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2. 纳米层状材料及其复合材料
3. 金属晶须自发生长现象及机理
个 人 简 介
研究领域涵盖金属、陶瓷、金属间化合物、复合材料等在结构、热电转换、储氢、储能等领域的基础与应用,在J. Mater. Chem. A、Carbon、Inter. Mater. Rev.、Acta Mater. 等期刊上发表150多篇SCI学术论文,申请40多项发明专利。最近十年,主要活跃在金属性陶瓷材料,即MAX相及其衍生材料MXene等研究领域。
1.面向高场应用的新型高性能CICC 超导导体研制:课题3-:耐温高强度结构及高性能绝缘材料的关键问题研究,项目负责人:孙正明,2018/1-2022/12;
1.丁健翔, 孙正明*, 张培根, 田无边, 张亚梅. Ag基触头材料的研究现状与展望. 材料导报2018, 32: 58-66.
2.D. Wang, Y. Zhang, J. Chen?, H. Xu, L. Qin, Y. Li, W. Zhang, P. Zhang, W. Tian, X. Guo,Z.M. Sun*, Structural hybridization of ternary (0D, 1D and 2D) composites as anodes for high-performance Li-ion batteries, Energy Storage Materials, 2018, 13: 293-302.
3.W. Zheng#,P. Zhang#, J. Chen*, W. B. Tian., Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, In-situ synthesis of CNTs@Ti3C2hybrid structures by microwave irradiation for high-performance anodes in lithium ion batteries, J Mater. Chem. A2018, 6: 3543-3551.
4.L. Yang, P. Zhang*, J. Shi, J. Liang, W.B. Tian, Y.M. Zhang, Z.M. Sun*, Dual electrolytic plasma processing for steel surface cleaning and passivation, J. Mater. Eng. Perform.2018, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-017-2826-0.
5.J. Ding, W. B. Tian, P. Zhang, M. Zhang, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Arc erosion behavior of Ag/Ti3AlC2electrical contact materials, J. Alloy Comp.2018, 740: 669-676.
6.H. Xu, J. Chen, D. Wang, Z. M. Sun*, P. Zhang, Y. Zhang, X. Guo, Hierarchically porous carbon-coated SnO2@graphene foams as anodes for lithium ion storage, Carbon2017, 124: 565-575.
7.W. Zheng, P. Zhang*, W. B. Tian, Y. Wang, Y. M. Zhang, J. Chen, Z. M. Sun*, Microwave-assisted synthesis of SnO2-Ti3C2nanocomposite for enhanced supercapacitive performance, Mater. Lett.2017, 209: 122-125.
8.郑伟, 孙正明*, 张培根, 田无边, 王英, 张亚梅. 二维纳米材料MXene的研究进展. 材料导报2017, 31: 1-14.
9.S. Wang, Y. Du, W. Liao, Z. M. Sun*. Hydrogen adsorption, dissociation and diffusion on two-dimensional Ti2C monolayer. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 42, 27214-27219, doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.09.111.
10.X. Qin, P. Zhang, S. Wang, Y. Du, Y. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, The influence of N content on structure, phase stability, elastic and electronic properties in Ti3AlC2?xNx(x=0–2), Physica Status Solidi (b) 2017, 254(7): **-n/a.
11.Y. Liu, P. Zhang*, C. Ling, J. Ding, W.B. Tian, Y.M. Zhang, Z.M. Sun*, Spontaneous Sn whisker formation on Ti2SnC, J. Mater. Sci., Mater. Electron.2017, 28(8): 5788-5795.
12.J. Ding, P. Zhang, W. B. Tian, J. Shi, Y. M. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, The effects of Sn content on the microstructure and the formation mechanism of Ti2SnC powder by pressureless synthesis,J. Alloy Comp.2017, 695: 2850-2856.
13.Y. Liu, P. Zhang*, Y. M. Zhang, J. Ding, J. Shi, Z. M. Sun*, Spontaneous growth of Sn whiskers and a new formation mechanism,Mater. Lett.2016,178:111-114.
14.P. Zhang, Y. Zhang, & Z. M. Sun*, Spontaneous growth of metal whiskers on surfaces of solids: a review,J. Mater. Sci. Tech.2015, 31: 675-698.
15.P. Zhang, Shen L. W., Ouyang J., Zhang Y., Wu S., Z. M. Sun*, Room temperature mushrooming of gallium wires and its growth mechanism,J. Alloy Comp.2015, 619: 488-497.
16.P. Zhang, Liu Y., Ding J., Y. M. Zhang, Yan J. L., An B., Iijima T., Z. M. Sun*, Controllable growth of Ga wires from Cr2GaC-Ga and its mechanism,Physica B: Condensed Matter2015, 475: 90-98.
