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林文松,教授,博士生导师。1968年生。1986至1993年就读于山东大学数学系运筹学专业,获理学学士学位和理学硕士学位。2001至2004年就读于香港浸会大学数学系,获博士学位。1993年至今在东南大学数学系任教。长期从事运筹学方面的教学和科研工作。先后主讲的本科生和研究生的课程有:图论及其应用、组合最优化、最优化理论与方法,离散数学、组合数学、运筹学、代数图论、随机图、现代图论等。主要研究方向:图论及其应用、网络最优化等。先后主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,主持江苏省自然科学基金面上项目1项。已在J. of Graph Theory,J. of Combin. Theory Ser. B., European J. Combin., Discrete Appl. Math.,Discrete Math., J. of Combin. Optim.,Discrete Optim., Inf. Proc. Lett.,Tanwanese J. of Math.,Inter. J. of Computer Math., Ars Combin.等刊物发表论文六十余篇。

1.Dan He and Wensong Lin*, On t-relaxed 2-distant circular coloring of graphs, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40840-020-01037-z.
2.Chenli Shen and Wensong Lin*, Fashion game on graphs, Discrete Optimization 38 (2020) 100606.
3.Wensong Lin*, Channel assignment problem and relaxed 2-distant coloring of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 227 (2020) 231-244.
4.Wensong Lin* and Chenli Shen, Channel assignment problem and n-fold t-separated L(j1,j2,…,jm)-labeling of graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 35(4) (2018) 1147-1167.
5.Jun Lan and Wensong Lin*, On t-relaxed chromatic number of r-power paths, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, 10(2), ** (2018)
6.Wensong Lin* and Xuan Zhao, On (s,t)-relaxed L(1,1)-labeling of trees,International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 94(6) (2017) 1219-1227.
7.Dan He andWensong Lin*, On (s,t)-relaxed strong edge-coloring of graphs,Journal of Combinatorial Optimization33(2) (2017) 609-625.
8.Benqiu Dai andWensong Lin*, On (s,t)-relaxed L(2,1)-labelings of the hexagonal lattice,Ars Combinatoria130 (2017) 319-331.
9.Wei Dong* andWensong Lin, On 2-distance coloring of plane graphs with girth 5,Discrete Applied Mathematics217 (2017) 495-505.
10.Fangyun Tao andWensong Lin*,On the equitable vertex arboricity of graphs,International Journal of Computer Mathematics,93(6) (2016) 844-853.
11.Wei Dong* andWensong Lin, An improved bound on 2-distance coloring plane graphs with girth 5,Journal of Combinatorial Optimization32(2) (2016) 645-655.
12.Yun Feng* andWensong Lin, On the neighbor sum-distinguishing vertex coloring of a graph,Journal of combinatorial mathematics and combinatorial computing96 (2016) 171-194.
13.Wensong Lin*,On (s,t)-relaxed L(2,1)-labeling of graphs,Journal of Combinatorial Optimization,31(1) (2016), 405-426.
14.Damei Lv* andWensong Lin, L(j,k)-labelings of Cartesian products of three complete graphs,Ars Combinatoria119 (2015) 97-116.
15.Wensong Lin*and Benqiu Dai, On (s,t)-relaxed L(2,1)-labelings of the triangular lattice,Journal of Combinatorial Optimization29(3) (2015), 655-669.
16.Yan Sun andWensong Lin*, On circular L(2,1)-labelings of products of graphs,International Journal of Computer Mathematics92(3) (2015), 441- 450.
17.Dan He* andWensong Lin,OnL(1,2)-edge-labelingsof some special classes of graphs.J. Math. Res. Appl.34(4)(2014)403–413.
18.Fangyun Tao* andWensong Lin, Onk-star arboricity of graphs, Journal ofDonghuaUniversity(English Edition) 31(3) (2014), 335-338.
19.Wei Dong* andWensong Lin,Entire coloring of plane graph with maximum degree eleven,Discrete Mathematics336 (2014), 46-56.
20.Benqiu Dai andWensong Lin*, On (s,t)-relaxed L(2,1)-labelings of the square lattice,Information Processing Letters113(19-21) (2013), 704-709.
