

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-02-16


杨修群,男,汉族,1963年10月生,安徽全椒人。现任南京大学教授、博士生导师,中国气象局-南京大学气候预测研究联合实验室主任,曾任南京大学大气科学系主任和学院院长(2006-2018)。系国家973计划项目首席科学家,国家重点研发计划项目负责人,国家自然科学基金创新研究群体学术带头人,国家****科学基金获得者,首批“新世纪百千****才工程”国家级人选。兼任中国气象学会副理事长,国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学部第七届专家咨询委员会委员,世界气候研究计划(WCRP)/国际气象学和大气科学协会(IAMAS)/未来地球计划(FE)中国委员会委员,中国气象局特聘专家,中国气象局气候研究重点实验室科学主任和学术委员会主任,国际SCI期刊JGR-Atmos副编辑(Associate Editor)、AAS编辑(Editor)和国内核心期刊《气象科学》主编等。
[1] 2018年-2021年, 主持国家重点研发计划项目“30-90天气候变异的机理和预测方法研究”(2018YFC**),1479万
[3] 2017年-2021年,主持高等学校学科创新引智(111)计划项目:“季风气候变化与气象灾害研究学科创新引智基地” (B17022),450万元;
[4] 2014年-2018年主持国家自然科学基金重点项目“大气瞬变涡旋反馈在中纬度海气耦合动力过程中的作用”(**),280万
[6] 2008年-2011年主持国家自然科学基金重点项目“20世纪70年代末我国东部旱涝年代际转型的成因研究”(**),170万
[8] 2008年-2011年主持江苏省自然科学基金创新****攀登项目“20世纪70年代末东亚夏季风年代际减弱的成因研究”(BK**),100万元
[12]2003年-2006年 主持国家自然科学基金重点项目“太平洋年代际振荡的形成机制及其与东亚气候变化的关系”研究(**),120万
[13]2001年-2003年 主持国家自然科学基金项目“变化的气候背景态对年际ENSO变率影响的机理研究”(**),20万

[1] Dejian Yang, Youmin Tang, Xiu-Qun Yang, Dan Ye, Ting Liu, Tao Feng, Xiaoqin Yan, Xuguang Sun, and Yaocun Zhang, 2021, A theoretical relationship between probabilistic relative operating characteristic skill and deterministic correlation skill in dynamical seasonal climate prediction, Climate Dynamics(accepted),doi: 10.1007/s00382-021-05678-z.
[2] Yaqin Ji,Xuguang Sun,Yiming Xu,Jingxin Yao andXiu-Qun Yang, 2021, Summer regional pentad extreme precipitation in eastern China and their possible causes,Frontiers in Earth Science(online), doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.598025.
[3] Jingxin Yao, Xuguang Sun, Jianping Tang, Yaqin Ji, Yiming Xu and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2021, Summer regional pentad heat wave in eastern China and their possible causes,Frontiers in Earth Science(online), doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.598027.
[4] Wei Yu,Yimin Liu,Xiu-Qun Yang,Guoxiong Wu,Bian He,Jinxiao Li,Qing Bao, 2021, Impact of North Atlantic SST and Tibetan Plateau forcing on seasonal transition of springtime South Asian monsoon circulation, Climate Dynamics, 56, 559-579, doi: 10.1007/s00382-020-05491-0.
[5] Xianglin Dai, Yang Zhang, and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2021, The budget of local available potential energy of low-frequency eddies in Northern Hemispheric winter, Journal of Climate, 34(4), 1241-1258, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-19-1007.1.
[6] Yao Yao, Zhong Zhong, Xiu-Qun Yang, Xiaogang Huang, 2020, Future changes in impact of North Pacific midlatitude oceanic frontal intensity on wintertime storm track in CMIP5 models, Journal of Meteorological Research, 34(6), 1199-1213, doi: 10.1007/s13351-020-0057-z.
[7] Tao Feng, Xiu-Qun Yang, Jia-Yuh Yu, and Ronghui Huang, 2020, Convective coupling in tropical-depression-type waves. Part I: Rainfall characteristics and moisture structure, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 77(10), 3407-3422, doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-19-0172.1.
[8] Tao Feng, Jia-Yuh Yu, Xiu-Qun Yang, and Ronghui Huang, 2020, Convective coupling in tropical-depression-type waves. Part II: Moisture and moist static energy budgets, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 77(10), 3423-3440, doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-19-0173.1.
[9] Lilan Chen, Jiabei Fang, and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2020, Midlatitude unstable air-sea interaction with atmospheric transient eddy dynamical forcing in an analytical coupled model, Climate Dynamics, 55(9), 2557-2577, doi: 10.1007/s00382-020-05405-0.
[10] Tao FENG, Xiu-Qun YANG, Liang WU, Ronghui HUANG, and Dejian YANG, 2020, How do the monsoon trough and the tropical upper-tropospheric trough affect synoptic-scale waves: A comparative study,Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 98(4), 735-754, doi: 10.2151/jmsj.2020-037.
[11] Ran Zhang, Jiabei Fang, and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2020, What kinds of atmospheric anomalies drive wintertime North Pacific basin-scale subtropical oceanic front intensity variation?Journal of Climate, 33(16), 7011-7026, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0973.1.
[12] Lingfeng Tao, Xiu-Qun Yang, Jiabei Fang, and Xuguang Sun, 2020, PDO-related wintertime atmospheric anomalies over the midlatitude North Pacific: Local versus remote SST forcing, Journal of Climate, 33(16), 6989-7010. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0143.1.
[13] Tao Feng, Xiu-Qun Yang, Xuguang Sun, Dejian Yang, and Cuijiao Chu, 2020, Reexamination of the climatology and variability of the Northwest Pacific monsoon trough using a daily index,Journal of Climate, 33(14), 5919-5938, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0459.1.
[14] Libo Gao, Tijian Wang, Xuejuan Ren, Bingliang Zhuang, Shu Li, Ruan Yao, Xiu-Qun Yang, 2020, Impact of atmospheric quasi-biweekly oscillation on the persistent heavy PM2.5 pollution over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China during winter, Atmospheric Research, 242, 105017, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105017.
[15] Yiquan Jiang, Xiu-Qun Yang, Xiaohong Liu, Yun Qian, Kai Zhang, Minghuai Wang, Fang Li, Yong Wang and Zheng Lu, 2020, Impacts of wildfire aerosols on global energy budget and climate: The role of climate feedbacks, Journal of Climate, 33(8), 3351-3366, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0572.1.
[16] Jing Huang,Yang Zhang,Xiu-Qun Yang,Xuejuan Ren, andHaibo Hu, 2020, Impacts of North Pacific subtropical and subarctic oceanic frontal zones on the wintertime atmospheric large-scale circulations, Journal of Climate, 33(5), 1897-1914, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0308.1.
[17] CuijiaoChu, HaiboHu, Xiu?QunYang, DejianYang, 2020, Midlatitude atmospheric transient eddy feedbacks infuenced ENSO?associated wintertime Pacifc teleconnection patterns intwo PDO phases,Climate Dynamics, 54, 2577-2595, doi: 10.1007/s00382-020-05134-4.
[18] Zhanqing Li, Yuan Wang, Jianping Guo, Chuanfeng Zhao, Maureen C. Cribb, Xiquan Dong, Jiwen Fan, Daoyi Gong, Jianping Huang, Mengjiao Jiang, Yiquan Jiang, S.-S. Lee, Huan Li, Jiming Li, Jianjun Liu, Yun Qian, Daniel Rosenfeld, Siyu Shan, Yele Sun, Huijun Wang, Jinyuan Xin, Xin Yan, Xin Yang, Xiu-qun Yang, Fang Zhang, Youtong Zheng, 2019, East Asian study of tropospheric aerosols and their impact on regional clouds, precipitation, and climate (EAST‐AIRCPC),Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 124, 13026-13054, doi: 10.1029/2019JD030758.
[19] XiaodongXie,Tijian Wang, XuYue, Shu Li, Bingliang Zhuang,Minghuai Wang, XiuqunYang, 2019, Numerical modeling of ozone damage to plants and its effects on atmospheric CO2in China, Atmospheric Environment, 217, 116970, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.116970.
[20] Yu Nie, Yang Zhang, Xiu-Qun Yang, and Hong-Li Ren, 2019, Winter and summer Rossby wave sources in the CMIP5 models, Earth and Space Science, 6, 1831-1846, doi: 10.1029/2019EA000674.
[21] Lingfeng Tao, Xuguang Sun, and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2019, The asymmetric atmospheric response to the midlatitude North Pacific SST anomalies, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 124, 9222-9240, doi: 10.1029/2019JD030500.
[22] Zhong Zhong, Xian Chen, Xiu-Qun Yang, Yao Ha, and Yuan Sun, 2019, The relationship of frequent tropical cyclone activities over the western North Pacific and hot summer days in central-eastern China, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 138, 1395-1404, doi:10.1007/s00704-019-02908-7.
[23] Aijun Ding, Xin Huang, Wei Nie, Xuguang Chi, Zheng Xu, Longfei Zheng, Zhengning Xu, Yuning Xie, Ximeng Qi, Yicheng Shen, Peng Sun, Jiaping Wang, Lei Wang, Jianning Sun, Xiu-Qun Yang, Wei Qin, Xiangzhi Zhang, Wei Cheng, Weijing Liu, Liangbao Pan, and Congbin Fu, 2019, Significant reduction of PM2.5in eastern China due to regional-scale emission control: evidence from SORPES in 2011–2018, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 11791-11801,doi: 10.5194/acp-19-11791-2019.
