洪宇植,苏州大学基础医学与生物科学学院、分子酶学研究所****、博士生导师,国家重大人才工程A类入选者(中组部青年项目),中国科学技术大学生物学博士,美国Rutgers大学博士后、Research Associate。围绕微生物的利用与控制,研究成果发表学术论文50篇,其中以第一作者/共第一作者身份在Nature Microbiology、Proc Natl Acad Sci USA等期刊发表微生物生理和遗传类论文11篇,SCI论文总数为30篇,英文专著章节2部、译著1部,授权中国发明专利8项(其中1项获产业转化);论文总引1500余次(Google scholar搜索),H-index因子21,i10-index因子32。安徽省科学技术奖二等奖获得者(排名第2,2012年)、安徽省首届优秀硕士论文获得者(2008年)。国际期刊Antibiotics编委,江苏省医学会第九届微生物与免疫学分会青年委员。目前主持在研国家级项目1项,已主持完成国家自然科学青年基金、国家“863”计划子课题等6项。
2017.07–2019.12,美国Rutgers大学新泽西医学院公共健康研究中心,Research Associate;
2012.07–2017.06,美国Rutgers大学新泽西医学院公共健康研究中心,Research Scientist/博士后;
中组部青年项目 (2021-2025)
国家自然科学青年基金“灰盖鬼伞菌与球托霉菌相互作用合成漆酶的信号调控机制” (**) (2011–2013)
安徽省自然科学青年基金 “真菌相互作用促进漆酶合成的机制” (**Q04) (2011–2012)
安徽省教育厅自然科学重点基金“海洋微生物来源的低温酯酶高通量筛选”(KJ2012A015) (2012–2013)
安徽省教育厅自然科学重点基金“生物胁迫栓菌合成漆酶的分子机制” (KJ2009A72) (2009–2010)
获 奖
2012.11安徽省科学技术奖二等奖. 肖亚中, 洪宇植, 房伟, 方泽民, 袁璟. “漆酶的优质资源发现与高效表达调控机制研究”. (No. 2012-2-R2)
2008.09安徽省优秀硕士论文奖(首届,三届一起参评). 洪宇植. “新型真菌漆酶基因的克隆及其表达调控的分子机制”. (No. S**)
(Google Scholar引用1500余次: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=gaJV7SkAAAAJ&hl=en)
Wu Y, Li G, Hong Y, Zhao X, Reyes PI, Lu Y. Rapid and dynamic detection of antimicrobial treatment response using spectral amplitude modulation in MZO nanostructure-modified quartz crystal microbalance. J Microbiol Methods, 2020
Li G, Wu Y, Hong Y, Zhao X, Reyes PI, Lu Y. Magnesium zinc oxide nanostructure-modified multifunctional sensors for full-scale dynamic monitoring of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation. ECS J Solid State Sci Technol. 2020, 9:115026
Li G, Wu Y, Li Y, Hong Y, Zhao X, Reyes P, Lu Y. Early stage detection ofStaphylococcus epidermidisbiofilm formation using MgZnO dual-gate TFT biosensor.Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2020, 151:111993. DOI:10.1016/j.bios.2019.111993
Hong Y#, LiQ#, Gao Q, Xie J, Huang H, Drlica K, Zhao X. Reactive oxygen species play a dominant role in all pathways of rapid quinolone-mediated killing.J Antimicrob Chemother. 2020, Doi:10.1093/jac/dkz485 (# Co-1stauthors)(该论文被英国John Innes Centre的Anthony Maxwell教授在F1000Prime上进行正面评论和推荐(Maxwell, A., F1000Prime Recommendation of [Hong Y et al., J Antimicrob Chemother 2019]. In F1000Prime, 2020: DOI: 10.3410/f...))
