姓名 朱建国 出生年月 1973
政治面貌 党员 最高学位 博士
职称 教授 任职年月 201606
职务 研究院院长 任职年月 201710
所在学科 力学 博导/硕导 博导
2015.7--2015.8, 访问,英国焊接研究所
2008 副教授,江苏大学理学院
2003 讲师,江苏大学理学院
中国力学学会会员、江苏省力学学会理事,江苏省实验力学学会副主任委员,《实验力学》期刊编委,《Experimental Mechanics》、《Surface Coatings & Technology》、《Optics and Lasers in Engineering》、《Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters》等国内外期刊审稿人。
主讲课程 本科生:理论力学,材料力学,工程力学,实验力学等
研究领域 1、光测实验力学,包括数字图像相关法,云纹法,散斑干涉法等。
3、金属材料表面残余应力压痕测试方法研究(江苏省面上项目BK**, 2016.07-2019.06)
2、热障涂层失效行为的实验力学方法与技术研究(重点项目NSFC**, 2013-2017)
3、纳米压印光栅制备技术及其在金属激光冲击强化力学行为检测中的应用研究 (面上项目NSFC**, 2012-2015)
1、Qi Zhu, Wei He, Jianguo Zhu*, Yexin Zhou*, Lei Chen. Investigation on interfacial fracture toughness of plasma-sprayed TBCs using a three-point bending method, Surface and Coatings Technology,2018,353(15):75-83(SCI收录)
3、Zhu Q, He W, Chen L, Zhu JG*, Hao WF. Interfacial toughness evaluation of thermal barrier coatings by bending test, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2018,8(1):3-6
4、Hao WF*, Liu Y, Huang XR, Liu YH, Zhu JG*. A unit-cell model for predicting the elastic constants of 3D four directional cylindrical braided composite shafts. Applied Composite Materials, 2018, 25(3):619-633(SCI收录)
5、XR Huang, Y Liu, WF Hao*, YH Liu, JG Zhu*. Computational analysis of torsional bulking behavior of 3D 4-directional braided composites shafts. Applied Composite Materials, 2018,25(1):163-176.(SCI收录)
6、Qin Wei, Wenxin Wu, Wei He, Jianguo Zhu* and Jian Zhang*.3D Finite Element Simulation of Shot Peening Using A Sequential Model with Multiple-Shot Impacts. International Journal of Computational Methods, doi.10.1142/S02**372(SCI收录)
7、Wenjie Qian, Qi Zhu, Lei Chen, Jianguo Zhu*,Lens Distortion Correction for Micro-scale Digital Image Correlation,Proc. of SPIEVol. 10827, **,icOPEN 2018,doi: 10.1117/12.**(EI收录)
8、Hongguang Liu, Wenjie Qian, Lei Chen, Jianguo Zhu*,Strain Analysis of Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Cantilever Actuator using DIC Method,Proc. of SPIEVol. 10827, **,icOPEN 2018,doi: 10.1117/12.**(EI收录)
1、Hao WF*, Zhu JG*, Zhu Q, Chen L, Li LK. Displacement field denoising for high-temperature digital image correlation using principal component analysis. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2017, 24(10): 830-839.(SCI收录)
2、Yang G, He W, Zhu JG*, Chen L. Fabrication of micro-scale gratings by nanosecond laser and its applications for deformation measurements. Micromachines, 2017, 8(5):136(SCI收录)
1、Zhu JG*,Yan GS,He GL,Chen L, Fabrication and optimization of micro-scale speckle patterns for digital image correlation,Measurement Science & Technology, 2016, 27 015203 (SCI收录)
2、Wei Q, Zhu JG*, Chen W, Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of Plasma-Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings at High Temperature Determined by Ultrasonic Method,Journal of Thermal Spray Technology,2016,25(3):605-612 (SCI收录)
3、Hao WF*,Yuan Y N,Zhu J G*,Chen L,Effect of impact damage on the curved beam interlaminar strength of carbon/epoxy laminates,Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology,2016,30(11):1189-1200 (SCI收录)
4、Hao WF*,Zhu J G*,Zhu Q, and Yuan Y N. Study of matrix crack-tilted fiber bundle interaction using caustics and finite element method, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2016, 87, 023109 (SCI收录)
5、Hao WF*,Zhu J G*,Zhu Q, and Yuan Y N. Photoelastic analysis of matrix crack-tilted fiber bundle interaction. Polymer Testing, 2016,51, 106-108 (SCI收录)
6、Wu LF, Zhu J G*, Xie H M*,Zhou MM, Single-lens 3D digital image correlation system based on a bilateral telecentric lens and a bi-prism: Systematic error analysis and correction, Optics and Laser in Engineering,2016, 87:129-138.(SCI收录)
7、Yan, G.,Zhu JG*,Huang YL, Hao WF, Li YJ,Fabrication of micro-scale gratings for moiré method with a femtosecond laser. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2016, 6(4):171-175.
