

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16

1.Xiao-Yan Yao, Li-Juan Yang, Multiple conical spin order in spinel structure stabilized by magnetic anisotropy, Front. Phys. 12, 127501 (2017).
2.Xiaoyan Yao, Shuai Dong, Topological triple-vortex lattice stabilized by mixed frustration in expanded honeycomb Kitaev-Heisenberg model, Scientific Reports, 6, 26750 (2016).
3.Yang Zhang, Huimin Zhang, Yakui Weng, Lingfang Lin,Xiaoyan Yao, and Shuai Dong, Block antiferromagnetism and possible ferroelectricity in KFe2Se2, Phys. Status Solidi RRL 10, 757 (2016).
4.Xiaoyan Yao, Zigzag order and phase competition in expanded Kitaev–Heisenberg model on honeycomb lattice, Physics Letters A 379, 1480 (2015).
5.Huimin Zhang, Yakui Weng,Xiaoyan Yao, and Shuai Dong, Charge transfer and hybrid ferroelectricity in (YFeO3)(n)/(YTiO3)(n) magnetic superlattices, Phys. Rev. B 91, 195145 (2015).
6.Hui-Min Zhang, Ming An,Xiao-Yan Yao, Shuai Dong, Orientation-dependent ferroelectricity of strained PbTiO3 films, Front. Phys. 10, 107701 (2015).
7.Tang Yan-Kun, Zhao Wen-Juan, Zhu Hua-Qiang, Huang Yong-Chao,Cao Wei-Wei, Yang Qian,Yao Xiao-Yan, Zhai Ya, and Dong Shuai, Influence of vacuum degree on growth of Bi2Te3 single crystal, Chin. Phys. B, 24, 078101 (2015).
8.Xiaoyan Yao, The expanded triangular Kitaev–Heisenberg model in the full parameter space, Physics Letters A 378, 2290 (2014).
9.Xiaoyan Yao, Stable and locally stable conditions for a conical spin state in the spinel structure, EPL 102, 67013 (2013).
10.Xiaoyan Yao, Relaxation of geometrical frustration in three typical ways indicated by density of states, Physics Letters A 377, 342 (2013).
11.Xiaoyan Yao, Ferroelectricity enhanced by disorder in collinear-magnetism-induced multiferroic state,Journal of Applied Physics112, 114110 (2012)
12.Xiaoyan Yao, 1/3 Magnetization Plateau Induced by Magnetic Field in Monoclinic CoV2O6, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 116, 2278 (2012).
13.Xiaoyan Yao, Monte Carlo simulation on magnetic properties in triangular Heisenberg system with single-ion anisotropy, Physica Status Solidi A 208, 2357 (2011).
14.Xiaoyan Yao, Jun-Ming Liu, and Veng Cheong Lo, Anisotropy modulated stepwise magnetization in triangular Heisenberg antiferromagnet,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 323,3276 (2011).
15.Xiaoyan Yao, Frustrated modulation of multiferroic conical spin state in spinel structure, EPL 94, 67003 (2011).
16.Xiaoyan Yao, Wang-landau simulation on thermodynamic and magnetic properties of honeycomb lattice, International Journal of Modern Physics B 25, 3435 (2011).
17.Xiaoyan Yao, Veng Cheong Lo, and Jun-Ming Liu, The influence of magnetic anisotropy on magnetoelectric behavior in conical spin ordered multiferroic state,Journal of Applied Physics107, 093908 (2010).
18.Xiaoyan Yao, Continuous Rotation of Magnetization Controlled by Electric Field in Multiferroic State Originated from Conical Spin Order, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 79, 043801 (2010).
19.Xiaoyan Yao,Dilute modulation of spin frustration in triangular Ising antiferromagnetic model: Wang–Landau simulation,Solid State Communications 150,160 (2010).
20.Xiaoyan Yao, Degenerate ferrimagnetic ground state of frustrated kagome lattice,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 322, 959 (2010).
21.Xiaoyan Yao, Partially disordered antiferromagnetic state in two-dimensional triangular-lattice antiferromagnet,Physics Letters A374, 886 (2010).
