姓 名 刘金兴 出生年月 1979.06
政治面貌 群众 最高学位 博士
职 称 教授 任职年月 2013.11
职 务 无 任职年月 无
所在学科 力学 博导/硕导 博导、硕导
1998年-2002年,中国科学技术大学力学与机械工程系, 本科
2002年-2007年,中国科学院力学研究所, 博士
担任Proceedings of Royal Society A,Composite B, Acta Mechanica,Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids,International Journal of Fracture,Applied Nanoscience等杂志的审稿人。
美国Society of Engineering Science会员。
主讲课程 本科生:弹性力学、工程力学、材料力学、理论力学
1. Zhao Z.Y., Liu J.X., Soh A.K. On the Da Vinci size effect in tensile strengths of nanowires: A molecular dynamics study. AIP Advances, 2018. 8(1): p. 015315.
2. Liu J.X. Simulating quasi-brittle failures including damage-induced softening based on the mechanism of stress redistribution. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018. 55: p. 685-697.
3. Liu J.X., Wang W., Zhao Z.Y., Soh A.K. On elastic and plastic length scales in strain gradient plasticity. Vol. 61. 2017. 275-282.
4. Liu J., Soh A.K. Strain gradient elasto-plasticity with a new Taylor-based yield function. Acta Mechanica, 2016. 227(10): p. 1-18.
5. Liu J., Soh A.K. Gradient-type modeling of the effects of plastic recovery and surface passivation in thin films. Modelling & Simulation in Materials Science & Engineering, 2016. 24(6): p. 065001.
6. Xu J., Liu J., Rajendran S. A hybrid `FE-Meshfree' QUAD4 element with nonlocal features. 2015: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. 317-329.
7. Liu J.X. Analysis of surface effects on the deformation of a nanovoid in an elasto-plastic material. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015. 39(17): p. 5091-5104.
8. Mora A., Liu J.X., El-Sayed T. Constitutive modeling of void-growth-based tensile ductile failures with stress triaxiality effects. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2014. 38(13): p. 3212-3221.
9. Liu J.X., Soh A.K. Bridging strain gradient elasticity and plasticity toward general loading histories. Mechanics of Materials, 2014. 78: p. 11-21.
10. Liu J.X., El-Sayed T. A variational constitutive model for the distribution and interactions of multi-sized voids. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2014. 23(1): p. 124-152.
11. Liu J.X., El-Sayed T. A strain gradient plasticity theory with application to wire torsion. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2014. 24(4).
12. Liu J.X., Demiral M., El-Sayed T. Taylor-plasticity-based analysis of length scale effects in void growth. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2014. 22(7).
13. Liu J.X., El-Sayed T. A quasi-static algorithm that includes effects of characteristic time scales for simulating failures in brittle materials. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2013. 23(1): p. 83-103.
14. Liu J.X., El-Sayed T. Constitutive modeling of rate dependence and microinertia effects in porous-plastic materials with multi-sized voids (MSVs). Modelling Simul.mater.sci.eng, 2012. 21(1): p. 15001-15025(25).
15. Liu J.X., El-Sayed T. On the Load–Unload (L–U) and Force–Release (F–R) Algorithms for Simulating Brittle Fracture Processes via Lattice Models. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2011. 21(7): p. 960-988.
16. Liu J.X., Chen Z.T., Wang H., Li K.C. Elasto-plastic analysis of influences of bond deformability on the mechanical behavior of fiber networks. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2011. 55(2): p. 131-139.
17. Liu J.X., Chen Z.T., Li K.C. A 2-D lattice model for simulating the failure of paper. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2010. 54(1): p. 1-10.
18. Liu J.X., Liang N.G. Algorithm for simulating fracture processes in concrete by lattice modeling. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2009. 52(1): p. 26-39.
19. Zhang J., Liang N.G., Deng S.C., Liu J.X., Liu X.Y., Fu Q. Study of the Damage-induced Anisotropy of Quasi-brittle Materials using the Component Assembling Model. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2008. 17(3): p. 197-221.
20. Liu J.X., Zhao Z.Y., Deng S.C., Liang N.G. Modified generalized beam lattice model associated with fracture of reinforced fiber/particle composites. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2008. 50(2): p. 132-141.
21. Liu J.X., Zhao Z.Y., Deng S.C., Liang N.G. Numerical investigation of crack growth in concrete subjected to compression by the generalized beam lattice model. Computational Mechanics, 2008. 43(2): p. 277-295.
22. Liu J.X., Zhao Z.Y., Deng S.C., Liang N.G. A simple method to simulate shrinkage-induced cracking in cement-based composites by lattice-type modeling. Computational Mechanics, 2008. 43(4): p. 477-492.
23. Liu J.X., Deng S.C., Liang N.G. Comparison of the quasi-static method and the dynamic method for simulating fracture processes in concrete. Computational Mechanics, 2008. 41(5): p. 647-660.
24. Liu J.X., Deng S.C., Zhang J., Liang N.G. Lattice type of fracture model for concrete. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2007. 48(3): p. 269-284.
25. Deng S.C., Liu J.X., Liang N.G., Zhang J. Validation of component assembly model and extension to plasticity. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2007. 47(3): p. 244-259.
26. Deng S.C., Liu J.X., Liang N.G. Wedge and twist disclinations in second strain gradient elasticity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2007. 44(11-12): p. 3646-3665.
27. Deng S.C., Liu J.X., Zhang J., Liang N.G. Component assembling model and its application to quasi-brittle damage. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2006. 46(3): p. 232-242.
J.X. Liu, Z.Y. Zhao, N.G. Liang. Chapter 2: Numerical and theoretical analyses of tensile failure of shrunk cement-based composites. In: Computational Mechanics Research Trends (Ed., H.P. Berger). Nova publisher, 2010.
重要学术 活动
J.X. Liu, A.K. Soh. Strain gradient elasto-plasticity for micron-scale deformations. ICMM4, Berkeley, USA, 2015.
J.X. Liu, A.K. Soh. A thermodynamically-consistent strain gradient plasticity theory. IWCCM24, Madrid, Spain, 2014
J.X. Liu, El Sayed. Taylor-plasticity-based analysis of length-scale effects in void growth. USNCCM12, Raleigh, USA, 2013.
J.X. Liu, T. El-Sayed. Surface energy effects on growth of a nanovoid in a plastic material, IWBPO, Ankara, Turkey, 2012.
J.X. Liu, T. El-Sayed. Size effects in the nanovoid growth. SES2012, Atlanta, USA, 2012.
J.X. Liu, T. El-Sayed. Deformation of a nanovoid in the plastic medium and its implications, WCCM10, Sao Paulo, Brasil, 2012.
J.X. Liu, T. El-Sayed. Constitutive modeling of rate dependence and microinertia effects in porous-plastic materials with multi-sized Voids (MSV), IWCMM21, Limerick, Ireland, 2011.
J.X. Liu, T. El-Sayed. A new constitutive model for multi-sized-void porous plastic failure, USNCCM’11, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 2011.
J.X. Liu, S.C. Deng, N.G. Liang. Characteristics of mechanical responses in masonry structures. Chinese Congress of Mechanics, 2005, Beijing, China
J.X. Liu, S.C. Deng, N.G. Liang. Parameter calibration of 3D irregular lattice model, WCCM VI in conjunction with APCOM'04, Sept. 5-10, 2004, Beijing, China.
联系方式 tbjx68@hotmail.com
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-13
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