姓 名 李建 出生年月 1989.09
政治面貌 中共党员 最高学位 博士
职 称 讲师 任职年月 2019.03
职 务 无 任职年月
所在学科 力学 博导/硕导
2012.09-2018.12 南京工业大学 机械与动力工程学院 化工过程机械 博士
2008.09-2012.06 南京工业大学 机械与动力工程学院 过程装备与控制工程 学士
2019.03-至今 江苏大学土木工程与力学学院 讲师
Applied Energy, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping等期刊审稿人
研究领域 结构完整性评估,材料的疲劳与断裂
[1] Jian Li, Chuan-Yi Su, Lei Lu, Peng Zhang, Le Chang, Xin-Ting Miao, Bin-Bin Zhou, Xiao-Hua He, Chang-Yu Zhou*. Investigation on fatigue crack growth behavior for commercial pure titanium at different crack tip plastic deformed levels. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 2019; 100: 1-13.
[2] Jian Li, Peng Zhang, Lei Lu, Fei Lv, Xin-Ting Miao, Le Chang, Bin-Bin Zhou, Xiao-Hua He, Chang-Yu Zhou*. Effect of pre-strain on fatigue crack growth behavior for commercial pure titanium at ambient temperature. International Journal of Fatigue 2018; 117: 27-38.
[3] Jian Li, Lei Lu, Peng Zhang, Xin-Ting Miao, Le Chang, Bin-Bin Zhou, Yuan-Zhe Wang, Xiao-Hua He, Chang-Yu Zhou*. Effect of cold creep on fatigue crack growth behavior for commercial pure titanium. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 2018; 97: 177-188.
[4] Jian Li, Chang-Yu Zhou*, Le Chang, Xin-Ting Miao, Xiao-Hua He. Limit loads for un-cracked and circumferential through-wall cracked pipe bends under torsion moment considering geometric nonlinearity. Thin-Walled Structures 2017; 116: 37-52.
[5] Jian Li, Chang-Yu Zhou*, Xin-Ting Miao, Le Chang, Xiao-Hua He. Plastic limit loads for pipe bends with circumferential through-wall crack under torsion moment. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2015; 100: 283-297.
[6] Jian Li, Chang-Yu Zhou*, Peng Cui, Xiao-Hua He. Plastic limit loads for pipe bends under combined bending and torsion moment. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2015; 92: 133-145.
[7] Jian Li, Chang-Yu Zhou*, Ji-Lin Xue, Xiao-Hua He. Limit loads for pipe bends under combined pressure and out-of-plane bending moment based on finite element analysis. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2014; 88: 100-109.
[8] Le Chang, Bin-Bin Zhou, Tian-Hao Ma, Jian Li, Xiao-Hua He, Chang-Yu Zhou*. Comparisons of low cycle fatigue behavior of CP-Ti under stress and strain-controlled modes in transverse direction. Materials Science and Engineering A 2019, 746: 27-40.
[9] Le Chang, Bin-Bin Zhou, Tian-Hao Ma, Jian Li, Xiao-Hua He, Chang-Yu Zhou*. The difference in low cycle fatigue behavior of CP-Ti under fully reversed strain and stress controlled modes along rolling direction. Materials Science and Engineering A 2019, 742: 211-223.
[10] Le Chang, Chang-Yu Zhou*, Hong-Xi Liu, Jian Li, Xiao-Hua He. Orientation and strain rate dependent tensile behavior of single crystal titanium nanowires by molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2018; 34(5): 864-877.
[11] Xin-Ting Miao, Qin Yu, Chang-Yu Zhou*, Jian Li, Yuan-Zhe Wang, Xiao-Hua He. Experimental and numerical investigation on fracture behavior of I-II mixed mode crack for commercially pure Titanium. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 2018; 96: 202-215.
[12] Xin-Ting Miao, Qin Yu, Chang-Yu Zhou*, Jian Li, Yuan-Zhe Wang, Xiao-Hua He. Experimental and numerical investigation on fracture behavior of CTS specimen under I-II mixed mode loading. European Journal of Mechanics/A Solids 2018; 72: 235-244.
[13] Shun-Jie Li, Chang-Yu Zhou*, Jian Li, Xiang-Ming Pan, Xiao-Hua He. Effect of bend angle on plastic limit loads of pipe bends under different load conditions. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2017; 131-132: 572-585.
1. 2018年11月,中国南京,参加2018年国际结构完整性会议 (2018 International Symposium on Structural Integrity-ISSI2018),做英文报告.
2. 2017年5月,英国曼彻斯特,参加第14届工程结构完整性评估暨2017国际结构完整性会议(Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment-ESIA14, in conjunction with the 2017 International Symposium on Structural Integrity-ISSI2017),做英文报告.
3. 2016年7月,加拿大温哥华,参加2016年美国机械工程师协会举办的国际压力容器与管道会议(The 2016 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference),做英文报告.
4. 2015年9月,中国上海,参加第14届国际压力容器技术会议(The 14th International Conference on Pressure Vessel and Technology),做英文报告.
联系方式 Email: lj66@ujs.edu.cn; lijan**@163.com
镇江市学府路301号84信箱 江苏大学土木工程与力学学院 212013
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江苏大学土木工程与力学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李 建
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-13
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