量子计算练习题解(QUANTUM COMPUTATION AND QUANYUM INFORMATION:Michael A. Nielsen and Isaac L. Chuang,著作量子计算部分的阅读辅导与练习题解)
1.Ji-Hao Fan and Han-Wu Chen, On the Equivalence of Generalized Concatenated Codes and Generalized Error Location Codes, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2017, 63(8) :5437-5439,(SCI:EI:)
2.Jianing Tan; Yue Ruan; Xi Li; Hanwu Chen, Generalized Quantum Counting Algorithm for Non-uniform Amplitude Distribution, Quantum Information Processing, 2017, 16:62,(SCI:EI:)
3.Ji-Hao Fan and Han-Wu Chen,A Construction of Quantum Error-Locating Codes?,Commun. Theor. Phys. 2017,67(1) : 37-40,(SCI:)
4.Wenqian Li, Hanwu Chen, Zhihao Liu, Deterministic Joint Remote Preparation of Arbitrary Four-Qubit Cluster-Type State Using EPR pairs, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2017, 56(2):351-361,(SCI:)
5.Xi-Ling Xue, Zhi-Hao Liu, and Han-Wu Chen, Search algorithm on strongly regular graphs based on scattering quantum walks , Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(1): 010301,(SCI:EI:)
6.樊继豪,陈汉武,非对称量子乘积-张量积码,东南大学学报,2017, 47(1): 18-22,(Asymmetric quantum direct product-tensor product codes)(EI:)
7.Jihao Fan, Yonghui Li, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, and Hanwu Chen, Quantum Tensor Product Codes, Quantum Information and Computation (QIC, arXiv:1605.09598 [quant-ph])(2016-06-01投稿)(录用通知:2017-08-22)(SCI:EI:)
8.Zhihao Liu; Hanwu Che, Wen-jie Liu , Quantum simultaneous secret distribution with dense coding by using one-dimensional high-level cluster states,China Science: Information Sicences.(录用通知:2017-06-13)(SCI:)
9.Zhihao Liu; Hanwu Chen, Cryptanalysis of Controlled Bidirectional Quantum Secure Direct Communication Network Using Classical XOR Operation and Quantum Entanglement, IEEE Communications Letters. CL2017-0833, (2017-04-08投稿)(录用通知2017-06-16)(SCI:)
11.yue ruan; Hanwu Chen; Jianing Tan; Xi Li, Quantum Computation for Large-scale Image Classification, Quantum Information Processing, 2016, 15(10): 4049–4069。(SCI:EI:)
12.Ruan Yue, Chen Hanwu, Liu Zhihao, Tan, Jianing, Quantum Image with High Retrieval Performance, Quantum Information Processing, 2016, 15:637–650.(SCI:EI:)
13.Jihao Fan, Hanwu Chen, juan Xu, Constructions of Asymmetric Quantum Alternant Codes, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016, 55:313–328.(SCI:)
14.Jihao Fan, Hanwu Chen, juan Xu, CONSTRUCTIONS OF q-ARY ENTANGLEMENT -ASSISTED QUANTUM MDS CODES WITH MINIMUM DISTANCE GREATER THAN q + 1, Quantum Information and Computation, 2016, 16(5&6): 0423–0434.(SCI:EI:)
15.Xiling Xue, Hanwu Chen* and Zhihao Liu, Finding structural anomalies in complete graphs using scattering quantum walks, International Journal of Quantum Information,2016 14(7): **.(SCI:)
16.Zhi-Hao Liu, Han-Wu Chen, Wen-jie Liu, Cryptanalysis of Controlled Quantum Secure Direct Communication and Authentication Protocol Based on Five-Particle Cluster State and Quantum One-Time Pad, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016, 55(10):4564-4576.(SCI:)
17.Zhi-Hao Liu, Han-Wu Chen, Wen-jie Liu, Information Leakage Problem in Efficient Bidirectional Quantum Secure Direct Communication with Single Photons in Both Polarization and Spatial-Mode Degrees of Freedom, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016, 55(11): 4681-4686.(SCI:).
