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化学与环境工程院院长; 新西兰皇家科学院院士; 澳大利亚技术科学工程院院士
现任苏州大学杰出教授,化学与环境工程院院长(第一任)。厦门大学与Monash大学客座教授。1965年出生于北京, 1987年毕业于清华大学工程力学系,1991年于坎特伯雷大学(Canterbury University)获得化学过程工程博士学位。2014年于澳大利亚西南威尔士大学(UNSW)获得应用数学硕士学位。获得新西兰皇家科学院院士(2000), 澳大利亚工程院院士(2007)。
陈晓东院士先后担任新西兰奥克兰大学(The University of Auckland)化工与材料系终身讲席教授 (2001 36岁)、澳大利亚蒙纳士大学(Monash University) 化工系生物技术与化学工程讲席教授(2006 41岁)、蒙纳士大学工程学院副院长(2007-2009)。2010年初至2012年底,曾任厦门大学化学化工学院化学工程与生物工程系系主任。
到2019年底,陈晓东院士已发表600余篇学术杂志论文、230余篇会议论文、出版了4本论著(包括2013年剑桥大学出版社出版的干燥反应工程模型一书) 和完成了50多个工业咨询项目综合报告,并在欧,亚,大洋洲国际会议发表了几十个大会主题演讲。还担任了一些国际期刊的编委。陈院士曾获得过许多荣誉, 如澳洲化工学会(1999)SheddenUdhe 奖章(青年科学家奖) (Australia),第八届国际食品工程大会青年食品工程师奖(2000)(Mexico City),新西兰皇家科学院工程与物理最佳研究奖 (E R Cooper 奖章)(2002),亚太地区化学工程年会最实用文章奖(2002)(Christchurch),John Hood****奖(2005);厦门大学南强****奖(2005),大洋洲4个化学工程大奖之一: 首届恒天然应用生物与食品工程杰出奖(Fonterra Award)(Australia),亚太地区干燥年会杰出干燥研究贡献奖(2007)(Hong Kong),对干燥研究与发展长期贡献奖(Taylor and Francis )(2007)(Hong Kong),IDS国际干燥学会杰出干燥研究奖(AFSIA Award)(干燥学基础在工业中的应用)(2008)(Hyderabad),2004--2012年度,五个对世界干燥文献做最多贡献人之一,2009年度澳大利亚蒙纳士(Monash)大学工程学院院长杰出研究奖(2009),Monash大学校长最佳博士生导师特别奖(HDR student supervisor) (2010),Taylor and Francis 国际干燥技术贡献奖(2012)等等。江苏省双创(创业)人才(2013)(南通)。江苏省双创(创新)团队领军人才(2014)(苏州)。陈晓东是2012年国际干燥技术大会(The 18th International Drying Symposium – IDS 2012) 的主席。2014年在法国召开的国际干燥技术大会(The 19th IDS – IDS2014) 上获得IDS奠基人奖。 另外,2015年国际食品工程终生成就奖(ICEF12 – 加拿大魁北克)。 2017年获得苏大学生“最喜爱的老师”奖。 2017年获得新竹清华大学“未来力量讲座教授”称号。2017年获得法国西北农大167年史上第一个荣誉博士。
陈院士的工作特点是通过对基础的理解与创新意识和灵感相结合,简化复杂的工程问题从而简单有效的解决实际问题。通过创造性的科研给产业带来可观的效益。减少能源利用与减少环境污染并提高产品质量,提高人类生活的品质并为社会进步服务。已亲自指导了100多名硕士与博士到成功毕业。在苏大,陈院士主讲一年级“化工导论”课程。陈院士的业余爱好包括绘画, 读书,参观博物馆,欣赏流行音乐与散步等。


主要研究方向为仿生化工、柔性设备(检测与反应器)、食品与生物工程、功能颗粒技术, 换热器的结垢与清洗、自燃现象及相关应用数学分析等。
Chew, J., Woo, M.W., Chen, X.D., Selomulya, C. (2014) Mapping the shrinkage behaviour of skim milk droplets during convective drying, Drying Technology (in press)
Wang, Y., Che, L.M., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D. (2013) Surface formation phenomena of DHA-contained emulsion during convective droplet drying. Journal of Food Engineering (in press)
Putranto, A., Chen, X.D. (2009) An assessment on modelling drying processes: equilibrium multiphase model and the spatial reaction engineering approach (S-REA). Chemical Engineering Research and Design (in press)
Chew, S., Mansouri, S., Wardhana, D., Mukhyiddin, A., Buchmann, N., Hapgood, K., Chen, X.D. and Woo, M.W. Lactose microparticle formation from finely atomised droplets, Chemical Engineering Science (in press)
Waldron, K., Wu, Z., Wu, W.D., Liu, W., Zhao, D.Y., Chen, X.D. and Selomulya, C.(2014) Formation of uniform large SBA-15 microspheres via spray drying, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (in press)
Kazi, S., Duffy, G.G., Chen, X.D. (2014) The effect of varying fiber characteristics on the simultaneous measurement of heat and momentum transfer to flowing fiber suspension, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer (in press)
Deng, R., Pang, L., Xu, Y., Li, L., Wu, X., Chen, X.D. (2014) Investigation on a soft tubular model reactor based on bionics of small intestine - residence time distribution, International Journal of Food Engineering (accepted)
Zhou, W.B., Chen, X.D. (2014) Steaming the bread, International Journal of Food Engineering (accepted)
Zhang, S., Chen, X.D. (2014) Deduction of a porosity-dependent yield criterion and its geometrical description for porous materials. International Journal of Mechanical Science (accepted)
Putranto, A., Chen, X.D.* (2014) A simple effective model for modelling of convective drying of sewage sludge: the reaction engineering approach, Procedia Chemistry, 9, 77-87
