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联系电话:+86-, **
个 人 简 介
2014.01-至今 东南大学材料科学与工程学院,副教授。硕士生导师,博士生导师。主管学院研究生国际化教学。
2012.10-2013.11 德国罗斯托克大学,机械制造与造船系,获得特许任教工学博士学位Doktor-Ingenieur habilitatus (Dr.-Ing Habil.);期间曾在德国汉堡工业大学Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, 材料物理与技术系,短期访问。
2007.12-2013.07 德国罗斯托克大学(University of Rostock),物理系,Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter研究员(助教位置),从事科研与教学工作;
2005.10-2007.11 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所,博士后;
2002.08-2005.09 哈尔滨工业大学,材料科学与工程学院,工学博士学位;
1996.09-2000.07 河北科技大学,材料科学与工程系,工学学士学位;
(1)国家自然科学基金NSFC-航天先进制造联合基金,航天用石墨烯增强钛基复合材料. 2018.01-2020.12,主持,在研.
(5)国家教育部回国留学人员科研启动基金. 等离子烧结合成金刚石的机理.No. 2015-1098.主持.在研
(6) 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所高性能陶瓷和超微结构国家重点实验室开放基金,纳米金刚石及其复合材料. SKL201603SIC. 2017.01-2018.12, 主持,在研.
(9)国家自然科学基金面上项目,冲击载荷作用下泡沫铝孔隙梯度优化设计. 2016-2019,在研,参加。
(10)国家自然科学基金面上项目,微纳尺度类金刚石碳膜动态力学性质及机理研究. 2015-2018,结题,参加。
(11)主持: Venture Cup 2011, MV.Diamantsynthese durch Spark-Plasma-Sinterung.UR 11 007 VC 2011.
(12)主持: DFG (Germany research foundation). Pulsed electric field Induced diamond synthesis and mechanisms. Grant No. BU 547/10-1.
(13)主持: DFG (Germany research foundation). Pulsed electric field Induced Phase transformation from Graphene. Grant No. BU 547/10-2.
(14)主持: DESY Project in Hamburg, Temperature and pressure induced phase transformation of carbon materials by synchrotron radiation. II-**.
(15) 主持: DESY Project in Hamburg, Stability and phase transformations of graphene under extreme physical conditions.I-**.
(17)主持完成中国博士后基金项目,项目号, 2005.10-2007.11.
(1) Lead guest editor in special issue of ‘Nanomaterials processing by spark plasma sintering’ Journalof Nanomaterials.
(2) Editor board in ‘Chemical and Materials Engineering’ (http://www.hrpub.org/journals/jour_editorialboard.php?id=55) ;
(3) 德国材料学会Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde, DGM 会员,Mitglieds-Nr. 167578;
(4) 中国机械工程学会-工程陶瓷分会理事(2017-至今)
(5) 中国材料研究学会-多孔材料分会第一届委员(2018-2021)
(7) 中国复合材料学会会员
(1) 材料分析技术(全英文),2学分必修-------材料学院大三学生,每学年秋季学期。
(2) 工程金属材料,2学分必修------能源环境学院大三学生,每学年秋季学期。
(3) 放电等离子烧结技术与机理(研讨课),1学分选修--------研一学生,每学年春节学期。
(4) 材料制备技术实验课,选修--------大三学生,每学年秋季学期。
(1)Venture Cup Winner in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. (2012)
[1] Saba F., Zhang F., Sajjadi S.A., Haddad-Sabzevar M. (2019) Surface-Modified-CNTs/Al Matrix Nanocomposites Produced via Spark Plasma Sintering: Microstructures, Properties, and Formation Mechanism. In: Cavaliere P. (eds) Spark Plasma Sintering of Materials. Springer, Cham, 19 February 2019 Print ISBN 978-3-030-05326-0
[2] E. Burkel, F. Zhang. Chapter: Diamond Formation in Graphene Nanoplatelets, Carbon Nanotubes and Fullerenes Under Spark Plasma Sintering. Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology.ISBN 978-94-007-6178-0,Springer Netherlands. 2016.02
[3] F. Zhang, Y. Quan. R. Reich, O. Kessler, E. Burkel.Chapter 11: Sintering and heat treatment of titanium alloys by pulsed electric current sintering. In the Book 'Sintering Applications'. ISBN 978-953-51-0974-7, InTech. 02.2013.