18.薛希玲,李文骞,陈汉武,刘志昊,基于Grover硬币算子的量子行走在商图上的演化算子,电子学报,2016, 44 (3): 555-559(the evolutionary operator of quantum walks with grover coin on quotient graph).(EI:)
19.薛希玲,陈汉武,刘志昊,章彬彬,基于散射量子行走的完全图上结构异常搜索算法,物理学报(Acta Phys. Sin.)2016,65(8): 080302.(Search algorithm of structure anomalies in complete graph based on scattering quantum walk)(SCI:)
20.Zhi-Hao Liu and Han-Wu Chen, Cryptanalysis and improvement of quantum broadcast communication and authentication protocol with a quantum one-time pad,Chinese Physics B.2016, 25(8): 080308.(SCI:)
21.Zhi-Hao Liu, Han-Wu Chen, Wen-jie Liu, Information Leakage Problem in High-Capacity Quantum Secure Communication with Authentication Using Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Pairs, CHIN. PHYS. LETT. 2016 33(7): 070305.(SCI:)
22.陈汉武,朱建峰,阮越,刘志昊,赵生妹,带交叉算子的量子粒子群优化算法,东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 46(1): 23-29.(Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm with Crossover operator)(EI:)
23.刘艳梅,陈汉武,刘志昊,薛希玲,朱皖宁,星图上的散射量子行走搜索算法,物理学报(Acta Phys. Sin)2015 64(1) 010301(1-8).(SCI:)
24.陈汉武,李科,赵生妹,基于相位匹配的量子行走搜索算法及电路实现,物理学报(Acta Phys. Sin.)2015 64(24) 240301(Quantum walk search algorithm based on phase matching and circuit complementation)(SCI:)
25.陈汉武,高越,张军,量子K-邻近算法,东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 45(4): 647-651(Quantum K-nearest neighbor algorithm)(EI:)
26.樊继豪,陈汉武,一类新的能够渐进达到Gilbert-Varshamov界的Alternant子类码,电子学报,2015 43(11): 2243-2246(A New Subclass of Alternant Codes Can Meet the Gilbert-Varshamov Bound)(EI:)
27.Zhihao Liu, Hanwu Chen, Dong Wang, Wenqian Li. Cryptanalysis and improvement of three-particle deterministic secure and high bit-rate direct quantum communication protocol. Quantum Information Processing, 2014 13(6): 1345–1351.(SCI:EI:)
28.Zhiqiang Li, Hanwu Chen, Xiaoyu Song, and Marek Perkowski, A Synthesis Algorithm for 4-bit Reversible Logic Circuits with Minimum Quantum Cost, ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems. Volume 11 Issue 3, December 2014, Article No.: 29:1-19, ACM JETC. (SCI:EI:)
29.Zhihao Liu, Hanwu Chen, Dong Wang, Xiling Xue. Classical-operation-based deterministic secure quantum communication. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 2014 53(6): 2118-2129.(SCI:)
30.Liu Wen-Jie, Liu Chao, Chen Han-Wu, Li Zhi-Qiang, Liu Zhi-Hao, Cryptanalysis and Improvement of Quantum Private Comparison Protocol Based on Bell Entangled States, Communications in Theoretical Physics,2014,62(2):210-214.(SCI:)
31.Liu, Wen-Jie, Liu, Chao, Chen, Han-Wu, Liu, Zhi-Hao, Yuan, Min-Xiao, Lu, Jin-Shen, Improvement on an efficient protocol for the quantum private comparison of equality with W state, International Journal of Quantum Information,Volume 12, Issue 01, February 2014,Quantum Inform. 12, ** (2014) [10 pages].(SCI:)
32.Zhiqiang Li, Xiaoyu Song, Marek Perkowski, Hanwu Chen and Xiaoxia Feng, Realization of a new permutative gate library using controlled-KTH-root-of-not quantum gates for exact minimization of quantum circuits, International Journal of Quantum Information. Volume 12, Issue 05, August 2014, Quantum Inform. 12, ** (2014) [18 pages].(SCI:)
33.陈汉武,李文骞,阮越,李志强,基于汉明距离递减变换的可逆逻辑综合算法,计算机学报,2014, 37(8), 1820-1838.(EI:)
34.阮越,陈汉武,刘志昊,张俊,朱皖宁,量子PCA算法,计算机学报,2014, 37(3), 666-676. (EI:)
35.朱皖宁,陈汉武,阮越,基于新型可逆门的可扩展可逆比较器,东南大学学报,2014, 44(1), 39-44.(EI:)
36.Jihao Fan, Hanwu Chen, Constructions of Pure Asymmetric Quantum Alternant Codes Based on Subclasses of Alternant Codes, 2014 IEEE Intenational Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2014), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. June 29 - July 4, 2014. 896-900.(EI:)
37.Wanning Zhu, Hanwu Chen, Zhihao Liu, Xilin Xue, Jun Zhang, Grover Algorithm for Multi-objective Searching with Iteration Auto-controlling, Fifth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, October 17-20, 2014, ICSI-2014, Hefei, China. (EI:)
38.肖芳英,陈汉武,邢美菊,刘志昊,二元量子码的截短码和扩展码的构造,中国科学F辑2013, 43(2): 204-216.
