本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-03-28
教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
个人简介 姓名: 孙德勇
性别: 男
职称: 教授
职务: 院长助理
出生年月: 1984年01月
最高学历: 博士
所属专业: 遥感技术与应用
工作单位: 南京信息工程大学海洋科学学院
所属系部: 海洋技术
毕业院校: 南京师范大学
研究方向: 水体光学、水色遥感
办公地点: 水声实验楼
邮箱 : sundeyong@nuist.edu.cn, sundeyong1984@163.com
主讲课程: 海洋遥感、海洋光学、遥感原理与应用、遥感数字图像处理
主要研究领域: 主要从事水光学、水环境遥感等方面的研究。研究方向主要包括:(1)复杂混浊近海水体的吸收、散射光谱特征及其时空分布规律;(2)利用遥感技术定量反演复杂混浊水体的组分浓度及其光学特性;(3)近海水体悬浮颗粒物粒径分布规律及其对水体生物-光学特性的影响;(4)复杂混浊水体的遥感光学分类研究;(5)近海水体浮游植物粒级结构的时空分布及演化规律研究;(6)突发性海洋灾害现象的光学遥感监测。
2013.9-2014.8 美国南佛罗里达大学海洋科学学院 博士后
2005.9-2010.6 南京师范大学地理科学学院硕博连读 博士
2005.9-2010.6 南京工业大学测绘科学与技术学院 学士
2010.6-2014.8 南京信息工程大学地理与遥感学院
2014.9-至今 南京信息工程大学海洋科学学院
担任国家自然科学基金项目函评专家;担任爱沙尼亚科学研究委员会基金项目国际函评专家;担任《Remote Sensing of Environment》、《Limnology and Oceanography》、《Journal of Geophysical Research》等多个国际权威SCI学术期刊和国内权威期刊的审稿专家。
1. Sun, D., S. Chen*, Z. Qiu*, S. Wang, et al. 2017. Second-order variability of inherent optical properties of particles in Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea: driving factor analysis and modeling. Limnology and Oceanography, 62(3), 1266-1287. (SCI, TOP期刊, 1区)
2. Sun, D.*, Y. Huan, Z. Qiu*, C. Hu, S. Wang, and Y. He. 2017. Remote sensing estimation of phytoplankton size classes from GOCI satellite measurements in Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, doi:10.1002/2017JC013099. (SCI, TOP期刊, 2区)
3. Sun, D., Z. Qiu*, C. Hu, S. Wang, et al. 2016. A hybrid method to estimate suspended particle sizes from satellite measurements over Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 121, 6742-6761, doi:10.1002/2016JC011949. (SCI, TOP期刊, 2区)
4. Sun Deyong*, Hu Chuanmin, Qiu Zhongfeng, and Wang Shengqiang. Reconstruction of hyperspectral reflectance for optically complex turbid inland lakes: test of a new scheme and implications for inversion algorithms. Optics Express, 2015, 23(11), 718-740. (SCI, TOP期刊, 2区)
5. Sun Deyong*, Hu Chuanmin, Qiu Zhongfeng, et al. Estimating phycocyanin pigment concentration in productive inland waters using Landsat measurements: A case study in Lake Dianchi. Optics Express, 2015, 23(3), 3055-3074. (SCI, TOP期刊, 2区)
6. Sun Deyong*, Hu Chuanmin, Qiu Zhongfeng, et al. Influence of a red band-based water classification approach on chlorophyll algorithms for optically complex estuaries. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014, 155, 289-302. (SCI, TOP期刊, 1区)
7. Sun Deyong*, Qiu Zhongfeng, Li Yunmei, et al. Detection of Total Phosphorus Concentrations of Turbid Inland Waters Using a Remote Sensing Method. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2014, 225(5), 1-17. (SCI, 3区)
8. Sun Deyong*, Zhongfeng Qiu, Yunmei Li, et al. New strategy to improve estimation of diffuse attenuation coefficient for highly turbid inland waters. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2014, 35(9), 3350-3371. (SCI, 3区)
9. Sun Deyong*, Li Yunmei, Le Chengfeng, et al. A semi-analytical approach for detecting suspended particulate composition in complex turbid inland waters (China). Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013, 134, 92-99. (SCI, TOP期刊, 1区)
10. Sun Deyong*, Li Yunmei, Wang Qiao, et al. Hyperspectral remote sensing of the Pigment C-Phycocyanin in turbid inland waters, based on optical classification. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and remote sensing, 2013, 51(7), 3871-3884. (SCI, TOP期刊, 2区)
11. Liu Jia, Sun Deyong*, Zhang Yunlin, et al. Pre-classification improves relationships between water clarity, light attenuation, and suspended particulates in turbid inland waters. Hydrobiologia, 2013, 711(1), 71-86. (SCI, 3区)
12. Sun Deyong*, Li Yunmei, Wang Qiao, et al. Specific inherent optical quantities of complex turbid inland waters, from the perspective of water classification. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2012, 11, 1299-1312. (SCI, 3区)
13. Sun Deyong*, Li Yunmei, Wang Qiao, et al. A novel support vector regression model to estimate the phycocyanin concentration in turbid inland waters from hyperspectral reflectance. Hydrobiologia, 2012, 680, 199-217. (SCI, 3区)
14. Sun Deyong*, Li Yunmei, Wang Qiao, et al. Development of optical criteria to discriminate various types of highly turbid lake waters. Hydrobiologia, 2011, 669, 83-104. (SCI, 3区)
15. Sun Deyong*, Li Yunmei, Wang Qiao, et al. A neural network model to retrieve CDOM absorption from in situ measured hyperspectral data in an optically complex lake: Lake Taihu case study. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2011, 32(14), 4005-4022. (SCI, 3区)
16. Sun Deyong*, Li Yunmei, Wang Qiao, et al. Partitioning particulate scattering and absorption into contributions of phytoplankton and non-algal particles in winter in Lake Taihu (China). Hydrobiologia, 2010, 644(1), 337-349. (SCI, 3区)
17. Sun Deyong*, Li Yunmei, Wang Qiao, et al. Detection of suspended matter concentrations in optically complex Lake Taihu, China comparison of DSFs- and SVM-based models. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2010, 7(4), 816-820. (SCI, 3区)
18. Wang Qiao, Sun Deyong*, Li Yunmei, et al. Mechanisms of remote-sensing reflectance variability and its relation to bio-optical processes in a highly turbid eutrophic lake: lake Taihu (China). IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and remote sensing, 2010, 48(1), 575-584. (SCI, TOP期刊, 2区)
19. Sun Deyong*, Li Yunmei, and Wang Qiao. A unified model for remotely estimating chlorophyll a in Lake Taihu, China based on SVM and in situ hyperspectral data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and remote sensing, 2009, 47(8), 2957-2968. (SCI, TOP期刊, 2区)
20. Sun Deyong*, Li Yunmei, Wang Qiao, et al. Light scattering properties and their relation to the biogeochemical composition of turbid productive waters: A case study of Lake Taihu. Applied Optics, 2009, 48(11), 1979-1989. (SCI, 3区)
21. Sun Deyong*, Li Yunmei, Wang Qiao, et al. Parameterization of Water Component Absorption in Inland Eutrophic Lake and Its Seasonal Variability: A Case Study in Lake Taihu. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2009, 30(13), 3549-3571. (SCI, 3区)
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