[24] Chong Liu, Ti-Jian Wang, Pu-Long Chen, Meng-Meng Li, Ming Zhao, Kun Zhao, Ming-Huai Wang, Xiu-Qun Yang, 2019, Effects of aerosols on the precipitation of convective clouds: A case study in the Yangtze River Delta of China, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 124, 7868-7885, doi: 10.1029/2018JD029924.
[25] HaoKun Bai, HaiBo Hu, Xiu-Qun Yang, XueJuan Ren, HaiMing Xu, and GuoQiang Liu, 2019, Modeled MABL responses to the winter Kuroshio SST front in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 124, 6069-6092, doi: 10.1029/2018JD029570.
[26] WeiNaGuan, HaiBoHu, XueJuanRen, Xiu?QunYang, 2019, Subseasonal zonal variability ofthewestern Pacific subtropical high insummer: climate impacts andunderlying mechanisms, Climate Dynamics, 53,3325-3344, doi: 10.1007/s00382-019-04705-4.
[27] Wen CHEN, Lin WANG, Juan FENG, Zhiping WEN, Tiaojiao MA, Xiuqun YANG, and Chenghai WANG, 2019, Recent progress in studies of the variabilities and mechanisms of the East Asian monsoon in a changing climate, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 36, 887-901, doi: 10.1007/s00376-019-8230-y.
[28] Xuguang Sun, Yiming Xu, Zhiqi Zhang, Xiu-Qun Yang, 2019, The tropical and extratropical-origin summer meridional teleconnections over East Asia, Climate Dynamics, 53, 721-735, doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-04610-2.
[29] Qiuji Ding, Jianning Sun, Xin Huang, Aijun Ding, Jun Zou, Xiuqun Yang, and Congbin Fu, 2019, Impacts of black carbon on the formation of advection-radiation fog during a haze pollution episode in eastern China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 7759-7774, doi: 10.5194/acp-19-7759-2019.
[30] Xinshu Fu, Xiu-Qun Yang, and Xuguang Sun, 2019, Spatial and diurnal variations of summer hourly rainfall over three super city clusters in eastern China and their possible link to the urbanization, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 124, 5445-5462, doi: 10.1029/2019JD030474.
[31] Qiuyu Chen, Haibo Hu, Xuejuan Ren, and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2019, Numerical simulation of midlatitude upper‐level zonal wind response to the change of North Pacific subtropical front strength, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 124, 4891-4912, doi: 10.1029/2018JD029589.
[32] Yao Yao, Zhong Zhong, Xiu-Qun Yang, Xiaogang Huang, 2019, Seasonal variations of the relationship between the North Pacific storm track and the meridional shifts of the subarctic frontal zone, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 136, 1249-1257, doi:10.1007/s00704-018-2559-5.
[33] LiYing Wang, HaiBo Hu, XunQun Yang, 2019, The atmospheric responses to the intensity variability of subtropical front in the wintertime North Pacific, Climate Dynamics, 52, 5623-5639, doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-4468-9.
[34] Dejian Yang, Xiu-Qun Yang, Dan Ye, Xuguang Sun, Jiabei Fang, Cuijiao Chu, Tao Feng, Yiquan Jiang, Jin Liang, Xuejuan Ren, Yaocun Zhang, and Youmin Tang, 2019, Reply to comment by Michael K. Tippett on “on the relationship between probabilistic and deterministic skills in dynamical seasonal climate prediction”, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 124, 3982-3983, doi: 10.1029/2019JD030289.
[35] Wei Shang,Xuejuan Ren,Bo Huang,Ulrich Cubasch,Xiu-Qun Yang, 2019, Subseasonal intensity variation of the South Asian high in relationship to diabatic heating: observation and CMIP5 models, Climate Dynamics, 52,2413–2430, doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-4266-4.
[36] Yuanyuan Guo, Zhiping Wen, Ruidan Chen, Xiuzhen Li, Xiu-Qun Yang, 2019, Effect of boreal spring precipitation anomaly pattern change in the late 1990s over tropical Pacific on the atmospheric teleconnection, Climate Dynamics, 52, 401-416, doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-4149-8.
[37] Sen Gu, Yang Zhang, Qigang Wu, and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2018, The linkage between Arctic sea ice and midlatitude weather: in the perspective of energy, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 123, 11536-11550 doi: 10.1029/2018JD028743.
[38] Xiangyu Ao, C. S. B. Grimmond, H. C. Ward, A. M. Gabey, Jianguo Tan, Xiu-Qun Yang, Dongwei Liu, Xing Zhi, Hongya Liu, and Ning Zhang, 2018, Evaluation of the surface urban energy and water balance scheme (SUEWS) at a dense urban site in Shanghai: Sensitivity to anthropogenic heat and irrigation, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 19, 1983-2005, doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-18-0057.1.
[39] Xuguang Sun, Lingfeng Tao and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2018, The influence of oceanic stochastic forcing on the atmospheric response to midlatitude North Pacific SST anomalies, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 9297-9304, doi: 10.1029/2018GL078860.
[40] Yao Yao, Zhong Zhong, Xiu-Qun Yang, Xiaogang Huang, 2018, Seasonal variation of the North Pacific storm-track relationship with the subarctic frontal zone intensity,Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 83,75-82, doi: 10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2018.06.003.
[41] Cheng Qian, Wen Zhou, Xiu-Qun Yang, and Johnny C L Chan, 2018, Statistical prediction of non-Gaussian climate extremes in urban areas based on the first-order difference method, International Journal of Climatology, 38, 2889–2898, doi: 10.1002/joc.5464.
[42] Zhiqi Zhang, Xuguang Sun, and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2018, Understanding the interdecadal variability of East Asian summer monsoon precipitation: Joint influence of three oceanic signals, Journal of Climate, 31(14), 5485-5506, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0657.1.
[43] Dejian Yang, Xiu-Qun Yang, Dan Ye, Xuguang Sun, Jiabei Fang, Cuijiao Chu, Tao Feng, Yiquan Jiang, Jin Liang, Xuejuan Ren, Yaocun Zhang, and Youmin Tang, 2018, On the relationship between probabilistic and deterministic skills in dynamical seasonal climate prediction,Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 123, 5261–5283, doi: 10.1029/2017JD028002.
[44] Yao Yao, Zhong Zhong, Xiu-Qun Yang, 2018, Impacts of the subarctic frontal zone on the North Pacific storm track in the cold season: an observational study, International Journal of Climatology, 38, 2554-2564, doi: 10.1002/joc.5429.
[45] Cuijiao Chu, Xiu-Qun Yang, Xuguang Sun, Dejian Yang, Yiquan Jiang, Tao Feng, Jin Liang, 2018, Effect of the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean warming since the late 1970s on wintertime Northern Hemispheric atmospheric circulation and East Asian climate interdecadal changes, Climate Dynamics, 50, 3031-3048, doi: 10.1007/s00382-017-3790-y.
[46] Shu Li, Tijian Wang, Xing Huang, Xi Pu, Mengmeng Li, Pulong Chen, Xiu-Qun Yang, Minghuai Wang, 2018, Impact of East Asia summer monsoon on surface ozone pattern in China, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 123, 1401-1411, doi:10.1002/2017JD027190.
[47] Bingliang Zhuang, Tijian Wang, Jane Liu, Huizheng Che, Yong Han, Yu Fu, Shu Li, Min Xie, Mengmeng Li, Pulong Chen, Huimin Chen, Xiu-qun Yang, and Jianning Sun, 2018, The optical properties, physical properties and direct radiative forcing of urban columnar aerosols in the Yangtze River Delta, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 1419-1436, doi: 10.5194/acp-18-1419-2018.
[48] Yao Yao, Zhong Zhong, Xiu-Qun Yang, 2018, Influence of the subarctic front intensity on the midwinter suppression of the North Pacific storm track, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 81, 63-72, doi: 10.1016/j.dynatmoce.2018.01.001.
[49] Tianyi Wang, Xiu-Qun Yang, Jiabei Fang, Xuguang Sun, Xuejuan Ren, 2018, Role of air-sea interaction in the 30–60-day boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation over the western North Pacific, Journal of Climate, 31(4), 1653-1680, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0109.1.
[50] Yawen Liu, Kai Zhang, Yun Qian, Yuhang Wang, Yufei Zou, Yongjia Song, Hui Wan, Xiaohong Liu, and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2018, Investigation of short-term effective radiative forcing of fire aerosols over North America using nudged hindcast ensembles,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 31-47, doi: 10.5194/acp-18-31-2018.
[51] WANG Zhi-yi, HU Bang-hui, YANG Xiu-qun, WANG Xue-zhong, WANG Ju, HUANG Hong, 2018, Prediction of flood season precipitation in Southwest China based on improved PSO-PLS, Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 24(2), 163-175, doi: 10.16555/j.1006-8775.2018.02.005.
[52] Xuejuan Ren, Xiu-Qun Yang, and Haibo Hu, 2017, Subseasonal variations of wintertime North Pacific evaporation, cold air surges and water vapor transport, Journal of Climate,30, 9475-9491, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0140.1.