Chew, J., Fu, N., Chen, X.D. and Selomulya, C. (2014) Exploring the drying behaviour and particle formation of high solids milk protein concentrate, Journal of Food Engineering, 143, 186-194
May, B., Woo, M.W., Chen, X.D. (2014) Agent selection and protective effects during single droplet drying of bacteria, Food Chemistry (in press)
Wu, L.J., Che, L.M., Chen, X.D. (2014) Effect of tea polyphenols on the retro-gradation of amylopectin-rich starch. Journal of Food Science (published)
Wu, P., Chen, L., Chen, X.D. (2014) Digestive behaviours of large raw rice particles – comparison between in vivo and in vitro rat stomach systems. Journal of Food Engineering (in press)
15.Lallbeeharry, P.Tian, Y., Fu, N., Wu, W.D., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D.* (2014) Effects of ionic and non-ionic surfactants on milk shell wettability during co-drying of whole milk particles. Journal of Dairy Science, 97(9), 5303-5314
Fu, N., Wu, W.D., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D. (2014) Inhibitory effects on improving the wettability of whole milk powders by co-drying of surfactants with high solids milk feed. Food and Bioprocess Technology (in press)
Kazi, S.N., Duffy, G.G., Chen, X.D. (2014) Validation of heat transfer and friction loss data for fibre suspensions in a circular and a coaxial pipe heat exchanger. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 79, 146-160
Lin, R.H., Woo, M.W., Fu, N., Selomulya, C. and Chen, X.D. (2014) In situ observation of taurine crystallisation via single droplet drying, Drying Technology, 31, 13-14
Putranto, A., Chen, X.D. (2014) Modelling of water vapour sorption process by employing the reaction engineering approach (REA). Separation and Purification Technology, 122, 456-461
Zhang, L., Huang, S., Ananingsih, V.K., Zhou, W.B., Chen, X.D. (2014) A study on Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 viability in bread during baking. Journal of Food Engineering, 122, 33-37
Putranto, A., Chen, X.D. (2014) Examining the suitability of the reaction engineering approach (REA) to modeling local evaporation/condensation rates of materials with various thicknessesDrying Technology, 32(2),208-221
Wu, W.D., Liu, W., Gengenbach, T., Woo, M.W., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D., Weeks, M. (2014) Towards spray drying of high solids dairy liquid: effects of feed solid content on particle structure and functionality. Journal of Food Engineering, 123,130-135
Huang, S., Yang, Y., Fu, N., Qin, Q., Zhang, L., Chen, X.D.* (2014) Calcium-aggregated milk: a potential new option for improving the viability of lactic acid bacteria under heat stress. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 1-9
Wang, Y., Che, L.M., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D. (2014) Droplet drying behaviour of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-containing emulsion. Chemical Engineering Science, 106, 181-189
Xiao, J., Chen, X.D. (2014) Multiscale modeling for surface composition of spray-dried two-component powders.AIChE Journal, 60(7), 2416-2427
Waldron, K., W. D. Wu, Z. Wu, W. Liu, C. Selomulya, D. Zhao, and X. D. Chen(2014) Formation of monodisperse mesoporous silica microparticles via spray-drying.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 418, 225-233
Tian,Y.,Fu, N., Wu, W.D., and X. D. Chen* (2014) Effects of co-spray drying of surfactants with high solids milk on milk powder wettability. Food and Bioprocess Technology, DOI 10.1007/s11947-014-1323-9
Woo, M.W.,Mansouri, S., Chen, X.D. (2014)Antisolvent vapor precipitation: the future of pulmonary drug delivery particle production? Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 11, 307-11.