Hong Y, Zeng J, Wang X, Drlica K, Zhao X. Post-stress bacterial cell death mediated by reactive oxygen species. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2019,116(20):10064-10071.(论文为该期的亮点文章,并被纽约大学医学院(New York University School of Medicine)的Evgeny Nudler教授在刊发同期专题发表正面评论(Rasouly A & Nudler E. Reactive oxygen species as the long arm of bactericidal antibiotics. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2019, 116 (20): 9696-9698)
Hong Y, Li L, Luan G, Drlica K, Zhao X. Contribution of reactive oxygen species to thymineless death in Escherichia coli. Nature Microbiology, 2017, 2(12): 1667-1675.(该论文被美国贝勒医学院(Baylor College of Medicine)Susan M Rosenberg教授在刊发同期专题发表正面评论(Hastings PJ & Rosenberg SM.A radical way to die. Nat Microbiol 2017, 2(12):1582-1583))
Luan G, Hong Y, Drlica K, Zhao X. Suppression of reactive oxygen species accumulation accounts for paradoxical bacterial survival at high quinolone concentration. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2018, 62(3): e01622-17.
Mi H, Wang D, Xue Y, Niu J, Hong H, Drlica K, Zhao X. Dimethyl sulfoxide protects Escherichia colifrom antimicrobial-mediated killing. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2016, 60(8): 5054-5058.
Liu Y, Zhou J, Qu Y, Yang X, Shi G, Wang X, Hong Y, Drlica K, Zhao X. Resveratrol antagonizes antimicrobial lethality and stimulates recovery of bacterial mutants. PLoS ONE, 2016,11(4): e**.
Li L, Hong Y, Luan G, Mosel M, Malik M, Drlica K, Zhao X. Ribosomal elongation factor-4 promotes cell death associated with lethal stress. mBio, 2014, 5(6): e01708-14.
Zhao X, Hong Y, Drlica K. Moving forward with reactive oxygen species involvement in antimicrobial lethality. J Antimicrobial Chemother,2014, 70(3): 639-642.
Pan K, Zhao N, Yin Q, Zhang T, Xu X, Fang W, Hong Y, Fang Z, Xiao Y. Induction of a laccase Lcc9 from Coprinopsis cinereaby fungal coculture and its application on indigo dye decolorization. Bioresour Technol, 2014, 162: 45-52.
Hong Y, Zhou X, Fang H, Yu D, Li C, Sun B. Cyclic di-GMP mediatesMycobacterium tuberculosisdormancy and pathogenicity.Tuberculosis, 2013, 93(6): 625-634.
Fang H, Yu D, Hong Y, Zhou X, Li C, Sun B*. The LuxR family transcription regulator Rv0195 modulates Mycobacterium tuberculosisdormancy and virulence.Tuberculosis, 2013, 93(4): 425-431.
Fang W, Fang Z, Zhou P, Chang F, Hong Y, Zhang X, Peng H, Xiao Y. Evidence for lignin oxidation by the giant panda fecal microbiome. PloS ONE, 2012, 7(11): e50312
Fang Z, Li T, Chang F, Zhou P, Fang W, Hong Y, Zhang X, Peng H, Xiao Y. A new marine bacterial laccase with chloride-enhancing, alkaline-dependent activity and dye decolorization ability. Bioresour Technol, 2012, 111: 36-41.
Fang Z, Li T, Wang Q, Zhang X, Peng H, Fang W, Hong Y, Ge H, Xiao Y. A bacterial laccase from marine microbial metagenome exhibiting chloride tolerance and dye decolorization ability. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2011, 89 (4): 1103-1110.
Ge H, Gao Y, Hong Y, Zhang M, Xiao Y, Teng M, Niu L. Structure of native laccase B from Trametessp. AH28-2. Acta Crystallogr Sect F, 2010, 66: 254-258.
Fang Z, Fang W, Liu J, Hong Y, Peng H, Zhang X, Sun B, Xiao Y. Cloning and characterization of a β-glucosidase from marine microbial metagenome with excellent glucose tolerance. J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2010, 20(9): 1351-1358.
