姓 名 郑玉龙 出生年月 1988.05
政治面貌 中共党员 最高学位 博士
职 称 教授 任职年月 2020.6
职 务 任职年月
所在学科 土木工程 博导/硕导 硕导
本科 2007.09至2011.07 河南科技大学 土木工程
2010.04至2011.03 九州工业大学(日本) 土木与建筑工程
硕士 2011.10至2013.03 九州工业大学(日本) 土木与建筑工程
博士 2013.04至2016.03 九州工业大学(日本) 土木与建筑工程
◇ 日本土木学会会员 ◇ 日本混凝土工学会:混凝土技士资格证书
◇ 日本技术士会:技术士第一次考试通过 ◇ 参与“ACI Structural Journal”的审稿工作等
研究领域 ◇ 混凝土结构劣化分析 ◇ 结合岩土模型的土木结构大规模有限元解析 ◇ 核电站隧道结构抗震设计 ◇ 海洋发电结构设计与研究 ◇ 土木工程CIM方向 (Construction Information Modeling/Management)
1.Detailed investigation of damage mechanizm of the bridge due to Great East Japan Earthquake, 2012/04 – 2016/03, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A),¥46,020,000(JPY), 参与
2.Fracture mechanism of stirrups suffering ASR damage,2013/04–2015/03, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research,¥4,030,000(JPY), 参与
杂志论文(Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals)
[1]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K., Yasuo, F. and Kusano, M, “Estimation of Effective Prestress based on Stress-releasing Method and FEM Analysis of the Method”, Journal of Structural Engineering. A, Jpan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 58A, pp. 599-610, Mar. 2012
[2]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K., Shimizu, H. and Fu, L., “Damage to Structures in Rikuzentakata Region due to Tsunami”, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 811-816, Jun. 2012
[3]Fu, L., Kosa, K., Shimizu, H. and Zheng, Y., “Damage to Structures due To Tsunami and Evaluation of Tsunami Velocity in Shizugawa”, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 805-810, Jun. 2012
[4]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Sasaki, T., “Damage Analysis of Bridges Due to Tsunami”, Proceedings of the Symposium on Developments in Prestressed Concrete, Japan Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol. 21, pp. 35-40, Oct. 2012
[5]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Sasaki, T., “Tsunami damage analysis for bridges in Shizugawa area”, Journal of Structural Engineering. A, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 59A, pp. 439-449, Mar. 2013
[6]Sasaki, T., Kosa, K. and Zheng, Y., “Damage analysis of bridge based on the ratio of resistance force of the girder and acting force of the tsunami”, Journal of Structural Engineering. A, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 59A, pp. 417-427, Mar. 2013
[7]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Sasaki, T., “Evaluation of Bridge Outflows due to Great Tsunami”, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 841-846, Jun. 2013
[8]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K., Uehara, N. and Wang, J., “Evaluation for Deformation of Stirrups in ASR-simulation Specimens”, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 1126-1131, Jun. 2014
[9]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Uehara, N., “Evaluation for ASR-induced Degradation through FEM Simulations”, Proceedings of the Symposium on Developments in Prestressed Concrete, Japan Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol. 23rd, pp. 229-234, Oct. 2014
[10]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K., Uehara, N. and Wang, J., “Experimental Simulations of Structures suffering ASR-induced Damage”, Journal of Structural Engineering. A, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 61A, pp. 683-693, Mar. 2015
[11]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Uehara, N., “Experimental and Analytical Evaluations of ASR-induced Damage”, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 589-594, Jun. 2015
[12]Uezono, Y., Kosa, K., Uehara, N. and Zheng, Y., “Evaluation for Variation of Prestress in PC beam suffering ASR”, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 595-600, Jun. 2015
[13]Uezono, Y., Kosa, K., Zheng, Y. and Uehara, N., “Evaluation for ASR-induced Degradation in PC beam based on FEM Analysis”, Proceedings of the Symposium on Developments in Prestressed Concrete, Japan Prestressed Concrete Institute, Vol. 24th, pp. 267-272, Oct. 2015
[14]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Uehara, N., “Analytical Evaluation of Movement Behavior for Specimens Simulating ASR”, Journal of Structural Engineering. A, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 62A, pp. 814-826, Mar. 2016
[15]Uezono, Y., Kosa, K., Zheng, Y. and Yano, Y., “Analytical Evaluation of Deformation Behavior for PC Structures Deteriorated by ASR”, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute, Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 38, No.1, pp. 699-704, Jun. 2016
[16]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Uehara, N., “Evaluation of Stirrup Ruptures Through Experimental and Analytical Simulations of ASR Expansion”, Journal of JSCE, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 5 Issue 1, pp. 402-421, 2017
