2008.09- 2014.04华东理工大学理学博士(硕博连读) 分析化学
2003.09- 2007.07湖北大学理学学士 化学生物学
2019.12-至今 东南大学 机械工程学院专职副研究员
2015.02- 2019.10 美国国家标准与技术研究所博士后研究员
2014.03-2016.06 深圳大学博士后
2020.01- 2020.12, 项目主持人,中央高校基本业务费基础科研扶持项目-理工类:基于纳米孔的生物仿生界面机械性能研究 (**K40221)
2014.09- 2016.12, 项目主持人, 中国博士后科学基金第56批一等资助项目:纳米通道用于核酸适配体单分子识别行为研究(2014M560670)
2008.12- 2011.12,项目主要研究人员,国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于alpha-溶血素纳米孔的淀粉样β肽单分子分析(No. **)
2008.09- 2011.02,项目主要研究人员,上海市教育委员会曙光计划项目:基于纳米通道的老年痴呆症蛋白的单分子分析 (No. 07SG36)
2013.10 华东理工大学“研究生国家奖学金”
2013.04 华东理工大学“2013年度优秀博士毕业生”
2012.10 华东理工大学“优秀学生干部”
2012.10 华东理工大学“优秀社会工作奖一等奖”
2011.12 华东理工大学“高水平论文奖”
2010.10 华东理工大学计划外奖学金:天鼎东岳一等奖
Wang H.-Y.,Kasianowicz J. J., Robertson, J.W.F., Poster L. D., and Ettedgui, J., A Comparison of Ion Channel Current Blockades Caused by Individual Poly (ethylene glycol) Molecules and Polyoxometalate Nanoclusters. The European Physical Joural E.2019,42 (6),83. (IF 1.69)
Wang H.-Y., Zhang H., Chen S., Liu Y. Fluorescein-Inspired Near-Infrared Chemodosimeter for Luminescence Bioimaging. Current medicinal chemistry2019, 26 (21), 4029-4041 (IF 3.29)
Wang H.-Y.,Ettedgui, J., Forstater, J.H., Robertson, J.W.F., Reiner J. E., Zhang H., Chen S., Kasianowicz, J.J. Determining the physical properties of molecules with nanometer-scale pores. ACS Sensors2018, 3, 251-263. (IF 6.50)
Liu Y., Yao X.-F. & Wang H.-Y.*, Protein Detection Though Single Molecule Nanopore. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry2018, 46, Issue 6, e1838-e1846. (IF 0.93)
Wang, H.-Y.,Song, Z.-Y., Zhang, H.-S., & Chen, S.-P. Single-molecule analysis of lead (II)-binding aptamer conformational changes in an α-hemolysin nanopore, and sensitive detection of lead (II). Microchimica Acta2016, 183,1003-1010. (IF 5.22)
Wang, H.-Y., Gu, Z., Wang, J., & Long, Y.-T. Analysis of a single α-synuclein fibrillation by the interaction with a protein nanopore. Analytical Chemistry2013, 85, 8254-8261. (IF 6.38)
Wang, H.-Y., Li, Y., Qin, L.-X., Heyman, A., Shoseyov, O., Willner, I., Long, Y.-T., & Tian, H. Single-molecule DNA detection using a novel SP1 protein nanopore. Chemical Communications2013, 49, 1741-1743. (IF 6.12)
Wang, H.-Y., Ying, Y.-L., Li, Y., Kraatz, H.B., & Long, Y.-T. Nanopore analysis of β-amyloid peptide aggregation transition induced by small molecules. Analytical Chemistry2011, 83, 1746-1752. (IF 6.38)
Wang, H.-Y., Ying, Y.-L., Li, Y., & Long, Y.-T. Peering into Biological Nanopore: A Practical Technology to Single‐Molecule Analysis. Chemistry: An Asian Journal2011, 5, 952-1961. (IF 3.55)
Liu Y., Wang S., Ma Y., J Lin, Wang H.-Y., Gu Y., Chen X., Huang P. Ratiometric photoacoustic molecular imaging for methylmercury detection in living subjects. Advanced Materials 2017, 29, **. (IF 23.77)
Kasianowicz, J.J., Balijepalli, A.K., Ettedgui, J., Forstater, J.H., Wang, H.-Y., Zhang, H., & Robertson, J.W.F. Analytical applications for pore-forming proteins. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes2016, 1858, 593-606. (IF 3.64)
Ying, Y.-L., Wang, H.-Y. Sutherland, T.C. & Long, Y.-T. Monitoring of an ATP‐Binding Aptamer and its Conformational Changes Using an ?-Hemolysin Nanopore. Small2011, 1, 87-94. (IF 9.9)
Liu, Y., Ying, Y.-L., Wang, H.-Y., Cao, C., Li, D.-W., Zhang, W.-Q., & Long, Y.-T. Real-time monitoring of the oxidative response of a membrane–channel biomimetic system to free radicals. Chemical Communications2013, 49, 6584-6586. (IF 6.12)
Liu, T., Bao, C., Wang, H.-Y., Lin, Y., Jia, H., & Zhu, L. Light-controlled ion channels formed by amphiphilic small molecules regulate ion conduction viacis–trans photoisomerization. Chemical Communications2013, 49, 10311-10313. (IF 6.12)
喻皓,汪海燕,龙亿涛 等 基于LabVIEW的纳米通道单分子检测系统,授权专利号:ZL 2010 2 **.6