[4] F. Zhang, E. Burkel. Chapter 2: Synthesis of diamond using spark plasma sintering. In the book of “Sintering of ceramics-new emerging techniques”. ISBN 978-953-308-4-8. Published byInTech. 02.2012.
[5] F. Zhang, E. Burkel. Chapter 9: Novel titanium manganese alloys and their macroporous foams for biomedical applications prepared by field assisted sintering. In the book of “Biomedical Engineering, Trends, Researches and Technologies” ISBN 978-953-7619. InTech. 02.2011.
[6] Rott, G. A., Zhang, F., Haba, Y., Kruger, W. and Burkel E. Chapter 10. Dielectric Properties of Porous Calcium Titanate (CaTiO3), in Biomaterials Science-Processing, Properties, and Applications, 2011 John Wiley& Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA.
[1] Faming Zhang, Kuowei Fan, Farhad Saba, Jin Yu. Graphene reinforced-graphitized nanodiamonds matrix composites:Fabrication, microstructure, mechanical properties, thermal and electrical conductivity. Carbon, 169(2020)416-428.
[2] Caiyun Shang, Faming Zhang, Bin Zhang, Feng Chen. Interface microstructure and strengthening mechanisms of multilayer graphene reinforced titanium alloy matrix nanocomposites with network architectures. Materials and Design, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2020.109119
[3] Caiyun Shang, Tengfei Liu, Faming Zhang, Feng Chen. Effect of network size on mechanical properties and wear resistance of titanium/nanodiamonds nanocomposites with network architecture. Composites Communications, 19 (2020) 74–81.
[4] Kuowei Fan, Faming Zhang, Caiyun Shang, Farhad Saba, Jin Yu. Mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms of titanium matrix nanocomposites reinforced with onion-like carbons. Composites Part A, 132 (2020) 105834.
[5] Farhad Saba, Elham Garmroudi-Nezhad, Faming Zhang, Lili Wang. Fabrication, mechanical property and in vitro bioactivity of hierarchical macro-/micro-/nano-porous titanium and titanium molybdenum alloys. Journal of Materials Research, 2020,doi:10.1557/jmr.2020.12
[6] Faming Zhang, Juan Wang, Tengfei Liu, Caiyun Shang. Enhanced mechanical properties of few-layer graphene reinforced titanium alloy matrix nanocomposites with a network architecture. Materials and Design, 186 (2020) 108330.
[7] Faming Zhang, Maolong Du, Kuowei Fan, Can Ye, Bin Zhang. Fabrication and mechanical properties of network structured titanium alloy matrix composites reinforced with Ti2AlC particulates. Materials Science & Engineering A, 776 (2020) 139065.
[8] Tao Wen, Kuowei Fan, Faming Zhang. High strength and high ductility in nickel matrix nanocomposites reinforced by carbon nanotubes and onion-like-carbon hybrid reinforcements. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 814 (2020) 152303.
[9] Faming Zhang, Kuowei Fan, Jin Yu, Farhad Saba and Jing Sun. Pulsed direct current field-induced thermal stability and phase transformation of nanodiamonds to carbon onions. RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 14360
[10] Farhad Saba, Faming Zhang, Suli Liu, Tengfei Liu. Reinforcement size dependence of mechanical properties and strengthening mechanisms in diamond reinforced titanium metal matrix composites, Composites B. 2019, 167:7-19.
[11] Faming Zhang, Tengfei Liu. Nanodiamonds reinforced titanium matrix nanocomposites with network architecture. Composites B. 2019, 165:143-154.
[12] Farhad Saba, Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi, Mohsen Haddad-Sabzevar, Faming Zhang. Exploring the reinforcing effect of TiC and CNT in dual-reinforced Al-matrix Composites. Diamond & Related Materials 89 (2018) 180–189.
