

江南大学 /2013-12-20

As a responsible teacher, Zhang guided a lot of student works, among which have won prizes of the “red dot” concept design award, iF design award, gold medal of LITE-ON award, first prize and second prize of National Colleges and Universities IT Innovation and Practice Activities Committee(NOC) Competition(industrial design category). Furthermore, Zhang won an outstanding instructor award in the NOC competition and Zhang once guided students through the State University program of innovative experimental projects.

6. 蒋晓 副教授  硕士生导师
交互设计  情感化与体验设计  计算机辅助工业设计 可用性与用户体验研究

7. 于帆  副教授
江南大学设计学院 副教授 硕士生导师
产品系统设计与管理 本土与本土化设计 感性设计
主持国家财政专项基金“人机工程实验室”建设项目、江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金项目、江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目、清华大学柒牌非物质 文化遗产研究项目,参与教育部2011人文社会科学规划基金项目、江苏省科学技术厅科技创新服务机构建设项目、中瑞跨文化研究合作项目、海峡两岸“传统与 现代的可持续设计”项目等纵向、横向科研项目和国内外外学术交流与合作教学项目。
Yu Fan  Vice Professor
School of Design, Jiangnan University   Vice Professor   Master Instructor
Main Research Field
Product System Design and Management, Localization Design Research, Emotional Design Research
brief introduction
Vice professor Yufan, graduated in Modeling Department, Wuxi Institute of Light Industry, once worked as a top designer in manufacturing enterprises and afterwards worked as a college professional design teacher for 20 years
Main Teaching areas: System Design, Design Management, Product Semantics, Product Design for both Undergraduates and postgraduates. Design foundation courses, design theories and cross design courses including Solid Modeling, Human Factor Engineering, Design Introduction, Design history, Graphic Design, Sketch, Color Design.
Projects: The National Special Fund project “Human Factor Engineering Laboratory”, Graduate Students’ Research and Innovation Plan of Jiangsu Province, QI-pai Non-material Cultural Heritage Program funded by Tsinghua University,  Humanities and Social Science Planning Project funded by the Ministry of Education, Sci-tech Innovation Service Program organized by Office of Science and Technology in Jiangsu Province, Cross-culture Research Project between China and Switzerland, Tradition and Modern Sustainable Design between Taiwan and the mainland, Horizontal and vertical Research Programs, Domestic and International Academic Exchange and Cooperation Projects.
Cooperation: Cooperate with GE Medical Device Company, TCL company, Connaught Machinery Limited Company, Little Swarm of Midea company,  Anfang Company Group. The contents of cooperation include design researches such as product development, brand management and service design; consultancy and Training.

8.熊微  副教授(同时招收美术学硕士)
江南大学设计学院副院长 副教授 硕士生导师
熊 微副教授,清华大学美术学院设计艺术学博士,《创意与设计》编辑部主任,国家公派英国德蒙福特大学访问学者,江苏省 “青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师。熊微具备美术学和设计学的历史与理论研究背景,目前已参与国家重点项目《中国工艺美术全集》,是其中子项目《江苏民间工艺 卷》编委。现已出版《设计批评》、《艺术设计专业写作教程》等多部著作,在核心刊物上发表学术论文若干篇。并获得清华美院博士生论坛论文一等奖、首届中国 民间工艺美术 “乡土奖”论文二等奖、江苏省工业设计优秀学术奖(09-llw-0056)等多个奖项。此外,他还曾在德国实用科学与艺术大学、科斯特纳设计博物馆、比 利时梅赫伦大学等国际设计院校(博物馆)进行学术交流和讲学,也曾在武汉理工大学、苏州大学、东华大学、郑州轻工业学院等众多国内设计院校兼授课程或开设 讲座。
Xiong Wei, associate professor, received his Ph.D. in Design from Academy of Art and Design of Tsinghua University. He is the editorial director of Creativity and Design, CSC funded academic visitor in De Montfort University in the UK, and outstanding young teacher awarded by Qing-lan Project in Jiangsu Province.
With background in historic and theoretic research of fine arts and design, he has participated in the national key project China Arts and Crafts Set as the editor of one of the sub-projects Jiangsu Folk Craft Volume. He has published plenty of works, including Design Criticism, A Guide for Art Design Writing, and several papers in Chinese core journals . He is a recipient of many grants, awards and fellowships, including first prize of PHD forum paper contest by Academy of Art and Design of Tsinghua University, second prize of Rural Art Award in the first Chinese Folk Arts and Crafts Paper Contest, Outstanding Academic Excellence in Jiangsu Industrial Design (09-LLW-0056), etc.
He made academic exchanges and gave lectures in many design institutes and museum around the world, like University of Applied Sciences and Arts and Museum , August Kestena in Germany, Lessiure Mechelen in Belgium, and also offered courses and lectures in many domestic design institutes and university, including Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Suzhou University, Donghua University, Institute of Zhengzhou Light Industry.

