

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-14


个人简介 个人简介:KUI WANG (王 奎)
ADDRESS: School of Mathematical Sciences, Soochow University, Suzhou, 215006, China
EMAIL: kuiwang@suda.edu.cn

Ph.D. in Mathematics
Fudan University,Shanghai, China (2009-2015, Advisor: Xian-Gao Liu)
University of California, SanDiego, USA (2012-2014, Advisor: Lei Ni)

Associate Professor, Soochow University,2018-Present
Assistant Professor, Soochow University,2015-2018
Visiting Scholar, The University of Sydney, 2020.1-2020.3
Visiting Scholar,Fudan University, 2020.10-2020.11,2019.11, 2015.7
Visiting Scholar,UC SanDiego, 2016.1-2016.2, 2017.7-2017.8

Geometric Analysis:Differential Geometry and Partial Differential Equations, particularly in the following directions:
(1) Eigenvalue estimates on Riemannian and Kaehler manifolds
(2) Modulus of continuity estimates and applications
(3) Curvature flows, and their applications to geometry and topology
(4) Nonlinear parabolic and elliptic partial differential equations
(5) Isoperimetric inequalities on Riemannian manifolds
(6)Convex geometry and complex geometry


(16) Iterior estimate of harmonic heat flow (with Xian-Gao Liu and Zixuan Liu),International Journal of Mathematics,to appear. (2020)
(15)A quantitative Bucur-Henrot inequality(with Haotian Wu), Mathematische Nachrichten, to appear. (2020)
(14) First Robin eigenvalue of the p-Laplacian on Riemannian manifolds (with Xiaolong Li), Mathematische Zeitschrift, to appear. arXiv:2002.06472(2020).
(13)Sharp lower bound for the first eigenvalue of the weighted p-laplacian II (with Xiaolong Li), Mathematical Research Letters, to appear. arXiv: 1911.04596 (2019).
(12) Sharp lower bound for the first eigenvalue of the weightedp-laplacian (with Xiaolong Li),The Journal of Geometric Analysis, to appear.arXiv: (2019).
(11) Parabolic frequency monotonicity on compact manifolds (with Xiaolong Li),Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 58 (2019), no. 6, Art. 189, 18.
(10) An upper bound for the second Neumann eigenvalue on Riemannian manifolds. Geometriae Dedicata,201 (2019), 317-323.
(9) Four-dimensional gradient shrinking solitons with positive isotropic curvature (with Xiaolong Li and Lei Ni),International Mathematics Research Notices, 2018, no. 3, 949-959.
(8) Estimates for the first eigenvalue for p-Laplacian with mixed boundary conditions. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 12(2018), no. 1, 285-302.
(7) An alternative proof of lower bounds for the first eigenvalue on manifolds (with Yuntao Zhang),Mathematische Nachrichten, 290(2017), no. 16, 2708-2713.
(6) Nonparametric hypersurfaces moving by powers of Gauss curvature (with Xiaolong Li),Michigan Mathematical Journal, 66(2017), no. 4, 675-682.
(5) Moduli of continuity for viscosity solutions on manifolds (with Xiaolong Li), Journal of Geometric Analysis, 27(1):557-576, 2017.
(4) A Gaussian upper bound of the conjugate heat equation along an extended Ricci flow (with Xian-Gao Liu),Pacific Journal of Mathematics,287(2): 465-484, 2017.
(3) Isoperimetric comparisons via viscosity (with Lei Ni), The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 26(4): 2831-2841,2016.
(2) Serrin’s regularity results for the incompressible liquid crystals system (with Xian-Gao Liu, Jianzhong Min and Xiaotao Zhang),Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series A,36(10):5579-5594, 2016.
(1) Singularities of mean curvature flow and isoperimetric inequalities in H^3. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,143(6):2651-2660, 2015.

(4)Lower bounds for the first eigenvalue of Laplacian on Kaehler manifolds (with Xiaolong Li), arXiv:2010.12792 (2020).
(3) On a class of quasi-linear operators on smooth metric measure spaces (with Xiaolong Li and Yucheng Tu), arXiv:2009.10418 (2020).
(2) An upper bound for the first nonzero Steklov eigenvalue (with Xiaolong Li and Haotian Wu), arXiv: 2003.03093 (2020).
(1) On the second Robin eigenvalue of Laplace (with Xiaolong Li and Haotian Wu), arXiv: 2003.03087 (2020).

(5) China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Grant, No. 2017T100394, 2017
(4) Natural Science Foundation of China Grant, No. **, 2016
(3) Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province Grant, No. BK**, 2016
(2) China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Grant, No. 2016M591900, 2016
(1) Natural Science Foundation of Education Committee of Jiangsu Province Grant, No. 16KJB110018, 2016

XIAN-GAO, LIU(Fudan University, xgliu@fudan.edu.cn)
LEI, NI(UC San Diego, lni@math.ucsd.edu)
YING, ZHANG(Soochow University, yzhang@suda.edu.cn)

研究领域 研究领域:

科研项目 科研项目:

科技成果 软件著作 软件著作: 专利 专利:

论文 论文成果:

荣誉及奖励 荣誉及奖励:

Teaching 开授课程:课程教学:

招生信息 招生信息: 招生信息1:

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