Wei F*, Hong Y*, Xiao Y, Liu J, Yuan J.Gongronellaspinduces overproduction of laccase in Panus rudis. J Basic Microbiol, 2010, 50: 1–6. (Co-1stauthors)
Sun Q*, Hong Y*, Fang J, Xiao Y, Fang W. Decolorization of textile reactive dyes by the crude laccase produced from solid-state fermentation of agro-byproducts. World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2009, 25: 1153–1160. (Co-1stauthors)
Hong Y, Zhou H, Tu X, Li J, Xiao Y. Cloning of a laccase gene from a novel basidiomycete Trametessp. 420 and its heterologous expression in Pichia pastoris. Curr Microbiol, 2007, 54: 260-265.
Tong P*, Hong Y*, Xiao Y, Zhang M, Tu X, Cui T. High production of laccase by a new basidiomycete, Trametessp. Biotechnol Lett,2007, 29: 295-301.(Co-1stauthors)
Xu Y, Hong Y, Xiao Y, Fang W. Preparation and application of polyclonal antibody against a recombinant laccase. Cell Mol Immunol, 2007, 4: 315-317.
Li J, Hong Y, Xiao Y, Xu Y, Fang W. High production of laccase B from Trametessp. in Pichia pastoris. World J Microbiol Biotechnol,2007, 23: 741-745.
Hong Y, Xiao Y, Zhou H, Fang W, Zhang M, Zhu J, Wang J, Wu L, Yu Z. Expression of a laccase cDNA from Trametessp. AH28-2 in Pichia pastorisand mutagenesis of transformants by nitrogen ion implantation. FEMS Microbiol Lett, 2006, 258: 96-101.
Zhang H, Hong Y, Xiao Y, Yuan J, Tu X, Zhang X. Efficient production of laccases by Trametes sp. AH28-2 in co-cultivation with a Trichoderma strain.Appl MicrobiolBiotechnol, 2006, 73: 89-94.
Xiao Y, Hong Y, Hang J, Li J, Fang W, Tong P, Zhou C.Cloning of novel laccase isozyme genes from Trametessp.AH28-2 and analyses of their differential expression. Appl MicrobiolBiotechnol, 2006, 71: 493-501.
Xiao Y, Chen Q, Hang J, Shi Y, Wu J, Hong Y, Wang Y. Selective induction, purification and characterization of a laccase isozyme from the basidiomycete Trametessp. AH28-2. Mycologia,2004, 96: 26-35.
Xiao Y, Hong Y. (2008) Decolorization of textile reactive dyes by the crude laccase produced from solid-state fermentation of agroindustrial residues. J Biotechnol, 136S: S316
Zhou H, Hong Y, Xiao Y, Cui T, Wang X, Pu C. High output of a Trameteslaccase in Pichia pastorisand characterization of recombinant enzymes. Chin J Biotechnol, 2007, 23(6): 1055-1059.
Zhang X, Yuan J, Xiao Y, Hong Y. A primary studies on molecular taxonomy of Trametesspecies based on the ITS sequences of rDNA. Mycosystema,2006, 25: 23-30.
Fang W, FangZ, LiuZ, YuanJ, ZhangX, PengH, HongY, XiaoY.Phylogenetic analysis of bacterial community in the gut of American cockroach (Periplaneta americana). Acta Microbiologica Sinica, 2013, 53(9): 984-994
专 著
Hong Y, Drlica K, & Zhao X (2018) Antimicrobial-Mediated Bacterial Suicide. Antimicrobial Resistance in the 21st Century, eds Fong IW, Shlaes D, & Drlica K (Springer International Publishing, Cham), pp 619-642.
Zhao X, Malik M, Hong Y, Li L, Drlica K. Quinolones. In Caplan MJ (ed.), Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences. ScienceDirect Elsevier. 2014.
William Bains 2004. Biotechnology from A to Z [M]. 肖亚中, 周丛照, 朱厚础, 洪宇植,阎明凡, 袁璟译.化学工业出版社, 北京, 2009.06. (个人翻译字数11.5万)
研究方向:细胞衰老与死亡的机理 (Aging and death ofbacterial cells)
抗生素杀菌的作用机理 (Killing of antimicrobials)
药物耐药和耐受的机理 (Resistance and tolerance of antimicrobials)
新型抗生素研发 (Discovery of novel antimicrobials)
病原细菌致病机理 (Pathogenesis of bacterial pathogens)
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