Wang, H., Xin, H., Liao, Z., Li, Q., and X. D. Chen (2014) Study on the effect of cut tobacco drying on the pyrolysis and combustion properties.Drying Technology, 32, 130-34.


1. Chen, L., Wu, X., Chen, X.D. *(2012) Comparison between the digestive behaviours of a new in vitro rat soft stomach model with that of the in vivo experimentation on living rats – motility and morphological influences. Journal of Food Engineering(in press)
2. Wu, X.E.*, Guo, Y.Z., Chen, X.D.(2013) A paper-based disposable biofuel cell stack with an enhanced power output. Electrochimica Acta(in press)
3. Li, L., Wu*, X., Lv, H.T. and Chen, X.D.* (2013) A comparison between egg ovalbumin and whey protein concentrate in terms of their fouling and cleaning behaviour. Journal of Food Engineering, Colloids and Surfaces Bio-interfaces(in press)
4. Chew, J.H., Woo, M.W., Selomulya, C. and Chen, X.D.(2013) Capturing the effect of initial concentrations on the drying kinetics of high solids milk using reaction engineering approach. Dairy Science and Technology(in press)
5. Zeng et al (2013) Solubility properties of Natamycin and diffusional extraction behaviour from Streptomyces Gilvosporeusbiomass. Biotechnology Progress(in press)
6. Fu, N., Woo, M.W., Patel, K., Jeantett, R., Selomulya, C. and Chen, X.D.* (2013) Shrinkage behaviour of drying of single droplets of skim milk concentrate, Journal of Food Engineering (in press)

7. Zhong, J., Liang, S., Zhao, J., Wu, W.D.,Liu, W., Wang, H., Chen, X.D.and Cheng, Y.B. (2012) Formation of novel mesoporous tic microspheres through a sol-gel and carbothermal reduction process. Journal of European Ceramic Society, 32, 3407-3414
8. Li, L., Che, L., Liang, Q., Mercadé-Prieto, R., Wu*, X. and Chen, X.D.*(2012) Study on the dissolution process of heat-induced ovalbumin gel in alkaline solutions relevant to fouling removal. Journal of Food Engineering(in press)
9. Ma, C., Chen, X.D.*, Kong, Y., Che, L.* (2012) Phase diagram of aqueous two-phase system (ATPs) composed of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and Gelatin. Advanced Materials Research, 554-556, 286-294
10. Zeng, X., Quek, C.X., Danquah, M., Woo, M.W., Chen, X.D.* and Lu, Y. (2011) Pool boiling characteristics of microalgae suspension. Applied Thermal Engineering(in press)
11. Zhao, Q., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D., Hua, X.* (2012) Enhancing the oxidative stability of food emulsions with rice dreg protein hydrolysate, Food Research International, 48(2), 876-884
12. Ghandi, A., Powell, I., Howes, T.,Chen, X.D.,Adhikari, B. P.* (2012) Effect of shear rate and oxygen stresses on the survival of Lactococcus lactisduring the atomization and drying stages of spray drying: A laboratory and pilot scale study. Journal of Food Engineering,113, 194–200
13. Woo, M.W.*, Fu, N., Moo, F.T. Chen, X.D.*(2012) Unveiling the mechanism of in-situ crystallisation in spray drying of sugars. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 51 (36) 11791–11802, DOI: 10.1021/ie**
14. Chen, L., Jayemanne, A. andChen, X.D.*(2010) Venturing into an in vitro physiological upper GI System focusing on the motility effect provided by a mechanised rat stomach model. Food Digestion, DOI 10.1007/s13228-012-0018-9
15. Tian, L., Chen, X.D., Yang, Q.P., Chen, J.C., Shi, L.* (2012) Interaction effects of silica dioxide particles and calcium ions on the evolution of biofouling in plate heat exchangers relevant to a heat pump heat recovery system from treated sewage. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology,44(1-2), 67-76 DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.2012.048191
16. Mansouri, S., Fu, N., Woo, M.W.*,Chen, X.D.* (2012) Uniform amorphous lactose microspheres formed in simultaneous convective and dehydration anti-solvent precipitation under atmospheric condition, Langmuir (in press)
17. Zhang, L., Che, L., Zhou, W.,Chen, X.D.* (2011) The rheological behaviour of agar solution relevant to an instant Bird’s Nest product manufacturing. International Journal of Food Engineering (in press)
