人事厅):随机微分方程及其在数理金融和数学物理中的应用(06-A-038,2006.12-2008.12)
9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:可积系统的显式解法及其在非线性随机波中的应用(**, 2005.01-2007.12)
10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:随机过程论中若干问题的研究(**, 2000.01-2002.12)
13.江苏省委组织部:江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”第二层次培养人选(1998-2003, 2003-2007)
14.中共江苏省委教育工委: 江苏省高等学校1996—1999年度优秀共产党员(1999)
1.Li, Shihu; Xie, YingchaoAveraging principle for stochastic 3D fractional Leray-\alpha model with a fast oscillation. Stoch. Anal. Appl.38 (2020), 248–276.
2.Liu, Wei; R?ckner, Michael; Sun, Xiaobin; Xie, YingchaoAveraging principle for slow-fast stochastic differential equations with time dependent locally Lipschitz coefficients.J. Differential Equations268 (2020), 2910–2948.
3.Sun, Xiaobin;Xie, Longjie; Xie, Yingchao; Derivative formula for the Feynman-Kac semigroup of SDEs driven by rotationally invariant α-stable process.Statist. Probab. Lett.158 (2020), 108664, 8 pp.
4.Hu, Yaozhong; Nualart, David; Sun, Xiaobin; Xie, YingchaoSmoothness of density for stochastic differential equations with Markovian switching. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser.B24 (2019), 3615–3631.
5.Li, Shihu; Liu, Wei; Xie, YingchaoLarge deviations for stochastic 3D Leray-α model with fractional dissipation. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal.18 (2019), 2491–2510.
6.Sun, Xiaobin; Xie, Yingchao; Xu, Lihu Exponential mixing for SPDEs driven by highly degenerate Lévy noises. Illinois J. Math.63 (2019), 75–102.
7.Li, Shihu; Liu, Wei; Xie, YingchaoErgodicity of 3D Leray-α model with fractional dissipation and degenerate stochastic forcing. Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top.22 (2019), no. 1, **, 20 pp.
8.Li, Shihu; Liu, Wei; Xie, YingchaoExponential mixing for stochastic 3D fractional Leray-α model with degenerate multiplicative noise. Appl. Math. Lett.95 (2019), 1–6.
9.Li, Yueling; Xie, Longjie; Xie, YingchaoWell-posedness of SDEs with drifts in mixed-norm spaces and driven by mixed-noises. J. Differential Equations266 (2019), 2638–2665.
10.Chen, Peng; Song, Renming; Xie, Longjie; Xie, YingchaoHeat kernel estimates for Dirichlet fractional Laplacian with gradient perturbation. J. Korean Math.Soc.56 (2019), 91–111.
11.Sun, Xiaobin; Xie, YingchaoSmooth densities for SDEs driven by subordinated Brownian motion with Markovian switching. Front. Math. China13 (2018), 1447–1467.
12.R?ckner, Michael; Wu, Weina; Xie, YingchaoStochastic porous media equation on general measure spaces with increasing Lipschitz nonlinearities.Stochastic Process. Appl.128 (2018), 2131–2151.
13.Song, Yulin; Xie, YingchaoExistence of density functions for the running maximum of a Lévy-It? diffusion.Potential Anal.48 (2018), 35–48.
14.Xie, Yingchao; Zhang, Xicheng Stochastic integrals and BDG's inequalities in Orlicz-type spaces. Stochastic Process. Appl.127 (2017), 3228–3250.
15.Sun, Xiaobin; Xie, YingchaoPoincaré-type inequality and integration by parts formula for non-symmetrical dissipative stochastic systems driven by Lévy noise. J. Systems Sci. Math. Sci.36 (2016), 248–266.
16.Zhu, Hong; Xie, Yingchao; Xu, Maochao Discrete truncated power-law distributions. Aust. N. Z. J. Stat.58 (2016), 197–209.
17.Li, Yueling;Xie, Yingchao; Zhang, Xicheng Large deviation principle for stochastic heat equation with memory. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.35 (2015), 5221–5237.
18.Hu, Bing; Sun, Xiaobin; Xie, YingchaoKolmogorov operator and Fokker-Planck equation associated to a stochastic Burgers equation driven by Lévy noise. Illinois J. Math.58 (2014), 167–205.
19.Xie, Yingchao; Zhang, Qi; Zhang, Xicheng Probabilistic approach for semi-linear stochastic fractal equations.Stochastic Process. Appl.124 (2014), 3948–3964.
20.Sun, Xiaobin; Xie, YingchaoErgodicity of stochastic dissipative equations driven by α-stable process. Stoch. Anal. Appl.32 (2014), 61–76.
21.Li, Yueling; Lü, Hongfeng; Sun, Xiaobin;Xie, YingchaoExponential behaviour of stochastic 2D Navier-Stokes equations driven by Lévy noise.Chinese J. Appl. Probab. Statist.29 (2013), 151–166.