39.樊继豪,陈汉武,基于经典Goppa码的非对称量子稳定子码的构造,中国科学F辑,2013, 43(3): 374-385.
40.肖芳英,陈汉武.快速构建量子稳定子码的最小网格图.中国科学F辑,2013, 43(4): 502-514.
41.Liu Zhihao, Chen Hanwu, Liu Wenjie, Xu Juan, Wang Dong, Li Zhiqiang. Quantum secure direct communication with optimal quantum superdense coding by using general four-qubit states. Quantum Information Processing, 2013 12(1): 587-599.(SCI:EI:)(scie2013表现不俗)
42.Xiao Fangying, Chen Hanwu, Construction of Minimal Trellises for Quantum Stabilizer Codes, SCI. CHINA Inf. Sci., January 2013, 56(1), pp 1-11.(SCI:)
43.Liu Zhihao, Chen Hanwu, Liu Wenjie, Xu Juan. Comment on A Quantum Network System of QSS-QDC Using Chi-Type Entangled States, Chin. Phys. Lett, 2013, 30(3): 039901.(SCI:)(scie2013表现不俗)
44.Xiao Fangying, Chen Hanwu, Construction of punctured and extended quantum codes over GF(2) , SCI. CHINA Inf. Sci., 2013, 56(3): 1-11. (SCI:)
45.Liu Zhihao, Chen Hanwu, Comment on ``Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Quantum Network System of QSS-QDC Using \chi -Type Entangled States'', Chin. Phys. Lett, 2013, 30(7): 079903.(SCI:)(scie2013表现不俗)
46.Liu Zhihao, Chen Hanwu, Comment on ``Improvement of Controlled Bidirectional Quantum Direct Communication Using a GHZ State [Chin. Phys. Lett. 30(2013) 040305]),Lett, 2013, 30(7): 079901 .(SCI:)(scie2013表现不俗)
47.Zhiqiang Li,Hanwu Chen,Guowu Yang,andWenjie Liu, Efficient Algorithms for Optimal 4-Bit Reversible Logic System Synthesis, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume2013(2013), Article ID291410, 8 pages, doi.org/10.1155/2013/291410.(SCI:)
48.Liu Zhihao, Chen Hanwu, Quantum Simultaneous secret distribution with dense coding by using cluster states, Quantum Information Processing, 2013 2013 12(12): 3745-3759.(SCI:EI:)
49.朱皖宁,陈汉武,王冬,周刚,基于NCP门库的一维量子行走可逆逻辑电路,电子学报,2013, 41(1):91-97. (EI:)
50.李志强,陈汉武,刘文杰,薛希玲,肖芳英,基于新型量子逻辑门库的最优NCV三量子电路快速综合算法,电子学报,2013, 41(4):690-697.(EI:)
52.Zhihao Liu, Hanwu Chen, Wenjie Liu, Juan Xu, Zhiqiang Li. High-dimensional deterministic multiparty quantum secret sharing without unitary operations, Quantum Information Processing, 2012.11(6): 1785-1795,(SCI:EI:)(scie2012表现不俗)
53.Xu Juan, Chen Hanwu, Liu Zhihao. A simple and secure quantum secret sharing scheme based on product states. International Journal of Quantum Information, 2012, 10(3): **(SCI:).
54.Zhihao Liu, Hanwu Chen, Wenjie Liu, Juan Xu, Zhiqiang Li. Deterministic secure quantum communication without unitary operation based on high-dimensional entanglement swapping, Science China(F), 2012,55(2): 360-367.(SCI:)(scie2012表现不俗)
55.王冬,陈汉武,朱皖宁,刘志昊,多值逻辑量子置换门的酉矩阵表示,计算机学报, 2012,35(3): 639-644.(EI:)
56.杨忠明,陈汉武,王冬,基于二分法量子可逆逻辑电路综合,电子学报, 2012, 40(5): 1045-1049.(EI:)
57.李志钢,陈汉武,李志强,朱皖宁,刘志昊,基于对换门库的可逆逻辑电路综合算法,东南大学学报, 2012, 42(5): 832-936.(EI:)
58.Xu Juan, Chen Hanwu, Liu Zhihao, Ruan Yue, Zhu Wanning. Quantum secret sharing without exclusive OR of qubits’ measuring results. In: Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2012). Brisbane, Australia, June 10-15, 2012 613-616【**】(EI:)
59.Li Zhiqiang, Chen, Hanwu, Song, Xiaoyu, Efficient synthesis of optimal 3-qubit reversible circuits using bit operation, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 2012, 6(11):402-408(EI:)
60.Li Zhiqiang ; Chen, Hanwu ; Song, Xiaoyu,A novel hash-based algorithm for reversible logic circuits synthesis,Journal of Computational Information Systems,2012,8(11): 4485-4493.(EI:)
61.Zhihao Liu, Hanwu Chen, Juan Xu, Wenqian Li, Zhigang Li. Deterministic Secure Quantum Communication with Mutual Authentication Based on Bell Measurement. In: Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2012). Brisbane, Australia, June 10-15, 2012 726-730【**】(EI:)
62.Zhihao Liu, hanwu Chen, Wenjie Liu, Juan Xu, Zhiqiang Li. Unitary operations are not required for message encoding or decoding in deterministic secure quantum communication. The 7th Conference on Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography (TQC 2012), Tokyo, Japan, May 17-19, 2012.