17.Z. M. Sun*, M. W. Barsoum, Y. M. Zhang, H. Hashimoto, On equilibrium Ga intergranular films in Cr2GaC, Mater. Res. Lett.2013, 1(2): 109-113.
18.Z. M. Sun*, Progress in research and development on MAX phases -a family of layered ternary compounds,Inter. Mater. Rev.2011, 56(3): 143-166.
19.Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, W. B. Tian, Y. Zou, Synthesis of the MAX phases by pulse discharge sintering,Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol.2010, 7(6): 704-718.
20.Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, L. Chen, Reaction mechanism in Ti-SiC-C powder mixture during pulse discharge sintering, Ceram. Int.2010, 36(3): 1027-1031.
21.Y. L. Du,Z. M. Sun*,H. Hashimoto, First-principles study on phase stability and compression behavior of Ti2SC and Ti2AlC, Physica B2010, 405(2): 720-723.
22.W. B. Tian, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Y. L. Du, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Ti3SiC2-TiC composites, J. Alloy Compd.2010, 502: 49-53.
23.Y. L. Du,Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, M. W. Barsoum, Theoretical investigations on the elastic and thermodynamic properties of Ti2AlC0.5N0.5solid solution, Phys. Lett. A2009, 374:78-82.
24.W. B. Tian, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Y. Du, Synthesis, microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti3SiC2-TiC composites pulse discharge sintered from Ti/Si/TiC powder mixture, Mater. Sci. Eng.A 2009, 526: 16-21.
25.W.B. Tian, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Y. L. Du, Synthesis, microstructure and properties of (Cr1-xVx)2AlC solid solutions, J. Alloy Compd.2009, 484(1-2): 130-133.
26.Y. L. Du, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, W. B. Tian, First-Principles Study on Thermodynamic Properties of Ti2AlC and Ti2SC, Mater. Trans.2009, 50(9): 2173-2176.
27.Y. L. Du, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, W. B. Tian, Bonding properties and bulk modulus of M4AlC3(M = V, Nb, and Ta) studied by first-principles calculations,Phys. Status Solidi B 2009, 246(5): 1039-1043.
28.Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, L. Cheng, Synthesis reactions for Ti3AlC2through pulse discharge sintering TiH2/Al/C powder mixture, J. Alloy Compd.2009, 468(1-2): 217-221.
29.W. B. Tian, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Y. L. Du, Compressive deformation behavior of ternary compound Cr2AlC. J. Mater. Sci.2009, 44 (1): 102-107.
30.W. B. Tian,Z. M. Sun*, Y. L. Du, H. Hashimoto, Mechanical properties of pulse discharge sintered Cr2AlC at 25-1000 oC, Mater. Lett.2009, 63(8): 670-672.
31.Y. L. Du, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, W. B. Tian, Elastic properties of Ta4AlC3studied by first-principles calculations, Solid State Commun.2008, 147(7-8): 246-249.
32.Y. L. Du, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, W. B. Tian, First-principles study on electronic structure and elastic properties of Ti2SC, Phys. Lett. A 2008,372(31): 5220-5223.
33.Y. L. Du, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, W. B. Tian, First-Principles Study of Carbon Vacancy in Ta4AlC3, Mater. Trans.2008, 49(9): 1934-1936.
34.W. Tian, Z.M. Sun*, Y. Du, H. Hashimoto, Synthesis reactions of Cr2AlC from Cr-Al4C3-C by pulse discharge sintering, Mater. Lett.2008, 62(23): 3852-3855.
35.Y. Zou, Z.M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Synthesis of high-purity polycrystalline Ti3AlC2through pulse discharge sintering Ti/Al/TiC powders, J. Alloy Compd.2008,456:456-460.
36.Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, S. Tada, H. Hashimoto, Effect of Al addition on low temperature synthesis of Ti3SiC2powder, J. Alloy Compd.2008, 461(1-2): 579-584.
37.Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, S. Tada, H. Hashimoto, Effect of liquid reaction on the synthesis of Ti3SiC2 powder, Ceram. Int.2008, 34:119-123.
38.Y. L. Du, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, W. B. Tian, First-principles study of polymorphism in Ta4AlC3, Solid State Commun.2008, 145: 461-464.
39.Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Low temperature synthesis of single-phase Ti3AlC2through reactive sintering Ti/Al/C powders, Mater. Sci. Eng.A 2008,473: 90-95.
40.Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, S. Tada, H. Hashimoto, Synthesis reactions for Ti3SiC2through pulse discharge sintering TiH2/Si/TiC powder mixture, Mater. Res. Bull.2008, 43: 968-975.