22.Li, Yueling; Sun, Xiaobin; Xie, YingchaoFokker-Planck equations and maximal dissipativity for Kolmogorov operators for SPDE driven by Lévy noise.Potential Anal.38 (2013), 381–396.
23.Dong Zhao,Xie Yingchao, Ergodicity of stochastic 2D Navier-Stokes equation with Lévy noise. J. Differential Equations251 (2011), 196–222.
24.Xie Yingchao, Poincaré inequality for linear SPDE driven by Lévy noise. Stochastic Process. Appl.120 (2010) 1950–1965.
25.Xie Yingchao, The random attractors of stochastic Duffing-van der Pol equations with jumps. Chinese J. Appl. Probab. Statist.26 (2010) 9–23.
26.Dong Zhao,Xie Yingchao, Ergodicity of linear SPDE driven by Lévy noise. J. Syst. Sci. Complex.23 (2010) 137–152.
27.Dong Zhao,Xie Yingchao, Global solutions of stochastic 2D Navier-Stokes equations with Lévy noise. Sci. China Ser. A52 (2009) 1497–1524.
28.HanXiu,Xie Yingchao, Hyperbolic white noise functional solutions of Wick-type stochastic compound KdV-Burgers equations. Chaos Solitons Fractals39 (2009) 1715–1720.
29.Xiao Xiaoqing,Xie Yingchao, Convergence theorems for limit processes of integrated errors of a semimartingale sequence.(Chinese) Chinese J.Appl. Probab. Statist.24 (2008) 561–573.
30.Dong Zhao,Xie Yingchao, Approximation of Lyapunov exponents of nonlinear stochastic systems with jumps.(Chinese) Acta Math. Appl. Sin.30 (2007) 23–34.
31.Chen Bin,Xie Yingchao, New solutions for the Wick-type 2-dimensional stochastic compound KdV equations. Chaos Solitons Fractals33 (2007)864–869.
32.Chen Bin,Xie Yingchao, Periodic-like solutions of variable coefficient and Wick-type stochastic NLS equations.J. Comput. Appl. Math.203 (2007) 249–263.
33.Chen Bin,Xie Yingchao, Exact solutions of the Wick-type stochastic mKP equation.Chaos Solitons Fractals31 (2007) 173–178.
34.Xie, Yingchao, On the estimation of smooth densities for Poisson functionals. Chinese J. Appl. Probab. Statist.22(2006)89-101.
35.Sun Xinxiu,Xie, Yingchao, Adapted solutions and comparison theorem of a class of BSDE with jumps under non-time-homogeneous and non-Lipschitz conditions. (Chinese) Acta Math. Appl. Sin.29 (2006) 688–698.
36.Chen Bin,Xie, Yingchao, White noise functional solutions of Wick-type stochastic generalized Hirota-Satsuma coupled KdV equations. J. Comput. Appl. Math.197 (2006) 345–354.
37.Xie, Yingchao, Convergence of stochastic integrals with respect to Hilbert-valued semimartingales.J. Math. Soc. Japan57 (2005) 735–751.
38.Xie, Yingchao, Exact solutions for the Wick-type stochastic 2-dimensional KdV equations with dissipation. Phys. Lett. A340 (2005) 403–410.
39.Chen Bin,Xie, Yingchao, Exact solutions for Wick-type stochastic coupled Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations. J. Phys. A 38 (2005) 815–822.
40.Chen Bin,Xie, Yingchao, Exact solutions for generalized stochastic Wick-type KdV-mKdV equations.Chaos Solitons Fractals23 (2005) 281–287.
41.Chen Bin,Xie, Yingchao, An auto-B?cklund transformation and exact solutions of stochastic Wick-type Sawada-Kotera equations.Chaos Solitons Fractals23 (2005) 243–248.
42.Xie, Yingchao, Exact solutions for Wick-type stochastic coupled KdV equations. Phys. Lett. A327 (2004) 174–179.
43.Xie, Yingchao, An auto-B?cklund transformation and exact solutions for Wick-type stochastic generalized KdV equations. J. Phys.A 37 (2004) 5229–5236.
44.Xie, Yingchao, Exact solutions of the Wick-type stochastic Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations. Chaos Solitons Fractals21 (2004) 473–480.
45.Xie, Yingchao, Vague convergence of semimartingale random measures. Stochastic Anal. Appl.22 (2004) 315–332.
46.Xie, Yingchao, On the estimations of smooth densities for integro-differential operators. Stochastic Anal. Appl.22 (2004) 211–236.
47.Xie, Yingchao, Positonic solutions for Wick-type stochastic KdV equations. Chaos Solitons Fractals20 (2004) 337–342.
48.Xie, Yingchao, Exact solutions for stochastic mKdV equations. Chaos Solitons Fractals19 (2004) 509–513.
49.Xie, Yingchao, Approximation of upper Lyapunov exponents of linear SDE with jumps.Chinese J. Appl. Probab. Statist.19 (2003) 176–186.
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