[13] Farhad Saba, Faming Zhang, Suli Liu, Tengfei Liu. Tribological properties, thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance of titanium/nanodiamond nanocomposites. Composites Communications. 2018, 10:57-63.
[14] Faming Zhang, Peipei Zhao, Teifei Liu, Suli Liu, Zhang Peigen, Jin Yu, Jing Sun. In-situ synthesis of nanodiamonds reinforced iron-nickel matrix nanocomposites and their properties. Diamond and related Materials. 2018, 83:60-66.
[15] Saba, Farhad; Sajjadi, Seyed Abdolkarim; Zhang, Faming. The effect of TiC: CNT mixing ratio and CNT content on the mechanical and tribological behaviors of TiC modified CNT-reinforced Al-matrix nanocomposites. Powder Technology, 2018, 331: 107-120.
[16] Farhad Saba, Seyed Abdolkarim Sajjadi, Mohsen Haddad-Sabzevar, Faming Zhang. TiC-modified carbon nanotubes, TiC nanotubes and TiC nanorods: Synthesis and characterization. Ceramics International. 2018, 44:7949-7954.
[17] Faming Zhang, Suli Liu, Peipei Zhao, Tengfei Liu, Jing Sun. Titanium/nanodiamond nanocomposites: Effect of nanodiamond on microstructure and mechanical properties of titanium. Materials and Design, 2017, 131:144-155
[18] Faming Zhang, Ping Li, Jin Yu et al. Fabrication, formation mechanism and properties of three-dimensional nanoporous titanium dealloyed in metallic powders.Journal of Materials Research2017, 32(8)1528-40.
[19] Faming Zhang, Lili Wang, Ping Li, Suli Liu, Peipei Zhao,Ge Daiand Siyuan He. Preparation of Nano to Submicro-Porous TiMo Foams by Spark Plasma Sintering. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2017,19(2):1-10.
[20] Farhad Saba,Seyed A. Sajjadi,Mohsen Haddad-Sabzevar, Faming Zhang. Formation mechanism of nano titanium carbide on multi-walled carbon nanotube and influence of the nanocarbides on the load-bearing contribution of the nanotubes inner-walls in aluminum-matrix composites.Carbon, 2017, 115C: 720-729.
[21] Farhad Saba,Faming Zhang,Seyed A. Sajjadi,Mohsen Haddad-Sabzevar,Ping Li,Pulsed current field assisted surface modification of carbon nanotubes with nanocrystalline titanium carbide,Carbon,2016,101:261-271.
[22] Faming Zhang,Ping Li,Ge Dai,Siyuan He,Fabrication and properties of three-dimensional nanoporous graphene foams with magnesium binder,Scripta Materialia,2016,111:89-93.
[23] F. Zhang, F. Essenhut, E. Burkel.Pulsed direct current field induced phase transformation in graphene nanoplatelets. Applied Physics Letters.104, 253108 (2014).
[24] Yujie Quan, Philipp Drescher, Faming Zhang, Eberhard Burkel, Hermann Seitz, Cellular Ti6Al4V with carbon nanotubelike structures fabricated by selective electron beam melting. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2014,20(6):541 – 55
[25] F. Zhang, M. Reich, O. Kessler, E. Burkel.Potential of rapid cooling spark plasma sintering for metallic materials. Materials Today. 2013, 16(5): 192-195.
[26] F. Zhang, B. Basu, L. Wang, F. Izabel, E. Claude. Editorial: Nanomaterials Processed by Spark Plasma Sintering. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2013, doi:10.1155/2013/346952.
[27] Y Quan, F. Zhang, H. Rebl, B. Nebe, O. Kessler, E. Burkel.Ti6Al4V foams fabricated by spark plasma sintering with post heat treatment. Materials Science & Engineering A. 2013,565(118–125).
[28] F. Zhang, F. Ahmed, G. Holzhuter, E. Burkel.Growth of diamond from fullerene C60 by spark plasma sintering. Journal of Crystal Growth. 340 (2012) 1–5.