[53] Liying Wang, Xiu-Qun Yang, Dejian Yang, Qian Xie, Jiabei Fang, Xuguang Sun, 2017, Two typical modes in the variabilities of wintertime North Pacific basin-scale oceanic fronts and associated atmospheric eddy-driven jet,Atmospheric Science Letters, 18, 373-380, doi: 10.1002/asl.766.
[54] Yao Yao, Zhong Zhong, Xiu-Qun Yang, Wei Lu, 2017, An observational study of the North Pacific storm track impact on the midlatitude oceanic front, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 122(13), 6962-6975, doi:10.1002/2016JD026192.
[55] Yiquan Jiang, Xiu-Qun Yang, Xiaohong Liu, Dejian Yang, Xuguang Sun, Minghuai Wang, Aijun Ding, Tijian Wang, and Congbin Fu, 2017, Anthropogenic aerosol effects on East Asian winter monsoon: The role of black carbon-induced Tibetan Plateau warming, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres,122(11), 5883-5902, doi:10.1002/2016JD026237.
[56] LIU Chao, HU Hai-bo, ZHANG Yuan, YANG Xiu-qun, 2017, The direct effects of aerosols and decadal variation of global sea surface temperature on the east Asian summer precipitation in CAM3.0, Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 23(2), 217-228, doi: 10.16555/j.1006-8775.2017.02.010.
[57] Zhong Zhong, Yuan Sun, Xiu-Qun Yang, Weidong Guo, and Haishan Chen, 2017, A sensitivity study of an effective aerodynamic parameter scheme in simulating land-atmosphere interaction for a sea-land breeze case around the Bohai Gulf of China, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18(8), 2101-2115, doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-16-0184.1.
[58] Jin Liang, Xiu-Qun Yang, and De-Zheng Sun, 2017, Factors determining the asymmetry of ENSO, Journal of Climate, 30(16), 6097-6106, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0923.1.
[59] WANG Yan-Feng, SUN Xu-Guang, YANG Xiu-Qun, 2017, Role of snow depth in the influence of El Ni?o on summer climate anomalies over East Asia, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 60(9), 3325-3337, doi:10.6038/cjg**.
王妍凤、孙旭光、杨修群,2017,积雪在El Ni?o影响东亚夏季气候异常中的作用,地球物理学报, 60(9), 3325-3337, doi:10.6038/cjg**.
[60] Shi Zhong, Yun Qian, Chun Zhao, Ruby Leung, Hailong Wang, Ben Yang, Jiwen Fan, Huiping Yan, Xiu-Qun Yang, and Dongqing Liu, 2017, Urbanization-induced urban heat island and aerosol effects on climate extremes in the Yangtze River Delta region of China,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 5439-5457, doi: 10.5194/acp-17-5439-2017.
[61] Bingliang Zhuang, Tijian Wang, Jane Liu, Shu Li, Min Xie, Yong Han, Pulong Chen, Qiduo Hu, Xiu-Qun Yang, Congbin Fu, and Jialei Zhu, 2017, The surface aerosol optical properties in the urban area of Nanjing, west Yangtze River Delta, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 1143-1160, doi: 10.5194/acp-17-1143-2017.
[62] Xuguang Sun, M Xue, Jerald Brotzge, Renee A. McPherson, Xiao-Ming Hu, and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2016, An evaluation of dynamical downscaling of central plains summer precipitation using a WRF-based regional climate model at a convection-permitting 4 km resolution, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 121, 13801-13825, doi:10.1002/2016JD024796.
[63] Yiquan Jiang, Zheng Lu, Xiaohong Liu, Yun Qian, Kai Zhang, Yuhang Wang and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2016, Impacts of global open-fire aerosols on direct radiative, cloud and surface-albedo effects simulated with CAM5, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 14805-14824, doi: 10.5194/acp-16-14805-2016.
[64] Aijun Ding, Wei Nie, Xin Huang, Xuguang Chi, Jianning Sun, Veli-Matti Kerminen, Zheng Xu, Weidong Guo, Tuukka Pet?j?, Xiuqun Yang, Markku Kulmala, Congbin Fu, 2016, Long-term observation of air pollution-weather/climate interactions at the SORPES station: a review and outlook, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 10(5), 15, doi: 10.1007/s11783-016-0877-3.
[65] LiYing Wang, HaiBo Hu, XiuQun Yang, XueJuan Ren, 2016, Atmospheric eddy anomalies associated with the wintertime North Pacific subtropical front strength and their influences on the seasonal-mean atmosphere, Science China Earth Sciences, 59(10), 2022-2036, doi:10.1007/s11430-016-5331-7.
[66] Tao Feng, Xiu-Qun Yang, Wen Zhou, Ronghui Huang, Liang Wu, Dejian Yang, 2016, Synoptic-scale waves in sheared background flow over the western North Pacific, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 73(11), 4583-4603, doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-16-0064.1.
[67] Xuguang Sun, Guixiang Jiang, Xuejuan Ren, and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2016, Role of intraseasonal oscillation in the persistent extreme precipitation over Yangtze River Basin during June 1998,Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres, 121,10453-10469, doi:10.1002/2016JD025077.
[68] Bei Xiao, Yang Zhang, Xiu-Qun Yang, and Yu Nie, 2016, On the role of extratropical air-sea interaction in the persistence of the Southern Annular Mode, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 8806-8814, doi: 10.1002/2016GL070255.
[69] Jiabei Fang, Xiu-Qun Yang, 2016, Structure and dynamics of decadal anomalies in the wintertime midlatitude North Pacific ocean-atmosphere system, Climate Dynamics, 47(5), 1989-2007, doi: 10.1007/s00382-015-2946-x.
[70] Yao Yao, Zhong Zhong, and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2016, Numerical experiments of the storm track sensitivity to oceanic frontal strength within the Kuroshio/Oyashio Extensions, Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres, 121, 2888-2900, doi: 10.1002/2015JD024381.
[71] Dongdong Wang, Bin Zhu, Zhihong Jiang, Xiu-Qun Yang, and Tong Zhu, 2016, The impact of the direct effects of sulfate and black carbon aerosols on the subseasonal march of the East Asian subtropical summer monsoon, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres,121, 2610-2625, doi: 10.1002/2015JD024574.
[72] A.J. Ding, X. Huang, W. Nie, J.N. Sun, V.-M. Kerminen, T. Pet?j?, H. Su, Y.F. Cheng, X.-Q. Yang, M.H. Wang, X.G. Chi, J.P. Wang, A. Virkkula, W.D. Guo, J. Yuan, S.Y. Wang, R.J. Zhang, Y.F. Wu, Y. Song, T. Zhu, S. Zilitinkevich, M. Kulmala, and C.B. Fu, 2016, Enhanced haze pollution by black carbon in megacities in China, Geophysical Research Letters, 43(6), 2873-2879, doi: 10.1002/2016GL067745.
[73] Hongyun Ma, Zhihong Jiang, Jie Song, Aiguo Dai, Xiuqun Yang, Fei Huo, 2016, Effects of urban land-use change in East China on the East Asian summer monsoon based on the CAM5.1 model, Climate Dynamics, 46 (9), 2977-2989, doi: 10.1007/s00382-015-2745-4.
[74] Dejian Yang, Xiu-Qun Yang, Qian Xie, Yaocun Zhang, Xuejuan Ren, and Youmin Tang, 2016, Probabilistic versus deterministic skill in predicting the western North Pacific-East Asian summer monsoon variability with multimodel ensembles, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres,121, 1079-1103, doi: 10.1002/2015JD023781.
[75] T. Pet?j?, L. J?rvi, V.-M. Kerminen, A. J. Ding, J. N. Sun, W. Nie, J. Kujansuu, A. Virkkula, X.-Q. Yang, C. B. Fu, S. Zilitinkevich & M. Kulmala, 2016, Enhanced air pollution via aerosol-boundary layer feedback in China, Scientific Reports, 6: 18998, doi: 10.1038/srep18998.
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WANG Weiping, YANG Xiuqun, ZHANG Donghai, 2020, Spatio-temporal changes of glaze in China, Meteorological Monthly (in Chinese), 46(5), 666-674, doi: 10.7519/j.issn.1000-0526.2020.05.007.
[157] 于威、刘屹岷、杨修群、吴国雄,2018,青藏高原不同海拔地表感热的年际和年代际变化特征及其成因分析,高原气象,37(5),1161-1176,doi: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-0534.2018.00027.
YU Wei,LIU Yimin,YANG Xiuqun,WU Guoxiong, 2018, The interannual and decadal variation characteristics of the surface sensible heating at different elevations over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and attribution analysis, Plateau Meteorology (in Chinese), 37(5),1161-1176,doi: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-0534.2018.00027.
[158] 汪卫平、杨修群、张祖强、吴战平,2017,中国雨日数的气候特征及趋势变化,气象科学,37(3),318-330,doi: 10.3969/2017jms.0010.
WANG Weiping, Yang Xiuqun, ZHANG Zuqiang, WU Zhanping, 2017, The climatic characteristics and trends of rainy days over China, Journal of the Meteorological Sciences(in Chinese), 37(3), 318-330, doi: 10.3969/2017jms.0010.
[159] 夏杨、孙旭光、闫燕、封维扬、黄芳、杨修群,2017,全球变暖背景下ENSO特征的变化,科学通报,62(16),1738-1751,doi: 10.1360/N972016-01225.