21.Wei Dong* andWensong Lin, Injective coloring of plane graphs with girth 5,Discrete Mathematics315-316 (2014), 120-127.
22.Wei Dong* andWensong Lin, On linear coloring of planar graphs with small girth,Discrete Applied Mathematics173 (2014), 35-44.
23.Pu Zhang andWensong Lin*, Multiple L(j,1)-labeling of the triangular lattice,Journal of Combinatorial Optimization27(4) (2014), 695-710.
24.Dan He* andWensong Lin, L(1,2)-edge-labelingsfor lattices.Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B29(2)(2014),230–240.
25.Yun Feng* andWensong Lin, Adjacent vertex-distinguishing total colorings of,Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) 29(2) (2013), 226-228.
26.Fangyun Tao andWensong Lin*, Linear arboricity of Cartesian products of graphs,Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) 29(2) (2013), 222-225.
27.Yun Feng andWensong Lin*, A concise proof for total coloring subcubic graphs,InformationProcessing Letters113(18) (2013), 664-665.
28.Wensong Lin*and Jianzhuan Wu, Distance two edge labelings of lattices,Journal of Combinatorial Optimization25(4) (2013), 661-679.
29.Wei Dong* andWensong Lin, Injective coloring of planar graphs with girth 6,Discrete Mathematics313(12) (2013), 1302-1311.
30.Wensong Lin*and Jianzhuan Wu, On circular-L(2,1)-edge-labeling of graphs,Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics16(6) (2012), 2063-2075.
31.Wensong Lin*and Pu Zhang, On n-fold L(j,k)- and circular L(j, k)-labeling of graphs,Discrete Applied Mathematics160 (16-17) (2012), 2452-2461.
32.Yun Feng andWensong Lin*, A proof of a conjecture on multiset coloring the powers of cycles,Information Processing Letters112 (17-18) (2012), 678-682.
33.Qin Chen andWensong Lin*, L(j,k)-Labelings and L(j,k)-Edge-Labelings of Graphs,Ars Combinatoria106 (2012), 161-172.
34.Damei Lv,Wensong Lin*and Zengmin Song, Distance two labelings of Cartesian products of complete graphs,Ars Combinatoria104 (2012), 33-40.
35.Feng Wang* andWensong Lin, Group path covering and L(j,k)-labelings of diameter two graphs,Information Processing Letters112 (4) (2012), 124-128.
36.Feng Wang andWensong Lin*, Group path covering and distance two labeling of graphs,Information Processing Letters111(13) (2011), 621-625.
37.Tianxing Yao*,Peter Che Bor Lam,Wensong Lin, Guofei Zhou, On time-relaxed broadcasting networks,Discrete Applied Mathematics158(9) (2010), 1029-1034 .
38.Wensong Lin*, D.D.F. Liu, and Xuding Zhu, Multi-Coloring the Mycielskian of Graphs,Journal of Graph Theory63(4) (2010), 311-323.
39.Qiong Wu andWensong Lin*, Circular L(j,k)-labeling numbers of trees and products of graphs,Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) 26(1) (2010), 142-145.
40.Wensong Lin*and Xuding Zhu,Circular game chromatic number of graphs,Discrete Mathematics309 (2009), 4495- 4501.
41.Benqiu Dai andWensong Lin*, Real edge spans of distance two labelings of graphs,Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) 25(4) (2009), 557-562.
42.Damei Lv*,Wensong Linand Zengmin Song,L(2,1)-Circular Labelings of Cartesian Products of Complete Graphs,Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition29(1) (2009), 91-98.
43.Wensong Lin*andPeter Che Bor Lam,Star matching and distance two labeling,Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics13(1) (2009), 211-224.
44.Wensong Lin, Daqing Yang, C. Yang, and Xuding Zhu*,Circular consecutive choosability of graphs,Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics12(4) (2008), 951-968.