[29] F. Zhang, F. Ahmed, J. Bednarcik, E. Burkel. Diamond synthesis through the generation of plasma during spark plasma sintering.Phys. Status Solidi A, 2012, 11: 2241–2246.
[30] F. Zhang, A. Weidmann, J. B. Nebe, E. Burkel.Cell Response to Surface Modified Carbon Nanotubes. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2012, 32(5): 1057–1061.
[31] F. Zhang, C. Mihoc, F. Ahmed, C. Latte, E. Burkel. Thermal stability of carbon nanotubes, fullerene and graphite under spark plasma sintering. Chemical Physics Letters 510 (2011) 109-114
[32] F. Zhang, M. Adam, E. Otterstein, E. Burkel.Pulsed Electric Field Induced Diamond Synthesis from Carbon Nanotubes with Solvent Catalysts. Diamond and related Materials. 20 (2011) 853-858.
[33] A. Ibrahim,F. Zhang, E. Otterstein, E. Burkel.Processing of Porous Ti and Ti5Mn Foams by Spark Plasma sintering. Materials and Design. 2011, 32: 146-153.
[34] F. Zhang, J. Chang, E. Burkel. Dissolution Process and Mechanisms of Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Modified Carbon Nanotubes.New Carbon Materials. 2010, 25(4): 1-7.
[35] F. Zhang, A. Weidmann, J. B. Nebe, U. Beck, E. Burkel.Preparation, Microstructures, Mechanical Properties and Cytocompatibility of TiMn Alloys for Biomedical Applications. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research B. 2010,94B: 406-413.
[36] F. Zhang, E. Otterstein, E. Burkel.Spark plasma sintering, microstructures and mechanical properties of macroporous titanium foams. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2010, 12 (9): 863-872.
[37] F. Zhang, A. Weidmann, B. J. Nebe, E. Burkel. Preparation of TiMn alloy by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering for biomedical applications. Journal of Physics: Con. Series, 2009, 144:012007.
[38] F. Zhang, J. Chang, J. Lu and C. Ning, Surface Modification of Beta-tricalcium Phosphate Scaffolds with Topological Nanoapatite Coatings. Materials Science and Engineering: C. 2009,28(8): 1330-1339.
[39] Lihua Long, Faming Zhang, Lei Chen, Lidong Chen, Jiang Chang. Preparation and properties of β-CaSiO3/ZrO2 (3Y) nanocomposites. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2008, 28(15): 2883-2887.
[40] F. Zhang, J. Chang, K. Lin and J. Lu,Preparation, mechanical properties and in vitro degradability of wollastonite/tricalcium phosphate macroporous scaffolds from nanocomposite powders, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 2008,19(1): 167-173.
[41] F. Zhang, K. Lin, J. Chang, J. Lu and C. Ning; Spark plasma sintering of macroporous calcium phosphate scaffolds from nanocrystalline powders. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2008, 28(3): 539-545.
[42] F. Zhang, J. Chang, J. Lu, K. Lin and C. Ning, Bioinspired structure of bioceramics for bone regeneration in load-bearing sites, Acta Biomaterialia, 2007, 3(6): 896-904.
[43] Faming Zhang, Jiang Chang, Jianxi Lu, Kaili Lin. Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Dense/Porous β-Tricalcium Phosphate Bioceramics. Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 2007, 330-332: 907-910.
[44] F. Zhang, J. Shen, J. Sun, D.G. McCartney. Direct Synthesis of Diamond from Low Purity Carbon Nanotubes. Carbon. 44 (2006) 3136-3138.
[45] J. Shen, F. M. Zhang, J. F. Sun, Y. Q. Zhuand G. McCartney.Spark plasma sintering assisted Diamond Formation from Carbon Nanotubes at very Low Pressure. Nanotechnology.17 (2006) 2187-2191.
[46] F. Zhang,J. Shen, J. Sun, Y. Q. Zhu, G. Wang and G.McCartney. Conversion of Carbon Nanotubes to Diamond by a spark plasma sintering, Carbon. 2005, 43 (6): 1254-1258.