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[160] 魏蕾、房佳蓓、杨修群,2017,华南夏季12-30d 持续性强降水的低频特征分析,气象学报,75(1),80-97, doi: 10.11676/qxxb2017.008.
WEI Lei, FANG Jiabei, YANG Xiuqun, 2017, Low frequency oscillation characteristics of 12-30d persistent heavy rainfall over South China, Acta Meteorologica Sinica (in Chinese), 75(1),80-97, doi: 10.11676/qxxb2017.008.
[161] 冯涛、黄荣辉、杨修群、沈新勇、胡开明,2016,2004年与2006年7~9月西北太平洋上空大尺度环流场与天气尺度波动的差别及其对热带气旋生成的影响,大气科学,40(1),157-175,doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1505.14162.
FENG Tao, HUANG Ronghui, YANG Xiuqun, SHEN Xinyong and HU Kaiming, 2016, Differences between the large-scale circulations and synoptic-scale waves in July-September 2004 and those in 2006 and their impacts on tropical cyclogenesis over the western North Pacific, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences(in Chinese), 40(1), 157-175, doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1505.14162.
[162] 张灵玲、谢倩、杨修群,2015,大气热源年代际异常与20世纪70年代末期东亚夏季风年代际减弱, 气象科学, 35(6),663-671,doi: 10.3969/2015jms.0064.
ZHANG Lingling, XIE Qian and YANG Xiuqun, 2015, Interdecadal anomaly of atmospheric diabatic heating and interdecadal weakening of East Asian summer monsoon at the end of 1970s, Journal of the Meteorological Sciences, 35(6), 663-671, doi: 10.3969/2015jms.0064.
[163] 周莉、江志红、李肇新、杨修群,2015,中国东部不同区域城市群下垫面变化气候效应的模拟研究,大气科学,39(3),596-610, doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1404.14157.
ZHOU Li, JIANG Zhihong, LI Zhaoxin, YANG Xiuqun, 2015, Numerical simulation of urbanization climate effects in regions of East China, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences(in Chinese), 39 (3): 596-610, doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1404.14157.
[164] 洪晓媛、胡海波、杨修群、张媛、刘国强、刘伟,2015,FOAM 海气耦合模式中印度洋海温年际变化在厄尔尼诺不同发展阶段的影响, 中国科学: 地球科学,45(1),113-126.
[165] 洪伟、任雪娟、杨修群,2015,华南持续性强降水期间低频非绝热加热对低频环流的影响,气象学报,73(2), 276-290, doi:10.11676/qxxb2015.018.
Hong Wei, Ren Xuejuan, Yang Xiuqun, 2015, The influence of low-frequency diabatic heating on low-frequency circulation during persistent heavy rainfall over South China, Acta Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 73(2), 276-290, doi:10.11676/qxxb2015.018.
[166] 刘超、胡海波、张媛、杨修群,2014,CAM3.0模式中东亚气溶胶浓度变化的直接效应及全球海面温度年代际变化对东亚夏季降水的影响研究,热带气象学报,30(6),1048-1060,doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-4965.2014.06.005.
LIU Chao, HU Hai-bo, ZHANG Yuan, YANG Xiu-qun, 2014, The direct effects of aerosols and decadal variation of global sea surface temperature on East Asia summer precipitation in CAM3.0, Journal of Tropical Meteorology(in Chinese), 30(6), 1048-1060, doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-4965.2014.06.005.
[167] 敖翔宇、任雪娟、汤剑平、杨修群,2014,长江三角洲城市群对夏季降水影响机制的模拟研究,气象科学,34(6),684-691, doi: 10.3969/2013jms.0039.
AO Xiangyu, REN Xuejuan, TANG Jianping, YANG Xiuqun, 2014, Simulation on mechanism of urbanization effects on summer precipitation over the Yangtze River Delta, Journal of the Meteorological Sciences (in Chinese), 34(6), 684-691, doi: 10.3969/2013jms.0039.
[168] 汪卫平、杨修群,2014,索马里急流和澳洲越赤道气流年际变异不同配置及其影响,气象科学,34(6),591-600,doi: 10.3969/2014jms.0093.
WANG Weiping, YANG Xiuqun, 2014, Relationship between Somali jet and Australia cross-equatorial flow interannual variabilities and its impact, Journal of the Meteorological Sciences (in Chinese), 34(6), 591-600, doi: 10.3969/2014jms.0093.
[169] 王东东、朱彬、江志红、杨修群,2014,硫酸盐气溶胶直接辐射效应对东亚副热带季风进程的影响,大气科学,38 (5),897-908, doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1403.13193.
WANG Dongdong, ZHU Bin, JIANG Zhihong, and YANG Xiuqun, 2014, Direct effect of sulfate aerosols on the process of the East Asian subtropical monsoon, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences(in Chinese), 38 (5), 897-908, doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1403.13193.
[170] 邱爽、房佳蓓、杨修群,2014,LBM模式中中纬度大气对热源和涡度强迫的响应(英文), 气象科学,34(2),149-161,doi: 10.3969/2013jms.0060.
QIU Shuang, FANG Jiabei and YANG Xiuqun, 2014, Mid-latitude atmospheric responses to heat and vorticity forcing using a linear baroclinic model,Journal of the Meteorological Sciences, 34(2), 149-161, doi: 10.3969/2013jms.0060.
[171] 肖蓓、房佳蓓、杨修群、任雪娟,2013,应用3种方法对降水在各尺度空间不均匀性的分离,气象科学,33(6),602-609,doi: 10.3969/2013jms.0028.
XIAO Bei, FANG Jiabei, YANG Xiuqun and REN Xuejuan, 2013, Scale separation of spatial rainfall heterogeneity based on three methods, Journal of the Meteorological Sciences(in Chinese), 33(6), 602-609, doi: 10.3969/2013jms.0028.
[172] 黄兴、黄晓娴、王体健、庄炳亮、李树、谢旻、韩永、杨修群、孙鉴泞、丁爱军、符淙斌,2013,南京城区上空大气一氧化碳的观测分析,中国环境科学,33(9),1577-1584。
HUANG Xing, HUANG Xiao-xian, WANG Ti-jian, ZHUANG Bing-liang, LI Shu, XIE Min, YANG Xiu-qun, SUN Jian-ning, DING Ai-jun, FU Cong-bin, 2013, Observation and analysis of urban upper atmospheric carbon monoxide in Nanjing, China Environmental Science(in Chinese), 33(9), 1577-1584.
[173] 曹智露、胡邦辉、杨修群、王学忠、何雪松、谭言科,2013,ENSO事件对西北太平洋热带气旋影响的分级研究,海洋学报,35(2),21-34,doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2013.02.004.
Cao Zhilu,Hu Banghui, Yang Xiuqun,et a1., 2013, Research on the effects of the ENSO on Tropical Cyclone Activity of different grades over the western North Pacific, Acta Oceanologica Sinica(in Chinese), 35(2), 21-34, doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0253-4193.2013.02.004.
[174] 傅云燕、杨修群、沈伟,2013,江苏省冬季气温、降水年代际异常及相关分析,气象科学,33(2),178-183,doi: 10.3969/2012jms.0104.
FU Yunyan,YANG Xiuqunand SHEN Wei, 2013,The interdecadal variations and the correlation analysis of temperature and precipitation during winter in Jiangsu province,Journal of the Meteorological Sciences(in Chinese), 33(2), 178-183, doi: 10.3969/2012jms.0104.
[175] 吴凯、杨修群,2013,中国东部城市化与地表非均匀增暖,科学通报,58,642-652。
[176] 李汀、杨修群、琚建华,2013,南海夏季风季节内振荡特征及其对热带印度洋MJO 活动异常的响应,中国科学: 地球科学,43(4),582-593。
[177] 胡海波、洪晓媛、张媛、杨修群、HE Jie,2013,厄尔尼诺衰亡年间南亚夏季风在印度洋对西北太平洋遥强迫中的作用,中国科学,43(1),1-12.
[178] 曹鑫、任雪娟、杨修群、房佳蓓,2012,中国东南部5-8月持续性强降水和环流异常的准双周振荡,气象学报,70(4),766-778。
Cao Xin, Ren Xuejuan, Yang Xiuqun, Fang Jiabei, 2012, The quasi-biweekly oscillation characteristics of persistent severe rain and its general circulation anomaly over southeast China from May to August, Acta Meteorological Sinica(in Chinese), 70(4), 766-778.
[179] 徐振亚、任福民、杨修群、曹经福,2012,日最高温度统计降尺度方法的比较研究,气象科学,32(4),395-402。
XU Zhengya, REN Fumin, YANG Xiuqun, CAO Jingfu, 2012, A comparison study on statistical downscaling methods in daily maximum temperatures, Journal of the Meteorological Sciences (in Chinese), 32(4), 395-402.
[180] 张灵玲、谢倩、房佳蓓、杨修群,2012,全球大气季节平均热源的三维分布- 非绝热加热与瞬变加热之对比,热带气象学报,28(3),321-329,doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-4965.2012.03.004.
[181] 谢益军、邹用昌、谢倩、房佳蓓、杨修群,2012,我国四季极端雨日数时空变化及其与海表温度异常的关系,热带气象学报,28(3),311-320, doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-4965.2012.03.003.
