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林维维 教授 博导


邮箱: wlin [AT] seu.edu.cn


林维维,2002年在南京师范大学获物理学士学位,2007年在南京大学凝聚态物理专业获理学博士学位。2009年至2019年先后在法国南锡大学、巴黎南(第十一)大学和美国约翰霍普金斯大学做博士后。2019年12月加入东南大学物理学院。他的主要学术研究成果包括反铁磁自旋输运、自旋电荷转换、电场调控磁性、隧穿磁热电效应、电流翻转磁矩等。他担任Physics Letters A期刊客座编辑,Energy & Environmental Science、Advanced Materials和Nature Physics等学术期刊审稿人,以及PRESTIGE Marie Curie项目专家评估人。2018年获Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials、Materials Letters和Physics Letters A期刊优秀审稿人。

W. Lin, K. Chen, S. Zhang, and C. L. Chien. Enhancement of thermally injected spin current through an antiferromagnetic insulator.Phys. Rev.Lett.116, 186601 (2016).
K. Chen,W. Lin, C. L. Chien, and S. Zhang.Temperature dependence of angular momentum transport across interfaces.Phys. Rev. B94, 054413 (2016).
W. Linand C. L. Chien. Electrical detection of spin backflow from an antiferromagnetic insulator/Y3Fe5O12interface.Phys. Rev.Lett.118, 067202 (2017).
2 Bi/Ag界面的自旋电荷转换
D. Yue,W. Lin, J. Li, X. Jin, and C. L. Chien. Spin-to-charge conversion in Bi films and Bi/Ag bilayers.Phys. Rev.Lett.121, 037201 (2018).
W. Lin, N. Vernier, G. Agnus, K. Garcia, B. Ocker, W. Zhao, E. E. Fullerton, and D. Ravelosona. Universal domain wall dynamics under electric field in Ta/CoFeB/MgO devices with perpendicular anisotropy.Nat. Commun.7, 13532 (2016).
W. Lin, M. Hehn, L. Chaput, B. Negulescu, S. Andrieu, F. Montaigne, and S. Mangin. Giant spin-dependent thermoelectric effect in magnetic tunnel junctions.Nat. Commun.3, 744 (2012).
W. W. Lin, H. Sang, D. Liu, Z. S. Jiang, A. Hu, X. S. Wu, and G. Xiao.Magnetization switching induced by in-plane current with low density in Pt/Co/Pt sandwich.J. Appl. Phys.99,08G518(2006).
K. X. Xie,W. W. Lin, H. C. Sun, Y. Nie, and H. Sang.Time dependence of magnetization reversal influenced by current inperpendicularlymagnetizedCo/Pt thin film.J. Appl. Phys.104, 083907 (2008).