[47] Jun Shen, Faming Zhang, Jianfei Sun. Processing and Mechanical Properties of Spark Plasma Sintered WC-Co-Al2O3 Nanocomposites. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2005.1:102-109.
[48] F. Zhang, J. Sun, J. Shen. Effects of Carbon Nanotubes Incorporation on the Grain growth of Nanocrystalline WC-Co cermets. Material Science Forum. 475-479 (2005): 989-992.
[49] F. Zhang, J. Shen, J. Sun. Processing and Properties of Carbon Nanotubes-Nano-WC-Co composites. Materials Science & Engineering A. 381(2004)91-96.
[50] F. Zhang, J. Shen, J. Sun. The Effect of Phosphorus additions on Densification, Grain growth and Properties of nanocrystalline WC/Co composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2004,385(1-2): 96-103.
[51] Jun Shen, Jianfei Sun and Faming Zhang. Synthesis and Characterizations of Nanocrystalline WC-Co Composite Powders by a Unique Ball Milling Process. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 2004, 20(1): 7-10.
[52] J. Sun, F. Zhang, J. Shen. Characterization of ball-milled nanocrystalline WC-Co composite powders and subsequently rapid hot pressing sintered cermets. Materials Letters, 57(2003)3140-3148.
[1]张法明,李萍,一种三维纳米多孔钛及其合金的制备方法,中国发明专利. CN5.2。(授权).
[2]张法明,刘苏丽,一种纳米金刚石增强钛基复合材料及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利. CN7.7(授权).
[3]赵佩佩,李萍,张法明,王利利.一种钛或钛合金表面纳米多孔的制备方法,中国发明专利. CN0.7(授权).
[4]张法明,赵佩佩,刘腾飞一种原位合成纳米金刚石增强铁镍基复合材料的方法及其所得材料和应用.中国发明专利. CN8.1(授权)
[5] 张法明,王娟.一种三维网络状分布的石墨烯增强钛基复合材料及其制备方法和应用.中国发明专利.CN8.5 (授权)
[6] 范阔威,张法明. 一种纳米洋葱碳增强钛基复合材料及其制备方法. 中国发明专利.CN 6.0 (授权)
[7] 张法明,杜茂龙. 一种Ti2AlC增强钛基复合材料及其制备方法和应用. 中国发明专利9.0 (已申请)。
[8] 张法明,范阔威,于金. 一种纳米洋葱碳多孔块体材料及其制备方法, 中国发明专利,5.9 (已申请)
[9] 张法明,张彬,一种纳米TiC修饰石墨烯增强钛基复合材料及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,6.2 (已申请)
[10] 张法明,叶灿, 一种异构结构的钛基复合材料及其制备方法和应用,中国发明专利,3.9(已申请)
[11] Faming Zhang, Eberhard Burkel, Gunnar Rott. Verfahren zur Synthese von Diamanten. Deutsches Patent, DE 10 2011 014 204 A1.(已授权).
[1] 王娟, 张法明. 三维网状结构石墨烯增强钛基复合材料的制备与力学性能. 第四届中国国际复合材料科技大会(CCCM-4), 2019, 11,28-30, 珠海,(口头报告)
[2] 张法明, 王娟, 范阔威, 杜茂龙. 石墨烯、纳米金刚石、纳米洋葱碳及碳纳米管增强金属基复合材料的研究新进展, 中国材料大会2019,成都2019.07.10-14 (邀请报告)
[3] 范阔威,张法明,于金. 纳米洋葱碳增强钛基复合材料的制备与性能。中国材料大会2019,成都2019.07.10-14 (口头报告)
[4] 张法明,王娟.航天用石墨烯增强钛基复合材料制备与性能. 第十七届全国钛及钛合金学术交流会, 2019.04.11-18, 南京. (口头报告).
[5] Faming Zhang, Siyuan He. Fabrication and properties of porous titanium and titanium aluminum carbide (Ti3AlC2). WorldPM2018. Beijing, 9.16-20,2018 (Invited lecture)
[6] 张法明,刘腾飞,王娟,杜茂龙,范阔威. 纳米碳增强金属基复合材料的新进展.中国有色金属青年会议.长春,2018.08 (邀请报告)
[7] 张法明,刘腾飞,刘苏丽,王娟. 纳米碳增强钛基复合材料的微观组织调控与性能. 中国材料大会2018,厦门,2018.7.12-15(邀请报告).