[182] 蒋伶仙、任雪娟、杨修群,2011,东亚-北太平洋大气环流和瞬变扰动的年代际变化,气象科学,31(5),549-557。
JIANG Lingxian, REN Xuejuan, YANG Xiuqun, 2011, Interdecadal variations of atmospheric circulation and synoptic-scale transient eddy activities over the East Asian-North Pacific, Journal of the Meteorological Sciences (in Chinese), 31(5), 549-557.
[183] 张璐、杨修群、汤剑平、房佳蓓、孙旭光,2011,夏季长三角城市群热岛效应及其对大气边界层结构影响的数值模拟,气象科学,31(4),431-440。
ZHANG Lu, YANG Xiuqun, TANG Jianping, FANG Jiabei, SUN Xuguang, 2011, Simulation of urban heat island effect and its impact on atmospheric boundary layer structure over Yangtze River Delta region in summer, Journal of the Meteorological Sciences (in Chinese), 31(4), 431-440.
[184] 李欣、杨修群、汤剑平、孙旭光、房佳蓓,2011,WRF/NCAR模拟的夏季长三角城市群区域多城市热岛和地表能量平衡,气象科学,31(4),441-450。
LI Xin, YANG Xiuqun, TANG Jianping, SUN Xuguang, FANG Jiabei, 2011, Multiple urban heat islands and surface energy balance during summer in Yangtze River Delta city cluster region simulated with WRF/NCAR, Journal of the Meteorological Sciences (in Chinese), 31(4), 441-450.
[185] 敖翔宇、任雪娟、汤剑平、杨修群,2011,长三角城市群对夏季日降水特征影响的模拟研究,气象科学,31(4),451-459。
AO Xiangyu, REN Xuejuan, TANG Jianping, YANG Xiuqun, 2011, Simulation study of urbanization effects on summer daily precipitation over the Yangtze River Delta, Journal of the Meteorological Sciences (in Chinese), 31(4), 451-459.
[186] 李雪、任福民、杨修群、王长金,2010,南海和西北太平洋热带气旋活动的区域性差异分析,气候与环境研究,15(4),504-510。
LI Xue, REN Fumin, YANG Xiuqun, and WANG Changjin, 2010, A study of the regional differences of the tropical cyclone activities over the South China Sea and the western North Pacific, Climatic and Environmental Research(in Chinese), 15(4), 504-510.
[187] 刘冬晴、杨修群,2010,热带低频振荡影响中国东部冬季降水的机理,气象科学,30(5),684-693。
Liu Dongqing, Yang Xiuqun, 2010, Mechanism responsible for the impact of Madden-Julian Oscillation on the wintertime rainfall over eastern China, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 30( 5), 684-693.
[188] 梁进、任福民、杨修群,2010,中美两套西北太平洋热带气旋资料集的差异分析,海洋学报,32(1),10-22。
LIANG Jin, REN Fu-min, YANG Xiu-qun, 2010, Study on the differences between CMA and JTWC tropical cyclone datasets for northwest Pacific, Acta Oceanologica Sinica(in Chinese), 32(1), 10-22.
[189] 任雪娟、杨修群、周天军、房佳蓓,2010,冬季东亚副热带急流与温带急流的比较分析: 大尺度特征和瞬变扰动活动,气象学报,68(1),1-11。
Ren Xuejuan, Yang Xiuqun, Zhou Tianjun, Fang Jiabei, 2010, Diagnostic comparison of the East Asian subtropical jet and polar front jet: Large-scale characteristics and transient eddy activities, Acta Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 68(1), 1-11.
[190] 邓林、杨修群、谢倩,2010,二氧化碳浓度增加情景下耦合气候模式中的ENSO频率变化及其机制,科学通报,55(2),163-170。
[191] 赵珊珊、周天军、杨修群、朱益民、谭言科、孙旭光,2009,热带印度洋偶极子与中国夏季年际气候异常关系的年代际变化,气象学报,67(4),549-560。
ZHAO Shanshan, ZHOU Tianjun, YANG Xiuqun, ZHU Yimin, TAN Yanke, SUN Xuguang, 2009, Interdecadal change of the relationship between tropical Indian Ocean dipole and anomalous summer climate in China, Atca Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 67(4), 549-560.
[192] 李熠、杨修群、黄世成,2009,年际时间尺度上北太平洋副热带高压对ENSO的影响,热带气象学报,25(增刊),39-47。
LI Yi, YANG Xiu-qun, HUANG Shi-cheng, 2009, The impact of North Pacific subtropical highs upon ENSO on the interannual timescale, Journal of Tropical Meteorology(in Chinese), 25(Suppl.), 39-47.
[193] 赵珊珊、高歌、孙旭光、杨修群,2009,西北太平洋热带气旋频数和强度变化趋势初探,应用气象学报,20(5),555-563。
Zhao Shanshan, Gao Ge, Sun Xuguang, Yang Xiuqun, 2009, Climatological characteristics of tropical cyclones in the northwestern Pacific, Journal of Applied Meteorological Science(in Chinese), 20(5), 555-563.
[194] 戴莹、杨修群,2009,我国大陆上空可降水量的时空变化特征,气象科学,29(2),143-149。
Dai Ying, Yang Xiuqun, 2009, Spatial-temporal variations of precipitable water over China, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 29(2), 143-149.
[195] 邹用昌、杨修群、孙旭光、汤剑平、房佳蓓、廖玉芳,2009,我国极端降水过程频数时空变化的季节差异,南京大学学报,45(1),98-109。
Zou Yong-Chang, Yang Xiu-Qun, Sun Xu-Guang, Tang Jian-Ping, Fang Jia-Bei, Liao Yu-Fang , 2009, Seasonal difference of the spatial-temporal variation of the number of the extreme precipitation processes in China, Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Sciences, in Chinese), 45(1), 98-109.
[196] 方茸、杨修群,2009,中国夏季高温与北极海冰的联系特征,气象,35(3),81-86。
Fang Rong, Yang Xiuqun, 2009, Summer maximum air temperature variability in China and its association with the Arctic sea ice concentration, Meteorological Monthly(in Chinese), 35(3), 81-86.
[197] 胡邦辉、张惠君、杨修群、孙旭光,2009,基于非参数回归模型的局部线性估计云量预报方法研究,南京大学学报,45(1),89-97。
Hu Bang-Hui, Zhang Hui-Jun, Yang Xiu-Qun, Sun Xu-Guang, 2009, A cloud amount forecasting method based on local linear estimation of non-parametric regression model, Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Sciences, in Chinese), 45(1), 89-97.
[198] 朱益民、杨修群、谢倩、俞永强,2008, 冬季太平洋海表温度与北半球中纬度大气环流异常的共变模态,自然科学进展,18(2),161-171。
[199] 赵珊珊、周天军、杨修群、孙旭光、朱益民,2008,1976/1977年前后热带印度洋海表温度年际异常的变化,大气科学,32(2),371-379。
ZHAO Shan-Shan, ZHOU Tian-J un, YANG Xiu-Qun, SUN Xu-Guang, and ZHU Yi-Min, 2008, Interannual variation of the tropical Indian Ocean sea surface temperature pre- and post-1976/ 1977, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences(in Chinese), 32(2), 371-379.
[200] 汪卫平、杨修群,2008,索马里急流变异及其与东亚夏季风和中国降水异常的关系,气象科学,28(2),139-146。
Wang Weiping, Yang Xiuqun, 2008, Variation of Somali jet and its impact on East Asian summer monsoon and associated China rainfall anomalies, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 28(2), 139-146.
[201] 侯亚红、杨修群、李刚、王茜,2008,西伯利亚高压特征指数及其变率分析,南京气象学院学报,31(3),326-330。
HOU Ya-hong, YANG Xiu-qun, LI Gang, WANG Qian, 2008, Four indexes and their change rates of Siberian high, Journal of Nanjing Institue of Meteorology(in Chinese), 31(3), 326-330.
[202] 雷小春、杨修群,2008,东半球越赤道气流的年际变化特征及其与我国同期气温、降水的相关性,热带气象学报,24(2),127-135。
LEI Xiao-chun, YANG Xiu-qun, 2008, Interannual variation characteristics of east hemispheric cross-equatorial flow and its contemporaneous relationships with temperature and rainfall in China,Journal of Tropical Meteorology (in Chinese), 24(2), 127-135
[203] 邹用昌、杨修群、潘志祥、孙旭光、房佳蓓、廖玉芳,2008,CO2倍增对我国东部极端降水的影响,气候变化研究进展,4(2),84-89。
Zou Yongchang, Yang Xiuqun, Pan Zhixiang, Sun Xuguang, Fang Jiabei, Liao Yufang, 2008, Effect of CO2 doubling on extreme precipitation in eastern China, Advance in Climate Change Research(in Chinese), 4(2), 84-89.
[204] 孙旭光、杨修群,2007,El Nino对东亚气候年际异常影响的数值模拟,海洋学报,29(5),21-30。
SUN Xu-guang, YANG Xiu-qun, 2007, Numerical simulations of the interannual climate response of East Asia to an El Nino event, Acta Oceanologica Sinica(in Chinese), 29(5), 21-30.
[205] 辛渝、张广兴、杨修群、张新、博力健、王美玉,2007,新疆博州地区降水时空分布特征及典型旱涝年,中国沙漠,27(4),656-662。
XIN Yu, ZHANG Guang-xing, YANG Xiu-qun, ZHANG Xin, BO Li-jian, WANG Mei-yu, 2007, Spatial-temporal distribution of precipitation and typical drought or flood yea over Bole region in Xinjiang, Journal of Desert Research(in Chinese), 27(4), 656-662.