18. Putranto, A., Chen, X.D.*(2012) Spatial reaction engineering approach: non-equilibrium multiphase model for drying of food and biological materials, AIChE Journal (in press)
19. Woo, M.W., Roger, S., C. Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D.* (2012) Particle drying and crystallization characteristics in a low velocity concurrent pilot scale spray drying tower. Powder Technology, 223, 39–45
20. Fu, N., Woo, M.W., Chen, X.D.*(2012) Single droplet drying technique for droplet drying kinetics measurement and particle functionality engineering, Drying Technology (in press)
21. Han, Z., Zeng, X.A.*, Fu, N., Yu, S.J., Chen, X.D.,Kennedy, J.F. (2012) Effects of Pulsed Electric Field Treatments on Some Properties of Tapioca Starch,Carbohydrate Polymers,89(4), 1012-1017
22. Woo, M.W.*, Che, L.M., Daud, W.R.W., Mujumdar, A.S., Chen, X.D.*(2012) Highly swirling transient flows in spray dryers and consequent effect on modelling of particle deposition. Chemical Engineering Research and Design,90(3), 336-345
23. Che, L.M., Li, D. and Chen, X.D.*(2011) Convective drying kinetics of single droplets of aqueous glucose, Drying Technology,30(10),1029-1036 DOI: 10.1080/**.2012.663844
24. Tian, L., Chen, X.D., Yang, Q.P., Chen, J.C., Li, Q., Shi, L.* (2011) Evolution of biofouling on heat transfer surface caused by simulated treated sewage: influence of calcium ions.Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,94, 309–316
25. Tian, L., Chen, X.D., Yang, Q.P., Chen, J.C., Li, Q., Shi, L.* (2011) Effect of silica dioxide particles on the evolution of biofouling by Bacillus subtilis in plate heat exchangers relevant to a heat pump heat recovery system from treated sewage, Chemical Engineering Journal,188, 47– 56
26. Liu, W.J., Wu, W.D., Chen, X.D. and Selomulya, C.* (2012) On designing particulate carriers for encapsulation and controlled release applications, Powder Technology (in press)
27. Kazi, S.N.*, Duffy, G.G.*, Chen, X.D*. (2012) Validation of heat transfer data for fibre suspensions in coaxial pipe heat exchangers. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,38, 210–222
28. Rogers, S., Fang, Y., Lin, S.X.Q., Selomulya, C. and Chen, X.D.*(2012) A monodisperse spray dryer for milk powder: Modelling the formation of insoluble material. Chemical Engineering Science, 71, 75-84
29. Fickak, A., Hatfield, E., Chen, X.D.*(2010) Influence of heating time and aging on the fouling and cleaning of dairy heat exchangers. Journal of Food Research,1(1), 212-224 (www.ccsenet.org/jfr)
30. Zhao, Q., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D., Hua, X.* (2012) Enzymatic hydrolysis of rice dreg protein: effects of enzyme type on the functional properties and antioxidant activities of recovered proteins. Food Chemistry, 134(3), 1360-1367
31. Liu, W.J., Wu, W.D., Chen, X.D. and Selomulya, C.* (2012) Spray drying of mono-dispersed microencapsulates: implications of process parameters on microstructural properties and controlled release functionality. Journal of Microencapsulation(in press)
32. Ghandi, A., Powell, I.B., Chen, X.D., Adhikari, B.* (2012) Drying kinetics and survival studies of dairy fermentation bacteria in convective air drying environment using single droplet drying. Journal of Food Engineering, 110 (3), 405–417
33. Zeng, X., Danquah, M.K.*, Zheng, C., Potumarthi, R., Chen, X.D.,Lu, L.* (2012) Comparative physicochemical analysis of suspended and immobilized cultivation of Chlorella sp. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (in press)
34. Zeng, X., Danquah, M.K., Zhang, S., Zhang, X., Wu, M., Chen, X.D.,Jing, K., Ng, I-S., Lu, Y.* (2011) Autotrophic cultivation of Spirulina platensis for CO2fixation and phycocyanin production, Chemical Engineering Journal, 183, 192-197
35. Zeng, X., Danquah, M.K.*, Zheng, C., Potumarthi, R., Chen, X.D., Lu, L.* (2012) NaCS-PDMDAAC immobilized autotrophic cultivation of Chlorellasp. for wastewater nitrogen and phosphate removal. Chemical Engineering Journal, 187 (2012) 185–192