[8] 张法明,刘苏丽,刘腾飞. 纳米金刚石增强钛基复合材料. 第三届中国国际复合材料大会(CCCM-3). 2017.10. 杭州. (邀请报告)
[9] Faming Zhang. Porous Titanium from Macroporous to Nanoporous structures. 10thInternational conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (Metfoam 2017). 2017.9.14-17, Nanjing, China. (Keynotes Lecture).
[10] Faming Zhang, Suli Liu. Preparation and properties of titanium metal matrix nanocomposites reinforced with carbon nanotubes, graphene and nanodiamonds. 21st International Conference on Composites Materials (ICCM-21). 2017.8.20-25, Xian, China. (Oral presentation).
[11] 张法明,纳米多孔钛的制备与功能性能. 中国材料大会2017----纳米多孔金属材料分会场. 2017.07,银川(邀请报告)
[12] 赵佩佩,张法明. 原位自生纳米金刚石增强镍铁基复合材料. 中国超硬材料及金刚石材料大会2017. 广西北海. 2017.08.28-09.01 (口头报告).
[13] 张法明. 纳米碳材料在直流脉冲电场作用下的相变机理. 中国机械工程学会工程陶瓷分化会议暨工程陶瓷理事会会议. 2017.05. 上海,(分会主席)。
[14] 张法明,第二届全国有色金属结构材料制备/加工及应用技术交流会. 2016.3.29-4.1. 洛阳.
[15] 张法明,刘苏丽.生物医用纳米碳增强钛基复合材料的制备、组织结构与性能. 第三届全国复合材料创新应用科技大会. 2016.09.23-25. 常州. (口头报告)
[16] 张法明,王利利,李萍,刘苏丽,赵佩佩,戴戈,何思渊.纳米多孔钛及其合金的制备、组织调控与性能及其生物医学应用. 国家自然基金委纳米多孔金属战略研讨会. 2016.10.14-16 天津. (海报)
[17] 张法明,王利利,李萍,刘苏丽,赵佩佩.多孔钛及钛合金:从宏观大孔到微纳米孔.特种粉末冶金及复合材料制备/加工第一届学术会议.2016.11.11-13. 长沙.(口头报告)
[18] 张法明,李萍. 放电等离子烧结技术制备三维纳米多孔钛及其微观结构.中国材料大会2015----纳米金属材料分会场,2015.07.10-14.贵阳. (口头报告).
[19] Faming Zhang. Preparation of graphene-magnesium nanoporous foams by spark plasma sintering. The Fifteenth International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials (RQ15), Aug. 24-28, 2014, Shanghai. (Oral Presentation).
[20] 张法明. 放电等离子烧结技术合成金刚石的现状与展望. 第8 届中国金刚石相关材料及应用学术会议. 2014.09.13-18, 桂林. (口头报告).