[206] 朱益民、杨修群、陈晓颖、赵珊珊、孙旭光,2007,ENSO与中国夏季年际气候异常关系的年代际变化,热带气象学报,23(2),105-116。
ZHU Yi-min, YANG Xiu-qun, CHEN Xiao-ying, ZHAO Shan-shan, SUN Xu-guang, 2007, Interdecadal variation of the relationship between ENSO and summer interannual climate variability in China, Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 13(2), 132-136.
[207] 韩博、任雪娟、杨修群,2007,北太平洋风暴轴异常变化特征及其与纬向风场的关系研究,气象科学,27(3),237-245。
Han Bo, Ren Xuejuan, Yang Xiuqun, 2007, Analysis of the North Pacific storm track anomaly and the relationship with zonal wind, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 27(3), 237-245.
[208] 任雪娟、杨修群、韩博,2007,北太平洋冬季海-气耦合的主模态及其与瞬变扰动异常的联系,气象学报,65(1),52-62。
Ren Xuejuan, Yang Xiuqun, Han Bo, 2007, Leading coupled modes between the atmosphere and ocean in the North Pacific in winter and their association with the transient eddy anomalies, Acta Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 65(1), 52-62.
[209] 谢冥、王体健、江飞、杨修群,2007,NOx和VOC自然源排放及其对中国地区对流层光化学特性影响的数值模拟研究,环境科学,28(1),32-40。
XIE Min, WANG Ti-jian, JIANG Fei, YANG Xiu-qun, 2007, Modeling of natural NOx and VOC emissions and their effects on tropospheric photochemistry in China, Environmental Science(in Chinese), 28(1), 32-40.
[210] 解小寒、杨修群,2006,冬季北极海冰面积异常与中国气温变化之间的年际关系,南京大学学报,42(6),549-561。
Xie Xiao-Han, Yang Xiu-Qun, 2006, Interannual relationship between Arctic sea ice concentration anomaly and China air temperature variation during winter, Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Sciences, in Chinese), 42(6), 549-561.
[211] 赵珊珊、杨修群、朱益民、容新尧,2006,热带外太平洋通过海洋过程对热带太平洋的影响,海洋学报,28(3),29-40。
ZHAO Shan-shan, YANG Xiu-qun, ZHU Yi-min, RONG Xin-yao, 2006, Influence of the extratropical Pacific on the tropical Pacific through oceanic processes, Acta Oceanologica Sinica(in Chinese), 28(3), 29-40.
[212] 强学民、杨修群,2006,一种改进的相空间近邻等距模式及其在短期气候预测中的试验,南京大学学报,42(3),290-297。
Qiang Xue-Min, Yang Xiu-Qun, 2006, An improved equal distance model of near neighborhood in the phase space used in short-term climatic prediction experiments, Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Sciences, in Chinese), 42(3), 290-297.
[213] 顾思南、杨修群,2006,北半球绕极涡的变异及其与我国气候异常的关系,气象科学,26(2),135-142。
Gu Sinan, Yang Xiuqun, 2006, Variability of the northern circumpolar vortex and its association with climate anomaly in China, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 26(2), 135-142.
[214] 宋静、杨修群、高苹,2006,江苏省棉花丰欠年天气气候型的对比分析,气象科学,26(1),39-46。
Song Jing, Yang Xiuqun, Gao Ping, 2006, An investigation of weather and climate patterns associated with variations of cotton production in Jiangsu province, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 26(1), 39-46.
[215] 孙凤华、杨修群、路爽、杨素英,2006,东北地区平均、最高、最低气温时空变化特征及对比分析,气象科学,26(2),157-163。
Sun Fenghua, Yang Xiuqun, Lu Shuang, Yang Suying, 2006, The contrast analysis of the average and extremum temperature trend in northeast China, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 26(2), 157-163.
[216] 秦大河、丁一汇、苏纪兰、任贾文、王绍武、伍荣生、杨修群、王苏民、刘时银、董光荣、卢琦、黄镇国、杜碧兰、罗勇,2005,中国气候与环境演变评估(I):中国气候与环境变化及未来趋势,气候变化研究进展,1(1),4-9。
QIN Dahe, DING Yihui,, SU Jilan, REN Jiawen, WANG Shaowu, WU Rongsheng, YANG Xiuqun, WANG Sumin, LIU Shiyin, DONG Guangrong, LU Qi, HUANG Zhenguo, DU Bilan, LUO Yong, 2005, Assessment of climate and environment changes in China (I): Climate and environment changes in China and their projection, Advance in Climate Change Research(in Chinese), 1(1), 4-9.
[217] 陈优平、余志豪、杨修群,2005, 嘉兴市高温和夏季降水的气候特征分析,气象科学,25(2),118-123。
Chen Youping, Yu Zhihao, Yang Xiuqun, 2005, Climate characteristics analysis of high temperature and summer precipitation in Jiaxing city, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 25(2), 118-123.
[218] 梅伟、杨修群,2005,我国长江中下游地区降水变化趋势分析,南京大学学报,41(6),577-589。
Mei Wei, Yang Xiu-Qun, 2005, Trends of precipitation variations in the mid-lower Yangtze River valley of China, Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Sciences, in Chinese), 41(6), 577-589.
[219] 谢冥、王体健、张美根、杨修群,2005,土壤氮氧化物排放及其对中国地区对流层光化学特性影响的数值模拟研究,土壤学报,42(6),948-956。
Xie Min, Wang Tijian, Zhang Meigen, Yang Xiuqun, 2005, Modeling of NOx emissions from soil and their effect on tropospheric photochemistry in China, Acta Pedologica Sinica(in Chinese), 42(6), 948-956.
[220] 崔锦、杨修群,2005,马斯克林高压的变化及其与ENSO的关系,气象科学,25(5),441-449。
Cui Jin, Yang Xiuqun, 2005, The variation of Mascarene high and its relationship with ENSO, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 25(5), 441-449.
[221] 容新尧、杨修群,2005,全球海洋环流模式中上层海洋对表面强迫的响应和调整II.年代际变率,海洋学报,27(3),20-31.
RONG Xin-yao, YANG Xiu-qun, 2005, The upper-ocean response and adjustment to surface forcing in an ocean general circulation model II. Decadal-to-interdecadal variability, Acta Oceanologica Sinica(in Chinese), 27(3), 20-31.
[222] He Juanxiaong, Yu Zhihao and Yang Xiuqun, 2005,Temporal characteristics of Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and ENSO and their relationship analyzed with method of Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD), Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 19(1), 83-92.
[223] 杨修群、朱益民、谢倩、任雪娟、徐桂玉,2004,太平洋年代际振荡的研究进展,大气科学,28(6),979-992.
Yang Xiuqun, Zhu Yimin, Xie Qian, Ren Xuejuan, and Xu Guiyu, 2004, Advances in studies of Pacific Decadal Oscillation, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences(in Chinese), 28(6), 979-992.
[224] 赵珊珊、杨修群, 2004, 风应力桥梁作用下热带太平洋和热带印度洋相互作用的数值试验,海洋学报,26(4),33-48。
ZHAO Shan-shan, YANG Xiu-qun, 2004, Numerical experiments on interaction between the tropical Pacific and the Indian Ocean through the wind-stress bridge, Acta Oceanologica Sinica(in Chinese), 26(4), 33-48.
[225] 容新尧、杨修群,2004,全球海洋环流模式中上层海洋对表面强迫的响应和调整I.年际变率,海洋学报,26(2),20-36。
RONG Xin-yao, YANG Xiu-qun, 2004, The upper-ocean response and adjustment to surface forcing in an ocean general circulation model I. Interannual variability, Acta Oceanologica Sinica(in Chinese), 26(2), 20-36.
[226] 何卷雄、杨修群、余志豪,2004,带地形作用的正压方程组的Cauchy问题适定性(I):无粘,高校应用数学学报A辑,19(3),253-259。
HE Juan-xiong, YANG Xiu-qun, YU Zhi-hao, 2004, On the well-posed value problem of barotropic equation with orographic forcing (I): invicid, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. A(in Chinese), 19(3), 253-259.
[227] 何卷雄、杨修群、余志豪,2004,带地形作用的正压方程组的Cauchy问题适定性(II):粘性,高校应用数学学报A辑,19(3),260-266。
HE Juan-xiong, YANG Xiu-qun, YU Zhi-hao, 2004, On the well-posed value problem of barotropic equation with orographic forcing (II): viscosity, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. A(in Chinese), 19(3), 260-266.
[228] 朱益民、杨修群,2003,太平洋年代际振荡与中国气候变率的联系,气象学报,61(6),641-654。
Zhu Yimin, Yang Xiuqun, 2003, Relationships between Pacific Decadal Oscillation and climate variabilities in China, Acta Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 61(6), 641-654.
[229] 容新尧、杨修群,2003,全球海洋大气耦合环流模式中的ENSO特征对气候背景态改变的敏感性,气象学报,61(1),52-65。
Rong Xinyao, Yang Xiuqun, 2003, Sensitivity of ENSO characteristics in a coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM to change of climatological background state, Acta Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 61(1), 52-65.