41.S. Yang, Z. M. Sun*, Q. Yang, H. Hashimoto, Effect of Al addition on the synthesis of Ti3SiC2bulk material by pulse discharge sintering process, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.2007, 27: 4807-4812.
42.Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Mechanical Behavior of Ti3AlC2Prepared by Pulse Discharge Sintering Method, Mater. Trans.2007, 48: 2432-2435.
43.Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, M.W. Barsoum, On the effect of environment on spontaneous growth of lead whiskers from commercial brasses at room temperature, Acta Mater.2007, 55(10): 3387-96.
44.Z. M. Sun*, S. L. Yang, H. Hashimoto, Effect of Al on the synthesis of Ti3SiC2by reactively sintering Ti-SiC-C powder mixtures, J. Alloy Compd. 2007, 439: 321-325.
45.Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Rapid synthesis of single-phase Ti3AlC2 through pulse discharge sintering a TiH2/Al/TiC powder mixture, Scripta Mater.2007, 56: 725-728.
46.Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, S. Tada, H. Hashimoto, Synthesis of high-purity Ti3SiC2through pulse discharge sintering of TiH2/SiC/C powder mixture, Mater. Trans.2007: 48: 133-138.
47.Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Synthesis of single-phase Ti3SiC2 with the assistance of liquid phase formation,J. Alloy Comp.2007, 441: 192-196.
48.Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Liquid reaction during synthesis of Ti3SiC2 through pulse discharge Sintering Ti/Si/TiC mixed powders, Mater. Trans.2006, 47: 2987-2990.
49.Z. M. Sun*, M.W. Barsoum, Alternate mechanism for the spontaneous freestanding Ga nanoribbons formation on Cr2GaC surfaces, J. Mater. Res.2006, 21: 1629-1631.
50.Z. M. Sun*, Y. Zou, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Effect of Al addition on pressureless reactive sintering of Ti3SiC2, Scripta Mater.2006, 55: 1011-1014.
51.Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Synthesis of Ti3SiC2 through pulse discharge sintering powder mixture containing coarse Ti, Mater. Trans.2006, 47: 1910-1913.
52.Y. Zou, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, Synthesis reactions for Ti3AlC2through pulse discharge sintering Ti/Al4C3/TiC powder mixture, Scripta Mater.2006, 55: 767-770.
53.Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Z. F. Zhang, S. L. Yang, S. Tada, Synthesis and characterization of a metallic ceramic material -Ti3SiC2, Mater. Trans.2006, 47: 170-174.
54.Z. M. Sun*, T. J. Zhen, M. W. Barsoum, Creep rupture induced silica-based nanofibers formed on fracture surfaces of Ti3SiC2, J. Mater. Res.2005, 20: 2895-2897.
55.Z.F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, Shear fracture behavior of Ti3SiC2induced by compression at temperatures below 1000oC,Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2005, 408: 64-71.
56.Z. M. Sun*, S. Gupta, H. Ye & M. Barsoum, Spontaneous growth of freestanding Ga nanoribbons from Cr2GaC surfaces, J. Mater. Res.2005, 20: 2618-2621.
57.Z. M. Sun*, A. Murugaiah, M. W. Barsoum, T. Zhen, A. Zhou, Microstructure and mechanical properties of porous Ti3SiC2,Acta Mater.2005, 53: 4359-4366.
58.Z. M. Sun*, & M. Barsoum, Spontaneous room temperature extrusion of Pb nano-whiskers from leaded brass surfaces, J. Mater. Res.2005, 20: 1087-1089.
59.N. Keawprak, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, M. W. Barsoum, Effect of sintering temperature on the thermoelectric properties of pulse discharge sintered (Bi0.24Sb0.76)2Te3Alloy, J. Alloy. Compd.2005, 397: 236-244.
60.Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, N. Keawprak, A. B. Ma, L. F. Li, M. W. Barsoum, Effect of rotary-die equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) on the thermoelectric properties of a (Bi,Sb)2Te3alloy, J. Mater. Res.2005, 20: 895-903.
61.Z. M. Sun*, S. L. Yang, H. Hashimoto, Ti3SiC2powder synthesis, Ceram. Int.2004, 30: 1873-1877.
62.Z. M. Sun*, S. L. Yang, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, T. Abe, Synthesis and consolidation of ternary compound Ti3SiC2from green compact of mixed powders,Mater. Trans.2004, 45: 373-375.
63.Z. F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Zhang, H. Hashimoto, Micro-scale deformation and damage mechanisms of Ti3SiC2crystals induced by indentation, Adv. Eng. Mater.2004,6: 980-982.
64.Z. F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Low temperature synthesis of Ti3SiC2from Ti/SiC/C powders, Mater. Sci. Tech.2004,20: 1252-1256.