9.鲍懿喜 副教授
江南大学设计学院 硕士生导师 博士在读
设计社会学 文化创意与设计 品牌创新研究
鲍 懿喜副教授,苏州大学社会学硕士,华东师范大学文学与传播专业博士研究生,江南大学设计学院文化创意策划与设计工作室成员,具有政治学、社会学、传播学、 设计学等多学科的教育背景和工作经历。鲍懿喜副教授长期从事设计社会学、设计与文化传播、品牌策划等研究与实践工作,曾主持或参与“无锡推进农民居住集中 设计对策研究”(2006年)、“无锡市崇安寺文化创意产业发展纲要”(2008年)、“无锡大成巷品牌策划”(2009年)以及无锡“530“企业联源 公司太阳能发电系统产品品牌策划(2009—2010年)等地方性服务项目。先后在山西大学学报、装饰、美术观察等CSSCI期刊和核心期刊上发表论文十 余篇。
10. 巩淼森 副教授
江南大学设计学院 博士 副教授 副院长
巩 淼森,米兰理工大学博士(2007-2010),江南大学设计学院副教授、副院长、学院国际交流办公室主任和DESIS国际联合实验室主任。现任中国社会 创新与可持续设计联盟(DESIS-China)联合协调员和国际DESIS联盟执行委员会委员,意大利DIID设计期刊国际编委。他曾是麻省理工大学设 计实验室访问学者(2009)和香港知专设计学院Fellow (2011)。他的研究兴趣集中在可持续设计,社会创新,战略设计与服务设计 。近年来曾主持多项包括联合国马拉喀什进程和联合国环境署框架下的国际性合作科研项目等,如 CCSL-China(2007)、CHITA 08 、DESIS 09、DESIS10,参与了欧盟框架和联合国环境署框架下的项目EMUDE (2006)、PERL (2009-12)、SEE&SEEK (2009-12)等。近年来已在国际性学术会议与期刊发表和陈述了20余篇同行盲审论文、出版英文专著一部,并多次担任国际学术会议论文盲审专家和主 持。目前主持的在研项目包括教育部人文社科、香港职业培训局、校自主科研、校卓越教师等基金自主项目。近年来受邀在麻省理工大学、帕尔森设计学院、罗马大 学、那不勒斯大学、苏黎世艺术大学、清华大学、同济大学、武汉理工等国内外知名设计院校访问讲学。
他同时具有丰富的设计实践、管理和研究经验,掌 握国际前沿的设计理念和创新方法,曾在意大利MR&D研究所(2006)、深圳朗迪科技(2003)等著名的设计公司工作,服务客户包括惠尔浦电 器、Sirona牙科仪器、Acelik家电、华为科技、南京南瑞电器等跨国公司和大型企业。
Miaosen Gong is an Associate Professor, Assistant Dean and International Coordinator at School of Design, Jiangnan University, where he is also director of DESIS Lab. He is the co-coordinator of DESIS-China network (The Network on Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability in China). He got a PhD degree in design at Politecnico di Milano in 2010 and was a visiting scholar at MEL-Design Lab, MIT in 2009.  His research interest focuses on Strategic Design for Sustainability, Design for Social Innovation and Service Design. In last years, he has been in charge of a number of government funded projects and international research collaboration on related topics, such as CCSL-China 2007 (Creative Communities for Sustainable Lifestyle), CHITA 08 (Collaborative service and Mobile Communication), DESIS 09/10/11, and DESIL (2012-14). He has more than 25 peer-reviewed academic publications in international conferences and journals, and is reviewers of several international design conferences and journals.