[230] 赵珊珊、杨修群、朱益民,2003,热带大西洋年际和年代际变率的时空结构模拟,海洋学报,25(3),6-19。
ZHAO Shan-shan, YANG Xiu-qun, ZHU Yi-min, 2003, Numerical simulation of interannual and interdecadal SST variabilities in the tropical Atlantic with an intermediate ocean model, Acta Oceanologica Sinica(in Chinese), 25(3), 6-19.
[231] 文彩虹、杨修群,2003,使用ECMWF集合预报数据集估计全球季节平均气候异常的潜在可预报性,气象科学,23(4),379-391。
Wen Caihong, Yang Xiuqun, 2003, Potential predictability of seasonal mean climate anomaly assessed from ECMWF ensemble seasonal forecasts, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 23(4), 379-391.
[232] 赵珊珊、杨修群,2003,中等复杂程度全球热带海洋模式模拟的热带印度洋海表温度变率,南京大学学报,39(3),358-369。
Zhao Shan-Shan, Yang Xiu-Qun, 2003, SST variability in the tropical Indian Ocean simulated by an intermediate tropical global ocean model, Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Sciences, in Chinese), 39(3), 358-369.
[233] 房佳蓓、杨修群,2003,经向风应力在热带不稳定海气相互作用中的角色,热带气象学报,19(1),43-52。
Fang, Jia-bei and Yang Xiu-Qun, 2003, Role of meridional wind stress in the tropical unstable air-sea interaction, Journal of Tropical Meteorology (in Chinese), 19(1), 43-52.
Fang, Jia-bei and Yang Xiu-Qun, 2003, The role of meridional wind stress in the tropical unstable air-sea interaction, Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 9(1), 95-104.
[234] 罗连升、杨修群,2003,从有效位能变化来分析El Nino的年代际变化,气象科学,23(1),1-11。
Luo Liansheng, Yang Xiuqun, 2003, Interdecadal change of El Nino as seen from variations of available potential energy, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 23(1), 1-11.
[235] 徐桂玉、杨修群,2002,我国南方暴雨一些气候特征的统计分析,气候与环境研究,7(4),447-456。
Xu Guiyu, Yang Xiuqun, 2002, Climatic features of rainstorm days in South China, Climatic and Environmental Research(in Chinese), 7(4), 447-456.
[236] 徐桂玉、杨修群,2002,中国南方冰雹气候特征的三维EOF分析,热带气象学报,18(4),383-392。
XU Gui-yu, YANG Xiu-qun, 2002, Three-dimensional EOF nalysis of the climatic features of hail days in South China, Journal of Tropical Meteorology(in Chinese), 18(4), 383-392.
[237] 杨修群、郭燕娟、徐桂玉、任雪娟,2002,年际和年代际气候变化的全球时空特征比较,南京大学学报,38(3),308-317。
Yang Xiuqun, Guo Yanjuan, Xu Guiyu, Ren Xuejuan, 2002, Comparison of global spatio-temporal structures between interannual and interdecadal climate variations, Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Sciences, in Chinese), 38(3), 308-317.
[238] 汪代维、杨修群,2002,北极海冰变化的时间和空间型,气象学报,60(2),129-138。
Wang Daiwei, Yang Xiuqun, 2002, Temporal and spatial patterns of Arctic sea ice variations, Acta Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 60(2), 129-138.
[239] 郭燕娟、杨修群,2002,全球海气系统年际和年代际气候变化的时空特征分析,气象科学,22(2),127-137。
Guo Yanjuan, Yang Xiuqun, 2002, Temporal and spatial characteristics of interannual and interdecadal variations in the global ocean-atmosphere system, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 22(2), 127-137.
[240] 杨修群、张琳娜,2001,1988-1998年北半球积雪时空变化特征分析,大气科学,25(6),757-766。
Yang Xiuqun and Zhang Linna, 2001, An investigation of temporal and spatial variations of 1988-1998 snow cover over the Northern Hemisphere, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences(in Chinese), 25(6), 757-766.
[241] 徐桂玉、杨修群,2001,我国南方雷暴的气候特征研究,气象科学,21(3),299-307。
Xu Guiyu, Yang Xiuqun, 2001, Climatic features of thunderstorms in the South China, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 21(3), 299-307.
[242] 赵珊珊、杨修群,2000,一个海气耦合环流模式中的ENSO循环特征及控制机理,气象科学,20(3),389-399。
Zhao Shanshan, Yang Xiuqun, 2000, Controlling mechanism responsible for the ENSO cycle in a coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 20(3), 389-399.
[243] 杨修群、邵慧,1998,与ENSO相联系的热带太平洋典型风应力场结构,热带气象学报,14(1),1-10.
Yang Xiuqun and Shao Hui, 1998, Typical wind stress patterns associated with El Nino/Southern Oscillation, Journal of Tropical Meteorology (in Chinese), 14(1), 1-10.
Yang Xiuqun and Shao Hui, 1998, Typical anomalous wind stress patterns in tropical Pacific associated with El Nino/Southern Oscillation, Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 4(1), 38-46.
[244] 倪允琪、沈新勇、杨修群,1998,ENSO动力学及其数值模拟的研究评述,应用气象学报,9(2),239-245。
Ni Yunqi, Shen Xinyong, Yang Xiuqun, 1998, A review of ENSO dynamics and its numerical simulation, Quarterly Journal of Applied Meteorology(in Chinese), 9(2), 239-245.
[245] 杨修群、谢倩、黄士松,1996,全球大气/热带太平洋耦合模式中由ENSO增暖引起的全球大气环流异常,大气科学,20(2),129-137。
Yang Xiuqun, Xie Qian, and Huang Shisong, 1996, Global atmospheric anomalies during warm ENSO period in a couled atmosphere-ocean anomaly model, Scientia Atmospherica Sinica(in Chinese), 20(2), 129-137.
[246] 杨修群、谢倩,1996,ENSO循环的数值模拟,I:水平结构特征,气象学报,54(1),42-52。
Yang Xiuqun, Xie Qian, 1996, Numerical simulation of the ENSO cycle I: Evolution of horizontal structures, Acta Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 54(1), 42-52.
[247] 杨修群、谢倩,1996,ENSO循环的数值模拟,II:变化性及时间尺度选择机制,气象学报,54(6),709-719。
Yang Xiuqun, Xie Qian, 1996, Numerical simulation of the ENSO cycle II: Variability and time scale selection mechanism, Acta Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 54(6), 709-719.
[248] 杨修群、谢倩、黄士松,1996,一种新的ENSO循环负反馈机制,大气科学,20(1),79-89。
Yang Xiuqun, Xie Qian, and Huang Shisong, 1996, A new possible negative feedback mechanism responsible the ENSO cycle, Scientia Atmospherica Sinica(in Chinese), 20(1), 79-89.
[249] 张恩才、杨修群,1996,一个热带太平洋距平模式对风应力异常的响应,气象科学,16(3),206-214。
Zhang Encai, Yang Xiuqun, 1996, Response of a tropical Pacific anomaly model to wind stress anomalies, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 16(3), 206-214.
[250] 谢倩、杨修群,1996,热带太平洋线性海气耦合系统的主模和ENSO,大气科学,20(5),547-555。
Xie Qian, Yang Xiuqun, 1996, Principal modes in linear couled air-sea system of tropical Pacific and their association with ENSO, Scientia Atmospherica Sinica(in Chinese), 20(5), 547-555.
[251] 杨修群、黄士松,1995,全球大气多层原始方程距平谱模式的研制,气象学报,53(1),19-29。
Yang Xiuqun, Huang Shisong, 1995, Design of a multi-level primitive equation anomaly spectral model of global atmosphere, Acta Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 53(1), 19-29.
[252] 杨修群、谢倩、黄士松,1995,热带海气耦合距平模式中的ENSO循环及其形成机制,气象科学,15(4),134-157。
Yang Xiuqun, Xie Qian, Huang Shisong, ENSO cycle in a tropical coupled ocean-atmosphere anomaly model and its formation mechanism, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 15(4), 134-157.
[253] 杨修群、谢倩、黄士松,1995,热带海气耦合波动力学性质研究,海洋学报,17(2),27-37。
Yang Xiuqun and Huang Shisong, 1993, A study of dynamical features of air-sea coupling waves in the tropics, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 12(3), 379-394.
[254] 黄士松、杨修群、蒋全荣、汤明敏、王召民、谢倩、朱永春,1995,极地海冰变化对气候的影响,气象科学,15(4),46-56。
Huang Shisong, Yang Xiuqun, Jiang Quanyong, Tang Mingmin, Wang Zhaomin, Xie Qian, Zhu Yongchun, 1995, The effects of the polar sea ice on climate, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 15(4), 46-56.
[255] 杨修群、谢倩、黄士松,1995,夏季赤道中东太平洋海温和北极海冰异常对大气环流影响的数值模拟,海洋学报,17(1),21-25。
Yang Xiuqunand Shisong Huang, 1992, Numerical simulation of summer atmospheric response to the anomalies of the central eastern equatorial Pacific SST and Arctic sea ice cover, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 11(3), 75-85。
[256] 倪允琪、邹力、张向东、王国民、杨修群、吴爱明,1995,ENSO及其对亚洲季风和我国气候变化影响的研究,气象科学,15(4),30-45。
Ni Yunqi, Zhou Li, Liu Ying, Wu Aiming, Wang Guoming, Yang Xiuqun, Zhang Xiangdong, 1995, Study for ENSO and its influences on Asian monsoon and climate change of China, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 15(4), 30-45.