63.许娟,陈汉武,刘文杰,刘志昊,无纠缠量子秘密共享中酉操作的选择,中国科学(F), 2011, 41(7):813-819.
64.刘志昊,陈汉武,刘文杰,许娟,李志强,基于高维纠缠交换的无酉操作确定性安全量子通信,中国科学(F), 2011, 41(12):1474-1482.
65.肖芳英,陈汉武,量子稳定子码的差错纠正与译码网络构建,物理学报Acta Phys. Sin. 2011, 60(8): 080303.(SCI:)
66.Liu Zhihao, Chen Hanwu, Liu Wenjie, Xu Juan and Li Zhiqiang ANALYZING AND REVISING A TWO-WAY PROTOCOL FOR QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY WITH A NONMAXIMALLY ENTANGLED QUBIT PAIR, International Journal of Quantum Information, 2011, 9(5): 1329-1339,(SCI:)
67.Xu Juan, Chen Hanwu, Liu Wenjie, Liu Zhihao, Selection of unitary operations in quantum secret sharing without entanglement, Science China(F), 2011, 54(9): 1837-1842.(SCI:)
68.万四爽,陈汉武,曹进如,类选择排序的可逆逻辑综合算法,计算机学报, 2010, 33(12): 2343-2352.(EI:)
69.陈雄,陈汉武,刘志昊,朱皖宁,李志强,基于状态向量表示的快速量子仿真算法,电子学报, 2011, 39(3): 500-504.(EI:)
70.肖芳英,陈汉武,量子稳定子码的概率译码,通信学报, 2011, 32(10): 59-66. (EI:)
71.陈汉武,肖芳英,基于初等变换的量子码构造,东南大学学报, 2011, 41(5): 934-937.(EI:)
72.Liu Wenjie, Chen Hanwu, Xu Juan, Liu Zhihao, A Revised Quantum Direct Communication Scheme with Mutual Authentication, Journal of Southeast University, 2011, 26(4): 532-536.(EI:)
73.Zhihao Liu,Hanwu Chen, Wenjie Liu, Juan Xu, Zhiqiang Li, Mutually Authenticated Deterministic Secure Quantum Communication without Unitary Operations,2011AQIS韩国, Busan, Korea. August 23-27, 2011, Seoul, Korea, August 29-30, 2011. 185-186.
74.HanWu Chen and Kenjiro Yanagi, The Covex-Concave Characteristics of Gaussian Channel Capacity Functions, IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 2006, 52(5): 2167-2172. (SCI:EI:)
75.HanWu Chen and Kenjiro Yanagi, Upper Bounds on the Capacity of Discrete Time Blockwise White Gaussian Channel with feedback, IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 2000, 46(3): 1125-1131. (SCI:EI:)
76.HanWu Chen and Kenjiro Yanagi, Refinements of the half-bit and factor-of-two bounds for capacity in Gaussian channels with feedback, IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 1999, 45(1): 319-325. (SCI:EI:)
77.HanWu Chen and Kenjiro Yanagi, On the Cover’s conjecture on capacity of Gaussian channel with feedback, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, 1997, 80(11): 2272-2275. (SCI:)
78.Kenjiro Yanagi, HanWu Chen and Ji Wen Yu, Operator inequality and its application to capacity of Gaussian channel, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2000, 4(3):.407-416. (SCI:)
79.Ji-Hao Fan and Han-Wu Chen, On the Equivalence of Generalized Concatenated Codes and Generalized Error Location Codes, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2017, 63(8) :5437-5439,(SCI:EI:)
80.万四爽,陈汉武,曹进如,类选择排序的可逆逻辑综合算法,计算机学报, 2010, 33(12): 2343-2352.(EI)
81.薛希玲,陈汉武,刘志昊,李志强,量子线路仿真的分治算法,电子学报, 2010, 38(2): 439-442.( EI)
82.肖芳英,陈汉武,刘志昊,李志强,刘文杰,有限域上非本原BCH码的对偶包含判定,电子学报, 2010, 38(8): 1858-1861. (EI)
83.王冬,陈汉武,安博,杨忠明,万四爽,基于矩阵初等变换的四量子比特可逆电路综合算法,电子学报, 2010, 38(11): 2561-2565.(EI)
84.肖芳英,陈汉武,生成量子稳定子码的种子生成器,东南大学学报, 2010, 40(1): 52-57.(EI)
85.安博,陈汉武,杨忠明,王冬,李志强,基于真值表变换的可逆逻辑综合算法,东南大学学报, 2010, 40(1): 58-63.(EI)
86.杨忠明,陈汉武,安博,王冬,李志强,基于真值表演算的四量子电路综合方法的探讨,东南大学学报, 2010, 40(2): 285-290.(EI)
87.邢美菊,陈汉武,张金华,肖芳英,王烁星,有限域上的一类量子码,东南大学学报, 2010, 40(2): 282-284.(EI)
88.许新山,肖芳英,张军,陈汉武,二分法在多线量子逻辑门分解中的应用,东南大学学报,2010, 40(5): 928-931.(EI)
89.朱皖宁,陈汉武,刘志昊,王冬,基于Ring-Sum-Expansion范式的Reed-Muller展开式算法,东南大学学报,2010, 40(5):932-936.(EI)
90.Fangying Xiao, Hanwu Chen. Cyclotomic cosets and quantum BCH codes. 2010 6th international conference on natural computation (ICNC’10), Yantai, China, August 10-12, 2010: vol.6, 2961-2964.(EI)