36. Kazi, S.N., Duffy, G.G. and Chen, X.D. (2012) Fouling and fouling mitigation on heated metal surfaces, Desalination,288, 126-134
37. Putranto, A., Chen, X.D.(2012) Roasting of Barley and Coffee Modeled Using the Lumped-Reaction Engineering Approach (L-REA). Drying Technology, 30(5), 475-483
38. Fu, N., Woo, M.W., Chen, X.D.*, Jeantett, R. (2011) Drying kinetics of skim milk droplets with initial solids content of 50wt%. Journal of Food Engineering, 109(4), 701-711
39. Rogers, S., Wu, W.D., Lin, S.X.Q. andChen, X.D.* (2011) Investigation of milk particle shrinkage and puffing during spray drying by employing a mono-disperse droplet dryer. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 62, 92-100
40. Liu, W.J., Wu, W.D., Selomulya, C.*, Chen, X.D. (2011) Facile spray-drying assembly of uniform microencapsulates with tuneable ore-shell structures and controlled release properties. Langmuir(in press)
41. Chen, X.D.*,Sidhu, H., Nelson, M. (2011) Theoretical probing of the phenomena of formation of the outmost surface layer of a particle including the surface chemical composition during rapid removal of water in spray drying. Chemical Engineering Science,66(24), 6375-6384
42. Amelia, R., Wu, W.D., Cashion, J., Bao, P., Zheng, R., Chen, X.D. and Selomulya, C.* (2011) Microfluidic spray drying as a versatile assembly route of functional particles. Chemical Engineering Science,66, 5531-5540
43. Wu, W.D., Liu, W., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D.* (2011) Synthesis of uniform silica microencapsulates via spray drying: Effects of additives on particle size, morphology and on vitro drug release, (2011), Soft Matter DOI:10.1039/C1S.
44. Amelia, R., Wu, W.D., Cashionb, J., Baoc, P., Zheng, R., Chen, X.D.and Selomulya, C.* (2011) Assembly of magnetic microcomposites from low pH precursors using a novel micro-fluidic-jet-spray-dryer. Chemical Engineering Research and Design(in press)
45. Yan, W., Luo, Z.*, Lu, Y.,Chen, X.D. (2011) A CFD-PBM integrated model for the gas-solid flow fields in fuidised bed polymerization reactors. AIChE Journal(in press)
46. Fu, N., Woo, M.W., Moo, R., Chen, X.D.* (2011) Microcrystallisation of lactose during droplet drying and its effect on the property of the dried particle. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90, 138-149
47. Woo, M.W., Fu, N., Lin, X.Q., Che, L.M., Chen, X.D.* (2010) Evaporation of pure droplets in the convective regime under high mass flux, Drying Technology (in press)
48. Putranto, A., Chen, X.D.*, Xiao, Z.Y., Webley, P.A. (2011) Simple, accurate and robust modeling of various systems of drying of foods and biomaterials: a demonstration of the feasibility of the reaction engineering approach (REA), Drying Technology, 29, 1519-1528
49. Putranto, A., Chen, X.D.*, Xiao, Z.Y., Webley, P.A. (2010) Mathematical modelling of convective and intermittent drying of rice and coffee using the reaction engineering approach (REA), Journal of Food Engineering (in press) dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2011.03.06
50. Fu, N., Woo, M.W., Chen, X.D.* (2011) Colloidal transport in single droplet drying of dairy products.Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,87, 255-266
51. Fang, Y, Rogers, S., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D. (2011) Functionality of milk protein concentrate: effect of spray drying temperature.Biochemical Engineering Journal (in press)
52. Fu, N. and Chen, X.D.* (2010) Critical review of drying effect on preservation of probiotic bacteria. Food Research International (in press)
53. Fu, N., Chan, P.*, Chen, X.D.* (2010) Spray drying of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) for high antioxidant activity retention, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 413, 155-166
54. Putranto, A., Chen, X.D.*, Xiao, Z.Y. and Webley, P. (2011) Modeling of high-temperature treatment of wood using the reaction engineering approach (REA), Bioresource Technology,102, 6214-6220
