个人简介:2014年12月毕业于南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院,获材料物理与化学专业博士学位,师从陆延青教授。获得国家留学基金委资助2016.12-2017.11赴日本大阪大学做访问****。国内、外会议邀请报告多次。SLCP 2013、2018获最佳海报奖。担任Optics EXPRESS、Optical Materials EXPRESS和Scientific Reports等期刊的审稿人。邀请日本Nakajima教授来我院访问,与其建立了长期的合作关系。与南大、东南、交大等相关课题组正进行广泛而深入的合作研究。目前主要工作:结合石墨烯和超材料,研究基于液晶的太赫兹波产生、调控和探测等。
研究领域:研究方向:太赫兹光子学,液晶光学,超材料与超表面,石墨烯主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,省自然科学基金青年项目1项,省高校自然科学研究项目1项,江苏省光通信工程研究中心开放课题1项,固体微结构物理国家重点实验室开放课题1项等;参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、重大项目子课题等多项课题。发表多篇SCI论文,一区1篇,被国内THz领域权威网站—中国太赫兹研发网详细报道;另1篇二区文章被世界著名的光学、光电子行业杂志Laser Focus World作为Newsbreaks Top One 特别报道。与南京煜宸激光科技有限公司合作,结合3D打印技术,进一步拓展在太赫兹领域的研究,已取得初步成效。授权发明专利2项,另3项发明专利已受理。
1.Lei Wang,Xiao-wen Lin, Xiao Liang, Jing-bo Wu, Wei Hu, Zhi-gang Zheng, Biao-bing Jin,Yi-qiang Qin and Yan-qing Lu. Large birefringence liquid crystal material interahertz range. Opt. Mater. Express 2, 1314-1319 (2012). Webof Science查询:被引用66次(2020.4.7)
2.Lei Wang,Xiao-Wen Lin, Wei Hu, Guang-Hao Shao, Peng Chen, Lan-Ju Liang, Biao-Bing Jin,Pei-Heng Wu, Hao Qian, Yi-Nong Lu, Xiao Liang, Zhi-Gang Zheng and Yan-Qing Lu.Broadband tunable liquid crystal terahertz waveplates driven with porousgraphene electrodes. Light Sci. Appl. 4, e253 (2015). Web of Science查询:被引用96次(2020.4.7)
3.Lei Wang,et al. Bridging the terahertz near-field and far-field in liquid crystal basedmetamaterial absorbers. Chin. Phys. B 25(9), 094222 (2016).
4.Lei Wang,Shijun Ge, Wei Hu, Makoto Nakajima and Yan-Qing Lu. Graphene-assistedhigh-efficiency liquid crystal tunable terahertz metamaterial absorber. Opt.Express 25, 23873 (2017). Web of Science查询:被引用40次(2020.4.7)
5.Lei Wang,Shijun Ge, Wei Hu, Makoto Nakajima and Yan-Qing Lu. Tunable reflective liquidcrystal terahertz waveplates. Opt. Mater. Express 7(6), 2023 (2017) Webof Science查询:被引用30次(2020.4.7)
6.HaoyanJiang,Yaoyi Tang,Xiaohan Zeng,Ruiwen Xiao,PengLü,Lei Wang(通信作者),Yanqing Lu. Visual measurement of the microscopic temperature ofporous graphene based on cholesteric liquid crystal microcapsules. ChineseOptics Letters, 2020, 18(3):31201(被选为Cover Paper)
7.Lei Wang,Hongsong Qiu, Thanh Nhat Khoa Phan, Kosaku Kato, Boyoung Kang, Keisuke Takano,Yanqing Lu, Lujian Chen, Peng Lv, Kehan Yu, Wei Wei, Biaobing Jin and MakotoNakajima. Visible Measurement of Terahertz Power Based on CapsulizedCholesteric Liquid Crystal Film. Appl. Sci. 8, 2580 (2018). 受邀约稿。
8.王磊,肖芮文,葛士军,沈志雄,吕鹏,胡伟,陆延青. 太赫兹液晶材料与器件研究进展. 物理学报 68,084205(2019).
9.HongsongQiu, Lei Wang, Zhixiong Shen, Kosaku Kato, Nobuhiko Sarukura, MasashiYoshimura, Wei Hu, Yanqing Lu, and Makoto Nakajima. Magnetically andelectrically polarization-tunable THz emitter with integrated ferromagneticheterostructure and large-birefringence liquid crystal. Appl. Phys. Express 11,092101 (2018)
10.TaoYang, Lei Wang, et al. Compact terahertz spectrometer based onsequential modulation of disordered rough surfaces. Opt. Lett. 44(24), 6061-6064(2019).
11.ZhixiongShen, Shenghang Zhou, Shijun Ge, Wei Duan, Peng Chen, Lei Wang, Wei Huand Yan-Qing Lu. Liquid-crystal-integrated metadevice: towards activemultifunctional terahertz wave manipulations. Opt. Lett. 43, 4695 (2018).
1. Lei Wang, CholestericLiquid Crystals for Terahertz Detection, PIERS, Rome, 2019.6.17-2019.6.20
2. Lei Wang, Terahertzwave manipulation and detection based on liquid crystals SPIE Photonics West2019, San Francisco, 2019.2.2-2019.2.7
3. Lei Wang, Liquid Crystal Based Devices for THz Applications,日本光子学会议(OPIC-ALPS2018),横滨,2018.4.24-2018.4.27
4. 王磊,液晶在太赫兹领域的应用,第四届全国太赫兹科学技术学术年会 成都电子科技大学,2018.7.13-2018.7.15