91.Zhihao Liu, Hanwu Chen, Wenjie Liu, Juan Xu. Mutually authenticated quantum direct communication based on entanglement swapping. 2010 6th international conference on natural computation (ICNC’10), Yantai, China, August 10-12, 2010: vol.6, 2984-2988.(EI)
92.Wenjie Liu, Hanwu Chen, Qiaoqiao Yan, Zhihao Liu, Juan Xu.A Novel Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Variable Angle-Distance Rotation.2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2010),Barcelona,Spain, July, 18-23, 2010. 563–569.(EI)
93.Juan Xu, Hanwu Chen, Wenjie Liu, Zhihao Liu. An Effcient Quantum Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Orthogonal Product States. 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2010),Barcelona,Spain, July, 18-23, 2010. 949–952.(EI)
94.Dong Wang, Hanwu Chen, Wanning Zhu.Bidirectional Matrix-based Algorithm for 4-qubit Reversible Logic Circuits Synthesis.2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2010),Barcelona,Spain, July, 18-23, 2010. 1325–1329.(EI)
95.Hanwu Chen, Fangying Xiao and Meiju Xing, A New Construction Method of Quantum Error-Correcting Codes Based on Elementary Transformation, Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science 2010 (AQIS 2010), Tokyo, Japan, August 27–31, 2010, 167-168.
97.LIU Wen-Jie, CHEN Han-Wu, MA Ting-Huai, LI Zhi-Qiang,LIU Zhi-Hao,HU Wen-Bo, An Efficient Deterministic Secure Quantum Communication Scheme Based on Cluster States and Identity Authentication Chinese Physics B, 2009, 18(10): 4105-4109.(SCI, EI)
98.肖芳英,陈汉武,陈开中,赵骏,量子逻辑电路中控制点失效错误的定位,计算机研究与发展, 2009, 46(2): 253-260.(EI)
99.李志强,陈汉武,徐宝文,李文骞,刘文杰,量子可逆逻辑电路综合的快速算法研究,计算机学报, 2009, 32(7): 1291-1303.(EI)
100.李志强,李文骞,陈汉武,量子可逆逻辑综合的关键技术及其算法,软件学报, 2009, 20(9): 2332-2343.(EI)
101.王蓁蓁,邢汉承,陈汉武,一种Agent的偏好系统及其建立,计算机研究与发展, 2009, 46(2): 321-328.(EI)
102.薛希玲,陈汉武,陈开中,李志强,基于BDD的Grover算法仿真研究,东南大学学报, 2009, 39(1): 28-33.(EI)
103.许娟,陈汉武,刘文杰,刘志昊,基于相位编码的高效量子密钥分配方案,东南大学学报, 2009, 39(2): 216-219.(EI)
104.王冬,陈汉武,安博,杨忠明,量子可逆电路综合的启发式快速匹配算法,东南大学学报, 2009, 39(5): 900-903.( EI)
105.刘文杰,陈汉武,刘景发,刘志昊,基于互认证的三维单光子量子安全直接通信,中南大学学报,2009, 40(3): 309-314.(EI)
106.Xiao Fangying, Chen Hanwu, Generate Seed Generators for Quantum Stabilizer Codes, 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and information engineering, (CSIE 2009) p. 270-p.275 (Los Angeles / Anaheim, California USA , March 31 - April 2, 2009),(EI)
107.Zhihao Liu, Hanwu Chen, Wenjie Liu, Xiling Xue,Mutually Authenticated Quantum Key Distribution Based on Entanglement Swapping, 2009 Pacific-Asia Conference on Circuits Communications and System (PACCS 2009) (Chengdu, China, May 16 - 17, 2009), p.380-p.383,(EI)
108.Dong Wang, Hanwu Chen, A Novel RM-Based Algorithm for Reversible Circuits, The 4th International Symposium, on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA 2009) p.63-p.69.(LNCS 5821), Huanshi, China, October 23-25, 2009 proceedings. 2009 Advances in Computation and Intelligence,(EI)
109.Sishuang Wan, Hanwu Chen, A Novel Transformation-based Algorithm for Reversible Logic Synthesis, The 4th International Symposium, on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA 2009) p.70-p.81.(LNCS 5821), Huanshi, China, October 23-25, 2009 proceedings. 2009 Advances in Computation and Intelligence,(EI)
110.Wenbo Hu, Wenjie Liu, Zhihao Liu, Juan Xu, Hanwu Chen, Three-Party Authenticated Quantum Key Distribution Protocol Based on Entangled Swapping, The 9th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science (AQIS2009), (August 26-29, 2009, NUPT, Nanjing, China pp.134-135)
