个人简介:张慧峰,男,2013年获华中科技大学系统分析与集成专业博士学位,现为南京邮电大学先进技术研究院教师。主要从事智能电网、复杂系统建模与优化、能源调度与决策等方面的研究工作。2017-2018年在英国贝尔法斯特女王大学和利兹大学做访问****,2019年获江苏省科学技术奖励一等奖(7/11)和中国自动化学会技术发明一等奖(7/7)各一项。近年来,以第一作者身份,在能源与电力系统优化控制领域国际顶级SCI期刊《IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics》、《IEEE Transcations on Industrial Informatics》、《Energy》等发表论文十余篇,EI期刊收录5篇,授权专利7项,主持国家级项目2项,省部级项目2项,市厅级项目1项和横向课题1项。
研究领域:主要研究方向1、电力系统优化控制研究在新能源接入情形下智能电网的复杂建模问题,针对风电、太阳能光伏等能源呈现的高维耦合的分布式特征,采用多目标协调优化与多智能体控制相结合的方法,对电网中存在的经济调度、调频、调压等问题进行优化控制,制定电力系统安全稳定运行的优化控制策略。2、能源规划与优化调度与决策针对水电、火电等能源在发电过程中的一系列关键问题,研究其复杂能源系统的建模方法,并采用现代智能或解析优化方法对其求解。同时,在此基础上,对调度方案进行决策优选,为调度人员提供可靠的决策支持。主要论文:1) Huifeng Zhang, Dong Yue, and Chunxia Dou, Xiangpeng Xie, Gerhardus P. Hancke,Two-stage optimal operation strategy of isolated power system with TSKfuzzy identification of supply-security, IEEE Transactions on IndustrialInformatics, 16(6): 3731-3743, 2020. 2)Huifeng Zhang, Dong Yue, and Chunxia Dou, Kang Li, Xiangpeng Xie, Event-triggeredmulti-agent optimization for two-layered model of hybrid energy system withprice bidding based demand response, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI:10.1109/TCYB.2019.**, 2019.3) Huifeng Zhang, Dong Yue, Wenbin Yue, Kang Li, Mingjia Yiing, MOEA/D basedprobabilistic PBI approach for risk-based optimal operation of hybrid energysystems with intermittent power uncertainty, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Manand Cybernetics: Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2019.**, 2019. 4) Huifeng Zhang, Jianzhong Zhou, NaFang, Rui Zhang, Yongchuan Zhang. Daily hydrothermal scheduling with economicemission using simulated annealing technique based multi-objective culturaldifferential evolution approach. Energy, 2013, 50: 24-37. 5) Huifeng Zhang, Dong Yue*,Xiangpeng Xie, Chunxia Dou, Feng Sun. Gradient decent based multi-objectivecultural differential evolution for short-term hydrothermal optimal schedulingof economic emission with integrating wind power and photovoltaic power,Energy, 2017, 122: 748-766. 6) Huifeng Zhang
, Jianzhong Zhou, YongchuanZhang, Youlin Lu, Yongqiang Wang. Culture belief based multi-objective hybriddifferential evolutionary algorithm in short term hydrothermal scheduling.Energy Conversion and Management, 2013, 65: 173-184. 7)Huifeng Zhang*, Dong Yue, XiangpengXie, Songlin Hu, Shengxuan Weng. Pareto-dominance based adaptivemulti-objective optimization for hydrothermal coordinated scheduling withenvironmental emission, Applied Soft Computing, 2018, 69(2018): 270-287. 8)Huifeng Zhang, Dong Yue, XiangpengXie, Songlin Hu, Shengxuan Weng. Multi-elite guide hybrid differentialevolution with simulated annealing technique for dynamic economic emissiondispatch. Applied Soft Computing, 2015, 34: 312-323. 9)Huifeng Zhang, Jianzhong Zhou, NaFang, Rui Zhang, Yongchuan Zhang. An efficient multi-objective adaptivedifferential evolution with chaotic neuron network and its application onlong-term hydropower operation with considering ecological environment problem.International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2013, 45(1):60-70. 10)Huifeng Zhang
, Jianzhong Zhou, YongchuanZhang, Na Fang, Rui Zhang. Short term hydrothermal scheduling using multi-objectivedifferential evolution with three chaotic sequences. International Journal ofElectrical Power and Energy Systems, 2013, 47: 85-99. 主要专利:
6) 张慧峰、岳东、王程桂、解相朋、胡松林、翁盛煊,大规模间歇式能源接入的混合能源多目标鲁棒优化方法,**,ZL4.6;
7) 张慧峰、岳东、单延逍、解相朋、胡松林、翁盛煊,有源配电网环境下多目标模糊优化的多能源经济调度方法,**,ZL0.9;