22.Xiaoyan Yao, Veng Cheong Lo, and Jun-Ming Liu, Magnetic field controlled reversal of ferroelectric polarization in conical spin ordered multiferroics: Monte Carlo simulation,Journal of Applied Physics106, 073901 (2009).
23.Xiaoyan Yao, Veng Cheong Lo, and Jun-Ming Liu,Monte Carlo simulation on ferroelectric response to magnetic field in an elastic Ising spin chain,Journal of Applied Physics106, 013903 (2009).
24.Xiaoyan Yao, Veng Cheong Lo, and Jun-Ming Liu, Magnetoelectric coupling induced by exchange striction in frustrated Ising spin chain: Monte Carlo simulation,Journal of Applied Physics105, 033907 (2009).
25.Xiaoyan Yaoand Qichang Li, Monte Carlo simulation on rotation of ferroelectric polarization by rotating magnetic field in conical-spin–ordered multiferroics,EPL88,47002 (2009).
26.Xiaoyan Yaoand Veng Cheong Lo, Monte Carlo simulation of ferroelectricity induced by collinear magnetic order in Ising spin chain,Journal of Applied Physics104, 083919 (2008).
27.X. Y. Yao, Sh. Dong, and J. –M. Liu, Monte-Carlo simulation of magneto-transport property in anisotropic layered structures,Journal ofElectroceramics 21,418 (2008).
28.Xiaoyan Yao, Shuai Dong, Kai Xia, Penglei Li, and Jun-Ming Liu, Spin persistence in antiferromagnetic triangular Ising lattice under magnetic field,Physical Review B76, 024435 (2007).
29.YAO Xiao-yan, LI Peng-lei, DONG Shuai, LIU Jun-ming, Monte Carlo simulations on magnetic behavior of a spin-chain system in triangular lattice doped with antiferromagnetic bonds,Frontiers of Physics in China2, 88 (2007).
30.Xiaoyan Yao, Shuai Dong, Hao Yu, and Junming Liu, Monte Carlo simulation of magnetic behavior of a spin-chain system on a triangular lattice,Physical ReviewB74, 134421 (2006).
31.X. Y. Yao, S. Dong, and J.-M. Liu, Steplike magnetization of spin chains in a triangular lattice: Monte Carlo simulations,Physical Review B73, 212415 (2006).
32.X. Y. Yao, Sh. Dong, H. Zhu, H. Yu, and J.-M. Liu, Monte Carlo simulation on the resistivity and magnetization in anisotropic layered structure,Journal ofApplied Physics98, 093908 (2005).
33.X. Y. Yao, G. L. Yuan, J.-M. Liu, Y. Yang, Z.G. Liu, The magneto-transport and low-field magnetoresistance in double-layer manganites La2-2xSr1+2xMn2O7with insulating second phase,Materials Letters57, 3199 (2003).
34.P. L. Li,X. Y. Yao, F. Gao, C. Zhao, K. B. Yin, Y. Y. Weng, and J.-M. Liu,Preparation of aligned Ca3Co2O6nanorods and their steplike magnetization,Applied Physics Letters 91,042505 (2007).
35.P. L. Li,X. Y. Yao, K. F. Wang, C. L. Lu, F. Gao, and J.-M. Liu, Steplike magnetocapacitance and dielectric relaxation in spin frustrated Ca3Co2O6,Journal of Applied Physics104, 054111 (2008).
36.S Dong,X Y Yao, K F Wang and J-M Liu, Phase equilibrium in manganites under a magnetic field studied using a two-orbital model,Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter18, L171 (2006).
37.XIA Kai,YAO Xiao-yan, LIU Jun-ming, The density of states for an antiferromagnetic Ising model on a triangular lattice,Frontiers of Physics in China 2, 191 (2007).
38.S. Dong, S. Dai,X. Y. Yao, K. F. Wang, C. Zhu, and J.-M. Liu, Jahn-Teller distortion induced charge ordering in the CE phase of manganites,Physical Review B73, 104404 (2006).
39.Sh. Dong, H. Yu, K.-F. Wang,X. Y. Yao, J.-M. Liu, Phase separation and magnetoresistance in random-field magnetic polaron systems,ComputationalMaterials Science33, 168 (2005).
40.K. F. Wang, Y. Wang, Sh.Dong,X. Y. Yaoand J. -M. Liu,Transport and magnetic properties of Sr doped Nd0.55Ca0.45MnO3, Journal of Electroceramics 21, 344 (2008).

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