112.Liu Wen-jie, Chen Han-wu, Li Zhi-qiang, Liu Zhi-hao, Efficient quantum secure direct communication with authentication, Chinese physics letter, Chinese Physics Letters, 2008, 25(7): 2354-2357.(SCI)
113.李志强,陈汉武,徐宝文,肖芳英,薛希玲,四量子可逆逻辑电路快速综合算法,电子学报, 2008, 36(11): 2081-2089.(EI)
114.李志强,陈汉武,徐宝文,刘文杰,基于哈希表的量子可逆逻辑电路综合的快速算法,计算机研究与发展, 2008, 45(12): 2162-2171.(EI)
115.肖芳英,陈汉武,李志强,量子可逆电路中门失效错误的检测方法,仪器仪表学报, 2008, 29(10): 2084-2089.(EI)
116.李志强,陈汉武,量子可逆逻辑电路最小代价综合算法,东南大学学报, 2008, 38(2): 249-254.(EI)
117.陈汉武,李志强,徐宝文,置换群与整数域间1对1 Hash函数的构建,东南大学学报, 2008, 38(2): 225-227.(EI)
118.Wenjie Liu, Hanwu Chen, Zhiqiang Li, Jun Zhao, Efficient many-to-one and one-to-many multiparty quantum secure direct communication with authentication, Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP2008), p.1282-1285 ( Harbin, China, August 15-17, 2008)(EI)
119.Wen-jie Liu, Han-wu Chen, Zhi-qiang Li, Zhi-hao Liu, Fang-ying Xiao, Efficient quantum secure direct communication with authentication,IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI2008), p.1764-1768, (Hong Kong, June 1-6, 2008)(EI)
120.Wenjie Liu, Hanwu Chen, Zhihao Liu, Wenbo Hu, Authenticated Three-party Deterministic Secure Quantum Communication Based on Entanglement Swapping, Second International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (WGEC2008), p.471-475, (Jingzhou, China, September 25-28, 2008)(EI)
121.Wenjie Liu, Hanwu Chen, Zhiqiang Li, Authenticated Quantum Secure Direct Communication with Qutrits, The 4th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'08) and The 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD2008), Vol. 3, p. 614-618, (Jinan, China, October 18-20, 2008).(EI)
122.Zhiqiang Li, Hanwu Chen, Baowen Xu, Wenjie Liu, Xiaoyu Song, and Xilin Xue, Fast Algorithm for 4-qubit Reversible Logic Circuits Synthesis,IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI2008), pp.2202-2207, (Hong Kong, June 1-6, 2008,)(EI)
123.Zhiqiang Li, Hanwu Chen, Baowen Xu, Xiaoyu Song and Xiling Xue, An Algorithm for Synthesis of Optimal 3-qubit Reversible Circuits Based on Bit Operation, Second International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (WGEC2008), p.455-458, (Jingzhou, China, September 25-28, 2008)(EI)
124.Zhiqiang Li, Hanwu Chen, Baowen Xu, Xiaoyu Song and Xiling Xue, Effective Hash-based Algorithm for Reversible Logic Circuits Synthesis with Minimum Cost, The 4th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'08) and The 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD2008), Vol. 3, p.623-627, (Jinan, China, October 18-20, 2008).(EI)
125.Xiao Fang-ying, Chen Han-wu, Liu Wen-jie, Li Zhi-qiang, Fault Detection for Single and Multiple Missing-gate Faults in Reversible circuits, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI2008), (Hong Kong, June 1-6, 2008, pp.131-135).(EI)
126.Xiling Xue, Hanwu Chen, Kaizhong Chen, Zhiqiang Li, On the Research of BDD Based Simulation of Grover’s Algorithm, Second International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (WGEC2008), p.459-p.462, (Jingzhou, China, September 25-28, 2008).(EI)
127.Wen-jie Liu, Han-wu Chen, Tinghuai Ma, WeightTian, An efficient deterministic secure quantum communication scheme with W state,CIS2008 (Suzhou, China, December 13-17, 2008),(EI)
128.肖芳英,陈汉武,陈开中,赵骏,可逆电路中门失效错误定位方法的研究,光电子技术, 2008, 27(3): 23-32.