45.Jianzhuan Wu andWensong Lin*, Some results on circular chromatic number of a graph,Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) 24(2) (2008), 253-256.
46.Wensong Lin*, Multicoloring and Mycielski construction,Discrete Mathematics308 (2008), 3565-3573.
47.Wensong Lin*andPeter Che Bor Lam,Distance two labelling and direct products of graphs,Discrete Mathematics308 (2008), 3805-3815.
48.Jianzhuan Wu andWensong Lin*, The strong chromatic index of a class of graphs,Discrete Mathematics308 (2008), 6254-6261.
49.Qingjie Niu,Wensong Lin*, and Zengmin Song,L(s,t) edge spans of trees and product of two paths,Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) 23(4) (2007), 639-642.
50.Peter Che Bor Lam*,Wensong Lin, and Jianzhuan Wu, L(j,k)-labellings and circular L(j,k)-labellings of products of complete graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization14 (2-3) (2007), 219-227.
51.Peter Che Bor Lam*, Guohua Gu,Wensong Lin, andPing-Tsai Chung, Bounds on the labelling numbers of chordal graphs.FCS 2006: 41-47
52.Wensong Lin*, Jianzhuan Wu, Peter Che Bor Lam, and Guohua Gu, Several parameters of generalized Mycielskians,Discrete Applied Mathematics154(8) (2006), 1173-1182.
53.Wensong Lin*,Peter Che Bor Lam, and Wai Chee Shiu, Circular chromatic numbers of the generalized Mycielskians of cycles,Journal of Nanjing University, Mathematical Biquarterly23(2) (2006), 232-241.
54.Jianzhuan Wu,Wensong Lin*, and Zengmin Song, Neighborhood unions involving distances and panconnectivity,Journal of Nanjing University, Mathematical Biquarterly23(1) (2006), 36-44.
55.Peter Che Bor Lam* andWensong Lin, Coloring of distance graphs with intervals as distance sets,European Journal of Combinatorics26 (2005), 1216-1229.
56.Wensong Lin*, Peter Che Bor Lam, and Zengmin Song, Circular chromatic numbers of some distance graphs,Discrete Mathematics292 (2005) 119-130.
57.Jianzhuan Wu andWensong Lin*, Circular chromatic numbers and fractional chromatic numbers of distance graphs with distance sets missing an interval,Ars Combinatoria70 (2004), 161-168.
58.Wensong Lin*and Guohua Gu, A necessary and sufficient condition for a vertex-transitive graph to be star extremal,Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) 20 (3) (2004), 374-377.
59.Peter Che Bor Lam*,Wensong Lin, Guohua Gu and Zengmin Song, Circular chromatic number and a generalization of the construction of Mycielski,Journal of Combinatorics. Theory Series B89 (2003), 195-205.
60.Wensong Lin*, Some star extremal circulant graphs,Discrete Mathematics271 (2003), 169-177.
61.Wensong Lin*and Zengmin Song, Neighborhood union condition with distance for vertex-pancyclicity,Ars Combinatoria61 (2001), 119-127.
62.Wensong Lin*, Guohua Gu, and Zengmin Song, Fan-type condition and panconnectivity,Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) 16 (1) (2000), 101-105.
63.Wensong Lin*and Zengmin Song, Neighborhood unions and edge-pancyclicity,Ars Combinatoria48 (1998), 81-86.

1. 新的图着色问题研究(2002-2004)(**), 参与。(国家自然科学基金面上项目)

2. 大规模稀疏线性规划的投影主元算法(2000-2002)(**), 参与。(国家自然科学基金面上项目)
3. 分派理论方法与决策系统 (1995-1997),参与。(国家自然科学基金面上项目)
4. 复杂网络的同步和动态特性研究(2006-2008)(**),参与。(国家自然科学基金面上项目)
5. 图的圆着色和距离二标号问题(2007.1-2008.12)(**),主持。(国家自然科学基金面上项目)
6. 图的距离二标号问题 (2010.1-2012.12)(**),主持。(国家自然科学基金面上项目)
7. 图的距离标号与频道分配问题 (2015.7-2018.6)(BK**),主持。(江苏省自然科学基金面上项目)

8.图的松弛染色问题 (2018.1-2021.12)(** ) 主持。(国家自然科学基金面上项目)

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