[257] 杨修群、谢倩、黄士松,1994,北极海冰对亚洲夏季风影响的数值模拟,海洋学报,16(5),34-40。
[258] 杨修群、谢倩、黄士松,1993,南极地区冰雪消失对全球大气环流和气候影响的研究,地理学报,48(5),394-402。
Yang Xiuqun, Xie Qian, Huang Shisong, 1993, Numerical simulation of influence of Antarctic land ice-snow cover disappearance on atmospheric general circulation and climate, Acta Geographica Sinica(in Chinese), 48(5), 394-402.
[259] 杨修群、郭英华,1993,下垫面热状况对热带大气低频振荡影响的研究,南京大学学报,29(2),325-336。
Yang Xiuqun, Kuo Yinghua, 1993, A study of influence of lower boundary thermal condition on low-frequency oscillation in the tropics, Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Sciences, in Chinese), 29(2), 325-336.
[260] 杨修群、黄士松,1993,热带海气相互作用系统中的季节内振荡模,热带气象学报,9(3),202-210。
Yang Xiuqun, Huang Shisong, 1993, Intraseasonal oscillation mode in a linear air-sea interaction system, Journal of Tropical Meteorology(in Chinese), 9(3), 202-210.
[261] 杨修群、黄士松,1993,外强迫引起的夏季大气环流异常及其机制探讨,大气科学,17(6),697-703。
Yang Xiuqunand Huang Shisong, 1993, On the mechanism of summertime atmospheric anomalies induced by external forcing, Scientia Atmospherica Sinica (in Chinese), 17(6), 697-703.
Yang Xiuqunand Huang Shisong, 1993, On the mechanism of summertime atmospheric anomalies induced by external forcing, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 17(4), 343-349.
[262] 杨修群、黄士松,1992,北半球夏季南极冰气候效应的数值试验,大气科学,16(1),69-76。
Yang Xiuqun, Huang Shisong, Climatic effect of Antarctic sea ice in the Northern Hemisphere summer - A numerical experiment, Scientia Atmospherica Sinica (in Chinese), 16(1), 69-76.
Yang Xiuqunand Shisong Huang, 1992, A numerical experiment of climatic effect of Antarctic sea ice during the Northern Hemisphere summer, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 16(1), 80-89.
[263] 黄士松、杨修群、谢倩,1992,北极冰对大气环流和气候影响的观测研究和数值试验,海洋学报,14(6),32-42。
Huang Shisong, Yang Xiuqunand Xie Qian, 1992, The effects of the Arctic sea ice on the variations of atmospheric circulation and climate, Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 6(1), 1-14.
[264] 杨修群,1992,北半球夏季位势高度场遥相关型的观测研究,大气科学,16(5),513-521。
Yang Xiuqun, 1992, Observational study of teleconnections in the geopotential height during the Northern Hemisphere summer, Scientia Atmospherica Sinica(in Chinese), 16(5), 513-521.
Yang Xiuqun, 1992, Observational study of teleconnections in the geopotential height field during the Northern Hemisphere summer, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 16(4), 337-346.
[265] 杨修群、谢倩、黄士松,1992,大西洋海温异常对夏季大气环流影响的数值试验,气象学报,50(3),349-354。
Yang Xiuqun, Xie Qian, Huang Shisong, 1992, Numerical experiments of effect of warm ST anomalies in Atlantic Ocean on the East Asian general circulation during the Northern Hemisphere summer, Acta Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 50(3), 349-354.
[266] 杨修群、黄士松,1992,欧亚雪盖的气候效应及其在冬季风形成中的作用,南京大学学报,28(2),326-335。
Yang Xiuqun, Huang Shisong, 1992, Climatic effects of Eurasian snow cover and their impact on the formation of winter monsoon circulation, Journal of Nanjing University(Natural Sciences Edition, in Chinese), 28(2), 326-335.
[267] 杨修群、黄士松,1992,北半球夏季遥相关型的水平结构和能量特征,气象科学,12(2),119-127。
Yang Xiuqun, Huang Shisong, 1992, Horizontal structure and energetics of Northern Hemisphere summertime teleconnection patterns, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica(in Chinese), 12(2), 119-127.
[268] 杨修群、谢倩、黄士松,1992,赤道中东太平洋海温和北极海冰与夏季长江流域旱涝的相关,热带气象,8(3),261-265。
Yang Xiuqun, Xie Qian, Huang Shisong, 1992, Correlations between drought/flood in Yangtse River valley and anomalies of central-eastern equatorial Pacific SST and Arctic sea ice extent, Journal of Tropical Meteorology(in Chinese), 8(3), 261-265.
[269] 杨修群,1992,大气对热带热源低频响应的数值研究,气象科学,10(4),384-393。
Yang Xiuqun, 1992, A numerical study of the low-frequency response of atmosphere to the tropical heat source, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica (in Chinese), 10(4), 384-393.
[270] 杨修群、黄士松,1989,马斯克林高压的强度变化对大气环流影响的数值试验,气象科学,9(2),125-138。
Yang Xiuqun, Huang Shisong, 1989, The influence of intensity change of Mascarene high on the general circulation of atmosphere - A numerical experiment, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica (in Chinese), 9(2), 125-138.
[271] 杨修群、谢倩、郭燕娟、徐桂玉、朱益民,2003,华北降水年代际变化特征及其与全球海气系统变化的联系,《我国旱涝重大气候灾害及其形成机理研究》,黄荣辉、李崇银、王绍武等编,365-375,气象出版社,北京。
[272] 杨修群、谢倩、郭燕娟、徐桂玉、朱益民,2003,全球海气系统年际和年代际气候变化的时空特征,《ENSO循环机理和预测研究》,巢纪平、李崇银、陈英仪等编,311-320,气象出版社,北京。
[273] 张学洪、赵其庚、杨修群等,2000,海洋环流-海冰模式和海气耦合研究进展,《短期气候预测业务动力模式的研制》,161-169,气象出版社, 北京。
[274] 杨修群、赵珊珊,2000,全球大气/热带太平洋海气耦合环流模式中的ENSO循环特征及控制机理,《短期气候预测业务动力模式的研制》,208-213,气象出版社,北京。
[275] Huang Shisong, Yang Xiuqun and Xie Qian, 1993, Response of Asia Pacific climate to the Arctic sea ice extent, In: East Asia and Western Pacific Meteorology and Climate, Ed. W.J. Kyle & C.P. Chang, published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 270-277.
[276] Huang Shisong, Yang Xiuqun and Xie Qian, 1991, The effects of the Arctic sea ice on the variations of atmospheric circulation and climate - Observational analysis and numerical experiment, WMO/TD No. 395, 125-128.
[277] Huang Shisong, Tang Mingmin and Yang Xiuqun, 1990, Influence of variations of the circulation system over the South Indian Ocean on the East Asian summer monsoon and the Northern Hemispheric general circulation of atmosphere, In: East Asia and Western Pacific Meteorology and Climate, Ed. P Sham & C.P. Chang, Published by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 105-118.
[278] 杨修群、谢倩、黄士松,1993,北极冰短期气候效应的数值试验研究,大气科学研究文集,南京大学出版社,154-163。
[279] 杨修群, 1991,近年来国外气候动力学过程若干问题数值模拟研究进展,气象科技,第3期,1-10。
[1] 杨修群、肖子牛、管兆勇,2016,第一章:科学意义与战略价值,p1-19,《中国学科发展战略- 大气科学》,国家自然科学基金委/中国科学院,共134页,科学出版社,北京。
[2] 杨修群等,2016,《大气科学和全球气候变化研究重大科学问题》,黄荣辉、吴国雄等著,共195页,科学出版社,北京。
[3] 严中伟、杨修群,2015,第二章:气候变化的检测和归因,p29-50,《第三次气候变化国家评估报告》,科学出版社,北京
[4] 杨修群、胡永云、管兆勇、温之平,2014,我国高校大气科学学科建设和人才培养现状、问题及建议,p370-379,《大气科学和全球气候变化研究进展与前沿》,黄荣辉等编,共385页,科学出版社,北京。
[5] 杨修群、孙照渤等,2013,第四章: 影响中国气候的主要天气系统,p213-271,《中国气候》,丁一汇主编,王绍武、郑景云、王会军、杨修群副主编,共557页,科学出版社,北京。
[6] 陈文、杨修群等著,2013,中国南方洪涝和持续性暴雨的气候背景,共272页,气象出版社,北京。
[7] 杨修群、江志红、缪启龙,2010,第三章:气候变化的原因,p114-155,《气候变化》(大学教材),丁一汇主编,气象出版社,北京。
[8] Yang Xiu-qun and Zhu Yi-min, 2008, Interdecadal climate variability in China associated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, In: Regional Climate Studies of China, Eds. C. Fu et al., pp. 97-117, Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-79242-0.
[9] 王绍武、伍荣生、杨修群,2005,中国的气候变化,p63-103,《中国气候与环境演变》上卷,《气候与环境演变及预测》,秦大河主编,科学出版社,北京。
[10] 余志豪、杨修群、任黎秀编著,2002,厄尔尼诺,河海大学出版社,南京。
[11] 林振山、杨修群编著,1995,理论气候学,共330页,南京大学出版社,南京。

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