129.李志强,陈汉武,李文骞,基于位运算的量子可逆逻辑电路快速综合算法,计算机科学, 2008, 35(3):13-17.
131.H.W.Chen, Characteristics of Gaussian channel functions, Journal of Southeast University,, 2004, 34(6): 724-728.(EI)
132.李文骞,陈汉武,王佳佳,李志强,刘文杰,模板技术在量子逻辑电路优化中的应用,东南大学学报, 2006, 36(6): 920-926. (EI)
133.李文骞,王佳佳,陈汉武,李志强,量子电路自动生成与优化技术的研究,计算机科学, 2006, 33(7): 437-442.
134.Dazhou Kang, Baowen Xu, Jianjiang Lu, Keyue Li, William C.Chu, and Hanwu Chen, Approximate Information Retrieval for Heterogeneity Ontologies, Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW’05), 2005
135.Lei Xu, Baowen Xu, Yanxiang He, Hanwu Chen and Qiaoming Zhu, Research on the Analysis and Measurement for Testing Results of Web Applications, Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Cyberworlds(CW’05), 2005
136.Han Wu Chen, Ji Wen Yu and Kenjiro Yanagi, Properties of capacity in Gaussian channels with or without feedback,l IEEE Proceedings of the 2000 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Application, 2000.11.8. 689-692. Sheraton Waikiki, Hawaii, Honoruru, USA.
137.Kenjiro Yanagi, HanWu Chen and Ji Wen Yu, Operator inequality and its application to capacity of Gaussian channel, Proceedings of Mathematics Conference ’99 Commemorating the 70’th anniversary of Fu-Jen University 1999. 171-181.
138.Kenjiro Yanagi and HanWu Chen, On some properties of capacity in Gaussian Channels with feedback, Proceedings of the China and Japan Joint Symposium on Applied Mathematics and its Related Topics, 1999, pp.58-67.
139.Kenjiro Yanagi and HanWu Chen,作用素不等式の情報理論への応用, 1999年度実解析シンポジウム報告集,1999, pp.58-67.
140.HanWu Chen and Kenjiro Yanagi,ガウス型通信路容量に関する不等式,数理解析研究所講究録,vol.1100, 1999, pp.117-130.
141.HanWu Chen and Kenjiro Yanagi, Capacity of Gaussian Channel and Operator Inequality, Proceedings of the 22th Symposium on Information Theory and its Application, Vol.22, 1999, pp.45-48.
142.Han Wu Chen and Kenjiro Yanagi, Refinement of factor-of-two bound for capacity in Gaussian channel With feedback and related inequality, IEEE Proceedings of the 1998 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Application, MIT(Boston). 1998.8.18. pp.128.
143.HanWu Chen and Kenjiro Yanagi, Refinement of upper bound on capacity ofGaussian feedback with blockwise white noise, Proceedings of the 21th Symposium on Information Theory and its Application, Vol.21, 1998, pp.391-394.
144.HanWu Chen and Kenjiro Yanagi,情報理論における通信路容量についてのある不等式について,Ⅱ,1998年度実解析シンポジウム報告集,1998,pp.1-11.
145.HanWu Chen and Kenjiro Yanagi, Coverのconjectureに関連した結果,数理解析研究所講究録,vol.1039, 1998, pp.111-117.