Weiwei LIN(林维维), Professor

wlin [AT] seu.edu.cn

School of Physics,Southeast University
Nanjing 211189, China


Weiwei Lin received his B.S. degree in physics from Nanjing Normal University in 2002 and his Ph.D. degree in condensed matter physics from Nanjing University in 2007. From 2009 to 2019, he was postdoctoral researcher in Nancy Université, Université Paris-Sud and Johns Hopkins University. He joined the faculty of School of Physics in Southeast University in Dec. 2019. His main research contributions include the pioneer demonstrations of spin fluctuation mediated spin transport in antiferromagnetic insulators, electric field control of magnetic domain wall motion, tunnel magneto-Seebeck effect, and current assisted magnetization reversal in spin-orbit systems, and the argument of the inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect at the metallic interface. He is guest editor of Physics Letters A, referee of Energy & Environmental Science, Advanced Materials and Nature Physics, and expert evaluator of the PRESTIGE Marie Curie Program. He was awarded Outstanding Reviewer of Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Materials Letters, and Physics Letters A.
Main Research Contributions
1.Spin current through antiferromagnetic insulator
Pure spin current can be mediated by magnon. By thermal injection and spin Hall magnetoresistance, we demonstrate spin fluctuation in antiferromgnetic insulator (NiO, CoO) dominates highly efficient transmission and reflection of spin current. This study manipulated and amplified the spin current through
the design of the layered structures, a vital step towards this goal. Using design strategies such as those identified by this research could result in highly energy-efficient spintronics to replace today's electronics. (energy.gov/science/bes/articles/amazing-spintronics). The works applied alternative methods to determine the Néel temperature. Since spin Seebeck results in dc injection, they were able to confirm the dominant role of thermal magnons in the propagation process. [Baltz et al.Rev. Mod. Phys.90, 015005 (2018)]
W. Lin, K. Chen, S. Zhang, and C. L. Chien.Phys. Rev. Lett.116, 186601 (2016).
K. Chen,W. Lin, C. L. Chien, and S. Zhang.Phys. Rev. B94, 054413 (2016).
W. Linand C. L. Chien.Phys. Rev. Lett.118, 067202 (2017).
2.Spin-to-charge conversion in Bi/Ag
Spin-to-charge conversion at the Bi/Ag interface has been reported as the demonstration of the inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect. We argue that spin-to-charge conversion is negligible at the Bi/Ag interface.
D. Yue,W. Lin, J. Li, X. Jin, and C. L. Chien.Phys. Rev.Lett.121, 037201 (2018).
3.Electric field control of magnetic domain wall motion
Magnetic domain wall motion can be controlled by magnetic field and current. Since 2011, we have shown gate voltage modulation of domain wall velocity in CoFeB/MgO devices over a large range of dynamics from the creep to the flow regime (20 m/s). We have described the electric field induced effective magnetic field and demonstrated it to be a universal effect.Voltage control of magnetic anisotropy has attracted considerable interest from both scientists and engineers since it represents a viable alternative to energy-demanding magnetic field- and/or spin transfer torque-controlled magnetization switching in spintronic devices and paves the way to the latter with ultralow-power consumption. [Dieny and Chshiev,Rev. Mod. Phys.89, 025008 (2017)]
W. Lin, N. Vernier, G. Agnus, K. Garcia, B. Ocker, W. Zhao, E. E. Fullerton, and D. Ravelosona.Nat. Commun.7, 13532 (2016).
W. Lin, N. Vernier, and D. Ravelosona.14thColloque Louis Néel, Brest, France, 9/2011.arXiv:1201.5917.
4.Tunnel magneto-Seebeck effect
Spin caloritronics is to explore the interactions among spin, charge and heat. We reported the first large effect in AlOx-based magnetic tunnel junctions. [Kuschel et al.J. Phys. D52, 133001 (2019)] The tunnel mag-neto Seebeck effect is already fairly large, and carries the promise of useful applications. [Bauer et al.Nat. Mater.11, 391 (2012)] Theobservations of spin-dependent thermoelectric phenomena in magnetic tunnel junctions offer a novel and distinctly different approach to tune the thermal spin current. [Jeon et al.Nat. Mater.13, 360 (2014)]
W. Lin, M. Hehn, L. Chaput, B. Negulescu, S. Andrieu, F. Montaigne, and S. Mangin.Nat. Commun.3, 744 (2012).
5.In-plane current assisted perpendicular magnetization reversal
Since 2005, we have shown that in-plane current induced effective perpendicular magnetic field can efficiently assist magnetization reversal and domain wall motion in Ta/Pt/Co/Pt and Pt/Co/Pt/Co/Pt. Notably, those early investigations of Pt/Co/Pt reported an effect of very small current densities on the low temperature coercivity of Co, albeit mainly attributed to Joule heating. [Manchon et al.Rev. Mod. Phys.91, 035004 (2019)]
W. W. Lin, H. Sang, D. Liu, Z. S. Jiang, A. Hu, X. S. Wu, and G. Xiao.J. Appl. Phys.99,08G518(2006).
K. X. Xie,W. W. Lin, H. C. Sun, Y. Nie, and H. Sang.J. Appl. Phys.104, 083907 (2008).

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