65.Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Fabrication of TiAl alloys by MA-PDS Process and the Mechanical Properties, Intermetallics 2003, 11: 825-834.
66.Z. M. Sun*, B. Weiss, Influence of measurement location on local crack opening displacement, Mater. Trans.2003, 44: 115-117.
67.Z. M. Sun*, Qian Wang, H. Hashimoto, S. Tada, T. Abe, Synthesis and consolidation of TiAl by MA-PDS process from sponge-Ti and chip-Al, Intermetallics 2003, 11: 63-69.
68.Z. F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Deformation and fracture behavior of ternary compound Ti3SiC2at 25-1300 oC, Mater. Lett.2003, 57: 1295-1299.
69.S. L. Yang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Ti3SiC2powder synthesis from Ti/Si/TiC powder mixtures, J. Alloy. Compd.2003, 358: 168-172.
70.S. L. Yang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Synthesis of single-phase Ti3SiC2powder, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.2003, 23: 3147-3152.
71.Z. F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, T. Abe, Effects of sintering temperature and Si content on the purity of Ti3SiC2synthesized by Ti/Si/TiC powders, J. Alloy. Compd.2003, 352: 283-289.
72.Z. F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Y. H. Park, T. Abe, Fabrication and microstructure characterization of Ti3SiC2synthesized by Ti/Si/2TiC powders through pulse discharge sintering (PDS) technique, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.2003, 86: 431-436.
73.Z. M. Sun*, Z. F. Zhang, H. Hashimoto, T. Abe, Ternary compound Ti3SiC2: part I. synthesis by using pulse discharge sintering technique, Mater. Trans.2002, 43: 428-431.
74.Z. M. Sun*, Z. F. Zhang, H. Hashimoto, T. Abe, Ternary compound Ti3SiC2: part II. deformation and fracture behavior at different temperatures, Mater. Trans.2002, 43: 432-435.
75.Z. F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, T. Abe, A new synthesis reaction of Ti3SiC2from Ti/TiSi2/TiC powder mixtures through pulse discharge sintering (PDS) technique, Mater. Res. Innov.2002, 5: 185-189.
76.Z. F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Rapid synthesis of high purity Ti3SiC2through pulse discharge sintering (PDS) technique from Ti/Si/TiC powders, Metall. Mater. Trans.2002, 33A: 3321-3328.
77.Z. F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, T. Abe, Application of pulse discharge sintering (PDS) technique to rapid synthesis of Ti3SiC2from Ti/Si/C powders, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.2002, 22: 2957-2961.
78.S. L. Yang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Formation of Ti3SiC2from Ti-Si-TiC powders by the pulse discharge sintering (PDS) technique, Mater. Res. Innov.2003, 7: 225-230.
79.S. L. Yang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Oxidation of Ti3SiC2at 1000C in air, Oxid. Met.2003, 59: 155-165.
80.Z. F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*, H. Hashimoto, Fabrication and mechanical properties of ternary compound Ti3SiC2: application of pulse discharge sintering (PDS) technique, Adv. Eng. Mater.2002, 4: 864-868.
81.Z. F. Zhang, Z. M. Sun*,H. Hashimoto, T. Abe, A new synthesis reaction of Ti3SiC2polycrystals through pulse discharge sintering (PDS) Ti/SiC/TiC powder, Scri. Mater.2001, 45: 1461-1467.
82.Z. M. Sun*, T. Kobayashi, H. Fukumasu, I. Yamamoto, K. Shibue, Tensile properties and fracture toughness of a Ti-45Al-1.6Mn alloy at loading velocities of up to 12m/s,Metall. Mater. Trans.1998, 29A: 263-277.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16
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基本信息姓名:张法明性别:男党派:中共党员职称:副教授联系方式:中国江苏省南京市东南大学江宁校区材料科学与工程学院,211189联系电话:+86-,**Email:fmzhang@seu.edu.cnWebsite:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/G-2804-201 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张友法
基本信息姓名:张友法性别:男党派:中共党员职称:副教授,博士生导师联系方式:yfzhang@seu.edu.cn研究方向:1.仿生纳米表界面材料;2.高性能金属材料个人简介简介2003年和2008年在吉林大学材料学院分别获学士和博士学位,2012年在东南大学晋升副教授和博士生导师,2013年赴美国宾 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-周健
基本信息姓名:周健性别:男党派:中共党员职称:副教授联系方式:jethro@seu.edu.cnTel:研究方向:(1)钎焊材料及电子封装材料;(2)材料表面与界面个人简介周健,男,1977年3月生,湖北新洲人,副教授。2006年10月获东南大学博士学位。近十年来主要从事锡基无铅钎焊材料、耐磨铝基及 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16