报告人:Stanko Dimitrov(加拿大滑铁卢大学)
报告时间:2020年11月2日 09:00
报告地点:ZOOM:763 086 2328 密码:nuaacem
It is known that an eco-efficiency strategy, which saves resources in the production process, may be offset by a rebound effect; it may even backfire. Less known are the exact conditions under which eco-efficiency rebounds or backfires. This article fills the gap by providing an analytical model of the rebound and backfire effects. We propose an optimal control framework of dynamic pricing and eco-efficiency investment, for which eco-efficiency reduces the unit production cost and boosts the demand of environmentally concerned consumers. Results, which hold with a general demand formulation, examine the analytic conditions for the rebound and backfire effects. They also highlight the possibility of a reverse rebound effect. Such results pave the way to sounder sustainability strategies.
Stanko Dimitrov,是加拿大滑铁卢大学管理科学系副教授、滑铁卢大学商业数据分析实验室发起人,现任OMEGA期刊的Associate Editor。他于2010年在密歇根大学获得博士学位,同年,加入滑铁卢大学并在本科、MBA和博士课程中授课。他研究方向为运筹学和信息系统交叉,具体包括运营管理、生产分析、信息集结、博弈论和数据分析等。他先后在POM、EJOR、OMEGA、IJPR等国际著名期刊上发表了20多篇论文。他受邀在INFORMS年会等50余场会议上作专题报告,并担任EJOR、GDN、JORS、AOR等40余知名期刊审稿人。