55. Woo, M.W., Rogers, S., Lin, S.X.Q., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D.*(2010) Numerical probing of a low velocity con-current pilot scale spray drying tower for mono-disperse particle production – unusual characteristics and possible improvements. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 50, 417-427
56. Putranto, A., Chen, X.D.*and Zhou, W.B. (2011) Modeling of baking of thin layer of cake using the lumped reaction engineering approach (L-REA), Journal of Food Engineering, 105(2), 306-311
57. Putranto, A., Chen, X.D.* and Webley, P. (2011) Modelling of drying of thick samples of mango and apple tissues using the reaction engineering approach (REA), Drying Technology(in press)
58. Putranto, A., Chen, X.D.*,Xiao, Z.Y., Davastin, S., Webley, P.A. (2011) Application of the REA (reaction engineering approach) for modeling intermittent drying under time-varying humidity and temperature. Chemical Engineering Science,66(10), 2149-2156
59. Liu, W.J., Wu, W.D., Selomulya, C. andChen, X.D.* (2011) A single step assembly of uniform microparticles for controlled release applications. Soft Matter, 7(7), 3323-3330
60. Fu, N., Woo, M.W., Lin, S.X.Q., Zhou, Z.H. and Chen, X.D.* (2011) Reaction engineering approach (REA) to model dryng kinetics of droplets with different initial sizes – experiments and analyses, Chemical Engineering Science, 66(8), 1738-1747
61. Zhu, P., Patel, K., Lin, S., Méjean, S., Blanchard, E.,Chen, X.D., Schuck, P.*, Jeantet, R. (2011)Simulating industrial spray drying operations using a reaction engineering approach and a modified desorption method, Drying Technology,29(4), 419-428
62. Putranto, A., Xiao, Z.Y., Chen, X.D.*and Webley, P.A. (2011) Intermittent drying of mango tissues: implementation of the reaction engineering approach (REA), Industrial Chemistry and Engineering Research,50(2), 1089-1098
63. Fickak, A., Al-Raisi, A., Chen, X.D.* (2011) Effect of protein concentration on the fouling and cleaning of dairy heat exchangers. Journal of Food Engineering, 104(3), 323-331
64. Liu,W.J., Wu, W. D., Selomulya, C.* and Chen, X.D. (2011) Uniform chitosan microparticles prepared by a novel spray drying technique,International Journal of Chemical Engineering,2011, Article ID 267218, 7 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/267218
65. Wu, W.D., Lin, S.X.Q., Selomulya, C.,Chen, X.D.*(2011) Assembly of uniform photoluminescent microcomposites using a novel micro-fluidic-jet-spray-dryer, AIChE Journal, 57(10), 2726-2737
66. Wu, W. D., Lin, S.X.Q. and Chen, X.D.*(2010) Monodisperse droplet formation through a continuous jet break-up using glass nozzles operated with piezoelectric pulsation, AIChE Journal,57(6), 1386-1392
67. Fang, Y., Selomulya, C.*, Ainsworth, S., Palmer, M., Chen, X.D.*(2011) On quantifying the dissolution behaviour of milk protein concentrate, Food Hydrocolloids, 25(3), 503-510
68. Kar, S. and Chen, X.D.* (2011) Moisture transport across porcine skin: a two-phase modelling approach involving REA,Chemical Engineering Communications, 198(7), 847-885
69. Kresnowati, M.T.A.P.*, Forde, G., Chen, X.D. (2011) Model-based analysis and optimisation of bioreactor for hematopoietic stem cells cultivation. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering,34(1), 81-93
70. Jin, Y.*, Chen, X.D.(2011) Entropy production during drying process of milk droplets in an industrial spray dryer. International Journal of Thermal Science, 50(4), 615-625
71. Wang, X., Yang, C.*, Gui, W., Young, B., Chen, X.D.*(2011) CSTR-based modelling for the continuous carbonation of sodium aluminate solution. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 89(3) 617-624

相关话题/材料 化学化工

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  • 苏州大学材料与化学化工学部导师教师师资介绍简介-傅楠
    姓名:傅楠职称:教授部门:化工与环境工程学院本科毕业于陕西科技大学生命科学与工程学院,获生物工程学士学位。2007和2009年于澳大利亚西悉尼大学分别获得生物技术硕士学位和微生物学理学硕士学位。2012年毕业于澳大利亚蒙纳士大学化学工程系,获博士学位。同年加入苏州大学材料与化学化工学部任副教授,20 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06
  • 苏州大学材料与化学化工学部导师教师师资介绍简介-郭江娜
    学历及学术经历:2016年,苏州大学应用化学专业毕业,获博士学位。同年进入苏州大学材化部从事教学、科研工作。现主持国家青年科学基金、江苏省青年科学基金及江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目各一项。2011.9~2016.6博士苏州大学应用化学专业2016.12至今讲师苏州大学材料与化学化工学部研究领域 ...