会议论文(Papers in Conference Proceedings)
[17]Zheng, Y. and Kosa, K., “Estimation of effective prestress in PC slab based on FEM analysis”, 14th DIANA Users Meeting, JIP Techno Science Corporation, Vol. 14, 12 pages, Dec. 2010
[18]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K., Yasuo, F. and Shimizu, H., “Estimation for Effective Prestress in PC Slabs of Kanmon Roadway Tunnel”, 66th Annual Conference of JSCE, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 66, pp. 203-204, Sep. 2011
[19]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K., Shimizu, H. and Fu, L., “Damage to Structures in Rikuzentakata Region Due to Tsunami”, 2012 Annual Workshop of West Section, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 23, pp. 737-738, Mar. 2012
[20]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Fu, L., “Evaluation for Outflow of Girder due to Tsunami”, 67th Annual Conference of JSCE, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 67, pp. 57-58, Sep. 2012
[21]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Sasaki, T., “Tsunami Propagation Analysis in Shizugawa District based on Recorded Videos”, Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Ductility Design Method for Bridges, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 15, pp. 81-88, Jul. 2012
[22]Sasaki, T., Kosa, K. and Zheng, Y., “Damage Evaluations on Bridges based on Ratio of Resistance and Tsunami Impact Force”, Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Ductility Design Method for Bridges, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 15, pp. 89-96, Jul. 2012
[23]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Sasaki, T., “Analysis of Bridge Girder Outflows due to Great Tsunami”, 2013 Annual Workshop of West Section, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 24, pp. 85-86, Mar. 2013
[24]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K., Uehara, N. and Wang, J., “Evaluation for Fracture of Rebar Due to ASR Expansion”, 68th Annual Conference of JSCE, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 68, pp. 1021-1022, Sep. 2013
[25]Wang, J., Kosa, K., Uehara, N. and Zheng, Y., “An Experiment of Simulating the Stirrup Fracture due to ASR”, 68th Annual Conference of JSCE, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 68, pp. 1023-1024, Sep. 2013
[26]Wang, J., Kosa, K., Uehara, N. and Zheng, Y., “Deterioration Behaviors in Exterior and Interior of Concrete Specimens Damaged by ASR”, The Seventh International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions-Environment and Loading, Vol. 7, 9 pages, Sep. 2013
[27]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K., Uehara, N. and Wang, J., “Experimental and Analytical Simulations of Structures Suffering ASR-induced Damage”, 16th DIANA Users Meeting, JIP Techno Science Corporation, Vol. 16, 12 pages, Dec. 2013
[28] Wang, J., Kosa, K., Uehara, N. and Zheng, Y., “Evaluation for Movements of Stirrups Due to ASR Expansion”, 2014 Annual Workshop of West Section, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 25, pp. 689-690, Mar. 2014
[29]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Uehara, N., “Evaluation of Damage Conditions in ASR-Affected Structures”, 69th Annual Conference of JSCE, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 69, pp. 973-974, Sep. 2014
[30]Wang, J., Kosa, K., Uehara, N. and Zheng, Y., “Evaluation for External and Internal Damages induced by ASR”, 69th Annual Conference of JSCE, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 69, pp. 975-976, Sep. 2014
[31]Uezono, Y., Kosa, K., Uehara, N. and Zheng, Y., “Analytical Evaluations on Deterioration Behavior of PC beam”, 17th DIANA Users Meeting, JIP Techno Science Corporation, Vol. 17, 8 pages, Dec. 2014
[32]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Uehara, N., “Deformation Behavior of Structures suffering ASR-induced Damage”, 2015 Annual Workshop of West Section, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 26, pp. 639-640, Mar. 2015
[33]Zheng, Y., Kosa, K. and Uehara, N., “Simulations for Deformation Behavior of Structures due to ASR”, 70th Annual Conference of JSCE, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 70, pp. 1089-1090, Sep. 2015
[34]Uezono, Y., Kosa, K. and Zheng, Y. and Uehara, N., “Evaluation of Degradation due to ASR for PC Specimen by Analytical Simulations”, 18th DIANA Users Meeting, JIP Techno Science Corporation, Vol. 18, 10 pages, Oct. 2015
联系方式 Email:zylcivil@ujs.edu.cn
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本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-13
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