8、Wu LF, Zhu JG*, Xie HM*,Zhang Q, An Accurate Method for Shape Retrieval and Displacement Measurement using the Bi-prism-based Single Lens 3D Digital Image Correlation,Experimental Mechanics,2016, 56:1611-1624. (SCI收录)
1、Zhu JG, Xie HM* and Chen W. Simulation of residual stresses and their effects on thermal barrier coating systems using finite element method, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2015,58(3): 034602 (SCI收录)
2、Zhu JG*, Zhang BG. Experimental Measurement of Residual Stress on Thermal Spray Coatings with Moire Interferometry and Hole-drilling Method,Applied Mechanics and Materials,2015,Vol. 782:335-340
3、Wu LF, Zhu JG*, Xie HM* Investigation of residual stress in 2D plane weave aramid fibre composite plates using moiré interferometry and hole-drilling technique, Strain,2015, 51(6), 429-443 (SCI收录)
4、Wu LF, Zhu JG, Xie HM* Single-lens 3D digital image correlation system based on a bilateral telecentric lens and a bi-prism: validation and application. Applied Optics,2015, 54(26): 7842-7850 (SCI收录) 5、Chen W, Zhu JG*, Chai GL, Simulation of the effect of sintering and interface on the failure mechanism of thermal barrier coatings. Materials Science Forum, 2015, Vol.817: 764-777 (EI收录)
1、Zhu JG, Xie HM*, Li YJ, et al. Interfacial Residual Stress Analysis of Thermal Spray Coatings by Miniature Ring-Core Cutting Combined with DIC Method. Experimental Mechanics, 2014, 54: 127-136(SCI收录)
2、Wu LF, Zhu JG*, Xie HM*. Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Residual Stress in Thermal Barrier Coatings During APS Process. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2014, 23(4): 653-665(SCI收录)
3、Zhu JG*, Ma K. Microstructural and mechanical properties of thermal barrier coating at 1400oC treatment. Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett., 2014, 4: 7-021008(EI收录)
4、Zhu RH, Xie HM*, Zhu JG, Li YJ, Che ZG, Zou SK. A micro-scale strain rosette for residual stress measurement by SEM Moiré method. Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 2014, 57: 716-722(SCI收录)
5、Ma K, Xie HM*and Zhu JG, Two modified coherent gradient sensing methods for slope measurement of reflective surfaces. Meas. Sci. Technol.2014, **(SCI收录)
6、Wu Lifu, ZhuJianguoand Xie Huimin*, A modified virtual point model of the 3D DICtechnique using a single camera and abi-prism.Meas. Sci. Technol.2014,**(SCI收录)
7、Zhu Ronghua, Xie Huimin*, Dai Xianglu, Zhu Jianguoand Jin Aizi, Residual stress measurement in thin films using a slitting method with geometric phase analysis under a dual beam (FIB/SEM) system.Meas. Sci. Technol.2014,**(SCI收录)
1、Wang HX, Xie HM*, Dai XL, Zhu JG. Fabrication of a DIC sensor for in-plane deformation measurement. Measurement Science & Technology, 2013, 24: 065402(SCI收录)
2、Tang M J, Xie H M*, Zhu J G, Wu D. The failure mechanisms of TBC structure by moire interferometry. Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2013, 565: 142-147(SCI收录)
3、Ma K, Zhu J G, Xie H M*, Wang H X. Effect of porous microstructure on the elastic modulus of plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coatings: Experiment and numerical analysis. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, 235: 589-595(SCI收录)
4、Huang Y, Bu Y G, Zhou LD, Zhu JG, Shi HJ, Xie HM, Feng X*. Fatigue crack growth and propagation along the adhesive interface between fiber-reinforced composites. Eng Fract Mech, 2013, 110: 290-299(SCI收录)
5、朱建国,谢惠民,刘战伟, 热障涂层力学性能的实验测试方法研究进展. 力学学报,2013, 45(1):45-60(EI收录)
6、朱建国, 李艳杰, 王庆华, 谢惠民. 基于FIB的微观变形载体制作技术研究及应用. 实验力学, 2013, 28(2): 151-157
获奖情况 1、2018年“江苏省333工程”第三层次人才
2、一种高温云纹光栅的制作方法,国家发明专利(ZL8.4, 授权日期:2010,7)(排名第一)
3、一种制作云纹光栅的方法和纳米压印设备,国家发明专利(申请号:3.6, 授权日期:2012,2)(排名第二)
1、44thInternational Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films(ICMCTF2017), SenDiego, USA
2、Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2016 (ACEM 2016), Jeju, Korea
3、IUTAM Symposium on Advances of Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics, 2012,台湾
4、Inter.Conf.on Adv.Technol.in Exp.Mech.,2011(Kobe, Japan)
联系方式 Email: zhujg@ujs.edu.cn
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下一篇:唐 淳
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-13
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