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  • 苏州大学材料与化学化工学部导师教师师资介绍简介-葛健锋
    姓名:葛健锋职称:教授部门:化工与环境工程学院联系方式:Tel&Fax:86-(Lab)Email:ge_jianfeng@hotmail.com课题组网站学历及学术经历:1995年苏州大学化学教育专业毕业,1998年苏州大学有机化学专业获硕士学位,2003年苏州大学有机化学专业获博士学位,2005 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06
  • 苏州大学材料与化学化工学部导师教师师资介绍简介-贺竞辉
    姓名:贺竞辉职称:教授、硕士生导师部门:化工学院应用化学系联系方式:办公室地址:701-1527实验室地址:701-1517Email:jinghhe@suda.edu.cn课题组网站:路建美教授课题组欢迎各位考生咨询、报考路建美教授课题组,诚邀各位本科生加入本课题组体验科研乐趣!学历及学术经历20 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06
  • 苏州大学材料与化学化工学部导师教师师资介绍简介-顾宏伟
    姓名:顾宏伟职称:教授、博士生导师部门:化工与环境工程学院联系方式:Tel:**Emailhongwei@suda.edu.cn课题组网站个人简介顾宏伟,男,1976年出生,教授。1998年在南京大学基础学科教学强化部获得学士学位,2001年于南京大学化学化工学院获得理学硕士学位,2004年获香港科 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06
  • 苏州大学材料与化学化工学部导师教师师资介绍简介-李华
    主要研究方向:功能光电有机和高分子材料设计合成及在信息存储中的应用1)主要工作经历(1)1996.9-2003.7苏州大学化学化工学院化学教育本科和应用化学硕士(2)2003.8-2008.2张家港克蕾璐光电有限公司背光模组技术主管(3)2008.3-2011.7苏州大学材料与化学化工学部应用化学专 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06
  • 苏州大学材料与化学化工学部导师教师师资介绍简介-刘德启
    姓名:刘德启职称:教授、硕士生导师部门:化工与环境工程学院联系方式:Tel:86-(Lab)Fax:86-(o)Email:liudeqi@suda.edu.cn课题组网站学历及学术经历:1986年华东师范大学环境科学系研究生毕业,获理学硕士学位;2005年华东师范大学资源与环境学院获理学博士学位。 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06
  • 苏州大学材料与化学化工学部导师教师师资介绍简介-李娜君
    姓名:李娜君职称:教授部门:化工与环境工程学院联系方式:Tel:86-(O)Email:linajun@suda.edu.cn课题组网站学历及学术经历:2001年获得苏州大学学士学位,并继续攻读本校应用化学专业硕士及博士研究生,2007年获苏州大学工学博士学位并留校任教,加入导师路建美教授科研团队。 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06
  • 苏州大学材料与化学化工学部导师教师师资介绍简介-李娜
    姓名:李娜职称:讲师部门:化工与环境工程学院联系方式:+8651265883267Email:chemlina@suda.edu.cn课题组网站学历及学术经历:2006年毕业于中国石油大学(华东)化学化工学院,获学士学位。2012年1月毕业于中国石油大学(华东)化学工程学院,化学工程与技术专业博士学 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06
  • 苏州大学材料与化学化工学部导师教师师资介绍简介-潘勤敏
    姓名:潘勤敏职称:教授、博士生导师部门:化工与环境工程学院联系方式:Tel&Fax:86-(O)Email:qpan@suda.edu.cn课题组网站学历及学术经历:1982年获浙江大学学士学位,1987获浙江大学博士学位。1987-2002在浙江大学化工系和高分子系任教,2002-2008年在加拿 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-03-06