Farhad Saba, 工学博士,中国-伊朗合作培养(2015-2018)(2019.9-上海交大金属基复合材料国家重点实验室博士后);
李萍,工学硕士,2014.07-2017.04 国家奖学金获得者,工作去向:台积电(昆山);
王利利,工学硕士,2014.07-2017.06 苏州工业园奖学金,工作去向:泰州民企;
刘苏丽,工学硕士,2015.07-2018.05 国家奖学金获得者,工作去向:德国罗伯特.博世集团(南京);
赵佩佩,工程硕士,2015.07-2018.06 光华奖学金,工作去向:美国森萨塔SENSATA ,中芯国际;
刘腾飞,工学硕士,2016.07-2019.06 工作去向:昆山汽车零部件企业(昆山);
王娟,工学硕士,2017.07-2020.06 工作去向:江苏时代新能源公司;
杜茂龙,工学硕士,2017.07-2020.03 工作去向:安徽民企;
范阔威,工程硕士,2017.07-2020.03 工作去向:迈瑞医疗南京分公司。
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16
相关话题/东南大学 材料
基本信息姓名:张友法性别:男党派:中共党员职称:副教授,博士生导师联系方式:yfzhang@seu.edu.cn研究方向:1.仿生纳米表界面材料;2.高性能金属材料个人简介简介2003年和2008年在吉林大学材料学院分别获学士和博士学位,2012年在东南大学晋升副教授和博士生导师,2013年赴美国宾 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-周健
基本信息姓名:周健性别:男党派:中共党员职称:副教授联系方式:jethro@seu.edu.cnTel:研究方向:(1)钎焊材料及电子封装材料;(2)材料表面与界面个人简介周健,男,1977年3月生,湖北新洲人,副教授。2006年10月获东南大学博士学位。近十年来主要从事锡基无铅钎焊材料、耐磨铝基及 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-张培根
基本信息姓名:张培根性别:男党派:中共党员职称:副教授(硕导、博导)联系方式:zhpeigen@seu.edu.cn研究方向:①低熔点金属晶须自发生长机制②电子封装工艺中Sn晶须无铅化抑制策略③MAX相及其衍生二维材料MXene个人简介张培根,1983年,河南南阳。2013年加入孙正明教授科研团队; ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-周雪峰
基本信息姓名:周雪峰性别:男党派:中共党员职称:副教授、博导联系方式:xuefengzhou@seu.edu.cn;研究方向:高性能金属材料详见:https://smse.seu.edu.cn/jjq/个人简介周雪峰,男,1982年11月生,江苏徐州人,博士,副教授,博士生导师。2011年 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-储成林
基本信息姓名:储成林性别:男党派:中共党员职称:教授、博导联系方式:clchu@seu.edu.cn研究方向:生物材料;金属材料;形状记忆合金;腐蚀评价与防护;医疗器械个人简介教育部新世纪优秀人才(2006年),东南大学材料科学与工程学院副院长,江苏省先进金属材料重点实验室副主任,中国生物材料学会医 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-董寅生
基本信息姓名:董寅生性别:男党派:中国民主促进会会员职称:博导联系方式:dongys@seu.edu.cn/研究方向:1、生物材料与新型医疗器械:骨修复用多孔陶瓷、多孔聚合物材料的制备与性能,新型创伤敷料的制备与性能;2、先进功能材料制备与性能:空气、水净化处理关键功能材料的制备与应用研究;3、材料 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-廖恒成
基本信息姓名:廖恒成性别:男党派:职称:博导联系方式:hengchengliao@seu.edu.cn/研究方向:1合金的凝固过程与控制;2先进金属材料;3功能陶瓷纳米薄膜的制备与应用个人简介论文标题出版物收录出版年,卷(期)作者1WearbehaviorofanAl-12%Sialloyreinf ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-罗强
基本信息姓名:罗强性别:男党派:职称:研究员联系方式:q.luo@seu.edu.cnorzf17lq@sina.com电话:**办公室:南京市江宁区东南大学材料学院(材料学院A楼Room330)研究方向:金属非晶/纳米晶材料的开发与制备金属玻璃及其过冷液态的原子结构和动力学行为金属非晶材料的电学和 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-潘冶
基本信息姓名:潘冶性别:男党派:职称:博导联系方式:电话:,Email:panye@seu.edu.cn研究方向:从事先进金属材料的制备与组织控制,非晶与微晶材料,功能性复合材料等方面的研究个人简介潘冶,男,博士,教授,博士生导师。现任东南大学材料科学与工程学院院长,兼任教育部高等学校材料成型及控制 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学材料学院导师教师师资介绍简介-沈宝龙
基本信息姓名:沈宝龙性别:男党派:致公党职称:教授联系方式:blshen@seu.edu.cn网站:https://smse.seu.edu.cn/mmlab/研究方向:铁磁性非晶态合金的结构(无序、不均匀)及相关性能(软磁、磁热、力学、化学)研究个人简介个人简介沈宝龙,工学博士,二级教授,博士生导 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16