146.HanWu Chen and Kenjiro Yanagi, On the Cover’s conjecture on capacity of Gaussian channel with feedback, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, Vol.E80-A, no.11, 1997, pp.2272-2275.
147.HanWu Chen and Kenjiro Yanagi, Factor-of-two bound for capacity in Gaussian channel with feedback and Cover’s conjecture, Proceedings of the China and Japan Joint Symposium on Applied Mathematics and its Related Topics, 1997, pp.32-45.
148.HanWu Chen and Kenjiro Yanagi, Refinement of factor-of-two bound for Gaussian feedback capacity, Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Information Theory and its Application, Vol. 20, 1997, pp. 229-232.
149.HanWu Chen and Kenjiro Yanagi,情報理論における通信路容量についてのある不等式について,1997年度実解析シンポジウム報告集,1997, pp.132-145.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16
相关话题/东南大学 计算机科学
基本信息姓名:陈阳性别:男出生年月:1979/10学位:博士职称:教授资格:博士生导师/IEEEseniormember行政机构:影像科学与技术系研究方向:人工智能,计算机视觉,模式识别,医学信号图像处理与分析电话:传真:电子邮件:chenyang.list@seu.edu.cn地址:南京市玄武区四 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-东方
个人简介东方,博士,东南大学教授,博士生导师,江苏南京人。现任东南大学大数据计算中心主任,计算机科学与工程学院计算机工程系副主任。同时担任ACM南京分会共同主席、ACMSIGCOMMChina及ACM中国理事会云计算专家委员会秘书长、江苏省计算机学会大数据专家委员会委员&云计算专委会委员。2004年 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-高志强
高志强,1966年出生于河北霸州。现为东南大学计算机科学与工程学院教授,博士生导师,万维网科学研究方向和万维网科学研究所负责人。小时候喜欢摸鱼、捅马蜂窝、抓知了。最高兴的事是用土坷拉或砖头把树上的马蜂窝打掉,然后站在原地看着大群的马蜂像无头苍蝇一样到处乱飞,寻找凶手。我和小伙伴们则像被施了定身法一样 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-耿新(XinGeng)
耿新,东南大学教授,计算机科学与工程学院、软件学院院长,人工智能学院执行院长。分别于2001年和2004年在南京大学计算机科学与技术系获得学士和硕士学位,于2008年获得澳大利亚Deakin大学博士学位。创建东南大学模式学习与挖掘(PALM)实验室并担任实验室主任至今。目前主要从事机器学习、模式识别 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-郭百宁(兼职博导)
郭百宁(BainingGuo)BainingGuoisaDistinguishedScientistwiththeMicrosoftCorporationandDeputyManagingDirectorofMicrosoftResearchAsia,wherehealsoservesasthehe ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-何田
个人简介(点击访问我的实验室主页)何田,阿里巴巴本地生活副总裁兼首席科学家,ACM和IEEEFellow,美国弗吉尼亚大学计算机科学系博士毕业,曾任美国明尼苏达大学计算机系终身正教授。在物联网(IOT)及无线网络(5G)前沿研究领域做出了行业贡献,在智慧交通大数据,物流智能化等垂直行业耕耘多年。美国 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-姜龙玉
姓名:姜龙玉性别:女学位:博士职称:博士生导师、副教授:研究方向:信号与图像处理电子邮件:JLY@seu.edu.cn个人简介分别从武汉大学、东南大学及法国格勒诺布尔大学获得工学学士、硕士及博士学位,现为东南大学计算机学院、软件学院副教授、博士生导师。主要从事水声信号与图像处理,磁共振重建算法、人工 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-蒋平
电子邮件:greg8899@189.cn电话/传真:办公地址:东南大学九龙湖校区计算机楼360室校内合作导师:杨明教授/博导 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-蒋嶷川
个人主页:http://www.scholat.com/windfeelme研究方向:人工智能、社会网络、智能软件系统。欢迎大家报考我的研究生,每年招收硕士生6名,博士生3-4名。有意者请联系yjiang@seu.edu.cn。本实验室现承担国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16东南大学计算机科学与工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李宝生(兼职博导)
李宝生个人简介博士,博士生导师山东省泰山****岗位特聘专家兼任:东南大学计算机科学与工程学院和网络空间安全学院兼职博导山东医学会放射肿瘤学分会主任委员中华医学会放射肿瘤学分会副主任委员中国抗癌协会放射肿瘤学分会常委北方肿瘤放疗协作组主席中国医师协会放射肿瘤医师分会候任会长中华肿瘤防治杂志副主编中华 ...东南大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-02-16